Belwood Section Events Of Week #*«4)| To Pick lotion MU* ting** Cits Party. Mias l.tiU I* Improving • "Special To Tlie Star ' Belwood, Sppt i The farmers are about ready to start picking teuton Miss Kathleen Hoggs enlerumed quite a number of her friends Sat urday evening with a party A large crowd was present and alt re ported a fine time The junior ball team of Briwooa high school played the junioi team of North Brook Tuesday evening on the North Brook ground. The .score was 22 and 18 lit favor ol Belwood Mr and Mi'*. Gordon Carpenter entertained the Belwood frriilty Tuesday afternoon with a Water melon and grape feast Miss Maggie Lutir is improving alow)' Mr and Mrs W R Porter and children spent Sundt v aftr. noon with Mr and Mrs. Lawson Mc Swaln of Far I Mr B C Turner has accepted 3 position with Mr. Gut Hendrick at Shelby tn the market Mi-,s Pearl Gantt spent last week with her sister. Mrs. M I, Willi of Lincolnton route one Dr and Mrs. A A Lackey and son. Austin. jv„ of FallstOn spent » while Monday night noth Mr. and Mrs. B P Peeler. Misses Maragaret Stanley 01 Fall* ston and Miss Blanche Peeler we-e the dinner guests of Miss Lillie White. Mr and Mrs Dor Willis and rhildrrn of Linoointon spent Sun day afternoon wth their parents Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis. Mr, and Mrs. Prul Cline and chtldren of Lawndale and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Cost.tier of Beams Mtll Messrs Edward While and Earl Props!, spent the week-end in Cherryvile with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Olrn Murray and children of Beam Mill spent Sun riav with Mr. and Mrs C. C Rich ard. Misses Hazel Richard. Mayo Gantt and Nannie Tam Goodman spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mr? Lawrence Miller of Lawndale route 4 Mrs. Bob Lackey and daughter, Miss Lorene, and Mr and Mrs. Gai ther Htggtns of Shelby spent Tues d?" with Mr. and Mrs. ,1. A Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. B. P Peeler and children spent Sunday afternoon With MV. and Mrs R A t.arkey of Pf> listen • Miss Lorene Spurling of Lawn dale spent Saturday night with Rosemary and Dorothy Peeler. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Hoyle and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr*. Marion Hoyle ot j Coolemee Mr and Mrs Ralph Hull and | Children and Mrs! Esper Royster of j Ei&y spent. Sunday with Mr and! Mr* J A Peeler Miss Kathleen Boggs spent Mon- j dev night with Misses Rosemary and Dorothy Peeler, Mr. and Mrs. 'Thee Bufi of the pleasant Hill community spent the week end w*th her parent*. Mr. and Mrs C. G. Richard M’ss Irene Peeler lrtft Tuesday for v.'-cop where she will enter T-’f' vouf'Sft* of this continuin' | tty honored Misses Kathleen Boggs; and Irene Peeler with a picnic I Tuesday evening at Rainbow Lake ne"e Spartanburg ytr and M,,; Trank Sain and j eh)Wren nent the week-end with Vr. and Mrs. Johnnie Buff at the Pleasant Hill community Seieral from this community at-j tended the home coming at ralm^ T -e church Sunday Mr* Hugh Brittain has rteigneu | her position at the State hospital i In Pennsylvania and is spending! some time with her mother. Mrs. j- J Mrs. B P Peeler and daughters ! Misses Coy Maie and Ellen spent i Wednesday with her mother. Mrs | R L. Lackey of FaUston Misses Name Lou Goodman and Hasel Richard were the dinner guests of Miss Mayo Gantt Sunday. Mr. G. B Kendrick of Shelby risited Mr. and Mrs B C Turner Sunday morning Mr. J. A. Hubbard >pent Satur day night with Mr Thomas Peeler Three Sons Of Pres. Kitchin In School Wake Forest. Sept. 3. -President Thurman D. Kuchin of Wake For est college returned yesterday from Shelby where on Sunday he made three addresses. He war accompan ied bv his youngest son Walton, who this year will graduate from Oak Ridge institute. Walton plays quarterback on the football team there. Today President Kitchins middle eon, Irwin, sailed from New York on steamship President Harding for Freiberg, Germany, where he will do graduate work in biology. His eldest son. Thurman V. jr., was among the group of barristers recently licensed by the N. C. supreme court. STAR ADVsTPAYS Double Springs News Gleanings Mr franklin Harrill Very Sick Mrs. E R. Hamrick Continues Sick. 