T I SHKLHY. N. (J. .FRIDAY. NOV'. G, 1931 Published Monday, Wednseday an<i Friday Afternoons ——— -.— -1— 10 PAGES TODAY lly Mail, per j oar, (in adrauct) — Carrier, per year, un advance) »J.#o Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spots .. 6'i to 1c Cotton Sod. per ton $15,«\) Hoary Frost Tonight. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report; Fair and colder tonight "Ith a heavy frost, Saturday fair with slowly rising temperature. Kentucky Democratic. Louisville, Kv., Nov. R.—Kentucky swept back into Democratic rank*. In full force in Tuesday's etc. lion. Ruby I.affoon, 62-year-oid Madison vllle circuit judge, who was the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, led his tick"! to a victory over Wll iiam B. Harrison, 42, World war veteran and ReonbMcitn mayor of t,onisv:lle, by a majolitv that con tinued to grow as further precincts were reported. Along with the Dem •emtlc victories !n ‘he gubernator ial and other state-wide races came the usual Democratic large majori ties In house and senate. Since 1927 the stale has wavered back and forth. Herbert Hoover in 1928 was given a 178,000 majority over Al Smith and the landslide resulted in all Kentucky congressmen save two being Republicans. Edwards Heads Red Cross Here Ron Call WUI Br Held Sometime Between Armistice Day and - Thanksgiving, Henry B. Edwards has been nain ed president of the executive com mittee of the Red Cross, Cleveland county chapter and the annual rol call will be held sometime between Armistice day and Thanksgiving. The date will be set later and the chairman of the roll call drive named. Last year this chapter was one of the few chapters in North Caro lina to exceed its quota. This year a quota of 800 members has been set and all money raised remains af home for local relief work except 50c from each membership which goes to national headquarters tc carry on any relief work that migh* arise in different pern of the country. Other members of the executive i committee are George Blanton, O M. Mull, S. A. McMurry, Paul Webb, Wm. Lineberger, Horace Grigg, B L. Smith and Lee Br-Weathers. Last week Mrs. Mary Camp Sprinkle of High Point, field representative lr the western part of North Carolina was in Shelby and went over thf situation with the local- officials laying plans for the roll call to be set during some week between Ar mistice and Thanksgiving. Foust Taken Back To State Prison Young Car Thief Returned To Com plete First Term. No Sec ond Trial. Instead of being taken before Judge Walter E. Moore this week to face the same Jurist for the ;,econd time, Ralph Foust, young auto thief, was carried back to the state prison. He was rent back by city offioers to complete a 10 to 20 year sentence given him in July by Judge Moore for auto larceny and store breaking. Foust escaped from the prison farm late in September, returned to Shelby and, officers allege, brore in the same garage. Failing to get a car there he entered another gar age and took away a car, being captured at Gaffney. After his cap ture he was held in jail until the week-end and it was presumed that he might be tried again, but, in : tead, he was carried back to pri- j son. Mi** McRary To Job j At Forest City Now To Manage There. Succeeded Here By Tennessee GirL Miss Ossie McRary, who lias been assistant manager of the Citizens ] Finance company office here for some time, has been transferred to Forest City where she became man ager of the Forest City Financ company office on the first of the month. Her friends will fce pleased to hear of the promotion of the Shelby girl. She is succeeded in the office here by Mis.; Brownie M. Coyle, of johnstoh City, Tenn., an experienc ed and efficient office worker. Mrs. Eileen N. Davis remains as the manager of the Shelby office in the l.ineberger building, Mr. Mull Called To Governor’s Meeting Hon. O. M. Mull, forme- execu tive counsellor for Goverr.tr. ^ d ner and an authority on econon, prblems. has been asked to meet in Charlotte Nov. 1.2th at which time the governors of four states will meet to consider acreage control in cotton and tobacco. Mr. Mull is a practical fanner himself and will advise with the Governor in the conference. Each governor will bring with him several men to take >~ert in their deliberations Work On Missing Links Of Road Between Shelby And Gaffney To Start Soon, Says Cherokee Men Will Meet Highy 18 At Line Cleveland And Cherokee Cltliens Appear Before Board And Ask Completion of Hoad. Gaffney, Nov. 6. -In monthly session Tuesday the Chcroktc coun ty commissioners promised a dele gation of citizens appearing before the board to resume grading the Gaffney-Shelby highway about the first of January. The