SOCIETY NEWS MRS. MAY Mi. ROBERTS THOMPSON iTrmporary Tdltorl I rlrphone Items For Social And f"r»on»l Columns To Mrs Thompson Telephone 25ft. CAM. MRS. THOMPSON PHONE 2«i Mrs. Marine Roberts Thomp •on till handle the social anil personal news for The Stai temporarily and those win have news Items for these It < departments are kindly atkec to call her at her home Tele phone IJfi nntil otherwise no titled. News intended tor the mi etal and personal columns all im received until JO o’cloek 01 publication day* and be pub Halted in the Issues of that day. '■paniub American MiTiliarv The Spanish American was a ax uary will meet at the court house Monday night at 7:30 o’clock Hag Day Saturday. The Cleveland Guards chapter of | ae U. r>. C will observe flag day 'morrow. It Is hoped that all cltl ens will respond to this worthy f. .ruse Kene.Mt r»rty tonight. The benefit bridge and rook party will be on tonight at the club room. Ml players are requested to bring •ards and telephone Mrs Ed Post! tor. table mervations. r r. A. At Wnhlnilon School American Education week will be , iherecl in at Washington school \ Uh a get-together-meeting of the Parent Teachers association at 7:30 '‘dock Monday night. A good time •wait* everybody All patrons ami friend* ere urged to be present I . o. c. Meeting The regulai aiming of Uie U l>. r. will be held at the club room Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. All members are urged to come and hring something from their pantry -ivelves to stock up the pantries oi .ho old ladles home at Fayetteville and the soldiers home at Raleigh. Mrs. W. E. Crowder Is chairman of the hostess committee Hovli Club Entertained. >:rs. Robert Hard wa* a gracious nos css to the members ot the Con '•eirporary Book club Tuesday aft ernoon at her home on S. DeKalb -treet. Mias Carobel Lever had haige of the current events. Mrs. Hal Schenck In a very entertain ing manner gave the program on The Education ot a Princess." Fol lowing the program the hastes* was assisted by Mrs. B. O. Stephenson lr erving a tempting salad course Mrs. Sherman Thayer of Boston, a former member was a special guest. Miss Kbeltoft Entertains. , , The home ol Mis.- Elizabeth Ebti oft was most Inviting on Thutsday afternoon. being arranged with a-es of chrysanthemums and sJu umn flowers, when she delightful* entertained the Ishpenlng club nembere In thetr regular meting. The topic of study for the afternoon vat "Queen Mary, the Present Queen of England." Interesting pa pers wde given by Mesdames Flunk toey and D. W. Royster, During he social half hour a delicious aal :-d with accessories was served \lr. And Mrs. Edwards I Ionia. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Edwards were .euial hosts on Tuesday evening to he Fortnight Bridge club, enter uuning at their attractive home on W. Marion stret. Yellow and white hrysanthemums decorated the rooms, where the lour tables were arranged. The high score for ladies, ■wo linen handkerchiefs, went to Mrs. Oliver Anthony and the high -core for gentlemen, a deck of cards, ft* Mr. Bill McCord. Following the games delicious ice cream and cake «:« served. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R Edoridge were special guests Urn. Royster Hostess To Cecelia*. Mrs. D. W. Royster UeUghtluUy utertained the Cecelia Music cJub members Wednesday afternoon. The club met in the primary dupart uent of the First Baptist church at 4 o'clock, where a choral practice as held after which, the club was invited to the hospitable home of Mrs. 8. S. Royster on S. Washing - on street, where a delightful so cit! hour was spent and the host 's; was assisted by Mesdames f. s.. Hi !ph Royster, Tom Moore and Willis McMurry in serving pretty »lates of salad and accessories Spe ial guests at the Royster home ere: Mrs Philip Robinson of Goldsboro, Mrs, W. J. Erwin of Great Falls. Mrs. D. R. Sibley, of Htartford. Coon., and Mrs J W Stitt!*. Circle!* Of First, Baptist Church The following circles of ihe Fire Baptist church will meet Momta; afternoon at 3:30 o’clock Mary Archer with Mrs. K G Freeman, West Warren street. Fannie Heck with Mrs. T, w Ebeltoft, S Washington street Ann Jucison, at the home of Mrs H. A. Logan. N. Morgan street with Mcsdarnes E. B. Lattlmore, W L Packard and Ioga.n as Joint j esses, Attie Bostic, at 3 o'clock with Mrs. Baxter Putnam, 8." LaFayettc street. Louise English, at. 4 o’clock with Mrs. Tom Moore, W. Warren 3t. Bethany, at 4 o'clock at the mime of Mrs'. Ed McCurty, with Mes daines Esley Pendleton and Mc Curry Joint hostesses, Silver Tea At Cox Estate Quite a few of the Shelby ladies attended the Silver Tea at the Green Elver plantation at the old Cox Estate near Rutherfordton yes terday. 