8 PAGES TODAY »r M»ll. per y««r, nn advance) — US') Carrier, per year. an advance) 11M Late News THE MARKBT Cotton, spots __....._$ to 7c, Cotton Swd, per ton _... $12 More Frost. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Fair tonight and Tuesday. Rising temperature Tuesday. Light j frost tonight in Interior, heavy frost | in west. Hoover Urges Aid. Fortress Monroe, Va., Oct 19.—' President Hoover asked the nation ! last night to contribute to local I funds for the jobless, urging that every American adopt a policy of becoming h*s brother’s keeper. , Landing here en route to Yorktown. ' he broadcast his doctrine of com- '■ munity rather than federal aid from the home of the commandant of this aged fortress. Thus the Presi dent opened a national drive from October 19 to November 25 in which his relief committee will aid the fathering of local funds. “No gov ernmental action, no economic doc* trine, no economic plan or project” he said, "can replace that pod-im posed responsibility of individual man and woman to their neigh bors.” Hold Sheppard Over Death Of His Pal, Roark Roark Was Killed Near Gastonia. Sheppard Contends Roark Was Driving. Gastonia, Oct. 19.—Flay Sheppard Orover youtli, was placed under ar rest on a charge of manslaughter: Friday in connection with the! death of Glenn Roark, also of Oro- j ver, who was killed in an automo- ! bile accident on the Wilkinson j boulevard near here last week-end. j Sheppard In Bed Sheppard is in bed at nis home , in Grover, suffering from injuries! sustained in the accident, which1 occurred when the Sheppard car j crashed into the rear end of aj parked car belonging to Carl Clip- j pard, of Cramerton. ruder $1,000 Bond. Officers said that Sheppard's at- ; torneys had communicated with' them and had given notice that ; they would post by mail a $1,000! bond required for Sheppard's ap- j peaian.ce in superior court here atj the next term. Sheppard maintains that Rdixk ' was driving the car, officers said, j hut added that they had evidence i tending to show that Sheppard him self nil the driver. --— Local Boys Make Wake Forest Frats Shelby Vnd Boiling Springs Athle te# Get Fraternity Pledges. ■ Jl_ . I Pour Shelby and Cleveland coun ty boys were pledged to fraternities at Wake Forest, college during the rush period last week. Three of the four starred in athletics at Shelby high school, two playing later at Boiling Springs college and the other at Oak Ridge. Pledged by the Phi Kappa Beta fraternity were J. M. (Milky) Gold, of Shelby, and Howard Moore, oi Boiling Springs. Pledged also by this fraternity was Evans Boney, of. Wallace, a football player at Boll ing Springs last year. Zeno Wall. Jr., Shelby and Boil ing Springs star and captain of the Wake fresh eleven,, and B. T, Falls, Jr., both of Shelby, were pledged by the Pi Gamma Sigma. Shelby Boys, Girls Get Duke Pledges Sherrill (Snooky) Lineberger and Henry Lee Weathers, Shelby boys, were among those pledged by the PI Kappa Alpha fraternity last week at Duke university. Miss Sarah Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thompson, was pledged by the Kappa Alpha Theta soro rity. Spindale Youth Is Killed On Highway .rtutherfordton. Oct. 19.—Howard Ledbetter, 21-year-old youth o.t Spindale, was iftstantly killed near here at about 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon when the car he was driving hit a post on highway 20. The car was a rebuilt roadster, which, people who saw the acci dent said, was going at a rate of about 60 miles an hour. Ledbetter lost control as he rouflded a curve and the car crashed into a post on the side of the highway. Clyde Jones, who was with him. was slightly hurt. Has Freak Potato. D. A. Bartlett, of Bel wood , grows ♦lephants; or, rather, half elephants in his sweet potato natch. A potato exhibited by him is almost an exact likeness of the front legs, trunk, bead and shoulders of an elephant. May beek Larger Addition Quota For Post Office Construction Hoped For Next Spring Will Probably Buy Part of Hoe? Building at Rear for Extra Space Needed It will be some time next spring or in the sumrflbr be fore construction work oil the proposed addition to the Shel by postoffice can possibly be started. The' Star is Informed. Ilecent editorial mention of the delay in adding to the working ■ pace at the post office brought the information that every effort is ne ing made to hurry through the ap propriation and get work started. As is customary, however, the us ual red tape methods must be fol lowed. Must Be Approved. The $85,000 appropriation allowed by the building committee ot tlie last congress must be approved, it is said, in a formal manner by the nest regular session