'Special to The Star.' Sept 3 Mr. and Mrs Yates Har ! rill have been spending a good deal jof ttme^at the bedside ol thei? ! father, Mr Franklin Harrill who is I very sick. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wa-sh burn of Columbia >S C visited 'Iriends and relatives here the past | week-end. Mrs. a. R Hamrick continues very sick. . Miss Manic Gardner return led home from Raleigh, Friday, (where she has been attending sum mer school. Mr and Mrs Berry MeSwam and 'children, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Brooks and daughter, Mr and Mrs. I, R I Hawkins and son, and Mr and Mrs. Marvin Gold and daughter, spent the day Sunday w’ith Mr and Mr. M Brooks Ilittle Dennis Washburn. Ill sou of Mr, and Mrs. Garlan Washburn left Sunday for a work’s visit w i'll his unde and aunt, Mr and Mrs Raymond Washburn, of Columbia. 8. C Mr. Howard Horne spent Sunday with Mr. Verno Wright Mrs Fannie Bridges of Ellehbbfo is spending this week with her sis ter. Mrs. J M. Oardner Miss Mabel Jones of I.attimoiT and MisS Beatrice Cabaniss of Zion and Mrs. Roland Hamrick of Shel by were B V. P 0 visitors Sunday night , MJsse* Neleene Blanton, Sti. au Brooks and Janie Greene »»enl Sunday with Miss Lucille McSw.,.n. Miss Gladys Horne who teaches at Karl spent the week-end at home Mr. and Mrs. W H. Oardner vis ited Mr and Mrs R C Covmgion Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs C B Greene visited Mr ana, Mrs! Billie Power! of Polk viile Sunday Mr. and Mrs W D Mauney en tertained a number of the young people of the community last. Sat urday night at their home with a delightful party. Mr. Columbus Greene of Calvin, Ky„ was a visitor in the teache-s meeting Saturday night. Mr and Mrs. G G, Davis ami children and Mrs Davis' mother, Mrs Harrison and Mrs. Mary Davis of Shelby visited in the commun ity Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Roland Hamrick and children of Shelby visited Mr and Mrs. T. B. Hamrick Sunday Mrs. Mag Stockton and Mrs O. O Toms visited Mrs W. W. Washburn Tuesday afternoon. Miss Vera Dison is at home from Chapel Hill where she has been at tending summer school Mrs Zulia Short and daughter. Elisabeth and May, of Shelby, vis ited Mr and Mrs. Clyde Short Monday. Mr and Mrs: Fred Washburn were dinner guests of Mrs Lula Ham rick Sunday Pleasant Ridge News Of Interest Attend Mission Meeting. Personals Of People Visiting About 'Special to The Star * Sept: 2 --Among those attending the Woman’s Missionary meeting at Poplar Springs Thursday and Friday were: Mrs. Qren McSwain, Mrs. Toy Webb. Mrs. G B Mc Swain. Mrs. W F Bridges and Mrs Lawrence Bridges Our pastor. Rev. W G Camp. Mrs. Camp, Ins mother and Mary Camp, his sister of Cherryville wei? the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs O R McSwain Sunriav. Mr. and Mrs Roy Ellis o( Mi Sinai were the spend the day guests of Mrs. Ellis' mother. Mrs. J. L. Humphries Sunday Misses Nora and Annie Lee Wal ker spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Cleaton Humphries of the Poplar Springs section Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wyatt spent Saturday night with Mrs. Wyatt's parents. Mr. and Mrs Landers Mc Swain. Misses Mildred and Helen Shoaf of Mooresville were the pleasant week-end guests of Miss AUeen Blanton. Mr, and Mrs. Lewis MeSwain and children spent, Sunday with Mr and Mrs. P C. Blanton Those spending the day Sundae with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ramsey were- Mr and Mrs. Winifred Me Swain, Mr. and Mrs. D A. MeSwain Mr. and Mrs. Oren MeSwain and children. Max and Bernice and Miss Gretel MeSwain. The many friends of Mrs Johnnie MeSwain will be glad to learn that she was able to return home from