. Webb Theatre TONIGHT and SATURDAY “The Lightning Flyer” —WITH— .1 AMES HALL and DOROTHY SEBASTIAN A MILE A MINUTE RAILROAD THRILLER Also CHARLIE CHASE COMEDY and KRAZY KATS. EVERYBODY 10c COMING MONDAY LEWIS STONE In “THE BARGAIN” SHOWS RUNNING CONTINUOUSLY I TO ELEVEN Webb Theatre Penders THE BETTER CHAIN — 2 STORES — N. LaFAYETTE STREET AND SOUTH WASHINGTON STREET RICHER RIO COFFEE - 2 Pounds N. B. C. 5c VARIETY* 6 Packages . RED WING PRESERVES - A a ^ Assorted Flavors - 1 lb. jar LIBBY’S PINEAPPLE - No. 2 can — sliced or crushed 19c BEST FOOD Mayonnaise - 8 oz. jar 15c BEST FOOD Salad Dressing — Pint ..19c BEST FOOD Salad Dressing — Quart 35c NUCOA BUTTER - Pound . CREAM OF WHEAT . KELLOGGSPEP Package ... 17c 2lc 11c lie POST BRAN FLAKES PINK SALMON Can .. OCTAGON SOAP and POWDERS - 3 for O.K. SOAP Large Bar . 10c 10c Sc COMPLEXION TOILET SOAP — 3 for. SUPER SUDS And CHIPSO - 3 for .... 10c 23c SUGAR - Pound ... . Sc SLICED BACON - Banquet Brand - Pound FAT BACK - Thick - Pound . RIB MEAT - Nice Quality Lean - Pound 10c lie SALT MACKEREL - 3 for 25c COMPOUND LARD - Pound . .. . 9c NO. 1 WHITE POTATOES 10 Pounds 20c LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Miss Luoile Blanton has returned home from Atlanta where she has been spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leribe: ter. Capt D A Click man is attend ing the American Legion conven tion in Detroit. From Detroit he ex pects to go to Chicago, then to Mil waukee on a buying trip and will return to Shelby Wednesday or Thursday. Mi s Charlie Mae Laughndge leaves today for Washington. D. C. and New York City. She will be the guest of her sister, Miss Virginia Laughridge while in Washington. Mrs. William Yelton of Lawn dale is spending the week in Char lotte with her daughter Mrs. Cleni Spangler and Mr. Spangler. Mr. D. A. redder is spending ih:l day today in Charlotte Miss Jean Ware, of Kina'' Moun tain. will spend the week-end here with Miss Mary Lineberger. Miss Gertrude Taylor leaves this afternoon for Asheville where sh* will spend the week-end Mr and Mrs J M Shannon house have gone to Richmond, Va where Mr. Shannon,house will enter a hospital for treatment AmoiiR the Shelbv people who expect to attend the South Caro llna-Duke game in Columbia to morrow are: Messrs. Chas. Buice. R. W. Morris. Hugh Atrowood, Paul Reid Arrow ood, Harvey White. Rena Drum. Milton Lev and Dr Tom Brice Mitchell. Miss Dorothy Clement, of Greens boro, will arrive tomorrow to spend the week-end with Mr and Mrs. R. W Morris Mrs. Joe E. Nash leaves this aft ernoon to spend the week-end in! Hickory with Mr. and Mrs. R N. Guriev. Miss Louise M-Leod. who is spending sometime here at. the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods, is spending today in Char lotte with Mrs. Woods, who is ill in the Presbyterian hospital there. Misses Mary Lineberger. Eliza beth Campbell, Messrs. John Cor bett, Hubert Wilson, and William Lineberger are attending the Char lotte-Shelby football game In Char lotte this afternoon Mrs. Ernest Hoey is spending the day today in Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Dennis and little daughter. Edna Brooks, will spend the day Sunday in Newberry, S. C.. visiting Mr. Dennis" parents Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Dennis Mrs. Raymond Carroll, Mrs Henry Carroll, and Miss Egberts North are spending today in Char lotte. Miss Jewell Crenshaw, of Char lotte. will be the week-end guest of Capt. and Mrs. Peyton McSwain. Mrs. John Pender, of Tar boro, who has been spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. E. Y. Webb, and Judge Webb, here and at their summer home in Asheville. left this morning for Charlotte where she will visit Mrs. John Pender, the third, before going on to her Home. She was accompanied to Charlotte for the day by Mrs. Webb. Teaching an unwilling pupil is our idea of punishment. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of deed of truet executed #t;j tay of January, 1930. by Annie McCon nell. single, to secure an Indebtedness said deed of trust being recorded In book 160 page 39. of the registers office, and after default and demand, I will sell to the highest bidder at the court house Joor in Shelby, on Monday. October S«. at II o clerk M. 1991 >r within legal hours, the following de icribed real estate: Situated in northeast portion of the :own of £he!by, N. C. and being lof No. 14 of the subdivision of Mrs. Z. Green's 19 aere tract, as shoan by plat book No t. page 46. Terms of sale Cash This the 25th dav of September 1931 B. T. PALLS, Trustee. * 4t Sept 23c RUPTURE E. J. MEINHARDI OP CHICAGO IS COMING HERE AGAIN He will personally demonstrate his method without charge at the Charlotte Hotel, Charlotte, N. Car., on Wednesday only. September 30th, from 10:00 a. in. x> 4:00 p. m. Only men are in vited This method contracts the rupture opening in the average case no mat ter how large the rupture or where it it located. Rupture often causes Stomach Trou ble, Backache, Constipation. NervSIia ness and other ailmepta Hundred! of deaths from rupture can be avoided. tTbls visit is for white people only.i —E J. Meinhardi, Home Office. 1531 N Crawford Ave.. Chtcao _ Scout Council Has Meeting In Shelby Elfhly-eight Troops in Piedmont C ouncil Have 1,615 Members. Reports Made. The executive board of the Pied- ] mom council of the Boy Scouts of America met at the Hotel Charles this week at which time represen tatives from six counties were present and reports were received from various departments of thrj council is leading in the Carolinas ; in membership and in the number ; of boys in ramp during the past i summer. Outstanding among the reports received was the one received from Major B. Sharp of Tryon. chair man of the camping committee, which report showed 760 different scouts and leaders in attendaiice at the 1931 summer camp with a re-j cord of 890 boy weeks. Over 1001 boys learned to swim and 64 qual- j if led as life savers and were made ; members of the American Red Craoss life saving corps. During the j summer camp. 20 scouts attained j the Eagle rank and 496 merit bad- j ges were awarded. Targe Membership. In the Piedmont council there are 88 troops with r boy member- i ship of 1,615 boys the largest num- ' ber under any council in the Car olinas and the second largest num ber in the councils of the southeast.1 Courts of Honor. Judge A C. Jones of Gastonia, chairman of the department of awards reported that 47 courts of honor laive been held during the year and that 315 second class. 114 First class. 89 star. 34 life 38 eagle and 15 Eagle palms have been awarded with a total of 1.763 merit badges. Four outstanding men in scout circle-, in the Piedmont area were recommended to the National council for the silver beaver award for distinguished service to boyhood the names of those recommended can not be diiclosed until action is' taken upon the recommAdations by the National council. Nelson Jackson jr . of Tryon. rc pre. entative of the Piedmont coun cil on the National council of the Boy Scouts of America. made an interesting and inspiring report on the meeting of the National coun cil held at Memphis. Reports from the inter-rabia* com mittee of the council show a con tinuaUdevelopment of the work of scouting among negro boys and the extension of this work to various sections of the council. During the next three months the! council will stage through it» vari ous local committees a membership, campaign with the hope of reach ing hundreds of additional boys.i who because of unemployment orj economic conditions have at their disposal an excess of leisure time. Tlie scout movement atempting to occupy this leisure time with eon NOTICE or SALE OK BARBER SHOI EQUIPMENT. By virtue of the power of sale contan en m certain chattel mortgages recordi in the Office of the register of deeds Cleveland county. North Carolina. In boi page ISO. which chattel mortgag 111. at page 454. and book 159 were given to secure certain indebtedne and which indebtedness ts past due ar not paid, the undersigned will offer h sale at Patton's Barber shop under t! Union Truet company, at Shelb-, Non Carolina on Friday at 3 o clock p i October 16. 