10 PAGES TODAY “!.■_* — «.IM _ **»•• Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons. Hr Mail, orr rear, tin adraniwi i:,rrl<,f- art vaar. lit. ..rtranaai Late News THE MARKET Cotton..54 to 6'*r Cotton seed, per hundred 40c Nhowprs Likely. Today's North Carolina Heather Report: Partly cloudy tonight and Thursday. Prohablv showers in ex treme west tonight and in west Thursday. Warmer in west tonight. Edison Near Death. West Orange, N. J., Oct. 7.—Death Is only a tew days away for Thomas A. Edison, his personal physician said yesterday. A bulletin by Dr. Hubert S. Howe, who has been in almost constant attendance at the St-year-old Inventor's bedside, fol lowed an earlier announcement there was “little change” in Edi son's condition. The bulletin de scribed the mental condition of the “Wizard of Menlo Park" as “lethar gis” and said he had lapsed into semi-consciousness. Dr. Howe's statement was a definite blow to the lingering hope <ff Edison's friends and admirers throughout the world that his life might be prolonged for a few more years. Nurses Graduate On Friday Night; Parrott To Speak Eive Nurses To Graduate From School of Nursing. Exercises In High School. Five nurses will be graduated from the Shelby hospital school of nursing on Friday night, of this week at exercises to be held in the high school auditorium. The Shelby hospital is in its ninth year and this is the seventh annual commence ment for the school of nursing. Twenty-three nurses have been graduated from the institution. The live who are to receive their di plomas Friday night of this week are Margaret L. Allen of Shelby, Laura E. Shepherd of Wadesboro, Novella M. White of Shelby, Madge A. Funderburke, of Ansonville. Cas sie L. Staten of Morven. At the graduating exercises to be held Friday night, the principal ■peaker will be Dr. James M. Par rott of the state board of health An- interesting program has been prepared for the occasion. March, selected, by Mrs. H. S. Plaster; invocation by Dr. Zeno Wall; chorus, “The Heavens Are Telling,” by First Baptist choir; violin solo, “Romance,” by Dr. H. 8. Plaster; introduction of speaker by Mr. O. M. Mull; address by Dr James M. Parrott; vocal solos; "The Mission of a Bose." “The Nighten gale,” by Mrs. Dale Kalter; presen tation of diplomas by Dr. J. W. Harbison; presentation of pins by Miss Ella H. MacNichols; presenta tion of medal by Miss Louise Dimm; valedictory by Miss Madge A. Fun derburke; Announcements by Mr Clyde R. Hoey; benediction by Rev. H. N. McDiarmid; no flowers. The audience is invited to an in formal reception an» square dance at Hotel Charles immediately fol lowing the exercises. Shelby Boy News Bureau Head Now fai Havana Office Johnny McKnight Cuban Represen tative Of Associated Press. Covered Fighting. Johnny P. McKnight, Shelby boy, Davidson graduate, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. McKnight, is now manager of the Associated Press bureau at Havana, Cuba. This information was conveyed in a re cent letter to his parents here. Young McKnight, who has work ed for The Star, Wilmington papers and The Charlotte News, went with the Associated Press a number of months ago. More recently he was transferred to the Havana branch of the big news gathering organiza tion. During the recent Cuban revo lution McKnight was left In charge when the bureau manager became ill and he covered the major por tion of the rebel battles with the government. As a result of his work he was made manager. Shelby Coach Out After An Illness Ready For Friday's Game Wth Hendersonville. Increasing Interest. Coach Casey Morris, athletic di rector at the Shelby high school, was back at work yesterday after an illness of a day or so. His return to the practice field yesterday added to the spirit of the Shelby football squad as it trains for the first big home game of the season here Friday afternoon with Hendersonville Much interest is being shown in the opening grid tussle and a large crowd of local fans are expected out to see the <-ontest. i Deliquent Tax j List Published i By Board Order i | Unpaid 1930 Taxes Around $42,000 About $13,000 Of Unpaid Amount ■ Is Seaboard Railroad Taxes. Order New Books. The county commis-ioners are today advertising . for sale Cleveland county property on which 1030 taxes have not as yet been paid. The delinquent , list is published in this issne of the paper, and the property Is to be sold at public auction on the first Monday in November. The total Of unpaid 1930 taxes, as published today, totals around $42. 