delegation appearing In the interests of the Shelby road was one Of the largest that has gone before the commissioners in some time, and included citizens from Shelby, Cleveland county, and from the Cherokee county territory served by the route. The route will connect * surlaced highway running south from Shel by to the Cleveland-Cherokee coun ty line with the Stacy Ferry road at Broad river, five miles out from Gaffney. Cherokee county graded a portion of the route more than a year ago but the road forces were moved to other parts of the county to make necessary repairs and improvements at other points. Members of the delegation ap pearing Tuesday called attention to a reported agreement made before the first work was started between the highway departments of North and South Carolina for surfacing the route if Cherokee county graded the section between Gaffney and the state line. North Carolina car ried out its bargain by surfacing a new roads to the county line. It is' with this route that the advocates of the project desire a connection. Sherman Quinn presented the matter to the commissioners for Cherokee county citizens living along the route. Senator W. C Hamrick spoke in favor of comple tion of the road. Be read corres pondence between himself and O M. Mull, of Shelby, law partner of Governor O. Max Gardner, and be tween Mr, Mull and Charles O Hearon, of Spartanburg, chairman of the South Carolina highway commission, with reference to the road. J. N. Lipscomb, president oi the Victor Cotton Oil company, who was a member of the board of com missioners at the time the agree ment was made, urged that the nr-, rangement be observed. C. L. Chan dler, superintendent of the Gaffney Manufacturing company, J. W Kennetth, T. E. Meetze and others spoke in favor of the early comple tion of the highway. Representative Jeff D. Parri?, member of the legislative delega tion, advised the commissioners to obtain a written agreement with the state highway department U the effect that the road will be sur faced before proceeding with the grading. Shelby Highs Play Lowell Here Today Tiie Shelby high football eleven is playing Lowell at the city park here this afternoon. The game Is scheduled to start at 3:45. . 150 Bales Cotton Burning Today Fifty bales of cotton were burning this afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. I. Spurl ing near Waco. It is thought the 50 bales are a total loss. In the lot when the fire caught were 70 or more bales, but fully 20 were rolled to safety. It is understood wheat and cotton seed were also burned. Neighbors were left fighting the fire after the city fire truck exhausted its chemical tanks. District Masonic Meeting Here 14th Grand Master And Grand Jteere tary Both Scheduled For Addresses. J Walter Lee, district deputy grand master, calls attention to the Masonic district meeting to be held in Shelby on Saturday November 14 at which time two state officers of the Masonic fraternity will visit Shelly and address the visitors. The session will be held in the Masonic Temple building beginning at 4 o’clock in tire afternoon and again that evening, beginning at 7:30 o’clock. Special music will be furnished at each program, together with refreshments. This district comprises Cleveland county lodges, nine in number ana it Is urged that all Masons be present. Grand Master John H. Anderson of Raleigh will speak in the after noon at 4 o'clock and Grand Maste' K. W. Winbome of Marion will speak In the evening. County Teachers To Meet Saturday 14th Praftkatty All Rural Schools Nov Operating. Colored Open 16th. The llrst county-wide meeting of Cleveland county school teachers will be held at the Shelby Central school auditorium Saturday, Nov ember 14, It was announced today by County Superintendent J. H. Grlgg. The meeting will open at 10 o’clock In the morning. Practically all of the rural schools of the county are li, operation now after closing for cotton picking. Three or four small six-months and the negro school.", however have not reopened. All the negro schools will resume work on Monday. November 16, it was decided at the meeting of the county board of education this week. Except to hear requests for minor repairs to rural school build ings and to survey the customary routine work the education board transacted no business of Import ance at their session. Governor Keeps Politics Out Of Farm Relief Conference Program Four Governors Will Take Heed Of Best Agricultural Advice At Meet. (Special to The Star.) Raleigh, Nov. 6.