The Big Cleveland County Fail*, Carolina’s Best, Open!. In Shelly Tuesday, Sept. 29 — Five Eventful Days And Nights Late News THE MARKET Ootton, per lb. ... . 5s.,r Cotton Seed, hundred __ 30c Rain And Warmer. Today * North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing cloudiness fol lowed by showers in extreme west late tonight or Saturday and in east and rentral portions Saturday. Slightly warmer in northwest to night. Warmer Saturday. McDowell Maniac. Marion, Sept. 35.—While trying to arrest a raving maniac that had es eaped irom the insane asylum at Morganton recently. Sheriff Oscar F. Adkins of McDowell, and Deputy George Duncan were seriously wounded by the pellets from a shot gun in the hands of the maniac, said to be Dave Cline, about eight •’clock last night on Peppers creek, north of Marion. After shooting the officers, Cline made good his es cape and is still at large. Gordon Page and Green Woody, deputies also with the sheriff, brought the injured men to Marion for surgical treatment. Lattimore Youth Wins In Judging Contest On Farm J. Z. Walker Takes District Honor Another Cleveland Agricultural s'tndrnt Stars. Good Grading Score. Representatives of 27 schools in this section having vocational agri-; culture departments Wednesday at-1 tended the annual dairy-grading contest, which was held at the Cameron Morrison dairy farm near Charlotte. A team was selected to represent! this section at the state-wide judg-j mg contest in Raleigh Saturday. The winners of the contest who will enter the state finals Satur day, were: J. Z. Walker of Lattimore school in Cleveland county, first, with a grade of 92; Spurgeon Hud son of the Norwood school in Stanly county, second, with a grade of 90; and James McGee of the Troy' school in Montgomery county, third, with a grade of 88.7. Their teachers, in their respective order, were: P M. Coley, JVC. Williams and R. F. Brackin. The contest was in charge of J. \f. Osteen of Troy, district super visor of vocational agriculture. There are 50 sohools in the 22 coun ties of this district having voca tional agriculture as one of the op tional courses of study. Only those counties of the dis trict west of the Yadkin river par ticipated in the dairy grading con test. , Local Drama Talent To Produce Plays The, Community Players Now Work ing On Two One Act Plays For October 8th. Shelby has * little theatre, call ed The Community Players. Plans for organising a drama-producing sroup in Shelby had- been, under discussion for many months, until recently when the_ new. organisa tion announced its birth into the city, to encourage, enact and pro mote local stage plays, and to create opportunities for self expression. The officers of the Shelby Com munity Players are: Lindsay Dail. president; J. Horace Grigg, wee president; Mrs. Renn Drum, secre tary, and Charles Austell, treasurer and business manager. Despite hot weather, the work oi producing two one-act plays for the first public presentation, has gor.e forward with much interest. The plays, which employ eleven people in all, are now all but ready for the opening performance on Thursday night, October 8, at the high school auditorium. Mrs. Henry B. Edwards and Mrs. Harry Hudson are direct ing the two plays—“The Florist Shop.” a brilliant comedy for the stage and especially suitable for lit tle theatre work, and “The Valiant,” a tragedy several times acclaimed rhe best one-act play of its class ever written. Misses Carobel Lever, Betty Suttle, Minnie Eddins Rob erts, Jack Hartigan, Dale Kalter, James Shepherd, R. W. Shoffner. Charles Keel, Lindsay Dail and Harvey White make up the casts of the pla5's. Promotion plans for the produc tion will go forward beginning early next week and tickets will be put on sale at Suttle's drug store. The club maintains workshop quarters over the city hall. Wall Will Speak. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of Shelby’s First Baptist church, will be one of the speakers on the program of the South Fork Baptist Association meeting at Maiden next week The association will be in session two day*. Thursday and Friday. . . —l,i»aVg3fc,> ^ utoelamfo tar 10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XX&Vll, No. 115 SHELBV, N. C. FRIDAY', S1PT. 25, 1931 I'uutished Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. ar *u,u *" ,*u- »*“ Mr Farmers Here Oppose Special Session Call Legislation To Curtail Cotton Considered Only “Snare.” No Uniform Policy And Could Not Be Enforced. Boost’ Live-At> Home Idea. The farmers of Cleveland, North Carolina’s largest cot ton-producing county, went on record at a mass meeting here yesterday as being opposed to call a special session of legislature to curtail the cotton crop in 1932. The genera! need of acreage re duction was readily admitted by those taking part and speaking at the meeting, but a vote revealed that those present did not believe the situation could be helped by a special session. Several Plans. Various points brought out were that all the cotton-growing states seem to have a different plan and nothing would be accomplished un less all agreed upon one move. Tex as plans to cut the crop