Exrcrrons- notice, Having this da; qualified as executory | of the estate of Frenkltn Harrtll, dr i-tasrtt, lav* of Cleveland county. North cfarotln*, tht* ta to notify all persons in debted to the said estate to present them t* us proper tv proven on or before th«> iMfc tfny of September. 1»M. or ttil: notice will be piesdtd In bar of any re revere thereof All persons Indebted to tnt satd estate will tnake Immediate sattWinent to the undersigned This Sep sentUer iwi, i».n YATBS and MIOHATTJC HARHIU.. Bxeeattors ot Hetntc of Franklin HarriH. tit Sept l(t}> 666 U*JtlD OK TABLETS Belle ces a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, check* a Cold the first day, and rhecka .Malaria in Ihree day*. fifitt Sahe for Baby’s Cold. FARM FOR SALE Splendid farm with dwell ini?, tenant houses and outbuildings for sale. Small cash paj ment and long term with low rate of interest for balance. Farm is near paved h i g h w a y in Cherokee County. T. K. VASSY, GAFFNEY, S. C. Our Exchange Is 32 POUNDS Of Isaac Shelby Flour and 16 POUNDS FEED for each BUSHEL of WHEAT A total of 48 pounds in products. EAGLE ROLLER MILL SHELBY _i KY^baking lW POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER 40 YEARS 25 ounces for 25c mill)Ons OF pounds used < 6V.OUR COVj-PNMEWT , ‘ First—In the dough. Then in the oven. You can be sure of perfect belongs in using— BILIOUS m “I have used Black Draught . . . and have not found anything that could take Its place. I take Black Draught for bilious ness. When I get bili ous, I have a nervous headache and a ner vous, trembling feeling that unfits me for my work. After I take a few doses of Black Draught, I get all right. When I begin to get bilious, I feel tired and run-down, and then the headache and trembling. But Black-Draught re lieves all this.”—;/, c. Hentlr'.r, EotnenHIlt:, Co. For indigestion, con stipation, biliousness. Thed Fords BL4.CSC' B8AUGHT \v-#tr,u: v ♦vr%' r >rr$ a tonic j 1 i i*.| • •\i-.f •» ! I u y*-;un, t Japanese Invasion of Manchuria Is Test for League of Nations * * * * * * * Non-Resistance Policy and Refusal of China to Be Party to New War Leaves Settlement of Dispute to International Body at Geneva—Kellogg Peace Pact May Be Invoked Next. ...—" m mmmmr.f* G~ * jera& HobWD * j&fcSmv Ckamc* Hseuh - &i>*N<i i * . ■" * * * t I'lie Imasiim of Manchuria by Japanese troops under General llonjo, that was at first thought to be the j (tart of another devastating war. may, by China's attitude in the matter, lie dampened to the status of a were local di. order. When the first clash came between the two countries. Marshal Chang ltscuh Liang, the authful Governor of Manchuria, ordered ( hlnrse forces to retire peaceably and offer no resistance to the nvaders. In this he was barked by Foreign Minister C. T. Wang, who made representations to the Japanese j government, giving It the chance to withdraw and the opportunity to settle the affair with an apology. ! lowever. Japanese have continued to occupy town after town In the province of the Manchus and now the 'hlnrse Government is going to pin its faith in the League of Nations and the Kellogg Peace Part. If the mgust bctly at Geneva decides that Japan has committed an act of war. it will be the duty of member na i ions or the League to sever trade and financial connections with her. Thus the efficacy of the league as a I ‘mwer for interne. tio:v I peace will be tested. j %%' -» Ike’s Tale Deer Star Reeders: Sal lowed she could make mv old shirt do me tilts winter by patching hit in a few places—patched clothes has come back til style agin thi, year ’specially with the farmers an other honest folks: . When you see a feller swine round with goon clothes < n these times he is p, mor ally a bootlegger or a lawyer, and hltls hard tu tell which fur they air powerful alike in their ways: make their living without earning hit, Sal lias Jinecl this here club “The needles and tongues'' they call ’em, and she shore has got a plenty of tongue tu hold her own with the best of 'em but I don't know how she will come out with the needle fur her hand ts use tun heavier weapon than that. Hit looks now like I'm jlst. obliged tu have sum new overhauls tu keep out the chili winds of winter, the dreary days • When the leaves have fallen on the skies over-cast. Hit will be lonely) then tu a teller with no clothes nor j friends but Sal anti, her mad at Mm all the time. The gals and every-) booy has bin a pacidlin round