Hustrei Family Coining To Fair With Their Acts Sensational, Halr-RaUIng Perform ance Given At A Di**y HeifhU The management of the Cleveland county fair, ever on the alert to obtain the latest and greatest sensation in the market for the entertainment of their patrons, have this year been fortnnate In securing the services of the famous Hustrei family, a specially Imported for eign troupe, whose exploits have been the sensation of Europe for the past few years. The Hustrei family consist* of six athletic young men, who are the very essence of physical per fection and steely nerve, and they need every ounce of muscle and nerve that they have in reserve foi the stupendous and hair raising performance they present, consist ing as It does of precarious feats on a slender wire that It stretched be tween two lofty poles fifty feet In the air. where at that dizzy height these daredevils execute with a pre cision and reckless abandon a spell binding routine that Is veritably the last word In human endeavor. They run fearlessly across the slender wire, sit on chairs, lay down on the slender wire, ride bi cycles with the same certitude that the average person would ride one on the street. But what Is unde niably the greatest trick In the en tire offering is the one in which two members of the trouple sup port a pole between them on their shoulder on which, another member of the troupe Is standing support ing a fourth member of the troupe on his shoulders. It Is the apex in accomplishment and cold nerve. Seekers of the sensational arc strongly advised not to mt.s seeing startling Stunts offered by the Ilua trei family as it Is a veritable feat cf fearlessness. Belwood Circuit Week-End Program ; Presiding: Elder To Preach At < Oavid’s Chapel. Services At Kadesh. Che pastor of the Belwood circuit | will preach twice Sunday, at Kad eeh at 11 a. m. and Lawndale ai . 1:30 p. m. The subject lor botli cervices will be "Pioneers of Faith. Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock, In the absence of the pastor who will be In the final service of a revival at David's chapel, Rev. Charlie Rackard will preach at St. Peters church. The pastor will be present for the Sunday school hour at Sc. Peters and will teach the men'; class. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Rev. R. M. Courtney, presiding eld er of the Gastonia district, will preach at David’s chapel. This w ill be the concluding service of a week of special revival services held at this church. Every member ot David's chapel church and there Interested In the welfare of thl church are urged to be present. The general public Is given a cordial Invitation to all services of the Bel wood circuit. Roberts Tabernacle To Close Revival The revival which has been under way tit the Roberts Tabernacle (colored) Methodist church will close on Sunday. Already there nave been 33 converts and addi tions. says the pastor Rev. E. I.. Johnson. He will speak Sunday at U o’clock from a special subject. At 3 o’clock there will be a sing ing contest by quartets from Shel ay, Washington, Lawndale, and Patterson Springs, Ellis Chapel Gibson singers. Mooresboro and others. At 8 o'clock he will preach on "Soul Costing.” Special seats for white people at the singing con test. Our own idea ot the Insignificant writes to say "I never subscribed for your newspaper,” SEE LAUREL AND HARDY In “PARDON US” Monday & Tuesday - 10c and 20c - WEBB THEATRE Getting Ik Niahts Lowers Vilam If’y°u feel old and run-down fr< Cettln* Up Ni*rht«. Backache. I. JPnin*. Btlffneaa, Nervousness ' Ctrc’ under If M, Hwdichei. Burning! Bladder Weiknen, caused by V »*r AddJtar, I want you to quit *■ **rind rtrkt now. dome In an what | tlilnk is the *reateat In and — - --— — ™ B..ateat rtv iclne I have ever found. It 01 • *tyM bln improvement In 44 ho Juet ask me for Cystex (Sias-t ■ Its only Tie and I guarantee it quickly combet these conditio,. * - satisfy completely, or rcinr.i JULIUS A. SUTTLE DRUG STORE Strangler's V ictiin Pretty Catherine Cronin, twrnty year-old stet.ojiaphnr, went c.n her laat party in New York’* Green wich Village* She wan found Ntrau eled in an apartment maintained by John llarti'an, petty gangster, Lawndale News Of Current Week (Special to The Star.) Lawndale, Sept, 9.