SOCIETY NEWS MRS. BBNN DRUM. SdRor. telephone me Star No. *-J lech Mamin* IToU a clock «ire. Drum can oe reached at her home, Phone 718, afternoon and nighie 1 HR BROKEN CUP. Never beside you, but sometimes alone I wonder what the chipped cup ol my .soul Lifts to your lips to drink of; you have known Lovelier beings, eyes that softly stole Upon vour face, nor eased at my eves do unwdnkingiy at vours with thoughts that crowd For utterance. 1 search mv mem ory through Until 1 wake the ghosts and cry aloud Finding some old despair. Too many doors Are locked and yet fly open at a to’uch devealing pierced hands and run ning sores; These a'T not gifts to offer you as such 'Spilling 1 have tor you. unless it is My loving you despite tnv knowing this Aory Hare, Laf ayette P T. A To Meet Saturday On Saturday evening at 7.30 a regular meeting of the L.U Fayette school Pa rent-Teachers associat ion will be held at the school building nil patrons of the school are urged to be present and to make this first meeting an ini cresting one P T. A Members To Take Party Orders. At a recent business meeting of the Pa rent-Teachers association ol the Washington school members de cided to make money for the organ iration this year bv taking orders for cooking cakes, candies, salads, tarts and pies. Anyone who wishes to place such orders will communi cate with Mrs Earl Hamrick, presi dent of the organization P«rlf Tn Spend Week Rnd In Raleigh. Mrs J. L. Webb, Mis. M Webb Riley. Mrs. Mary McBrayer. Miss Agnes McBraver Miss Rubv Mc Brayer. and Miss Stella Murchison leave today for Raleigh where they will spend the week-end at the mansion as guests of Governor and Kira. O Max Gardner The occasion of their going to Raleigh is in ob servance of the birthday of Mrs Webb on Sunday. Sirs! Baptist Circle Meetings. Missionary circles of the First Baptist church will meet Monda" afternoon as follows At .1:30; Mary Archer circle with Mrs. J. H. Quinn: Fannie Heck with Mrs. Oilie Camp, Attie Bostic with Mrs J C Bowling, si'.; Ann Judscn (it the home of Mrs, L. P. Holland with Mrs. Holland, Mrs. L. F. I^r Rrayer and Mrs W. N. Dorsey as hostesses At 4 o'clock Bethany with Mrs O. B. Costner; Louise English with Mrs D. W Royster. The Pauline Vide circle with Mesdames C. M Dennis and Her bert. Champion as hostesses will go to Boiling Springs junior college to its meeting Wilkie- McBrayer Marriage Of Interest. Mr. and Mrs. W G McBraver to day announce the marriage of their daughter. Mae Ellen, to Mi J B Wilkie Jr., the marriage having teken place at Gaffney on April 5. of this year with Judge Lake W. Stroup pertorming the ceremony. Mrs. Wilkie is one of Shelby's most popular and attractive young gtrls. She is a graduate of Shelby high school and has attended Queens college where she took a prominent part in scholastic and extra-curricula activities The gtoom is a son of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Wilkie, also of this place and is at present connected with the local Montgomery Ward store. The young couple will make then home with the groom s parents on S La Favette street Graham School P. T. A Baa Good Meeting. The first meeting of the Graham school Parent-Teachers association waa held on Monday evening in t!ie school auditorium with Mrs. Fields Young, the president, in charge. After a business meeting Rev H. N. McDiarmid conducted a devotional exercise, after which Mr. .1. H Grigg made an interesting talk on the future eitieenship of our city. Capt. B. L. Smith made a few pertinent remarks on the talks just given by / the Rev. Mr. McDiarmid and Mr. Grigg, which was followed by two vocal solos, surtg by Mrs. Dale Kalt er and Mr. Kalter with Miss Ethel Elmore at the piano as accompan ist, Miss tiouise Gill made a talk on some of the needs of the school, and the group decided to take as its goal this year supplying the school with playground equipment and buying scales for the school. The president appointed 'ommit teea to work on programs lor each ■'1 "» 1 . month during the year, after which the meeting wae adjourned Mr*. Carl Thompson 1* Club Hogles*. Mrs. Carl Thompson graciously entertained members of the Thurs day afternoon bridge club and a few invited guests yesterday after noon at a prelty party at her home in Cleveland Springs Estate*. The spacious rooms were decorated with (all flowers and four tables were arranged for bridge. After several delightful progressions the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Lee B Weath ers in aerving s salad course with accessories Lucy Hoyle Circle Meets The Lucy Hoycle circle of Central Methodist church, will meet on Monday at 4 o'clock at the church, with Mrs Rhoe Hamrick, and Mrs. Durant Crowder as hostesses. Children Of Confederacy To Meet Monday Evening. On Monday evening at 7;30 at the club room members of the Children of the Confederacy will be entertained with Misses Rachel Conner. Nancy Coble, and Annie Ruth Dellinger as joint hostesses Staggs-Adams Marriage Is Announced Thi* Week Miss Nell Adams and Mr Ira .1 Staggs, both of wellford. S. C. were quietly married on September 36 at fi oclock by Rev, D, R. Hill at Dun can, S C., announcement of which is being made this week. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C Adams, who were formerly resi dents of Shelby The groom is a son of Mrs. Ellen Staggs They plan to make their home with th* groom's mother in Wellford. Special Meeting Of First Division Monday. Attention of members of the first division of the Womans club is called to the fact that a special meeting of the organization is be ing called at the club room on Monday afternoon at 5 o clock. Im mediately after the meetings of the church circles. All members are ex pected to attend as a question nt vital Importance to the group is to be discussed and voted upon. I Mitu» Mover U ' Dinner H»»le«> Mis* Callage Dover cordially en I tei tamed several of her friends at a dinner party Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dover. Those enjoying the dinner were Mr and Mrs. Gordon Lowery. Mr. Ta! mage Mavhew. Miss Lallage Dover and Mr. and Mrs J. I,. Dover A four course dinner was served, a color scheme of pink and green be ing carried out Presbyterian Circles To Meet Monday. The circles of the Womans aux iliary of the Presbyterian church will mecl on Monday afternoon a follows Circle No 1 with Mrs. R T. Le Grand on S Washington street circle No. 2 with Mrs. B. A. Lef ler in Cleveland Springs Estates: and circle No 3 with Mrs. Helen Beam on S. LaFayette street, these three circles to meet at 3:30 Th“ Business Womans circle, or No 4 will meet with Mrs. Pevton Me !Swain at 3.30 at her home on $ Washington street Mr*. Tom Moore Entertains C!ul> Mrs. Tom Moore was a gracious hostess yesterday afternoon to members of the South Washington bridge club, entertaining at four tables of bridge. When scores were i added Mrs. Draper Wood was win ner of the high score award and Mrs William Andrews of the print lor low score. The house was pret tily decorated with mixed fall flowers and at the close of. the games pretty refreshment plates consisting of an elaborate and de- j licious salad course, were served Mrs Willis McMurry and Mrs D W. Royster assisted Mrs. Moore in serving Mrs J. j McMurry. of High Point, was a special guest of the club on this occasion. Second Division Is Entertained. Mesdames D H Cline $ M Gault and M. M. Stuart were coi dial hostesses yesterday afternoon at the club room when they enter tained members of tire second after noon division of the Woman s cluo in its regular meeting. The subject of study for the afternoon was Piedmont Country, and Mrs Oho vinr Beam »as in charge of the pro gram. Mrs. Grover Beam read a most interesting paper on •Natural Resources of the Piedmont Plateau Miss Margaret Louts McNeelv gave a clever reading Friday After School,'’ and Mrs. Wilbur Baber gave a talk on 'The Hill Country. Hie Industrial Center of the South’.” Mrs. L. B. Hayes contributed a piano Isolo, Beethovens Sonata for the j Plano Porte,' and Mrs. Robert Moyle concluded the program with a paper on "Pen Pictures of thr I Piedmont Plateau." I Mra. Holland Eskridge and Mr E. 8. Reynolds were welcomed Into the group as new members. At the conclusion of the program I the hostesses served a delightful |sweet course. V W. A. With Mias Palls Monday Night. On Monday evening Miss Sara Louise Palls entertained members I of the Y. W. A. of the First Bap tist church in a delightful meeting The meeting was opened with group singing of America which was fol lowed by the business meeting. Miss Nits Benton brought the devotional and Miss Kathleen Hord sang a lovely solo. Miss Jennie Lee Pack ard gave an interesting talk on "My State." Thirteen members and a visitor enjoyed the occasion and two new members were added to the group. Delicious refreshment* wen served during the, social half-hour. Pretty Oinner Party For Mr. And Mr*. Abernethy. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abernethy were dinner hosts on Wednesday evening when they entertained in honor of Mr. and Mrs George Abernethy, who have recently re turned to Shelby from China, anu who leave today for New York City to visit, Mrs. Abernethy's sister. Miss Ena Greenstreet. The guests found their places at the fouv small tables which were attractively ar ranged in the living room anti din ing room, each table being center ed with pink rases. An elaborate four-course dinner was served, and after dinner bridge was played dur ing the evening. Covers were laid for Mr and Mrr Carlos Ctrigg, Mr. and Mrs Basil Goode, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Reavis Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDowell, Mr and Mrs. John Honeycutt. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Elam, Mr. and Mrs George Abernethy and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Abernethy. tt-—..- ■■ 1 ..^ i Lawndale News Of Current Week (Special to The Star.) Lawndale, Oct. 8.—Mr. and Mn i Frank Jackson of clover, s. C . |spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs.' . Kmnm Lackey. Miss Ruth Philbeck of Boone spent the week-end with her par-! ents. Mr and Mrs. Guin Southard-j spent the week-end in Newlan with Mrs. Southards mother. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Leonard of Greensboro spent the week-end with Mrs. Leonard's parents, Mr. and ■Mrs. T. B. Richards. Miss Clara Royster Is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. H. Lee, in Atlanta. Miss Myrtle Feimster of Char lotte and Mrs. Maud Mull of Shel by visited friends in Lawndale Sun-! day. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Rollins and little son, Henry, visited relatives-in Lawndale Sunday. Mrs. C. A Beam, Mrs. Hester j Guin, Mrs. Cordelia Rollins and I Mrs. Nancy Caldwell visited the! South Mountain Institute Sunday. SULPHUR SPRINGS AND SHARON CHURCH SERVICES Rev R L F'orbis announces! church services at Sharon Sunday morning and at Sulphur Springs' Methodist churches Sunday evening i It Pay* To Advertise See George Arliss In “ALEXANDER HAMILTON” - MONDAY ~ No Extra Charge* ~ Webb Theatre - Special Meeting At Dover On Sunday Kffort Tn Strengthen The Church In The C ommunity, Says Rev. W. A. Flam. Beginning next Sunday night. October 11 and running through Sunday, October 18 the Dover Bap tist church will hold a special meeting in the interest of the com munity and the church. Services every night at the church house at 7:30 to which all the people in the community are invited to attend. This is to be a different kind of meeting than the usual evangelis tic campaign It is a meeting to strengthen the church and a spe cial invitation to the Baptist who live in the community and hold their membership elsewhere, to join with us. Also others who are not enlisted in the church are invited to take up their cross and join with us. The pastor will preach every night on subjects concerning the church and church membership. The general subject for the week will be "Enlisting For Christ and His Church." Everyone who reads this notice Is asked to pray for the meeting. Those living in the Dover community, please don't forget to come. Please speak to those about you about attending the meeting W, A. ELAM. BEE OVE MAKES ANOTHER 0001) BUY IN SHOES — .lust received 1200 pairs .Men's Shoes and Oxfords in Star Brand, Weyenberg, Utley's and Bob Smart Shoes. As sorted Colors and Sizes. Also .’>00 Pairs Cadies’ Slippers of Well Known Brands. Ladies’ Slippers Always— $1.95 MEN’S SHOES Alway*— $2.95 LADIES’ NEW FALL DRESSES — Choices of Slyle and Colors — All Si7,es__ BARGAIN CENTER OF CLEVELAND COUNTY BEE HIYE America’s most economical truck in imiit arailahh* in 2*1 difivrent model* prieed n* lo«r a* $ l 4O—eomp /etc iriih body VOTE The priced at titd m the npen rah pick-up. 1 '/^ton 137 - inch Stake Truck *810* l Oilfll >*K*ri t *tnti4*r41 Bi actual road performance*, week after week, month after month — the air-cylinder Chevrolet ha* proved it* right to he called America'* most economical truck. Owner* have found that on a ton-mile baaia Chevrolet coot* le*» for ga* and oil. less for upkeep and lea* for service than any other truck—regardless of the number of cylinder*. And price-comparison will show that this hig. •ttredv Chevrolet Sir is one of the lowest-priced truck* you can buy. Today, any truck user ran apply this economy to his men particular tcork. The current Chev rolet commercial car Hne cover* practically frery delivery ami hauling need. Twenty-five different models. Half-ton and I'/J-ton pay-load capacities. Three wheelbase lengths. A wide variety of Chevrolet-designed and Chevrolet huilt Itodics. Just name the ly|>e of trueJv you need — a nd you will very likely find it in Chevrolet V nil-inclusive line. I.aeh Chevrolet truck has a aO-h.p. six-cvlinder engine — more powerful than any other engine in a truck priced so low. Maximum load eapaeity is assured by unusually large bodies, supported by long rigid frames and long parallel mounted springs. Vnd Chevrolet truck prices are among the lowest in the commercial car market. ■aU-ua KMI-taM* Mr v flu..). •C;b.i I Owe w*nmU mmiM) * ^ % <•* rhmmi* prlrm f » k. M»i, ,NW>if«n 'X •(on 131 -Inch oolbaao rhanla ( Dual whrrU IIS m.xtrm) $520 411 (mirk hoHy r»nr«* f. o. b. /rwit«irMi «**W mm f». W. >4. r. f«rmi IST-lifh | vhM>lhui> rhawla < fhml irhrth rtondani) 590 Sp+rial Mpiipmfnf 9m»r*. I*ht CHEVROLET SIX f w Tra Till « rtmtiftn 4 nmi E See vour dealer helttw = D. H. CLINE, Inc. SHELBY, N. C. A HOME IN WEST SHELBY YOU have heard of the property—it is known as Ihe C. S. Young development — HERE ARE THE FACTS: Mr. Young, together with the late Frank Ware, has developed a large part of this section. New homes ranging in price from ($3,000.00) to ($15,000,00) have already been built. There re mains in this section quite a number of good and very desirable lots of large dimensions that can be bought within the price range from ($250.00) to ($1,500.00) per lot. We can suit you somewhere on this property. We know price and terms can he made satisfactory. Give us a call or come see at once. OLIVER S. ANTHONY, Lineberget* Building Campbell's COATS Are Simply Stunning To $49.50 i You’ve missed a lot if you Have not seen those gorgeous new Fur Trim med and Sport Coats selling at un believable prices. They are here by the hundreds and we are especially anxious to have the pleasure of show ing you. Campbell's