10 PAGES TODAY v. VOL. XXXVII, No. 121 SHELBY, N. C. FRIDAY, OCT. 9. 1931 1-— W—— ■■III-II. ii i 'll i II i — Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoon*. n* M*a mt ihi. in unmi „ au* i;»r»nr. ■« rw, «t» Miutu _ Late News THE MARKET Cotton. . 5 Cotton seed, per hundred 854 *" «'«r, d _ 40r Cloudy And Cooler. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday. Probably showers alon" roast line tonight. Cooler tonight. Attend Air Show. The air pageant this week In Charlotte la attracting quite a nnm her of Shelby people. Many are ge v ing down to see the plane races and other stunts, but a big percentage of Shelby visitors to Charlotte are there today and will go tomorrow for the purpose of seeing Post and <»atty, the round-thr-wor.il fliers, and other noted airbirds. A nutn , her of Shelby World war yets an also there today for the purpose ot joining In the relebration for Henry Stevens, young Tar Heel, recently elected national commander of the American Legion. Tomorrow’s Shel by visitors to Charlotte wilt also in clude football fans who will lake in tho State-Cletnson contest. . . Fail To Locate Fay’s Relatives; Died Of Injuries Mhowman Hurt In Highway Crash Early Sunday Died In Hospital Here Thursday, , Where are John Pay's relatives, if any’ Thai was what Palmer's Funeral Home was attempting to find out here today as the body of the show man was held In the undertaking parlors. Fay. connected with the horse1 acts in the Model Shows playing the Cleveland Fair here last week.i was badly injured just within the city limits Sunday morning in a highway crash. He died yesterday, Thursday morning at 9 o'clock in j the Shelby hospital. His skull was fractured and he was otherwise in- j jured when the mule and cart which he was driving from the fair ground to the show train. was1 struck by a passing automobile. The mule was killed. For several days he was in a semi-cdnscious stupor •f and later became unconscious Wires were sent last night to Glendale, hoping to locate some of the dead man's relatives. They were addressed to “John Fay’s brother" as it was reported he had a brother j * there. Early today no return mes sage had been received. If no rela tives can be located, officials of the j show, now' playing the Winston I fair, will be conferred with to de-1 eide what to do with the body. Mull Speaks On Local Charity Depression Will Be Tbe Making Of Men, He Declares. Kiwanians Fed At Morgan Home. Kiwanians were feci last night at the home of Fred R. Morgan and the proceed* from the meal tickets will be donated to the charity fund to be raised this winter. It was an abundant repast beautifully served by Mesdames Gerald Morgan, C. A. Burrus, B. O. Stephenson, Chas. Williams, Fred R. Morgan and Ma;, T.attimore with 45 guests present. They were seated in the large din ing room at card tables with Mayor S. A. McMurry in charge of pro mam. The idea of a •'charity” din ner was unique and the Morgan dinner last evening netted about $35 to the charity fund. ' O. M. Mull was the principal speaker and it was one of the fin est speeches Mr. Mull . has ever made. He is conversant with the sit uation and addressed himself to the world-wide depression, the differ ence in money exchange and the calls for charity because of unem ployment. ‘ While we sympathise with the farmer, there are many people in worse condition. Farmers at least have plenty to eat, but the merchants and traveling salesmen are taking the brunt of the blow. v Many people accustomed to the comforts of life find themselves in dire need, yet they are too proud to accept alms.” Mr. Mull expressed the prediction that American will snap out of the crisis and civilization will be im proved thereby. He declared that service to o the re is our purpose in life and the more service we render, „■ the better we become. Our condi tion is largely due to too much money, too much pleasure and not enough work, the kind of work im posed upon Adam in the Garden of Rden when man was banished from the Garden snd made to earii an honeit. living by the sweat of his brow He expressed the feeling that the calls for help would be met In a generous »nd happy way and that every possible effort would be put forth to keep anyone from suffering 'Uling the winter. I Cotton Prices Up Despite Big Crop Prediction Market Gains After Increase Shown Forecast Made A* Based l pon Oct. 1 ConcP.lion. 69 Peirent Of Normal. Cotton farmers and cotton buyers in Shelby and Cleveland county had something to scratch their heads oyer today. The gov ernment report yesterday indi cated that the crop would be more than a half million bales larger than estimated by the previous report. As a result everyone.expected that the mar ket, already at a low " figure, take another tumble. It moved up, for surprising reason, and today local spot cotton was quot ed from 5 1-4 to 6 1-4 cents or around 25 points higher than before the big report. Follow ing the report yesterday the general market advanced 1(1 points and about 15 points again today. If the gain con tinues the local price may be boosted late today or tomorrow. Washington, Oct. 9.