there 50 percent and Louisiana and South Carolina have passed no-cotton pro posals. Oklahoma and Arkansas will likely take no official action. At the meeting here it was also pointed out that the legislation en acted in the other states will not go in force unless adopted by all other states. General Debate. The cotton problem informally discussed during the meeting, sev eral men making formal talks while others offered informal re marks and suggestions. After the general discussion a resolution was offered by Mr. Clemmie Dixon, farmer and ginner, that expressed disapproval of a special session as it ‘‘would be both expensive and useless,” while the last clause of the resolution urged all farmers to first of all grow enough food and feed for their own consumption and then devote whatever acreage considered wise to cotton or other money crops. The meeting was presided over by Joe K. Blanton, who, in opening the action, made a short talk urg ing that the problem be given seri ous thought and that the meeting not go on record until it was con fident right couse had been pursued. Talks were made by Cameron Put nam, J. F. Moore, J. A. Wilson, Clyde R. Hoey, Qdus Mull and Mr. Dixon. > Webb, district judge, is unable to be present to constitute the court on the opening day, some other fed eral jurist will be there to preside and oharge the grand jury. “Several days ago District Attor ney Charles A. Jonas explained that | the Asheville court, where he anti | Judge Webb have been busy since iJune. may not complete the Wal I lace R. Davis trial in time to ad Jjoum this week and that for that reason it appeared likely that the Shelby court session would neces sarily be postponed. “Because the federal grand jun faces a multiplicity of cases, how ever, that haw accumulated from the Charlotte, Shelby and States ville courts, it was felt that the grand jury should be charged and set upon its task of clearing away its heavy docket. If Judge Webb cannot finish his Asheville court by Monday, for that reason, it was de cided to ask some other federal 1udge to constitute the Shelby court Monday and let the grand jury ge to work. “A great majority of the cases before the court are alleged viola tions of the federal prohibition laws. Grand jurors who have been assigned to serve will be expected to answer to the call of court at Shelby Monday. Tar Heel Head Of Henry Stevens Heeds National Group. Vouniest Commander Of Body. Detroit, 8ept. 25.—The American legion yesterday selected the youngest national commander in its history. He is Henry Leonidas Stevens, jr., 35-year-old attorney of Warsaw, N. C., an overseas veteran of the 318tli machine gun battalion, who left the University of North Carolina to go to officers’ training camp and stud ied law at Harvard after the war, Stevens was elected by acclama tion after an incomplete roll call of the departments at the closing ses sion of the 13th national convention showed his strength far ahead of that of six opposing candidates. Want Referendum. The American Legion national convention also asked congress to submit repeal or modification to the present prohibition laws to the states with the request that each state submit the issue to its voters. The vote was 1,008 to 394. The vote came after a debate in which advocates of the resolution denounced conditions under pro hibition and asked the legion to assume leadership in the fight to seek a change through referendum. The opposition argued that the legion should take no stand. It was the first time prohibition came before the legion's national convent ion in its 13 years of hts Prihibition tory. Legion Hosts March Again i i A* in other years that hare witnessed conventions of the American l*fion, the hosts of war veterans paraded to the martial airs of many bands and the resounding cheers of thousands of onlookers when the former soldiers and sails strutted their stuff through Drtroit streets. The float depicts the Liberty Bell and Revolutions! War character* while National Commander Ralph T. O’Nell is shown (inset) waving to the crowds as he rides in the parade. Sarratt Asks Gardner To Again Seek Uniform Action On Cotton Webb Brothers Take Opening i Tourney Honor Shelby'* brother golf act, bandied by Pete and Fred (Snook) Webb, atepped Into the limelight train Wednesday when the Shelby boys won the pro aanatenr opening match of the Carolina* open tournament at j ReldsvlHe. The two Webb# and Bob Reed, Cleveland Springs | pro, will be in Reidsville through i Saturday making a fight for the opening championship. The Reidsville dispatch telling of the scintillating golf played Wed nesday by the Webbs follows: Reidsville. Sept. 25.—Pete and Freddie Webb, ihe golfing brothers from Shelby, Wednesday won the pro-amateur preliminary to the Carolina* open tourney. The Shelby family team carded I a pair of 33's in the two trips around the new nine-hole Pennrose j Park Country club course. Their 66 ! was eight strokes under par of 74. , Placing second with 67 were i Dugan Aycock. High Point pro, and Ir. ,0. ("Bully") Mayer, Greensboro amateur. Third place was won by | Paul Andrews, pro, and Bill Den 'schle, amateur, both of Winston | Salem, with 68. Pete Webb. pro of the brothe' i team cupped a 12-foot putt on the 18th green to nose out the Aycock Maver team which had finished earlier. Twenty-nine teams part icipated in the event. 