SOCIETY ft fVS MRS* rbn* drom* Mii°r reicphone The Star No. 4-J Ueb Morning »J4U O'clock Urs. Drum can M reached at her home, Phone 713, afternoon and nighU To The Unattainable: 1 »ouId have taken Golden Stars from the sky for your neck lace, I would have shaken rose-leaves for your rest from all the rose trees mil vou had no need, the short .sweet grass sufficed for your slmber, And you took no heed of such trifles as gold or a necklace. There is fvri hour, at twilight, too heavy with memory. There i« a (lower that 1 (ear, fot your hair had its fragrance. I would have squandered Youth for you, and Its hope and its promise. Before you wandered, careless, away from my useless pas sion But what is the use of my speech, since 1 know of no words to recall you? I am praying that Time teach, you, your Cruelty, me, Forgetful ness Laurence Hope. South Washington Bridge Club To Meet Tomorrow. Mrs. E. Y. Webb will entertain members of the South Washington bridge club at a meeting tomorrow morning at U o’clock at her home on S. Washington street. Mia. Julius Suttle To Entertain Club. Mrs. Julius Suttle will be hostess to members of the Twentieth Cen tury club at their first meeting ol the club season on Friday after noon at 4 o’clock at her lovely home In Belvedere Heights, Evening Division To Meet On Thursday. The first fall meeting of the evening division of the Woman's club will be held on Thursday even ing at the club room at 8 o’clock with Mrs. Oeph Blanton and Miss Rosa Mae Shuford as joint host esses Second Division Of Club To Be Entertained The aecond division of the Wom an's club will be entertained at the club room on Thursday afternoon at 3:30 with Mesdames John Love lace, Hugh Arrowood and Hai-old Whlsnant. All members are cor dially urged to be present Meeting Of Chlcora Club la Postponed. The meeting of the Chicora club scheduled to take place on Friday afternoon with Mrs. L. A. Gettys as hostess at her home on S. Wash ington street has been postponed indefinitely. Further announcement will be made later. American Homes Department To Meet The first regular meeting of the American Homes division for the fall will be held on Monday after noon at 3:30 at the club room with ' Mrs. Jap Suttle as chairman of the hostess committee. The subject to be discussed and demonstrated r> being planned by the committee. AH members are urged to be on bend to make this a good meeting. Garden Club Members F.njoy Good Meeting. A meeting of the Garden club was held yesterday afternoon at the club room with Mrs. J. D. Lineberger. chairman, presiding. The attend ance of members was small but a very interesting program was ren dered. Papers on different phases of Pall Planting were read by Mrs. B. T, Palls, Mrs. J. T. Beason. Mrs Charles Wells and Mrs. R. T. Le Grand. After a business session the group adjourned. Book Club Members F.njoy Good Program. The first meeting of the Contem porary book club for the year, held with Mrs. Renn Drum yesterday afternoon, proved to be an interest ing and enjoyable one. Mrs. Shcm Blackley, president, presided and after a brief business session turn ed the program for the afternoon over to Miss Isabel Hoey who gave an excellent discussion of Russia, both before and since the revolu tion, Reports were heard from the chairman of the book committee, Mrs. R. W. Morris, and the ehalr man of the program committee, Miss Carobel Lever. At the close of the program sim ple refreshments were served Patton-Brown Marriage In Chattanooga A wedding whiah will be received with cordial Interest here took place on September 11 when Miss Opbelio Atiele Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Brown, of Chattanooga, Tenn , was married to Mr. Wade Hampton Patton, jr., in the Pres byterian church of that city. Mrs. Patton received her educa te u yswmn leasers college at Murfreesboro. Mr. Pat ton Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patton, of Philadelphia. He is at present connected with the, Inter type Composing Co.. In Chatta nooga. Mrs, Patton is a niece of Mrs. Prank flippy, of Shelby, and she and her mother have visited here on a number of occasion. 1 Julies Golf Club To Meet Friday. The regular weekly meeting 61 the Ladles' golf club will be held on Friday afternoon at 3:30 at the country club. All members are cor dially invited to be present. Mabel Jetton Society To Meet Tire first fall meeting of the Mabel Jetton missionary society will be held at the Central Meth odist church on Saturday morning at 9:30. All members are urged to be present. Ishpening Picnic Is Much Enjoyed. The annual Ishpening club picnic held at Cleveland Springs last even ing was well attended by members and their husbands and friends Part of the guests played bridge in the pavilion before supper, and a bountiful picnic meal was enjoyed. Bridge Supper For Saturday Night. A bridge supper will be held at the gdlf club house on Saturday evening at 7:15 for members of the men’s and women's Clubs. All mem bers who wish to reserve table for the occasion will telephone Mrs. Earl Hamrick who Is in charge of reservations. Birthday Dinner For Mrs. A. P. Weathers. Mr. and Mrs. Lee B. Weathers entertained at an informal, small dinner party last evening in com pliment to the former’s mother