Iriu'lanii tat 8 PAGES TODAY BHKLBY, N. U. MONDAY, OCT. 26. 1931 Published Monday, Wednseday and Friday Afternoons. By Muii, ptt tnr, (in nilvuie*) — »j m Currier net* v*»r ■ in . Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spots ......'fiv, to 7c Cotton seed, per ton ....... S1".0« 'Ten ton lots S13.5CH Cooler Tonight. Todays North Carolina Heather Report: Fair tonight and Tuesday. Cooler In east and central portions tonight. Capone Appeals. Chicago, Oct. 26.—Ai Capone, the fallen gang leader, sat in a county jail eelF and complained about the food last night while his attorneys studied desperately over ways and means to postpone his start on 11 years of penal servitude. The attor neys were preparing a request to ihe United States Circuit Court of Appeals for a supersedeas writ, which would enable Capone to live in his expensive hotel snite while his conviction for income tax viola tions is appealed to the higher * osrts. The government was pre pared to hustle the millionaire gangster to the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas. He was saved from an immediate trip Sat • nrday by only a few hours. Saturday Brings Business To City Pall Trading Activity Evident In s Shelby. Many Shoppers Here. Saturday, judging by all reports was Shelby's best business day this .'•ear. With the price of cotton moving up and a big portion of the crop ginned and picked there were more shoppers in Shelby during the day than at any time since last year, according to numerous Shelby mer chants. Buying Clothing. The recent cool snap had some thing to do with it for many of the choppers in the city over the week end were purchasing fall clothing and shoes. Among them were many school children and their parents , as all the six months schools and five of the long-term schools began work this morning. The increase in trade Saturdav has been a stimulus to local busi ness as it indicates that a major portion of county citizens have suf ficient money for necessities such as clothing and have merely delayed buying because summer Weather held over into the fall season. The pick-up in shopping last week is an assurance that from now ■ on urtfl the end of the holiday sea rM. fmsiness will be considerably •oetter than it has. Shelby mer chants have their fall goods al ready on display and are anticipat ing a rather healthy buying period during the next month or so. Former Grid Stars Here Help Deacons , Five County Flayers On Wake For * est Fresh Eleven. Two Big Stars. The fresh football eleven at Wake Forest college this year comes very near looking like a Shelby-Cleve land county outfit. Five niembers of the eleven in the game with Oak Midge Saturday were yduths who got their preliminary training under - i. Ooach Casey Morris of the Shelby iogh school and Conch Blainey yJ&afcW at Boiling: Springs. They ,* 4^t:s* Upward Moore and Faulken "HHW. in Hne, 2,c. j Wall, Milky • •'ii&eCand Er ans Bonry In the back ri«§r Another member of the eleven Ford,. Forest City fullback, i Wait, Gold and Moore all played at Shelby High. Wall and Moore later playing at Boiling Springs and P ^tkild at Oak Ridge. Boney tm^l Faulkenberg played at Boiling Springs. In Saturday’s game, which ^ Wake Forest won.* Wall and Gold were credited as being outstanding performers. Gold intercepted a pass for one Wake touchdown and plac kicked an extra point after touch down for the one-point, margin to win the game. (OTHER SPORTS ON PAGE 2) , Few Premium Checks Of Fair Unclaimed « As Is the case every yetir, there ■-> were a few people who won prize? ■"at the recent Cleveland county fair and did not call for their checks. These unclaimed checks have been wt- ent through the mail, and a few have been returned as unclaimed or wrong address. , . Will the following people either ( „• call for the checks, or leave their ^’’correct address with Mrs. Irma P. * Wallace, home demonstration agent; Mrs. O. V. Brown, Mrs. Shaw Moore. Talmage Beam. P. J. Elliou, Mrs. Horace Champion, Mrs. W. M Williams. Mrs. John Ellis, and the three men who won first, second and third prizes on the entry "ten -era of corn any Other variety.” N This will clear the last of the premium business, and have every thing m shape for the checking oi accounts November 2, the date set for *D checks to be deposited A. M. Lattimo re, Head Of Confederates, Dies Man For Whom Town Was Named, Pension Board Chairman, Sunday School Teacher And