■IIBIBB • — - --- - ■ -■•'-•■ - ^—i^i———————1m mm i, ~n i ——mrnmmmmmmmmmrnm— ■ f\Vj LU Otj V I y Why Tramp Around To Buy Or Sell? Use Star Want Ads.-Quick Results WhaiYotxWant 1 In the WANT ADS’ u ; I'or \\ am Ad vert isement s In This Column. Minimum Oiiarjje For Any Want Ad 25c. 'lius size 1 cent per ward each Insertion , , '‘1,s s>z« type 2c per word each Insertion. 1 his size type 3c per word each insertion I If' VOtll FEET HER I You. vE t us a:ul have Dr. Sehuil .s representative exam ine them free. A. V. Wrav & G Son.-. tf-.'JOc ‘ USEDAUTO AND Truck Parts. Automo bile1 Glass Installod. Fink iron & Met-a'l Co. West Warren Street, Phone 580. tf-‘H)c FOR S A I S—rARL V JERSEY cabbag-- plant.-; 20c p r 100 po t paid. AKo a lot' of peanuts. Write for special priees. \v. H. Eh.ckburn, R-l. Newton, N. G. 1-llp A NEW TOP AND NEW paint job will protect your ••ar th.-oujrh the winter \vt: - tiur. Hawkins Pros.. SouUf LaEayette St, t3t-2tk I F YOU DON’T tillnk we are selling used model A Fords c ii e a p just come around and see. Dop: trett & Lackey. Shel by, N. C. Itc CALL 832, THE AUTO INN "next to county jail” and let us wash or grease your car for 75c. tf 28c EARLY WAKE 1'ield cabbage plants. D. A. Beam. Phone 130. 2t-9c FOR SALE GOOD MEADOW ha;.-. See Mrs. W. H. Jennings. 129 3. Washington St. 1-llc IF YOU NEED MONEY see us for loans from $5 tc f40 without security, made tc men and women steadily em ployed. No embarrassment, no unnecessary delay. Cheerful, confidential service. Citizens Finance Co.. 12 Eineberger Building, Entrance W. Mar ion St. tf 23c NOTICE TO FARMERS! WE give 36 lbs. flour and 14 lbs bran for each bushel wheat. Dellinger Milling Co. 3t- 6c VETCH, ABRUZZI rve, wheat, oats, Beardless Barley home grown and oth er field seed. D. A. Beam. 2t-9c LANDIS SHOE SHOP WILL take corn, cotton seed, or most any kind of produce on shoe retiring at the market price. £: 4c PLAIN DHESSES”, SUITS AND overcoats cleaned and pressed for 50c. Modern Cleaners. John W. Dorsey, Prop, 6t 4c FOR RENT—ROOM WITH LA vai-ory and steam heat, also beard. Mrs, W. A. Pendleton. 2-Uc JUST RECEIVED another shipment of Austin Winter Peas. I). A. Beam. 2t-9c I WANT TO RENT A GOOD form -with good land, good house and I want two good mules to tend It. If any one has a place of this kind, let me hear •'from you at once Martin C. Ramsey. R-3, UUenbcvo. 3-9p WARM AIR FURNACES AS pliait roofing, silitet metal product'1, crushed stone. Loy P; Thompson, Phono 715-J. If 6c weeaviTsome real buys in Model A Fords. Prices the very lowest. Doggett And Lackey, Shelby, N. C. Itc II1 YOU WANT TO GET RID OF that roll of fat around your waist, come in and let us fit you in a Miss Simplicity, the ideal Gossard foun dation garment. J. C. McNecly and Co. 2-lie NEW~~LO\W PRICES UiN Radio Tubes. You can renew your tubes for an eight tube get for as low as $7.00. Pen dleton's Music St roe. 'Ji-Oc Bids on Cotton Twine Ar'> Rejected for Jute Hickory Hrm AVas I,oiv Bidder. lint All Bids Arc Rejected. Wa: iiirgton, Nov. 10.—Pot ••master i General Brown today rejected all . tide for cotton twine recently op ened at the department. He believes the department can j secure the 1.300,000 pounds of ; twine necessary for a six months rupply. at a materially lower figure [ than any submitted. The low bidder was the Hickory Cordage company of Hickory, N. C., j vd.’i an offer of ten and forty ojte 1hundredths cents per pound. Manufacturers of Jute twine have < nrd Cre department's inten • •< n to switch from their twine to i f < i cotton string. M -mbers of congress from New llrv land have entered formal pro S tc •< with the postmaster general. The department will ask for new I bids cn both cotton and Jute in the ;ne;.r future. YOtlt BATTERY IS GOOD i today' but may be dead to morrow. Get our low trade-in tu-jees on U. S. G. Batteries before you buy. Phone 711. Carolina -Motor Tun. 2t-llr MAZDA LAMP BULBS— All sizes. New Prices, Pen dleton’s Music Store. 