Mrs. A. P. Weathers, on the occa sion of her birthday. The table decoration consisted of a pretty bowl of mixed flowers as a center piece, and a delicious dinner was served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Weathers, Mr. and Mrs. Flay Weathers, of Forest City, and the latter's mother, Mrs. Wilkins, of the same place; Mr. and Mrs Lee B. Weathers, and Miss Peari Weathers. After dinner a pleasant evening of companionship was en joyed. Colling-1'urner Wedding Yesterday. On Tuesday afternoon at 5 o clock in the Baptist pasonage at Boiling Springs a wedding of interest to their many friends was quietly sol emnized when Miss Mary Lou Tur ner, of Earl, became the bride of Mr. Alfred F. Collins, of Grover The simple but impressive ring ceremony was used, being perform ed by the bride's pastor in the pres ence of only a few friends. Thy bride, who is a pretty brunette, wore a becoming fall model of brown flat crepe made on tailored lines, with orange and eggshell trim mings and accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of sweetheart roses. Mrs. Collins, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hazel Turner, of Earl, is a graduate of the Shelby high school, and is a popular member of the social set in her community. Mr. Collins has been a rural mail carrier out of Grover for the past ten years and holds an esteemed and respected position in the civic and religious life of the community. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Collins left by motor for a wedding trip through West ern Carolina. Virginia and to Washington, D. C. Upon their re turn they will be with the bride's parents for a time after which they will make their home at Gro ver. Smith - Wimberly Wedding In Atlanta. A wedding which will be of in terest to their many friends took place on Monday morning at II o'clock in the Wesley Memorial church in Atlanta when Miss Merle Wimberley. of that place became the bride of Mr. Brantley Smith Rev. John D. Ellis officiated, using the ring ceremony; only intimate friends and members of the imme diate families were present. The bride wore a fall modern of dark green crepe with which she used brown accessories and wore a shoulder corsage of pink roses and valley lillies. She entered with her only sister, Mrs. Opal Mooney, who gave her in marriage. Mrs. Mauney wore a costume of naby blue ard shoulder corsage of pink roses. The groom entered with his bro ther, Mr. Griffin P. Smith, of this place who acted as his best man Mrs, Smith is a graduate of Sue Bennett Memorial School In Lon don, Ky„ and of the University of Georgia. She has taught in the schools of Kings Mountain for the past five years where she has been a pretty and popular member of the social conTfngcrflTor that place! Mr Smith is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, of this place, and after graduation from Bolling Springs Junior College, has worked for several years in Shelby and Charlotte. He is at present connect ed with the Ideal Service station here. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Smith left on a short; wedding trip and upon their return will make their home with the groom's parents here. Those attending the wedding from Shelby were: Mrs. Reid Mlsen heimer, Mr. and Mrs. Griffin P. Smith, and their son, G. P., Jr Grover Section Events Of Week Ladies In joy Silver Tea. Students Off To College*. Personal News. ' 'Special to The Star.) Grover, Sept. 22.—School closed here Friday for a several weeks cot ton picking vacation. The Presbyterian ladies auxiliary sponsored a silver tea given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harry last Friday night. The home was beautifully decorated with a pro fusion of lovely colored fall flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Mrs. Dendy greeted the guests at the door. Miss Edith Ham bright showed the guests into the dining room and then into an attractive nook of ivy and rases that surrounded the punch bowl. music was rendered mrougnoui me evening by Mrs. Prank Hambright. Mrs. Harry, Mias Mayme Ham bright bade the guests goodbye. The Y. W. A, will meet with Miss Addie Moss on Wednesday night, September 23. Mrs. John Sheppard add niece, Miss Mary Crisp of Greenville, 8. C. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Crisp. Mrs. Corrie Johnson, Mrs, Boyce Turner, Miss Gladys Malone of Charlotte spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Turner Sunday. Rev. J. P. Dendy of Brunson, S. C. has returned home after visiting his brother, Dr. J. T. Dendy. The following girls left last week to attend school: Misses Edis Byer, Margaret Hamrick, Marie Herndon, Mary Hambright to N. C. C. W. and Miss Prances Harry to Queens Chicora at Charlotte. Mr. Lax ton Hamrick left Thurs day for Columbia, S. C. where he will study at the University of South Carolina. Mrs. Hamrick will relieve Mr. Hamrick as teacher of seventh grade here. Miss Eleanor Jones, teacher of third grade, left, Friday to spend the cotton picking vacation with home folks in Shelby. Miss Letha Boheler of Winston Salem Is visiting Mr, and Mrs. War ren Hicks. Miss Ola Westmoreland of Char lotte spent last week here with relatives. Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Ellis of Spin dale visited Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hambright Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dover of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W C. Beam. Mr. Darwin Dover, Mr. and Mrs Robt. Harris of Charlotte were vis itors here Sunday. Mr. R. D. Moss and children are visiting Mr. Moss’ sister Mrs. Bun Herndon and Mr. Herndon of Jack son Springs. Mrs. W. J Moss returned home from Asheville Sunday. Mrs. Moss had been at the bedside of her mother, Mrs: Prank Herndon who is quite ill. Messrs. Lawrence Martin. Leon ard of Charlotte visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. D A. Moss Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Towell of York S, C, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ptnkelton. Miss Margaret Whitworth, sec ond grade teacher here, left Friday to spend the vacation with her parents at Waco. Mrs. Maggie Wesson is spending awhile in the Earl community. Mr. H. S. Keeter has been stay ing in Shelby for the passed two weeks helping to get the employes started off In the store recently bought by H. S. Keeter and Co. in the Dover mill village. Mrs. Minnie Moss has returned home after spending a week at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs, Hom er Bridges. The many friends of Mrs. Bridges will be glad to learn that she is improving. Lily Mill Mention Of the Week’s News Prayer meeting at Mr Jerry I Queens next Thursday night at 7:30. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Pat terson a fine son, Sept. 21st. One of the Sunday school classes from the Second Baptist church visited the South Mountain school Sunday and report a fine time. Mr. Odis Mull spent Monday in Clover, S. C., with relatives. Prayer meeting at Mr. Clayton Poole’s next Sunday night 7:30. Sanford Mull. Alvin Sisk, Dewey Bridges and Marshal and Arthur Ledbetter went on the excursion last Saturday to Winston-Salem to see the orphan’s home. Mrs. Mary Haynes of the Casar section is visiting her son and daughter, Mr. Charlie Haynes ai d Mrs. £ero Hasting. Mt. Sinai News OfCurrznt Week Young I-a dies Enjoy Chicken Slew. Personals Of People Vislling About. Mt. Sinai, Sept. 22 —The follow ing girls enjoyed a chicken stew at a spring near the home Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Clary Saturday evening. Misses Rheamer, Mary C. and Em ma Lee Clary and guest, Misses Eva Wray Hopper, Louise Patrick, Edna Putnam and Kathleen Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Lebron Rogers and children spent Sunday In the Flint Hill section. Messrs. Forest and Wayne Hunt, T. F. Bridges, Jessie Clary and Ralph Weaver spent the week-end in Asheville and Chimney Rock. Mrs. Joe Biggerstaff and two sons of Ellenboro were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges Thurs day night. Mr. E. R. Ellis from near Shelby spent the week-end with his son; Mr. T. C. Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. J. M, Hunt, Misses Ruth and Rhea Hunt, Messrs. Mur phy, Ralph and Clemmie Hunt vis ited relatives in Cllffside Sunday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Put nam Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Andred Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ressie Putnam and Mrs, Cecil Baber of HVielV,,, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hawkins of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins Friday night. Miss Eunice Rippy has been spend ing several days with relatives near McBrayer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Putnam and children, of Lattimore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. C Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Erast us Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Reid Blackburn of Lawndale were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bridges Sunday Mrs. W. P. Hughes, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. A. Purser and Mr. Purser, of Camden, S. C., returned home Friday. Misses Eva Wray Hopper and Louise Patrick, of Sharon, were the week-end guests of Misses Mary C, Rheamer and Emma Lee Clary. Messrs. C. T. and Miller Ellis visited Mr. and Mrs. Abie Padgett, near Beaver Dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hamrick and daughter. Miss Selma Hamrick of the Poplar Springs community spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harrill. Mr. Jethro McSWain. of Shelby, Is spending some time with his sis ter, Mrs. Perry White and Mr. White, of| this community. Upper Cleveland News Of Interest Farmer* Making Molasses And Picking Cotton. Personal Mention. (Special to The Star.) Casar, Sept. 22.—The farmers are very busy picking cotton and mak ing molasses. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brackett and family of Belwood spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Self. Mr. and Mrs. Shuff Lone and family visited Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunt Sunday. Miss Lillie Hunt spent Saturday night with Miss Madge Gantt. Since the school has closed for cotton picking, the teachers have returned to their former homes. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hoyle of Casar spent Sunday with the lat ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Zero Mull. Mr. Ophas Hunt and son; Bre vard, Dwight Self, Nollie and Cor nelius Devinney motored to Latti more Sunday to visit friends. Mrs. Ola Martin and family at tended a birthday dinner at Mr. Pink Guffeys of Sunshine section. Mr. and Mrs. McClunie Wortman of Casar community spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. True Gantt. Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. W. K. Hunt. The regular preaching service will be at Mt. Moriah church Sun day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Pruett spent Tuesday night with Mrs. Pruett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hunt. Mrs. Dewey Brackett of Law'u dale spent part of last week with her mother, Mrs. J. E. Lookadoo. Form Ehringhaus Club At His Home First In State Organized At Eliza beth City; Courthouse Crowded. Elizabeth City.—The first Eh ringhaus for governor club was formed here at a mass meeting which crowded the court house and included besides the candidates’ im mediate neighbors of Elizabeth City and Pasquotank county, large dele gations from Gates. Camden, Cur rituck and Ware counties. C. E. Thompson, attorney, was elected president of the club, A. B. Houtz. mill operator, vice-president and W, E. Griffin, banker, secretary and treasurer. Useless statistics: The U 3 oys ter crop for 1931 wil, be 18 000,000 bushels. i Meet Aimee’s New Hubbv You'll probably hoar lots of David L. Hutton from now on. He and Almee Semple McPherson staged an airplant elopement from Los An geles to Yuma, Ariz., where they were married and now they plan to write Biblical operas together. Hut ton is a musician and vocal teacher of Pasadena. Almee needs no introduction to newspaper readers. The newlyweds are showing signing the marriage license at Yuma. Hays To Speak At Charge-Wide Rally Belwood Circuit Rally To Re Held At Kadesh On Sunday Afternoon. Rev. L. B. Hayes, pastor of Cen tral Methodist ehureh, Shelby, will be the speaker at the charge-wide rally service of the Belwood circuit Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The service will be held at Kadesh church near Belwood. Mr. Hayes comes to us well qualified to lead us in this service. He is not only the pastor of Cleveland county's largest Methodist church but he i, also held in the highest esteem by rural Methodism in the county. The officials of the charge are especially urged tp be present for this service, but it is not only for them, it is for the entire charge and the special purpose ,will be the deepening of the spiritual life of the charge. Regular services will be held at St. Peters at 11 a. m. and at Fall ston at 7:30 p. m with preaching by the pastor Correct this sentence: "Teacher, you gave me a hundred, but I really do not know all of my les son.” If the bodily eliminations »r* normal the probability of con tracting (Winter) diseases Is remote. These eliminating organs can not be normal unless they re ceive an adequate supply of nerve energy (see second nerve in cut.) The nerve must be kept free (see first and third nerves in cut), and it is for this reason that Chiropractic adjustments are so effective in maintaining bodily resistance at a high degree. There is no question but that people who have had the advantage of Chiropractic service regularly are far more capable of offer ing the resistance which is so necessary in combating the so called common diseases dur ing the winter months DR. B. M. .IARRETT, Rooms 13-14, Royster Bldg.. SHELBY, N. C. COMPARE THIS (NERVE,’, WITH THE ONE AB57E ^ AMO THE OME BELOW ■bn _ _ \ PPM ISTHts A SPACff £ SEVEN NINETY-FIVE for 3 Days only . . , . 150 New Fall > Dresses Dinner Dresses, Travel Tweeds, Satins, Canton Crepes, Street Dresses and Dresses for all oc casions . . . Marvelous values at this 3-day spe cial low price. Every dress in this group was hought to sell from $9.05 to as much as $12.75. c’ome one of these lucky days . . . Thurs day, Friday and Sat urday J. C. McNeely & Co. Style — Quality *— Service New Gin Outfit INSTALLED AT POLKVILLE The Polkviile Gin Company, owned and operated by J. E. Horn, V. A. Powell and Ivey Whisnant, has install ed a new modern Murray irin outfit for the current gin ning season. The machinery is already in operation, giving the farmers the best possible turnout in lint and seed. The outfit is one of the best ever installed in this section. The farmers of this community are fortunate in having access to this gin which is run by electricity and easily turns out sixty bales per day. The company buys both cotton and seed and pays the top price at all times. They give the best possible meal exchange for seeds, also receive associa tion cotton. If you want your cotton well ginned, giving the best possible sample of lint. Polkviile is th,e place to have it done. Either jute or cotton bagging will be used, according to the customer's choice. Polkviile Gin Co. SHELBY, N. C. ROUTE 5 Come IN TODAY AND Hear The New Philco "UPER-HETERODYNE Radio All the latest features are found in these New Model Philcos 5-7-9 and 11 Tubes $14950 No home should be without a Philco Radio when you can purchase one of these models. The prices are made to suit your purse—the terms are made to make paying a pleasure—as you enjoy the su periority and performance of a new' Philco. PRICED FROM jjg-5*1 TO SHELBY. N. C.