—Citizens of the state who have been inclined to be critical and question the wisdom ol the conference Governor Gardner has called of the governors of Vir ginia. South Carolina and Georgia to be held in Charlotte, November 12, relatives to the agricultural sit uation in the four states, are now falling in with the purpose and feel that good can be accomplished as a result. Georgia particularly, and Soutn Carolina, if they reduce cotton acreage by law or moral persuasion will have to turn to some other crop or crops to take the place of cot ton, and tobacco is the moot nat ural crop for both of them. The conference, it is pointed out may -csult in some uniform plan, prob < jly reduction by “moral suasion”! in'tobacco acreage, and, if the other states agree to such a plan, it would be equiable and just for the tobac co growing states. Unless the gov ernors and agricultural leaders of those two states fall in with this plan, it could readily be a case ot North Carolina curtailing, while the other states could as readily in ere as-> tobacco acreage, thus resulting in no real reduction. Agreement of the four governors and the agricultural leaders to use the influence of their office..-, through help from bankers, time merchants and local agricultural agents, it is stated, would be more effective than a low reducing acre age. Such a law would be in tho hands of local officers and oi no more force than the citizenship of a given community demands. Movements have been started in eastern North Carolina and com municated to Governor Gardner by E. P. Bartlett, secretary of the Eastern Carolina chamber of com merce, to have named Senator W. G. Clark. Tarboro, tirr" merchant, and M. K. Blount, Greenville, as members of the conference group This, it is shown, Is contrary to the announced personnel of the groups which have been announced as ag ricultural leaders. The commission er.of agriculture, a dea ofr head oi the agricultural school and one or two tobacco or cotton growers have been considered proper persons for the conference. While the effort are to make it an agricultural meet, lng, the suggestions tend to lend it a political cast and politics is w'na' Governor Gardner wants most to avoid. i I Times Wed ; Cupid is kept busy by - this rhtaa pionship bride of the little lumber and oil town of Crania, La. She has been married 11 times and has : just sent her eleventh husband an his way. She’s financially independ ; ent and says she is not dis-iUns> loned as regards matrimony. Her full name would be Mrs. Caroline ! | McDonald - Wader - Bronson - | Chevalier - Burgess - Gardner - White - Luigi - Hatfield - Willis - ; I'asrhal. Piggly Stores And Blanton Continue In Receivership Bumixvs Continued At AIJ Stores Under Receivership To Work Out Trouble*. A. Blanton Grocery Co . whole' sale grocers with stores at Shelby and Marion and the Western North Carolina Piggly Wiggly corporation with retail atones in eight towns In the wectejjj part oi thsaaUO;, placefd !ii recaiverahip on October 31. but are operating under the re ceivership in the hope of working out of financial trouble to the be-.c advantage possible. Stores Keep Open , J l>. Blanton and R. L. Morris, | of Marion, were named ns tempor j ary receivers and directed and au : thorized to keep business in opera - i tion pending orders on November ' 19 to make the receivership per— i nianent. Tlie receivership course became necessary in order to conserve the assets of the company without pre i ference. Suits were pending and 1 judgments were about to be taken ; against the Piggly Wiggly corpora | tion. if pennitted, would have aom 'plicated orderly liquidation, it Is I stated. Reflects Asheville Trouble It is understood the A. Blanton | Grooery company, wholesalers, were I in good financial condition until 1 this company whose officers are (also officers in the Piggly Wiggly j corporation, endorsed paper of the ! retail system of grocery stores. The j Pigfly Wiggly Co. owned and opev ! atea niqe retail units in Asheville I where business has suffered because of bank failures. There has been a big loss to the stores because oi mark-downs in the price of mer chandise in the face of high priced leases on store rooms. Recently, two stores were dls | continued in Gatsonia and several ! in Asheville which it is thought will j aid the receivers in working out of | financial troubles to the best ad I vantage of the stockholders and th» | creditors. Both wholesale houses in Shelby ! and Marion and all of the Piggly Wiggly stores now operating in the district covered by its franchise ere ctill operating under the receiver ship. Twitty Justice Dies, Funeral On Tuesday Aged Man Succumbs At Hume Of His Nephew, Claude Weathers, At Age 79. Twitly Justice, age 79 years, died this morning at the home of his nephew, Claude Weathers, on North Washington street where he had