Around Our TOWN OR Shelby SIDELIGHTS By RENN DRUM. *•!!•!! «>«>« . . NO COCKTAILS FOR * VOUNG GOLF PRO Cocktail shakers and champ.onship golf cups will not mix. At leart, that's tlie way Freddy i Snook> Webb. 16-vear-old Shelby golf •tar and the Carolina* amateur champion, feels a bout it. In the Carolinas open tournament at Reidsville last week the youngest of the golfing Webb brothers turned In the best amateur score. Hie first piire for amateurs was given by a Greensboro jewelry firm *nd turned out to be a handsome sliver cocktail shaker, valued a: •round $50. Fred, who doesn't drink and never has, found out, after some questioning, what it was and immediately informed th# jewelry firm that he had no use for it. By return mail the jewelry firm cour teously informed that he could trade the cocktail shaker in for any thing else of equal value. He will—and something other than a white lightning mixer will be added to his growing collection of golf cups and prizes. Incidentally, if the tobacco people do not object to ihe information, the young golf star doesn't smoke cigarettes, either. SHELBY SHORTS: Several rat stories are being told about town An entertaining one U that about the rat chasing across LaFayette street t'other night, cashing up the stairs in the Lineberger building and running right up the leg of Or. D. M Morrison’s trousers as he was hop-skipping down stairs .Doc choked the varmint to death before he would dare turn loose to le„ it out.Any number of susceptible fellows "picked" by some of the tricksters along the fair midway have beseech ed offl f rs to arrest the faster-than-the-cye artists. All admitted, after ques tioning,, that as long as they were winning they didn't look for an offi CP1‘.Hill Hillard, veteran press agent here with Gruberg's show, h one of the oldest and best knowri publicity boys in the game. There i re few towns and cities in America where they have fairs and carnivals mat Bill hasn't visited. And he knows nearly all the troupe artists and show people who hang around the theatrical agencies in New York waiting-to catch some shew- as it hits the road . . . . B. H. DePriest lormer Shelby newspaperman, now a New Yorker, says there is less j.sssltnitm and less cause for it about Shelby than there is in the east ; nd north .... Every day or so we hear whispers around indicating that there will be several contests in the county primary next spring • . V Duke university supporters believe the Wallace Wade eleven will to 'i'bat DeHart's team did last year—cop all the games after the South Carolina affair . ... Speaking of football, this colyum, which has seen !.1'9 great Guyon, Sr.upper, Buck Flowers, Bo McMillan, Jack McDow ( 1, Stumpy Thommason and Bobby Dodd in action, reiterates the be 1 cf that Bsrl Clary, the Gaffney boy at South Carolina, tt one or the eatest backs ever produced in the South . . . . Crowds hanging around f ie radio listening to the World series play between the Cards and the The majority picks Connie Mack's crew .... Bob Reynold’s cam j tign letters are flooding Shelby . . . Tam Bowie, another entrant for :->. nator Cam's seat was in Shelby this week a'shaking hands, etc. ' Hench” Kendall,' Shelby boy and former president of the student body i i State college, hacin'l been in Shanghai, China, so many months before the news came along that lie is to marry the daughter of a big business nan there- . . But Ikey Griffin, over in Turkey or Greece, hasn’t . .ailed a harem of his t~n yet . . And there's no indication that .i■-Jinny McXnight, news wiring at Havana. Cuba, will tie up with any (. the grass-akirted ukelele strummers.Miss Inez Bridges, of the "'ebb insurance agency, i: nominated in the most efficient stenographer iters .. . . Frank