Oak Grove News Of Current Wee!; Dtarie Goforth In Hospital. Child Has Diphtheria. Class Entertained. (Special to The Star ! Oak Grow, Nov. 4.—Mrs, Blanche Phillips entertained her Sunday snhool class with a Hallowe'en party Saturday night at her home Among those enjoying the occasion were Misses Georgia and Elolse Fnrbts, Claudia Devenny. Veola Blanton, Gertrude Iiedford and Mary Wright: Messrs Harlan De venny, Lyman Charvilon., Robert Porbls, Zeb Leonard and Thelmar Gamble, Albert White, Blaine De venny and Colin Blanton We ate. sorry to learn that little Haskel Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claudie Bell Is very sick with diph theria. Misses Claudia Devenny and Ve ola Blanton. Messrs Blaine Dcvenny and Oolin B’anton attended a corn liusltlng at. Mr. Frank Gamble's of the Beth-Ware'community Monday night. Mr. Pressley Ledford of Gastonia spent Saturday nteht with his cousin Mr. Evcrette Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovelace and Mrs. James Ware attended the Cltv B. Y. P. XT. union at the Plrf.t church, Kings Mountain. Sunday. Miss Mildred Howell spent Sat urday night with Miss n-illfe Mae Dcvenny Quite a number of people of this community attended the Hallowe’en party at Brth-Wa-e school Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Blanton and children wrt-e the dinner guests of Mr. ard Mrs. Q. V. Philbfrk Sun day. Mr. Dixie Goforth Is In the She! MONDAY AND TUESDAY William Powell -In “THE ROAD TO SINGAPORE” Flaming love under a tropic moon. — 10c and 25r — WEBB THEATRE ! by hospital with a fractured skull j as a result of an automobile acci dent last week. His condition Was I thought to be very serious, but he is somewhat better now. ! Bethlehem Section ! News Of The Week (Special to The Stor.) 1 Bethlehem. Nov. 5.—Miss Gladys . ".labefe spoilt the week-end with ’■cr sister Mrs. Rush Dixon of Dal las. j Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McSwain spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lola Dillingham. Mrs. J. T. McDaniel and daugh ters, Bca. le and Julia, Mr. and | Mrs. Ed Stewart and family, Mis., Klol.se Bookout were the dlnnei guests of Mr. and Mrs. w. P Hern don Sunday. Miss Grace Dixon of Dallas spen' Sunday with Mtss Irene Dixon. | Mi s Alma Bridges la visiting | friends in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harmon anti 'sons. Junior and Joe Lee, were the | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Har mon Sunday. Mr. Albert White spent Sunday with Dntha McDaniel. : Mr. and Mr::. Rush Dlxcn of D&l 1 las spent Sunday with Mr. and j Mrs. J. P. Rlatock. Mr, and Mrs. J, D. Montgomery I pent 8unday In Blacksburg with j friends. Misses Sarah Little. Pearl Kerr of , Kings Mountain spent Sunday with , Misses Plceoln anti Gladys Blalork. j Mrs. Robert Howell is real sick. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDaniel spent I Sunday afternoon with Mr. and , Mrs. r. T Ledford. ; Mr. and Mrs,, A. V. Watterson an 1 ; "on. .limes, were the guests oT Mr r.nd Mrs J n. Watterson Frida" 1 night. Lutheran Church Sunday Notices Lutheran church of the Ascension, Hey. N. D. Yount, pastor, Twenty third Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school at 10 o'clock, a lit tle time well spent. Morning worship li o'clock, sub ject, “Relationship of Church and State." Luther league, 6 o'clock, subject, “Making World Peace Permanent," Evening worship, 7 o'clock, sub ject, "Citlzrnshtn.” Our slogan. "Every Member on time every time." our welcome, sin cere all the time. These services are held in tlx* Episcopal church, South LsiFrtyotto street. Come. Grandmother's BREAD Full Pound Wrapped Loaf SjjB” BEANS can SC SSup” Cocoa 1 c.m' ISc Crispo Fig Bars it. 10c 8 o'Clock Cofree m. 19c MELLO WHEAT pkg. 17c 1‘OUl'S FANCY Grapefruit No. 2 Can* 25c Tomatoes I'ull Puck No. : Can 10c Apple SauceFA.tPyNc.„2 IQc Pink Sainton can ioc Sl’NXYFIKLO PANCAKE FLOUR 3 Pkgs. 25c Sultana SYRUP 8*0z. 15C Pint 25c PRODUCE SPECIALS Oranges, j Ofw Dozen, 16c and ^UC Grapefruit, o p* 6 for __ £OC APPLES — StaymanV Winesaps, r% r 6 lb. __ZOC Lettuce, -■ 2 heads_ IOC Cranberries, Pound _ 15c MARKET SPECIALS Pure Pork Sausage, lb. __ 15c Large Frank i n 1 furters. lb. ._ IL2 C Bologna, Sliced, lb. .. 