SOCIETY NE WS '***• *****9mv"’rAH<n l'eiepbons Tha Star Na 4-J 1Mb Morning I To U O'clock un. Drum can M reached at Mr homa, Phone 711, afternoon and mgbte Iff THE BEST Tf vou can't be » pine on the top of the hill, Be a scrub in the Talley—but be The best little scrub on the aide of the hill: Be a bush if you can't be a tree, we can’t all be captains; some have to be crew; 1'here's big work for all of n* here; there’s big work to do and i here'a lesser to do. And the task we muai do ** the near. if you cant be a highway then just be a trail; K you can’t a sun, be a st-ai ,Tt i n’t by the size that you win or you fail— *e the Best of whatever you arc Selected IV<4» Afternoon Arid re Cleb To Meet. Mrs. Harry Hudson will be hosi,-j ess to members of the Tuesday Afternoon bridge club on Saturday *ftemoon at 4 o’clock at her home on Orover street. t.adiee Golf ( lob To Meet Friday. Attention of members u called to the regular weekly meeting of tht t.adies Golf club on Friday after noon at 3:30 at the Country club Meeting Of First Division Thsrsdav. A regular meeting of the lust lit- ■ •rare division of the Woman’s club will be held at the club on Thurs day afternoon at 1:30 with Mes dame* Evan* Shull. P. M. Wash bum. and Miss Laura Corn-sell acting as joint hostesses All mem bers are urged to attend. Dancing Classes To Bo Organ bed Miss Jennie Grav Barkley, oE Gastonia, toll) be at the Hotel Char les next Monday afternoon at 8:00 o’clock for the purpose of organis ing a dancing clans and arrangiuj t lessons during the coining win . All who are interested tn mak ing arrangement for entering her etaaa are urged to meet with her there at that time >l »llw-lh»r<rt #«Mkv AmuinNd. < Special to The Star.) Ur. and Mr* W. 8. an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Mabel, to Euhw r Haw kins on September Wth of this vear aftt York. 8 C. Mrs. Hawkins is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W 8 Hamrick of West Shelby and Is a graduate of Shelby high school Mr. Hawkins Is the son of J. B. Haskins of Cavolcen and la a nj-sduate pt the Caroleon-Heimetia high school. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins will be al home In Shelby after a short honeymoon in South Carolina x*1Member Wedding tanennced Today. Announcement Is being made to day of the marriage of Miss Irene Turner to Mr. W Gordon Lower-,, vhtch took place at Gaffney, S. C„ mi September 22. of this year. The •ride ia a daughter of Mr and Mrs. lied R. Turner, of Shelby, where he la popular with a large group of irienth. She is a graduate of the high school here Mr. Lowery is a son oi Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lowery, of Patterson Springs, and is a graduate of the Piedmont high school. He is con nected with the Manattle Fruit Co., of Tampa, Florida. They will make heir home in Florida during the winter. Invitation* Issued Far Karse's Graduation. tnrttatlons reading as follow., which will be of wide Interest here have been Issued: “The graduating class of the Shelby Hospital School of Nursing invite you to be present at their commencement exerci t r Friday evening, October ninth nineteen hundred and thirty-on a* eight o'clock, high school audi torium, Shelby, North Carolina." The principal speaker of the occa sion will be Dr. James M. Parrott, of Kinston, member of the state board of health. The baccalaureate ecraon for the class will be deliver ed at the Central Methodist church sc eleven o'clock on next Sunday. The class roll numbers five, in cluding: Misses Margaret L. Allen and Novella M. White, both of Shel by, Laura E. Shepherd, of Wade - boro, Mias Cassie . Staten, of Mor veh. and Miss Madge Funderburks, of Ansonville. Miss Funderburke is valedictorian of the class. Kagagemaat Annoancerae m »* Of Interest Hen. Announcement of the engagement of Miss Isabel Gilman to Mr. Henry Kendall, both of Shanghai, China, will be reoefreti with cordial inter est by friends here. The announce ment was made by Mis3 Gilman’s oaronts, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilman i» Shanghai several weeks ago. news of which hu just reached Shelby. Mias Oilman and her par ent* are Americans but have