been living for a number of years. Mr. Justice had been seriously slc.t for a week or moreT His wife died ' about foi and he is the | last of the family, leaving no chi! , dren, brothers or sisters. The funeral will be held Saturday j morning at 10 o’clock from the res: ; dence of Mr Weathers, services to be conducted by Rev. L. B. Haye> ! Interment will be in the cemetery I at Pleasant Grove Baptist church } at •'Beam MOV Cleveland Has Big Percentage Of Illiterates 9.8% Of Population Illiterate Itinerary Heavier Among Negroes. Forty-Eight Counties Rank Higher. I - l leveland county with a to tal population of 51.914 people, of which 37,944 are ten years of age or older, had 3,724 11- i literates in 1930, according to census figures assembled by State School Facts. . The percentage of Illiteracy In the county la 9.8, placing the eoun- j ty as 49th. Most Negroes. - Of the total number of tlifterat-j es 1.820, or 6.2 percent, are white, j and 1 904. or 221 percent, are ne groes. Shelby with a population of 10,- J 71S-. of which 8,136 are 10 years of | age or older, has 622 illiterates,: which is a percentage of 7.6. Eleven other North Carolina cities over j 10,000 in population have a higher percentage of illiteracy. Of the total Illiterates in the city 338. or 5.2 per cent, are white, and 284, or 17.5 per cent, are negroes. Catawba, Lincoln. Rutherford, and Gaston, neighboring counties, have a smaller ratio of Illiteracy than Cleveland, largely due to the' fact that many colored people mi grated to this county a decade ago when Cleveland became an out standing cotton-producing county. Small Decrease. *,Tlie small decrease In number i of Illiterates in North Carolina dur ing the past 10 years Indicates that. something more definite should be done about this problem during the present decade," writes Dr A. T, Allen, State auperintend i ent of public Instruction, in the cur i rem issue of State School Facts. I ISO. be points out, "them [were 841.603 illiterates: in 1980 there were 236,281. One out of every 10 persons 10 years of age and over is illiterate." Stating that effort* to wipe out illiteracy have not been enough to make a showing in the State, and noting that the illiter acy rate is much lower in cities than in rural areas, due to better public schools for 30 years, he sug gests as a means of eradicating Il literacy : Remedy. First: To build up and strengthen the present rural school system by providing an opportunity In all dis tricts, as to school term and train ing of teachers, equal to that of fered by the larger school centers: second: By adult classes to reduce the present number of illiterates beyond school age by teaching them to read and write." North Carolina takes fifth place from the bottom In Illiteracy rank among 18 so-classed Southern states, only. South Carolina, Louis iana, Mississippi and Alabama, in the order named, being below. North Carolina reduced her illiter ates from 13.1 ppr cent in 1920 to 10 per cent in 1930, however. Of the state’s 3,170,275 population, 2,353- i 014 were 10 years old and over In 1930. Of these 236.261, or 10 per cent, were Illiterate. White illiter ates numbered 93,822, or 5,6 per cent: negro illiterates 139,105, or 20.6 per cent, and Illiterates of oth er races, largely Indian, 3.334, or 29.6 per cent. Little Miss Whitener Tells Of Red Cross South Shelby School Girl Delights And Informs Kiwants Members. Little Miss Louise Whitener, just entering the 'teen age and a student in South Shelby school, delighted and informed the Kiwanis club last night with her ten minute speech on the Junior Red Cross. Little Mis* Whitener whose father. P. E. Whitener, is an oversder in the Lily Mill, made quite a hit last year at the Junior Red Cross meeting in Charlotte and has promise of an In vitation to deliver her message in Washington, D. C. She is pretty, bright and com posed in her manner. Her speech Is a review of the Junior RR1 Cross what it stands for and how it has contributed funds from the Soutn Shelby school to relief work, during the Florida storm, Mississippi flood drought sufferers, etc-, how it en courages unselfishness among chil dren at home and in school, ao minizters to the sick and shut-ins and encourages its members to grow into better citixenshlo. He Didn’t Need These Votes Even u A. Harry Moore and Mrs. Moore cut their ballot., u shown .ut Jersey City, N. J.. in their State's Gubernatorial election, hr was'on : hta way. to becoming New Jersey’s Governor^Tor the second time. \ landslide of Democratic rotes put him into office over David Baird. Jr. his Republican opponent. The avalanche of ballots for Moore put Nr* Jersey in the Democratic column by the heaviest vote In