t 8 PAGES TODAY SHELBY. N. <J. MONDAY. OCT. 5. 1931 t’u,.. iAAl Monday. Wednesday and Friday Atternoona. iv» Mail, gei «a.**«*i Carrier. nrr r«»r. im «i««n BEK Late News l I THE MARKET Ebtton, »pot»...5c to 6c , Otton seed, per hundred 40c Fair Tuesday. Today's North Carolina Weather ' IReport: Fair tonight and Tuesday, j i Shooting Trial Tuesday. The Ledbetter-Ru*» trial is sche duled to be held in county record er's court here Tuesday rooming at TO o’clock. It is the case in which iason Ledbetter and Cyrus Russ and his two sons, Irvin and TV. A., will mil face a preliminary hearing over at brawl In the Stubbs section Fri day evening, Sept. *6, when Odis Ledbetter's son, was shot to death. The Russes came to the Ledbetter home with the Intention, It is said, of taking young Ledbetter to marry a Russ girl. In the argument that ensued the elder Ledbetter shot one time, some of the shot striking two of the Rosses while a portion of the load struck and killed his own son. -:— ; Baptists Meet At Zion On Thursday! Itev. John TV. Suttlc, Moderator Will Preside. Plans For Entertainment. Elaborate plans have been made by; the people In the Zion church community for the entertainment of the delegates from the 42 church es comprising the Kings Mountain Baptist Association Who gather at Zion on Thursday and Friday, Oct. 8th and 9th in an annual session. Zion is one of the oldest church es of the county and located in a 3'ieh agricultural section, silt miles north of Shelby. There the people work in harmony in religious mat ters and elaborate plans have been made for the entertainment of the delegates. Zion has a magnificent brick church building, with electric lights, heating plant and Sunday school department Rev. John W. Suttle, moderator of the Association, who has served for 17 years as official head of the body, will preside over the meetings. The churches which compose the association have a total enrollment of 11.000 members. Mrs. Gwyn Lectures For Art Exposition Prominent Lenoir Woman To At tend Art Exhibit In City Sehools Thursday. In connection with the art exhibit being held all this week at tWfe rity high school, the school is sponsor ing a lecture on art. The authori iies have been very fortunate in obtaining for this occasion Mrs. Rufus Gwyn, of Lenoir, who is state chairman of art for the N. C Federation of Woman's clubs, and head of the art department at Dav enport college. In addition to her splendid equipment in the field of art. Mrs. Gwyn is one of the most widely known club women in this state, having held positions of import ance in the state D. A. R. and U. D, C. worfc, in addition to being ac tively engaged at all times in wom en's work in the Presbyterian church. The lecture which will be adapted especially to high school boys and girls, will be given before the en tire student body at the city high school on Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Arrangements are being made for all teachers in the city system to be present, and for sixth and seventh grade students as well. In addition, all people in Shelby who are interested arc invited and urged to be present. There will be no ad mission charge. Mrs. Gwyn has spoken in many cities of this state on subjects per taining to art, and her coming to this city is considered by people here interested in community and civic enterprises as one of the cul tural events of the year. Mrs. Wootton Stays Five Hours On Table News from the sick bedroom of Mrs. Paul Wooton in the University Hospital in Baltimore, Md. is very encouraging. Although she remained i on the operating room table five hours while surgeons removed a tumor from the brain, she is con sicious and recognizes members of her family with whom she talks. Mrs. Wootton was under a local anaesthetic while the operation was being performed. Her husband, who is manager of the Montgomery Ward store at Hickory, and her sis ter, Mrs. Mai Spangler, of Shelby, are at her bedside, in Baltimore. Clyde R. Hoey, Jr., Has Kidney Removed Clyde Hoey jr. of Canton is rest ing well in a Charlotte hospital fol lowing the removal of a kidney by a specialist last Friday. Mr. Hoey has been suffering for several years with a kidney trouble and every possible effort was made to evert an operation. It la felt, however, that with the operation successfully over, he is now' on the road to re Fair Drew Record Crowd Last Week; Receipts Less McSwain Enters \ Race For State Office In 1932 Seeking Office Of j Attorney General Well Known Shelby Lawyer, Ex