3t-9c IF YOU NEED A ME’I A'L chimney top, or metal work of any kind call John McAr thur’s Tin Shop, Phone 715-.T. 12450c FOR RENT: HEATED APART i ment. Mi . Yv. L. Packard, tf 6c ONE CROSLEY CABINET set, Electric, only $3-4.50. As good as new. Pendleton’s Music Store. 3t-9( FOP. SALE: 40 LEGHORN PUL lets. Best strain in county. Fine Red pu'iets, one fine Red cockerel. Anyone interested can see them a my home ui okl Fallsiou road. H E. Beattie, East Shelby, R-l. 3t 9p ~ O N E ATWATER KENT $125.00 set for quick sale— $24.50. Pendleton's Music Store. ?>t-9c ’farm FOR SALE: 41 ACRES. 3 1-2 miles south of Shelby, on good road, two 4-room dwellings, good, strong land, VC. E. Whisaanf land. Price is a bargain. Oliver Anthony. 2t 9p FOR SALE: 32 ACRES. 0, C. Allen. Hughs tract. near highway 18. 3 1-2 miles .omh of Snelby. Large 6 room dwelling. good, otn buBcingf strong land. bargain pr.rff, easy terms. Oliver Anthony. 2r. 9p * FOR SALE: ~ 66 Ldl" ACRES, 4 lnilcs northeast of Shelby, two good houses, good outbuildings best I ir.rmhv’ land in county, on good j:.i. Bargain at $4960.00. Oliver ! An h r ... Op MODEL A FORD Roadsters. Goup.es, Tudors. Prices very cheap. Doggett And Lackey. Shelby, N. C. AT AUCTION SATURDAY. .•'O'.-- iber 14th at my heme at I L,.tn, lot of corn and feed stuffs, g - in drills, farming tools and Cl»"vro>t tonring c r, 1924 model Sate starts at 10 oclock. High' bid c: • 1 . Teams, Cash, Ben Poo!. Falls'on, N. C. 1-llp wanted” middle aged whir? lady for housekeeper and companion. Phone rci or 290. 3' lie AUTOMOBILE AKIJ TRUCK bodies repaired. Built new. half of usual price. Will take iymber, pro duce for pay. Ellas C. Leigh. 1108 Lilly Mill road. South Shelby. 2-llp AFTER NOV. 14TH~ 1 WILL GIN cotton only three days of each week, Tuesday. Thursday and Sat urday. S. C. Crawley Gin. 3t 11c ANTIQUE SALE: ANTIQUE bureau, two chests, spinning wheel, old cap and ball rifle, Sale Satur day at 10. Ben Poole. Ball-ion. H lib EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN used model A trades. Rogers Motor Co. Better see ’em. 2t 11c STAR AD VS PAYS Divisional Meeting W. M. U. at Zion I S Group Four Offers Program t or Meeting at /Ion C hurch on November IS. The W. M. U. divisional meeting of group No. 4 will tiold its quar terly meeting with the Zion society on-Sunday evening at 2:30 t clock The following program will be given Devotional by Me , Minnie Spangler from Double Shoals. Welcome by Zion. Response by Dover Song bv Sunbeams from /ion Talk—"The Importance or Need of Observing the Week of Prayer" by Rev. W. A. Kliim. Playlet by Sunbeams from Lawn dale. Special music by Lawndale. Pantomime 'Our First Thank giv ing” by V. W. A. from Zion Duet by Misses Pearl Cornwell and Johnnie Blanton from Zlpu. Talk by Mrs. Wacaster. The churches in this division are: Zion. Dover. Union, Lawndale Sandy Plains. Double Shoals. Mulls Chappel. Double Springs and Wal lare Grove. Members from these societies are requested to be present and pi.o invito other societies. Mrs. C. K Spangler, Division Leader. | Dairymen Of County Are Improving Barns Several dairymen of ChYelau.', county art Improving their dab", barns, according u» a report by It. \V. Shoffner, county agent: Bruno Hamrick is rebuilding an old. dairv barn and constructing a new mills barn for twenty cotv C. O. Mc 8wain is building a mi.'kiirr barn for 60 cows. George Hamrick: will soon start work oil his n r dairy barn, he is building a milking bar", for 20 cows. The farmer are getting the cot ton fairly well picked and have approximately 33,000 bales picked The county will not make hx high a yield ns last year. say. sir