12£c Pork Chops, Pound _ 18c Sliced Boiled Hams, lb. 29c | «*5r Atlantic & Pacific £ Boiling Springs 1 News Of interest l (Book Cult Meet*. Mr. Hold Imply ing. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton Have Nerv Son. • special to The Star, i Boiling Springs, Nov. 5. M; ; badd Hamrick was a most charm ing hostess to the PhilsonUm Bo ;.-: jclub, the college faculty nnd sevci.u (other guests at her home Tucsda: j afternoon. The lovely home was arran, •t with a prolusion of yellow and white chrysanthemums. The bu.-h ness meeting was presided over by Mrs. B. M. Jar.ett. The new books (or the coming year were distribut ed to the members and some regu lations regarding their circulation were made- This club decided to ! sponsor a silver tea lor the oene j fit of the Junior college In the near j luture. I Two interesting and well written j papers on "Art and Music in North Carolina were read by Mrs. O. P. Hamrick and Mias Evelyn Higgins. The hostess served a delicious salad course with tea and sweets. Halloween Party. Misses Hosalyn and Daisy Rea | Pruette entertained quite a larva crowd of their friends- with a lovely Hallowe'en party Wednesday ev ening. The decorations cleverly car ried out the idea of the season, i leaves, fall flowers, pumpkins and decorations of witches and black cats were used. Games and contest* were enjoyed until a late hour. Delicious refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs Odus Moore and family of Laurintsburg spent Satur day with Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Dr. Kneece of the Panama Canal zone spent Sunday here with his sister Miss Eunice Kneere, denn of women of the Junior college Miss Canady of the Asheville school system spent the week end with her sister, Miss Flora Canady of the college faculty. Mrs. J. R. Greene Is spending several days in Gaston I* with her daughter Mrs. Arthur McClure. Mr. and Mrs. Ostave Hamrick and family spent a few days of this week in the mountains with Mr. Leon Hamrick. , Miss Mildred Hftmrlck of Henrietta spent Thurs day evening with Miss Thelma Jol ley. Friends of Mr. R. t>. Hord •will be glad to learn that lie is Improv ing rapidly. Mr. James Bridges visited rela tives and friends In High Point and Goldsboro and Norfolk, Va„ last week. Mrs. P. A. Pearson has been 111 for several days but is improving Born to Mi-, and Mrs, Garrison Blanton a fine son. Z. B. mother and baby are getting along nicely. Mr. and M~s. J. H. Jones and family and Miss Ruby Silver motor ed to Lake Lure Sunday afternoon. The primary department of the Sunday school had a Hallowe’en party Tuesday afternoon at the church. Games were played, fortunes were told. The children enjoyed the party to the fullest. Refreshments suggestive of Hallowe'en season were served. A famous cartoonist, recently de ceased, was a chevalier of the French Legion of Honor for n car toon published during the war. It means nothing, except to illustrate how foreign governments use al leged “honors'* to compliment Amer icans who are silly enough to be lieve that they we worth having. Dempsey's Next? , .Mck DcinpM j, who was rrrently : (.Ivorcrd at Ktnii from Estelle Tay : lor, will marry Levon Vincent, for mer beauty prize winner at the Uni versity of Utah, according to rumors current in Salt Lakr City. Dempsey | recently went on a hunting trip with the girl’s father, Joe G. Vin cent, .Utah financier and sportsman. Card of Thanjks. We Wish to thunk all the friends for their kindness shown during 1 the sickness and death of our de-! ! voted husband and son and espec-1 ; ially, Mrs. Clarence Morrison. Mrs. L, W. Barrett Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Barrett! COMMISSIONER'S RESALE OF LAND i Under uni by vlrtu« o» an order of re j | sale made iry the clerk or the superior < I cm ft of Cleveland county, N. c, in spe- i (cial proceedings No. 1869. untitled' ‘ N. B j Gladden. administrator of T W. Glad I den, deceased, and N. B Oledden, per sonally, _ and wife, Lill e Gladden, et al [vs. Palmer McSwaln, Id1. Mac McSwain [Day McSwalh, it ad William McSwain ! minors/* I. as commissioner, will resell ut the court house <Joor, in Shelby, N. C., on Friday, Drcrmber 1th. 1931, at 12 M.. i t public auction, to the hlghet bidder, the following three