1 Tully Blair, the Greensboro ama jreur who holds the Carolina open l title, will not defend his champion jship. Blair won at Greensboro last 1 year. The Webb brothers' card showed nine birdies and eight pars Tlie Webb brothers did not make ouite as good a showing in yester day's play in the Carolina open tourney gj Reidsville as they did In the pro-amateur match. Pete Webb turned In a 78 and was bettered by a half dozen or more other play ers. Fred turned In an 82 and was considerably behind. Bob Reed reg istered an 84 for the first day. Bulwinkle 111 With Kidney Trouble Now Major A. L. Bulwinkle. congress man for this district, who was in Shelby Tuesday to attend the fu neral of his close friend. Sheriff Hugh Logan, is now ill himself. A Gastonia dispatch says: "Congress man A. L. Bulwinkle is confined to I his home on South York street by an illness described more or less serious. Physicians have diagnosed the ailment as kidney stones. While Congressman Bulwinkle is suffering Intensely, hfc condition is not re garded as critical. W. O. W. Dance There will be a dance held ai th* W. O. w. hall on Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Would Hove a Conference Called Again In Effort To Get Uni form Cotton Legislation W. C. Sarratt, farmer of Earl, has ; addressed the following open letter to Hia Excellency, Governor O, M. | Gardner of North Carolina and all governors of cotton producing states: “Your talk and actions together with the majority of the rest of the | south prove that there should be some uniform legislation to control cotton production m 1932. To pro tect this year's planter, tenant, time merchant, banker and taxes against us next year fools. Ore state with one law and other state with a different law, other states with no law will eventually mean no regulatory law whatever and at least leave a bad taste. 1 believe give us a pain of as much as five dollars a bale. 75 or 80 million dol lars to the south worse than if never had monkeyed with any legislation. Uniform legislation will do good 'CONTINUED ON PAG* TEN i Rev. Lucian Thayer Died Sunday Morn The Reverend Lucian H. Thayer, father-in-law of Mrs. Caroline Blanton Thayer, died suddenly Sun day morning at his summer home' in Dublin. New Hampshire. Death resulted from a heart attack. Fu neral services were held at Newton. Mass., his home. A number of Shelby people lx - came acquainted with Rev. Mr. Thayer last spring when he was in Shelby to ofilciate at the marriage of Miss Blanton and his son RICHBURG NOT MANAGER OF WARREN A. A l\ The Star misunderstood informa tion imparted to it this week when it announced that H. E. Richburg was made manager of the Warren street A. and P. store. Mr. Richburg was transferred from manager of the LaFayette street A. and P. but is not manager of the Warren St A. and P. Mr. Moose has been and still is manager of this store. Expect Thousands To Attend Fair Opening “School Day” Tuesday Will Draw Thous ands Of Youngsters. All Exhibit Space Taken. Fair Tract To Be City Of Activity Over Week-End. W ith enthusiasm increasing as the opening day nears, indications today were that thousands of people will take in the big Cleveland County Fair next week, beginning Tuesday and continuing through Saturday. The first day, Tuesday, is "school Day" with all school children being admitted .free and will likely be the peak day of the big agricultural event. The Chase Given TryOut At Fair, . Barrier System EiKitly Kiwanian* And Visitors En joy Barbecue. Attendance Over 1000 Last Night. While the Cleveland county fair does not open until Tuesday, fully 1000 people were admitted last night fiee of charge to witness a demon stration of ‘ The Chase" put on for the benefit of the Klwanla club members numbering 75 with their guests. Fine Quality or Exhibits. The program was in charge of the Lineberger brothers and Bill McCord and a delightful barbecue lunch was served by the 8tamey barbecue stand. After the meal, R. W. Shoffner, county agent, pointed out the improvements of the fair this year and the wider range of exhibits that will be seen. “It has been a wonderful crop year, and the quality of the exhibits will be higher than ever before," said Mr. j Shoffner as he pointed out in de | tail the new features added to every [department. Tom Cornwell spoke ion tha cattle and tivMftoek depart* I ments, but neither speaker could be 'heard well for the baying of the hounds, who scented the red fox in the little cage on “The Chase," a new device which promises to be [one of the biggest attractions at the fair. 75 Fine Fox Hounds. Some fifty or more of the finest | fox hounds of the county were j there, together with tlieir owners and many spectators to see The Chase demonstrated. As previously explained in The Star. Dr. Dorton has rigged up a device for a fox and hound chaae, the fox being car ried in a small wire basket on an electrically operated trolley with an automatic