WEBB THEATRE - NOW PLAYING WILLIAM POWELL m THE ROAD TO SINGAPORE 10c & 25c irTS _ MICK'S MOUSE. news — ac _—rv rc6MlNGwEDNESDA Wll.UAM hawks " rFoRD” webbtheatre Yo»r Are Too lmp<>rtant oI., _u, be .tuck °“90tk ^°ta Shelf. or m th«^n T00. . _ at home you «*» > Z helping tohlU DU If Help Vourself 11 y and the Other Fellow ^ -by ?to^^,fft.'“o™rth’",",t,'r Come »n and £ Secretary. .1. U. _ 1 SHEUW, ■ ■ ueTI]RNS — 1 . SAKE AND SOUND - 0«OD SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY MEN’S and LADIES’ H A T S EXPERTLY CLEANED & RE-BLOCKED FOR I 50c Cash and Carry or Delivery Service Save yourself the price of a New Hat—We’ll make your old one like New. Just Phone — We’ll Call THE WHIIEWAY “QUALITY’’ CLEANERS — DYERS PHONE 105 “GUARANTEED DRY CLEANING” LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Mr. J. A Putjcns of Mt. Pleasant,] S. C., arrived Friday to accompany ; Mrs Patjen.', liome, who has been visiting hci daughter. Mrs. Tracy Proctor, for tea days. Mrs. J. A. Lee spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Ida L. An drews at Mt. Gilead, Mis., Stroup of Waco accompanied Mrs. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ramsaur of Loelcport, N. Y.. who hate been visiting in Florida are expected to arrive the first of the week, for u visit to his mother Mrp. Jessie Ramsaur. i Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hill of Char lotte spent Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Hill’s parents, Mr. and Mr. Major Hopper. Mrs. Hill returned to Charlotte last week after spend ing three months in Richmond, Ya„ where she underwent a very serious operation at the Stewart Circle hospital. Mr R..W. Fortune of Moore,. - boro R-2, who has been in ill health for the past few years un derwent two very serious operations at the Rutherford hospital October 30 remained critically ill for several days but is improving now. Miss Daisy Greene of Shelby R-5, has returned from a visit to her brother, Mr. J. A. Greene and Mrs. Greene at Fort Mill. S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Evers of Charlotte were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Mauney. Mr. Evans Hartgrove spent the i week-end with his parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J. W. Hartgrove. Mrs. Ward Arey, Ward Arey. ]r.. j and BUI Lattimore spent the week-j end with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Chappell at Norlina. Mrs. U L. Sloop accompanied them as iar as Smithfield for a visit to her father, Rev. D. H. Tuttle. Mr. and Mrs. George Blanton, Mesdames Sherman Thayer and Chas. L. Eskridge visited George Blanton, jr.j and Alfred Eskridge at Chapel Hill Saturday. little Pitt Beam, jr., >s doing nicely at the Shelby hospital, from having his tonsils removed this morning. Miss Frances Thompson and par ty from York, S. C., stopped Over In Shelby a short while yesterday eu route to Blowing Rock, Mr. Perry Owens of Charlotte was a Shelby visitor yesterday. Mr. Forrest Eskridge was a visit-; or at Blowing Rock over the week- j end. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Crowder and children visited Mrs. Sue Austell in Charlotte yesterday. Mrs. Austell has been quite sick but is some better. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Palmer an i nounce the birth of a son, at the Shelby hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oates of Grover were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Washburn yester day -— Mr. and Mrs. Robert Agnew spent ! Sunday at Asheville. I - Mrs. W. L. Packard. Mrs. George Shuford, of Cliffside, Mrs. W. L. Damron and Miss Mary Damron; visited Miss Kate Shipp and Mrs. Minnie Ramsaur at the Lincoln hospital Friday. The condition of j both Miss Shipp and Mrs. Ramsaur is very much improved. Little Billy Lowery, of Patterson Springs visited his cousin, C. T. i Hord, jr., over the week-end. Mrs. Sherman Thayer, who has been visiting her parents, Mrs. and Mrs. George Blanton, for the past two weeks, left this afternoon for her home at Cohassett, Mass. She was accompanied to Gastonia to catch her train by Mr. and Mrs. Blanton and Mr. C. C. Blanton. Miss Bernice Borders, who teach es at Polkville, spent the week-end at home. SEE Zane Grey’s “RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE’’ With George O’Brien Wednesday and Thursday CAROLINA Everybody 10c Miss Mary Jenkltn of Mitchell college. Statesville. spent the week end with her parents here. She was accompanied home by Miss Marve oda Turner, also a student there, who visited her aunt, Mrs Chas. Washburn. Mrs. S. M. Melton lias returned home after spending three weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mi's. E. L. Buchanan at Red Springs, Mr. and Mrs. John Phifer and son, John. jr.. visited relative* at Glen Alpine Sunday Mr.v John Lineberger. who ts a student at Duke, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Llneberger. Misses Sarah Riviere, Sarah Har ris. Elizabeth and Elsie Oidney and Sarah Hovle, who are students at the Appalachian college at Boone, spent the week-end here with thtr respective partite. Japan, having sent her troops in to Manchuria for "peace, ' now sends them into Mongolia. N-> doubt this is another peaceful mow To many bright young lads forget their day’s work while dreaming about the huge fortune they are go ing to make in a few years. At The Theatres \\ Ilham Powell will be seen tod a 5 j and Tuesday ut the Webb theatr" in his first Warner Bros, talking picture. “The Rond to Singapore, with