Zion coMNumr rronio(i»n Ojiv In ^undav School Clint Ootrts Home From HotpiUl. Zion. Sept. 22. We are o.inning to observe promotion day next Sunday in our Funds’, school An interesting program is Delhi plan ned Mi>.« Thelma Spangler ":1* enter tain her class oi primary girls at her home nexi Saturday m min*, even primalv girl is rxpwtrd to be present Mr C C Owens has re' •Tiled to his home from the Shelby hospital, lery much improved O T. Cabanis.s and lam,!, spent. Saturday with Mr. and. M ,io< Cabanias of Shelby Mr Johnnie Lee of Atlanta (in Is visiting her mother M r Flor ence Rovstei Mrs. Mag Gold ol Polkvilii visit ed Mr and Mrs F VV Cabanirr last week Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gold visited Mr and Mrs Toni Dixon Mat Suh dav afternoon Mr. and M 1 alimtt) Wilson of Belwood visited Mr. and Mr Bob ble RudSsil! last Sunday Sorrv Mr' G H Simmons and Mrs, Charles Cabo ms haw been sick both are improving Mi and Mrs Harrif Bailey, of Fllberton Oa . and Mrs K A fludo Mll ol Shelby visited Mr aim Mrs Bobbie Rudasill. Sunday Mi George Webb and SOU Carl* enfoti of Spencer, visited relatives in the community Sunday, Miss Ruby Irvin spent Fridas in harlotte shopping Mr and Mrs, Charlie Cuba mss visited Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mint* of Blacksburg. S C. Sunday The officers and leaclie s will meet Saturday evening at 7.30 at the home ol Mr and Mrs G r Cab am-jv Mr. and Mrs Less Haiti nek ol ! amrnore. spent Sunday with M' and Mrs .1 M. Wilson and family Scared Boy Jumps Into Lake, Drowns Marion. Frightened bv the rock ing of a small bom on Morgan a Uke. near here, Alvin Parker. 10 leaped into the water and was drowned Sunday evening about 0 odor': HK bodv was recovered half an hour later, and everything possible’ done to revive him. but to no avail The coroner. Dr. .1 F Jonas Investigated the drowning and re ported that an inquest would not be neressary The ehtlri was in the boat with one of his brothers and a negro youth While some distance from the shore, these two suddenly he Ban to rock the hoRt playfully, r was reported, and so frightened Ai ?in that he plunged from it into the water Last Word in HIGH QUALITY Battery Construction Supreme BATTERIES Far ttio*« wHo ara looking for mw high itandardi of powar, long lira, expandability and acoftomy. ft it built of Rnait wiatar'iaU with ovartiiad parti. Drivainforour FREE Firaitona Sfandardixad BattarySarviea. j • B«Htrif> ■ Br»U tJwijW w 13-Plale Firestone Battery $5-95 Tillman's SERVICE STATION PHONE 804-J It Pavs To Advertise Toluca And Knob Creek Gleanings Trarhrr* ^nd Offirrr* Hrrfrd. Ntimhor of Children Born In < nnimunitv. '8prcj.il to Tlip Slur.' Toluca, Sept. 24 -The .-.enioi and junior B Y. P U of Carpenters drove attended a district meeting a the Baptist church at Double Shoals on last SuniU.v p m Tlie devotional was read by Mis Edith I.edford alter which an inter esting talk was made by Rev D. G Washburn on beginning of a Chris tum The junior B. Y P. U. brought the attendance banner back with ihem The next meeting will be held al Carpenter; Grove The church met In conference on i.i ; Saturda; and elected the pas tor, officers and teachers for flic coining year. Rev W. G. Camp we. re-elected as pa Ur .1 G Cat-pen er. church clerk, S T Carpenter, lupcrintendent Miss Mar.v Ledford secretary. J, A. Huffman, •-teacher of adult mens class, Miss Irna Carv pen ter, teacher of ihe adult worn Bn's class. Glenard Warlick teacher of the young men's clai-s. Miss Mk nt- Stint. teacher ot the young wom en's' class, Kdgat Cook, teacher of ihe intermediate boys class, Mrs Nora Costner, teacher of ihe inter mediate girls, E, L. Propat, teacher of the junior boys’ class. Miss Van gie Mull, teacher of the junior girls’ class, Mr A W Waritek teacher of the primary class, Mrs, 8. T, Carpenter teacher of the be gin tiers' class. Rev. W G Canin deliverer) a wonderful sermon from the 17th chapter of Si John, the Lord's prayer. The old stork has been busy ror the pa.it week. Mr and Mrs. De\v< y Hartman announce the arrival of it big boy , Mr and Mrs, Sam -.Lin ger felt the arrival of a big boy; Mr. and Mrs. .1 A. Huffman a dainty daughter. Mr and Mrs. Burt Smith a hot , Mr and Mrs John Sain, a bov Mr Burt Yarbro earned his two (iaugluei Ha/,el and Lillian, lo Lincolnton on last Wednesday and had UjPtr tonsils removed Miss