—Miss Eutli 3purllng returned home Sunday after spending two weeks at Great Palls with friends and relatives. Miss Edna Herd returned home Sunday after meeting a party of friends at Kings Mountain and go ing to Lake Waceamaw, Golden Beach, Southport and other inter esting points of eastern North Car olina to spend several days. After returning to Kings Mountain Miss Ilord visited her sister Mrs. C. L. Putnam a few days before relum ing home. Mrs. Putnam gave a party Saturday night In honor of her sister. A large crowd attended and all reported a nice time. Mis* Ruby Carpenter is spending several days with her sister Mrs. William Lovelace of near Winston Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Hord are spending this week with their sis ter Mrs. C. L. Putnam and Mr. Putnam of Kings Mountain. Miss Loreqe Spurllng was the at tractive guest of Miss Rosemary Peeler of Belwood last Monday evening. Mis.! Ruth Falls delightfully en tertained a number of her friends Tuesday night with a farewell party. Miss Falls Is going In train ing as a nurse at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Putnam and family and Miss Helen Patterson of Kings Mountain were the guests j of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Hord Sun Iday evening. “The La*t Day*” Is Theme Of Dr. Wall "The Last Days.’’ will be the sub ject of Dr. Zeno Wall, in the serv ice at the First Baptist church, I Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The clay’s activities will open with the Sunday school at 9:30 o’clock. The goal for next Sunday is seven hundred and fifty.. Much ; effort is being made in the line of visitation during the week to attain the goal for Sunday. At 6:45 o’clock in the evening, tiie seventeen B. Y. P. U’s will open their training programs. The coun cil for these organizations met or. last Tuesday evening and map ped out a course to raise the at tendance of this department to five hundred. At 7:45 o’clock, a message will be .brought by John Tyler, one of the J outstanding converts of the Jery McAulay mission of New York City. Announcement of Mr. Tyler will be read in another article in this pa per. Mr E&som announces the follow ing splendid musical program for Scene of Grisly Murders The garage at Clarksburg. W. Va„ under which the bodiea of Mr*. Aate Elcher and her three children were found buried. Cornelius Pierson, alias Harry F. Powers, has confessed murdering the woman, from Park Ridge, 111., and her three youngsters and disposing of the remains un derneath this garage. Police are sea rching for more bodies in the belief Pierson, through correspondence withe many women, killed others. the day: Morning, 11 o’clock, an them, "The King of Love My Shep herd Is," Shelly, by soloists and the large chorus choir; offertory duet, "Breathe On Us From On High," Galbraith, by Messrs. E. B. Hill and Horace Easom. Evening. 7:45 o'clock anthem, "Abide With Me,” by Wooler, by soloists and the large choir; offertory quartet, "The Nine ty and Nine,” Sankey, by Mesdames Suttle, Lovelace, Jarrett and Farmer. The public is invited to all services of the church. Many a Shelby girl gets mixed up with her dates when she knows her calendar. Shelby flappers admit that pre ent styles haven't much on them. Clover Hill New* Of Late Interest Pulling: Fodder And Picking Cotton. Dinner Guests And Personals. tSpecial to The Star.) Sept. 10.—The people of this sec tion are about through pulling fodder and getting ready for cot ton picking. Cotton is opening very rapidly. Miss Selma Norman entertained the young girl’s intermediate class last Saturday afternoon. Many games were enjoyed. Ice cream, cake and fruits were served and *>o Smart They Take Your Breath Away! VELVETS WOOLENS SATINS CANTON CREPES TRAVEL TWEEDS $4.95 $9.45-$ 14.95 li \ This Fall, Fashion Smart ness and Economy Prices are combined. Anybody who knows fashions will tell you that Fabrics are the big news in Dresses for Fall. They start with tailored woolens and end with lustrous satins. Choose your entire ward robe from this unusual group. ‘77-5EP-* Campbell Department Store CAR OWNERS DEMAND VALUES —not Claims! |Ktl< ill* <| t v | , |»r«M r*.