VOL. XXXVU, No. 118 SHELBY, N. C, FRIDAY, OCT. 8 PAGES TODAY * Late News THE MARKET Cotton . _5% to 6t«c j Cotton Sefd, hundred ...._ 30c i Fair Saturday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Saturday. Big Court Today. County recorder’s court today was beginning its annual task of catch ing up with the county fair after math. Arrests have been less num erous at the fair this year than heretofore, yet the court session this morning was grinding away on an unusually heavy docket, the ma jority of the charges being minor Infractions, however. I Local Cotton 1 Grades Good Good tirade And Long Staple. Said To Be The Best In North Carolina. Cleveland cotton, except where it was ginned too green, is of good grade and long staple this year, according to L. L. McLaughlin, cot ton classer In charge of the inter ior classing office of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Coopera tive association, opened in the Planters and Merchants warehouse here this season for the first time, j The cooperative opened the class- j Ing office here as an additional J service to Cleveland fanners, who* lead the state in both quality afid, quantity production of cotton. With j the office here, members can draw, their full advance, along with grade j and staple premiums, upon deliv-i cry of their cotton. Heretofore they j got only a part of the advance upon i delivery, the full advance being; completed after the cotton had; been classed in Raleigh. To render service to as many farmers in this section as possible, the schedule of the classer has been changed and now instead of being in Shelby every day, the classer) spends two days out of each week! in Lincolnton and Cherryville. Ae-{ cording to the new schedule, he is j in Shelby on Mondays, Wednes-j days, Thursdays and Saturdays; in Lincolnton on Tuesday afternoon and In Cherryville on Tuesday mornings and Friday afternoons. The office is rendering an ex.-1 cellent service, according to local | farmers who are very complimen tary to the courtesy of the classer and the draft clerk. They say they are well satisfied with the grades they are getting and to date the of fice has not had a single complaint. Under the cooperative plan farm ers draw almost as much as they could obtain by outright sale, and still retain their equity in their cot ton. Should the market go up later, as many expect it to do, they will share in the better prices. B. Y. P. U. Quarterly Meeting On Tuesday Meeting To Be Held At Dover Church Embraces 10 Churches In Section. On Tuesday evening, October Cth, beginning at 7:30 p. m. the follow ing program will be given by dis trict No. 2 of the Kings Mountain B. Y. F. V. at Dover Baptisst church: 7:30—Song service. 7:45—Devotional exercises, con ducted by Miss Orma Lee White of Dover. 7:55—Business session; roll call; announcements; time and place of next meeting. 8:15—Solo by Miss Madge Sper ling of Ross Grove. 8:20—Three five minute talks, main topic, "B. Y. P. U. Training .4s An Aid to Christian Living,” dis cussed by 1. “Provides the Influence of Christian Associates,” by Miss Tcssie Lail, Eastside; 2. “Enlists in Christian Work,” by Mr. Walter Davis of Double Springs; 3. "In structs in the Way of Christ,” by Miss Ruth Brown of South Shelby. 8:40—Duet, by Misses Margaret Liles and Mary Lewis Wilson of the First Baptist church of Shelby. 8:45—Address by Mr. Horace Rasom, educational director of Firct Baptist church. The meeting will be presided over by Attorney Bynum E. Weathers, president of district No. 2. There will be elected a chorister, pianist and secretary at this meeting. The following churches comprise this group and representatives from each are urged to attend: Double Springs, Dover, Eastside, Shelby First, Shelby Second. Ross Grove, Elizabeth, Mulls Chapel, Zion ar.d Wallace Grove. High Grid Game On In Afternoon The Shelby high-Forest City football game is being played this afternoon at Forest City Instead of tonight as was first planned. Some arrangements e-ould not be tnade about securing the electrical ty-lighted park there and the game was moved up to this afternoon. (OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 21 Expect Record' Crowd For Final Day Of Big Cleveland Fair Veteran Mail Carrier Quits After 29 Years Geo. Elam Travelled 249,284 Mile* Man Who Travelled Distance Equal To 10 Times Around World Is Retired. A new mail carrier on Thurs day delivered mail for nearly 2, 000 people along: Shelby route one. It was the first time In almost three decades that the ‘'mail man" to 348 families on that route was not George Elam, of Shelby. At Wednesday noon, Mr, Elam drove his automobile