Jovial Spirit Died At 86. Funeral On Tuesday. “Capt.” Audly Martin Lattimore, founder of the town of i Lattimore,. commander of the Confederate Veterans of the: :ounty, chairman of the pension board and all-round pood! citizen, died with his ‘‘boots on" Sunday afternoon atj5:I5i o’clock at his home at Lattimore. "Capt.” Lattimore would have ! been 86 years old had he lived until i the 30th of November, this year He was an up and going fellow and although he suffered with high blood pressure for several years, he was in fairly 'good health until about four weeks ago. While sitting in a chair, the end came quietly in the arms of his son, Pink, Funeral Tuesday. Tire funeral will be held from the Lattimore Baptist church Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services be ing conducted by Rev. Rush Pad gett, pastor assisted by Rev. I. D. IlarrlU and Dr. Zeno Wall. A great throng will attend for Mr. Lattimore was one of the county’s noblest vet erans and most beloved citiaens, widely connected by kinship and friendship. In Confederate Artillery. Mr. LatUmcre was born on Hin ton's creek in the Polkville section, the son of “Big John" Lattimorc and Iby Carson. His great grand father fought at the Battle of Kings Mountain. He was one of e family of eleven children, nine bov; and two girfc. All have preceded him to the grave. Seven of th3 boys were in. the Confederate army at the same time and Mr. Lattimorc marched to the front in January, 1864 with the seventen year old boys. He was a member of company C. 10th Artillery, Poague’s Battalion and his service was around. Rich mond and Petersburg in the last 15 months of the conflict. He came home April 21, 1865 and set about to rebuild a devastated section. Six Children Survive. He was married to Miss Mary Hamrick who was a faithful com panion until she died 17 years ago Surviving are six fine sons ana daughters, Miss Ellie Lattimore and J. Pink Lattimore who lived with him at Lattimore; Mrs. A. M. Ham rick of Shelby, Mrs. L. V. Lee of Shelby, J. Broadus Lattimore ni Lattimore and Tom J. Lattimore, oi Macon, Ga. One son, W. F. Lattt ! more, died in 1920. Station Agent For 20 Years. Coining to Lattimore when the Southern railway was being built, through this section. Mr. Lattimore oversaw sf force of laborers in the constrtiction of the road. Later the Seaboard was built and the lines | crossed at the town named In his | honor. He became station agent for ! the Seaboard and in this capacity he was known as “captain.” served as agent for 20 years, but re tired in 1930 to look after his farm ing interests. Mr. Lattimore Joined Mt, Zion (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGln I Youth Of Boiling Springs Leader Of Vanderbilt Pledges Cade Greene, son of Mr. ar.d Mrs. O. M. Greene cf Boiling Springs, has been elected president of the Pi Kappa Alpha pledges at Vanderbilt university. Young Greene, a good / athlete, also made the Vanderbilt frosh football team, playing at tackle posi tion. Honest Man Pays * For Chewing Gum Bought Year Ago If Diogenes should come, rambling around Shelby seek ing his honest man. J. I.. Black, manager of the Caro lina store here, could be ot valuable assistance. Mr. Black has just been paid for a five-rent package of chewing gum purchased from him a year ago. A year back Mr. Black was operating a store for his firm at Old Fort. This week he re reived a letter from a man there in which five cents In stamps was enclosed to pay for a package of gum pur chased from Black there. It cost the Old Fort man four cents to mail and ac- i knowledge the letter that ‘made everything all right, I . guess.” County Roads In Good Shape Now Broadway Force Gets Praise From Several Sections. Dry Weath er A Handicap. Continued praise Is heard, from several sections of the county, for -the method in which Cleveland county roads are being worked and maintained under the new state system with W. A. Broadway, of Shelby, in charge of highway up keep in the county. Last week a portion of the county road force spent some time in the northwest section of the county, in the Casar area. and their work there has been commended by farm ers of that section as well as by motorists. - --e Better 'I"han Ever. In several communities citizen have reported that under the new system their roads are better main tained than ever before. There are sections, of course, where the new outfit has not had time as yet to get all roadway in the best of con dition, but the various foremen are giying every effort to accommodate their respective districts and citi f zens are askpd to communicate with the foreman in their districts | where it is believed that the roads and bridges should be improved and repaired. The continued dry weather'has to a certain e.