'I’he guests tvere welcomed by Miss Maude Cox on entering the magnificent home and every hospi tality was extended them, a de lightful salad and Ice course was served Some of those attending were: Mesdames T A. Spangler. Martha Short, A V, Wray. Z. j. Tliompson, George Blanton. Sher man Thaver, Carl Thompson, J U Lineberger, J. A. Suttle, Lewis For ney. Paul Webb, 8. A. McMury, L. F. McBrayer, L. P Holland Lewis Baley. Frank Hoey, Draper Wood Jack Stevens, Mr. and Mrs O. M Suttle, Mr, and Mrs. C B Suttle and Mr Wade Hoey. P. T. A. Meeting The regular meeting of the Par ent-Teachers association of the Marion street school was held at the building Wednesday afternoon at 3:1ft o'clock with a large attend ance Mrs. J. 15. Lineberger. the president presided The devotional was led by the pupils of the sixth grade. Mrs. L. B. Hayes gave a very Interesting report for the program committee for the year. A number of other important reports were given by the different committees A group of grammar grade pupils gave a demonstration of games and physical exercise Miss Angel of Chapel Hill made a talk on the value of piny. Capt. B. L. Smith talked about “American Education Week." The national song was sung and the prise Of one dollar war awarded to the third grade for the greatest number of mothers pres - ent. Presbyterian Church Circles Tire circles of the Presbyterian church will meet at 3:30 o’clock Monday afternoon as follows. Circle No. 1.— At the home of Mrs. H. M. Loy, S Washington St Circle No. 3 With Mrs. H. N McDiarmid, S. Washington Si Circle No. 3 With Mrs, McCon nelly Eskridge. W Sumter street. Business girls circle. 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Peyton Mc Swatn. S. Washington street. Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock a general meeting of the circles will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Speck. S. Washington street Wednesday 7:30 p m,, general prayer meeting at; the church, Thursday 10:30, all day meeting at the church. The home mission boot, "The Imperative of Home Missions" will be studied and dis cussed by different members, Friday 3:30 p. m,, a general meet ing of all the circles with Mrs. Mc Cauley at the home of Mrs. P. L, Hennessa on W. Marlon street | No. 1 Division | Of Club. Megdames Dennis and Miles Beam and Guy Roberts were Joint host es.-es to .the members of No. 1 divi sion of the Woman's club In their regular meeting Thursday after noon the club room, which was prettily decorated with autumn flowers Mrs. Evans Shull the chairman, presided and in the busi ness meeting, the following ladies were welcomed a.-; new members Mesdames Fred Katchford, Brant ley Smith, Robert Agnew, F. B Lytton and Paxton Elliott. The pro gram was opened by Mr. Horace Easom, who gave an interorctation of an English fox hunt and a "Love Song,” Mrs. Plaster play the accom paniments, Miss Nora Cornwell gave several humorous fairy stories on Once upon a time in England Ireland and America.’' An Interest ing paper on "Style and Structure was read by Mrs. Coleman Doggett Master Rush Hamrick played a piano solo and Miss Bertbn Bostic concluded the program with a ren dition of two beautiful piano selec tions The hostesses were assisted in serving a salad course with citron pies and coffee by Mesdames Ress Hamrick and William Beam There were • number of visitor* present | Double Shoals News Of Week l.ast Methodist Service Itefore ( on ference. Mr. and Mr*. Spangler Have Daughter. 