been living In Shanghai for the past sev eral year* where her father is head of the American Trade Corpora tion. lfr. Kendall is a aon of Mrs. H. E. Kendall, of this place, but has been located In Shanghai for the past year where he is assistant manager in the office of the Dl brell Bras. Tobacco company's branch there. He is a graduate of State college where he was a mem ber of the PI Kappa Alpha frater nity and prominent In college ac tivities. Before going to China hi was connected with the Plume Wiseman Steel and Construction company, of Danville Va, for sev eral years. Mrs. Davie Wesson Of Lawndale Dies Wm 5.1 Inn of Age. Husband and Sffffil Children Survive Her, Lawndale Sept. 30.-Mrs. tiavc I Wesson died at her home Wednes-I day, September 16, after a linger-j ing illness She was 53 years old ; Mm. Wesson was a devoted wife and j mother and was loved by all who knew her, The funeral services were i on - dueled at the Tabernacle Thursday at 11 o’clock by Rev Zeb Grigg, brother of' the deceased. The body was carried to Palm Tree ceme tery for interment Mm. Wesson is survived by her husband, Mr. Dave Wesson, mother, Mm. Carr Ortgg. three sisters, Mrs Tom Mauney, Mrs. Lily Beatty, Mm. Jennie Lindsey, four brothers, Measra. Herman Origg. Foster Origg j Sam Grigg and Rev. Zeb Grigg and the following children: Mrs. Dur ham Whisnant, Mrs. Lawrence Nor man. Mrs. Houston Gettys, Mrs. Maurice Eskridge and Mi Wray Wesson. Misses Minnie Anna Forney and Dorothy Sue Wallace who had their tonsils removed last week are im proving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Guib Southards spent Sunday with Mr. Tom Lwtti more of Eastslde. Mr. and Mm. Paul Cline apeni! Sunday with Mrs. Hoyle Costner, i Messrs. John Eaker, Ralph Baker,| Grover Rollins. Tod and Dun- Cald well spent Sunday in Blowing Rod Mr. and Mm. Cos Wright and Miss Murl Richards spent Satui day in Hickory. Mias Emma Lou Sloan spent the week-end with her parents in Olin Mr. and Mrs, F. L, Rollins and Mrs. Cordelia Rollins visited Mr. and Mrs Grady Rollins at it von dale Snndav. Cotton Market Cotton was quoted on New York exchange at noon today; Oct 5.90. Dec. 6.10. Yesterday's close Oct. 3.86, Dec. 6.08 New York, Sept 30 Fair weather forecast for belt except showers Northwest Ark and Northern Ok lahoma. Journal of Commerce re view spot sales past week show bi>, increase, 428,000 bales vs. 226,000 previous week and 354,000 last yeav. Bulk of turnover taken bv spin ners. Houston says demand for cot ton both at the ports and in the lr. terior is reported excellent. Aboit: half the glnnlngs of Texas and Ok lahoma being held for higher prices Charlotte reports mills buying for 3tock at primary markets within trucking distance Journal Com merce estimates crop in twelve states 15,139,000. Memphis quoted middling yesterday 485, and Little Rock 415. Worth street quiet. Ml' - ket seems likely to sag under pres sure of moment but trade demand will act as a brake. Purchases on a scale down for a pull may be advis able. CLEVENBERG Commerce and finance average guess of 1,134 readers estimate 15, 163,000 bales and estimated average price middling 6 3-4 cents Cotton Opinions: The market is entitled to a techni cal rally and w* would advise cau tion in selling on declines. Bache—Look for sagging prices to continue and feel rallies may be witnessed only on technical cond. tions and will be short lived Talking about politics, pull and cliques some ol the big city ward heelers ought to visit the small towns of the land and see how rh? work can be done Penny Column COOK AND HEATER STOVE'o repaired Prank Stubbs, Phone 383 W 2t 30r LET ME DO YOUR "SEWING and mending. Mrs J. A. Bridges 831 W. Gardner SU 3t 30p Germany** C r ;s r! ;** Although she is known ns the Greta Garbo of her native Germany, this golden-haired girl may appeal to Americans more for her lively sing ing than for any of thr mysterious qualities ascribed to Garbo herself. Mary Christians (above) has just returned to the New York stage aft er 1.1 years in Germany. At The Theatres "Homicide Squad' is ih« feature offering at the Carolina theatre to day and Thursday Noah Beer Mary Brian. L»eo Curillo, Russell Gleason. George Brent and other stars share honors in this timely picture, dedicated to the polict forces of the land Friday'.