into the Shel by post office driveway, alighted with his sacks and checked in for the last time. After 29 years and one month of serving the people along route one he was retired by the postal department. Some Travelling. It was on the morning of Septem ber 1, 1902, that Mr. Elam, then a young man, left by horse and buggy for his first trip around his route. Since? that time, with a few excep tions caused by ill health in the last year, he hasn’t missed a day. At 18G mail boxes, strung out from Shelby to Buffalo, to Waco, to Stony Point and back to Blanton's store on Highway 18, the daily vis its of Mr. Elam were anticipated with the same degree of certainty as the rising sun each morning. At the time he was re'lred the length of his route was 30.8 miles. Through the 29 years the average length of the route was about 28 miles. Counting out Sundays and holidays, Mr. Elam travelled the route approximately 307 days every year for 29 years. Which is to say that during his career as a mail carrier Mr. Elam travelled approxi mately 249.284 miles—which is 10 times around the world. For years the daily trip was made by horse and buggy, but of more re cent years it has been made by automobile. The route has been lengthened since Mr. Elam was first appointed in 1902 but due to modern roads and motor travel he made his last trip before noon where in the old days it was a full day’3 job for any man and his outfit. Four Tears Over. Mr. Elam could have retired four years ago at the age of 65, but by special permission of th e govern ment he served two additional terms of two years each. He is now retir ed on an annuity which is ample enough for him to live on In com fort for the remainder of his life. His first annual salary was $900. As the years passed by this was grad ually Increased and at the time of his retirement he was receiving $2, 010. uid mends uatner. Wednesday night, the night of his retirement. Mr. Elam invited all cf his old service friends to his home on North Washington street. Among those present to wish him all man ner of happiness in his deserved va cation were all members of the Shelby post office force and broth er carriers who had served with him during the three decades. The Elam route Thursday was carried by another Elam—Roland B., son of the retired carrier, who has for years been his father sub stitute. The son will continue the route as temporary carrier until other changes, if any. are made. There is some talk that route one and route 8 will be combined, but this consolidation is not definite as yet. Postmaster J. H. Quinn stated today. Mr. Forrest Lutz is the car rier on route eight. It’s Cotton Currency Here I This lanky cotton-grower of “six miles northwest of Lost Mountain *} doesn't give a hang how many countries abandon the gold standard. His standard Is fresh-ginned cotton. The grower’s "cotton currency,” In the form of three bales of cotton hauled to Atlanta, Ga., by an ox-cart, was brought to the city in answer to a department store's offer to ac cept the Huffy commodity in exchandise for merchandise.. The cotton grower, J. L. Ellison (right). Is shown negotiating with Walter Rich Heft). Get Escaped Convict A fter Second Robbery Ralph Foust, Sent Up For 10 Years, Escapes, j Comes Back Here To Break In The Same Garage He Robbed Last May. Is Caught, j Ralph Foust, young white man* heck in the Cleveland county jail which he left early in September for a 10 years stay in the State prison, certainly has his nei've. Bowie On Visit Here; Cheerful About Contest Judge Tam C. Bowie, ol West Jefferson, a candidate for the Democratic nomina tion to the United States senate, was a visitor in Shel by two days this week. He was accompanied by Mr. George Doggett, Shelby na tive. Judge Bowie, one of thr state's best known political leaders, has quite a number oi close friends here and in con versation with them express ed the opinion that he be lieved his chances to be good for winning the nomination for the seat now held by Sen ator Cameron Morrison. Epworth League To Meet At Gastonia "The Epworth leagues of the Gastonia district will hold their quarterly meeting on Friday night, October 2nd, at 7:30 o’clock, in the Young People's building of Main Street M. E. church, Gastonia. At this time plans for organizing the district according to the New Uni fied program of Christian educa tion in the local church, will be worked out and discussed. All pastors and a large represen tation of young people from each chapter in the district are urged to be present. McLean Not Taking Sides In Race For Governor; Not Daniels Backer Editor Differed With Him Too Much During His Administra tion In Office. (Special to The Star.) Raleigh, Oct. 2.