before the work ran be started. This must be done along the regular procedure before the architects complete plans and seek bids. ] Local postal officials. realizing that the Shelby office is now cramp ed for working space, have filpd. or are filing, a petition with the pos tal department showing the urgent need for hurrying along the addi tion. Informal information lias tt that more than the $85,000 quota will be needed. The plans for the addition to the office calls for additional working space on the main first floor of the building* and. also, for ; a third floor to be used as a Fed- I eral court room and for offices for Federal court officials and others, j The $85,000. it is said, would have ! taken care of the necessary and planned addition, but a new prob lem was confronted. An official of '■ the postal department on an in spection trip hero found, it is re ported. that there is not enough ground space at the rear of the present building to take care of the necessary addition. As a result, these informal reports have it, it may be necessary for the government to purchase additional footage at the rear of the building, along East Warren street. This will j require, It is stated, that a portion j of the Clyde Hoey office and apart- ] ment building, behind the postof-, fice and facing- Blast Warren street, ‘ be purchased and removed to pro- j vide for the addition. Such a pur- j chase, reports say. will require j around $27,000 or more of the $85,- 1 000 appropriation. This being the case the remainder of the allotment will not take care of the planned addition and third floor. Officials at the Shelby postoffice say that Congressman A. L. Bul winkle, of Gastonia, is working, on the matter, doing all that he can to speed appropriation if it found to te the aproprtation if it isr found to be insufficient after purchasing addi tional footage at the rear. Four Sets Twins In One Family Four sets of twins in a sin gle family is reported by a Mr Gantt of South Carolina who was in Shelby a few days ago Mr. Gantt is one of the two single children in a family oi ten. There were three sets of boy twins, a boy and a girl who are twins, then two sin gles. a boy and a girl, making up the ten children. Mr. Gantt lives down near Colum bia, S. C. and says his parents as well as all of his brothers and sisters are living. Greatest Inventor Passes A boy of only eight years was Thomas A. Edison when this pic ture was snapped of the man who later became the greatest inventor of all time. Thomas A. Edison shown holding his first incandescent bulb. This was amoni the most important in ventions of the famous electrical ' wizard. Edison with the dictaphone which he invented—a picture made many years ago when the Instrument was developed. A tate picture of Thomas A. Edi son as he appeared at worh in his laboratory in Menlo Park, N. J. Thomas Edison, Great Inventor, Died Sunday Private Funeral For Famous Man To Be Held Wednesday. Brought i Light To World. - i (LATE PHOTO OF FAMOUS IN VENTOR ON PAGE 61 West Orange, N. J., Oct. 19.— : Thomas A. Edison died peacefully 1 at the Hilltop estate whore he la bored to give light, work and rec reation to millions. The 84-year-old inventor, who lay j deep in a coma at the end, did not i wish to live, Dr Hubert S. Howe disclosed, when he realized his com plete recovery was improbable. His wife and six ohlldren. close in attendance during the last stages of the 11 weeks sickness, had been told by Mr. Edison that his work was finished. He would rather leave the world, he said, than burden them with the disabilities of age and ill nees. In the quiet of the early morning on the Llewellyn Park estate a for mal notice of Mr. Edison's passing was brought to newspapermen by Ar thur L. Walsh, vice-president of Thomas A. Edison Industries, Inc. Pale and visibly shaken, Mr. Walsh walked down a tree-lined path from the home to press head quarters in the Edison garage to read the bulletin: “Thomas Alva Edison quietly passed awey at 24 minutes after 3 a. m„ October 18, 1931, (signed > Dr. Hubert S. Howe. Almost instantly the message 'CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT.) Young Reynolds Flies Wife, Ann Cannon, To Reno To Get Divorce Youthful N. C. Millionaire And Wealthy Bride Seeking Legal Split. Reno, Nev., Oct. 19.—From an early morning marriage in York, S. C.,..to the divorce mill has come the romance of two youthful North Carolina millionaires. Ann Cannon Reynolds, 22-year old wife of Smith Reynolds, 19, son of the late R. <J. Reynolds, North Carolina tobacco magnate, has brought her marital troubles here, with the aid of her flying husband.1 The daughter of Joe F. Cannon, of the wealthy Concord, N. C., towel manufacturing family, flew to Reno with young ’ Reynolds, an aviation enthusiast, and began preparations for a divorce. Young Reynolds, after seeing his wife comfortably settled on Cor nelius Vanderbilt's "Lazy Me" ranch, took off again but he is expected tj return when the case is tried next month. Mrs. Reynolds has engaged an attorney to look after her affairs while she establishes her six weeks residence in Nevada. Her divorce complaint is expected to charge in compatibility. Young Reynolds has already made a property settle ment of $1,00,000 in favor of his corttnt’ed on psor rtotn* j Grist Tells Of Hambright Grave '—f' ' .^ <> (A. M. Gfist In Yorltville tnquirpr J In my last chapter I told you that in this installment I would tell about a visiting two or three ceme teries. Fact is, X will tell you about two of them and later on when I get around to them I will visit two or three others in the Kings Moun tain battleground section and tei! you what I can learn about them and some other things of interest in that sector. But before getting on to the cemeteries I am going to refer back to that address of Di Delia Dixon Carroll at the battle ground on October 7th. As previously stated I was much interested In what this fine woman had to say. X enjoyed her talk, even if I did get a little peeved at it in parts. During the progress of Dr Carroll's talk she referred to Col onel Frederick Hambright as hav ing been a member or a delegate tc congress and pictured him as no. being a politician, a scrambler fot office; but in her mind’s eye she could just picture him as sitting on his front veranda and waiting foi the neighbors and those having the welfare of the country in mind coming to him and requesting tha>. he offer or even accept election tc the Colonial legislative body. I have read quite a bit of Revolu tionary war-time history and es pecially about the more prominent soldiers of this section who parti cipated In the battle on King Mountain's heighs; but that was the first time I had ever heard that Colonel Hambright was sent tc congress, and I am not disputing that such was the case. He may have been for all I know. But when X returned home I got my copy of Drapers "Kings Mountain and its Heroes, " and went a-look lng to see what he had to say about Hambright politically speaking. Sure enough in a sketch of the colonel’s life on page 476-77 I found that practically all that Dr. Carroll had said about him was re corded, and among other things that the colonel “In August, 1775, h* was a member of the Provincial Congress.” There ft was in black CO'.TUfVKD 0»i PACK THRFJ? l 81 Students On Honor Roll For Opening Month Juniors Lead Other Shelby Classes Several Hundred Youngsters Make Honor Roll In lower School Grade a. Eighty-on* high school students atid several hundred elementary students attained the honor roll during the first month of school In the Shelby system, according to the list made public today. In the high school, the Junior class led the way with 34 honor stu dents the ninth grade was second with 22. the senior class third with 13 and the freshmen fourth with 12. High School Roll. Seniors: Ray Brown. Herman Best, Torrey Tyner, Isabel Armour, Kdwlna Oldney, Bernice Houser, Virginia McMurry, Madge Putnam. Nancy Sperling. Mary Sue Thomp son, Ethel White, Emma Ervin, Louise Miller. Juniors: Loris Dover, Bobby Hoyle, Richard LeGrand. Colbert McKnight, Caleb McSwaln, Ed Post, Jr.. Elizabeth Carver. Rachel Connor, Maxine Costner, Ruth For bis, Margaret Ford, Alleen Jones, CONTINUED ON PAOKt RIGHT.) Throngs Attend Opening Day Of Federal Court Court House Packed To Capacity To Hear Trials Resulting Krom ' Dry Raida. Standing room was at a premium to the Cleveland county court house today as the Fall term of Dotted 8tates District Court opening with ^tfadge X. Tates Webb presiding. Before noon all seats to the court room were filled and scores were grouped around the walls and at the corridor entrance. The unusual interest centering in the session this week arose from general raids made some weeks ago by prohtbi i tion offlcrs In the neighboring I counties of Burke, Lincoln and Rutherford. The raid result ed in several score arrests for moonshlnlng, rum-running and boot : legging. Many people were here to day from Burke. Gaston. Lincoln, ! Catawba and Rutherford and a number of our-of-town attorneys | were als6 here. j Judge Webb finished his charge | to the Jury soon after court opened i and before noon the grind was rap ; idly disposing of good behavior cases j and other minor cases in which a ; jury was not required. This after noon the court had reached the j main trial docket and should by to i morrotv be in the midst