the Shelby hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Callahan and Mr. and Mrs G. L. Hamrick were the guests of' Mr. and Mrs Yates Hamrick Sunday. Mine Population Center. Linton. Ind—Nobody lives m the exact center of population in the United States. Using data furnished -by ihe census bureau, Professor W. A. Cogshall of the University of Indiana, took bearings and found the center right in the middle of a strip coal mine. 2.9 miles northeast of here. I9ride of Devil Dogs Soon To Puss Out of Marines * * * * * * Fighting Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler to Retire October I From Leathernecks With Which He Fought for Last 33 Years. Idol Of The Marines As Ciuic teoRJWER • At Vera Cruz In 1014 The stormy petrel of the American fighting service*—Major General Smedley D. Butler, hard hitting ‘•leatherneck,'’ energetic civic reformer of Philadelphia, and frank critic of dignitaries, domestic or foreign— is going to he “out" on October 1. “Out,” we did say, but not down. Noth ing short of death will down the man who has liked nothing better than a fight during all of the 33 years that he has been w ith the Marine Corps, President Hoover has stated that he would permit General Butler, at 50, to retire from the Corps, whose many records of glorious accomplishment he has helped inscribe with daring, if the battling vet eran of numerous campaigns will be readily available in time of war, As if it was necessary to make such a provision with the "Fighting Quaker,’’ idol of the sea-soldiers. TRINITY NEWS OF THE CURRENT WEEK Mi** Harrij Give* l awn P*rW Jaw | Bone Broken In Bail Game. TersonaJ*. 'Special to The Star > j Sept 1.—Mias Sarah ■ Harris very beautifully eptertftlned with a lawn ! party on the spacious lawn In froifl of her home on last Saturday even-I in* from 8 to 10 o'clock. Thirty five j or forty guests called during the! evening Quite a number of tire friends ot j Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin oi ! York. Pa . gathered at the home of Mrs, M. M Pearson w here they ' were members of a house party, on ' last Friday evening, the eve of: their departure, to bid them adieu I The "Cliff Dwellers'7 string band j of Cliffside furnished very delight- j ful music throughout the evening J The members of the house party in cluded Mrs. Clara Wilson and son. Mr. Ernest Wilson of Cliffside: Mr,] and Mrs. Charlie Crawford of Spin dale; and Mr. and Mrs Rev Mc Laughlin and son, Buddie ol York. Pa Mrs j, A Hollitield has been suffering very severely with an ab scessed throat at her home here, bui she is improving nicely now Mr Jav Wall had the misfortune ot having his jaw bone crushed last week during a ball game at Moor esbojo. Mrs. C* W Bridges and sons. Messrs Broadus and Moody Bridges, of Bostic, were callers at. the home of their son and brother Mr. Paul Bridges on last Friday evening. Mrs Dora McSwam and little granddaughter, Madge McSwain. of Boiling Springs were the spend the day guests of Mi's. Chas. Beas: on here Sunday. Those calling at the home of Mrs. S. J. McClunney on Sunday after noon were Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Earls Mrs. Etfie Humphries and Mr. and Mrs. George Humphries, all of No 1 township. Mr. and Mrs. George Humphries remained for some time. Mrs. Edd Jenkins was called to the bedside of her nephew. Mr. Paul Blanton of Shelby on Sunday She will remain there for a few days. Mr. H. B. Harris and family were the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bridges of near Cliffside. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Tessaeer and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Buren Tessneer of neai Caro leen. Mr and Mrs. Roy Ledfoid. a re cent bride and groom were the din ner guests of Mrs. Ledford'' mother. Mrs. Will Alexander on last Sunday. Mrs. Ben Bailey and Mrs Fuller Bridges attended the W M. U. as sociation at 3pmdale church last Friday and report a splendid spir itual gathering of women Mr and Mrs K D. N Joiley and Mr and Mxjl. f. J. Lovd&ca a ere •allers at the home oX Mr and Mrs W. H. Robison near CUffsida on last! Thursday night We feel very proud of our aver-' age attendance in our public school here for the past month, whiclf ?nded on Friday. Out of an enroll ment of 76 we had ah average at :endance of 62. Mr. and Mrs H. W McKinney Acre callers a* the home of Mr, and Mrs Henry Hamrirk of Mt Pleas vnt on Sunday rnglu Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison | wid children of Golden Valley and j Mrs. Pink Beason of Mt Pleasant were callers at the home of Mrs H W McKinney Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Belton Horton and three children of No 1 township were the spend the day guests of Mrs. Edd Jenkins on last Thursday ; Mr. and Mr®. Fred Hamrick and son. Lamont, of near Gaffney, S. C. ; were callers in the community last; Thursday afternoon The farmers of this section are very busily engaged in the making and preparation of a large crop of molasses There will be preaching at our church b.v our pastes1 on next Sat urday morning at !1 o'clock and again on Sunday afternoon at 3 oclock Miss Bettie lee Bostic spent Sun day with Miss Mary Bridges, Mr; E. B. Lovelace gave a beau til ul dinner parry on last Thursday complimenting Mr and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin of York. Pa. Among the guests enjoying this hospitality were Mr and Mrs Roy McLaughlin and son. Buddie, and Messrs. Herlan Beason and Austell Lovelace. Sunday School Meet At Kings Mt. Sept. 6 "Promotion Day” Is The Theme for Dlstusison. Interesting Program Arranged. Promotion Day wilt be the theme for discussion at the Kings Mountain Sunday .school associa tion meeting at Kings Mountain, I Second church Sunday, September 6th, beginning at 2:30 o'clock. J W | Costner, the superintendent has •sent out report cards to all ot the Sunday sellouts and hopes to get these reports back before the meet ing on Sunday October is loyalty month and the collection goes to state missions The program to be given at Kings Mountain is as follows: Scripture reading and prayer. Rev R R. Cook, promotion day. what it is and how it should be ob served, by L. B. Seism; the program —material, preparation, and presen tation—by Miss Lyda Poston, Of Zion: Taking care of all the pro moted bv Miss Grace King, of Pat terson Springs. Visitation before and after promotion day, by P. M MeSwain, of Ross Grove; state mis sions, by Rev. Lowrence Roberts. Port Worth, Texas: roll call and announcements; adjourn It Pay* To Advertise Lawndale News Of Late Interest • Special to The Star t Lawndale, Sept. 3 — Mr Jack Den ton of Lynchburg, Va., spent the week end with his brother Fred Den | ton. Mr. and Mrs. F L. Rollins spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Rollins at Avondale. Miss Ruth Grigg of Greensboro spent the week end with her parents Miss Irene Befftty of Crouse is visiting friends in Lawndale. Miss Kathleen Beatty has return ed home after spending two weeks in Roan Mountain, Tenn. Rev and Mrs. Will Rollins t*l Char lotte spent last week with Mr. Rol lins mother, Mrs. F. C. Rollins. Mr William Baker is spending a | few days in Charlotte. Miss Ruth Philberk of Boone is ! spending few days at home with her : parents. Mr. Thomas Forney ha* return I ed home from Chapel Hill after ; taking a course in coaching , Misses Rose Vary Eskridge and ! Beulah Lee spent Sunday with Miss | Grace' Peeler. Miss Muni Richards spent Sat urday fti Hickory. Miss Mary’ Burns lias returned home after a few days at Blowing Roek Mrs. Herman Leonard speni Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B Richards. Miss Mamie Lou Forney has en-1 tered Boiling Springs college Misses Mable Copeland ana Inez Canlpe have returned home irom Williamsburg, Va where they have been in training Mr. M. L, Turner, teacher in Pied mont high school has been ill for several days and is still unable, to resume his school work. Miss Edith Lee is spending the I week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs : Andrew Lee. Miss Lee will enter j High Point college at an early date. ' Honor Roll for Piedmont. 