Nobody’s Business By GEE McGEE Mike I* In Trouble, Hat rock, ». C„ oekt. 16, 1931. deer mr. editor:— i seat myself to rite you a few lines to be printed In yore paper In the hopes that i might get some in formation about a new wlrm 1 have discovered in my turnip sallet paten and unless him and his offspring is stopped, turnip rallct in the aouth la doomed. as soon as 1 found the first wlrm in question, 1 ketched him and took him to town In a bottle and a mem ber of a h-4 club happened to be at the court house, and he told m3 that 1 should send it to the ettie mot-gist at the state college who studdies wlrms and bugs of all, Kinds, and 1 will do so in a few days —In the hopes that he knows same. however, mebbe some of yore far mer readers have come into con tact with this sallet wlrm and can tell me how to get red of them, he is a little crooked wlrm with 2 horns In front and 1 behind and he bores holes tnthe leaves with both ends and chews them up am spits them out on the rest of them. rai’STEE'R SAI.E By virtue of the power of sate contain ed in a deed of trust executed by lisfty Herbert end wlft, Lillian Curtis Herbert, to me es trustee (or the Shelby Building sad loan a'..locution and default bovine been made tn the payment of the indebt edness thereby secured, f. as truster, sell! celt lor ee.ih to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door In Shelby, ft. c, on Satnrdey. November f, 1031, at 1J o'clock, M., the following deecrlbed rye) »elite Situated In the town of Shelby. N c. and being lot No. IS of the B 1" Ourtl* oroperty, located on the west side ol Per* View street, as shown by map of lutid property mada by A. Si Lovelace surveyor, said plat or map being recorded in the register'* office of Cleveland count;■, N. C., In hook of plate No. 1, oage 81. Said lot fronts SO ieet on Turk View Btreet end runs back a depth of 13* feet or more, as la shown by raid pint of amid property, the foregoing being the property conveyed by ft. r. Curtis and wife to Lillian Curtis, by deed dated January list. 1834. and recorded In book ooo, page Ml, In the office of the reg Liter of deeds of Cleveland county. N. C Purchaser will buy subject to any ex ljttn* unpaid taxes This October 3rd 1831, CLYDE It HOEY Trustee. 4t Oct *c Ernest A. Gardner Attorney-At-Law Judge Webb Building Shelby, N. C. Practice Jin All Courts DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 3 Residence Phone 129-J DR. D. M. MORRISON OPTOMETRIST Wool worth Building. SHELBY, N. C. E;n Examined, Glames Fitted And Repaired. T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. ■ ■■■■! —I DAN FRAZIER Civil Engineer And Surveyor Farm Surveys, Sub-divis ions, Plats and General Engineering Practice. - Phone 417 - i checked up on 1 of these sallct jwirms and found out that he bored i 23 holes In a leaf per minute, but i they usually work in pairs; the ha | wirm works on the top of the leai | and the she wirm works from the bottom, and by so doing—his wife stays m tire shale all the time, they Jump from 1 stalk of sallct to the other and eat* up a hole row befonr starting on another 1. the coder of this pest is green, except that his stummlck is white and both sides is yeller and a : black spot Is betwixt ills horns In front, he can be cooked in turnip sallct and the eater thereof won't know the difference, as he looks [exactly like sallct when the thur l row ley cooked, he to about as Ion? as yore little finger nail. i put some calsum arsenate on some of>these wirms and they seem ed to enjoy It. and when i went back to the patch, i heard them crying and saying "i want my cal cum arsenate,” so there ain’t no use ito try to plzen them, anyboddy who knows what i should do to save my sallet will plese rite or foam me at once, as that Is all we have to eat except cotton. yores trule, mike Clark, rfd. Sign: Men Working. This land of ours is certainly well blessed with good roads and fine bond issues. What worries me tv—just about the time we got pav ed highways from Drii to Beer sheba, I found myself so poor 1 couldn't fide, and it ain't so pleas ant walking on cement. But I started out to tell you that I got In my "installment plan” one day last week and drove over to Hlckaburg. The road was perfect no bumps, no blind curves, and very few other fast drivers to disturb my equlnlmity. . About 8 miles from Hicksburg, I came upon a crowd of highway men, that la—men employed to work (?) by the highway depart ment, aud their Job consisted of pointing black lines in the middle of the pavement so'a folks Will know at first sight that the rood, has 2 s.des to It: 1 side for you, an.1 1 side for the other fellow, and the middle of the road for big trucks and buses, of course. Highway Commission like., it tukes lots of men to paint lines. There were only 8 men on this par ticular undertaking, as follows: 1 truck driver. 