of the cases j brought up from the recent dry ‘ roundup. Shelby Youth Uses Sweater To Prevent Serious Train Wreck Flagged "Down Seaboard Passenger Train Sunday After Finding Tracks Were Blockaded. Quick thinking on the part o{ Albert Young, Shelby youth, yester day perhaps prevented a serious wreck of the westbound Seaboard passenger train. Walking along the tracks yesterday morning, Just be yond the trestle and near the Dover mill village switch, Young noticed that a night freight had dropped It; brake rods which were wedged along the track and could not be moved Realizing that the Impediment would likely hurtle the locomotive from the tracks, the young man pulled off his sweater and seated himself near the track to await the passing of the up Seaboard. As the train approached he stood on the track at the trestle and began to flag the engineer. At first he thought the passenger train would not stop, and he started to crawl under the trestle, he said, rather than see the crash. Just as it near ed the danger spot, however, the train came to a shrieking stop. The engineer and others who in vestigated declared that it would have been impossible for the train to have passed over the spot with out a mishap. Witte Girl Dies. j The four-year-old daughter ol | Mr. and Mrs. James Stringfellow, of ; the section between Shelby and Buffalo, died early Sunday morning , after a brief Illness with dlptherla JohnR. Dover, Textile And Church Leader, Dead; Funeral Held Today Bury Textile Leader Today Funeral services for John R. Dover, outstanding Shelbv citizen, who died Sunday, were held here this afternoon. A striking likeness of him is reproduced in the above photo Canadian Jurist, Judge Van Wart is Buried In Shelby | Has Been A Regular Visitor To j Shelby Nearly Thirty Yeara. Retired Judge. The Honorable Justice J, A. Van Wart, retired equity Justice of the* 8upreme Court of the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, died in: the Shelby Hospital Saturday morning at 5 o'clock and was bur-' led In Sunset Cemetery here Satur day afternoon, after a short funer- > al service conducted at the Palmen Funeral Home by Rev. L. B. Hayes,1 pastor of Central Methodist church, : Visitor Here For 30 Years. Judge Van Wart had been a fre ; quent visitor to Sliciby for the past | thirty years and was well known to i a host of friends. He always enio*-1 ed Shelby and was first advised to, come here by a friend, Mr. Har rison, of Baltimore, who pointed | out Shelby as having a climate i suitable to those suffering with ca I tarrh. Judge Van Wart was a bar ■ listed in the Province of New Brunswick before he was appointed to the Supreme court bench. After' serving as a justice for seven years! he retired and visited the mother j country. England, Upon his return.' his friend at Baltimore advised him i to come to Shelby and he was so pleased and benefltted with his first visit that he returned most every year since. Judge Van Wart was 82 years of age, yet up until two week3 ago he was vigorous and peppy. When he became sick, he entered the local hospital and there the end came early Saturday morning. Judge was a close student of world affairs, a learned and likeable fellow, yet somewhat retiring In his disposi tion. Surviving are his wife, age 80 years, who now lives in San Diego,] First Frost Of Year On Sunday The (mi li on the pumpkin now. Cleveland county’* first frost of the year came Sun day mornlnir, and the mer cury, which has been hanging around a summer level, took a plunge downward. Another frost this mornins wa*' considerably heavier however, than that of yester day. As a result of the change in weather coal dealers were being given orders that had been delayed a little longer than usual. and clothing stores were anticipating busi ness that usually comes about the first of October. Lions Club Meet Postponed A Week University Law Instructor To Speak Here Tomorrow Night Week. Officers As Guests. The big law enforcement pro-, gram planned by the Shelby Lions club for Tuesday night, October 20. has been postponed a week, or un til Tuesday night, Oct. 27. This was done because Prof. Al bert Coates, University of North Carolina law Instructor, was unable to be here this week, but will at tend as the chief speaker next week. The Lions club, in sponsoring a movement tending to increase the 'respect for law enforcement, plans to have the sheriff of the county, his deputies, and city officers pres ent as guests for the meeting. California, three sons, Dr. R, M. Van Wart, professor of nervous dis eases in the State University of Louisiana. Chester S. Van Wart of Chicago, and Don Van Wart, who is engaged In the insurance business in New’ Orleans. The