10 PAGES TODAY Published Monday. Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. il» Mail, gat fut, (la adfanoti _ |Mt Carrter. o»r r»at. (in adtanrai_ta.au Late News Fair Saturday. Today's North Carolina Weather Report. Generally fair tonight and Saturday. Flyers Missing. Seattle, Sept. 11.—Forty-four hundred miles of ocean and land between here and Japan hold the •ecret of the whereabouts of Don Moyle and C. A. Allen, missing transpacific flyers. Rrports that an unidentified plane had been sighted or heard in widely separat ed parts of the north Pacific region mystified searchers, who were at a loss to know where to begin to look for the California aviators. The latest report came from White horse, Yukon territory, where it was reported a plane unknown In the region had been sighted flying southward over Carmacks. 200 miles north of Whitehorse at 9:30 a. m. 12:30 p. m. eastern standard time, yesterday. Gardner Issues Call For Plans For This Winter To Work Out Relief Ideas For Un employed. Unfortunate To Be Aided. Raleigh, Sept. 11.—North Caro lina will move to provide relief and aid to the unemployed during the winter months at a meeting called by Governor O. Max Gardner to be held here Friday, September 18. R. W. Henninger, a professor of North Carolina State college, who acted as secretary of the unem ployment council last fall, will con duct the relief force, Governor Gardner said. The meeting next week is expected to be attended by state highway, agricultural, health, and welfare officials, as well as prominent citizens engaged in ag riculture and industry. Organization Sought. Henninger said the first meeting would be of a preliminary nature at which he hopes to set up a per manent organization to operate during the winter. "hast year the efforts of the, council of relief and. unemployment dealing with this were concentrat ed on unemployment and relief was incidental,” Governor Gardner said in a statement. "This year it will be the policy (of the administration to emphasize relief and to undertake to arouse the consciousness of the state to a oroper realization of the obligation to provide for the unfortunate in this period of depression." Needs Are Stressed. Tiding over the unemployed un til better times was stressed by Henninger. Hundreds, he said, will be in heed of food and clothes. Co operation is expected from coun ties, cities, business men, agricul-1 tural leaders, Industrial leaders and civic organizations. Many home demonstration clubs of the state have engaged in can ning operations during the summer months, storing up food for the winter. The state’s food crop this year was good, it was said, but or ganized distribution of surpluses will be needed to prevent suffering in some instances of unemploy ment. Shot Negro Better, Other In Jail Now Parker, Who Shot Strickland And Killed Love, Leaves Bed For CelL Pearce Parker, negro who shot two other negiroes, one fatally, in a brawl here last Saturday night, was transferred Wednesday from a Shelby hospital bed to a cell in the county jail. . Parker was severely cut about the neck by Willie Strickland, the negro with whom he was arguing. He then shot Stickland in the ab domen, the bullet puncturing Strickland’s Intestines in eight places. One of the stray bullets struck Willie Love, a negro by stander, in the chest and killed him almost instantly. At the hospital today it was said that Strickland is showing some improvement but the nature of his wound is such that his condition is still described as serious. Charlotte Killer Headed This Way * ... Police Chief Poston was in formed just after 1 o'clock to day to be on the watch for W. Creasy, white ex-service man. who killed Joe Brannon in Charlotte about 1 o'clock today. Police there had the idea that Creasy, who has money in the Union Trust Company here, would come to Shelby to get some money out be fore going on, possibly to Marlon, of ficers think. The-shooting took place in a drunken brawl according to the mes sent local police. Packed Schools Give Problem To Officials Here j Situation Acute At Marion School j Too Many In Grades To Be Seated In Rooms. Enrollment Gain Of 332. An unusual increase in city school enrollment, particularly as concentrated in one school unit in Shelby, Is giving Supt. B. L. Smith and school officials considerable worry, i At the end of the first school 1 week there were 332 students more in the city system than at the end of the first week last year. Transfer Pupils. The biggest problem of the swell ed enrollment was at the Marlon school which ordinarily has an en j rollment larger than can be han i died with convenience. With 374 students enrolled there this week, I 55 more than last year, it was im ! possible to place them all. Condi j tions were particularly crowded In | the fourth, fifth and sixth grades ! In one grade there were 55 pupils, | more than could be seated in the grade room. As a result of this con gestion in the school officials im mediately transferred pupils to other schools who were not within the boundary lines of the Marion district. These