Ret! Tape Victim Pacing Reparation from her hug '•and and 4-year-old daughter, be eaaae of a deportation order tc aend her back to her native Jugo slavia, Mrs. Irka Kuamanich (ol San Francisco. above with husband and child), who Is soon to be a mother again, made tearful en treaties to the authorities to per mit her baby to be bom an Ameri can. Mrs. Kuxmanirh had only a sit-month permit when she came hore six years ago and married Martin Kuimanich. The Jugosla vian consul is interesting himscli in her case. Our idea of a washout u the man who thinks everybody is in terested in his small son. 666 LIQUID OK TABUilSs Believes a Headache or Neuralgia in i# minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three Kay*. b6li Salve lor Baby's Cold. T)r. Thornton's EASY TEETHER For children one month old to five years of age. Relieves colds, indiges tion and hovel-troubles and is es pecially recommended for cooling fever. ‘Easy Teether Makes Teething Easy At all Good Drug stores *_35c MOVED I have moved my shop from tha Bolck Garage to the Ideal Sendee Station,Jtrid Misrnheim er, manager. See me at my new location for Daco painting and fender work. P. M. FEATHERSTONE, Proprietor Phone 194 Old at 40 ? Beware Kidney Acidity If you feel old and run-dorm from Backache Leg Psltts, Stiffness, Nervousness, Circles “Oder Eyes, Headaches, Burning anil Bladder Weakness, caused by Kid ney Acidity, I want you to quit auf fertng right now. Come In and get what I think Is the greatest med trine I have ever found. It often *l\ea big improvement in St hours. Just ask me for Cystcx (Slas-teii Its only ,5c and I guarantee It to quickly combat these conditions and JJ**'£fy oomplctelyj or return empty package and get your monay bacii. JULIUS A. SUTTLE DRUG STORE Thedford'a Black-Draught Censttpation. Indigestion, and Blllousneae. Restless, could not sleep W'J’Hjcre were days when I felt like I could not get my work done. I would get so and ‘trembly* would have to lie down. I was very rest less, and could not sleep at night. My mother advised me to take Cardui, and I certainly am glad she did. It Is the first thing that seemed to give me any strength. I felt better after the first bottle. Z kept It up to HEALTH I housands leather At Ellenboro Fair (Special to The Star.) Ellenboro, Sept, 24.—-After thou sands of people had entered the fair grounds at Ellenboro last Friday and Saturday to see the excellent exhibits of tire various departments of the fair and to take part In the midway attractions, the Colfax fair came to a close late Saturday night with comments that It was the most successful of any fair ever held at EUenboro. The fair grounds with a midway of many ride.1) and other forms of amusements took on the atoms • j phere of a real county fair Friday ! and Saturday nights when It. was ; crowded with people filled with fair spirit Friday afternoon the baby show drew a large crowd when from twenty-five to fifty babies were on exhibition. Uttlc Miss Bettie Sue Barnett was awarded the $1.00 cash I prize for being the prettiest baby under one year of age in the show, and Martha Bridges was given the same amount for being the pret tiest one to two years of age. One dollar went to little Mias Mary Crow as a result of being judged the best developed under one year, and the same amount to Agnes Green who i was judged the best developed one to two years. Little Dorothy Allen was awarded $1.00 In cash for be ing the fatte.d under one year. Mas ter Jake Vassey Harrill was the I fattest one to two years of age and | got $1.00 In cash. Other winners in the show all of whom got prizes follow: Madge Harris. Mary C. Crow.- Charles Bweczy, Martha Brtdgec. Mrs. J. As bury of Forest [city, Mrs. J. B. Stockton of ltuth ,erfordton and Mr.-, W. C. Falvey of Forest City were the Judges of 1 the baby show. Previous to the awarding of the prizes In the baby show Miss Eliza beth Rucker was crowned queen in an impressive carnation exercise. After being crowned she awarded the prizes to the babies. Little Miss Jene Bridges and Joe Long stretch ed the ribbons Just ahead of Doi o hy Bushong and Corbet Jones strewed the flowers ahead of Mis Rucker as she walked on cheese cloth to the rostrum where she was crowned by Fiances Roark and Dick Hamrick who also carried the crown in the exercises. Tlie athletic and fun events wa:; opened up Saturday when Profes sor A, C. Hood threw two bantam roosters from the top of the school building with an announcement, "They are yours if you catch them." Then, he threw other prizes which were caught by the people below In the crowd. Miss Lillian Street got the priz?j for driving seven nails in a piece of j timber the quickest, and Miss