1 assistant truck driver 1 paint bucket inter. 1 paint brush wiper. 1 block seattertr. 1 block plcker*up. 1 painter. 1 paint stir-rcr. Of course there were 2 highway patrols all dolled up in uniforms to keep car drivers from driving, over the freihly painted lln?, and muss ing it up. It takes a lot of men to do a ’ political job,” but It Is differ ent with business. However, I de cided to run my office a few min utes (on my return from Hicks burg» on the government plan and here's how I did it: ! 1 had Miss Brown write a check, Mr. Jones tore It out of the check book. Mias Green took it to the protect ograph. Miss Redd protecto graphed It, Mr. Gray took it over to my desk, I signed it, Miss White ad dressed an envolope, Mr. Blade put it in the envelope, Mr. Blue scaled It, Mr. Green mailed it, and Mr. Bank returned it the next day advising that there were no funds to my credit, and no more bonds to be sold. We'll have better times when seme business is injected Into things politic—and tax money ts j recognized as the people's money. Cat Had 925,000 ! Coe Angeles.—Mlttie, angora cat, left an estate worth 925,000. Her f . last year willed the cat a home and $15,000 in cash, which was placed In trust for the feline's upkeep. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Fannie Dixon, deceased, ol Cleveland county. North Carolina, this is to nottfy all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me property proven on or before the 5th day of October, 1832, or this notice will bt pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate settlement tf the undersigned. This Oct. 5th, 1831 WALTER DtXON. Belwood, N, C., Administrator of Estate of Fannie Dixon. 61 Oct Ik NOTICE or KVMMON'S AND WARRANT Or ATTACHMENT State of North Carolina. County of Cleveland. Jn the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. James Borders TS. Bssll Borders The defendant above-named will take notice that a summons In the above en titled action was Issued against said de fendant on the 15Ui day of October. 1631 by the dark ot the superior court ol Cleveland county. North Carolina, lor the sum of $1,307.83 with Interest thereon from the ltth day ot May, im, until paid, due by note, which summons Is re turnable before the clerk ot the superior court of said county, Nonh Carolina, on tha l«th day of November. 1831. The de fendant will also take notice that a war rant of attachment was issued bv said clerk auperlor court, at the time of the issue of the summons in said action against the personal property of said de fendant, which warrant Is returnable be fore aald clerk, at the time and place above named for the return of the aum mons. when and where the defendant 'r required to appear and answer or de mur to th> complslnt. or the relief de manded will be granted This the 15th day of October 1831 A M. HAMRICK. Clerk Superior Court, Cleveland County Oulnn. Hamrick A Harris a- rv. 1 Constitutionality Of A Special Session To Reduce Cotton Acreage Is Widely Discussed In This Year Seme Say Law Prohibiting Cotton, Planting Will Not Hold; Others Differ. (Special to The Star.) Raleigh, Oct. 16.—Constitu tionality of acts of southern states In prohibiting or reduc ing cotton planting is and will continue to (five much trouble to constitutional lawyers and the judiciary since several of the states have enacted restric tion statutes. While no formal request for a ruling on the constitutionality of such an act has been made by Gov ernor Gardner upon Attorney Gen eral Dennis G. Brumntltt, it is I known that the attorney general’s office has been making a study of the question, and, according to in timation, the office would more than likely hold that an acreage) reduction statute enacted by the i general assembly would be held cs' constitutional. One suggestion is that such i law would not be "restricting the right of an Individual to produce an actual necessity, such as corn a ; beans or other foods he, his family! Or his stock would require, but would restrict his right to produce not a necessity, but a money crop, a crop he is producing to run into money, or profit. Another is