Fannie Burns spent last Saturday night with Miss Ruth Downs of Casar Master Charlie Wade Carpente.', the adopted son of Mr and Mrs. s. T Carpenter spent a few days the past week with his,mother, Mrs. Clinton Ooodson of Hickory Mr. and Mrs Robert Huffman, and family from Gastonia spent the week-end at the home of h’s brother, Mr and Mrs d A Huff man. Mrs M J Carpenter spent last week wilh her brother Mr Joe Mud of Burke county. Miss Pauline Newton of Sheibv was a dinner guest of Mrs. J. O Carpenter on last Sunday. Mrs, Burgan Bums, Mrs, Ed Goodman and Miss Geneva An thony , all of Linrolnton spent la-! Wednesday with Misses Fannie and Elsie Loti Burns Mr and Mrs. Rochel Young. M’ and MTS Carme Young and fam ilies of Newton visited at the home of their father's, Mr. W. H You n’t and Mrs Young last Sunday Mulls Chapel News Of Local Interest ' "ting Pfoplf Elect Officer*. Jov E. Blanton Speak* To Moth er's Class. (Special to Hie Star • Mr. Joe E Blanton of Ross Grove church visited our church Sunday and gave the Mothers class a won derful message. The following officers were elect ed Sunday night: President Mr. G C, Herd; vice president. Mr O. A Bowens; Bible quilt.. Miss Essie Towery; secretary’ and treasurer, Miss Jume Hord; group captain No, 1 Ice Heafnet, group captain No. 3, Miss Mtttle Conner; chorister. Miss Lucy Hord; director. Mrs, Nelson Queen, Misses Alberta and Mattie Sue Murphy of Mutls Chapel left Wed nesday for Kings Mountain where they will make their home with their grandmother, Mi-s. Huffstet ler. Mr, and Mrs. Woodrow Bowen and little daughter. Betty Gene, spent Saturday night with Mr and Mrs. G. C. Hord. Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Carpenter | of New Prospect spent Sunday witn j Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kendrick. Mr and Mrs. Ben Causby and little son, Wray, spent Sunday aft ernoon with Mr. and Mrs J. B Porter of near Buffalo. Stale Is Ninth In Buying Insurance I Raleigh - North Carolina led the nine states of the southeastern I group in sales ot ordinary life in jsurance during August. Dan C. ; Boner, insurance commissioner, an 'nounced Total sates in tins state were $8, 027,000. Exactly the same amount was sold in August, 1930. While sales in this state 100 pei cent of what they were in the same month a year ago, the sales for the United States as a whole last month were 86 percent of what they were a yew ago, 76 companies sell ing 88 per cent of all insurance sold. Just Ten Years Ago A Peep or Two Back in 1920 (Items Jakuji [• rurn llic Cleveland i>tat oi 1D-U.) i From Naur of The Star, ^ept 20., 1921.1 The editors of the Western North Carolinn Weekly Press association seemed delighted with their visit to Shelby. Cleveland Springs and the King.1: .Mountain battleground when j they held their meeting here Pri* : day ol last wek and everyoiv went | away singing praises tor the town and county. Rei Hrank l) Hunt, evangelist j lrotn Hie Southwest Presbytery of j Georgia, i* conducting a .cues of meetings at the Presbyterian church j this week The sad news ol the sudden death oi Mrs. it C Ellis it Wav- ' nesvllle Monday morning was re- j ce.ived over long distance about 8 o'clock and is a .source of deepest | sorrow among her many friends; here Alter spending the great.ei part i of the summer here at her home on j North LaFayet.te street. Mrs. H. T * Hudson left Monday for Washing - j ton. D C. to Join Mi Hudson, they! have been making their horn" there I for several years. A building program such as .Shel-1 h.v has not. had in many tears Is, about to be underway Right now ! there t» a building program on1 dwellings to supply the scarcity that exists in this line and as * conse quence carpenters are hard to gel and budding material is scant for immediate use. Born Sunday morning to Mi and Mrs, Rush Hamrick, a fine son Mrs A W MeMuirv and daugh ter, Miss Sarah and her giie.t. Miss Myra Fields spent Saturday in ! Charlotte The many friends of Mrs. J Fiank Harris will regret 'o know that she is quite ill and has again found it necessary to return to the { Rutberford hospital. iFrom Issue of The Star. Sept. Cleveland Springs hotel nas been i closed for the season and all em- I ployes of the hotel were dismissed this week bv Manager Rosemond The hotel had a very successful run ftespite the fact that It opened lute on account of the