—Cotton pro duction this year, as indicrted by j condition October 1, was estimated by the Department of Agriculture yesterday at 16.284.000 bales, com pared with 15,685,000 bales indicat- 1 ed a month ago and 13,932,000 bales i ginned last year. The condition of the crop on Oct.j 1, was 69.3 per cent of a normal. | compared with 68.0 per cent a month i ago, 53.5 per cent on Oct. I last j year and 53.3 per cent, the ten year Oct. 1 average. The indicated yield of Unt Is j placed at 190.5 pounds per acre.! compared with 147.7 pounds last j year and 154.4 pounds, the ten-year! average. The average for picking this year | is placed at 40.889,000 acres the abandonment after July 1 having j been 1.5 per cent of the planted acreage. Tire condition on Oct.. 1 and indi cated production by Stater?, follow I Virginia, condition 80 per cent of j a normal; production 39.000 bales; North Carolina 75 and 730,000; South Carolina 68 and 929,000; Georgia 64 and 1,350,000; Florida 76 and 36.000; Missouri 88 and 246,000 Tennessee 77 and 536,000; Alabama 68 and 1,385,000; Mississippi 63 and 1,740; Louisiana 69 and 850,000; Texas 69 and 5,100,000; Oklahoma 63 and 1.195.000; Arkansas 80 and 1, 750,000; New Mexico 87 and 94,000; Arizona** 80 and 123.000; California 82 and 174,000; all other states 83 and 7,000: Lower California 76 and 32,000. Five Nurses To Get Diplomas Tonight Graduating Exercises To Be Held In High School Auditorium. Dr. Parrott Speaks. Five nurses from the Shelby hos pital school of nursing will receive their diplomas at the graduating exercises to be held tonight in the high school auditorium. The grad uates are Margaret L. AJlen of Shelby, Laura E. Shepherd of Wadesboro, Novella M. White of Shelby. Cassie L. Staten of Mor ven and Madge A. Funderburke of Ansonville. Appropriate exercises will be held, including music by Dr. and Mrs. Plaster and a chorus from the First Baptist church choir. The princi pal address of the evening will be delivered by Dr. James M. Par rott of the state board of health Vocal solos by Mrs. Dale Kalter, presentation of pins by Miss Ella MacNichols. presentation of di plomas by Dr. J. W. Harbison, presentation of speaker by O. M. Mull, valedictory by Miss Funder burke, announcements by Clyde R. Hoey, chairman of the hospital board. The public is invited to the exer cises tonight. City Property To Be Sold For Taxes In today’s issue of The Star, the City of Shelby is advertising for sale property on which taxes have, not been paid for the past two years. 1929 and 1930. Last year there were no tax salps of property on which taxes had not been paid, so in order to close the books up to the present time, the city is adver tising for the two year period. The ' list is considerably longer than ever | bclore. Throng Attends Baptist Meeting At Zion—741 Baptisms During Year Serving 19th Year REV. JOHN W. SETTLE Re-elected yesterday as Moderator of the Kings Mountain Baptist as sociation. All Of 42 Churches Represented It' Urlrgales. Rev. .1. \V. Suttle Re-elected Moderator. One of the largest crowds to at tend the annual Kings Mountain Baptist association gathered yester day at Zion church, six miles north of Shelby and again today in the second and final day session. At yesterday's meeting. Rev. John W. Suttle was re-elected moderator and began his 19th consecutive term. He was first elected to head the association at Zion 19 years ago. Other officers elected were W. A. Elam, vice moderator; J. V. Deven ny, clerk, George Blanton, treas urer, and C. J. Black, historian. All Churches Represented. For the first time in a number of years every one of the 42 churches tn the association was represented by delegates. The delegates and vis itors numbered around 1,000 people and a dinner such as is rarely seen was served by the people of the Zion community. A table 145 feet long was laden with the best of good things to eat and there was such an abundance, many of th$ baskets (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN > Work Of Highway Patrolmen At Fair Done Properly, Fanner States Hail Legal Right To Prevent Park in* Along Shoulders Of Highway There. Highway Patrolmen Stone and Allison were within their rights ana carrying out their order* in sending motorists before a magistrate for parking along the shoulders of highway 20 at the Cleveland fair grounds last week. This announce ment is made by