* feature is I.lly Damita in The Woman Be tween." Toni Mouit, Constance Camming', and Jack Holt are a line trio in tire new picture at the Webb tonigh and Thursday, The picture Is “The Lifts 1 Parade,” a gripping story of the gangster type, that follows the thrilling experience of a czar of racketeers until the gangsters fin ’ fadeout. Cash Article On Morrison Appears In Oct. Mercury Iiib«* Senator As “Paladin 111 I>rv Sonlh.” Given Editorial Note. W. -1 magiuna writer of Boiling Springs., this county, anti former Shelby newspaperman has an article in the current issue of The American Mercury on Senator Cameron Morrison. The title of the article is “Paladin of the Drys.“ In addition to the article Editor H. L. Mencken carries an editorial note of the life of Cash and a photo of the young writer, who was born at- Gaffney, educated there, at Boiling Springs and at Wake For est college. Later he worked for Tim Charlotte News and then spent some time in Europe before return ing to Cleveland county and taking up magazine work Acrid description. At points the description of the senator becomes acrid, but Mr. Cash shows a familiarity with the poli tical conditions in the state and makes it clear that the former gov ernor is an outstanding example of the environment in which he was brought up. Is No Heflin. In portraying the Morrison chav acteristlcs, Cash desires It to be known ^hat the North Carolina senator isn't a Heflin or Blease. He wrtoes: “Let no one, however, ima gine this to mean that he (Morri son* is to be thought of as such another galoot as the late Thomas J. Heflin of Alabama, or the equal ly late Cole L. Blease of South Carolina. Like them, to be sure, be Is immensely gundy, and often enough fits antics bear a striking resemblance to theirs; but, basical ly. he is separated from them by »u me wicnn oi me cnasrn wmcn lias between the natural and the artificial. the real anti the sham Of the Morrison appointment to the the .senate. Cash writes: “Cain was finally elevated to the toga by appointment at the hands «t Governor Gardner, the same man he had defeated in 1920. and or.t who, but for political exigencies would rather have taken poison than appoint him." The article (joints its theme to | the dry-wet issue in 1932. Morrison, (the writer declares, will do his best to unhorse Raskobism. but failin'? will not desert the party in the gen eral election. Although the prick of some de scriptive phrases may not bn tvs chuckled from the former governor and present senator.- there 'enough direct prescnUuion of th I Morrison assets by Use critic to jsoothe the more paring portions. Thousands Enjoy Opening Day Of Big Fair cupumjfcu juw.m r«UK unl l stock. dog anti poultry shows a« i also above the usual. Back Friday, Saturday. ' Many of those who were heie yesterday will not likely be back be fore Friday or Saturday," Secretary Dorton said. "However we are look ing for good crowds every after noon an\l night—tonight, Thursday afternoon and night and again Fri day. On Friday and Saturday the fair should reach its peak. Those' who attended the first part of the week saw enough to bring them back again, and by that time the hundreds who come each year from neighboring cities will he here.” Additional proof that a mammoth crowd was present yesterday is evidenced bv the fact that for the first time parking space anywhere in the systematically - arranged parking lanes could not be found late in the afternoon and night. Shows Today. The main dog show. in whic*i "Danger’s Fancy," American fox hound champion is entered, is on today. Judging in the livestock show is also underway. The majority, of the judging in the other depart ment has been completed, particu larly in the poultry building, the! booth section and elsewhere. Visi tors to the fair after noon toda\ 1 will have the added advantage of! seeing what exhibits and displays' won the blue and red ribbons 100 Operations At Clinic Here Pafpul* Who Were Not Able to Pa.v Were Excused. 