School Day Opens Fair Tuesday I CONTINUE: n FROM PACE ONE horses here Is "Great Atlantic. which last week lowered the Ken tucky state record. There are other record-holder* among those enter ed Rnd unusually fast and excittn; heats should bo staged with th weather Ideal for racing Colorful Nights. The most colorful portion of th dally program will come each even ing at 7:30 when the daw,ling atm. spectacular fireworks program gov on. This feature has been a high light of the fair In bygone year, and this year all of the best an-i ■tost sensational displays made bv -fireworks manufacturers lime b> purchased. Crowds To Attend. A big attendance every day and night of the week /s anticipated as fair officials slashed the general admission price from 50 to 25 cents. School day, with all children blind admitted free, will naturally be th peak day of the first, part of th week. Friday nnd Saturday, th closing day, are expected to rank close to or ahead of Tuesday s at tendance. Newspapers of the section hay.' played up the event and the crowd will come from the section between Charlotte and Asheville and from l.cnoir In the north to Spartanbur. to the southward: Cotton Market . CoUtu \\..r qua ted today ;{it nam1 -Li New York exchange: Oct. 5.99, D*c. 6,20. Saturday. rJaw: Oct. 8.06, Dec. 6.26, New York, Sepi. 28. Fe.r uxach* • *r t fur belt except- Okla. nri! Texas part cloudy. Senator Smith \ of S C. proposed to pr -Mden'. v. concerted ;ieti.)n by cotton ;>:atr., t j reduce VU Id next year by at ' .,r 50 percent and plan calling-on th-* i govcrmneftt, to hold from th? mar* bet the {.30Q.C00 bales controlled by tho farm board and coops Set.! i. (bract action Is not taken by Irsnv lator; they should delegate t ulh;v> ■ its* to an at! south conference v. it 11 j its results made binding stop Lop* , don cable reports a area iuer in interest in practically t-'x.i: ■ markets. Actual business has been! large and expanded to a wide v.i rlety of fabrics at advanced prle> s j Hunter Co; in Worth sic. -1 i port large gains in print cloth >a! last week Expert easy ntark-els on cables, hedge pressure and r.bsuu speculative demand. CLEVENBEBG. Get ‘Cage’ Truck! 1 State Prisoners; S ! Clyde |»6Sie:i, one cl the St&u i prison camp officials of the dis trict camp here, went to halcigh ; over the week-end and brought bfuk with him a aav ' truck to be used 'for transporting prisoners to ’the ; camp from Jail. Tie truck tv lit on I the patrol wa'jon Idea, will !.-i used I for general traiv>portafon purposes [at the State camp here. There n i now 47 State pii.v.iiur . at, the local camp being used on road work in tills section. The Slate is still using the No. (i town ship camp and will continue using It until the new fireproof tamp is erected near the county fair grounds. Just when 'construction work w ill start on the camp Is not known, but an official here lust week stated that the contrac' would k' let at an early date Capture Escaped , Inmate Of Asylum Stele Car At Mnrganton And Was After Negro Girl When ('might. I.oc;.l officers oh Saturday rhorm ■ ir; captured it white man who was later found to be an escaped in of the State hospital at Mor p.antou. JIe ruio hts name ai Mar sin Dints and fit first officer:,1 ! c-e thought him to be the escap ed lunatic who recently shot Mc Dowell county officers. The man was apprehended near tl e cemetery here when he got aft er and frightened a negro girl/! From Mu canton it was learned that he had ereaped from the hos prr.l there and made his way to Shelby in n .stolen car. He was tak en back, there Saturday by the M vganton police chief. Solicitor Beam In Hospital Nowi ■ County Solicitor W SpcUtbt Beam I li ft lute last week for Washington where he will undergo an rtianiina tlcn nt the Veto-am hospital. Whtle he is away various members of the local bar w ill prosecute in recorder s court. During the latter part of last week Attorney Ernest Gardner act ed as prosecutor .end Attorney Mark Spear-' will prosecute the docket the first part of this week. lere To Transport tart Camp Soon Seventy Year A»egro Father Of A Child j "UnCks” joe fiorder;, well known ■ ‘ ,:r:> if .for L' town, hip say;-; he is the f’thi.' i f ii chilli Lorn In Aug ■ u»tv ai.iioukii 1 ihirie Joe" is seventy ■ e; . old. ills -ife Is 2?.’ Bridges la a J; iner and w .f ry proud of hi* paiemhood. t^lenssoh Classes Begin Wednesday 'Hit first meeting ol the Univer il.xieiision classes for teacher., of Si .ijby ar»d Cleveland county will lie Held on Wednesday afternoon •September 30, at 4:15 at tile hign school building. Miss placiys Angel wnl have charge of the work and two courses will he offered, one In Fine Arts, consisting of folk dancing and pageantry; and the other in physical education, consisting of in struction In health and physical education. These two courses, ' carried through the year will give eight semester hours of credit to be ap plied on raising or renewing a teacher's certificate, or will count two full courses toward a college degree. Uniform Closing At Kings Mountain {Special to The Star > Kings Mountain, Sept, 28. -At the suggestion of the King., Moun tain Ministerial association u peti tlon has been circulated and signed, bv the merchants aud business . m. a | rf Kings Mountain agreeing to i clo. <' their stores and places of i business at 8 o'clock each week i night and at 10 o'clock each .Skjtur-l day night. Practically every business I house in Kingss Mountain pledged! themselves to observe the new j closing hours, which becomes effec tive Monday night, September 20. Heretofore a number of the stores have remained open until 10 o'clock on each week night and until 12 o'clock each Saturday night. The ministers of the town expressed their appreciation for the cooperation shown by the business men of the town in being willing to observe the new and Shorter hours. Giant Sisters Here The Van Dray son Sister.--—known as the tallest women k ear; \i are here with the Mode] Shows of America now at i.e fair. fl. a stands 8 'feet 2 inches, while her little sister Hilda is 7 feet f> inches, Fire Losses In State Decrease This Year .Firo losses in North Carolina de creased $369,773 in the first eight months of this year, as compared with a like period last year, -thr 1931 losses being $4,066,461, while those in the first eight months o‘ 1930 reached $4,436,237 the report of insurance Commissioner Dan Boney shows, This decrease is shown despite the two tobacco warehouse tires in Winston-Salem early in the spring, involving about $1,000,000. The fire loss for August was only $188,277 as compared with $301,372 for August, 1930. Woman Of 70 Years Grows A New Tooth Barnanrdsville.—Mrs. Reagan Fox has a new tooth. She is 70, has had two ..ets of teeth, and has eight children. 21 grandchildren and one great grandchild. STAR ADVS. PAYS Gold Standard Is * A Curse To World Mr. Elliott Writes On Karniing. Crops, Soil Anrt Money Stan dard Of World. 'By Janies C. Elliott.' Cleveland is an average Pied mont county adapted by climatic conditions, soil fertility to corn, cotton, tobacco, the small grain crops, clover, gras es and legumes with a great variety ot^ vegetables and fruits, well adapted to live stock raising, dairying, pool’ey raising, and bee culture Bees are essential to fruit growing. With so great a variety of products, a fail ure is scarcely possible First, tall and Winter. growing crops are least expensive and should cover most of the arable lands for soil Improvement Not more than one fourth of lend should be in clean culture crops Winter crops improve the soil, sum mer crops clean culture crop'', ex haust the soil and are costly in la bor and commercial fertilizers. Rye and barley may be pastured in fall winter, and early spring—but not when the land Is wet. Sorghum is wet. Sorghum, early corn and soy beans should provide summer feed, fed green to all live stock, especial ly milk cows. Most so-called pas tures are only fit for stock to ex ercise In. Successful farming requires the conservation of natural resources. There is more in the man than in the land. Success depends on the energy and intelligence of the farmer. He can have such varie ties as he wants but he must im prove the fertility of his land. Tliere Is no profit on poor land.; Land tenure is of short duration from generation to generation, ; Land is