latter son was Indictment No Surprise To Cannon; District Attorney Termed Catholic Methodist Church Leader Mentions 2col24—INDICTMENT—front Religious Faith Of Court Official. "I am not surprised at anything that Roman Catholic district at torney might do,” Bishop James Cannon, jr., said in Atlanta, when Informed that a federal court grand Jury had indicted him in connection with alleged corrupt practices in the bishop's anti-Smith campaign. It was the second time he had directed public attention to the ! faith of District Attorney Leo A. ! Rover. Earlier, he said Rover harij ignored his offers to testify before the grand jury. Bishop Cannon must stand trial on charges arising from his man agement of thousands of dollars contributed to his relentless anti Smith campaign on 1928. With Miss Ada L. Burroughs, treasurer of his "headquarters com mittee, anti-Smith Democrats” lu Virginia., the southern Methodist prelate was indicted before the Dis trict of Columbia supereme court Friday for conspiring to violate ths federal corrupt practises law. The grand Jury returned 10 counts. f’ONTTNtTTCD ON PAG* BIGHT > Outstanding Citizen Died Sunday One Of Section’s Most Valued Citizens Iil Only Short Time. John K. Dover, mighty and generous hearted man in the industrial and religious life of Shelby, is being buried this afternoon from the First Bap tist church. He died at 11:45 Sunday at his home on South Washington street from an attack of angina pectoris, aft er two weeks illness. Funeral services started at 3 o’clock with the Masonic fraternity according him honors. The four textile plants In 8helb’. and at Red Springs In which Mr. Dover was an official, closed oat of respect for his memory- Shortly after the noon recess. t.he schools of the city suspended for the day and a number of business houses closed during the funeral. Ill Two Weeks. If Mr. Dover was 111 wo weeks. Aftev the first heart attack be remained at home for a few clays under med ical treatment. He Improved some what and forced himself back to his duties as a mill executive, « work which he loved passionately. On Saturday a week ago, he suffer ed another heart attack at the Dover mill office and was taken home. Recurrent heart attacks brought the end Sunday morning while religious services were under way In the several churches which he founded and loved with a ten der devotion. Up FruyguAeZana Hf i, jftf , Mr. Dover ’Witold have been " H years of age had he lived until De cember 14th of this year. On a amal farm In York county near th« Kings Mtn. battleground ha” was bom in an humble home but with noble parentage in 1868. His school ing was meagre but he read and studied and became one of the best educated men Of the community. When he left the farm he was a cot ton buyer in South Carolina, Geor gia and Louisiana and taught school for a short period. He was married to Mary Ella Toms of Rutherford county 44 years ago and their wedding anniversary was cele (COMTIKUXD ON rACM StOHT t ' To Bury Showman In Shelby Tuesday No Word Received From Relatives Believed To Live In Cincin nati, Ohio. John Faye, Wild West showman, will be buried In Shelby Tuesday afternoon without a single relative or close friend to pay last respect* at the funeral rites. The service* will be held at the Palmer funeral home at a In the afternoon and Interment will follow In Sunset cemetery. Faye was fatally hurt two weeks ago yesterday morning when struck by an automobile on highway 20 while enroute from the county fair grounds to the show train uptown. He died on the following Thursday In the Shelby hospital. His body has been held since in the hope of locating relatives. Last week it was learned that his parents and a brother lived In Cincinnati, Ohio, four years ago, but a message there has brought no response. Owners of the Wild West department of the carnival with which he travelled will bear a portion of the burial ex* pense and no further attempt will be made to locate his family. Good Crowd Takes In The Colored Fair Final Day Saturday Ran Close To Opening Day In People Present. The Cleveland county negro fair closed its four-day exposition Sat urday night after staging an event unusually successful considering the times. The attendance Saturday after noon and night was almost as large as that of Wednesday, open ing day. Some of the amusement features and side entertainment this year were probably not up to those of the past, but the agricultural and school exhibits of the fair were far superior to those of previous years Behavior of the crowds attending was said by officers to be exception ally good, less arrests being made than ever before.

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