*. |m n« lr.ii« ^ tun mril- coah r'* r' » "illi jiuri tu|mil rubber. ^ tiiin-l )i|i|iiiio i lli< llr\in** lift* *»l lit* cmmI- minimi/t- inh riial I’rir lion ami In al iih ir.i-o ilu* ‘•In ri'fth «•! iIn lirt* ImmI\ ainl » Innut r lirt* l»l« Onlv I n i -loin < ,iim l h|»|H (l I ire* i!i'» lli»- ) \lra V aim*. TWO EXTRA CORD PLIES UNDER THE TREAD I lii** |Kitt nli t! r«»ii-trurlimi of Un I \lia ( nr.I Hits (unit r tin- bread in I ii< -Imu I ires iimii c. a stronger ImhuI In i \% i i n I read anil i nr«f lb.d\ tml t’li'.Urr |»rnlr«*linn againsl |*iine • r«-- anil Hlnnou!*. I liis nen, mi prmeil -all enrd’* must ruet ion anti* (lie old f.nliinin-il i nus-Hou-n fabrir, enn*t ruction used hv nlher*. Motorists are finding the Greatest Values In Fire* atone Gum-Dipped Tirea. Ever since Firestone and Firestone Dealers began advertising the true facts about tire quality and con struction and actually demon strating the Extra Values in Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires, distributors of special-brand mail-order tires have grown bolder and bolder with mislead ing claims and comparisons in the desperate effort to interest car-owners. owners bought more Firestone Tires in May, June and July, than in any like period in history. This clearly shows that car owners are interested in Firestone Extra Values and are not interested in comparisons based on an almost obsolete tire size confusing ^laboratory analyses —meaningless definitions — impractical challenges with unfair claims of twenty-five per-cent savings —and deceiving price comparisons. Why risk a tire of unknown manufacture when you can get the Extra Quality, Extra Strength, and Extra Safety of the special patented construction features of firestone Tires Gum-Dipping, and Two Extra Cord Plies under the Tread? You get these Extra Values—plus our Service and the DOUBLE GUARANTEE of Firestone and ourselves—o£ no more cost! Drive in today.—We have sections cut from Firestone Tires, special-brand mail ortfe^~Cfi Others.—See the evidence.—Take nothing for granted.—Judge for Yourself. COMPARE QUALITY, CONSTRUCTION and PRICE Stu’b'lur Chrtller Viking . Frank n Hadami . iP-ekVd .00. 6.00 6.00 18 8.00| 11 30 8 17-30 1.70 TRUCK and BUS TIRES 11.80 19ll-49|U.45ja8.8© so n^7| SIZE H. D. 30x5, 32x6 36x6 6.00-20 Flr*ftoyi« Oidfitld Etch •17.9* **•7* JMJ 19.89 * Special Brand Mat! Ordar lira 817.95 29.75 Fwationa Oldfield Typa Catli Price Par Pali •34.90 I 37.90 32.95 f *9.70 15.25 | 89.90 TIRE Mora Weight, pound*. . . . MOW Thickness, More Non-Skid Depth, incite* . More puci Under Tread . . Same width, Sam* Price . F irtstaB* OIMtld Typ* ■Ht .MS * *.*• •*.** Bn id Mill Order Tin 17.80 .605 .250 5 5.20 $6.65 4-fO-ll TIRE Mora w.ight, pound*. . , , M0lj« Thither*.. More N. eud. by a manufacturer for diatributorn such aa mail order houaea, oil aom pat^ies and others, under a name that does not identify the tire manufac turer to the public, usually bccanae be builda hia *‘best quality'1 tires under his own name. Firestone pots hia name on EVERY tire he *"Ar*. (Double Guarantee — F.»*ry tlm manufactured by Fireatone bears the r.«.me “F1RESTONF." and earrim Firestone*# unlimited guarantee and and ours. You are douoly protected. fOT *« Voire of Flremtone Every Monday Tr„ 'i Over .V. it. Nationwide Network Jy Firestone Service Dealers mwl Service Storec Save You Money and Serve You Better Tillman’s Service Station -FIRESTONE ONE-STOP SERVICE ~ Coyette C. Tillman, Proprietor Phone 804-J Opposite First Baptist Church Shelby, N. C READ THE STAR. IT NOW GOES INTO 5,000 HOMES EVERY OTHER DAY. $2.50 A YEAR BY MAIL. FOUR WEEKS FOR \ QUARTER BY CARRIER BOY. Advertise in The Cleveland Star