delay m ship ments of material. Cleveland county is going strong t«i co-operative marketing of coi lon according lo Mr. ,1 B White hatr.it who has charge or the cam paign for Cleveland county. Her hosts of friends throughout Hie state will be interested to know that Mis.s MilUceni Blanton left this week for Roanoke, Va , to enter Hollis Institute Mrs. O M Suttle was a nost di lightful luncheon hostess Tuesduv ai her attractive home on North LaFayette in honor of Mrs. William Corbett of Texas Mrs Suttle her■ .ellf beihsr formerly from the Lone Slur State Much interest is being manifested in the four comnumty fails to be held in Cleveland county at the following places: Earl, October t Boiting Spring!. October 5. E! Beth el,. October 6. and Union. October 7. This is the first. year Ea'd. Union and El Bethel have had a fan while .Boiling Springs has had one for several years. Bonn this, week to Mi aiid Mi Russet Laughndge on N Morgan street, a daughter, and to Prof, and Mrs. T R Elliott on N Morgan street Thursday morning n daugh ter. The first football game of the season will be played herd Saturday between the Shelby high school and the Gaffney high school.' The SheK by boys have been under training ot Dick Gurley, who says they art in fine condition for the first game Unemployed Pick Cotton Or Go To Jail Helena, Ark —Choice of arrest .for vagrancy or work in the cotton fields of Phillips county, Arkansa where pickers are sorely needed, was offered tthe unemployed here today. 1 Double Shoals News Of Week Mr. Greene KlMted Superinterirten'. Association Delegate*. Personals. 'Special to The Star > Double Shoals. Sept. 24 —Pi onto-1 Don day will be observed in th"! Sunday school next, Sunday. A good superintendent oi the Sunday school for several years, has bet d elected Uj succeed himself. Mr.; Greene has proved himself very) capable in this work. Mr. F. E. Greene, who has br.c.i program has been arranged and a large crowd is expected to be pres ent. We are sorry to note Mrs. W. f | Weight 'Ik sick at this writing. The following have been elected ns delegates to The association which I meets at Zion: Messrs. F. E. Green ! W. \V. Washburn. A. L. Calton. W P Hawkins. S. W Green. J. c I Washburn. J. S. Gillespie B. B | M' ne and G. Green. Miss Mattie Lee Gardner k " Friday for Raleigh where she wdl • : :er State college Mr. and Mrs, Sam Bridges' of Macon, Ga Mr. and Mrs. Hartley H'-:g!u and children and Mr. and Mi.-. Arrow Bridges also of Macon. f Boa Mu Dam spent the w eek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Glascoe A number of the friends of Miss Mattie Lee Gardner surprised her With a go-awav party on Wednes day evening. Mr, and Mrs W. D Mauney anti muly. Mrs. Nannie Bridges and family. Messrs. J. C. and Woodrow Humphries and Mi and Mrs, Fay Mauney spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bird Owens of Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Green and Miss Frances Green spent a few days last week visiting Mr, and Mrs J B. Jones at Brevard. Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Gillespie and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J C ' Gillespie of Henrietta Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Poleet anai J. C . jr.. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B.! Horne Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs P M Washburn and Mrs. Charlie Hamrick of Shel by visited Mr. and Mrs. W W. THEY ARE HERE — ANOTHER LOT _Knit Dresses ONE-TWO AND 3 PIECE STYLES Hip fastest selling item we've had are these nifty little knit combinations. They really look expensive. A nice new lot just here. Coats Exclusive But Not Expensive $14.95 to $59.50 Our Coats have been carefully selected tor right style, gtiod quality and at th’e right price. Most of our linings carry a two year guarantee, »5« Fall SEE THESE New Hats IN OUR WINDOWS JUST If you'll come early you'll have best selection from « very special lot of new Fall Hats at a VERY SPECIAL price. $1-95 1 * Do not associate these with the average at this price. We've marked them at this low price for quick .sale. EXCELLENT $1.00 Silk Stockings $| .00 do not like to keep bragging on otir dollar host nib hut our customers do, so why not us? They truly are good -ask anybody who has tried them NASH Washburn Sunday afternoon 111 tnp absence nl out pastor Rev J* W Sul