transfers, however, failed to alleviate the congestion to the needed extent and letters have been sent to parents asking that where possible they transfer their children to the Washington. Gra ham and Jefferson schools as it is absolutely impossible to handle all the present number at Marion. Nearing 3,000. The total enrollment is nearing the 3,000 mark. Today, at the end of the first week, there were 2.871 students enrolled as compared with only 2,539 at the same date last year. Within the next few weeks a hundred or two more pupils will be added. The trying part about the enrollment increase is that the number of teachers this year was based upon the attendance last year. The city system has several teachers less than last year and al ready has over 300 more students to handle with the decreased fac ulty*. The enrollment by schools for this year and last follows: School 1931-32 1930-31 Gain Central high _ 478 458 20 Washington . ... 219 178 48 Marion _ ........ 374 319 55 Jefferson . . 334 276 58 LaFayette . .. 229 216 13 Graham . ....... 268 243 25 Morgan (8. S.) .. 452 395 57 Colored S. 477 421 56 Zoar, col. _.. 40 40 00 Totals_ 2,871 2,539 332 At the Washington school the third, fourth and fifth grades have been placed together and one teach er, Miss Augusta Alexander, trans ferred to the Jefferson school. Board Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the city school board is scheduled to be held this evening at eight o'clock. Joe Cabaniss, jr., the six year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cab aniss, or i-tarnora, (jonn., who was critically ill with menengitis a few weeks ago is said to be getting along nicely and will suffer no bad effects from the dreaded disease. The serum was administered before the disease attacked the motoi nerves and this no doubt prevented paralysis. Rev. iTohn W. Suttle, father, of Mrs. Cabaniss says news papers reported over 400 cases dur ing August in that state and most of the cases were confined to chil dren about the age of the Caba niss child. Food For Thought Students at the Lather College, Fergus Falls, Minn., with Insufficient funds to pay their tuition need not worry this Fall. The trustees hare announced they will accept wheat grown on farms from which the tsudents come in payment of the tuition. E. H. Ness, of the college committee, is shown acepting a load of grain from one of the girl students. ! D. F. (Fatty) Giles, Of Marion, Will, i Run For Lieutenant Governor In ’32 (Tom Bost in Greensboro News.) Raleigh, Sept. It.—While tour, five and maybe six candidates for governor are getting ready to storm the state, D. F. Giles, of Marion, put out the word here this week that in due season he will an nounce himself for lieutenant gov ernor and if the electors want a map who can do a good job of gov erning in the event of great emer gencies, Mr. Giles says the man isn’t to hunt. The Marion attorney was down here putting a pair of his own girls in Peace institute But he probably would have been here whether the girls came.or not. Al ways, even as Harry Stubbs and Ambassador Bill Neal, Mr. Giles has visited Raleigh. He has been coun ty superintendent of Wake, mem ber of the state board of examiners and institute conductors, member of the state senate and secretary of the North Carolina railroad. New's drifted downward from Marion that he lobbies semi-occaslonaliy too. He intends to make formal state ment of candidacy soon. He hears [that Senator Gertrude Dills McKee of Jackson, and ex-Speaker A. H. Graham, of Hillsboro, may be can didates for the lieutenant governor ship, but his plans will not be changed necessarily if either or both should run. He regards Mrs. McKee highly as senator and of course cannot discount Mr. Graham But Mr. Giles would like to preside over the senate, Mrs. McKee never has indicated any interest in the lieutenant gov ernorship, but people won't quit talking about her as such a possi bility. This is a greatly desired of fice. It carries little salary and smair woi*., but the lieutenant gov-: emor has enlarged functions with new legislation. Mrs. McKee is a superb presiding officer. And she could outspeak most of the men In a body filled with orators during the 1931 assembly. Mr. Giles as candidate for lieu tenant governor would let it be known in the outset that he is standing on the Gardner adminis tration and would defend it In the; campaign. i Baptist Association To Meet At Zion Church October 8 And 9 Rev. John W. Suttle Will Preside His 19th Time. Large Growth In Membership. Indications are that the 42 churches comprising the Kings Mountain Baptist association will report the largest growth in any one year in the history of the association when the annual meeting is held Oc tober 8th and 9th at Zion church, six miles north of Shelby. 708 New Members. Rev. John W. Suttle says fully 700 new- members have been added to S. C. Legislature To Hold Special Session To Study Cotton Crop Relief — I Blackwood Calls Session To Meet Monday. Emergency ; Demand. Columbia, 8. C., Sept. 11.