IX'ris Kenyon, Marian Marsh ami Louts C'alhern supporting This suave gentleman does a role that's more intriguing probably than any thing he has ever done for the screen—a debonair lover whom! men remembered and women could 1 not forget. James Dunn of "The Bad OUT j Is back at five Carolina theatre to day to play foi two days In' “The j Sob Sister,” a story from tie1 au-1 thor of Bad Girl, written special j ly for Dunn's acting. Dunn's new ! girl for "Sob Sister” is Linda Wat- i kina. Linda does her first screen' playing In the title role. She conies ■ to the screen from Broadway stage successes and gives a gvvui per formancc with Dunn. Card of Thank-. We ter! deeply indebted u> tiu. many friends and ut ighbors who j ;so lovingly minis temi to u - tiur-; tag me recent illness and death ol ;our husband and father Plea.se nc-l i cept out warmest thanks for th* ; 1 many beautiful flowers, for every | token of love and for every worth of comfort. Sincerely, Mrs. R. J. Daniel Preston 8- Daniel Judging irom the advertisements we read all that a young man has to do i* to take a correspondence course and then pick out the busi ness he wants to run AS4 or PM always at ifour service! IF YOU WANT ASSURANCE OF HEALTH Keep the medicine chest .stocked with remedies required for your health's protection dur ing the winter months. I’herc are more risks in winter than any other season of the year. We have two registered Iruggists always on duty. Phone us your prescriptions and get a Careful compounding of inly the pure-t drugs ibtainable. PHONE 2 Sloop's Pharmacy “ON THE SQUARE’ N£\y tow " /< WJ,° ,S A m . f ^Vfcsv , ■SffifiUVf; N°r w«ij> '*^e8. n- U,,i tu^ %«*. . >dCai»‘<m.. * 6t #c4. 71 -i{t, , u<*s. ^ ,h:Slh:,} tUft;. Pen<Ueton>s Music St ore BUY TODAY... LAY AWAY . . . For Christmas Start selecting your Christmas gii\. today and let us lay them away for you until Christmas comes. It's so easy to pay a little each week and have exactly the gifts you want tr give. J E W ELR Y IS THE IDEAL CHRISTlIAS GIFT and our stocks are more attractive than ever this year. T. W. Hamrkk Co. — JgVVKI.EKS \M) OPTOMETRISTS — .'—fit-—: District B. Y. P. U. At Poplar Springs TUt' B V. P. U. district meeting No. 1 will hokl Us quarterly meet ing Friday night. November ui. at the Poplar Spring- church at 7:30 o'clock. Churches in thi district are: Bandy Plains. Union. l.*:it more, Pleasant It luge. Beaver Ua.i. Poplar Springs Mount Sinai Mint Hill, and Boiling Sprit vs- \li churches are urged tt* send large tie legations*. The following program vn.l be rendered: Song service Devotional D; Am utle Lee Walkc •. Business. Special music by Boiling Springs college. I Playlet "Count Your Blessings" by | Beaver Dam intermediate. Addie ■ by Rev. W O. Camp. State To Share Big Federal Road Fund Raleigh. No 7.—North Coro-! lina's net share of the federal a id road funds that have been appor tioned by the ‘eeretarv of agricul ture is $3 r>jO 007, according to word t received last week at the sUte‘ highway coinmtxsion, Tht-i sum t- available for mimed-; late use on projected construction i when matched by scat > fundi Tin* apportionment for the fiscal »-ar ending June SO. 1#33. cm made two and a hi if n onth.s earlier than : usual In order that the stales' might get an early start on plans! for mv.t s’* cuts construction. Paragon Buvs Stock Asheville Furniture The Paragon Furman e company ha- purchased the large* bankrupt stocks of the Donald and Donald furniture store hi Asheville, to tn-j elude in their auction rale alread; being held at the Paragon Bam*In: place on West Warren street. ’Th" Asheville stock/ with assets unailing: some $21.00. according to Mai Spangler. manager rf the Paragon has already been moved from the. Asheville store to .the building for merly occupied by live Chn lei agency on We t Warren,’ where it is on display before earh auction sale. J. F. I’Kf'HF. PI ANO TUNER A RE-BIUBI lt Is Herr This Week. Veo May Leave Orders For Tuning And Repair Work at Pendleton's Mu ole Store. ‘‘If Perhe Can’t Tune ! H. It Can't Be Tuned." — 1 1 - j*t P.-vr To Advertise THE MEANING OF A GOOD FOUNDATION l<> every strong institution, as tu every en during structure, there is much more than ap 1 tears to tlie casual observer. There is a foun dation rooted deeper than the surface. In this lunik, the foundation consists of great; resources, of a loyal, highly-equipped person nel. of long varied experience, of sound bank ing policies. We Invite Your Account, Any Size, Personal or Commercial. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Shelby, N. C. WOULD YOU LEAVE HER WITHOUT GUIDANCE Before it r- tou laic you -hmikl arrange to protect your wife against her own inexperience and the bud advice of other.', against worry. o\ er-r sia n.-ibilily and possible poverty. Leave your estate, whatever its sue, in trust. Let the officers of the Union Trust be your executors. Then you can feel sure that your family Will be safely cared for , . . always. Let us discuss out trust plans with you. UNION TRUST CO. “In Union There I. Strength.” TFL1. THF.M YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR JAMES DUNN - (TOOK OIT filMI.S. Ill , UOlii: M . than r.vr.a'.i better than HE WAS fN THE BAD GIRL” . "•Sumo day, you won’t leu\e me ui he midst of a kiss to answer your telephone — you'll let it RING.” ROMANCE Of A GIRL REPORTER SISTER With LINDA WATKINS AS HIS NEW SWEETIE Monday dt Tuesday CAROLINA Adults 25c Children.10c

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