that it would be more contrary to the con stitution than tljp limit placed by law In New York City on the rental an owner may place on a tenement, or the zoning laws in many cities of the state, which prohibit a man from erecting a filling station or n grocery store on the corner of his own lot, located In a residence sec tion. Such an opinion, if it should be so expressed by the attorney gen eral’s office, would undoubtedly quit those agitating for a special ses sion of the general assembly to en act cotton acreage restriction law's, and would probably suit Josephus Daniels,,who has held hi an editor ial that It 1s no matter for the ex ecutive or , legislative branch to consider; that the court would pass on Its constitutionality. State Senator W. G. Clark of Edgecombe county, v/no appeared recently with a group before Gov ernor Gardner to urge the session, for cotton reduction, but primarily tobacco curtailment, made the point after the conference with the gov ernor that it such a law is enacted, it will be effective when cotton .planting time cornea, by which time .he supreme court could not render a decision, even if it should -later fee declared unconstitutional—that it would have been as effective, as if It had been. An Interesting observation is that two of the 1931 legislature, probably classed among tlic best constitu tional lawyers of that body, H. G. "Tobc” Connor, of Wilson county, and A. D. McLean, of Beaufort, have expressed, opposition to the special session, presumably on the ground that the act would not be constitutional. C In the October 12 issue of “Time,” David Stock, New York attorney, writes the editor, relative to toe cotton restriction laws, saying he and his lawyer friends are worried over absence of concern and ignor ing what he sees as “an insuperable constitutional inhibition involved in such legislation.’’ He acids: "It seems to us that such a law is So far outside the police powers of a state, as delineated thus far by toe decisions of the U. S. supreme court, as to make it clearly contrary to the prohibition of the 14th amendment to the constitution of the U. S. "Where," he asks, "are the at torney generals who arc supposed to keep the governors of the respec tive states advised? Or is the pro posal merely a political beau gestc5'' Incidentally, the -amc issue cf "Time'' carries a letter Xroni Thom as H. Sutton, of Eayettcvllle, who protests against a sub-head hr ar. earlier issue which said “Governor Oliver Max Gardner turned his 'back on the south." After reviewing Governor Gardner's plea for inter national action and request for n conference to decide on uniform ac tion, Mr. Sutton adds: “We are sat isfied that Governor Gardner had a logical slant on the cotton question: that he did not 'turn his back on the south'.” , In a foot-note the editor of Time states: "Time's phase ‘turned his back on the south' was unfortun ate. All praise to North Carolina’s Gardner for turnin ' Ms back on the south's other governors when he conscientiously disagreed with the direction they were heading.'' Next Stage I* Job Of Stopping G. O. P. Raleigh News and Observer. There are three stages of Amer ica in this generation, according to James Truslow Adams. He says: “Harding had to liquidate the war. "Coolidge had quietly to liquidate the scandal of the Harding admin istration. “Hoover is watching the liquida tion of the Coolidge prosperity." The next liquidation is to-liqui date the blunders and failures of the RemibUcan oartv I Just Ten Years Ago (From Issue of The Star October 21, 1921) A public hospital movement for Cleveland was again launched Tues day night in the court house and this time the attendance was ao good, the co-operation was so manifest and the desire for a hos pital so enthusiastic that it seems the hospital will this time become a reality. A large truck loaded with sixteen! bales of long staple cotton passed' The Star office Tuesday of this! week en route to Gastonia with' ‘Webber 82" that was sold for 33 cents per pound. The market was down when this was sold. A marriage which will be learned with keen interest by their hast of friends throughout the county and state, owing to the prominence oi boih families, is that of Mrs. Dora Scruggs Beam of Mooyesboro and Mr. A. If. Martin now of Zebulon, Wake county, but formerly c>i Cleveland, which event took place in rest room at the Shelby court house Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Squire T. C. Eskridge per forming the ceremony. 