'Special to Hie Star.i j Double Shoal*. Nov 5 -Sunday i night was tin last preaching sorv i ice at the Methodist church before conference, the pastor. Rev E. E Snow preached. Rev Snow has been on this field one year and has made for himself many friends among ail denominations. The community Is expecting him to be sent back his full limited time. The study on stewardship in pre paratory for the every-member can vats Nov. 119-Dec. ft at the Baptist ! church i*s being very well attended j Thursday night will close the class | Oti last Friday morning old Mr : Stork visited the home of Mr and j Mrs Ab Spangler and left a dainty ; daughter, Mrs Spangler. Mother janrl baby are getting on fine j Mrs. A. L. Spangler has been very sick lor the past few days but 1:. i much better now. ( Miss Fay Toney has been very t.dck with an abscess tooth, but i.s [better at this writing. Miss Grace Toney, student nurse of Gastonia, made a short visit at home the latter part of October, to see her mother, Mrs. A. A. Toney. Mrs. Carl Spangler spent last Thursday with Mrs. J. W. Costner.: The corn shucking season Is on In this community. Mr Eubert Spangler shucked Wednesday night, Ab Spangler is shucking Thursday ldghV The people have a good time at the shuckings but It’s Just too bad on old Mr. Chicken at this time of year. Mr. Lark Towery moved his fam ily from Double Shoals to Shelby last week. He Is working for the Bel mont mill. Mr, and Mrs Loyd Cook visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cook of Carpenters Grove rom jmunlty last Sunday p m The cotton picking is Just about over, the children have gone back to school and the gin after this week will run only on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Hard-boiled citlaens wonder what Thanksgiving means. Penny Column ROOMS TO RENT7 FURNISHED or unfurnished. Prices reasonable. 201 LaFayette street. It 6p WANT A BARGAIN IN A good 1929 Ford Tudor Sedan? See Rogers Motors. Itc LET US SHOW YOU THE bargain we have in a 1925) Ford Coupe. Rogers Motors. 1 LOST: TAN KEY HOLDER CON talning keys and man’s gold ring. Finder return to Star office Re ward. It 6c ONE OF THE BEST BUYS we have’seen in many months is a 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan. Let us show it to you. Rogers Motors. Itc WANTED A FEW REGULAR boarders, prices reasonable. Apply Colonial Dining Room, 201 LaFay ette street. It 6p Sanitary Market Saturday Specials 8-1 b. bucket Lard __... 68c Libby's Queen Olives, • 15c size 5c 10 lb. Sweet Potatoes ... 15c 6 Cakes Toilet Soap__ 15c Fancy Pink Salmon, can . 10c Dixie Brand Elbow Maca roni, 7-oz. pkg._ 5c Full head Blud Rose Rice. Pound 5c Full line fresh vegetables. Meats:— Mixed Sausage, lb. .... 10c Stew Beef, 3 lb. _..... 25c I Beef Roust, lb. ...__ 15c I Pork Chops, lb. - 20c j Any cut good native steak, i Pound __ 19c Fresh Fish and Oysters: Trout, 3 lb. .. 25c Large Roe Mullet, 2 lb. 25c Oysters for Stewing, qt. 55c Sanitary Market PHONE 48 Next to Quinn’s Drug Store South Washington Street OUR 95th SERIES Opens SATURDAY NOV. 7 Start Saving with u.x tomorrow. Shelby Building & Loan Association Lattimure News Of Current Week | Juniors And Seniors Have Hallo we’en Party. Howard Hamrick sick. Personals. i (Special to The Star.) Lattlmore, Nov. 5.—The junior and senior classes of the Lattlmore lugh school and teachers gave a Hallowe’en party on Friday night at 7 o’clock In the gym The booths to which could be visited with fun and laughter were: Crazy House, the 3-legged woman, the dog with 10 legs, the monkey, the fortune tell er and the chamber of death. Hot dogs, peanuts, popcorn and cold drinks were sold. The benefits went to the junior and senior classes. Mr and Mrs. Paul Hulsey of Earl .‘.pent the day Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Raymond Jones Mr. Howard Hamrick, jr„ is verv sick at this writing. We hope Mr. Hamrick will soon be back in school. Mr. and Mr.'. Robert Wilson were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Paul Blanton of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. James Kanipe were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bankhead of the Double Springs community. Mr. and Mrs. Add Monroe and son, Jean, and Mr. anti Mrs. Add lee Hulsey and son, Addlee, jr. of Earl, were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs. Winslow Monroe. Miss Bertie Lee Threatt. Mis. James Shearer and Mr. and Mrs Henry Shearer were Shelby shop pers Wednesday’. Mrs. Braz Holland was taken Tuesday to the Shelby hospital. Mr. C. C. Reynolds and son Clarence, and Mr, and Mrs. How ard Hamrick left Thursday for Greenwood, S. C. to visit Mr" Rey nolds’ daughter, Mrs. J. B. Bryan' Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Origg and family of New House and Mis Bertie Lee Threatt visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Zed Karri •! Sunday afternoon. Members of the junior class are real proud of the fact that thei rings which have been ordered every since back In the early fat have come, Hallowe’en Party. The senior B. Y. P. U. gave a marshmallow toast Saturday night at the home of their president, Miss Lois Adams. The room was deco rated with Hallowe'en decorations The guests were met at the door by MLss Mabel Jones, chairman of the social committee and Miss Adams and Invited In. Several contests were held and game.