Do You Want To Buy Or Sell? Thousands Read Star Want Ads. t WHat You Want k in the Hates For Want Advertisements In This Column, Minimum Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. nils size 1 cent per word eacn insertion, fhis size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type Sc per word each insertion. Reinhardt’s Week End Specials 8-lb. bucket' Lard _ 65c Pork Roast, lb. _ 18c Pork Ham, sliced, lb._28c Pork Sausage, lb._18c Stew Beef. 8 lbs. 25c New Homemade Molasses, Gallon _ _ 50c Milk, 7 small cans 25c Milk. 1 large cans_25c Grandpa’s 21-oz. loaf __10c Prunes, pound . .._5c •Sweet Potatoes. 8 lbs. _ 21c Irish Potatoes, No. t, 8 pounds___ 24c Pinij Salmon .. . _ 10c Herring FLO, 8 cans ... . 25c Rio (.’offee, 8 lbs. .. . 25c Breakfast Bacon, Rined and sliced . .... 25c CASH AND CARRY C. H. REINHARDT, SOUTH SHELBY lie WA I'CH. CLOCK AND JEWELUV cp&hing. u C. Davis. next doer to (itlrci’-i 1 appreciate vom oatroo *-«9, large ',c snail >t ISc IF YOUR FEET HUR1 you, visit us and h: ve Dr. Schoii's representative exam ine them free. A. V. Wray & 6 Sons. ti'-8Cc LET ‘ VIC - AND GEORGE FIT you in a tailor made suit for fait Fit Guaranteed—»22, *35, $30, $35. A. V. Wray and 6 Sons. tf-July 22c. WE REPAIR AND MAKE feather belts. Oinners should see as. Shelby Roller Covering Co., 227 West Graham street, Phone 770-J. tf 4c ALL KINDS OF PARTS FOR the Singer sewing machine at the Landis shoe shop, Shelby. Also needles for other machines. 6t 23c FARMERS WHO INTEND TO store sweet potatoes in the Shelby .Potato House, are urged to see G. A. Spake at once. New crates are on hand for those who need them. 3t 28p LOANS—$5 TO $40 ON your own personal endorse ment. See us when you are in need of the means to meet that “short of cash” emer gency. $50 to SI.000 on stocks and bonds. Courteous service.! Easy terms. Citizens Finance! Company, 12 Lineberger Bldg. Entrance W. Marion St. 3t21c DON’T FAIL TO BRING YOUR feet to Wray’s Tuesday, October 20. Free examination and consultation. Dr. Scholl's expert. tf 14c FOR SALE: ONE LARGE~sfzE Heatrola, excellent condition. Also one large size set-in grate. Big bar gain; Clyde Nolan, phone 514 or 70. 2t 28c COOK AND HEATER STOVES repaired. Frank Stubbs, Phone 383 W. 2t 30p LET ME DO YOUR SEWING and mending. Mrs. J. A. Bridges 521 W. Gardner St. 2t 30pl SALESMAN WANTED: LOCAL man only to work Shelby and sur rounding counties calling on busi ness concerns. Nationally advertis ed line. Must be a hustler. Per manent connection if you make good. Merchants Industries, Inc 2001-2029 Home Avenue, Dayton, Ohio. 3t 28 c MILK COW FOR SALE: M. L. Murray, near St. Paul. at 30p MEN WANTED FOR RAW lcigh routes of 800 consumers in Cast Gaston county, Dallas. Relia ble hustler can start earning $35 weekly and increase every month. Write immediately. Rawlcigh Co., Dept. NC-W-52-S, Richmond. Vir ginia. 2t 30p REPAIRMAN HERE: HARLEY, the old reliable, typewriter and add ing machine mechanic. He is his own hand and at your service. See him at usual place, upstairs in court house. 3t 30e THREE GRADES a f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfWc i Young Peoples’ Rally At Second Baptist County-Wide Rally For The Pur pose Of Hearing Dr. Mncklr Speak. Baptist young people from all ] over Cleveland county are expected | to meet in large numbers Sundavj : :glit at tlie Second Baptist church! in a young peoples rally. Mrs. Hcl-] tv Ledford of Shelby, president of the King Mountain B. Y. P. 0. or ganization is desirious of seeing every E. Y. P. U. represented. The main feature of this meeting will be an address by state B. Y. P. U. president, Dr. Coy Muckle of Wingate. Dr. Muckle is also presi dent of Wingate junior college, and r live wire worker among young people, He is admired, and his m;s :.rro> are enjoyed, wherever lie goes. There will also be special .'Hi -ic and other features connected with the program. The cervices will start promptly at 7:30, and it is hoped that every! B. Y. P. U. will plan to have a dele gation present. SEE J. lAWREN C E Lackey for bargain in used r:,—-I’ontiacs, Fords, Chev rolet's and JBnicks. ~ 3t-2c ITsedautoTand Truck Parts. Automo bile Glass Installed. Fink iron & Metal Co. West Warren Street, Phone 580. tf-30c FOR RENT: TWO - ROOM apartment with steam heat. Call 72G-R. ;ic LUXURY AT A* SACRT FICE — '29 model Packard sedan, slightly used. Sold for $2600. A bargain for half price. Can be bought for much, less. Terms. Owned by Miss McNichols. Apply J. Lawrence Lackey. 