Hamrick was the first man in Shelby to wear straw hat- last spring and at this writing lie still has it on—and Jim Wilson .predicting frost in a few day.; .... Ben Gold, 'iVyeth Royster and "Shine’ Clanton wouldn’t be surprised if Carolina licks Vanderbilt tomorrow. < :aro.4na men arc that way .... The dust on the fairgrounds is getting firmed these mornings for numerous red eye* WO-UPI HOWS THAT VOW ? ? Ripley, the Believe -It-Or-Not guy, picked up a real lreak -in West c •« North Carolina the other day, we learn by way Of the Asheville Cit l.on. It's this: Horace Wright, of Haywood county, owns a dog which was never born, but which was raised by a cat. You doubling Tommies in the audience may not believe it, but the freak is explained as follows: The mother dog was shot and killed at the time she was about to give birth to the dog now turned by Mr. Wright. An autopsy was per formed and a Jive pup was given to a cat. The cat raised it and it vs now a healthy canine although it first saw daylight by means of the Caesarian operation. IT WILL SEEM THAT LONG, ANYWAY Some fellow' stepped up to Johnston Avery, editor of The Lenoir News-Topic, the other day and gave him the following recipe for living . ire 150 years of age. ( very little park Bathe at least three times a week Be careful of extra cold showers Don’t attend wild parties. Don't fail to exercise, especially from bending Don’t stay up late at night. Don't use tobacco in any form Don't use snuff. Keep away from women. And above all, don't drink. Johnston looked It over and remarked. "Anyone who tries it may not to be 150, but my idea is that it will seem that long. SHELBY SOON TO SEE A REAL HOME SHOW The majority of "home talent” entertainments m these parts—es p cially since the heydey of the oldtime country school commencement plays—-have been hurriedly assembled, trained over-night performances, flow, information is, Shelby will soon see a well-trained dramatic per formance produced and trained entirely by home people. It is not a temporary set-up but is to be a permanent organization, something similar to the "Little Theatre” players which have met with much ap proval in other cities. Advance tips on the cast leads to the belief that Shelby has enough comely damsels, who are not tongue-tied and do not have wheels in their head, and enough glib-talking young men to put on a play that will entertain any audience. Maybe when it goes over this department will have an opportunity to walterwinchell it. 1 UINKS SHEiBY WILL WIN NIGHT GRID GAME * One wag about town thinks the Shelby high eleven will win the football game with Forest City tonight. The boys may never have play ed football before at night, he says, but he knows several youngsters on the team who are good at snagging a watermelon off the ground at right, tucking it under their prms and selling out over the ditches to cover How'd you like to be married to one of thote TALL women at the fair and have her start an uppercut for the chin nights when you come Borne late? Grover Section Events Of Week Baptist S. S. Promotion l)»v. Mr, Hrrndon Improving. Per sonal Xf*s. (Special to The Star ) Grover, Oct. 1—Sunday was pro motion day at the Baptist church, j Much Interest was shown In the; | students as they received their cct-j Silicates and went into their new I classes. Dr. J. T. Dendy, pastor oi the ‘ Presbyterian church preached a! wonderful sermon Sunday using: •“The Judgment" as the subject of] his sermon. Dr. and Mrs. G O Moss visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Homer Bridges is spending j awhile here with her mother. Mrs ! Minnie Moss. Mrs. Joe Wharton. Mrs. Charlie Pierce and baby of Greenwood, S. C. have returned home after spend ing a week here with their parents. Mr. and Mr D. J. Keetrr. Mr. and Mrs. John Black of; ChcrryvlUe spent the week-end here i with Mrs. Black s parents, Mr. and j Mrs. Charlie Sheppard. Mrs. R. L. Pinkelton is spending i this week in York, S. C. visiting her i daughter, Mrs, Dan Towell and Mr. TowelL Mr. Laxton Hamrick of Furman j university, Greenville, S. C, spent j Tuesday here with Mrs. Hamrick | Mrs. Hugh Logan and Mrs. J. L. j Parker spent Sunday evening with i their mother. Mrs J. G. Herndon. Mr. Hay Tessner and Mr. Jack Pinkelton spent last week-end in E’ienboro. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tessner and! Mr. Ray Tessner moved Monday to j Hickory. The Messrs. Tessner’s have accepted a position there. Mrs. Laxton Hamrick and little d. ughter, Sally Jo, left Thursday to visit relatives in Bessemer City. Mr. Odus Herndon who has been quite sick for some Is im proving at the home of his moth er's, Mrs, J. F. Herndon. Miss Elizabeth Land of Greenville, S. C. spent last week with Miss Willie Jones. Miss Odessa Moss who teaches in the Polkville school is spending sometime here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Beam. Mrs. C. N. Ferree and little Margaret Jeanne Ferree, spent Sunday even ing in Kings Mountain at- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Beam. Mrs. John M. Beam who had been spend ing sometime with Mr. and Mrs Marion Beam accompanied them home. Master Willard Turner, jr.. re turned home Sunday after a week’s visit with relatives in Charlotte Most of the people in this vicinity have the fair spirit and many are attending. Beauty may be an asset to a young woman starting a business career, but unless she uses her brains there won t be many raises in the pay envelope. NOTICE OF SALE OF BARBER SHOP EQUIPMENT. By virtue of the Dower of rale contain ed in certain chattel mortgages recorded in the office of the register of deeds of Cleveland county. North Carolina, In book page 160, which chattel mortgager 111. at page 454. and book 159 at were given to secure certain indebtedness and which Indebtedness Is past due and not paid, the undersigned will offer for sale at Patton's Barber shop under the Onion Trust company, at Shelby, North Carolina, on Friday at 2 o’clock p ni. October 16, 1931 for cash the following described property, to-wit: All the equip ment. lurniture and fixtures now located in the Wright Barber shop under the Cleveland Bank A: Trust company, con sisting of the following articles: 4 barber chairs. 3 mirrors. 1 ten piece wicker suit, one National cash register, and all plumb ing equipment, and other accessories, and 1 No. 65 Ivory chair, No. 85 leather. This 23th day of September, 1931 FRED J. WRIGHT UNION TRUST COMPANY. Mortgagee and Assignee. D 7.. Newton. Atly. 4t Sept 25c RUN-DOWN and. WEAK "I began tak ing Cardui when In a weakened, run-down condition," writes Mrs. F. S. Perrit, of Wesson, Miss. “I took one bot tle, and I seemed to im prove so much that I sent for six bottles. Af ter I had taken the six bottles, I seemed entire ly well. "Before I took Car dui, I was nervous, rest less, blue and out of heart. I felt depressed all the time. After I took Cardui, all this disappeared. “I gave my daughter Cardui and it helped to relieve irregular . . This medicine ha* been used by women for over 60 years. K-17« Tak< CARDUI helps Women to Health I Take Thed/ord’s Black-Draught fer Constipation, Indigestion, and Biliousness. _ F $1.00 U’l.l.KT SKI ;t cast iron 'nllets. fi 1-« » t-2 and It l in diani $2.58 SMOOTH ri.ANI.—N*. s size Sides and bottom ground r.nd polished. Rh vr! $1.00 AI'TO JACK Double screw jack worth $155! Lifts :toon pounds. $1.00 fOOKIT WATCH A nation nliy advertised Amer lean manufactur. era $J.$n watch! <ibc U I N l* <> t\ 'illADK _ oi non - transpar ent oil opupur doth. Spring rollers. :ta-in *i.UU ! It <» N I N Ci HOARD ~ 3 legs. Room> tapered top. 47 1-2 in, long, A $1.50 hoard! $1.00 STKP UDDER —$1.50 value! 5 - ft. length. Roddrd steps and pail shea,* $l.Uu AI.AUM CtU( K Paatel enameled 5 inches high with concealed alarm $1.49 value! ■j, $59-** l nsurpasscd for Krai Quality at Low Trier Buy ?iow, get smartness, style and qfnilit.v—save DOUBLE today for tomorrow's needs! Roomy Sofa and Button-Back CHAIR upholstered in com bination two-tone Jacquard velour. Reversible cushions; 4-leg base. Onh $5.00 * DOWN Compares With Suites Others Sell at 25% More $39.00 r Unsurpassed anywhere for such fate qual ity at *50.00! Pull size Bed, roomy Chest, and smart Vanity—of select ed gum wood in walnut finish with sunburst decorations In stippled maple finish. Onlv $4.00 DOWN Complete with Airline Tubes <t Installed fully Licensed by R. C. A, and Haieltir.V i Compare with ANY $100 set. PENTODE TUBE, triple super control tubes, con inuous tone control, automatic volume control. METER tuning, power modifier, super dynamic speaker, walnut veneer Console. STANDS ANY TEST! Only $5 Down, $6.50 Monthly. I "Best Furniture Value our I stores have ever offered” I i Only $5.00 DOWN $89.95 Savings of S10 * Morel Better quality, smarter style, finer construction than you’ll find anywhere near this price! fiO-inch Buffet; 6-ft. extension Table; Host Chair & 5 Side Chairs—in combination Ameri can walnut, with smart overlays of birdseye maple. Carvings route lines. $45 “TRAIL BLAZER” BIKE IT’S BUILT FOB SPEED! $26.95 *5 Down $5 Monthly, Small Carrying < harge What a Bike! Fast . BTnart, Fully equipped! A super purchase brings you this price. BREAKFAST 20-PC. SET! SAVE AT LEAST 50«• NOW $1.39 Oetagonal shape dishes in ca nary color-—corrugated design gives smart decoration. No won der It’s a best seller! Glow Heater Same Quality Elsewhere At $4 up. See Wha' You save! $2.95 13-in. chronic plated rellri: tor. Enameled heartshapf base. A buy! Men’s Pajamas They’re Ileal Broadcloth, and Worth $1.50 to Any Man! $1.00 Fancy pattern* and plain col ors — pullover and button styles. Buy! 27 x 54 - Inch Rug Extra Large and Durable Rag Rugs at Nation-Wide Savings ?S 2 For $1.00 Imagine 27x54 in.! Sanitary tightly twisted rags. Wash able! Fringed, $10 SHOTGUN The "Hercules.'’ Single Barrel takedown model. *r (\s Automatic ejector 3? J.7l) DON’T MISS THESE BIG SPECIALS ’ONGKH — Genuine ogj* '2-Momim‘f Weight, yd. 4iDC Hi-Cut Shoes $3.98 Men's 16-in. W Ith wonder-wear «oks. Women’s Hose 49c "nil fashioned, pure silk Chil'fon. JEN’S FELT HATS — in choice of colors .H'TING FLANNEL — Neat new patterns, yd. _ HINTS — Fine Woven Fast color, yard_ $1.00 10c ... 12c Men’s Overalls $1.09 i)f heavy blue denim. Triple stitched, MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS — Sizes P n 17. Colors: Blue, -fan and Gray__ OIL HEATERS —~ priced for real savings .... $1.0C $3.79 Electric Iron $1.00 J-lb. chromium plated. With the cord. Boudoir Lamp $1.00 Gold plated; celanese shade. 15-inch. C. A DIES’ HOUSE DRESSES — A f\ Fast color. Each ..-_TrJ/C . Tube Free With Every Tire Purchased SATURDAY ONLY! a OT Mil lime on RIVERSIDES if Never Before Has a Genuine Riverside Been Priced So Low Made by one of the largest tire companies. Guaranteed without limit as to Time or Mileage. Riverside Mate Prices 29x4.40 . $4.35 28x4.75 . S5.7C 29x4.75 _ $5.7' 30x5.00 _ $6.10 Riverside De Luxe 6-Plv 29x4.40 _ $7.1c 28x4.75 . $8.30 31x5.25 . $10.25 33x6.00 „ $11.65 MOUNTING AT ALL STORES Montgomery Ward & Co. 139-141 S. LaFAYETTE STREET. PHONE 167 SHELBY, N, C. Why Don’t You? | Your Neighbor Saves Money At Ward’s

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