Service Man, Candidate For Democratic Nomination. Shelby Will have at least one can didate for state office in 1932. This was definitely learned late Saturday when Peyton McSwain, state senator from the 27th d is trie* prominent Shelby attorney, and World war veteran, announced his candidacy for the Democratic nom ination for attorney general of North Carolina. Capt. McSwain, one of the best known barristers in Piedmont and Western North Carolina and for a number of years a legislative lead er, has for some time been consid ered as a prospective candidate and has heretofore intimated that ~he might run, but no definite an nouncement was made until Sat urday night. Friends in the last general assem bly, realizing his qualities began talking him for attorney general. Since that time he has received much encouragement from mem bers of his profession, political lead ers, and others to get in the race. Politically speaking, he is consid ered one of the best prospects offer ed for an important, state office by the North Carolina veterans. Good Backing:. "I knew I had a number of friends In evary section of the state," Senator McShraln said in announc ing, "but did not realize that X had as many as have written or com municated with me since the pap ers first stated I might be a candi date. X have been assured of sup port from leaders in. practically every county of the state, for whiyh generous offers of support I shall always be grateful whether I am successful in this contest or not. If nominated and elected, as I hope to be, it will be my ambition to rep resent the state in this important office and likewise the interests of (CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX.) South Shelby P. T. A. Meeting On Tuesday The October meeting of the South Shelby Parent-Teachers association will be held at the school auditor ium on Tuesday night at 7:30. A special program has been pre pared for this meeting, one feature of which will be the reading of a I prize essay written by one of the i pupils on the subject of ‘'Thrift.” ! The winning essay will be awarded la cash prize. Another cash prize h being offered by Mrs. Clarence Mor rison to the room that has the most | parents in attendance at the meet I ing. Lee B. Weathers, representin'; I the recently appointed thrift con: : mittee will address the meeting. Senator Morrison Buys County Chicks Senator Cameron Morrison and Mrs. Morrison were visitors in Shel by and at the Cleveland County Pair Saturday. While at the fair Senator Morrison purchased $75 worth of Mr. John Hamrick's pedi greed Rhode Island Reds for his big farm near Charlotte. | Seeking Office ( apt. Peyton McSwaln (above), of Shelby, has announced his candi dacy for Attorney General of North Carolina. Legion To Install New Leaders Here McSwain Gom In As Commander. Will Attend Charlotte Rally For Stevens. The new officers of the Warren Hoyle Post of the American Legion are to be Installed at a meeting to be held at the court house here Tuesday night at 7:30. All Legion j members are urged to be present. Cape. Peyton McSwaln goes In as commander to succeed Attorney W 8. Beam. Renewal Members. Local veterans are enthusiastic over the big home coming rally j planned at Charlotte Friday, Oct. 8. for Henry Stevens, new national commander and a North Carolinian. A big delegation from the local poet plans to attend the rally and before that time it is hoped to have renewals for all present members to present the new leader an a token of honor. _ Masonic Notice. Cleveland lodge No. 302 A. F. and A. M. will meet In called com munication Tuesday night 7:30 for work In first degree. Also called communication Fridav night 7:30 ‘ for work In second degree. Members j are urged to attend. Visiting breth ren cordially welcome. Over 10,000Pupils In Schools Of Clevelandi Filling Statiou Holdup In City Golf Station Robbed Sunday By Hangeron Of Fair Carnival Show. A daylight holdup and rob bery was staged in Shelby yes terday, just before church hour, at the Gulf service station, cor ner of East Warren and De strets. Tommy Harrill, station manager, was at the station alone when an automobile with four concession stand proprietors at the recent fair midway and a fifth man drove up. While Harrill was servicing the car one man jumped out, ran in the station and rifled the cash drawer. He backed Harrill, who believed the others in the car were his accom plices, away from the door, then jumped out the rear and ran out DeKalb street. The others in the car