pieces or parcels of land, lying and being in No. 3 township. Cleveland county! N C, adjoining the lands of James R Dover. L C.' Camp, and others, and more particularly describ ed as follows: I First Tract: Beginning at a stake in' the intersection of the Shelby-Patterson Spring'; road and the Old Post road, and runs thence with the Grover road 8 26-55 E. AGO feet to a stake in center of said ro'ad, D. C. Camp’s corner; thenc' with his line 80-25 E. 1430 feet to a pop bvr slump, his corner: thence with L. C Camp and others’ line N. 3-40 E. 1145 feet to u post oak. Beam and* Camp's corner: thence with Beam’s line N, 75-33 w. reel to an non Make in renter of post Toad; thence with said road the following course: S 37*30 W. 372 feet 3 25-25 W. 424 feet to ti«e beginning, con taining 43:75 acres Second Tract: Beginning at a stake in tins intersection of the Shelly-Patterson I Springs -road with the old post road, and runs thence with post, road the following [courses. N. 25-05 £ 424 feet, N 37-30 E. 372 feet to a stake In center of Post road. Allen's corner; thence with Allen's line N. 74-50 W. 778 feet to an iron stake, Allen's corner; thence 3. 23-85 W 154 feet to a *take In center of Bhelby-Pat teraon Springs road; thence with said road 8 28-25 E. 844 feet to the beginning, containing 7.56 acres. inira iract: Beginning et the inter section of the Shelby-Patfcerson Springs road with the post road, and runs thence, with the Shelby road, N. 28-35 W. 237.!S feet to a stake In center of said road; thence with Dover's line. 8. 8 7-40 W 53 f feet to an iron stake, Dover's corner in Hi fibers’ line; thence with Blggers and Logan's line. 8. 23-05 W. 749 feet to an iron stake. W. A Gladdens corner; thence, with his Une. 8. 84 E. 334 feet to a stake. McSwain’e corner; thence with his line, N. 21-15 E. 200 feet to a stake, his corner; thence with McSwain’s Une. €. 81 E 450 feet to a cement post in the old road, McSwiiln's corner: thence with said old road. N. 17-15 E. 410 feet to the be ginning containing 10.47 acres. The bids for the three tracts, as a whole, now stands at $3,370.00 and the bidding at this sale will start at thi; price. Terms of Sale: One-third cash on day of sale, one-third payable in one year and; the remainder in two years from date o sale. With interest from date at 6 percent per annum, with the privilege to the pur chaser of paying all the purchase price on confirmation of sale, title to the prop erty to be reserved until all the purchase price is paid. This the 4th dav of November. 1931. N B. GLADDEN. Commissioner Quinn, Hamrick and Harris, Attorneys. it Nov 0 STAR ADVS. PAYS , Announcement was made todsv I that the educational department of | the Pacific Whaling Co., would pre sent its mammoth whale exhibit j ihere next Wednesday and Thurs- 1 day. The huge monster of the deep [ : weighs 68 tone, and measures 55 L | feet in length. The last relic of the 1 ' prehistoric age and largest thing I I that ever lived on land or in the sea will be accompanied by Cap tains Harry White and William N. Smith, who lecture at short Inter vals. The whale will be located on [the Southern Railway tracks at West Warren street. Admission for ' adults is 25 cents, and Children 10 ' cents. The price has been cut in (half in keeping with the times Mt. Sinai News Of Curr:nt Week \ _ j Every Member (invm Class Now Underway. Cortv Sharking At Clary Home. (Special to The Star.) i Mount Sinai, Nov. 3.—The every nicmber canvass is being taught th's week at Mount Sinai church very successfully by Prof. O. P. Ham rick of Boiling Springs. Our pastor Rev. J. L. Jenkins, is present in these meetings each night at seven o'clock. The committee appointed to sec the people is composed of Miss Ocie Harrill, Messrs. L. Y and L. R. Putnam, We&b Hunt, R. O. Ellis and Coran Rollins. Those visiting at the service from other places Sunday night were: Messrs. [Winchester and J. A. Hallman of No. 3 high school faculty; William Spangler, Joe Austell, William and Clarence Tinner, Theinon Ponder and C. Q. Lavendar of Earl, Minor Williams of Patterson Springs. A corn shucking was given Mon day night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cleatus Clary. After the corn was shucked a bountiful supper was served to