'Mr. Evans McBmyer has pur chased 333 acres of farming land on the Grover road on BuAalo Which he will convert Into a big stock and hog farm with an ex perienced manager in charge. The Second Baptist church is be - ing enlarged and remodeled by add ing sixteen Sunday school rooms, enlarging the auditorium to give an additional seating capacity of 200 and beautifying the building in many respects. Mr. O. M. Mull is going to Ra leigh this week to confer with Mr, Page, chairman of the state high way commission and urge that the contrjj^t be let as soon as possible for Hard surface on the Cleveland Springs road. Duke Law Library Second In South After Rapid Rise More Than 25,000 Volumes Are Add ed In Year for Record Growth. Durham, Oct. 15.—By adding more than 25,000 volumes since October 1930 the Duke university law library has not only become the largest law library in North Carolina, but has taken place In the entire South as [second only to the legal library of University of Texas. The library [has tripled In sire during the year to bring the number of volumes In the present Collection to well over 37.000. No other law school In this coun try during the last year has match ed the expansion of the Duke law library In Its record gTowth. The | Duke library now houses a repre sentative collection In many special 'legal fields, and under the present j expansion policy a library adequate to meet the complete needs of stu ] dents .faculty and research special 1 ixts, working In many fields ,is be ing assembled with the least pos I sible delay. Duke university's general library, which immediately adjoins the law school, has an exceptionally strong collection In history, government and all the related social sciences. Law students have found the prox I imlty of these books convenient and I helpful. Jane Addams Gets Achievement Prize New York—Jane Addams. Inter nationally known welfare worker, was today awarded the annual $5, 000 Pictorial Review achievement prize. The prize is given each year tq the woman who, in the opinion of the judges, contributed most to the national life in letters, art, science, philanthropy or social welfare. Miss Addams is head of Hull house in Chicago. Last year the prize was awarded i to Mrs. Carrie Chapman Caty. suf ' frage worker. The check was presented on an nouncement of the award. Grasshoppers Good To Eat, He Inform* Auburn. N. Y.—Grasshoppers, when freshly roasted and “dry and crisp," are a great delicacy. Dr. Paul Harrison, medical missionary in Arabia, said. The doctor, who has spent more than 20 years in Arabia and who Intends to return to Muscat next year, has often eaten this native food, he told his friends How Democrats Can Get Rid Of Raskob Asheville Citizen. Democrats who have objected to Chairman Raskob's possessing a "mortgage on the party’’ are now to have the opportunity of lifting that mortgage and putting the par ty in an Independent position fi nancially as In all other respects. The success of the movement that is being launched to raise a fund of Si.500,000 to set up the cam paign for next year will make H possible to pay off the existing in debtedness. most of which Mr. Ras kob is still carrying, to the tune of $325,000, and will put the party In shape to wage an effective battle for the Presidency. A tuna Of 11,500,000 is not a large amount for fifteen million Democrats to provide. Of course, not all those who call themselves Democrats and who vote the Dem ocratic ticket will contribute but the more who do contribute the healthier will it be for the party and for the country. The Demo crats have always labored under the handicap of inadequate and uncertain financing. A fund to which a million persons had con tributed would be an assurance of victory in itself. The United States covers an im mense area and the most legitimate expenses of conducting a political campaign reaching to all parts of this area are very large. It has to be borne in mind that the press of the country is generally Republican, certainly as regards the larger newspaper^ and the chief maga zines. The claims of the Democrats receive better handling in the press and in most of the magazines than was once the case but the situation is still one that demands independ ent campaign efforts to promise re sults. It has been shown that a first class press bureau at the na tional capital can render splendid service but the effectiveness of this service was impaired to some de gree by the contention that it was