the foundation of life. All | the people have an interest right in the land, to see that it is im proved and not abused, but made better for those that follow with increasing populations. Farming, for a good living is j sure. Every lick counts. Depending! on cash crops is a gamble that feel-! dotn pays. Me ny products may be! turned to cash. When one fails to pay, find something that will pay [money and markets fix prices. Un der this world depression all pro ducts are affected alike by the ! single gold standard making the poor poorer and the rich richer. Only the few that control the gold, fix prices and change values. The gold standard has bank rupted the world. There is not gold enough to pay one dollar on the thousand of indebtedness. The remedy Is In silver with more and cheaper money to pay taxes and debts. If such relief does not come | soon revolution and repudiation ot all debts public and private will result. All the wealth and conven iences are here. All needed is fin ancial adjustment to relieve the ombaraasing situation. Cause and effect, supply and demand regu late all things. And providence helps those that help themselves, As we sow, so we reap. When we go wrong we punish ourselves. Mrs. Leroy Wallace, Kings Mountain Dead Kings Mountain, Sept. 28.—Fu neral services for Mrs. Leroy Wal lace, 7G year old widow, who died at her home in East Kings Moun tain Thursday night at 9 o'clock, were conducted at the Grace Meth odist church in East Kings Moun tain Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. Rev. C. W. Guthrie, the pastor was in charge of the services Interment was in Mountain cemetery here. Mrs. Wallace is survived by four Children, Kater Wallace, of Gas tonia, Allen Wallace, Mrs. W. P Pearson and Mrs. Walter Goode, all of East Kings Mountain. Purchase Fire Truck, Fire Loss Decreases Kings Mountain! .Sept. 28.—Since the purchase of the modern La France fire truck by the town of Kings Mountain last May and the organization of a volunteer fire de partment the fire loss for ‘be first four months has been only $215, arid average of about $01 per month. The department answered nine alarms during the four months period. There has been only one fate alarm. The volunteer department i composed of sixteen members with Grady W. Kings as fire chief. In addition to the volunteer depart ment, Palmer Fulton .a local man. is driver of the truck and. is on duty at the fire station 24 hours a day. Annex Being Built to Kings Mt. MethodisS Kings Mountain, Sept. 28 - Work is now in progress on the hew Sun day school annex which is being, built by the congregation < t the Central Methodist church ... King;. Mountain. The new addition is lo cated at the rear of the p.esent church building and is to be a two story brick veneer structure The building will be 30x60 in size and will have ten rooms. There are to be three entrances, two from the outside and one. connected with th“ main auditorium of the church. Pink Herndon, a local contractor, is supervising the work, Hew John R. Church is pastor of the church. "~v-».. ' - ---.4J LAEtl TOR'S NOTICE Hi.-, ing this day qualified as ea< • ui the estate of a. Patience Hat ■ | late of Cleveland county, N. c. tins »a I notify all persons owning the sa.d esun to present them to me properlv pro,' on or before the 12th day ol B»pt 18„ </r this will be pleaded in bar v ■ recovery thereof. All persons Indebtf to the said estate will make lmmedh.’ settlement to the undersigned. Till* St it teraber 12th, 1221 T 1*. HAMRICK, Executor ol t late ol s, Patience Hamrick ... 6t 14. SAI.E or VAI. CABLE 1 ARM I’ROPERTl Undt r and by virtue of the authorn conferred upon us in a derd of trust e\ rented by n Alver Blanton and wile | Willie L). Blanton on the 12th day c i O.jrui.i , 1220 and recorded in bools 131 page 642 we will on Snturdav the IHh day of October, 19 11 [12 o Clock noon at the court house doo; : in Cleveland county, Shelby, N C. scl’ |,.t public auction fur ca3h to the hlflif ,1 uid.ier the following land to-vvit I Being Joined on the N by T. P Can.;) and sons, on the E. by Buffalo creels, o.. Ihe S by l, 11 Patterson and on the V by Abe Connor and others, and bein composed ol those tracts of land con u , i’d to D. Alver Blanton arid Willie 1> Blanton, by deed or record in office register ol deeds of Cleveland county. N C . 