1966 Opera tions in 20 Counties. Speakiug of the tonsil clinic held I in Shelly last week under the direc- j tion of the State Board of Health, j a prominent eilizen in touch with the work had the following report j to make' “I jlist want to give * The Sui readers a few facts that I hav' learned about the Health depart ment of North Carolina l talked', with Miss Cora Beam, stale nurse, who had charge of the clinic last week in the First Baptist church, and I was very much surprised to learn that this splendid work had, been going on in our state for 12, years or more. Miss Beam told me that in this clinic Dr. Gold of Shelby, operated tipon 100 Clew - land county school children. 25 children each day for 4 days. Be fore the children were taken to the' operating table they were thor oughly examined by Dr. Gold and Dr. Gaw one of the state doctors. There were eight nurses assisting with the operations and caring for the children. Each child was kept one day and one night tinder the care of the doctors and nurses. "The fee charge for the clinic op erations was $12.50, however there was a goodly number of children operated upon without pay tor aft er investigation Miss Beam found a number who needed the operation badly, but they were absolutely un able to pay anything. She advised all who were able to do so, to have the operations done at the Shelby hospital and give the place to the more unfortunate ones. Miss Beam says that she had more than 200 applications from school children. Said she was so sorry that 'hey had only time to take care of Just 100 children. She says that the health department of the county should and she thinks will do a great deal of follow up work until every child who Is not able to have the opera tion on account of the money can be taken care of in some way. Miss Beam says that tn this 12 years that she has been with the State department that they have operated upon more than 25.000 school children. This year they op erated on 1966 school children in 30 counties. Every county in the state has had *>,« opportunity of having the clinic once every three years ii they wanted it. Miss Beam said that the people of Shelby and Clev eland county seemed to appreciate the clinic so much and the people and doctors visited them ard did all they could to cooperate with them. As we think of this fine work offered by our state it make' us feel proud that wc live in a state where so many poor people are cared for in this way as well a other branches of the health depart ment.” Vests And Speech Must Be Spotless Galesburg. HI.—More ministers fall because of ’ spots on their vests and ‘ain't’ on their lips" than from any other cause. Bishop Edwin Holt Hug lies told a class of 22 men who were ordained to the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church. "No man should say lie is sancti fied to the work of our Lord when he habitually rocs around looking like a pig." Bishop Hughes said. “And how can you expect a man to win (fouls when he makes every in telligent person in his congregation cringe every time he speaks a sen t“pce?" In Death Mvsterv Mrs. Elizabeth H. Dahl, (above) has hern identified as the writer of let ters sent to Professor Elisha Kent Kane, charged in Hampton, Va., with the death, by drowning, of hi wife. Kane, who was ronneeted with the University of Tennessee, is said to have received letters from Me. Dahl, who. police believe, signed her name “Betty." Authorities are seek ing her. Warm Weather Open* Up Cotton ( top Is Largely Made In The South west. Weather Is Favorable. Washington, sept. 30.- Under (lie influence of warm and mostly dry weather in the southern states cot- I ton bolls continued to open rapidly and the weather was generally fa vorable for picking and ginning progress was reported as variable with a further tendency toward slowness in some places bin more active picking in others. In Texas high temperatures and dryness caus ed considerable shedding and pre mature opening in some central and western sections. Elsewhere the ; crop is largely made Tn Oklahoma j progress continues fair to good in j the east but mostly poor to only fair in the central and west where there were further reports of pre mature opening In other sections of the belt there were local complain** of injury to late bolls by dryness and ! additional reports ot premature j opening from some of the eastern | state* Otherwise the weather was! Gold Discovered,In Rutherford Section Rutherford ton, Sept. 28.