-hent handicapped the road forces as it is difficult to do much with the packed surfaces. Third Degree Work. Cleveland Lodge 202 A. F. & A. M. will meet in called communica tion Tuesday night, at 7:30 o'clock, for work in the third degree. Rutherford Citizens Ask Special Session; But Injure Own Proposal - j Argument For Session Considered Best Argumei.'l Against One. . 1'1’om Bost in Greensboro News.) Raleigh, Oct. 26,—Rutherford citizens, giving Governor Gardner their reason for desiring a special session of the general assembly, probably have furnished him the : bast possible argument for postpon ing that calamity. It is now no secret that the quad rennial valuation if property was defeated more on account of the hazard to North Carolina’s credit throughout the nation than for any other reason It would have cost $1. 000.000 to re-value and after the Job was done tliere would have been perhaps A billion slashed from the grand total of the North Carolina i properties The extraordinary eon ditkm which makes real estate-the worst property when it h^d been until recently the very best, is not permanent, all state leaders say. To value lor taxes, property, tor which there is no present demand among the traders, is not getting anywhere constitutionally, legislators felt. But a large slash would automat ically fix North Carolina’s status. Values greatly reduced would put the state in position of having bor rowed more than 7:5 per cent of its total valuation and that is utterly and fundamentally illegal. The Ru therfordton meeting Monday night suggests a state course which could be construed as nothing but repu diation Governor Gardner lias said nothing on the subject. He is deep ly meditating the recent meetings here in which time merchants and ooNTtNtricn n\’ p»nv *-ir»ww» Star Will Take I Farm Products On Paper For Charity Potatoes And .Molasses To Be Re ceived For Subscription. Go To Needy. In doing Us part to provide tood and comfort for the needy of Cleveland county this winter. The Cleveland Star will give 100 bushels of potatoes and 100 gallons of molasses to the county fund for free distribu tion among the unfortunate.. The Star gift is so planned that it will have a twofold benefit. In order to seeure the potatoes and molasses, one bush el of potatoes, either Irish or sweet potatoes, will be reeelved !* as 80 cents payment upon a year’s subscription to the pa per, and a gallon of molasses will be taken in at the same value. The offer is restricted to one bushel of potatoes or one gallon of molasses on each an nual subscription, either new or renewal. When the 100 bushels of potatoes and the 100 gallons of molasses are received the offer will i>e withdrawn. Help Both Ways. The offer should have its value to farmers as well as to the needy of the county. Many farmers are this year fortun ate enough to have an abund ance of food and feed, due to a good season and a good harvest. Money, however, is scarce with many and their food products are bringing a low price on the market. The Star offer will en able farmers, to convert their potatoes and molasses into the the cash equivalent on their newspaper subscription. The cash equivalent offered— M cents per bushel of potatoes I and 60 cents per gallon of mo lasses—is slightly above the market price. Farmers who de sire to take advantage of the offer are requested ,as their part In aiding charity and turn ing over their own susplus pro ducts, to bring the molasses in gallon buckets and the potatoes in sacks. The potatoes and mo lasses when brought to The Star office will be collected and turned over to the general char ity committee which will super vise the distribution of the food where it is most needed by un fortnnate families out of work Mrs. Eva Blanton Dies Here Saturday End Comes On Her 3HI Birthday. Burled In Sunset Cemetery Today. Mrs. Eva Blanton, wife of A. M. Blanton, died Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home on Line berger street in East Shelby. Mrs. Blanton had been in ill health for some time and was forced to under go an operation in tiie