—“They are all my friends—all supported me, and I could not afford to take an active part in behalf of either of them.’ said former Governor A. W. Mc Lean, in Raleigh today, in reply to a query as to what part he is tak ing in the present gubernatorial campaign. The former governor said he was not studying politics now.; except possibly incidentally, but was devoting practically his entire time to business His answer may well apply to those candidates who have an nounced and might be extended to two-thirds of those In prospect, but probably not all of the way, He may have friendly feelings toward Four White Women In Thursday Catch Olflftn Had Busier Day Yesterday With Fair Crowd* Than On Any Other Day. Less arrests had been made among the fair crowds this year than any previous year—up until I yesterday. But Thursday and Thursday night business * began to pick up as al ■cohollc spirits were more in evid ence. During the day an even dozen wople were jailed for being drunk t operating autos while lntoxicat-1 Four of the atrests were made I y highway patrolmen. Four of those Jailed were whit? omen charged with imbibing too eelv. September Record Month For Cupid With 12 Weddings More Mariage licenses Issued Here Last Month Than In An; Month In Two Years. Dan Cupid, who has ben floun dering around in a badness depres sion along with others, staged a real comeback last month. In the month of September, ac cording to the records of Register Andy F. Newton, more marriage li censes were issued at the Cleve land county court house than in any month fin a two-year period. Eleven White. Eleven of the twelve couples se curing licenses during the month were white. One of the licenses, issued this week, is a “secret” affair and it was not known today whether or not the marriage has already taken place. Fine Picture Exhibit Here 150 Works Of Art WiU Be On Dis play At High School Auditor ium Tuesday. B. L. Smith, superintendent of the city schools announces that an exhibit of 150 of the finest repro ductions of recognized masterpieces of art has been engaged to be plac ed on display to local students and the general public beginning Tues day in the high school building. A small admission charge will be made and the fund thus raised, will be used to purchase pictures for the city schools. In making the announcement, Supt. Smith said, “It has hr«*r. the privilege of students and the gen eral public to enjoy the master pieces of music and literature for generations; but an enjoyment of the masterpieces of art has, until very recently, been restricted to those who were wealthy enough to travel throughout the world, visit ing the museums in which the ori ginal paintings hang. “Recent improvements in colot photography and printing now make it possible to bring the art of the world to even our smaller towns and villages through the medium of faithful reproductions. These re productions are true to the originals in all respects, with the possible excewion of size. Even the most ate variations in color are maintained. In most instances the brush strokes In the original pic ture are clearly discernible." Mrs. Harry Hudson has charge of arrangements, Miss Thomas is general chairman. Miss Minnie Ed dins Roberts Is publicity chairman and Miss Kate Wilson has charge of tickets. Turn Tax Books Over On Monday Saturday Is the end of the legal grace period for 1930 de linquent taxpayers in Cleveland county, It was announced today. Monday morning the sheriffs of fice will turn the 1930 tax books over to the county commissioners After the transfer the commission ers will begin preparing the delin quent list for publication in the newspaper next week. Those who have no! paid may do so this week arid have their names removed be fore the list is transferred. other names may be removed by paying before publication day next week Outstanding Booths Take Fair Ribbons Dixons Carry Off Ribbons In Indi vidual Booths. Sharon Best Home Booth. All the booth entries at the Cleveland county fair this year were considerably ahead of those last year in presentation on their subjects. The booth de partment oi the agricultural building proved a big drawing j card Wednesday and Thursday as the crowds took a lull on the j midway to give the exhibits the once-over. The No. 8 community booth won i first honors in the community booth j slass. This booth, presenting an ag-j ricultural survey of the section,! based its theme upo* a general live- j it-home plan. Lattimore Second. The Lattimore booth took second] honors in the community class with the Bess Chapel booth, from Lin coln