all. Mr. Perry White who has been seriously sick for the past few days continues about the same. We hope for him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Weaver of Gaffney, S. C. visited Mrs. Docie Rollins awhile Sunday. They were enroute to Shelby to visit Mr. Wea ver’s mother, Mrs. Winfield Weaver who is seriously ill. Mrs. Clyde Key and two children of Kings Mountain is spending this week with her parents Mr. and Mrs W. D. Hardin Miss Ocie Putnam, Messrs. Gay, Sam and Aryil Putnam visited Mrs. Rella Dysart near Swalnsville Mon day. Miss Agnes Weaver, a senior in Boiling Springs college, was the at tractive week-end guest of Miss Edna Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hamrick and children of Flint Hill were spend the-day guests of Mr. and Mrs. S A. Clary Sunday. Mrs. W. N. Weaver and children, Darcus, Ralph and Elijah were din ner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs 1 Rome Haynes near Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Ellis Misses Nell Ellis and Rena McSwain were Sunday afternoon callers in the Swalnsville section visiting Mrs Jini Humphries and Mrs. Rella Dy <art, Mrs. j. d. Branton or Shelby spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Docie Rollins. Messrs. Bob Jones and Wilburn Putnam of Lattimore visited Mr and Mrs. L. C. Putnam Friday aft ernoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hamrick and family ot^tMron spent awhile Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Rogers. *v Father Injures GtrL Coldwater, Mich.-—Barbara Jean 2, was seriously injured fey an anto driven bj*V her father, Milo H Meade. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that t have this day qualified «s administrator of the es tate of W P. Gate, deceased of Cleveland county, N. C, and that all persons hold Ing claims against the said estate wtl present same to me properly proven on or before the 16th day of October. 1933, oi this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereof. All persons Indebted ti the said estate will please make tmmed late settlement to the undersigned. Tni: October 30th, 1931 Re B. KEISTER, Administrator o W. P. Gale, deceased. St O 30t ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having quallfted on October 28th, 1931, as administratrix of the estate of John R. Dover, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C„ this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate oi said deceased to exhibit them duly veri fied to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C , on or before October 30. 1932, or thh notice will be pleaded in bar of their re- I covery. I All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make Immediate payment This October 30th. 1931. ELLA T. DOVER, Administratrix of the Estate of John R. Dover deceased. R.vburn & Hoey, Attys. 6t Oct 30< -- - ■ i ADM1NISTRATOB S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have this day qualified an administrator of the es tate of Jonathan Greene, deceased late of Cleveland county, North Carolina and that all persons holding claims against the said estate will present same to me properly proven on or before the 21«t day of October, 1932. or this notice will be pleaded In bar of any recovery thereoi. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make Immediate settlement to the undersigned This Oct. 21. 1931. J. J. PRUETT, Bolling Springs. Ad ministrator. Jonathan Greene, de ceased. 6t Oct 23p TRUSTEE S 8AI.E OF REAL ESTATE, Under and by virtue of the authority contained In that certain deed of trust, executed by J. G. Dudley, Jr„ and wife Maybelle Dudley, to the undersigned trus tee, said deed of trust being dated Apri 30tY 1930 and recorded In the office o the Register ot Deeds for Cleveland Co N. C , In Book No. ISO at page 145. se curing an indebtedness to the Shelby and Cleveland County B L. Assn, default having been made m the payment of ah indebtedness. 