many rears. Expect Large Throng For Armistice Event Veto Work Oat Final Detail* For Fairground Fragrant Hare On Wednesday. With arrangements all made to accommodate what It U believed will be one of the largest crowds ever to assemble at the Cleveland Comity Fairgrounds at the Armis tice Day celebration Wednesday, the legion committee In charge of arrangements has settled down to perfecting all details in order that the program may be carried cmt in fast and snappy order. Bicycles, dogs, mules, horses and anipmobtle* re#4y to go. Oh let Mack Poston 1$ In charge of park ing arrangements and promises that placing of cars will be carried out in orderly fashion so that all jams may be eliminated. The fox and the rabbit, expected to excite the dogs but little less than the spectators, have been arranged for, and hut lit tle Is now left for the committee to do. However, a meeting will be held Friday night, November 6, at Pey ton McSwaln's law office, to per fect final details. Drivers of Fords expected to take part in the race and bicycle riders (limited to boys under 1« years of age, are asked to come to the Fair grounds Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock to get used to the track. Fatlure to be present for the prac tice, however, will not eliminate anyone. Arrangements have simply been made for this practice to fa miliarize contestants with the track. Owners and riders of mules and horses are expected to have their tryouts Tuesday afternoon. Major Kobt. B. Bablngton, head of the Orthopaedic hospital at Gas tonia, was a Shelby visitor yester day. Legion Auxiliary Aiding In Program l.iulir*. To Serve Meals And Re freshments At Armistice Day Program. For those people who would like to make a holiday of It Armistice day members of the American Le gion auxiliary, headed by Mrs. T. B. Gold, have arranged to serve a delicious hot plate lunch at the fair grounds from 12:30 until 2 o'clock Since the gates will be opened at 18 o'clock-It lx believed matff peo ple will go to the fairgrounds for lunch. In addition to the regular lunch, sandwiches, etc., will be serv ed during the entire program. The auxiliary will also provide re freshments during ‘he street dance to be held In front of the Masonic Temple Wednesday night. Members of the legion are receiv ing the enthusiastic support of the auxiliary In this effort to make the coming winter a little more lenient on those who have been affected by the depression. This support, of course, comes a« no surprise to the people of Shelby nor to ex-service men of the county for the auxiliary has always co-operated to the full est extent with the legion in all of its programs and the benefit pro gram for charity naturally has more than usual appeal to women. Banks And B. And L. To Close Wednesday All local banks and building and loan associations will be closed on next Wednesday In observance of Armistice day, it was anounced to day by officials of these institu tions. North Carolina Only State Which Guarantees Teachers Full Salary Teaching Conditions Not Ideal But Better Than In Some Other States. 1 Special to The Star.) Raleigh. Nov. 6.—North Carolina is the only state in the Union which has guaranteed to its school teach ers lull salary for the constitu tional school term, in addition to aiding in salary payments for the extended term, according to State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion A. T. Allen. Moreover, even though in many cases, the great majority of them, the local officials have reduced sal aries up to the 10 per cent allowed by the 1931 general assembly action, the reductions of salaries will still hold them, in the aggregate, to a point equal to or above the amount paid last year, when in numbers ol counties and school districts the teachers were not paid for theii services, in some cases, up to two or three or even four months, it has been estimated But the guarantee oi salaries at which they contract to teach is no: the usual thing, and ir. many states, in which schools are operated al most or entirely locally, tfee salarie. have not been paid, many for tile last school year and more for this school year It is stated. Dr Allen reports that numbers of schools in middle western states, particularly, have been closing and probably will remain closed most of the year for lack of 'funds. Even with the 15-cent advances tax on property. North Carolina is now giving a greater percentage of state support to its schools than any other state. Dr. Allen stated on in formation and belief. This condition is probably one that even teachers of the state have not completely realized, and prob ably is one of the reason why two or three out-of-state speakers at