1931 for cash the foliowli described property to-wlt: All the eqmi uient furniture and fixtures now local “*„*•** Wright Barber shop under ti Cleveland Bank Ar Trust company, cci sis ting of the following articles: 4’ barbi ml,rror"' ' ten blew Wicker su. “Tf "*Vori*l cl!h register, and all pluml ng equipment, and other accessories ar 1 *3 Ivory chair. No. S3 leather This 25th day of September, 1931 FRED J. WRIGHT UNION TRUST COMPANY Mortgagee and Assignee 0 z Newton, Atty. 41 Sepl 2. IDEAL Eating Place -.|Nobody_ knows. better than a patron what a first- j class, eating, place . the Piedmont Cafe is. Here is one of the prize-winners in the recent Letter Contest: Contest Editor. Cleveland Star, j Shelby. N C Dear Sir The habit of going out to | meals rs steadily growing When a Town or City is so fortunate as to have an “UP-TO-DATE CAFE,” the temptation L even greater. I am proud that Shel by has the "PIEDMONT CAPE.1 It is a pleasure to take one's ! guests there, of to recommend to the stranger this splendid eating j place Splendid cooking. Clean- j linesi Excellent Service the Home Atmosphere and Very Convenient Location makes the “PIEDMONT" the IDEAL PLACE TO EAT itructlve activities Those in attendance at the inert ing were President. J W Atkins. Treasurer Warren Y. Gardner. Judge A C. Jones, a K Winget. Joe I Holland and Scout Executive R. M. Schiele of Gastonia, Vice President C. C Dawson and C D. Welch of Cramerton. P. P Mur phy and Robert Jackson of Lowell, Vice President J. L. Thornburg, ol Statesville. Vice President Brooks M. Todd and Prof Eugene DeF. Heald of Hickory. Vice President G Max Long and W K Keeter of Morganton. Vice President B. L. Smith and Rev. L. B. Ha>e of Shelby. Major B Shaip Nelson Jackson Jr., and Pied F Swann of Tyron Craven Farmers Ship Three Hundred Hogs New Bern -Five carload, of hogs containing 300 hog... were ship pro Tue. day tnuriiing to :„.chniowd from Craven county fanners, the ttrst of the fal hog shipment*. H reported by County Agent C F. Fane. Thti makes a total of 36 cars tor the year. Perhaps the low est price for the Craven hogs will be received, but it, Is believed th«; the farmers will make a small prof it from them McBrayer School Roll Of Honor The MrBraycr ; cliool closed Sep tember 18. for the children tc help pick cotton. Tit oar wining prise, were Ethel Crotu, Ocie Sisk Mary Rutlv Davis. Florence Border*- and Daniel Evans The honor roll wa? made b\ a number First grade; Evelyn Evans Flor ence Bordets, Ronclall Olbson. Col untbu.s Church. Harvir Allen and Wray Randall (treenr Second grade Don-- flippy, Madeline Humphries and Coleman Crotts Third grade Mary Ruth Dan.., Blondmo Evans, Ruby Allen Octe Si, k, Ethel CrotU and Willie Grif fin Fouilh grade. Noble EtaiM Dan iel Etans and William lemons one rea on ivliy some new .]ia;ier.j full i. because their editor forget who lead', them Add modern myth- H e it’i, i pro., the people's voice file trouble with public 1; that moat of Ihrm cant :ipca». ! Ideas are laluable only when j nut into effect, apphe to ad- • r-1 • i nig Carolina “SHELBY'S I’Of’l LAH IM.A YHOl'SK" — I*HON K nt; — — TODAY See America's (neatest Emotional Actr.'?» CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG IN “Mother and Son" Night life in the country's wickedest fits . . , Keno a score of years ago . . . and now! EVERY BODY IAii every SPAT — SATURDAY — HOOT GIBSON IN “THE HARD HOMBRE” Announcement We ">sh to announce (hat after much delibcraliun. and preparation we arc now ready to offer for resident ial purpose choice Building Lots in our new development in West Shelby. These lots are on West Warren. Graham. Oak, Blanton. Gardner. Keid. Southern and on W hisnant. Gold and Cedar streets which run south from Warren Street. 