Mr. Raskob s money that was foot ing the bills. If every Democrat who lias criti cized this situation, would contrib ute a dollar to the Democratic chest the situation would be cured. Ha* Shaved 2 Time* Since The Civil War Asheville Citizen. Brigadier-General P. R. Young, 67 Spruce street, has not shaved since July, 1898. He has shaved only twice since he was discharged from the Confederate army and one of those times was in celebration of the first election of Orover Cleveland as president. Brigadier-General Young called at The Citizen office and asked to see the “Believe It Or Not" editor. Although The Citizen's Ripley con test has ended, this story was told as a matter of interest and not in competition for a prize. Brigadier General Young is a familiar figure in Asheville and is a prominent wiemher and official of the Zeb Vance camp of Confederate veter ans. Correct this sentence: “1 feU sure that you mean to pay tills bill, and it doesn’t make any difference to me how long you wait." * TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue of the power of "dale contain ed in a deed of trust executed by Will M. Roberts and wife on June 12tli. 182ft, *o me as trustee securing an indebtedness to the Shelby Building and Loan Asso ciation, and default having been made hi the payment thereby secured, I. as trus tee. will sell for cash to the highest bid-! der at puplic ^uetion at the court house) door in Shelby, N C , on Saturday. .November 7, 193J. ‘at 13 o’clock M.. the following described real estate: Beginning at a stake in the south edge of the old Kings Mountain road in Mrs. Roberts' line, and runs thence with edge of said road north 70-04 west 90 feet to a stake, a new corner, thence a new line south 33-24 east 598.8 feet to a stake in old Jennings-Lackey line, a new corner, thence with said line north 54-10, 98 feet to a stake. Mrs. Roberts’ corner, thencr with her line north 2o-50 west 608 feet to the beginning, containing one acre more or less. Purchaser will buy subject to any ex isting hnpaid taxes. This October 3rd 1931. CLYDE R. HOEY., Trustee. 4t Oct 5c A SERVICE YOUR CAR SHOULD NEED Oil Changed-Gear Lubricants Chang ed—Motor Thoroughly Checked. Let Us Do It The Way Ford Specifies ROGERS MOTORS Service Department i\ ni i ro We Fill Aliy Doctor '5 , PRESCRIPTIONS SUTTLE’S For A Registered Druggi. r PHONE Stf mvvvij — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE. WILMINUJON. FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 4:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:lU a. m.; 11:10 a. in.; -:oo p m.; 4:40 p. m.; 9:00 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. m. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. ra.s 11.10 a. m.; 2:00 p. ra. - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Ward's saves you I on Motor Oil / uXz ■AAU \ 111/// WARD’S PENNSYLVANIA OIL 100'. Pure and Die-Waxed! Why Pay $1.40 a Gallon Por The Same Oil? Ward’s Price MEDIUM HEAVY EX. HEAVY 15c Quart In Bulk or Free CrankcSse Service Rf*Rr/tl«ss of what other dealers tell tou Warn Guarantees this oil to be the lines? motor o you can buy and the same quality that other charge you 30c and 33c .quart.'.for. Ucfhied dew*.:ed. Montgomery Ward & Co. 139-141 So. LaFayette St. Shelby. N. C. ON A PRE-WAR BASIS The Cleveland Star is and has been on a pre-war basis in the two commodities it has to sell. The Star’s mission is to sell news. Primarily it is a newspaper that dispenses the news of the community it serves. It’s subscription rate of $2.50 per year by mail or $3 per year delivered by newsboy, is less than the cost of a postage stamp per copy. NO OTHER LOCAL NEWSPAPER IN NORTH CAROLINA HAS A LOW ER PER ISSUE SUBSCRIPTION RATE. It costs $40, 000 a year to produce The Star, yet subscribers get it FOR LESS THAN THE COST OF APOSTAGE STAMP PER COPY, postage prepaid. The other commodity The Star has to sell is a by product, known as advertising. The Star’s advertising rate is LESS PER INCH PER THOUSAND CIRCU LATION THAN ANY OTHER LOCAL NEWSPA PER IN NORTH CAROLINA. These two achievements are possible by reason of economy in operation Aid mass production. The Star has a circulation larger than any weekly newspaper in North Carolina and larger than the circulation of 20 of the 35 daily newspapers in the State. In other words there are over 200 newspapers in North Carolina and The Star ranks 16th in circulation among all of them. THE CLEVELAND STAR MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS