IheVariousBeauty Uses for Lemon Juicei In Addition to Its Value as a Bleach and Cleanser, Several Health Benefits i Are Derived from \ i the Sour Citrus M Theta Photo* Poaad by Min Huddletton. It Is Eseentiul That l emon Juice Used for Brant? Purposes Be Strained and Will* This T?pe of Combination S|ii«-r«er and btraiher the Process Is Simplified. By Josephine Huddleston JiilfMir of •‘My Secrets 'of ( harm. ' INSTEAD of shedding futile tears because the ehupe of your nose isn’t like tliat of your favorite movie actress, or because your mouth is more gen erously constructed than you would prefer, spend your time and money and knowledge im proving yournelf as you are. If all women would realise once and for all tliat changing the bono structure of the body Is almost impossible, except when medical supervision is given, and would devote them selves to cultivating their natural assets, we soon would have a country of superlatively lovely women. Far too many women let a feeling of “what’s the usd” en velope them because tlieir fea tures or figures aren’t perfect. My work in beauty culture has brought tuc in close touch with most of the celebrated beauties of our present day. And. would you believe that among this group of girls and women I have not yet found one who could be called perfectly proportioned. Vlwuy* Keep a Out Lemon Near the Kitchen Sink So riial It Is Ready to Rob Over the Various Stains Which One Gets an the Hands Before These Stains Become Set. Often I have ha• Dinner.. TUESDAY Tomato T*a*t Boiled Egg* Muffin* Cereal Coffee Creamed Vegetable* on Toait $tr*wb*wy jam I«4 Boiled H*m Stdgd P«tet*»* WJDNESDAT Onager Pancake* Syrup Coftee Baked Sautage* String Beans Fried Petaten Jgm Reekie* C*id Sliced Hi® Ftlate fg)«d 5*W 9w» “-a- «... CddSm WII I t ' i« » THURSDAY Plumi lltktd Canal Fried Scrapple Bitcidli Coffee * Baked Tomatoei (Rica and Cheete Filling) tynH»» Cocoa Cr«am of Onian Soup Vf^l Slew VagataWea F»«i« $*l»d Fr»#t|» V*N«*« Ff«e Pv*tM FRIDAY Pineapple Waffle* Syrup Coffee Salmon Salad Pickle* I oat ted Muffin* Coffee Vegetable Plate t Potato#*. Boots Pea*. <4R*<* tad C*i#flo«*r) Pcackad C*i»* D*»i-Ta*m SATURDAY Baked Applet Stuteget Tomato Stncc Relit Cereal Ceftee Pineapple and Cream Cheete Salad Biacuiti Tea liver and Bacon Vatwte Feageh Drafting EeceSeped Patgtaee VwagSU Dpn-Ygaaa SUNDAY Grapefruit Bacon and Eg|t Toa»t Coffee Pot Roaat Browned Potatoea Noodle* 'Tl« WmI'i Favariia ft tripe i BAKED TOMATOES Cut the tops from largo tomatoes end scoop out as much of tbe pulp as possible Season this with salt, pepper onion luloe Add a mixture of ooolted rtoe to It and repack Into the tomato shells Sprinkle a little eheese over the tops of tbe tilling before baking Bake until tender and tv tape ere bmwgpd la a moderate! 9 bet even. «•***» 1ML WMW r**V ***“• «**“ “*