000. One Big Sum. f r If the taxes of the Seaboard rail Jroad were paid the delinquent list I would be about the same as in 'previous years. Approximately $13, 000 of the $42,000 is railroad tax. 'A. E. Cline, commission chairman, is still working on the matter with i the receivers of the railroad and i there is hopes that the sum will iyet be paid. The unpaid amount L • less than one-tenth of the full j county levy of near $489,000. Prepare New Books. At the meeting of the board thic week it was also ordered that the new 1931 tax books be turned over direct to Sheriff I. M. Alien so that he may begin collecting 1931 taxes. It was unofficially stated today, however, that the compilation of the 1931 tax books, which has been go ing on for some time, is not as yet complete. Other motions passed by the beard included the following: that Clem Hoyle be allowed $5 for support of crippled child; that Rochel Connor be allowed $5 for support; that Charles Matt Smith be allowed $35 for transportation and clothing to! enter the state school for the blind for one year; and that the board chairman be authorized to sign the county school budget for current expense, capital outlay and debt ! service. Mary Gibson was allowed $15 from the Mother's Aid fund. City To Allow Tax Discount This Year City School Budget Approved. En gineer Submits Drawing For New Cemetery. To city tax payers who pay their 1931 taxes early this fall, the city officials last night ordered that a discount be granted during the months of October and November. The same schedule of discounts and penalties that apply to county tax es were authorized, as follows: one per cent discount in October, one half of one per cent in November, par payments In December and January, one per cent penalty in February, two per cent penalty in March, three per cent in April and four per cent In May of next year. The city school budget was ap proved and the city officials dis cussed putting on the finishing coati of top treatment to the tar and gravel roads put down in Shelby and suburbs in June and July of this year. The mayor was authoriz ed to confer with the state high way commission, but no Action was taken at last night's meeting on spending money for this ptirpose at this time. Engineer Dan Frazier offered a plan for the' development of the newly acquired addition to Sunset cemetery which was purchased this spring. The board or a committee from the board will look over the ground before any definite plan of development is approved. Appear In Plays Here Mis* BfUy Suttle and Jack Harti gan (abort) and Miss Minnie Ed dins Roberts (left) are oatstanding performers in the first plays to be given at the Central school audi torium Thti^day night by the new ly organised Community Players of Shelby. One play is comedy and the other tragedy. All performers in both casts are local people and all have been locally trained in ad vancing tl e Little Theatre move ment in this city. Young Blonde Attempts Suicide Over Love Affair; Expected To Recover Jurors Drawn For Next Court Judge Walter Moore will preside over the next term of the Cleveland county superior court which con vene In Shelby on November 2nd. At the monthly meeting of the county board of commissioners held Monday at this week, the Jurors were drawn for the two weeks of court as follows: First Week. No. 1.—R. E. McCraw. No. 2—H. P. Hamrick, C. P. More head and C. M. Hamrick. No 3—L P King, T C. Ellis and W. L. Wilson. No. 4—W M. Ledford, Wright H. Harmon, W. M. Williams, H. P. Huffstetler, W A. Dover and Char les P. Conner. No. 5.—W. Hunter Ware and W. D. Putnam. No. 6.—W. W. Martin, Everette Whiinant J. D. Wood, W. C. Willis. R. R. Champion, F. C. Rollins and John, R, Mauney. No. 7.—M. H. Greene, B. B. Cab aniss, Wade E. Han-ill and W. W Humphries. No. 8.—J. E. Horn, G. W. Powell, A. A. McEntire and W. J. Bridges, No. 9.—Ernest Bridges, A. Broadus Wright, D. T. Wallace and G. C. Hord. No. 10.—W. F. Self No. 11.—John S. Hunt Second Week. No. 1.—Fay Mosteller. No. 2—G. M. Whisnant No. 3.—Charles Lowery. No. 4.—L. A. Kiser and J. N. Smith. No. 5.—L. E Dellinger and J E. Hovis. No. 6.—C. C. Carpenter, J. L. Hawkins and Oscar Patterson. No. 7.—Forrest S. Crowder and C. G. Bridges. No. 8— E. Frank Grlgg and Claude Melton. No. 9.—Forres-t Bowen and B. H. Elliott. No. 10.—M- A. King. No. 11.—R. L. Carpenter. McSwain Prospects Good In 1932 Race, Raleigh Observer Believes Has State-Wide Support. Only Op position From Supporters Of Sales Tax. (J. C. Baskervill in Charlotte News) Raleigh, Oct. 7.