—a spe cial session of the South Carolina general assembly to enact remedial legislation with respect to the sit uation confronting the cotton growers has been ordered by Gov. Ibra C. Blackwood. A proclamation was issued and dispatched to legislators, setting Monday at noon as the hour for convening the first extraordinary session since Gov. Cole L. Blease brought a similar session into be ing to aid cotton farmers in 1914. The call came after the governor had polled members of the legis lature and secured from a majority of them their pledge that they would limit discussion of ‘‘legisla tion seeking to prohibit the plant ing of cotton in 1932” that they would not remain in session long er than 10 days and they would re ceive only $5 a day remuneration. He also received an expression from farmers of the state. Meet ings were held in 45 of the 46 counties and 37 of the counties in dorsed the plan to call a cotton growing holiday. With the announcement of the special session, South Carolina Joins Texas and Louisiana as states attempting to reduce cotton produc tion by legislation. In his proclamation, the governor asserts an emergency has arisem in iCONTHmiD ON PAG* TEN.) n,' the roll of the churches during the year. The revival meetings held this ; summer have been very fruitful and! the number of communicants to the ! 42 churches embracing the associa tion will total about 11.000. Most of’ the churches in tfciis association are in Cleveland county. Mr. Suttle the moderator was el ected head of the association at Zion 19 years ago. He will preside again this year and probably be re elected, for he dispatches the busi ness of the association with due regularity. Other officers are Dr. Wall vice-moderator, J. c. Deven ney clerk and George Blanton treas urer. Zion's Modern Plant. Zion church which will be host to the association this year is well over 100 years old and one of the oldest Baptist churches in the county. A few years ago the congregation built a modern brick church plant at a cost of about $17,000 and had It paid for when the structure was complet ed. It has ample Sunday school rooms, electric lights and a modern heating plant, It is near the center of the county, within a stones throw of the Billy Weathers home where the first court was held after Clev eland was formed from Lincoln and Rutherford counties. respected colored MAN OF SHELBY DIES Jonas Friday, aged and respected colored citizen, died this morning. Jonas had been a trusted employe at the oil mill for thirty years and was well liked by .both white and I colored. Cotton States Await Move Of Texas Session Legislature Meets There Texas Farmers Endorse Long Plan To Have No Cotton Planted In 1933 The Texas state Senate has agreed on a cotton acreage cut, restricting the planting next year to one half of the culll rated area, according to a dis patch from Texas this morning. The legislature is meeting in ex tra session to discuss the Cotton situation. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 11.—The in terest of the south is centered upon whether Texas, producer of a third of the nation's crop, would enact a fifty per cent acreage reduction measure or the Louisiana plan to prohibit Cotton production entirely in 1932. Both the proposed cotton relief measures were before the Texas legislature, called Into special ses sion on the cotton crisis, Rnd the Louisiana plan, which first had little support in the Lone Star state, yesterday had the endorsement of a huge mass meeting. Texans Cheer Long Wednesday night more than 7,000 farmers, meeting at Austin, cheer ed a radio address made by Gov ernor Huey P. Long, of Louisiana, from Shreveport, and endorsed his cotton prohibition plan with a roar of "ayes.” The 50 per cent acreage reduction plan also had been dis cussed. The Louisiana plan becomes op erative only if adopted by states producing three-fourths of the cot ton crop. Louisiana's legislature enacted it unanimously at a spe cial session recently. Meanwhile President Hoover planned to continue in Washing ton a series of conferences with bankers and cotton men in a hope that some solution may be found. South Carolina's legislators were making ready to answer a call to special session Monday to consider cotton relief legislation. They will consider only' the cotton prohibi tion plan and will accept no pay for the session except their expenses, limited to $5 per day. Governor Russell, of Georgia, who has announced he will call his leg islature into session as soon as “Texas acts,” dispatched his private secretary, Leeman Anderson, to Texas to study the cotton situation. Anderson planned to go to Austin by airplane. The governors of several cotton states have announced a desire to see what Texas does before call ing sessions of their legislatures. Advertise Sale Of Property For Taxes First Oct. Sheriff Reminds Delinquent Payers That Grace Period Is About Up. Delinquent taxpayers in Cleve land county have 20 more days in which to pay their 1930 taxes or have their property advertised for sale on October 1. In a statement today Sheriff Ir vin M. Allen reminded