Jessie Pearl Kendrick was awarded the prize for drinking a quart of milk tlie quickest from a bottle. The ice sitting contest was won j by Z&nc Edwards who sat on a (block of ice for fifteen and one-hat.' minutes. He would have sat longer but his father demanded that ne should get off of the block. How ever. the boy has not suffered any injury from chilling his body. The cchool exhibit was very much better and larger this year. All de partments of the school had some thing on exhibit showing the nature of the work done. Mr. Wfbb won in the corn husk ing contest. Professor Morns. agricultural teacher at Central high school and County Agent Patton judged the field crops and horticultural prod ucts. Miss Howard and Mr. Price judged the flowers. WOMAN' EVANGELIST TO SPEAK ON NEXT SUNDAY Mu-s Dora Willis will preach at Carpenters Grove on next Sunday p. m. at 2 o'clock, September 37th Miss Willis is a great speaker. Sh" has recently answered the call to preach. Everybody invited. NOTICE OF Ttl'mi'S RALE Default having been made in payment nf the indebtedness secured by that cer tain deed of trust to the undersigned a* Trustee tor Ptldt Lite Insurance Company by E. L. Beam and title. Annie Bernice Beam, on the 33rd day of October. 1938. and recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Cleveland County In Book 158 at Page 386. it will, under and by vtrtue of the power of sale vested In bv said deed of trust, and at the request of the sestut que trail, and tor the pur pose of discharging the debe secured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to the | highest bidder, for c*sh. et the court house door In Shelby. Cleveland Count'-, "rth Ct-roltna. at 13 o'clock M on Monday. October 19, tail I the following described land, to-wit' Lying and being In No 6 townahlp. C'eveland County N. C.. and more par ticularly described and defined as fol-1 lows: All that house and lot situated In the Town of Shelby, N C . and tn the Southeast square thereof, on the North side of Graham 6treet, and on tire West side of DeKalb Street, and known as the residence of the said c. R Webb; thej same being the lot which was conveyed to the eald Cleveland Bank A- Trust Com pany. by deed by J. J. Latliinore. Trus tee. by deed dated Jan. 30. 1833. and re corded In Book “LLL" of Deeds, at page 308 In the office of Register of Deeds of Cleveland County. N. C , and more par ticularly described as follows Beginning at a stake, south edge of Mrs M. J DoggetC* line, and corntr of the J A Wright line thence with said Wright line East 80 feet to the West edge of DeKaib Street; thence with said DeKalb Street South ISO feet to the north edge of Gra ham street; thence with Graham street West 80 feet to Mrs M. J Doggett , eo*. ner, thence North with her Une 180 feet to the beginning. The aforesaid lot •* the same as that eon'eyed to Enos L Beam and wife. Annie Bernice Beam b» the Cleveland Bank * Trust company bv deed dated October », 1»3S. which deed la registered m Book "J-P ■ page 461 m the office of the Register of Deeds' of Cleveland County. N. C. Thta the 16th day of September. 1831 NORTH C ARGUN A TRUST COMPANY Trustee. Brooks. Perker, Smith a Wharton. Attorneys, Greensboro, N c oelwood Section Events Of Week Missionary Ladies Meet. Birthday Dinner At Mr. (atndon's. Other News. Belwood, Sept. 23.—Mrs. Hug 1 Hoyle entertained the missionary ladles of Kade&h church Saturday afternoon. Among those present were Mesdumes lee McMurry, S. A Peeler, Walter Dixon, Frank Sta mey and Mrs. W, C. Edwards and Misses Rosemary Peeler and Male Edwards at the close of Hie pro gram Delicious refreshments were served. Born recently to Air. and Mrs* John 8aln a dainty daughter. Mr. John Brackett had the mis fortune of getting his arm broken early in the spring. He was shot in the foot. A large crowd attended the birth day dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs. John London in honor of Mrs. Jane London Sunday. Mr. Charles McMurry of Wash ington, D. C. spent the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C K. McMurry. Miss Male Ledford, daughter e! Prof, and Mrs. C. A. Ledford has ;ntered Mars Hill college where she will be a freshman this year. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cline and chil :lren of Lawndale visited .her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith Saturday afternoon. Miss Austinc Brackett, R, N.. of Shelby, spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. an ! Vfrs. J. W, Brackett. Mrs. Paul Wellmon and daugh er. Miss Shirley, of near Lawndale ipent the week-end with Mrs. M. J. Wellmon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sain ano ‘hildron spent Sunday with Mr. and Urs. Will Sain of Vale. Miss Pearl Gantt spent Friday right and Saturday with Mr, and Urs. J. T. Ramsey of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Willis and :hildren of Lincolnton visited her I nother, Mrs. S. L. Oantt Sunday I morning. Mis* Ala Male Brackett lias rc« signed her position as a mine at the state hospital at Morganton. Mr and Mrs. Bill Warllek of near Casar spent Sunday with his sis ter. Mrs. Elite White. Mr. and Mrs. duy Warllek ana | babv of Lawndale and Mr. and Mrs | Clarence Warl^k of Vale spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and i Mrs. B. C. Turner. Little Miss Katherine Stanley is quite 111 at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Willis mid children of Lincolnton visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Willis Sunday after noon. Mr, and Mr.:. Moore are spending tome time with relatives at Lenoir Mrs. M. J. Wellmon and children Effle and Paul, visited her daugh ter. Mrs. Cletus Wright of Beams ! Mill Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoyle and | children and Mr. Lem Hoyle and Mrs. George Martin and children i spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.; Noah Hoyle and Mr. anti Mrs. Joe I Mintz of near Blacksburg, B. C. Mr. M. L. Smith and children of Fallstoa spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr. and Mr. j Mack Smith. The many friends of Miss Bessie Lee Warllek surprised her Satur day evening with a jkarty. Games, contests and conversations were carried on during the evening. Miss Jennette Hoyle and Edward Brackett had their tonsil? removed at Shelby Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dixon and children spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Guy Dixon of Lin colnton. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Edwards and daughter. Miss Maie, attended a surprise birthday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Layton Ed wards of near Bostic Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Melton and family of Glenn Alpine and Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peeler and family was the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Prank Stamey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dayberry and children visited her mother. Mrs W. w. Richard Sunday afternoon. Mr. B. C. Turner of Shelby spent the week-end at his home. Swift’* Jewel SHORTENING 5 d„ 25c Btct, 7Vc FOLK FANCY FLORIDA Grapefruit Nc°.n2 15c N. B. C. Crackers 6 p£, 25c Rf;ai>"t to skhvje Spaghetti 2 cans 15c OCTAGONPRODUCrS Soap special 3 cakes 10c Soap large 5 cakes 25c Soap toilet 3 cakes 23c Powders 3 pkgs. 10c PLAIN A&P SUNNYFIELD 24 lb. 98 lb. *2ls 59c IONA 24 lb. 98 lb. 49c T! SCOTTISSUE 3 rolls 23c WALDORF 4 rolls 19c FAIRY SOAP 6 cakes 25c CHIPSO 3 pkgs. 23c » o'clock Hjjjj. |b |Q|| COFFEE san,ov ’ * CHEESE »• 19c Corned Beef a,1 19c m j, » l.uciy SUlkea Cartou t O SO Cigarettes r.;: y * GRANDMOTHER’S BREAD Sc — A. & P. MARKET SPECIALS — Sliced Boiled Ham, lb.__ Sliced Break fast Bacon, lb. 35c 25c Sliced Cured Ham, lb. Pure Pork Sausage. !b . _ 25c 15c THE GREAT Atlantic & Pacific « Double Shoals News Of the Current Week C. R. Spangler Quits Sunday School Superintcndenoy After Five Year*. (Six'cial to The Star.) Double Shoals, Sept. 24.—A large crowd was present last Sunday at the division meeting of. the B. Y P. V. Three unions were present and a very interesting program was given. Revs. D, G. WashburiT and W. A. Elam brought fine messages in regard to B. Y. P. U. work. The Baptist Sunday school will have a new superintendent, Sun day. Sept. 27th. After five yeais without a change, Supt. C. R. Span gler resigned one month ago to take effect Sunday, Sept. 20th. Carl M Spangler will take over the work and lead a Sunday school that has been on the accredited list of stand ards for seven years. Messrs. A. L. Spangler and Yates Sperling made a business trip last week to Kannapolis. Messrs. A. D. and A. P. Spangler and family spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrp. Clarence Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spangler, of Shelby, spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spangler. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Sperling of Waco and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Span gler spent last Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Cornwell. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Spangler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Eskridge. Miss Bessie Eskridge spent several days last week with Mrs. A, A. roney. Saturday and Sunday will be ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICK Having this d»y nullified u adminis tratrix of the estate of Cirl M Stroup, leceased of Cleveland county. North Caro Iria, this la to notify all persons having ■lalma against the said estate to present :hem to me properly proven on or before the 20th day of July 1933 or this notice Win be pleaded In ber of any recovery hereof. All persons Indebted to the said ’state will please make immediate settle uent to the undersigned. This July 31st. 1931. Mrs. Atha Stroup, Administratrix of •state of Carl M. Stroup. «t-31p. I regular monthly services at the Baptist church. Church conference Saturday at 3 o’clock. A commun ity-wide religious census will bi ; taken Sunday morning. Sunday school at 2 o'clock and preaching a' !3 o'clock p. m. Lutheran Church Sunday Services Lutheran Church of the Ascen sion, Rev. N. D. Yount, pastor. Sev enteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at ten o'clock. A little time given to the study 01 Eternal Truth. Morning worship, 11 Luther league, 6:30, a live pro gram for wide-awake young peo ple. Evening worship, 7:30, sermon bv o'clock. 8ermon by the pastor, the pastor, on timely topics. Special: Southwestern district meeting of the Luther league of North Carolina in Kings Mountain at 3:30 p. m. Let us have a full representation. Pay up Sunday. Ac cording to the suggestion of the stewardship committee of Synod, wc want to make a special effort to catch up, if we are behind in our contributions. These services are held In the Episcopal church. Come. Thi* Woman Lost 64 Pounds of Fat Mrs. H, Price of Woodside, L. I„ writes: "A year ago I weighed 190 lbs. I started to take Kruschen and now I weigh 128 and never felt bet ter in my life and what’s more I look more like 20 yrs. old than the mother of 2 children, one 19 and the other 18. Every one of iny friends say it’s marvelous the way I reduced." To lose fat with speed take a half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water before breakfast every morning—don’t miss a morn ing—an 85 cent bottle lasts 4 weeks —get it at Stephenson Drug store and Cleveland Drug store or any drug store in America. If not joy fully satisfied after the first bottle —money back. adv. — PAY YOUR 1930 TAXES — And save the embarrassment of having your property advertised for sale. Under the law, all property on which 1930 taxes have not been paid, will be advertised for sale, the first week in October. No more grace can be allowed. Attend to this at once. I. M. ALLEN, Tax Collector Land To Be Sold THE J. M. McSWAIN LAND, OF GAFFNEY, S. C., WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT HOUSE DOOR IN GAFFNEY, S. C., ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, AT ELEVEN O’CLOCK A. M., BY PROBATE JUDGE LAKE W. STROUP. BETWEEN 600 AND 700 ACRES GOOD FARM LAND, CUT INTO LOTS OF 40 TO 50 ACRES EACH. THE LATE J. M. McSWAIN WAS ONCE A RESIDENT OF CLEVELAND COUNTY. Money For The Fair If you are »hort of cash for the Cleve land County Fair, se$ us for loans from $5 to $40 on your own personal endorse ment. Also $50 to $1,000 on stocks and bonds. Easy payments, confidential service. No unnecessary delays. Citizens Finance Company 12 Lineberger Building Entrance W. Marion St. ~7 yrygisraa fci, We Fill Any p v Tri W flT f-1 JO For A Ra«l*tered ' Doctor* SI) | I Lt, S Dru«Ut PRESCRIPTIONS ^ PHONE tt« V11UV1J Ready To Serve The officers of the Union Trust Com pany stand ready, at your request, to give you all the information at their disposal in connection with your business problems and to aid you in every way consistent with sound banking practice. Union Trust Co. "IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH” uaLmq Tests win prove it BEST l • • • Vf* BAKING HV POWDER DOUBLE TESTED DOUBLE ACTION ctfAE PRICf _ 40?t^S . 25 ounces for 259 COPYRIGHT 1911 »Y JAOUES n?C Cb *. *' millions of pounds used by OUR GOVERNMENT HOW AT a NEW AK> LOW** PWCE FO* 1M1, MIS Graatast of Haavy Duty Ticat ic Mad* Still Finart STILL mora milaaga, though Hi# cost to you U last! That's tit* b*g new* of 1931 about •be Umowt Now Goodyear Heavy Duty AH Woo tit or. You've toon it adding StyU end Searteeas to many e#rt. Your eyes have ad "tired it* prwmed sidebars pointing to the S3 vor Stripe on tito wad. You've noted its big tae, it* Husky beauty. No Heavy duty tire hat aver. »ald Rauch tr emend out numbers—if* TH€ leaderl Come m and let ut tell you how little it aoat* today to enfoy the matchless endurance, aelety end ityie of these great tires on YOUR carl LAWMJALE, N. C. 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Means 20,000 intense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,000 People about it in these columns.

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