1 will on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23RD, 1931 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, or within legs hours, at the Court House Door In She! by. N. C. sell to the highest bidder fc cash at-public auction that certain lot o land, lying and being in No. 6 Township Cleveland Co.. N, C„ and bounded as fol lows:— Being a part of the M L. Borden property, subdivided and sold by tha C> clone Auction company as shown on map of said subdivision made bv J A Will.: Surveyor, and recorded tn the Register o, Deeds office. Cleveland county, N C., u Plat Book No. .2 at page 3, refetence to which map is made for a full and com Plate description. Being Lot No, ! in Block "A or the south side of Highway No. 20 Beginning st an iron stales on the south sine n? Highway No 20 and runs thanes N «7 w. *2 feet to a stale: thence 8- 31 l-l w. •** !«t to a stake, thence 8- U 3-A 1. 23 feet t« an iron stake: thence N J1 i-t 1- 190 feet to the Beginning This Oct. 22nd, 1931 «t-Oet-23i JNO P MULL, Trustee iSTAR ADVS. PAYS State Submits Road Map To Uncle Sam Raleigh, Nov. 3.—N.rth Carolina | lies submitted to the Federal gov | ernment for Its acceptance a 4.200 i mile map which the state Is pro (posing as the federal aid road sys ! tem in North Carolina. Acceptance by the United State Bureau of Pub Roads, would mean that the restrictions heretofore thrown j around federal a.id funds expended by the state would be materially lessened. ~ ' ~ “ i Corn Husking Champion. Litchfield, Minn.—Silas Unflahl, i won hla fourth corn husking eham ■ j plonship by husking a net load oij 1251 pounds In eighty minutes. As we see it, the time is about ripe for Shelly people to trade a; home, co-operate with each othe< and get together to make this mun icipality succeed. I $5,000.00 IN CASH PRIZES See Your Druggist. — Cotton Buyer — Rowland H. Ouzts HOTEL CHARLES. SHELBY, N. C. ROOMS PAPERED $8 J. B. MEETZE CO. Wallpapers for the Most Fastidious. PHONE 564 — BOX 153 GAFFNEY, 8. C. Getting Up Nights Lowers Vitaln^r Ir you feel old and run-down from Getting Up Nights, Backache, JL#eg! Bains, Stiffness, Nervousness, Circles Under Eyes. Headaches, Burning and Bladder Weakness, caused by Kid ney Acidity. I want you to quit suf fering right now. Come tn and get what I think is the greatest med icine 1 have ever found It often ----- - * v IWUHU, At UUt'Q Klves big improvement in 24 hours. Juat ask me for Cystex (Sisa-tex). It a only 75c and I guarantee it to quickly combat these conditions and satisfy completely, or return emptr package find get your money back* SUTTLE’S DRUG STORE. i WARNING: A ni:in who says his name is Horn, and claims to represent me, is going over the country claiming to he a piano tuner. This is to sav I know nothing of this man and will not be responsible for his operations. W. A. PENDLETON PENDLETON’S MUSIC STORE ——MM III — In Your Next Cake Use K C Bakins Powder and notice the fint texture and large volume. Because of its high leavening strength you use less than of high priced brands and arc assured of perfect results in using BAKING POWDER SAME PRICE FOR OVER 40 VEARS 25 ounces for 25c I It's Double Acting GET THIS COOK BOOK FREE I k Mail this coupon with 4c in stamps lor postage I and packing and you will receive the KC Cook's » Book containing over 90 tested recipes. and packing and you will receive the KC containing over 90 tei JAQUES MFG. CO., CHICAGO, ILL Enclosed Rnd 4c in stamps, nail the Cook's Book to Hama Address. MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT FELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR -1. i'i ii ii i) i. Drawn Shades Won’t Sell Goods \ OU say you don’t draw the shades in your show windows. Well, DO you draw the shades in the biggest window of them all, in the window that everyone sees, in the window that sells thousands of dollars worth of merchandise overnight? That window is the advertising pages of The Cleveland Star. A window which doesn’t wait for prospective buyers to pass hv, w but goes right into their homes and demands attention. Give your merchandise the sort of display it deserves. The public won’t buy what it doesn’t know about, no matter how strong the in ducements, or how big the bargain. The Cleveland Star show window should be YOUR show' window'. RUN UP THE SHADES ’N LET’S SEE WHAT YOU’VE GOT TO SELL LET FOLKS KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON IN YOUR STORE. Cleveland Star MONDAYS-WEDNESDAYS-FRIDAYS Cheapest Paper Per Copy of Any Local Newspaper In North Carolina.

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