—The formal an nouncement by State Senator Pey ton McSwain of Shelby that he will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for attorney-general lr. the primary next June, issued Sun day, did not come as much of a surprise here where it has been ex pected for some time. It has been known that McSwain has be<ln busy sounding out the situation through the piedmont and western counties for several months—nrob ably busier than any of the candi dates—and that in many sections he has been getting a very favor able response. A good many politi cal leaders in the middle and west ern section have already definitely pledged him their support, accord ing to reports reaching here, with the. result that he should have pret ty fair sailing in those sections. Another factor that may react ir. his favor—but which will remain uncertain for a while yet— is the report that Assistant Attorney-Gen eral A, A. E. Seawell, for a time mentioned as another potential | candidate for attorney-general, pro r~,r- *"T*TVTV»r» 0*3 T> * »1* -rpi. Drank l,y»ol While Walking Along; Street Near Belvedere Heights Last Night. Lite didn't seem worthwhile early last night to Janette Miller, an 18 year-old blonde, but at the Shelby hospital today she was on the road to recovery after drinking lysol and physicians said she would likely be able to leave the hospital during the day. The alleged attempt at suicide on the port of the pretty young girl was staged about 9 o’clock Tuesday night as she was walking along the sidewalk on the Cleveland Springs road, near the entrance to Belvedere Heights and almost in front of the residence of Attorney and Mrs. C. B. McBrayer. Drank From Bottle. The McBrayers on their porch and others passing nearby noticed her turn up a small bottle and ap parently drink from it. She then staggered a few steps and fell to the sidewalk. Dr. Sherrill Parker was called and Jack Palmer, who passed about that time, sent in a call for his ambulance. The physician and the ambulance arrived about the same time and the glri was placed on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. There the poison was pumped from her, and she rapidly returned to her normal senses but was reticent about talking. Questioning revealed that she had become despondent over a love af fair. She had been living in Shelby about two months and for three weeks or a month had been cookiffc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Price In Belvedere Heights. Mystery For A Time. A crowd gathered along the side walk when the ambulance answered the call. No one in the group recog nized her, and her identity was not known until she was on the road to recovery at the hospital She was wearing a dress similar to the (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN • Shelby Men Visit Winston Fair Today A delegation of Shelby men- left i this morning for Winston-Salem to j attend the Forsyth County Fair now ! in progress there. Those who went; are John Schenck, Jr„ S. A. Mc Murry, A. E. Cline. R. W. Shoffner, j J. S. Dorton, Robert Hord, C. R Doggett, C. A. Reppert, Dan Fra zier, Grover Beam, Oscar Patterson and Chevous Lowrance. Dr, Reppert! was official starter for the horse races here at the Cleveland Coun- 1 ty Fair last week. Kiwanis Program At Morgan’* Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan will; entertain the Kiwants club Thurs- j day evening at Its weekly luncheon | meeting. The luncheon fee will be donated to the community charity fund for distribution by the central committee to help care for the needy 1 during the winter. O. M. Mull and; S. A. McMurry will have charge of] the oroeram at the Morsran borne No Holiday In Shelby Offices In Postal Work Clerks Alternating In Half Day Off Sis Clerks Get Half Day Off Each Week But Windows Remain Open. The 41-hour postal law will not bring on a Saturday half holiday at the Shelby post office as le being done at a number of neighboring post offices. The only change tn lo cal mall service brought about by the 41-hour law will be that no mall will be delivered by city carriers on Saturday afternoons. They have no substitutes and only by taking Sat urday afternoon off each week can they get the half day holiday given them under the new law. The law, passed by the last Con gress, is mandatory and all the clerks in the local office will get their half day off each week, Post master J. H. Quinn states, but they wlB take day about. In this manner all windows at the office will be open every day In the week as usual. The law', however, permits the clerical force of the office to take their half day off on the same day provided there Is a weekly holiday on the part of a majority of the lo cal business houses. Should Shelby business houses close a half day each week next summer It Is likely then that Shelby postal employes would take the same half day as their holiday. But unless such oc curs the force, the postmaster states, will continue to alternate as Is be ing done now. District Gpvernor Attends Lions Club Sheriff And Deputies Guests Of Shelby Club. Boost Respect For Law. The Shelby Lions club last night held a preparatory meeting at the Hotel Charles leading up tg their Mg meeting on Tuesday night, Oct. 20, when a law enforcement pro gram will be put on. Sheriff Irvin M. Allen and four deputies were guests of the club last night. At the October 20th meet I ing It Is hoped to have the sheriff | and all deputies and as many mem bers of the Shelby police depart ment present as possible. Efforts are being made to secure Prof. Al bert Coates, of the University law school to speak on the value of citi zens cooperating with officials In adding to the respect for law and order. Hugh G. Mitchell, of Statesville, district governor of the Lions club, was the guest and chief speaker at the meeting last night. He spoke on Americanism as based upon the prevalence of law and justice In so ciety. Another guest was Rev H. N. McDiarmid, pastor of the Presby terian church. Baptists Meet Starts Thursday Expected That Membership Of The 42 Churches Will Show New Record. When the Kings Mountain Bap tist association meets Thursday morning at 10 o'clock'at Zion Bap tist church six miles north of Shel by in annual session, it is expected that the reports from the 42 churches which comprise the as sociation will show a new record in church membership. All church re ports have been sent in to J. V. Devenny, the church clerk, who is tabulating the church statistics and the total membership is expected to run well over 11,000. Rev. John W. Suttle, moderator for the past 17 years, will preside over the sessions which will be morning, afternoon and night on j Thursday and Friday of this week. \ Mr. Suttle presides with dispatch i and keeps the program up to sched-! ule. Nothing of outstanding import ance is due to come up.'One or two new churches were admitted tc membership last year, but none has applied this year. Mr. McMillan rep resenting the Mills Home at Thom asville and Dr. C. E. Maddry rep renting the state mission board are 'xpected to be present. Masonic Notice. Clevleand lodge 202 A. F. and A. I d. will meet Friday night for work' n tjie vice*and „ Postal Receipts Here Continue To Gain Over Those Of Last Year Uncle Sam's business as trans acted at the Shelby post office j *• showing no effect* of the basin*** depression. When the third quarter of the year ended with September pos tal receipts at the Shelby office, according to announcement by Postmaster J. H. Quinn, the total postal receipts for 1931 were considerably ahead of those of 1930. likewise, the third quarter, comprising the months of July, August and September, was more than a thousand dol lars better than the correspond ing quarter last year. The third quarter receipts this I year totalled $10,635.08. La* l year they were $9,547.57. Thl* 1* a gain of $1,088.23. Good Ayy Year. The first quarter of the year brought In the best Increase, ap proximately 23 percent. The third quarter gain was around 15 percent, and there was a gain in the second quarter. The year's gain will be one of the best ever shown at the local of fice, provided the fourth quar ter holds up to the others. There it no danger, with the increase to date, of the local office losing Its first-class ranking, the min imum quota of which Is $40,000. Rare Collection Of Antiques And Relics Shown At The Fair i Chain And Tablet Used by George Washington. Interesting Exhibit. One of the outstanding booths In the exhibit buildings at the Cleve land county fair last week was the collection of antiques and relics displayed In an attractive manner in the manufacturers hall. Thou sands visited this booth which car ried a wide collection of all kinds of antiques and relics gathered by Mrs, Oscar M Suttle and Mrs. W. H. Blanton, department heads. Some of the outstanding exhibits In this department, which deserve special mention Include the follow ing: In the line of brass there was to be found a brass kettle used by Judge Avery for making coffee on the stage coach when he travelled from Asheville to Salisbury to hold court. This was Judged the best piece of brass in the booth this year. When the oldest house in Iredell county was torn down, a brass candlestick on display was found between the celling And weather boarding where it was (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN. I Fire Truck* Called Out Twice Tuesday City firemen, who have had a lull In fire fighting recently, had quite a bit of action yesterday. Around 8 In the morning the trucks were call ed to the Freedmon negro resident ial section where a woodshed was considerably damaged by fire. About noon one truck was called to West Shelby to extinguish a grass blaze there. With no rain in some time and everything dry. firemen consider it fortunate that there have been only a few fires. Due to the fact that wooden buildings are dry and in flammable now, and also as many furnaces are being started up for the first time, Fire Chief Robinson urg es all citizens to exercise every pre caution in preventing a blaze. Injured Patrolman In Hospital Here Gilmore (Joe) Singleton, State highway patrolman, who had his right leg broken in a motorcycle ac cident some weeks ago, Is now a patient in the Shelby hospital. He was taken to the Banner Elk hos pital after the accident In the mountain section, but was returned here last week so that he might be near his family. His leg Is said to be recovering nicely but he will be in the hospital for some time yet. Injured Showman I* Unconscious Now John Fay. with the Wild West section of the show playing the county fair here last week, who waa Injured in a highway crash early Sunday morning, was said to be In a critical condition at the Shelby hospital this after noon. He was struck, near the city limits on Highway 30, by an automobile while driving In a mule to the show train. The mule was killed. Fay suffered a skull fracture and other Injur ies. He was unconscious today and appeared to be growing worse. He Is said to be from Cincinnati, but so far none of his relatives has been located. State Fire Marshal Talks To Students Sherwood BrockweU Visits (Shelby To Urge Fire Prevention Program. Sherwood BrockweU, State fire marshal, was a visitor in Shelby to day, speaking this morning to high school students at the Central audi torium . Mr. BrockweU was here to partici pate in the “Fire Prevention Week” program, and he stressed to school students the importance of their taking precautions against needless fires. The removal and cleaning up of dangerous spots, carefulness in stead of carelessness in handling anything that might start a blase, and other precautions were outlin ed by him. Officials and members of the city fire department are coop erating in the movement to stress the importance of removing— the cause for so many disastrous fires. Bounty Is Offered For Hawks, Crows about the.bounty offered for ppreda tory wild life. County Game Warden H. C. Long announced today that bounty will be paid as follows for the heads of the following: 25 cents for Cooper’s and sharp-shinned hawks; 15 cents for crows, and $2 for wildcats. Dr. A. Pitts Beam. Isaak Walton official, is offering *2.50 in gold to the person who brings in the most heads of predatory wild life. He re minds, too, that stray cats roaming the fields will do more damage than hawks. Acquitted On Homebrew Charge Then Stopped As He Starts Away With Jug Jury Falls To Convict When Alco holic Percentage Not Shown. Officer* Intervene. When a man is freed on a home brew charge has he the right to take the evidence, which was the brew, back homa with him? This query caused a considerable stir In county court late yesterday afternoon and also in the main first floor lobby of the court house. A resident of the Belmont mill village by the name of Hufistetler was up on a charge of making home brew, a jug of amber-colored liquid being found in his home. A jury ac quitted him of the charge, members of the jury stating later that they did so because State evidence failed to convict in that it. did not show the alcoholic percentage of the brew if any. The acquitted defendant 'hen started home with his bfew. our. war halted io the first-floor lobby by Deputies Ben Cooper and Bob Kendrick who took the jar and its contents away from him. and stated that they would have the brew given a government test and then charge the freed man with transporting If the test revealed more than the legal amount of alco hol. The Incident caused a contro versy. the owner of the brew claim ing that County Judge M. R. Weath ers told him he could take the jug on back home since a jury had found him not guilty The brew, however, was left in the custody of officers when the judge was Inform ed of the Incident. They reiterated their Intention of having it tested, but lawyers for