Shelby hos pital a short time ago. Her pass ing was on her 31st birthday. Mrs. Blanton was a fine Christian character and- moved with her fam ily from Grier, S. C„ to Shelby about five years ago. Surviving are her husband, one son and, one daughter, two sisters and one bro ther. She -was a member of the First Baptist church here and the tuneral was conducted this aftrf noon at 3 o'clock by Revs. H. F. Waldrop and Zeno Wall from the residence. Interment was in Sunset cemetery Former Fallston Man Dies At Cherryville A. A. Wilson, Age 54, Died At t'her ryvilie. Reared In FaUston Section. A. A. Wilson, prominent f annex of Cherry ville, died Friday at the age of 54 years and was buried Sat urday at Bethlehem church which he helped built and in which he served for a number of years as Sunday school superintendent. Mr. Wilson was born and reared in the Fallstou community, son ot Mr. and Mrs. F J. Wilson. H“ moved back to Cherryville a few years ago and there was held in high esteem. He was married to a Miss Sprott of Cherryville who sur vives with two children. Also sur viving are his mother, Mrs. F. J. Wilson and one brother, R. W. Wil son, of Fallston, two sisters Mrs. I,. B. Pence of Young Harris, Ga„ and Miss Sallie Wilson of Fallston. A large crowd attended the funeral j services and a beautiful floral of fering was in evidence \ Mrs. Peirce and daughter, Vir ginia. arrived from Georgia for the funeral Peer Wins U. S. Stage Beauty A dele Astaire (above), beautiful American actress and Internationally known dancer, has confirmed the runtor that the la to wed Lord Char les Cavendish (Inset), son of the Duke of Devonshire, Just as soon as ' the finishes her engagement In a New York musical comedy soon. The ■ nuptials probably will take place In January. Miss Astaire says she i will abandon the footlights after her marriage. Minister Wears Overalls, His Congregations Wearing Cotton Silk and satin have been discarded for cotton clothing and overalls by a minister and several of his church congre gations near the North and South Carolina line in Cleveland Hamrick And Dover I Head Two Mills Here JTftek Dover Becomes President Of Dover And Karl Hamrick " -'Wk, ,1 i | g . | a griijjin f •* ^ t~ rTWroctu Of Ufl. Two associates of the late John R. Dover have succeeded him as president of the Dover and Ora mills. At a called meeting of the di rectors of these two textile plants a few days ago Jack Dover, who has been superintendent of the Dover mill, w as advanced to the position I of president and manager, succeed-1 ing his father with whom he ha1- j been working in the textile busi- j ness for a number of years. _J At the meeting of the directors! of the Ora mill, Earl Hamrick who; has been connected with this iflsti-j tution as secretary-treasurer, was! elected president and treasurer, sue-1 ceeding the late Mr. Dover with ( whom he has been associated since the plant was stalled. It Is understood that the meet ing of the directors of the Eastside mill have not as yet met to elect a president of that mill to succeed Mr. Dover, but a meeting will be held this week. oin Report Issued; 9,494,041 Bales Out Prices Takes A 15 Point Dip. Gin nings Slightly More Than a Year Ago. The government cotton gin re- j port was issued at noon today,! showing 9,494,041 bales of cotton ginned in the belt prior to October 18, as compared with 9,252,011 bales up to the same date a year ago. As a result of the report, December! cotton reacted 15 points but as The! Star was going to press, It was hoia- j ing rather strong. Ginning figures by states were! not available at noon today, buti will be available for The Star's next j issue. At that time the gin report, for the county will likely be issued ! County gin reports were not given] out by Mr. Miles H. Ware of Kings! Mountain who gathers the figures! until he is authorized to do so by t the census bureau at Washington. Light Court Here For Monday Docket The week-end In Shelby and over Cleveland county was unusually quiet with no serious automobile accidents or other 'mishaps, accord ing to officers. A number of cases were tried In recorder’s court this morning, but the majority of the charges were tor minor offenses such as in:bid ing too freely and making too much whoopee over Saturday and Sun day. ana yneroKee counties. At Camp Creek church, In Cleve land county, yesterday Rev. J. j. Boone, pastor of three churches near the borderline