all j summer without no clothes on hard-; ly. but 'bout the time hit gins , tu •trust nicy u nave in Kim up a nt- | tie better, even if thar haiii'i no j law tu make 'em. I never did care i fur the scandal of being pose, but j I do sorter dread the pinch of hit. I like hit wuz last Sunday when Bill anil Jane come tu stay all day! and Sal sent me out tu see If I could break the Sabbath day by ber rying a little finback tu fry fur dinner. I failed tu git hit broke so Fill an Jane shook the dust offrn their feet end left going in the di rection of Dave Fortenberry's. I'm honest in believing that pore folks do have more fun an a lot better time than them what air rich, they haint so biggoty and have got more sense gtnerall.v. One of Sal's cousins is rich, that s he thainks he is fur Vie owns an old mule an .a Ford that he traded n yearling fur: an they won't speak tu us no more but jist go rite on the same as if they didn’t hear us ax 'em fur a chaw of bacoer. But sum of these times that; mule will die and the sheriff will git that car tar taking so much whiskey tu them Shelby fellers and maybe that will sorter humble down my relatives by marriage. v sed tutber day that hit look ed like providence and the law both wuz agin a feller that didn't have no more sense than tu tool with whiskey, nit wuz me he meant. I gurs5. But the best news is tu come now fur Sal has got plenty of friends yit.. Walter lee and Ous Richard vyuz about tu fight about which cne wood git Sal a new dress fur they both wuz under obligation tu her. and both wanted the dis . honor. Decatur 'Warllck came along in tlie time of hit with 25 in his i rocket, having sold his bale that ’ tie .listened nr a mirin'* then (Weftt and bought the finest dress In town fur Sal. and now thin: is two substitutes carrying the mail while Qua and Walter is hunting fur Mis ter W Article. IKE. | Serve Summons On Hendren In Suit Ur nitron Has Month In Which To File Answer In Southerland Suit. Goldsboro, Sept. 30.—Summons in the $150,000 alienation Of affec tions suit against W. N Hendren. Winston-Salem attorney, was Mon day morning returned to the clerk of Wayne superior court following service. The defendaji has 30 days following service in which to an swer the suit. The case was filed September 1 by George C. Southerland, Jr., of Goldsboro, who alleges .the defend ant alienated the affections of his wife. The summons was issued and mailed to Forsyth county ofticevs for service but was returned be cause the defendant was not in : He county at tire ' lie. An alias summon... or substitute summons was then drawn and sent, back to Forsyth. The summons ' *as served on tile defendant last Friday. TRCSTLES SAIL Cmler the power and aulhorit. con tained m that certain need of tru&l dated September 13, l;?2Vk made by $. I Baber : ii«* wife. Alice l- Hauer to Prr nd W Gleason. mister, tame being recorded m the office or the regrUef . or deied.v iui Cleveland couhtv, N C- in book 155 at Pft348 Ttlt secufiJif <u» indab.ttfihtis to 4h‘ Pen-American Luc Insurance company ot New Orleans, I.a , and default having been made in the payment of the said indebtedness and having been called upon to ev-ente the trust. 1 os trustee, vtl sell lor cash to the highest bidder r.t public auction at the court house door . i fc.htlby. N. C. on t\>dne>dj43, October US. 1931 uj 12 o clock M , the follow mg described ret l estate: Being that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the southern portion of the city of Shelby. North Carolina, in t;>v. and coumv, iron ting on South La Pa vr. to .-tree* nmi more particularly de .enoed as follow*. Bfffijirtipg at a strike, northwest cornet of lot number b, and runs thence with South La Pa ye Up street north 2 deg. 30 mm. .east 132 5 feet to a stake, the old Cyrus McMurry line, thence u.th said lin yank 87 deg. l.i nun. cast 176 feet to c si a feo, corner of -lot No 10 and a 10 loot alley; thence south. 2 deg 30 min. we t 132 i with the west edge of the 10 foot alley to a stake, the northeast corner ol hu number b, thence 'with north line of lot number 6 north 87 deg. 15 min. west 17;i feet to the beginning. '■>t$ numbers •. 7, 8, 0, and. 10 as appear on pUV of said proper ty, winch pint is of record in the office or the /register of deeds for Cleveland couniv, North Carolina. in book, of pla. No. ’3 at page 2. reference to which hereby made and the fame incorpora* .*■ • and made a part of th.o In maul. The same also being those, certain ' -mi land conveyed us follows: Lots : 0 ttou 7. above referred to. having l conveyed by A \V McMurry and n Cots H. McMurry, to 8. 1 Baber wac Alice Timber, by deed dated No-*, her 26th, 1937, and recorded m book . Page 135 ui the office ol the register > deeds for Cleveland county, North e».,. Jfua Lota Mbs 5, £. sad if). ai>." •• ierred, to, iitvmg been couveved by i-• WMPf, and wife. P C Kim ore. to >; t Baber ir* deed dated January t : . md recorded tu book 3-W at' raj hi the office of the reguter of deed* Cievtitad cconty. North Caroline.. p^,T ante to all the above is hereby made ax the same incorporated herein and ai*> a part hereof The residence locals upon the above described land ts know >.* 525 South l aFayette street. Hi is 28th day of SeMi'mber 1931 FT^HfND VV, C1KASON. Tru.M-o Henry n &lu vtsU, A{» ‘ Change” Artists Work Rutherford j Rutherfordton -Four men travel 1 jing in a large car with an Ohio l:-! cense plate who might be termed ("Short change artists’’ visited ibis • section test week and got $5 from the Tar Heel service station on Highway 20, about 10 miles west | of here. They also got J5 from a 'service station at Bat Cave and went on towards Asheville Their game seems to be for two or three of them to enter a store or filling station at the same time, purchase several, small hems, change their minds and want something else, rush the clerk, as they are in na hurry. and want bills changed. They do all within their power to confu.c the clerk and get extra money. Their game failed ro work on W. T. McDaniel, who operates a large service sta tion near town on the Chimney Rock road. Vegetables Urged To Stall Diseases D . James "M. Parrott, state health officer, is calling "pen the people of the state to plant liber ally such vegetables as turnips, rape, mustard, kale. onions and other cold-resisting plants at this time, in order-that the citizens may fortify themselves against such di seases as pellagra, rickets and oth er diseases more easily contracted when body resistance Is lowered. Dr. Parrott urges preparation for more fresh meat and more chickens eggs and .butter, saying “there is nothing better for health, except possibly proper ventilation, than green vegetables, fruits, fresh meat and milk,’’ Let us urge citizens of Shelby to make all possible efforts to pay I their bills. Under present business conditions even small payments on large accounts wi!l help restore con fidence, which is what we mostly need. J. R. MEETZE CO. Painiing & Decorating Phone 561, Box 153, Gaffney, S. Better Be Safe Than Sorry. Toe Itch Athlato’a Foot and Hand Iteh Why suffer from the queer skin disease causing sevrro Itching of toes and feet, cracking, peeling skin, blisters, Ringworm, TreUch Foot or » rotch Itch, when you ran ovoid In fection and quickly heal your skin with Dr. Nixon's Nixoderni? Based on the famous English Hospital for mula discovered by a leading ten don skin specialist. Dr Nijtons NU oderm acts with amazing speed, be tor this particular 0k\n dtsFast?. \lxod*rm is froa-ran* teed. It must stop itch and quickly he a I your Skin or the small cost will be refunded. jL'Tl LE'S UK' t. SlUttfe. Rattlesnake Meat Is Used For Food Weird Tale Comes Out Of Florida About A Plant For Canning It. Will canned rattlesnake meal soon become a popular food? The question Is not as wild as it seems. In fact a plant for canning rattlesnakes already is doing a thriving business in Arcadia, Fla., -ays Mary E. Atkins in The At lanta Journal, and since she is a perfect lady, we are compelled to believe her story which continues: i Arcadia will be remembered * as one of the first towns In Florida to profit from the frog leg industry,! and now ships thousands of live1 frogs in blocks of ice, to northern! markets. Being cold-blooded crea- i tures, the frogs are undisturbed by! dwelling for several days in a cake! of ice. Once they are given a chance j to thaw out, they seem as chipper | as ever. This adaptability on the pan of the frogs makes it possible for northern hotels and restaurants to serve absolutely fresh frog legs to discriminating customers who have a taste that way. These same customers can now enjoy rattlesnake on toast if they so desire. The announcement of Arcadia's newest industry was made when a can of rattlesnake meat was for- ■ warded to Governor Doyle B.. Carl-! ton and he was asked to pass j judgment on this addition to the] menu. At the present writing no j answer has been received from the ■ governor. Frank K. End, the man who orig- j Inated the idea of canning rattle-, snakes, declares that he is doing a 1 brisk mail order business, with re quests for the new delicacy from all parts of the United State', “in cluding California.’' Mr. End explains that rattlesnake meat, contrary to first impressions, is more wholesome and palatable than most foods in dally use. “The flesh of the ratler is firm sndj white," he continued, “and Is the, only wholesome snake meat.” The new' addition to the menu is j especially good When served hot on toa; t with a sauce, or cold in the form- of a salad. The sauce is a cream variety, and not hot. Mr. End puts up two types of cans, one prepared with the sauce, the- other intended for salads, with the flesh left firm. Mr. End strips the tenderloin from the backbone on each side for the meat that is to be canned in steaks. The flesh that is to be put up with sauce is boiled until it tender and then chipped from the carcass. Mr. End declares that the meat, tastes something like chicken. How ever, there is some argument over this. Mrs. End believes it is more like frog legs, and a few who have sampled" rattlesnake declare it U like crab meat. Others insi t that it has a flavor of its own—and that it is a delicacy well worth trying. Mr, End points out that he Is do ing three things—he is furnishing the world with a new food; he Is providing employment for persons engaged in catching the snakes as well as in working in the cannery; and he is helping Florida to destroy one of the most venomous of all reptiles. _ _ NOTUt oi SALE OS PERSONAL PROPERTY B virtue of the po-ver of *»le roa med In a certain chattel mortgage or Conditional Bale Contract of record 1i ok 159. at page At ol the registry 01 eveland county, North Carolina same mg executed by The En.oe and Michael mint Home to the F, M. Miller com my to secure an indebtedness there,n ecilted; and said indebtedness not hav a been paid according to the terms eretn slated when due. the undersigned U oiler lor sale at public a lotion to c highest bidder for cash in iron' J Lackey's garage in Shelby. North Lar ina, on Friday, October 19, lull at 2 -lock p m, the following described^ per ns! property, to-w-tt; i certain E M liter company style No. 36 Hearse Cody (Hinted on SEW Dodge thins No l> 8-111 motor No. J-88-9J8; Upholstered •Phase'' Pros: Urain genuine and t, leather; finished in two-toned Dawn 1st Ctrav Dueo; complete regular flower ay. saddle lights, and extra tire and 'his the 22nd dav of September. 1931. E. M MILLER COMPANY, Mortgagee it 3cpt 21i TRt^TtE S SALK O! REAL ESTATE. Under by virtue of the authority con tamed in that certain deed of trust e\ routed by E H. Brackett and wite, Malih'' Brackett' to the undersigned trustee, < aid deed of trust being dated March 7th 1929 and recorded in the office of tt?« register of deeds for Cleveland county N C. In book No. 153 at page 301. secur ing an Indebtedness to the Shelby and i Cleveland County B. & L. Assn., and de fault having been made tn the payment of said indebtedness and being requested j to sell said property, 1 will on Friday, October 23rd. 1931 at 12 o’clock, noon, or within legal hour-i at the court house door In Shelby. N. C 1 sell to the highest bidder for cash at; public auction that certain tract of Ian ; lying tn No, 7 township and bounded as' follows; Being a part of that tract deeded to E E Cabaniss by E H. McBwain Said deed being of record in the register’s office o.r Cleveland county, N. C. in book XX at j page $6 and more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a pme stump in the west edge ot the road. W P Hawkin’s corner and runs thence with Hawkins line S 21 degrees 45 minutes E. 429 feet tQ a stake. Hawkins corner , thence v 1th Haw- j kins line S. 34 degrees 30 minutes E. 375 feet to an iron stake. Hawkins corner: thence a ne*v line S. 58 degrees 45 min utes TV 790 feet to a poplar stump a new corner in P. Jt. Bridges line: thence with said line N 3 degrees 35 minutes F. 1180! feet to a Stake in the center of the road.! W. V Hawkjn*. Une, thence with the. road and Ifawfcffts 1tfc» N Si degrees if mlantee E 303 feet tp the beginning, con taining 12 1 acre*, more or less and being that same tract of land which was con veyed to E. H Brackett by E E. Caba ns vs and wife try deed dated Dec. 29th 1928 and recorded In tha office of the register of deed# for Cleveland county N C In deed booh 3*3? at peg* at This September 22ml. 1931 i JNO F MVtl.l'r.s^. ] 4i &BU} 2Jci Little Interest In Call For Extra Session Legislature Some Disapprove Session, Other j Places No Attendance And Others Differ On Plan i By M. R. DUNN AG AM Raleigh, Sept. 29.™Calls for massj meetings of growers In more than; 100 communities to adopt resell!- j lions petitioning Governor Gardnei' to call a special session of the gen-j eral assembly to take action on' cotton acreage reduction, and also} on tobacco, issued by N. G. Bart- j lett, secretary of the Eastern Caro lina chamber of commerce. appar-j ently, at this writing, got little re-, sponsc. Governor Gardner's home county j of Cleveland, largest cotton grow •: ing county in the state, refused a j resolution calling for a special ses sion and instead adopted one! against, the session ns •‘expensive, and useless,” Three persons are re ported to have attended the meet- ; ings at Laurinburg, Scotland coun ty, and at Windsor, Bertie county Dunn, with 200 or 300 farmers pres-, ent, approved the session but dif fered on the plan. At Smlthfieln U. Benton Blalock, president of the! American Cotton Cooperative as sociation, expressed personal pre-! ferencc for the Texas plan. Rosoiu-' tions for the session were adopted i at St. Pauls, Maxton, Enfield, Mt j Olive, Tarboro, Greenville artd j Smtthfield. Meetings failed to ma-, terialize at Goldsboro and Render- i son. In fact, a meeting of editors, farmers and business men. held Friday at Goldsboro, went on rec ord as opposing a special session for cotton relief. The collapse of the South Caro lina legislative effort, following that of Louisiana, seeking a com plete cotton growing holiday, prob ably had its effect on the North Carolina movement. Growerjs art thinking more of Governor Gard ner’s earlier suggestion of national action which might have resulted in a uniform plan in this country, with the treaty power of the u. 3. government back of it to come to terms with other cotton - growing! countries. If the south gives up its monopolistic cotton growing even for a year, it would be notice to the foreign countries, growing It at a much lower cost, to increase produc tion, thus robbing this country of its leadership in a commodity of which it manufactures less than half of its, crop, the other going to world markets. Banks And Building And Loans To Close All local banks and building andj lean associations will be closed on j Thursday afternoon of this week to * allow the employes to visit the fair, i These institutions will be open dur ing the morning but will close at noon Thursday for the remainder of the day. COMMISSIONER'S SAL*. Under and by virtue . of ; the authority contained in a:r order of sak made by the clerk of superior court in a special proceeding entitled ' Mary L. Philbeck against Maxine Pliilbcck, et. al.” the un der:<igned commissioner will on October 54th. 1931 et 12 o’clock. M . sett at -the court house door in the city of Shelby to the hlgheH bidder for cash, the foUpwlnt; described Teal estate: Lying arul be.ng in Cleveland coimtv North Carolina, adjoining the lands or J. J. Logan, S L. Carter. W. F Logan and others, ar.d bounded as follows: Be* ginning at a pine. S. I . Carter's corner and runs with his line north 42 east 12.7“ chains to pointer*, corner of purchase from W F. Logan; thence north 014 west 21.1.3 chain; to a tak? in gully, formrrlv a sweet gum: thence with gully north 61*-J east 1.40 chains; .north 76:w -east 3.1C cha.irv ; north 5ia.V east 1.40 -chains: north 37:,4 east 7 10 chain: , north 453* cast 5.30 chains; north 51'? ea.vt 4 33 chains to * stake in Shelby and Yorkville road jus* northwest of a bridge or culvert; thence along said road south 333 v east 8 chains i south iv* east 5.30 chains: thence routh: 15U east 6.38 chains to an iron stake j near corner; thence a new' line south 41'.! rest 40 chains to a stake tn. old line j thence with old line north 47 -» west -•49': I chains to the beginning. cootainlr.g 58.37! apres. The : ante being all that pert oi th' i George Logan tract of land conveyed t< j A C. Philbeck by Paul Philbeck by'deecj dated August 26th. 1921, and recorded h bock JJJ at page 240 in the office of th register of deeds of Cleveland county North Carolina. This 23rd days of September. lf>3! HORACE KENNEDY, Commiss.oner j 4t Sept Zic\ TUI STEL S SALE Under the power und authority con tamed'in that certain deed of trim dated] August It, 1329. made by T. O. Grigg and wile. Margaret Grig?