that the ex tension period is about up. Ordinarily property would have been advertised for unpaid taxes on June 1 and sold on the first Monday in July. But due to the business depression the county com missioners postponed the sale of land for taxes to this fall In ordet to give more'time. Turn Over Books "There can be no delay after the first of next month according to law,” Sheriff Allen said, "and Just oeiore me nrst it will be necessary for me to turn the books over to the commissioners and the list made out for publication in The Star. Due to the postponement e number of citizens, I believe, have overlooked the fact that the time limit is about up.” Approximately *50,000 in 1930 taxes remains to be paid, he said. Asheville Choir Tonight The following program will be rendered by the choir of the First Baptist church, Asheville, in the auditorium of the First Baptist church, Shelby, this evening at 8:00 o'clock. The public is cordially in vited to attend. No offering. races Last Mile i Convicted of the murder of his non in-law during an argument over ! planting a corn crop, John Henry Hauser, eighty-two years old, ot | navlc county, North Carolina, has been sentenced to die in the elec tric chair. The Jury found him j guilty without recommendation ol! mercy. Aged Man Awaits End In His Cell I Along ‘Death Row’ I Oldest Man Ever To Occupy Death Cell In N. C. Takes It Stoically. Raleigh, bept. 11.—-A little white* whiskered and white-haired old man of 82 years, John Henry Hau ser of Davie county. Is slepping in a little white cell on death-row at state's prison, the door of the little octagonal-shaped room where is the death chair only a few feet away, Hauser, who as a youth of 11 years, helped his father haul salt for the Confederate army during the Ctvil war, Is under sentence to die in the electric chair November 2. He was convicted last week in Davie superior court for killing his son-in-law, Fred 8. Styers An appeal to the supreme court Is pending, and may either delay execution of his sentence or pre vent It. And there was the possibil ity of eiecutive clemency if the su preme court upholds the lower court. Arriving at state's prison after the trip from Davie county, Hauser appeared extremely tired by the automobile journey. At frist, War den H. H. Honeycutt declined to let newspapermen interview him. They finally were admitted, how ever. Hauser told the reporters he guessed what was to be had to be. “I have been getting along for 82 years and I guess I will get along here." He is the oldest man ever to occupy a “death row" cell. Hauser, who has been reported to | be wealthy, said he owned about j 111 acres of land. He said he recent-! ly sold some land to 6. Clay Wil-j liams, president of the R. J. Rey-' nols Tobacco company, and that1 Williams' country home is not so} far from the Hauser homestead. The aged man left his 78-year-j old wife behind him in Davie coun-i jty. Casar Store Safe ! Cracked By Yeggs Get $100 And Valuable Papers From Warlirk's Store Wed nesday Night. The Warlick store at Casar was entered some time Wednesday night, the safe cracked and around $100 In money and yaluable papers taken, it was announced today by Sheriff Irvin M. Allen. It appeared to be a job staged by expert yeggs, officers say, and ni trogyclerine was used to “puff" the safe. Mortgages, notes and other valu able papers were taken with what money there was In the safe. So far no definite clues have been picked up to aid officers In apprehending the yeggs. Striking Community Booths For Big Fair Several Unusual Individual Farm Booth# Also Planned. Exhibit Space In Halls Is About Taken. Anticipate Largest Live stock and Poultry Shows. Seven big community booths and more than a hall dozen individual farm booths will emphasize the live-at-hom« movement at the Cleveland County Fair which opens on Tyler “Miracle Of Grace” Will Be Here Sunday John Tyler, called by the Jery McAulay Mission of New York City, •'The World’s greatest miracle of grace,” will speak twice in Shelby on next Sunday, At ten o'clock Sunday morning, he will address the Newton Bible class, and at the evening hour, 7:45 o'clock, he will fill the pulpit at the First Baptist [church. His subject for Sunday 'evening will be, ‘Out of Darkness | Into the Marvelous Light.” A product of one of Virginias best families, a college and univer sity man who dissipated a for tune, John Tyler was forty-five years a drunkard, gambler and out cast, He has been five times around the world as a hobo, and for six years was a bushman in Australia. Eighteen years ago he was mira culously converted at the famous Jery McAuley mission in New York City, and since that time has been on the firing line for Christianity, with a tremendous and dynamic message that is irresistible. He has carried the message of Christ all over the United States. The public Is Invited to hear him. City Auto License Tax Is Compulsory Auto Owners Are Buying Fewer At 35c Than They Did When Tags Were $1.00. Automobile owners are buying fewer city auto license tags at 25c than they did at $1.00,” said