county, copping third honors. Show Real Farming. A demonstration of successful farming was ably shown In the In dividual farm booths. The exhibit of B. P. Dfxon, of the Bethlehem section, won first prize, and run ning it a close race was the exhibit of R. B. Dixon, of the same sec tion, which took second honors. The D. M. Beam booth from the Waco section ranked third priz«. So out standing were the Dixon booths that the Judges had a hard time making a decision between them The two Dixons are among the county's most successful farmers and their booths paramounting food and feed crops, building of soil and rotation of crops made it clear that the live-at-home style of fanning ianothing mw.to them. Demonstration Booths. The booths of the competing home demonstration clubs were also well prepared and did much to put bver the systematic method o! carrying on the farm activities. • The Sharon club both, based on beautification of home and yard took first honors. The Earl booth, which presented a perfect budget for canned food for the entire year, took second place. The El Bethel booth won third honors by illus trating how the housewife can save steps, labor and worry by a syste matic arrangement of her working quarters and a systematic method of carrying on household and farm work. Draw Attention. Mrs. Irma P. Wallace, home dem onstration agent, stated that the crowds in the exhibit buildings Wednesday and yesterday were the best Wednesday and Thursday crowds to visit the exhibit section in any fair. Showman Breaks His Leg At Fair Ground George Watkins, who is connect ed with the Model Shows playing the Cleveland county fair, is in the Shelby hospital with both bones in his right leg broken. Watkins was hurt Tuesday when something fell upon him while, it is said, he was helping to erect some of the shew stands. Ned Gidney, negro, shot in the stomach during a brawl in the county last Saturday night, Was said today to be improving. Willie Strickland, negro, who was shot in the stomach in a shooting affair in “little Harlem" some weeks ago in which another young colored man was killed, has improved con siderably and is now about able to leave the hospital. Midway Fun Gets Praise Of Crowds; Saturday Big Day HifCttt Show Kver To Play Fair Here Measure** Up To Advance Reputation. The midway at the Cleveland County Fair brought here by the Model Shows of America has been the mecca for thoifcands of amuse ment seekers during the week, and all indications point to the, largest crowds being on Jiand tonight and Saturday. The magnitude and general meri torious character of the midway shows this year has elicited much favorable comment-in fact the ad vance stories did not exaggerate when the announcement was made that a "Veritable world's fair" would be brought here. The Model Shows of America are providing fun and amusement for the whole fam “J; The Royal Russian midgets; the Wild West and Rodeo; the Giant sisters; the colored minstrels: the circus side show; Alpine, the Flor ida fat girl; Goliath, the Sandusky sea monster, Fun on the farm; the bug house; "Paris;” the "Wall of Death;” the mpnkey hippodrome and circus; the Crazy Quilt; Dam Fina, and many other novelties, aa well as the big and small rides have created endleas entertainment dur ing the fair. One particular exhibit called the "Naked Truth" should be Seen by every adult. It Is one of the most educational demonstrations that has ever In all probability ben seen on a midway. No children are admitted to this attraction. All shows and rides will be in op eration continuously until midnight Saturday, when stakes will be pull ed and early Sunday morning the special train will pull out for Win ston-Salem, where the Model Shows of America furnish the midway fea tures next week at the fair. Young Shelby Girl Get* Prize Check Theresa Payseor, 8th Grade Student Here, Win* An Eighty-Five Dollar Cash Prize. Thgresa Payseur, 10-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Pay seur, of Shelby, is a happy little girl today, and a bit proud—and Justified at being so. This morning she received an *85 check from the Andrews music firm at Charlotte for offering the best solution to the "27" puzzle contest conducted by the firm. Theresa is in the fifth grade at the Marion school. Mr». Wootton Under j Serious Operation1 I Mrs. Paul Wootton is undergoing a very serious operation this morn ing in the University Hospital in Philadelphia. She has been suffer ing with a tumor on the brain which Dr. Frazier, one of the ablest sur geons in America is undertaking to, remove. Mrs. Wootton was former ly Miss Mae Blanton of Shelby. Her husband who is manager