— WT wwm ' . 1 ■■ •="' ■" 1 ------ ' ■■ mwi wiwiT’iiT Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. L WHat You Want \ kin the WANTADS^ lUtes r For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. \ gF This sue 1 cent per word each insertion. This sire type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion. DON’T NEGLECT FEET these hot summer days. Be fitted correctly by shoe ex perts at A. V. Wray & 6 Sons, City. tf-27c "watch, clock and jewelry King. L. O. Davis, next door to i. t appreciate your patron age, large or small. tf 16c FOR RENT: TWO FURNISHED rooms close In. All conveniences. With or without meals. Miss Mar garet Anthony, phone 94. 3t 21c ALLKtNDSOF AUTO WOOD work and top recovering. Let us fig ure your Job. Hawkins Bros., S. La Fayette St. 13t Sep 2c LET -VIC'’ AND GEORGE PIT you In a tailor made suit for fall. Pit Guaranteed—#22, $26, $30, $35. A. V. Wray and 6 Sons. tf-July 22c. WE DO ALL KINDS OF FENDER work and all kinds of auto repair ing. Hawkins Bras., S. LaFayette street. 12t Sep 2c WE REPAIR AND MAKE leather belts. Ginners should see is Shelby Roller Cowering Co., 237 West Graham street, Phone 770-J, tf 4c INDIVIDUAL STATIONERY, 200 sheets paper and 100 envelopes for $1.00. Both neatly printed. Biggest bargain ever offered. Place your or der now. Five day delivery in a neat box. The Star, Shelby, N. C. 4t 18p DON'T FAIL TO BRING YOUR feet to Wray's Tuesday, October 20. Free examination and consultation. Dr. Scholl's expert. tf 14c "it costs' VERY LITTLE TO look your best: Hair cut, 25c; shave, 16c; shower, 30,c. Temple Barber Shop, next to J. C. Penney's. 3t21c LOANS—$5 TO $40 ON your own personal endorse ment, See us when you are in need of the means to meet that “short of cash” emer gency. $50 to $1,000 on stocks and bonds. Courteous service. Easy terms. Citizens Finance Company, 12 Lineberger Bldg. Entrance W. Marion St. 3t21c FOR RENT; TWO OFFICE rooms upstairs in my store build ing. W. C. Whianant. 4t 18c WHEN IN NEED OF JOB PRINT ING, CALL NO. 11 AND A REPRE SENTATIVE WILL CALL TO SEE YOU. PIGS AND SHOATS FOR SALE. G. T. McSwain, Boiling Springs. 6t 14p WILL PAY CASH FOR ANTI que furniture. Phone 569 or 396. 6t lie' FOR SALE; RECLEANED NOR ton seed oats, 76c bu. at 8tamey Co store, Polkville, or Coleman Elliott's, Hollis route 1. 6t 14c FOR 8ALE—1 8TIEFF UPRIGHT piano, first class condition. Mrs. J. E. Herndon. Kings Mountain, N. C., Telephone 16. 5t-9p CENTRAL BARBER SHOP Hair cute, 35c; shave, 15c; 6 chairs. All first class barbers. 13t 26p WE CAN INSTALL A WATER system in your home to be paid at your convenience. Cleveland Re frigerating Company. 8t lie LET US PAINT YOUR CAR AND make it look like new. Hawkins Iroa., 8. Lafayette. 12 Sep 2c WILL TRADE PORCELAIN lined refrigerator or ice box for country ham. 106 West Graham street, phone 569. 6t 11c I WISH ~Tb" AN nounce to my friends and patrons that I am now with J. G. Dud ley, jr.t and can be found there in, the fu ture. Telephone 151. W. H. Yeago. 3t-21c ’ THREE GRADES o f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Stij% Phone 11. tf HCj Germany And France Must Keep Peaceful New York, Sep.:. 3! -Harvey S. Fir©.'tone, who returned from Eu rope today on the Leviathan, said better feeling between Germany and France must be accomplished before international economies can be put on a sound basis, Mr Fireatone predicted that a great deal of adjustment will be necessary before business will take an upswing in the United States. Promote Fair Booth. Personal* Of People Coming And Going. 'Special to The Star ) ! Earl, Sept. 22.—The Domestic club met at the lovely home of Mrs. F. L. Wilkins Wednesday of last week. Thirteen members were present and one visitor. Mrs. H. p Haas. Plans were promoted for the booth the club will put on at the coming fair. There was no soci&i hour as all the time was taken up with business. The rooms were beautifully decorated with fall flow ers and roses. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jones return ed to their home in Atlanta, Ga„ Sunday after spending some time here with relatives. « Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bachlor and Mr. Edwin Bachlor. of Clierryville, were guests at the home of Mr. W. A. Proctor Sunday. Miss Estelle Hayes, of Chesnee, S. C., is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank House this week. Mr. and Mrs. Odell Sepaugh spent part of last week in Char lotte visiting relatives. Miss Ruth Humphries, of Clare mont was the attractive week-end guest of Miss Thelma Earl. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ross and little daughter, of Concord, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Nichols Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Camp had as their guests Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Marion Camp and child ren of Shelby and Mr. Herbert Camp of Charlotte. Mr. Dettus Beachum of Pelza, S. C., is seriously ill at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beachum. Misses Francis Graham and Gladys Earle and Mr. Austell Gra ham motored to Claremont Satur day evening where they attended a play at the high school building. Messrs. Chas. Ellis and Hazel Jones attended the Rutherford county fair Tuesday. Mrs. Mattie Bvers and children, Alver and Isabelle, of Lincolnton, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hcuse Sunday. Mrs. Hazel Turner and children, Mary Lou and Hazeline and Mrs. R. L. Wylie and daughter, Alma, motored to Gaffney. S. C., Monusy afternoon. THE FAIR GROUND SERVICE j station will pay 25 cents cash for country hams. E, C. Hendrick. 2t 23p' ~NOTICE: A YOUNG MAN OR ! young lady wanted to canvass Shel by and vicinity. Easy work, small investment and good money. Write T. C. Blackburn, Hickory, N. C. 4t 16p ROOM AND BOARD JUST OFF the square. Call Mrs. Will M. Rob erts. 3t 21c WANTED SALESMAN WITH car:' To take orders and deliver home necessities on city routes in Dallas, Tryon, Steady worker can start earning $35 weekly and in crease rapidly. Hustlers on similar routes do $5,000 annual business. Some established many years. Re ply immediately giving age, occupa tion, references. Rawlelgh Co., Dept. NC-W-52-W, Richmond, Va. 2t 23p NOTICE OF SAIF OF PERSONAE PROPERTY By virtu* ot the power of sale con tained in a certain chattel mortgage or a Conditional Sale Contract ot record In book 159. at page 61 of the registry of Cleveland county, North Carolina, same being executed by The Entoe and Michael Funeral Home to the E. M. MlUer com pany to secure an Indebtedness therein specified: and said indebtedness not hav ing been paid according to the terms therein stated when due, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for caah In front of J L. Lackey's garage in Shelby. North Car olina, on Friday, October 16. 1*31 at a o'clock p. m the following described per sonal property, to-wlt: 1 certain E M. Miller company style No. 25 Hearse Body mounted on 8BW Dodge chassis No. D 208-117, motor No. J-Sg-87S; Upholstered In “Chase” Froat Grain genuine and art. leather, finished In two-toned Dawn Mist Dray Dueo: complete regular flower tray, saddle lights, and extra tiro and tube. This »he 32nd day of September, 1931 E M. MILLER COMPANY. Mortgagee «t BOpt 33c Half a Million Dollars Price Set on Lost Love * * * * * * Suit Filed Against Marlene Dietrich by Rita Von Sternberg, Alleging Alienation of Husband's Affections, Puts Price-Tag on Love NX Joseph Von Stebnberg V i s'RiiaTOn StECMBERfi Charring; that Marlene Dietrich, famous German film star, has alienated the affections of her husband, Josef von Sternberg, who has direct**! Miss Dietrich's pictures, Rita von Sternberg has filed suit again the star:, asking for $*00,000 heart balm. The von Sternbergs have been divorced about four years and the director has been largely instrumental in pat ting the German star on the ptnacle of fame she occupies in the film world. Miss Dietrich’s husband, Rudolph Sieber, public declared that he has the utmost confidence in his wife and that her relations with wan Sternberg are merely those customary between a director and a star. Another suit for $100, \'m A COOK ANSWERING THE\R At) \ U_L D^4UISE MYVOtCE I TO SOUND UKE A HELLO, SPINACH IE5A = f I SAW YOUR AD - HOW MUCH DO ! YOU PAY? YCS, IM A SPLENDID COOK= I WAS TEN YEARS IN MY LAST PLACE, I CAN MAKE FANCY DESSERTS AND EVERY thiN4,what's that?Yes, i’ll hold THE WIRE* P-ST TOOTS! COLONEL hoofer doesnt know IT‘5 me! I 6QT HIM &OIN& HE SAID TO HOLD THE WIRE BECAUSE HIS DOOR - BELL IS Rin^in4 SNEXT ill ASK HIM WHAT PROOF HAS THAT HIS IS AHWSH .Cl ASS ^FAMILY THE receiver (S OFF THE , HOOK. COLON E.L* SH-H, SOPHIE* ITS THE SHRIMP OP TO HIS OLD 'TRICKS A4AIN* HE THINKS HE HAS THE LAU4H 04 ME, »UT IVE <6rOT THE LAU4H ON HIM, ANt> A, 4000 LAU6W DOESNT HURT ANYBODY* A Quest For Information. Y 'T CERTAINLY ' PAYS TO ADVERTISE* THE WOOFERS HAVE 40T A NEW MAID ALREADY, AMD I HOPE 5HES A 400D COOK ■ f BECAUSE l DINE HERE kfv quite frequently* //A 400D afternoon. NR. CASPER TILKA! 5~s 1' g jS" ur i raOOD HEAVENS, CASPER' DON1! TELE ME THAT TILKA* IS WORKING FOR the hoofers! of all the COINCIDENCES' WHY, SHE'S the COOK WE HAD LAST YEAR! THEY'LL TRY TO FIND OUT EVERYTHIN 6 SHE KNOWSASOUruS. rhxrtso? think™ THE HOOFERS WILL PUMP HER [ ABOUT US, TOOTS! I THEY WOULD NT [ STOOP TQ THAT! WHEN YOU WERE WORKING AY MR. CASPER'S I Dlt> YHEY HAVE . MUCH COMPANY*?)