3-R page 160, AAA. page 293." ftp page 206. JJJ page 330. UU. page 22<i and being described by metes and bouno as follows Beginning at a stake at i, edge of public road. T P. Camp s come, and run' with said road s. 32 E. 16. poles to 2 post oaks at N. edge of said road; thence S. «r» K. 43 poles to a stake on W bank of Buffalo Creel, thence with the meanders of said cree1 new channel, S, 30 <s V/. 18 poles, S. 36 , >'■ 90 poles, S. 43 W. 18 poles, S. 60r» V. t2 poles, thence leaving the creek N tj W, 220Aj poles to a black oak, L H, Pat terson s corner, thence N. 63 E 66 pole to a post oak. Abe Connor's corner, thence N. 13 E. 102 poles to a stake; thence s 45 E. 81. poles, thence N. 14 E. 42 poles t. pointers; thence N. 40 E. 49 poles to the place of beginning, containing 245' acres. This sale mads by reason of the tx; ere of D. Alver Blanton and wife, Wtlhr U. Blanton to pay oft and discharge the indebtedness secured by sa.d deed ol trust.. A deposit of 10 percent will he requi: ed from the purchaser at the rale. This the 9th day of September 1931 TTRST NATIONAL BANK OP DUR HAM, Trustee, Durham, N. C. 4t Sept 31. pi m.itvnoN OI SI MMONS North Carolina, Cleveland Counts In the Superior Court, JJ fore the Clerk •Cleveland Bank and Tru-i CotnDanv, ** ecu tor. of the will md trustee ol tht estate of James Fraiiiihn Ware r. ceased, petitlohier, v*. Easthim Ware, r.c•. W. Jt War. Mrs; catiraWelli», Ur. A. H -Ware ant Mrs. A. i'. Alspaujh. defendants To Jam**., 3B4*ihani V’.ere and ‘Mrs A t Alspaufch; Wc.teiiclhiU > in the above en irled action; • ^ oj and f.vh (if * <>u art* ■ no". tied t n*t h petition ..has teen tiled * . . strove Ciei elc !i:l I. =• . •sigriit'd ii uc; lez r. l . ,r ii * r,..u<f* ha > been filed ,ol A« ju t Ji'd. tv a;.k:r?l Ain- ■■■«.;• ‘•iouif'snejtt . r.nd -1 or . • ration oi '• a ut tv .tdvixia that m s.dd that the Union id. panned to su reel Trust i !liipuii,- ; raid. frusher; pi Franklin V, drr. ta’te' C'cron .. f' mr.miftg jhd-ebtf; estate. Vcu are ou do no; tppr *v,.a Che dcir.ti cou •• - t;U vi ;d in t; r <i • *T-'ru • t. e■&?;-. pany ! k r • • r i. Hiwill• Cud t“;; of -, PrankMi Ware i;; t ■*'*• •• i.n-.-.h . -r.\ tiemtr v ;r i.v -office' under Tit W/Mv ' (.{14 approve’ i . i f< r id .. • .\A"iAWnctr- of tl - £ot. A u » h-r> furr • • P 'l.CO.i U .".is a?-... i h corn pare*; he' the Cleveland , eieeuioi; of the v t.- - endtr o J; deceased, and tnr an o ' s.;-.le c■ oi red; • . r :bf d t > th/' r hit ;s.»:•;»oi..:i;r p.a iim ;:r farther nut.(led,•• t' ,, n £hh:;> This C -or-, jm. v,rr r petition rn CatoVdav. 1 Hh. •“UC-i.. o clock I., the. rr .ei prr.'vd. tor • petition wTJ b? raju*a Herein faJ Ce'-vrembv lUh.'' 1-P31. •• A M HAMRICK • ...Cierh Supe.ivot;.. cuHr;’ . He?; . A.£lOi'Ao”'s -for phit on*-: it Sep; :h f^x'm-rx.’^znmsnrjjnTsa jrm * __ . +■**>*.?Jm.*~sm*. •- .«.aaw School Children Of Cleveland And Adjoining Counties Admitted Free Tomorrow Begins In Shelby Tomorrow— Tuesday SU-. NORTH CAROLINA’S GREATEST, LARGEST AND BEST AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITIONS AT THE CLEVELAND COUNTY FAIR SEE THE SPECTACULAR * HORSE RACES In which more than 80 of the best Horses in the United States are participating. Mi>re and Better Free Attractions THAN EVER. THIS YEAR 5 DAYS and _ NIGHTS 5 Thrill To The New Electrically Controlled FOX HOUND RACES ( The only amusement attraction of its kind in America To day. Built especially for the Cleveland County Fair. DON’T MISS SEEING A SINGLE FREE SIGHT! DOG SHOW WEDNESDAY 10:0Q A. M. There’ll be plenty and more than enough to thrill you every minute of the time . . . every day and every night. lhe Biggest Get-Together Party Of The Year-Education Entertaining Fireworks -VERY NIGHT The most elaborate display ever fired from the grounds of North Carolina 8 Greatest Fair. Don I Miss A Single Shot ! ADMISSION BOTH DAY And NIGHT COME BRING The WHOLE FAMILY Model Shows Of America ON THE MIDWAY WITH 20 BRAND NEW RIDES!

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