of the Montgomery Ward store at Hickory and her sister, Mrs. Mai Spangler of Shelby, are in Philadelplfisi at her bedside. Big Python, MissingFrom Show Here, Believed To BeLocatedNear Winston • >_. _ 14-Foot Snake. Discarded For Dead At Greensboro, Tunis Up At Winston. Imagine walking upon a 14-foot snake coiled by the side of the road? That's what happened to a color ed man just out of Winston-Salem I yesterday morning, and the odd an gle ts that the mysterious python which so aroused Winston people yesterday has e eoaneetirn with • Shelby 'tods'', after a?,..Investiga tion, it appears as if the big snake found there by a colored man. the discovery censing a semi-riot one of the snakes in the python col lection ol Col. Walter Welliver who is with the Model Shows at the Cleveland County Fair. Last Saturday night when the show here and Col. Welliver prepar ed to leave Greensboro It was be lieved that ‘'George.” 14-foot, 35 year-old python of the Indian jungles, was dead. Col. Welliver ord ered a colored hian to take the big; | snake and bury It was believed ! that he did so until yesterday aft ernoon when Wins toy papers flash- i ed out with the netrs ihaj a ason- ■ 1 strous snake—a boa constrictor, or ' iCOVTINXIBO ON SAGS EKAHT.i • Throngs See Attractions Thursday Peak Attendance For Saturday Bir Event To Culminate With Colorful Program Arrang ed For Saturday. A surprising mid-week at tendance Thursday afternoon and night, ranging from 18 to 20 thousand, led Cleveland County Fair officials to be ieve that all attendance rec ords of the fair would be smashed tomorrow, Saturday afternoon and night. Such was the jam of humanity and motor cars at the fair tract last night that hundreds of cars parked along sideroade near the fairgrounds in order to see the fireworks program. A definite check-up of the at tendance figures was not available this morning, but several fair offi cials expressed the belief that the crowd last night was the largest to ever see the fair here except on opning and closing nights. Attractions Galore. "We hardly expected that many people back so soon after that big opening day crowd." Secretary J. 8. Dorton said of the Thursday night attendance, "but one thing about it —we are assured that we're going to have more people than we can hardly handle tonight, and Satur day afternoon and night. But if even more people come through the gates Saturday than did for the big opening Tuesday we Intend to en tertain them as they haven't been entertained. It will be the last day, the grand finale, and we mean to shoot the works. What is left in tho fireworks array will be flashed for the evening performance, and In all the races, horses and hounds, everything will be out' to win and It should be the biggest amusement day of all.” One of the attractions this after noon will be the parading UXore the grandstand, at 1:30, of all the blue ribbon winners in the livestock show. Saturday Program. . The program for Saturday, the final day, will vary very little from the set programs of the other days One Saturday feature has been add ed, however, for the afternoon. At 4:15 the annual pony raoe with local boys and local ponies compet ing will be held. This event Is ex pected to bring out every youngster in the section as well as the grown ups on hand for the horse and hound races. The other races and free attractions will be held at the usual hour, and hundreds of people from neighboring counties who haven't as yet seen the foxhound (CONTINUED ON PAqs EIOHT i Good Racing Staged At Cleveland Fair Raleigh Horae Sets Record In Run Off Heat. All Races Are Fast. The horse races at the Cleveland County Pair this year are better than usual and are giving plenty of thrills to the packed grandstand each afternoon. Tomorrow owners and drivers of the racing horses plan “to shoot the works” with the hope of picking up extra prize mon ey on Saturday, the closing day. Winners In Tuesdays racing events follow. 2:14 trot—-“Jack Ashey. owned and driven by J. A. Smith. Mem phis. Tenn.; "Sayzoff,” owned and driven by Louis Huber, Cincinnati. 2:20 pace—“Clara Tango," winner in three straight heats, owned and driven by L. Huber. Cincinnati; “Dixie Symbol," owned by W. R. Rutherford. Bristol, Va., and driven by Tate. Wednesday events: 2:17 trot—Pour heats were neces sary, the winner. “Arion Booken.' owned by D. H. Pope. Raleigh, and driven by Britt, clipping off the fourth heat quarter in a SI second record. “Duchess." owned by Penny Brothers, Greensboro, and driven by fCe!*-1- placed second 2:14 pace—1 Symbo Panel,' owned by D. H Pope, Raleigh, and driven by Hatehell, won in three straight hears.