Mayor McMurry this morning. “The board has discussed raising the price of tags to $1.00 and arresting all who drive cars without a city license plate,” he added. Back tn the summer the city re duced the price of city auto tags to 25c. Heretofore they have sold for $1.00. But the reduced price seems to have created in the minds of the owners of cars in the city that It *s optional whether one should buy or not. Mayor McMurry says the pur chase of a city tag is compulsory and unless owners buy the 25c tags they are violating the law and are subject to arrest and conviction. The price was reduced to save money to the auto owners, but they do not seem to appreciate this fact and have failed to purchase tags. Back From Meeting. Police Chief McBridge Poston and Sheriff Irvin M. Allen returned yesterday from Chapel Hill where they attended the convention of police chiefs and law enforcement officers. COWS OR CARS? According to the 1930 Federal Census there are more licensed motor vehicles in Cleveland county than milk cows. And yet, some people are selling off their cows to get a little ready cash, says R. W. Shoffner, county agent. _Which is worth the most to the individ ual, a cow or a car? Cleveland county should have 10, 000 milk cows. She has 5,000 milk cows and 7,500 cars (counting passenger cars, trucks, etc.) Mr. Shoffner says every family should have a milk cow, a few laying hens and a few hogs. With plenty of feed for the cow, the hen and the hog, these three will almost feed a family. The thrift and economy com mittee beseeches every household to keep a cow, some laying hens and some hogs. I uesday, bept. 29. •‘These booths alone," says Secre tary J. S. Dorton, "should De worth the half price admission of 25 cents to every farmer in this section of North Carolina. Winner Is In. The Bethlehem community, which won first honors last year will have another booth this year. Other com munity exhibits will Include a new booth from No. 3 (Patterson Springs and Earli, Polkville, Lattimore and Boiling Springs, and the Spear com munity of Avery county and the Bess Chapel community of Lincoln county. Individual Booths. Among the outstanding individual farm booths already certain are the following: Walter Davis. Lattimore; Butler Dixon, Bethlehem; Mrs. Charlie Whtenant, Polkville; Miles Harrelson. Waco; David M. Beam, and two from Gaston county Take Up Space. No sign of a business depression is evident in the rush for display space In the Manufacturer’s building at the fair grounds. Every space has al ready been taken In the big build ing with the exception of three. Among the prominent out-of-town exhibitors will be the T. W. Wood Seed Company, of Richmond, the Coker Seed Company, of Hartsvllle, and the .Statesville Flour Mills of Statesville. Poultry. Livestock. “ For years at the Cleveland Coun ty Fair we have had the largest livestock and poultry shows In tha State and all indications now are that these departments will be more outstanding than ever this year.” fair officials say. Mr. M. C. Wise, of Oreenwood, 8. C., will he the Judge of the poultry show, and advance booking shows that ever space In the poultry build ing will be filled. Prof F. M. Haig, of State college, will be the judge of the livestock show, and this year the livestock show will be restricted to Cleveland county because In the past there have been too many entries to b* handled. Cut Price. Minor details for the fair we go ing forward smoothly and there i» no reason evident why it will not be an even greater farm event than heretofore since added attractions have been engaged and the admis sion price slashed to 25 cents. Officers Nearly Run In On Thieves Pass By Earl Store As Robbers Leave Store in Car. Break Big Glass in Front. Deputies Bob Kendrick, Yates Kendrick and Bunyan Jones c&mo very near riding right upon a store robbery at Earl early Wednesday morning. As they were riding by the Bettis Austell store they noticed a suspi cious appearing automobile parked In front of the store. They stopped but not In time to catch a couple of men who Jumped In the car and sped away. After giving chase the officers returned to find that one of the thieves failed to get In the flee ing car and was running across the field. He also escaped after officers fired In an attempt to frighten him Into stopping. Entrance in the store was made I by breaking the big plate glass win dow in front. Interrupted in gather ing up their loot the thieves man aged to get away with nothing other than cigarettes. i _ | Moser Brothers To Buy Cotton Here Moser Brothers are opening an office In the Court view hotel build' Ing, In the room formerly occupied by J. J. McMurry and Son*, cot ton merchants. Moser Brothers will represent Anderson and Clayton, the largest cotton brokers In the south, with offices In the principal cities In the cotton belt. Moser Brothers formerly operated a store 1 near the Dover mill. They are ex perienced cotton graders and hav« a connection with one of the larg sst firms In the south.

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