*, played win ders were: Misses Beatrix Blanton Blanch Armstrong, Lola Martin, Ola | Jones and Pearl Harrlll, Messrs Paul Wilson, Wyatt Martin and i Wade Harrlll. The refreshments I were apples, peanuts and toasted rftarshmallows. Those present were. Misses Blanch Armstrong. Bertie late Threatt, Ola, Pearl, Artha am! Mabel Jones, Lola Martin Mae Bradley, Beaufy McSwain, Eiiza j belli Harrlll, Lois Adams, Beatrix Blanton, Mary Ada Monroe and Pearl Harrill: Messrs. Franklin Monroe, Lyman and Wyatt Martin. Frank McSwain, Howard and Eras tus McCurry, Woodrow Cooper Paul Wilson and Wade Harrill. The intermediates gave a Hallo we'en party Saturday night In an empty house (hat belongs to R. L Hunt near the school house. The refreshments were apples, popcorn. ; peanuts, marshmallows and lem i onade. All present reported a good time Those present were: Misse. Burnett and Julia Hunt, Annette Blanton. Maggie Blanch McCurry, Donis and Jocelyn Magness, Nellena Jones, Lula McCurry, Messrs. Rob ert Hunt. Yates Jones, Thomas Lattlmore. Mi E. Threatt, ,tr., B1111* Harrill, Thomas Phllbeck Elmer McCurry, Haskell Harrill, Johnnie Hawkins, Norman Hawkins, Robert Phllbeck, Lawrence McSwaln. John Blanton, jr. and Wilbur Martln, 110 Airplane* Are Owned In Carolina* Residents of North Carolina own and operate 110 airplanes, and 45 are owned by South Carolinians, ac cording to information obtained to day from R. O. Minlck, aeronauti cal inspector of the United States department of commerce with headquarters In Charlotte. Labor-saving devices are so num erous that what the world needs now Is some labor-using ideas. Tomorrow Is Clearance Day On MILLINERY I Saturday U’e or' cr our entire stock of Felt Hats at Reduced Prices — all sizes. shapes and t colors. i In 3 Group*: i $1.00 | $2.00 and | $3.00 ) Come early and get best ! selection. Hats arp going cheap tomorrow. NASH Ladies... Here They Are! LOW PRICE AND HIGH STYLE TELL A CONTRAST ING STORY And contrast is one of the season's fashion themes as well—striking color contrasts, and unique contrast of materials—all are here in a brand new shipment of Coats and Dresses. Many new style details that you haven’t seen are present in this remarkable group. These dresses includes many new Sunday Night favorites You must see them Men Can’t ’ Help 7 / These Liking Suits It we could tell you all about new suits we have, it would not be necessary for us to urge you tc come and see them. But you will agree that you have never in your life seen such values, models, fab rics and style when you get your first glimpse of the group. They are here in a full range of sizes and in all shades of the popular Browns, Grays and Blues Use Our Deferred Payment Plan Wright-Baker Company NORTH LaFAYETTE STREET, SHELBY, N. C. You Can Aliord One Of These Beautiful LIVING ROOM SUITES At the special prices we are offering them this month. These suites are covered all over in the same material. Reversible Spring Filled Cushions. Very heavy Hard wood Frames and in the latest colors. A Beautiful Floor Lamp FREE with each suite sold this month. See us for real values in Quality Furniture. Saturday AT Campbell’s You will find new low Marks set for New Winter Merchandise of every description. Certainly not in 36 years have we offered such outstanding values. Hve spacious 1 loot's crowded to their capacity with New Seasonable Merchandise at Prices that will appeal to every thrifty buyer. . LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S COATS, HATS AND DRESS ES. MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, HATS, CAPS, EXTRA TROUSERS AND SHIRTS. PIECE GOODS. SWEATERS FOR THE EN TIRE FAMILY. UNDERWEAR AS YOU LIKE IT. SHOES THAT A R E COR RECT IN STYLE AND QUALITY. HOUSEHOLD HARDWARE. HOME FURNISHINGS. GROCERIES. FEEDS. We cordially invite you to inspect our Merchandise and get our pric es before you buy. It will pay you. | Campbell i Depaitment j Stores | SHELBY LAWNDALE ~

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