1st grade:,Mrs. John M. Moore, teacher: Vivian Hayes. Mae Beth i Peeler. Osteen Spurling. Pauline ! Costner. Harry Royster. 2nd grade, Mrs. John M Moore, teacher: Dorothy Jones, Pear! Lat timore, Janice Wallace. 2nd grade. Miss Noia Elliott, teacher: Bobby Elmore Elizabeth Bridges. J W. Haynes 3rd grade. Miss Nora Elliott, teach er: Dwight Hord, Herman Hunt. Dorothy Shuford Ivey Crowder 4th grade Miss Mary Ruth Webb, teacher: Georgia Flay McFarland, j D. W. Towery. 5th grade. Mrs. F M Biggerstaff. teacher: Ralph Baker John Wil liamson. fith grade Miss Florence Seism, teacher: Hugh Cornwell, Sam Esk ridge, Ralph Spangler. 7th grade, Mr. - Wlbur Wilson, teacher: Franklin Lee. Gretchen Duncan 9th grade. Mr Harry Lemmond. teacher: Minnie Anna Forney. Es ter Jones, Elizabeth Wilson, John D Hoyle. 10th grade, Mr. F M. Biggerstaff. teacher: Mary Lmda Bridges, Mary C. Cornwell, Elaine Hoyle. lc SALE Her* is an opportunity for you to share in one of the most outstanding money-saving sales the AAP Stores have ever featured. We suggest that you, too, foHow the crowds into A&P Stores this week-end and share generously in the fine quality foods offered at specially attractive prices. Buy at i Regular Price EL RIO COFFEE — 3 lbs. 45c BEANS 3 Cans 20c catsup sar 2 id, 25c VINEGAR 2 ***. 20c OUR OWN TEA — 2 iC: 50c Kajah SALAD DRESSING — 2 30c Aon f’ag**—Ka^pberry PRESERVES - 2 50c SPARKLE 3 Pkgs. 20c NECTAR TEA — 2 IC: 30c NECTAR TEA — 2 SC 20c N. B. C. CRACKERS 4 C. 20c fcoonre Thin Wall MACARONI — 4 Pkgs. 28c Spaghetti—Noodles 4 Pkgs. 28c A&P Purr CRAPE JUICE — 2 £SL 38c WALDORF TISSUE 4 Rolls 20c BRIL10 — 3 Pkgs. 25c Pay lc More and Gel 4 lbs. 46c 4 Cans 21c 3 Bots. 26c 3 Hots. 21c 3 Pkgs. 51c 3 Jars 31c 3 Jars 51c 4 Pkgs. 21c 3 Pkgs. 39c 3 Pkgs. 21c 5 Pkgs. 21c 5 Pkgs. 29c 5 Pkgs. 29c 3 Bots. 39c 5 Bolls 21c 4 Pkgs. 26c New Low Price 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE m. 19c SHORTENING « m. 10c FLOUR 98 $2.00 PINK SALMON 10c -MARKET SPECIALS — NATIVE AND WESTERN MEATS Choice Quality NATIVE BEEF— Loin Steak _ 19c Round Steak __ 19c Pot Roast ____ I5c First Qualitv PORK VALLES— Pork Chops___19' Pork Roast_19< Pork Ribs__12|( FRIERS HOME DRESSED POULTRY — __..... 25c HENS 23c Atlantic & Pacific it* co wild krUJwr Q ~For FALL SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS And WOOLENS . . . FALL’S SMART y DRESSES Never before have a* ijeen able to assemble< such at tractive dresses at such low prices as we are offering right j here in the opening of the • season. Velvets, lovely, gleam ing satins, soft crepes and brapa new woolens all are represented in this showing Enjoy them while the season is yet young! HATS YOU CAN WEAR them dip down over the right eye, run down the back, turn up on the sides ... we have them to suit your type. For here is the prettiest selec tion we have seen. Come, see. them. Wright-Baker Co. SHELBY. N. C. A New Feature ADDED TO The Cleveland Star Always anxious to keep abreast of the times anc present our readers with the latest and best features, The Star has added a Magazine Page which will appear once a week. This magazine page has an especial appeal to women and children. It includes: MODERN WOMEN. LATEST FASHIONS. GUIDE TO CHARM. YOU AND YOUR CHILD. ECONOMICAL MENUS, TALKS ON LATE STYLES. MOTHERS OF FAMOUS MEN. HOME MAKING. A COMIC STRIP FOR KIDDIES. Already we are running Renn Drum's Around Our Town, the best local feature in the paper, one that has an appeal and a reader interest unparalled; Gee McGee’s philosophy and wit: Toots and Casper’s comics; Dr. Copeland’s Health Talks and the freshest news pictures of the wide world. NO GREATER VALUE IN LOCAL NEWS AND FEATURES IS OFFER ED BY ANY NORTH CAROLINA NEWSPAPER. THE CLEVELAND STAR Every Other Day For Less Than the Price Of A 2c Postage Stamp Per Issue.