teachers meetings have advised them to quit finding fault with thei: salary arrangements, in other words “beefing," and get down to their duties as teachers. They have had pointed out to them that their con dition, while probably not ideal, Is much better than the average and is about equal to the best that can be found in any of the states. Such advice is expected to have a very desirable effect when ft reaches down to the individual teachers, many of whom have as sumed the position that they have been “piehed on” and are not get ting their dues. Comparison with conditions of other teachers in other states shows they are in gooc shape Another ‘Rape’ Case Tossed Oat In Court Here Girl Cannot Identify Two Negroes FOUND GUILTY At S o'clock thl* afternoon, aft** three Ilnurs deliberation, a superior court Jury returned a verdict of guilty against Carl liatchell In all three counts—aiding and abetting In breaking and entering, larecny, and receiving stolen ciga rette*. Judgment was not Im mediately passed. Superior court was speeding along in ite fifth day on Uie criojipa! docket here this afternoon. . .Solicitor Spurgeon Spurting vrei hopeful today that the criminal docket could be completed Saturoay so that the court might get on the civil calendar Monday, but tills was doubtful. About 15 cases remain to be di, posed of and barristers think it will be necessary for-Judge Moore to hear some criminal cases next week. End Rape Affair. | Tlie attempted rape charges against James and Javan Thomp son. young negroes of the Boiling Springs section, was thrown out of court yesterday by Judge Moore. The original charge was that the two negroes attempted to attack g 15-year-old white girl In that sec tion as .she made a trip to the mail box. In court the girl could not say that the two negroes were the ones she alleged tried to get her into the woods. A verdict of not guilty was promptly ordered. Side infor mation disclosed that the girl her self has faced or is facing moral de linquency charges and may later be entered in ah Institution. The al leged attempt, which caused con siderable stir at the time, too place on August 3, and the negroes, freed ywterday, hare been in Jail shi<* a period of about three months. Cigarette Case. A big portion of the day yester day and today was taken up in the cigarette larceny cases in which Carl Hatched is the defendant. At [ a previous term of court three ne igroes were convicted of breaking in j the A, Blanton wholesale grocery house and taking a large quantity of cigarettes. Since then officers have been working on the case and at this session the negroes, one or two or them, at least, testified that Hatched, well known race horse owtier and driver, had paid them a certain price for the ciragettes known in the underworld lingo as "hot cigs.” At previous trials the negroes told two different storks about the matter, and these vary ing versions by the negroes was em phasized in the defense. A complete denial was made by Hatchell and corroborating evidence was intro duced to prove him elsewhere, wit nesses' testifying that on one of the specific nights mentioned in the prosecution that he had taken Mrs. Gene Gamble to Charlotte where a. son had been killed. There wer-i [three charges against the defend ant-breaking and entering, aiding and abetting;, and receiving stolen goods. Judge Moore in his charge to the jury just before noon de clared that either of four verdicts could be returned: not guilty, guilt? of breaking and entering by insti gation, guilty of aiding and abet ting larceny, or guilty of receiving stolen goods. The case has been hard fought Rnd has attracted the largest crowd of the court term. Attorney D. Z. Newton aided Solici tor 8purling in the prosecution arid the defendant was represented by Attorneys B. T. Falls and Clyde R. Hoey. In another case, in which there was some interest, Ben Pool was ac quitted of a larceny charge. The al legation was that he took around $57 from some of his companions hi a drinking affair in the Fallston section some time ago. At a previous court the case ended in a mistrial. Pool was represented by Attorney Horace Kennedy. Grand Jury Gives Report Of Praise — I The report of the Superior court grand jury, made to Judge Walter E. Moore, yesterday, was as a whole complimentary to the upkeep of 'county Institutions. ! The report, signed by C. M. Ham rick, ioremars, said the county home was to excellent condition." the in mates being well cared for. 5oti the convict camp and county jail were listed as being to “good con dition” and the inmates well fed. The court house was rated as to foirlv <w*i condltton.’*

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