—Gold has been discovered near Ruthei fordton in several different direc lions. It is being mined now in the northern part of the county with much success. according to J. T. McGregor, secretary of the local Chamber of commerce. A number of capitalists have been here and made investigations and are anx ious to develop the industry. John Weaver and James Black well have been prospecting for gold in and around Greens Creek sec tion and near Mill Spring. Last week they found one nugget that weighed eleven penny weight". They, with others, think that gold abounds in this and Polk county Cleveland Agents In Insurance Test Raleigh. Sept. 30.—More than SO 01 the approximately 75 applicants to act as Insurance agcntr in North Carolina were successful in passing the examination given in the western part of the state dur ing the past week or 10 days and have been authorized to sell insur ance, Insurance commissioner Dan C Boney, The number is in direct contrast [to the number passing the first tests given in the eastern part of the state, in which more than 50 per cent of the apiipcants tailed to show sufficient knowledge to be given authority to sell insurance. Commissioner Boney reported. Cleveland county applicants who i passed were Audie L. Brooks, Shet j by; and John L. Davis and Kindall J. Beam, of Kings Mountain Results In 30 Minutes In less than thirty minutes aiter The Cleveland Star came from the press Monday afternoon, the T. W Hamrick company had eager response to a iwo-eolumn-ftve-mch ad vertisement on “Use Our tay Away Plan and Select Your Christmas Gifts Early." Even with'all the excitefrient and ail the attractions at the fait grounds, customers have con j tinned to ask for Hamrick s 1 Lay-Away Plan, and have ! gone right ahead, selecting ! their Christmas Gilts early. Star advertising spread the , news and did the work It will work for you, too ft will* help you distribute your mer | dundise to the more than 5000 buying families In Cleve land County Many Fine Dogs Entered In Show At Fair; List Winners Is Given * Question Gold Value Sew^ Reed skoot r toJ. KEY pxtt: ’ITTKAJ.T fZhim t bomH UNITED STATES FPANCC GREAT BRITAIN DTHER NATIONS MON ETA RV gold holdings With the suspension ot the gold standard b.v Britain, the adequacy ot such a standard as a medium for international trade is once more ques tioned. Senator William E. Borah, barked by Senators Smoot and Pitt man. lias grgod President Hoover to convoke an international silver conference with the object of putting before the nations the feasibility of reverting either to bimetalism (gold and silver standard) or to a sil ver standard. They reason that as there is so littie gold in the world it has no right to continue as the basis of international trade, more es pecially as America holds half of the world's supply. A return to the silver standard would enable nations that are now unable to d« so, te do business with America. The diagram shows how the entire amount of gold in the world is distributed. Children Had Great Day Taking In Sights And Shows At Cleveland Fair (CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE cause she could not take one of'the little men home with iv>r for a play, doll. They gaaed in awe and won- f derment at. “Goliath'’ the monster Sandusky seapevt. who is sttll mourning the passing last week ov his sweetheart "Dukeybook." The laughter coming from “Dam-Fino” could be heard all over the midwav, | while little Johnny Eck, the hah | boy was kept continually busy en- j tenanting the youngsters. And with shouts of Ride ’em Cowboy" they treked for the Wild, West and Rodeo. And how they did' whoop things up with the cowboys.) Little “Tom Mix" Eskew, nine year old godson of the famous movie and circus star, showed them how to; spin ropes and ride wild ponies, and many Kid envied the little cowboy star. The monkey circus brought shouts of glee, and they wagered