speed control. When the hounds scent the fox, they are ready to go and around the track the hounds go, yelping and barking which sounds like music to the lov C'ONTINUEt) ON PAGF TIN > Barrett Goes With Team To Charlotte "Purp" Barrett, hard-hUUng fullback and the main cog in the offense of the Shelby high football eleven, accompanied the team to Charlotte this after noon despite an ankle injury. A day or two ago it was thought Barrett's injury would keep him out of the lineup and this belief lessened Shelby’s already slight chances of holding the big Charlotte team to a close score. When Coach Morris left he said “I'm taking Barrett along and he'll more than likely get to do some playing.” The team, accompanied by quite a number of supporters, left at 1 o'clock. Tallest Woman On Earth Will Be Seen At Big Cleveland County Fair Coming; direct from Europe and making their first appear ance bn the American conti nent, the famous Van Droy sen sisters. known as “The Human Skyscrapers," have been engaged by the Model Shows of America to be the guest feature of the big mid way when the show appears here at the Cleveland County fair. These” girls arc thr tallest giantesses the world has ever known, and their pictures have appeared from time to time In newspapers and magatines all over the globe. Elsa, the young er of the two Is 21 years of age and stands exactly 8 feet Z in ches tali, while her smaller sis ter, Hilda, towers to 7 feet, six inches, and they are both built in proportion to their height. Doctors readily agree that they are two of the finest speci mens of real womanhood that medical science has ever record ed. To give an idea of how tall these girls really are, the show management offers a round trip ticket to all of the midway shows to any person who can* not walk under Elsa's out stretched arm. They are expert linguists— great entertainers—%nd take keen pleasure in answering all questions. Their affable atti tude towards visitors ha* en deared them to countless thou sands since crossing the pond. Fair Secretary Dorton said today (hat -the free admission tickets tor children had already been turned ever to school authorities and an* being distributed by the county superintendent's office and com mitteemen in the various districts Ns Space Left. l*U> Thursday fair officials an nounced that every bit of space in both the agricultural and manufac turer's building had been taken, AU the space for the individual, com munity and miscellaneous exhib its is also filled or will be filled over the week-end, "If we are handicapped by »n; - thtng it will be the lack of space, Dr. Dorton said today. "The farm ers and manufacturers have booked every inch of display space. The entries in the livestock, poultry and dog shows assure that there will be no space left there. And to top it off the advance agent of the big Model Shows states that the show coming is the one that played the mammoth Toronto Exposition and will cover more space In the big fair tract than any show that has ever been here. Too. the foxhound racing has everyone so enthused and is at tracting so many people from other sections that it appears as if we will have crowds enough to take jpp what remaining space there is?’ Rattle Is On. The rush of activity which al ways goes with the week-end before the opening is already on. Hun dreds have been going out each night this week for the preliminary races on the foxhound racing track. Stands and booths are going up and exhibits are being moved. The rac ing stables are filling up and aach afternoon and morning the homer are being warmed up around the half-mile track. Much yet remains to be done and between now and Tuesday morning the fair tract will be a mass of hurrying workers Many Horses More race horses have already been booked than have ever enter ed the Cleveland races and still oth er entries are expected. Today it was known that at least 75 or 80 racing horses would be here. Among those already here are the Gene Cannon horses and the E. R. Terry horses. Others coming include three of the horses of Will Reynolds, the tobacco magnate coming from Tanglewood Farm, and four from the Penny Brothers Racing Stables Many Booths. There will be more community farm booths and more individual booths at the fair next week than ever before. Farm Agent R W Shoffner informs. There will be even community booths and five individual farm booths. Last year there was only one individual farm booth. There will be 25 exhibitors in the 200-ear corn contest, and r big egg exhibit will be an added feature of the poultry department Entries in the livestock show have been limited to Cleveland county because so many out-of-county en tries came tn last year that tents and temporary-quarters had to be erected to shelter the cattle. The Amusements. Tn addition to the various dis plays, booths and exhibits, para mounting the live-at-home move ment on the farm, the daily enter tainment highlights will be the horse racing and the foxhound rac ing each afternoon and night, the free acts both afternoon and night and the spectacular fireworks early each night. Brown To Pl*y In Lenoir-Rhyne Game Guy