claimed they did not know the man, saying they picked him up at a local cafe to give him a lift to Winston Salem. They also contended he was a native of Shelby. Officers who , were called and arrived some time later gave chase. It was believed t< - i day that the fleeing man caught a | taxi and left for a neighboring city, 1 and officers have some hope of nab i bing him this week. | The daring robbery in daylight 1 in the heart of the city attracted quite a crowd to the scene. Only (the change in the station cash ■drawer, $8 or $10 was taken, it is said, as a larger sum had been re moved from the drawer just a short jtime before the robbery. Polkville Women To Meet. The Polkville woman’s club w|ll j meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 i o’clock, with Mrs. Foster Elliott. Poor Eye-Sight Started Native Of Shelby On Way To Merchant Prince J. B. Ivey Started As Carpenter's Apprentice. Later Ran Store At Belwood. A Methodist minister’s soil, a na tive of Shelby, who started his ca reer as a carpenter’s apprentice has become one of North Carolina's leading ’’merchant princes" and one of the southern Methodist church’s foremost laymen, says one of a series of Associated Press sketches of outstanding North Carolinians. He is J. B. Ivey, head of the large department store in Charlotte which bears his name; a delegate to the general conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, south and a member of the general hoe pital board of that faith Mr. Ivey’s rise to eminence in the .business and religious life of the [south was in the wake of an edit cation curtailed by failing eye-sight and hard work at $40 a year as a carpenter’s apprentice. Born In Shelby. He was born in Shelby, June 8, 1864, where his father, the Rev. George W. Ivey, was a Methodist minister. He was the fifth of 10 children. During his early years he lived in several western North Carolina communities where his father was sent by the conference, and he re ceived his early education from an assortment of teachers and in the primary department of the Daven port Female college while his fath er held a pastorate at Denver. Young Ivey was ready for college at 16. His father at the time was preaching in Clinton in the eastern part of North Carolina. But Ivey’s 'Continued on page five.) Enrollment And Attendance U«, However, In Proportion To Those of School Age. • Special to The Star ) Raleigh. Oct. 6.—Figures given out by the current issue of State School Facte give Cleveland county rural schools 8.247 white pupils of school age, 7,904 enrolled and 5,52P in attendance, or a 72.9 per cent at tendance, in which the county ranked 94th in the 100 counties The negro schools showed 3,591 of school age. enrollment of 3.055 and attendance of 2,250, or a 73 6 per cent attendance, taking 44th. place In county rank. In Shelby. Shelby city schools showed a cen sus of 2,619, enrolled 2,569 and at tending 2,044, or a 79.9 per cent at tendance of the white children Negroes of school age numbered 688, enrolled, and attendance 453, or 74.8 per cent attendance. State Second North Carolina is second only to Texas of the Southern states In en rollment of children in the public schools, with an attendance ol 848,778 pupils, while Texas has 1, 232,696, the next largest being in Georgia, with 704,936. The school population of the state increased from 659,629, r-j 439,431 white and 220,198 colored children of school age, 30 years ago, to 1,031,947 f6r 1929-30; from loo 452, or 270,447 white and 130,005 (CONTINUED ON PAGE BIX i Miss Lee Becomes A Health Officer Graduate Of Shelby Hospital Is Nurse For Sampson County Now. The following from the Sampson County Independent will be of In terest to the many friends here of Miss Lee: ‘‘Miss Ruth Lee, graduate nurse, who has been located In Clinton for sometime, has been named county health nurse, and will begin her new duties today. The appointment was made by Dr. Glenn Wilson, county health officer, with the approval oi the county health board. "Miss Lee has been doing private nursing In this section for some time She was formerly of Wadesboro, An son county, and took her training at the hospital in Shelby. "Mrs. Kenneth Parker, who has served as office assistant In tho county health office for sometime, was reappointed as office assistant on half time b#^ls.’’ Milton Loy Winner Of Pendleton Prize Milton Loy, clothing salesman, this week has a new radio awarded him at the county fair last week by the Pendleton music store. Loy es tlmated that the Pendleton firm had sold 786 Majestic radios In use in the county. Over 1,400 estimates w'ere turned in, the estimates rang ing from seven to over tpree million Daniels Entry Would Open Up Bitter Contest Raleigh Editor May Seek Governorship Slate Capital Still Hears Report That Newspaperman Will Announce Soon. M. R. DUNNAQAN Star News Bureau Raleigh, Oct. Persistent and Insistent reports, coming from or through what may be considered authoritative sources and channels, say that Josephus Daniels, Raleigh editor, is planning to run for gov ernor and that his announcement for the Democratic nomination may be expected soon. Democratic leaders hare dis counted these reports all along, saying Mr. Daniels would not risk hjs nation-wide reputation with the voters of his home state in a race for governor. However, they are'be ginning to give some credence to the ports, many not without fear, and to speculate on what may hap pen if Mr. Daniels does enter the already three-cornered contest. It is not a possibility they contem plate with satisfaction. "It would be one of the meanest campaigns in many years,'* is the almost universal expression, ^follow ed by a shaking of the head, Indi cating that it would do the Demo cratic party no good. That he would wield his pen in his behalf is con sidered certain. That he would take the stump and give voice to the criticisms he has expressed of the (CONTINUED ON PACUB SIX > Oct. 7th Program >At Battleground Mrs. Delia Dixon Carroll WUI Ik Principal Speaker At Unveil ing: Of Hambright Marker. (Special to The Star.) Kings Mountain, Oct. 5,—At the celebration of the battle of Kings Mountain, commemorating the 151st anniversary, the Col. Freder ick Hambright chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion of Kings Mountain will unveil a monument on the battlefield marking the spot where Col. Hant bright was wounded during the bat tle in 1780. Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll, of Ra leigh, a lineal descendant of Col. Hambright will be the principal speaker. The exercises are to begin at 2:30 in the afternoon. The pro gram follows; America—Assembly. Invocation—Rev. John R. Church of Kings Mountain. Address of welcome—Mrs. W. K. Mauney. Special music—Kings Mountain high school band; Introduction of speaker—Mrs W K. Mauney. Address—Dr. Delia Dixon Car roll of Raleigh. Salute to the flag—Assembly. Tribute to Col. Hambright—Mrs P M. Neisler. Unveiling. Presentation of marker—Mrs, C. B. Carpenter. Acceptance—Miss Leslie Wither spoon of York. Benediction — Rev. John R Church. Taps—Scout Bobbie Baker ‘Prevent Fire’ Week Observed In Shelby Brorkwell May Speak To School Children Wednesday. Urge Removal Firetraps. J. R. Robinson, Shelby fire chief, today urged all citizens to cooper ate this week in the nation-wide ‘ Fire Prevention Week.” It is point ed out that fires cost North Caro lina 20 million dollars year and that many of these damaging blaz es can be prevented by using prop er precautions. During the week it is hoped to clean up rubbish piles, repair dangerous flues and chim neys, fix dangerous electric wires, and remove other likely causes of a fire. The fire chief invites all citi zens to call on the department' for aid in inspecting property es a safe guard to the property owner and the in general: \ y Sherwood BrockweU. State fire •marshal, may come to Shelby, Chief Robinson says, op Wednesday to ad dress Shelby school children on pre cautions against fire. I Showman Badly Hurt In Highway 20 Wreck Near Death In Shelby Hospital. Report Of Four Deaths Erroneous. John Fay, horseman, of Cincin nati. connected with the shows at the Cleveland County Fair last week ts in the Shelby hospital In a ser ious condition as the result of a highway crash along No. 20 near the eastern limits of the city about 2:30 Sunday morning. About midnight Saturday an auto mobile occupied by Newton men crashed Into the bridge at Buffalo j cotton mill and two were painfully Injured Both men. Fred Boston and Richard Burgess, were brought to the hospital here for treatment, but were able to leave for their homes yesterday morning. They suffered bruises and abrasions. Wild Reports. Early Sunday morning reports up town had It that four people had been killed in accidents as the crowds and shows were leaving the fair grounds late Saturday night and early Sunday morning. These erroneous reports had it that the showman was killed on Highway 20 and three killed in the Buffalo ac cident. Pay was en route from the fair grounds to the show' train when in- , Jured. He wae driving one of the show's trick mules. It Is said, to a water cart when hit by an Asheville j automobile. He was urged by high- j way patrolmen, reports are. to put a light on the mule or wagon before leaving the fairground. The mule was so badly Injured that It, had to be killed. Pay suffered a fractured skull and a broken collar bone, and was said to be in a "very serious condition" at the hospital today. He Is in a semi-conscious state. Debut Play Of Shelby’s New Drama League To Be Presented Thurrday Pop Corn Pop* While On Stalk Two Shelby youngsters, El mer and J. D. Ilambrifch1, j have positive proof that there were some unusually hot days in September. Saturday the Hambright boys were looking over their pop corn patch and werr amazed to find several ears already “popped" on the stalk. It Is believed that the corn did Ita popping daring the more than a week of ex tremely hot weather in Sep tember. Lector Lattimore Dies At Lawndale Was Mail Carrier On Lawndale » Route For Many Years. End Comes Suddenly. M. P. (Lector) Lattimore, mail. carrier on a Lawndale rural route for many years, died suddenly Sun day afternoon about 1 o’clock. Members of the family were away from home at the time and a color ed man servant was left at the home with Mr. Lattimore. but the servant was not at- his side when the end came. Deceased was found dead on the bed. Mr. Lattimore was 61 years cf age and a well known farmer of that community. He was married to Miss Azelia Thompson who survive-, with eight children, three sons and five daughter. Roland, Worth and Marvin Lattimore. Mrs. Frame Spurling, Mrs. C. S. Orlgg, Misses Vera, Madge, Glennie and Hazel Lattimore, all of whom live in this county except Miss Vera Lattimore who lives in Memphis, Tenn. Nine teen grand children and one sister, Mrs. J. D. S. Carpenter of Lawn dale, also survive. Remains were buried this after noon at 2 o'clock at New Bethel Baptist church where Mr. Latti more held his membership. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. John W. Buttle. A large 'crowd was j present. DlMutlc Organization Hopes To Build Better Play Interest Here. Shelby will have an opportunity Thursday night to see Its new drama league at work. Rehearsals of the two one-act plays selected for the Initial productions continued un interrupted all last week, and direc tors expressed the belief that every thing Is in readiness now for a de lightful presentation. Most of the stress in the produc tion of the plays has been placed upon the characters themselves, upon the business and the dialogue The settings for the two acts will not be too elaborate, but rather impressionistic to contribute just the right atmosphere to the situations and the plots of the plays. Lighting arrangements have been carefully studdled and worked out to give the brilliant contract required in shift ing from one play to the other, and to shorten the time between the acts. Perhaps the most difficult piece of character work In the plays Is that done by Jack Hartigan. who has character roles in both acts. In the first, he is the middle-aged Jewish proprietor of "The Florist Shop,’’ interested particularly tn the dollars and cents that come from floral orders for weddings and funerals. In the second cast, he is of a more serious turn of mind, as a. prison warden, trying to save the neck of a young prisoner from the gallows. The other characters in "The Florist Shop” are Minnie E. Rob i CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX . John Anthony Joins Realty Firm Here Mr. John Anthony, Shelby native, will return here late this week to be associated with his brother, Oliver S. Anthony, in the real estate busi ness. Mr. Anthony for some time has been southern dlftrict salesman for the Automatic Traffic Control company, and is In Norfolk this week to turn in his resignation and complete his business transactions there. Dollar Reaches Highest Peak In Purchasing Power Since War Days [ General Necessities Have Dropped In Price Thus Boosting Buying Power. New York Oct. 5—For the last three months the American dollar has been worth more in purchas ing power than at any time since the war, the national industrial con ference board announces. Necessities and average luxuries that normally cost $1.64 now may be purchased for an even dollar, the statisticians reported. When the drop occurred in the stock market in October. 1929, the cost of commodities began to de crease and the buying power of the I dollar, according!'-, began to go up. It continued its fluctuation until It reached its present peak in June, 1931. Tile statisticians took 1923 as the normal year. Figuring on that basis clothing now costs 78.2 per cent of normal; food, 81.9 per cent; hous ing, 81.5 per cent; fuel and light. 89.6 per cent, and sundries, 95.5 per cent. In October, 1929, retail food pric es averaged 110.1 per cent of nor mal; housing, 92.3 per cent; cloth ing 98.6 per cent; fuel and light, 93.1 per cent, and sundries, 98,3 per cent. At present, clothing prices are the farthest below normal. The biggest drop since the stock market crash in 1929 has been in food prices, which at that time were more than lo per cent above normal and now are nearly !9 per cent below nor mal, a drop of 38.3 per cent. Clothing has gone down 20.4 per cent in the last two years and is now 21 8 per cent belew normal. Mighty Throng Takes In Final Night Of Event Officials Enthused At Big Attendance Mori* Admissions Than Last Year With Price Cat In Half. Displays Better Than Ever. Thr eighth Cleveland Coont.v Fair, despite the muchly-talked depression, was the best agri cultural exposition yet staged here and with one exception It was attended by the largest crowd In fair history. Only the attendance at .ne even year before last excelled that this year, fair officials stated today as they began taking stock on the trash-jittered tract where last week more than 100.000 people came to be entertained and to marvel at an exceptional agricultural display. Two Big Days. The total paid admissions this year exceeded those of last yea Secretary J. S. Dorton said today, and general attendance was above all years with the exception of 1929, but due to the fact that ad mission price was cut in half the cash receipts were less this year than last. As it was. however, th« half-price admission this year wai one of the main drawing cards that put the fair over. Fair visitors frow afar declared that never before ha« they had the opportunity of aeelnt so much for so little money. "Although we didn't take in a? much as we did last year, we wen agreeably surprised,” Dr. Dorton said. ‘The fact Is that we didn't ex pect to take In anything like as much for even with reduced ad mission charges we were not so sure that the crowd would be up to normal We were fooled, It wu bet ter than normal It Is a sure thing that iio one was disappointed, or could have been, with the exhibit*, booths and displays In the exhibit halls. The farmers and farm women certainly did a fine job of it—th* best one yet. I think all other fea tures were first-rate, too. Everyone was pleased with the big way In which the first year of dog racing went over.” Tuesday, fair officials said, was as usual, the big day as all school children were admitted free. Satur day, however ran Tuesday a cloee race for attendance honors The day crowds Tuesday outnumbered those Saturday, but Saturday night the entire tract was a mass of en tertainment-seeking humanity and. the attendance was as large during 'CONTINUED ON PAGE SIX' Break Trot Record At Cleveland Fair Kentucky Horse Trots Half Mile In 2:09. Other Good Races , Held. A new trotting record for the hail mile at the Cleveland County Fair track was established Friday by "Great Atlantic.” Kentucky horse which recently lowered the Ken tucky State record. The record was established in the free-for-all trot in the tnird heat at the timing of 2:09 flat. The pre vious record was 2:09 1-4. "Great Atlantic,” owned and driven by A. C. Van Buren, Lexington, Kentucky, won the race in three straight heats. “Lulu Worthy,” owned and driven by P. B. Carlock, Greenville, Ohio, won the free-for-all pace Friday. The 2:18 trot Saturday was won by "Bine Mare.” owned by C. R. J Young, of Dadeville, Florida, and , driven by Smith. The 2:16 pace was ! won by “Silver Girl,” ow ned and driven by Fred Mears, of Anancock. Va. New Cafe Opens In Hardware Building Nick Parroutas has opened a cate in the Farmers Hardware building on S. LaFayette street. He has nam ed his eating place the New Shelby cafe and caters to short orders Nick comes to Shelby from Mount Holly but has operated cafes in Forest City and Charlotte where Ire has been quite successful Comes To Shelby. Ms-. C. A Morgan, formerly with the Piedmont Grocer;.’ Co. of Spar tanburg. is new connected with Me 1 Knight and Co. as travelling sales 'man. He will move his family to | Shelby this week to mfcke his home.

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