the defendant scoff ed at the idea that he could be ■ tried again over the brew as he had , already been freed. The brew may j contain too much alcohol now’, they ! said, but evidence failed to show j that it did when taken from the j Huffstetler home ( Continue Death Case; Recorder Yarbrough Is Bound Over In Cutting Man Given Sentence By Judge For Contempt Of Court. Try Many Cases. Has Busy Clearing the decks, or the docket after fair week has given the Cleve land county recorder's court over-' time work this week, the sessions Monday and Tuesday being featur ed by several interesting cases and unusual Incidents. Monday's court grind disposed of the record number of 33 cases. Tues day's session, jury day, had 21 cases booked for disposal, but quite a number Were continued. Despite the number of continued cases the court was in session practically all day. Ledbetter-Russ Trial. One of the cases continued was the Ledbetter-Russ killing affair which drew quite a number of spec tabors from the eastern section o! the county. The cases center about a brawl in the Jason Ledbetter yard near Buffalo mill village, on th« evening of September 26 at whic) time Odis Ledbetter was shot ts death. The trial was continued un til next Tuesday because Clyde R Hoey, Ledbetter attorney, was oul of town. Judge B, T. Falls repre sents the Russes. Young Ledbetter was fatally shot by his father, ac cording to officers, when Cyrus Ruse and his sons, Irvin and W. A., came to the Ledbetter home to make young Ledbetter marry a daughter of the elder Russ. While the Russes end young Ledbetter were scuffling In the yard, Ledbetter’s father te said to have entered the house, se cured his gun and fired Into thg gfoup. Two of the Russes wore hl| by some of the shot, but a porting of the load struck Ledbeter's sad and killed him. The elder Ledbettes* as a result of the tragedy. Is charg ed with assault upon the Russes with intent to kill. The Russes, turn, are charged with assaulting and attempting to take away young) Ledbetter who was accidentally kill ed by hi* father. The shooting ereIf one of the most tragic affairs in thg history of the county and the pr*< limlnary hearing next Tuesday will likely draw a large crowd. Try Cutting Case. Maxie Yarbrough, young whits man, was yesterday given a prelimi nary hearing on two charges, On the charge of cutting J. T Dycus, young Shelby man, on Sunday night, Sept. 20, he was bound to Superior court under a $1,000 bond On the charge of operating an auto mobile while under the Influence of whiskey he was fined $50, his car forfeited and he is forbidden to drive for six months. Yarbrough is alleged to have slashed Dycus while he and Dyeus and another youth were en route to Cherryville to see some girls. t omempt Affair. An Incident that occurred during Monday’s session of court drew con siderable attention. Wytle Costner was given a Jail sentence by Record er M. R. Weathers following words between the two and an alleged outburst in the court room. A broth er of Costner’s had a suspended sen tence put into effect by the court, if is said. As court was adjourning Costner approached the recorder to tallr about the case. Heated word* followed but the matter was passed up at the time. Later the judge, it Is said, was informed that Costner had made other remarks. At a later session of the court Costner on the stand did not deny the remarks anti was told that in order to maintain the proper respect for the court hr would be fined $10 for contempt oi court. He stated then, it is said, thai he would go to jail before he would pay a cent. A ten day sentence was then imposed. His mother arose court attendants said, and said something which drew the court* attention. When the recorder saic something to her Costner is alleged to have broken in again with addi tional remarks, whereupon his sen tence was increased to 30 days. Un official reports today had it that the sentence might be lessened by the court, but no formal notice tc that effect had been made public when this was written. Relatives of the young man. who is said to have had a good reputation heretofore, have expressed regret over the mat ter and although believing he talk ed hastily say that he- would not have done so except that he tem porarily lost his head. Among the other eases disposed of was a bigamy charge against Pete Newton, aged resident of the Fallston section Evidence had-it that Newtrn married agat'.i after icing separated from his first wife 27 years. He was bound over to Su - perior court.

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