Up. Rev Brow n ui Shelby preached for us Sunday. He gave a very inierestmg sermon hi subject being The Two Stair ways.” Mr. and Mrs. him i Nanny or Shelby visited Mr and Mrs Sam Green Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs P B Bridges v. us visitors at the liomi of Mi Ba’c Bridges Sunday afternoon Mr. R C. Covingi'in. ji usiteu Mr. Clyde Gardiiei Sundai aiier noon Mr. and Mr. Q V Gi .gx si* a' Hie day Sunday witii Mr and Mr R C. Covington. Ml'S. G C Pdi 1.01) was a w.u.et of Mr. and Mrs R. C Cuvuigtoi Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Biunton and family of t.aitimon and P:< and Mrs. Blanton and family o. Earl and Mr. Waite. Davis were tl■ spend-the-day guests ot Mr am, Mrs. \v. H. Gardner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Yates Hfirnll ai com pa 11 led by Mrs Rixy Hanoi and Misses Selma and Mary l.e Harr ill spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hum ill the Polkville community. Mr. and Mn I C Jones and children spent Sunday with Mi and Mr.- Sain Lovelace of Race Path ! Mr. anti Mrs.. J. E. Hembree a.nc. daughters. Lenora and Bertie vis itt'd Mr and Mrs Jim Hoopaugh Sunday The condition ol Mis E H Ham rick who lias been sick tor souc time remains about the same LaFayette Methodist To Have Old Singing Splndalr And l.ni al l atent Mill Take Part hi Singing In A fternonn. Sunday school and church s< •' ices will be held at LuFayotte St Methodist church Sunday morning , be ginning at 9 45 There will b< special music lor these services Beginning at '1:30- in the alter noon and continuing for probable two hours there will be an old tine .singing The Spuidaie quartet will’ be pre. ent and render a number .f selections Local talent will b '.used- and all present will be asked to take part in congregational sing ing The public, especially tho:, | who sing m other churches are ir* ivi-ied to come and take part in tins ! service. A large crowd is expected There wi.ll be no evening servile other than junior and senior Ep | worth league at 6:45. I Less Than Half Of Our Citizens Vote • Wiimen Out Number .Men In Tl>■' ( itics. Increase Over l>n Years \s». Washington.—Tlie United States population of voting age is 72 342 621. the <,ensue bureau has an nounced about one-hall tins nun - her voted in the 1928 presklrntii'1 campaign. The total is an increase of iiea - ly 20 per cent over the 1920 total ■»! 60.880.520 of 21 years arid over. Native whiles/made up 52 762 291 of tire 1980 census toial foreign bom numbered 12.627..>43 negus 6.531.930 and other races 1,011.6 1 Approximately 60 per cent oi the foreign-born oi voting age were na turalized, citiaens, and 10 per ecu have taken out their first papei Its V ng cl naturalization. Women of voting age were out numbered by the men. $37,005,757 > 35,886.867 Ip the titles. hOWevc womcn outnumbered men 22 149,4 ii to 21.747.237. STAR ADVS. PAYS Coast to Coast Demonstration of Value Givinq, Personally Spon sored by Wards Great Buying Organization/ LAST “You’d Pay £ More To Equal of This Kind!” Men’* Pajamas .1. J. Simaortl $1 PAIR Ha nflsomi patterns a n o plain rolor.s fOi both con.serva tive men and bp - to - dal' young m <• n — ovcry pajama in thp $1.50 Class." $1.00 I. I F c. W A I • HON —- with An amazine that everyone buying ill Corh $1.00 M I O O T B A I I. : — Aii grain row hick V.a)vA iype Officiai collf^-taic. ' y fH1 $1.00 UXCTRH IRON \V*. v *5..5ft s r ; -i(> * ]h - V \ 7 OUrofllmm p i a 1, r $1.00 arc TOASTFR With cord. Sam?* a SI ft1* toaster* Guns an tree! element « “For A Pottery Lamp or Shade Equal to These, Others Get $3” —G N. Coleman $1 [ RASE ok SHADE, EACH K.on > CO.MIM.ETK Bases ki‘p 16' - in u: - *0 Hi. / tail Blatk i ftia.Foon: green p v < a • i a : > Parch men t : V-.A d . 1" v. ■ I I magtnr' Oor gallon of oor 1OOV pur* P 'nn*Tf*»**a Oil PRfif wttfi mr> tw# purrHaood VitnrOii ' X»*o gn*iinm «idi l*o tiro*—thrrr gaitom **h [tiro* nrn! And M> on! Arid *>« toft of rttot. Rivorvidoo aro warn wfftng of tho |pm, of prK-oo |« Ktotoctr. Bon noiwbot—ih« tr*r od odor « for Snardn ont\. Moo TV x ?V x 50 x 28 x TV x 51 x W x 55 x A 40 ?1 A 50 2C 4 50 71 4 75- 1-9 S.Ott'1* 5.7STI 4.00 70 4 90 21 MvortAOo Mot* > 4.45 4-*4 4.14 4.74 4.M 7M V.*5* K.I4' L£!*L. •ivortlda f« p*y* 4.« IH AH 4.44 7 04 »•« Rive rside »' Duly <6 nly i * 7-75 7.M 7.4* • A* M* l«.lf lit* 7 7.45 »oir« 7« Don't You.? HMjI