of the two States, appeared In his pulpit In overalfaMUKt a majority of tha peo clothing. The same policy Is to be filled at three other churches In the section, State Line, Chesnee and Arrowood Rev. Mr. Boone ts pastor of two of the three Hard times brought the change in apparel. Rev. Mr. .Boone learned It ts said, that many church mem bers Were not attending at his three churches* because they thought their clothes were not good enougn to wear. Realizing that it was a hard year upon farmers, particular ly In cotton section, he announced that hereafter all members of his congregations would be welcomed at hla church In cotton clothing, and that he himself would join In the movement. Other pastors In that section, It Is said, are cooperating in the movement. Hereafter those who desire to at tend church In that, section are in vited to attend in whatever cloth ing they may have with "finery" being prohibited. Tire wearing of cotton clothing Is particularly stressed with the idea of boosting the consumption of cotton and thu. increasing the price. Mr. Self Building A Brick Bungalow Here Mr. Carlos Self, parcel port clerk at the Shelby postoffiee is having a five room brick bungalow erected at the corner of Graham and Ware street in the southwestern part of the city. Cicero Lutz is doing the brick work and David Webb the carpenter work. Schools Open Again After Cotton Picking Five Consolidated Schools Resume Work To day After Six Weeks Vacation In Cotton Fields Of County. A working vacation ended today for more than 2,000 Cleveland county school children as they returned to school after a six weeks recess spent in helping to pick the big Dr. W. F. Mitchell Has Paralytic Stroke At 5 o'clock this morning, Or. W. F. Mitchell, prominent Shel by physician, suffered a paraly tic stroke at his home on Snath Washington street where he has been confined to his bed with a heart trouble for the past sev eral weeks. Dr. Tom B. Mitchell, his son. stated this morning that his father is in a state of coma. This is his first stroke and his son hopes that hit father will come through, but his condi tion is eery grace. -* Mr. Daniel, Aged Veteran, Passes; AH Clttaen Of Mooresboro And Confederate Veteran Burled In Spartanburg. R. J« Daniel, 91 year old Confed erate veteran of Mooresboro, died Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock and was bulled Sunday at Spartanburg, 8. C.. where he was bom and rear ed. Mr. Daniel was one of the old est veterans erf the county and up until a short time ago was active and alert for a man of his age. Mr. Daniel was first married in Spartanburg county and two child ren were born to this union, P. 8. Daniel, now living in Chattanooga, igSSftH* * tJ*ugh»f* wfe9 j*M» in florida. His second marriage was to Miss Dovie Logan, daughter of John R. Logan and together they lived on a large plantation at Mooresboro. He was a pharmacist In his younger life, having pursued a course In medicine until he be came sick with rheumatism which forced him to abandon his medical studies and enter pharmacy. Re served faithfully in the war and at the time of his death owned val uable business property In Spartan burg on the spot where he at one time operated a drug store. . Upon his second marriage to Miss Dovie Logan he came to Mooresboro to make his home and there he lived for about thirty years. The funeral was cnducled at 2 Sunday and Interment was at Spar tanburg. Boy Picks Record Amount Of Cotton j Grady Carpenter, 11, Picks Over 1000 Pounds In Less Than 5 Days. Grady Carpenter, 11-year-old spn of Gordon Carpenter, is out for the cotton picking record for boys of his age in Cleveland county. Last week, from Tuesday morning until Saturday noon, the 72-pound stripling picked 1.002 pounds of cot ton. That is better than 200 pounds per day for four and one-hall days. It is considered an unusually good picking record because it is late In the season and cotton this year is light in weiRht. Set Value Of Cotton At 8 Cents In Plan To Lend Coin For Crops Valuation Placed on Cotton Accept ed As Guarantee May Boost Market Price. Washington, Oct. 26.