Capt. Charles Parmer, head of the state patrol, and Lieut. Beck, who came to Shel by and made an investigation of the affair after complaints were made by motorists who were tagged. One night during the fair quite a number of cars were tagged by the patrolmen for being parked along the side of the road where highway signs forbade parking. The cards with which they were tagged, or some of them were the profes sional cards of A, B. C. DePriest. Shelby magistrate Some of those ordered to report at the magistrate's office intimated that the magis trate and patrolmen might be work-* ing together and protested that in parking off the pavement tbev were breaking no law. As a result telegrams were sent to Governor Gardner requesting an investiga tion. One contention was that local lawyers were alleged to have in formed their clients that highway patrol officials had no authority to prohibit parking along the side oi tne nighway. Make Investigation On the following day the patrol officials came here to make their investigation. This week it was learned that the investigation did not reveal any wrongdoing or at - tempted wrongdoing. It was stated that a new traffic law does give the patrol authority to establish no parking regulations where excep tional traffic, such as that at the fair grounds, demands it. The proper parking signs, it was pointed out. had been erected and in such number that they could easily be seen. With only two patrolmen to handle the large fair crowds, it was explained, they could not be two places at one time and, therefore, could not keep motorists driving on as they parked at the forbidden spots. There was nothing whatso ever wrong, either, it was said, with sending violators of the parking or dinance before a magistrate as it was convenient to do so and also because the costs for the violation would be less before a magistrate than in recorder's court. Magistrate's Cases. The report also stated that the officials visited the magistrates of fice and found all the warrants to be made out properly with the right amount of costs. The contention that the trial of sue hcases was be yond the Jurisdiction of a magis trate was contradicted. The maxi mum fine, it was stated, for such a traffic violation is $10. this bringing it within the scope of a magistrate The fact that the patrolmen usee the magistrate's professional card for tagging purposes was also up held because of the convenience, al though it was stated that the state furnishes patrolmen with the nec essary blanks for sending violator to court. Lieut. Beck while in Shelby de clared that if anyone thought pa trolmen were going beyond then limits or were not discharging thei, duties properly, it is unnecessary to communicate with the governor as i he is in charge of patrol work in jthis area and will be glad to he a complaints and make investigations Forest City Man Killed By Oysters Greenville, S. C, Oci, 9 —W. S Hatley, 30, of Forest City. N, C„ an employe of the North Carolina high way department. died yesterday from ptomaine poisoning. Six per sons who ate in the same hotel at Greer Thursday night are ill; Miss Janie Ferguson of Spartan burg, one of those made HI, was in a condition necessitating hospital treatment. The others were affected only slightly. Coroner Joe Wooten said he war informed all were made ill by ea' ■ ing oysters. He empanneled a jury to investigate Hartley's death. Mr. Hartley came to the Forest City section from the north several | years ago. About eight years ago he i was married to Miss Nallie Cham pion, of that city, who survives with | one small son. The deceased is also ! survived by his mother and father of New Jersey. Workers Refuse Cotton And Pea Picking Offers Turn Down Chances To Work On Farms Welfare Department To Refuse Aid To Those Who Turn Down Offer* Of Jot». Cleveland county farmers tn Shel by this week declared that they had more cotton and peas than they could get picked because a big per centage of the unemployed in Shel by refused picking jobs. It is an unusual condition when Jobs are so scare, but any number of farmers will verify the fact that numerous people, white and black, without jobs have refused to pick cotton or peas at the prioe offered. Tile price, given pickers in th cotton fields of the county range.; from 30 to 35 cents per hundred pounds. Urt Half Of Few. One? well known county farmer informed The Star yesterday thR’ he had plenty of peas in the field goinjr to ruin because he could not secure pickers. He had offered un employed people here, he said, ha.! of the peas they could pick ana transportation to and from town In nearly every instance he wa,. turned down, he stated. Several col ored people informed him that they would rather not work and borrow what they could than pick cotton j for 35 cents per hundred. Farmers i he declared, could not afford to pa;, any more for picking with cotton piling at such a low figure. The j pea-picking dffer was considered a] good one for the pickers, but only ? j small number could be secured. No “Handouts." As the result of ao many unem ployed refusing work on the farm the county welfare agent was con sulted. From that department comes the announcement that when ftp peals are made for charity here after a checkup will be made to see if those applying for aid have turn ed down any oportunity to work. All j applicants will be required to an swer a*number of questions about why they are not employed. If It Is ; learned that any of those physically 1 able to work had the opportunity to j pick cotton or peas or do other farm j work and refused to do so. they wi’ : be given no aid, it was said. Picking cotton at 25 and 35 cents and peas for a half may not be ar. easy, method of making money,” the statement informed, "but the re numeration is sufficient to enable 'unemployed workers to earn their |bread at least, and aid will not be given any who have refused s chance to help themselves." Mrs. Sara Eaker Dies Near Buffalo Second Death In Home In Ten Days. Grandmother Of Odus l/edbetter. A-second death occurred In ten days in the home of Jason Ledbet j ter who accidentally shot to death [ his son when the son was in a • scuffle with the Russ men. Mrs. I Sara Eaker. mother-in-law of Mr. Ledbetter died in the same home Thursday morning at 6 o'clock fol lowing a stroke of paralysis. She was 78 years of age and is survived i by one daughter, Mrs. Jason Led j better. Her grand-son who lived in , the home with her died about ten j days ago. Mrs. Eaker was buried this after | noon at 2 o’clock at Cherryville. Her I husband preceded her to the grave ; some time ago. Brummitt Near A Split With Gardner Forces; Thinks Taylor Working For Ehringhaus Group ' Raleigh, Oct, 9.—More talk and comment has been caused by the resounding denial by Attorney-Gen eral Dennis G. Brummitt that he has no intention of resigning his office as attorney-general, even if he should decide to run for gover nor and his declaration that the rumors to the effect that he might resign were started by Tyre Taylor and the Young Democrats, than by the story sent out by J, C. Basker ville to the effect that the latest dopesters were predicting that Brummitt would resign when he announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for govrr nor It was expected of course, that Brummitt would deny any inten tion to resign at this time, when he is not yet an announced candidate for governor and when the talk of his resignation had been whispered in the most confidential manner as something that was not to become known until January at the earliest. But when Brummltt grabbed up this sizzling grounder and threw it at Tyre Taylor, who as far as this writer Is concerned had nothing to do with the report concerning Brummitt's plans, an entirely new vista of political speculation was opened up, And political dopesters have been making the most of it since Brummitt made the wild throw in Taylor’s direction. Tavlor Silent. Taylor has nothing to say for publication concerning Brummitt's charge that he is the author of the "propaganda" concerning the nosr.i bility of Brummitt's resignation. Taylor, as is generally known, is executive counsel to Governor O Max Gardner .formerly his private secretary, organizer and head of the Young Democratic organization in I he State that put on the now' his I toric Jackson Day dinner two years ago, and is an enthusiastic support er of J. C. B. Ehringhaus. of Eliza beth City, for governor. , Mr. Brummitt said he did not necessarily mean that the parucu i lar Story sent out was traceable to | or inspired by Taylor, but that the i whole movement having to do with | the talk of the possibility of his re | signing was traceable to Taylor and his organization. ' X was not speaking so much about that one particular story as I was about something that goes far back beyond your story," Mr. Brum mitt said, when told-that the infor mation upon which the story was I bared had not conic from Taylor but from another person who as far’ a* the WTiter knew, did not know Taylor, but who was assumed to be a friend of Brummitt’s. “I may tell you more sometime and you ran! icaiiTlKUED os FACiS olX ) btreams Dry As Drought Holds On In Section; No Rain In Month Myers To Preach! For 2nd Baptist1 ' '_ j Revival Set-vires at the Second | Baptist church in South Shelby will start Sunday. The paator. Rev. L. i U Jessup, will preach at both aerv- j lees Sunday, and cn Monday, Rev.! C. H. Myers, pastor or the First Baptist church of Moeresvtlle. will arrive and preach during; the re mainder of the meeting'. Rev. Mr. Myers comes well recommended as , .in Interesting speaker and success- i fa! evangelist. Services will be held' each day except Sunday at four I ■.'dock in the. afternoon, and every) snght at 7.IS. Special music will bej lurnlshrd hy the choir. The public j Is cordially Invttrd to allend these i services. Picked 603 Pounds Of Cotton Free flown In lower Cleveland count;, in the Earl section, I* a colored man who came err; near setting a cotton-picking record this week without a cent of pay According to report* here, two rolored men In that section, who names were not learned, challenged each other to a cot ton picking contest Wednesday. The /nan who picked the moot was to get the pay for all the cotton picked by both. The win- ! ner picked 804 pounds during the day and received tor pick ing 1,207 pounds a* the loaer, unfortunate cuss' picked 00.1 pounds. Debut Of Community Players Scores A Big Hit With Audience —. I Good Training And Natural Talent BxhibHed Bv Member* Both Casta. The initial performance of the1 Shelby Community Players the city * first bid In the Little Theatre movement ataged last night at the Central achool auditorium, was'-even more of a success than anticipated by the staunchest supporters of the organization, Bxccptionally good training, na tural histronical talent, and good scenic effects, ail locally produced, combined to score a routing hit with an audience which packed the first floor to hear the one-act com edy and the one-act drama, There were flaws, of course, and minor weaknesses; but all home-town ac tors are not Barrymores, and. even the premieres in the Broadway big time reveal opening discrepancies to be ironed out later Dramatic Magnetism. All members of both casts per formed creditably, some admirably, but Lindsay Dail. a® the doomed prisoner in the drama play; Jack Hartigan as the prison warden in the drama and the Jewish florist in the comedy; Minnie Eddins Roberts, as the office girl in the comedy, and Betty Buttle, as the sister of the doomed prisoner, carried the show along. Dale Kalter, prison chaplain; Carobel Lever, timid spinster: Har vey White, Charlie Keel and James Shepard were all well adapted to their roles. Dail and Hartigan, both experienced amateur performers, were outstanding, considerable cred it for which, of course, must go to the at-home feeling on the stage which comes after numerous ap pearances there. The peak moment.; the zero hour of the night's topo gram, which was. in fact, the zero hour for the principal character, j Dyke, the doomed prisoner, was led to the death room. When a comedy gets an audience bubbling over and a drama brings the snuffles and wheezes from all | portions of the house, there is no j 'CONTINUED ON CAGE TEN Grose Becomes An Agency Supervisor Claude Grose has been appointed i agency supervisor tor the C, R. Webb General Agency of the Pilot Life Insurance Co. Mr. Grose has had considerable experience in the Insurance business and has been appointed to this newly created po sition because of the growth of the business in this agency district com prising the western part of North Carolina. 44 Hours Not 41 In stating this week that em ployes of the Shelby post office are now requiftd to work only 41 hour*, each week an unintentional error was made; the legal hours lor post - al employes are 44 hours weekly. The half-day holiday each week for postal workers here will not effect the service as the member, of the force alternate in taking their day off. i Green Gets Three Months Sentence In Robbery Trial Youth Who Robbed Service Station Here tail Sundae Tried In Court Today. Quay Oreen. 23-year-old boy of the Dover mill auction, was sen tenced to three months on the roads in county court today on a charge of robbing the Gulf service station, corner Past Warren and DeKalb streets last Sunday morn* mg The sentence first imposed by Recorder Maurice Weathers was for four months, It was later reduced U» three when Green offered to make good the *7 or »g taken from the station cash register, Made Getaway. Green drove into tire station where Tommy Harrill, manager, was alone Sunday morning. He wtSi riding with several followers of the fair shows, which were leaving Shelby for Winston While Harrill was servicing an auto in front Green entered the station, robbed the cash drawer, ran out the rear' and escaped. j Wednesday afternoon Officer B, j O Hamrick and Harrill drove to Winston-Salem where they soon spotted Green along the midway at the fair. A Forsyth deputy was with them and Green was arrested and brought back h*re. On the stand here today Greer., who said he had never been in trouble before, declared that he wa_ drunk at the time of