Property For Sale For Unpaid County Taxes In pursuance of Law I will sell at the Court House Door in Shelby, N. C., beginning at 1 O’Clock P. M. ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND, 1931 For Unpaid Taxes, the following described lands. Name of * owner, description of land and amount of taxes, and town ship in which land lies. The lands described in each case are all the lands owned by the tax payer in said Township, May 1st, 1930. There will be added in each case the amount of cost, penalty and interest. This must be added to the taxes. i No. 1 Township J. R. Easier, 61 acres In Bridges farm on Jones branch _ $21.35 R. R. McCraw, 20 acres J. J. Mc Craw farm S. CUffslde rd. $10.01 B. Scruggs, 94 acres Tom Wood farm s. R, rd. bal. $6.35 Mr*. J, R. Shull, 100 acres Pope farm CUffslde Rd..$43.62 No. 2 Township sJ. R. Anthony, 74 acres home piece, Maple Spgs. school $53.20 M. M. Reason, 65 acres home placr near Burress gin; 66 9-10 acres Burres farm, Bolling Spring,s Cliffslde Road ...$91.10 W. H. Blanton, 127 acres, home place, south W. Sharon Ch. $78.37 *• L. Callahan, 33 acres N. Haw kins place . $7.18 M C. Greene, 40 acres R. C. Green farm, Sandy Run creek .. $14.84 Asa Green Est., 1 lot In Bolling Springs, 5 acres .... ... $16.91 Alvene Green, 1 lot. 1-2 acre $14.33 { Miles P, Green, 916 acres Turner farm, Stlces Shoels . _ $67 OP Jno, Hamrick. 13 acres, A. Jones* farm I ml. E. CUffslde ... $13.45 Mrs. W. D. Hamrick, 41 1-2 acres, Simmons place, Horton Perry road . $14.73 F. B. Hamrick, 100 acres C. .T. H.| tract 1 1-2 ml. N. E. B. s.; oo a I W. Lee farm 4 1*3 mi. S. E. E. Spps.; 60 acres Jno. Harrill farm N First Broad river, bal. . $63.20 Mrs. J. y, Hamrick, 19 acres home place B. Spgs. Lattt. rd..., $43.30 C. W. Harris, 28 acres Sam Young farm, B. Spgs.-Cliff. Pd. . $24.01 Fred M. Harrill, 30 a. home place, Beaver Dam creek, bal. ... $17.11 Charles H. Haynes. 35 acres $15.39 T. L. Houser^, 16 acres N. E. CHiff side $17.60 J. B. Jolley. 45 acres Gillespie farm near Jolley’s store; 7 1-3 acres, part of J. R. Jolley place near Jolley's store . $32.61 W. A. Jcmes, 29 acres W. Hawkins place. HoTton Ferry Rd. .. $24.98 J. E. McCraw, 35 acres. Simmons farm, Horton Ferry road $16.63 Mrs. Nora Mnrsh, 6 acres Ramsey Farm 1 ml. CUffslde-B. Spgs. road ...- . .,. *13.11 Mrs. W. M. Martin, 28 acres Buster Farm, Sandy Run $9.601 W. D. Martin, 14 aeres Rhymer farm, 1 ml. E. CUffslde-B. Spgc. Road ........ $26.91 i ! i New Cream Station Opens At Failston Friday morning, Oct. 9, J. M. Carpenter will open a new Cream station at Till man’s Store Room, Fall ston, N. C. Bring your Cream to Carpenter. Satis faction guaranteed in every respect. Highest prices paid, correct tests and weights guaranteed. PAINS QUIT COMING “When X was a girl, I suf fered periodically with ter rible pains in my back and sides. Often I would bend almost double ^jlth the In tense pain. This would last for hours and I could get no relief. “X tried almost every thing that was recom mended to me, but found nothing that would help until X began taking Cardul. My mother thought it would be good for me, so she got a bottle of Cardul and started me taking i It. X soon Improved. The bad spells Quit coming. X was soon tn* normal health.” —Ur* Jewel Harris, W Inna boro, Texas. Sold At AO Drug Store* im I CARDUI Helps Women to Health LTake Thedford’s Blaek-T>rnught tor Constipation. Indlgcatlon, an I 666 U^Llii OK TABLETS Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia u 30 minutes, checks a Cold the firs day, and checks Malaria in threi days. 66fi Salve for Baby’s Cold Foot Itch Millions Havo Athloto's Foot ®ufter from the queer sklo ?^c»au!ln8' ®eTer® Itching ot bn*«t.r«d cracking, peeling fkin, rf;„?ln^orm- Trench Foot or i™'1.3 ^ch, when you can avoid m with°nranivi^,u'-ckv?. heal your skin onfhPe' N *0IU* Nixoderm? Based £",‘he English Hospital for mula, discovered By a leading Lon don skin specialist, Dr. Nixon* Nl". actf wl‘h amazing ^pSed, be cause designed for this particular skin disease. Nixoderm is guarani teed. It must .top Itch and Sw be refunded °! th* BmaU COBt wiij SUTTLE’8 l>K> 'i STOKE The Greatest Battery Purchase In Ward History Brings You This $6 Commander Battery For Fo.d and Chevrolet. 13 riate! • at $/i.95 With Your Old Battery Wards Nation-Wide Sale Battery is the greatest buy in its field 1 Chock full of Quick-Starting PEP Ruggedly built for extra long life. GUARANTEED for one full year of service. You’ve never seen its equal for value! Buy NOW. Montgomery Ward & Co. 139-141 So. LaFayette St. Shelby, N. C.