- to Friend W ■ Gleason, trustee, same be n? recorded fix | the office of the register of deed', for Cleveland county, N. C. in book: 155. pant* I 259, securing an indebtedness to the.. Pan- j American Life Thsirrance company of New Orleans. La., and default having j been made ir. the payment of the sa‘.d| indebtedness and having been called upon ! to execute the trust. 1. es trustee wii’> I sell for cash to the, highest bidder rm public auction at the court house dour i in Shelby. N. C. on Wedne-sda*. October 21. UiJtl at 12 o clock W. the following described real estate: Being that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the southern portion of the city of Shelby Cleveland county, North Carolina, fronting on South I a Fa etie street and more particularly de sert bed as follows; Beginning at an iron stake on th* e* ;t side .of south LaFayette street, the north-j west corner of th * Bamburg lot and run^ ] thence with th? ensi edge of south La Fayette street north 65 feet to a stake ] a new corner; thence a new line east 14fij feet, to an iron stake ut the garden fence; thenne south 65 feet to an iron stake northeast corner of the Hamburg lot; thence with the Hamburg line west 146 feet to the beginning. The same b*ing identical lot or parr* ’ at iana needed to T O. Grlgg bv L A f Getfys and wife, Mamie Gettvs. by deed • dated June t?OV. T924. the said deeo be- j ing of record tn the office of the regiiter ! of d'-eds for Cleveland count" North j Caroline In d-ed book NNN at page 239 ! reference to the tame being hereby mad* i and the same incorporated herein.. The house situate upon said lot being known as No 407 South LaFayette street This 19th day of September. 1931 PRUN’D \V. GLEASON, Trustee. Henr- B Edward*. Att- 41 Sent 23c STAR ADVSPAYS| University Nears A Record Number Registration For Fall Quarter An nounced Monday Night As 2.820. Chapel, Hill.—Unrollment at the University of North Carolina has reached a new hign peak, it was learned when Dr. T. Wilson. jr„ dean of admissions, announced that the registration for the fall quarter numbered 2,820 as compared with 2.764 for the tall quarter of 1930. which was tire largest in the insti tution's history up to that date. Registration of undergraduates was closed Monday and only grad- r uate students may now register for the fall quarter. This indicates the enrollment o resident students for the three reg ular quarters ending in June will go beyond 3.000. It is regarded as an emphatic an swer to those who have contended 4 that student enrollment had reach ed its peak and that education was losing in popularity. Tlie best help that Cleveland county farmers can gat cornea from themselves. Courage and hard wo:., will pay agricultural dividends lYniT/VP SUTTLE’S *», ffo Fill Any PRESCRIPTION'S For A Roistered DruAfcist PHONIC 370 yg\ y u'U PAY YOUR 1930 TAXES And save the embarrassment of having you]- property advertised for sale. Under the law, all property on which 1930 taxes have not been paid, will be advertised for sale, the first week in October. No more grace can be allowed. Attend to this at once. 1. M. ALLEN, Tax Collector — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — I OK. ASHEN IEEE. CHARLOTTE. \\ IL.MINO'l ON. FAYETTKY ILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAN E. SHELBA. :—0:15 a. ni.; 11 :10. a. m.; 1:43 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY;— 7:10 y, m.; 11:10 a. m.; l’:00 p m.: 4:40 p. m.: 9:00 p. m, FOR \\ IL.MINOTON AND INTERMEDIA I'E POINTS: i LEAVE SHELBY :-tl :1<. ». m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE \ND INTERMEDIATE i POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY 7 : lo a. m.; 11.10 a m.: 2:00 m. — FOR FI RTHER INFORMATION - I’HONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY iThcTlre Blew and I went into the Ditch7* Old Tire? are fasllsb risky in they# days i of low Gcodycsr price*." Lifaiime Guarani* QUALITY 4.50-21.. 4.75-19 . f 4.40 21 $>198 non E. D. Bridges LAWNDAI.K. \. (. Ready •/ To Serve T he officers of the Union Trust Uom pany stand ready, at your request, to give you all the information at ' their disposal jn connection with your business problems and to aid you in every way consistent with sound banking practice. Union Trust Co. IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH"

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