—-TIU! gov ernment last week placed an aver age value of eight cents a pound or cotton accepted as collateral for crop loans to provide southern farmers with additional money. This action was taken by the ag riculture department to encourage holding the new harvest from al ready glutted markets and to re lease part of the crop mortgaged to the government for the purchase cf necessities and payment of taxes ind other debts. Millions o! dollars were loaned in the south last spring to assist the farmer In replanting his fields aft ?r the 1fl3n drought. Nuw the farmer will be able to | store the cotton for these loans rather than sell his crop at current prices to satisfy the government advance. The present price ranges between six and seven cents. Boost Expected. A general market price increase as a result of this arrangement is expected by George L. Hoffman, chief of the farmers seed loan of fice. He said he believed few farm ers who have federal loans ’would dispoce of their cotton under the new plan. The south is harvesting the sec ond largest cotton crop in history j Besides the cotton which may he stored as a result of the depart ment's plan, the farm board and southern bankers recently agreed to finance the holding of 7,000,000 iCOXTtMtTKD AN PAOF WTOHT l Cleveland county cotton crop. During the six weeks the 2,00(1 children played an Important role In picking around 30,000 bales of rotton. Five School*. The five long term rural school? which went back to work today were Fallston, Lattlmore, Waco, Mooresboro, and No. 3 Others Thursday. Seven other long term school? and all the six months schools will report tor duty Thursday morning of this week. It will be the first school day for the six month* schools, but the seven others ara opening again after being closed for a month and a half during the cot ton picking rush, By opening Thursday the long term schools will be able to round out four months of work before the Christmas holidays and the six months schools will be able to gut in two months. The negro schools, • which also closed some time ago to help with the cotton picking after opening in the summer, will not resume work this week, and perhaps not until next month. District Juniors Name New Officers EnlhwlMtlc Meeting Of Order H«M In Shelby Saturday Afternoon. An enthusiastic meeting, embrac ing business and pleasure, of the Fifth district of the Junior Order was held in Shelby Saturday after noon ,AOd *t»eaii)ff with the Shelby council, Ho. 436 as host. The meet ing was attended by representative delegations from Lincoln, Ruther ford and Cleveland counties. H. L. Toms, district deputy, of Shelby, presided. Officers Listed. The district was reorganised with (lie following new officers: D. S. B. Bridges, Cliffslde. councillor; B. B. Smart, Ellenboro, vice councillor; George Dover, Shelby, secretary; G, L. Jones, Ellenboro, assistant secre tary; H. P. Sain, Mulls Grove, fi nancial secretary: C. T. Goodman, Bel wood, treasurer: W. R. Piercy, Henrietta, conductor; D. F. Mill wood, Caroleen, warden; C. L, Proc tor, Forest City, inside sentinel: W. A. Hull, Vale, outside sentinel: , W. C. Cartee Shelby, chaplain. After the business meeting there was an instructive address by State Vice Councillor Hamlin on the Jun ior Older work and its benefits. When the business session adjourn ed the assemblage was served an oyster stew at the South Shelby Methodist church. Jn the evening the visiting delegations and* the public gathered at, the Central school auditorium to see a moving picture, put on by Mr. Snyder and a representative of the orphans home, showing the work there. Thn picture was complimented for the interesting method of showing the training of the youngsters. The next district meeting will be held at Ellenboro. Compensation Cases Here This Saturday Raleigh. Oct. 26.—Forty-six work men’s compensation hearings have been scheduled for this week for Industrial Commissioner T. A. Wil son in the piedmont, and mountain, section of the State, followed by one hearing in Charlotte the Mon day following. The hearings Include one case In Roxboro, four in Reidsville, four In Spray, one In Danbury, one in Yad klnville, five in Dobson, two in Sparta, seven in Bakersville. nine in Asheville, two in Marion, four in Rutherfordion. six hi Shelby, and one hi Charlotte. The hearing set for Charlotte November 2 at 2:30 P. M. is that of Ray L Benson vs. Nebei Knitting Co. Shelby hearings set for October 31 at 9 A. M. follow: Miss Winnie Blanton vs, Shelby Public Schools; John Henderson vs.: Southern Cotton OH Co.: Jake Ward vs. Cleveland Mill A- Power Co,; Campbell McCarter vs Clin* and Fall?; Forrest Walker vs. Sou thern Cotton Oil Co.; T. C. Car pen'»r vs. Lily Mill & Power Co