3t-2c FOR RENT BEDROOMS WITH private bath, steam heat, near square. Also two connecting un furnished rooms. Call 173 or 373. tf-2c SHOE REPAIRING — MEN’S special soles and rubber heels »1; Ladies' 80 cents, freeman's Shoe Shop, East Shelby. “Ask Anybody." 2t Uc IT MIGHT PAY you to see what Campbell’s are offer ing in their grocery departments before you buy. ltc TRUSTIX S SALK Cndi>r an 1 by virtue of the authority contained in a deed of trim given by W. (3. MtU'-a.n and wife. Sarah McSwaln to secure an Indebtedness to Rons Rippy, which deed of trust la recorded In book 120 at page 130 in the office of tht reg ister of deeds of Cleveland county North Carolina, tire undersigned trustee tn said deed of trust will on November 7th, 1931. at IS o clock, to m. sell at the court house door io the highest bidder for cash tne following described real estate: f- ‘rand .being in Cle.eir.vd count'-*. Not:It Carolina, end described bv metis and ‘ouuds as follows: ISeg'ou-tij at a water oak in El.iu Ripd* s line, e new division corne* be tween Vv*. O, McSwoin and Cl. H. JUppy I and running thenot south 8»~, tast «4;'. poles crossing branch to a large Hlcko-y thesoe north 24 16 erst 108 poles to oil Iron slab ■ In old line by north side of a pine; thine* with old lino north 63 V in. 1.231 <n*« poles to a stone, Ellis R’t'P" a corner; thence with her line south 36 V . iva. <&*, S3 poles to a stone and bunch cf Lcrnsta: thence with her liu - 1 sooi'.i IS -- 2 84 poles to the place oft b*i ’.ning, cents.nlng 61 acres more o. I Its This .-and it." * of October, 1S31. HORACE ivENlvEDV, Trustee. 4t Oct 2c| ILL'S SALK OF KKALTY North Caro a-.. Cleveland Count;’. Under run'. by virtue cf and pursuant to th: power of sale contained in that cerla.i. need of trust dated June 10th. 1920 m ' ereiutod by B C. McCraw and S. Q. McCr&w itdih single* and delivered by them to G. \V. C. Byers and recorded in book 111. at pa^e 53,-office of the reg ister of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C and default, having been made in the payment thereof.' the undersigned trus tee will on Monday. November 2nd, 1931. within legal hours, at the court house door \)t Cleveland county, N. C expose at public’' auction to the highest (wider for cash or other satisfactory arrangements the following described real estate, to wlt: Situated in the southwest part of the towji of Mooresboro, N. C. on the south side of the Southern railway and west side of Hig i Shoal road. Beginning at a stake in center of bridge across a small creek. H. H. Green’s corner and running thence with old road N. 58‘aE. 43$ feet to an Iron stake: thence with Gillespie street N. 36L< E. 140 feet to an Iron stake in the cent or of said street. Mrs. E. E. Martin’s corner; thence with her line N 461* W. 400 feet to an iron stake, Mrs. Martins cornel thence N. 35, W. 100 feet to an iron stake 50 feet from center of said railway, Mrs. Martin’s corner, thence N. 46 V* vv. parallel with and 6c feet from railroad 255 feet to a stake > creek or branch, thence dow'n with branc i ns it meander^ to the ptAee of beginning Containing 53* acres more or less. This October l~,t. IDuJ - C. R. HOEY Trustee C. B. McBrajer, Atty. 4t Oct 2c STAR AD VS. PAYS Be lwood Section Events Of Week Crmif Grier Picks 400 Pounds Ofi Cotton In a Hay. Marriage In Gaffney. (Special to The Star.i Belwood, Oct. I.—A Wedding ot i much interest to their many friend was that of Miss Gazxie Martin ofj Fa listen to Mr. Marion Benfleld which took place at Gaffney on Sept. 20. The bride is the .charmin'; young daughter of Mr. and Mrs Farris Martin of Falls ton. The groom is the son of MU', and Mrs. Fonzo Benfield. The young couple Will make their home with the (room's parents for awhile Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Deal on September 26, a boy. Mrs. C. T. Goodman and children attended a birthday dinner at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Curry of Shelter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hoyle’ of near Vale spent Sunday with her father, Mr. George Peeler. Rev. J. M. Morgan delivered an inspiring sermon at Knob Creek church Sunday morning. His text was "Remember Lots Wife.” Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elkins are spending some time In the eastern part of the state and Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cfiine and chil dren of near Lawndale visited Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith Sunday aft ernoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tliad Ford and children of Shelby wesre the guests of Mr. a»d Mrs. W. R. Porter Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller and children ol Lawndale R-4 were 1 the* dinner guests of her mother. Mrs. 8. L. Gault Sunday. The farmers arc very busy pick ing cotton and making molasses. Miss Mngkle Lutz who has been quite* ill tor sometime is improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs A J. Jeffries and children of Llneolntou were the dinner guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman Sunday. Miss Tula Ivester who teaches at Philbeek's school near Casar is spending her vacation with her par-, ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ivester Mrs. Ainas Ledford of the Do-, light section spent Sunday after-! noon with her sister. Mrs. Jasper Childress. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swcezy of near Vale spent Sunday afternoon with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie! Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Chapman of Lincolnton visited relatives in the community Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ledford of the Delight community spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Dorgan Greene. Wc are having some champion cotton pickers this year. Mr. Craig the young son of Mr. and Mrs. George Grigg picked four hundred pounds in one day. Miss Mayo Galitt picked 165 in four hours. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dixon amj children of Hendersonville and Mr. and Mrs. Will Lee of the Palm Tree community spent Sunday with M". and Mrs. C. K. McMurry. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Johnson and clUldren spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rich ard. • Ready To Serve The officers of the Union Trust Com pany stand ready, at your request, lo give you all the information at their disposal in connection with your Business problems and to aid you in every way consistent with sound banking practice. Union Trust Co. "IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH" — —— V Trinity Community News Of The Week (Special to The Stnr.i Trinity. Oct l On next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, our usual preaching hour, the B. Y P. IJ.'s will observe promotion day and a short program will be rendered and diploma.1- awarded to four girls After which our pastor Rev. M. M Huntly.wlli deliver a sermon Mr and Mrs, J. B Scruggs and daughter Miss Shirley Scruggs ot Greenville, S C were callers at the home of Mr K. D N Jolley, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Perry Robbs of near Gaffney, S C Us spending some time here with his sister, Mrs. F. E. Bridges. Mr and Mrs H w McKinney visited their mother Mrs Wilkes McKinney, who is ill at the home of her daughter Mrs. John Dubree of Henrietta. Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Onnie Blanton and family were the spend-the-day guests of Mr. and Mrs E.-B Love, lace, Sunday. Those calling at the home of Mrs |W. D. Winn Sunday Afternoon were: ! M rand Mrs. Jim Wmn of Cltffslde. and Mr. and Mrs Will Hawkins ol Rare Rath. Mr and Mrs. Tom Tow cry and children of near Gaffney. S. C., were visitors in the community on Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mr*. R. V Green and family of Mooresboro were the Sunday dinner guests of Mrs, Paul | Bridges. Mr and Mrs. K A Lovelace were among the 6 o'clock dinner guests ol Mrs. A B Buchanan of Bolling Springs Sunday evening. The din ner was given in honor of her daughter Mrs Forrest Kelly of Goldsboro, who Is spending some time with her. Mr and Mrs Robert N Jolley of No. 1 township spent Tuesday with their parents. Mr, and Mrs K. n. N. Jolley here. The children of Mr. Nouh Tigg I gathered at his home here Sunday I to celebrate his 75th birthday an ; niveraary. Mr. Eugene Buchanan of Boiling Springs Was the spend-the-dav guest of Mr. and Mrs F. A Love lace Sunday. 1 We Fill V Doc tot r. i# MW.tK RIFVlONg ror a Registered Drug* cl FHONK 3H> i,j an I To The Farmers Of The Kings Mountain Section Ve will gin your cotton and furnish you Jute Bagging For $2.00, or Cotton Bagging at $2.25 Per Bale We also buy your seed and cotton and pay you the op market price. We are equipped to give you the best service of any gin in this section. You are invited to give us a trial. Kings Mountain Cotton Oil Co. KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. G. D. HAMBRIGHT ERYE TORTURE <>r it mm end YOU COMPARE THISlNERVE WITH THE ONE ABSff C AND THE ONE BELOW I ’i’ iife—«0 I Have you lost your nerve? Are > ou tortured by nervousness, mental depression and fears? Have you nervous indigestion and other organic trouble due to weak nerve.v? Have you been treated lor nervousness without receiving results? If you have, today is the time for you to make an ap pointment with your chiroprac tor. Chiropractic spinal ad justment is the only thing that will remove the NERVOUS TORTURE t see second nerve in cut', by removing the cause DR. B. M. JARRETT SHELBY. N. C. FINE texture! 'Lr c ! m your cakes. * ^e, ■ THE DOUBLE TESTED DOUBLE ACTING Iff* BAKING IVv POWDER same price * FOR OVER 7* 40 YEARS 25 ounces for 254 CQPVBIOHT Ipai 6T JAQULS MFb'.CO. MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Means 20,000 intense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,000 People about it in these columns. TOOTS AND CASPER Too Much For Casper To Hope For. COLONEL HOOFER 4AVE HIS WIFE A, VERY INEXPENSIVE PURSE POR HER BIRTHDAY. TOOTS, AND WHEN SHE ASKED ME WHAT l USUALLY 4lVE YOU'l SPREAD IT ON THICK*. I SAID I ALWAYS &VE YOU < DIAMONDS' COLONEL HOOFER KEPT NUD4IN4 ME TO STOP TALKING! —* *• - T“ hey, shrimp! i want to see you' sophie WAS MIGHTY PLEASED WITH HER PURSE UNTIL YOU STARTED BRAGGING, BUT THIS MORNING SHE THREW THE PURSE AT ME' DO YOU WANT TO GET MY WIFE "DIS SATISFIED WITH MEV /. ARE YOU TRYING TO // /, - /Mx SHOW ME UP? "■ K'l1: f t rufrt Syn.ln.-atf. (nr , (Jr»at Rriuin right' rmnill / NOW SOPHIE INSISTS THAT I BOY A DIAMOND FOR HER AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! EVERY TIME YOO COME AROUND IT COSTS ME MONEY'. WHY CANT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS? " ONE OF THESE DAYS I'LL CUT YOU OUT AND NEVER TO YOU A4AIN! -—2t*> r\ 5 THAT A PROMISE.? WILL YOU POT THAT IN WRITING P ^IMmvHurph/; It Costs Nothing To Look, But— / Vbu COULD PUT IK) A THIMBLE ALL THE / t^ewels ^ou ever 4ave toots! i ksiow (That , why did You tell my wife that V (} 'i'ou <^>ve Your wife a diamond EVERY BIRTHDAY ? KIOW SOPHIE WANTS — A DIAMOND! SHE HOUNDS v ME ABOUT IT DAY AND N,4H'K^r— % i 4uess You d like. TO SEE ME HAND OUT A LOT OF MONEY FOR A DIAMOND R'N^, BUT I’M NOT 4oin6 TO oWT BUY SOPHIE ONeT THE PUReE ' ctAve her is 4oqd enough, AND THIS t<3 ONE TIME ASSERT MYSELF. ^ King rettUTW iyftilicaU, Inc., Circat Britain rights rc*. vtd f 7 I WAS ONLY POOLIM^ MP5. HOOFER ABOUT THE. ] JEWELS I 4'VE TOOTS*. Colonel hoofer tawtes EVERYTHIN^ TOO SERIOUS LY HE CAN'T HAVE. A VEPY 400t> SENSE OF Humor* yf AW, COME OKI IK), COLOKIEL l It WOKJ t COST , ANYTHIN 4 to V Look: At some. - RIKJ^e, HA! THERE THEY ARE,AND HE'S* AS* 4 OOP AS* SUN R14HY ■f#TJMcRHOW.

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