fabulous amounts <in imaginary money i on their favorites in the auto races. They were thrilled when Mbs Reed raced her big auto up aud around the straight up and down wall in the motordrome. “Al pine," the Florida fat girl joked with them and when she asked feu one freckled faced boy to let her sit on his lap—well they just howled They saw all the freaks in the cir cus side show, and gasped when the man. lifted a hundred pounr weight with his tongue. In fact i they did not seem to miss a, land they went home tired, but hau py, the largest crowd of children that ever visited the Cleveland county fair. Their, big brothers and sisters anjl fathers and mothers were seen car rying home silk quilts, blankets, 1 clocks and dolls' which they had I won at some of the concession I stands. The youngsters usually had a cone of Frozen desert, which they nibbled at as they wearily wended utelr way to the exit. It was a great day lor young North Carolina—and the older one too. And it was probably the big gest advertisement that the fair could possibly have. Thousands cl youngsters telling their folks ail about the maf.y wonders they saw at the fair on TucSday. Now. let's all be children again and go out to the fair during the remainder of the week and force.; talks of depresrion and othet trou bles. Let's enjoy life, see the won derful--exhibits, enjoy the grand - island exhibition and take in the greatest midway that ever came to Shelby, Bram. Bray, Frazier T*i » High Honors. Judging Hrirf This Morning. A large number of some «i , the best dogs in the two < ai o linas were entered in the do* show held this morning al the Cleveland eountv fair. All classes except the hounds liz t been judged in time for The Star to publish a list of the winner* tli. afternoon. The list follows:" Setter class, all-age dogs: Ftr.-i “Sam' owned by H. C. Long; sec ond—“Bill'' owned by Dr. A. Pi t Beam; third—"Dick:'' owned by Dr a Frazier; fourth—"Bob’ owned by S. S. Summer. All-age bitches, setter class Fn.t —"Nell” owned by Dan Frazier; sec ond—"Lady” owned by Dan Frazier; third—"Dot” owned by John Nc. man. No. 3. derby dog class. First— “Boze” owned by Dan Frazier Derby bitch: First—“Lady” own ed by J. L. McDowell; second - "Betty” owned by Dan Fraeier; r third—' Spot'' owned by John Nor man. Puppies j^.der 6: First—"Chici; ' owned by Dan Frazier ; second ''Spot” owned by Dsn Frazier; third —"Joe Wheeler” owned by Dr. J. if Osborne: fourth—"Monocle” own^d by Dr. J. R. Osborne. Best registered dog in setter show First—“Kid” owned by Stough Wray; second—‘‘Bill’' owned by Pr Beaar, Best dog in show, sarr awards Pointers. Pointer class, dogs. First—“Ay palachian, Tenn. Jake" owned ov W. C. Ruffin, New York: second "Joe" owned by S. S. Summey: third —“Appalachian Blackjack" owned by Joe McCall, Pointer bitches: First—‘Tarheeiu Mary" owned by EK W. Pressly; ser • ond—“Du iclr" owned by Ceph Bla: ton; third—“Pearl” owned by C. c Horn; four.h—“TarhEClia Be., owned by R. G. McElwee. Best dogs in pointer show, chan: pionship: “Appalachian Tenn. Jake owned by W. C. Rufiin; “Tarheel Mary” owned by B. W. Pressly. Boll And Collie. Nou-sporting dog claas, cham pions of show: First—"D.amond English bull, owned by Mrs. Glen Yoder: second—"BMnky,” col' own".1 by J. C. Adams. Believed Lost in Atlantic •~~T! Setting sail from Barcelona, Spain, on May 25, in a .IS-foot boat, Pro fessor Blanco Alferich, former Spanish teacher at the University ot Idaho, and his wife and daughter are feared lost in the Atlantic. It i believed that the family had intended to make a world tour, bat no new has been received of them since their start from the Spanish port. Top > photo shows Professor Alferich, his daughter, F.valu. for whom the boat was named, and Mrs. Alferich. Lower panel shows the little craft in which they braved the Atlantic. 16TH IN CIRCULATION IN NORTH CAROLINA The Star is 16th in circulation of all the newspaper* in North Carolina. It exceeds the circulation of 160 weekly newspapers and exceeds the circulation of 20 of the 35 daily newspapers. No other form of advertising is more economical or effective. »

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