3-4 mil." from court square and join Graham Street school property. The entire development will consist of more than 300 lots. Water and sewerage have already been placed on several streets and streets are and will be kept in good condition. Great care has been taken in the laving out of this property which will be restricted and used for resident ial purposes, the entire amount of which is to be sold to white people only. This is choice property, bought right and is offered at extremely low prices. Oliver Anthony, office in Gineherger Building. will assist me in placing these lots with good people. We invite inspection of interested parties. C. S. YOUNG OWN Elt SHELBY ^ nLtvJSLAM) pOI N'l'V AFE ^ onserTalir# onseiemintu BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION LEARN TO SAVE SYSTEMATICALLY AND REGULARLY. OIR SERIES RUNS 332 WEEKS AND YOU ( AN SAVE AS FOLLOWS: -5c l‘er week will he worth $100.00 SI.00 per week will be worth $400.00 $2.00 per week will be worth $800.00 $5.00 per week will be worth $2,000.00 lake a few’ .shares and learn to save your money. We also have attractive investment proposition for ump sums. . VEW SERIES STARTS SATURDAY. OUT*. 3. 1931 Shelby & Cleveland County Building and Loan Association U. T. LeGUAND. I'res. — •INO. I*. MULL. Sec. A PLAN THAT ALWAYS WORKS .Saving bil by bit may seem a long and tedious road to higher finance and investment. But If you save the dollars and cents—or any odd sums—you will soon compose the working ■ apital you hold in your dreams. You are cer tain to acquire a handsome total ready for the worthwhile things you had hoped would be yours. SAVE WITH The First National Bank SHELBY. N C . DO YOU WANT FINANCIAL PEACE OF MIND? M;!ii\ Have Solved I his Problem With Annuities in the EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY I his m*lit uuon over 71 years old and with more than h buhoti dollars ol assets offers vou financial securitv as long as you live. I lie Refund Annuity Issued on .Male Lives Provides the ollowing dates of Income (Females Slightly Lower): 60 . .. 8% 65 .... ... .... .,8.99'V ‘ge <0 ____10.2C 75 -----Itl.8L Age St) - ---„_13.9^7 I he total return may be much more, but ran never be less than the amount invested. Life Annuities provide larger incomes than quoted above as there is no refund of invested capital afrer death of annuitant. There is an annuity to fit every pocketbook in coat and every need in service. Complete details will be fur nished on request. HARVKY S. WHITE, Representative. SHELBY, N. C. The Equitable Life Assurance Society Of The United States To The Farmer* Of The Kings Mountain Section We will gin your cotton and furnish you JUTE OR COTTON BAGGING At $2 Per Bale "e also bu.' your seed and cotton and pay you the top market price. "e are equipped to g|v,« you the best service of anv gin in this section. Vou are united to give us a trial. Kings Mountain Cotton Oil Co. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. G. D. HAMBRIGHT Get Free Ticket To The Big Cleveland. County Fair Hath package of Bust's Butterl'lake Bread and Lakes contains printed Cleveland County Fair Tickets. Some of these tickets have been signed by Dr. J. S, Dor ton and Mr. L. 0. Dost; the others are unsigned. bach I icket That Bears These Two Signatures Is Good For Oiv? Free Adult Admission To The CLEVELAND COUNTY FAIR. tickets that have not been signed will not be hon ored. There is no limit to the number of tickets you may get. — DEMAND ROST'S BREAD AND CAKES — - ' f - k < » HOST'S BAKERY PHONE lr.S _ SHELBY. N. C.

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