the robbery and did not know what he was do-1 tog; He didn't remember the inci- j dent at all. he said, as he had been in a drunken daze from Friday until the robbery Sunday. The sta tion manager said he apparead to be very cool and not intoxicated Rally Day Sunday For Presbyterians In Sunday School Sunday is the annual rally day in the Sunday school of the Shelbv Presbyterian church. A program appropriate to the day has been prepared and will be participated in by every department of the school, the exercises beginning promptly at 9:45 a. m It is also promotion day when students com pleting a department will be given certificates of promotion to the next department. During this week visitation ot the promotion to the next department During this week visitation of the congregation has been made In an effort to have every church mem ber present for the rally day serv ice, Splendid response has been manifested and the Sunday school is expected to have its record at tendance Sunday morning. A cor-; dial invitation is extended all who I are not attending any church I school. j River Drop* Bdl«W ' City Intake > Itaw To Dun Dp RraM Mw VR Grt Water Dp To Tntafce Tlpt Of Water Station. Whh lew) than an tneh •* rain In near two month* etreama In this aertton are lit erally <i wring op and are the lowest they hare been in ream. The water In Second Broad River where Shelby’a city water supply i* secured, dropped to such a low level this week that It became neeesaarr to dam up ttte stream to fill the reserve water tank* and basin at the city pump station Just west of fhe eity Use Ba*s for Darns. With Use stream several mche* below the intake pipe H became necessary to use bags to*make a small dam thus pushing the water up to the intake pipe. For some time this summer the city tanks have been filled on Friday because with the dams being filled at Lawndale and Double Shoals over Saturday and Sunday when the the textile plants there are idle, there was not enough water tn the river to fill the tanks here. When the plants are running through the week, the water coming through ha* been sufficient to fill the Shelby supply. But this week the continued drought brought a new low water mark necessitating the dam Almost Xo Bain. The weather gauge at the Shelby post office shows that there was only 36 hundredths of an inch rain fall here In the entire motph of September. There has been no ram at all in October except the slight drixiJe Wednesday night, whieh was not enough to record on the government rainfall report here ; and was mashed —' "tr tiaue.*1 "Una to leas rainfall than the aectton has | experienced in years. The .38 of an inch rainfall in the month of Sep tember came in two days, thirty one-hundredths falling one day and five the next. *. All stream*, rivers, creek* and branches, are at an unusually low level and In aome instances there le hardly any water trickling along the stream beds. Sawmills and oth er activity have been hampered and in some cases forced to stop alto gether because of the lew water In numerous aection of the coun ty and also here in Shelby many wells are reported to be dry Young Mother Dies Of Diptheria, Age 32 Mr*. Luther Hasting Of Near Folk rHIe, Loaves Husband And Four Children Delsie Greene Hasting, wile of Luther Hasting, died at her horn* near Polkville. Friday, October 5 at the age of 32 years. She was sic* only a few days, diphtheria being the cause of her death. The hus band and four small children sur vive. Funeral rites were held at Oak Grove M. P. church Saturdav afternoon, October 3. at 2 p. m. The pastor. Rev. c E. Ridge conducted the services. Mrs. Hasting was a good Christian woman being a mem ber of Farrels Chapel M. E. church She will be greatly missed in the home aj^d in the community Lutheran Church Notice For Sunday Lutheran church of the Ascension Rev N. D. Yount, pastor. Nine teenth Sunday after Trinity. Sun day school at teg o'clock, a worth while study of the truth. Morning worship 11 o’clock, sermon by ths pastor. Luther league 6:30. a faith ful use of these programs helps on* to meet the problems of the day. Evening worship 7:30, sermon fey the pastor. These services are held in the Episcopal church. South La Payette street. Our slogan, "Every member on time every time,” our welcome sincere all tl»e time. Vis itors are strangers but once. Deputies Capture A Forty Gallon Still Kings Mountain, Oet. 8 —Local Deputies Harrelson and Shepherd raptured a 40-galk>n galvanised sheet Iron still near the old Rocky Knob on the York road four miles from here Wednesday afternoon. The still was fired up and was being operated but the moon-ihiners made their escape before the officers could close to them.

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