Shoff ner. 200 SHEETS OF GOOD WHITE wi iting paper and 100 envelopes both printed with ydur name and address for SI. Tills ir the biggest bargain ever offered in stationery. Call at The Star office THREE GRADES ) f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief t r a i' (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star. Phone 11. tfl3c ' Damascus Lady To Lecture And Show ! Her Pictures Here Princess Haidar, Interpreter Of Palestine Thought lias Eli Kasrinents in Shell>>, Shelby i.s to have the upponun tty of playing host to a jier.onas' of royalty, oue who romes u> heralded but wearing the colorful; robes of her native land and shut •hig some of the.weird nirs of lie native race. Stic is one of the out standing artists of the old world, . native of the oldest city. Da. its Cits, with it. Street Called Stralgh1 trodden by men and women m th era long before the birth of Christ She ii i lie Princets iiahnie Haidar noted bit* : prefer of Pal stlniao thought and life, who ban been hi vlted by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor t.! the First liapus' church to pre.o-n a series of ihrec Oriental program in Shelby. Tire auc try of the prince1 Pahine a princess of unquestioned | royal lineage, is v,rapped in ro irance. Wr American speak with pride of an ancestry reaching bee to the beginning, 6f white Ameri can history, but this cultured 8 ■ 'Han goes bur!; over the span; »t ! years to the time of Abrnhum. #1 most the entire period covered bv ;the Bible. Born in the old town ; ; Baalbek, located on the lowest de clivity of Mount Lebanon, Prince. | Rahme has been reared and odu I rated in. an. atmosphere permeated ! with Biblical lore. | Through the friendship dial »\ . isted between licr father and some . of the American' missionary educa I tors sent out by the American j board to give to the Syrian race a I bit of our west- rti educational facilities, Princess Rabun- \nv. per mitted to enter their .schools r Beirut and Skion. After completing her course in the girl's seminary at SiCon. she tame to the U. 3. and has since taken her degrees from two of cur imivendue* For a num ber of year, she lias-been upon Un American and Canadian lecture ! platform, bent upon a mission oi j good' will, creating every where a 'closer understanding between this j country and her on;a country, j Wherever she goes, she is welcomed I by great throngs, m mam cities Itthe »u<U» >r»»ims cannot. ,*econrnn i date the great crowds, 1 j Princes,. aqfliBWiirst ' appear j anew in < lUP.eh.v JflJf be on Sunday (night.. Uihr. jHamSlM o'clock in tlie Fir. I Bapi-Wt tUui'ph when . ne giyes.Jaeii interprw*iUon of de manner- and customs ct her own penple, id a brUlifuit. and .inspiring message. Jfcr.tter Syrian S.ar • " On Monday night at 8 m u high school Prince:,: Ralime WH1 show iter moving pictures, which she filmed on her recent visit to me land of her birth, followed bv tine act from her jdrania of "Ruth and . Naomi.” Princess Rrihna- always wear.; the native dress and M, Burgers as a musical 'setting, givey some of the .weird Palestinian mu. it. This is a rare and Unusual tipper (unity tur the people of this com-j nuuv.lv ti| hear (his massage from j the Ups ot :» native of the sacred! land of Patenting. Princess Rahim- will also present hr; moving pictures Tuesday even ing at 8 ui the South Shelby school Eight Cent Allowance On Cotton For Seed liberal Offer Made to t anner* Who Borrowed f unds to Buy -seed. the. Raleigh, Nov. JO. - The cl gilt-cent r<l loan allowance on cotton, an nounced recently by the department of agile ill lure applied not only to rot ton now being delivered, but also to cotton thal was delivered to the North Carolina Colton Growers eo peraUvc association prior to (he announcement, M, (>. Matin, sec* rt-tary -treasurer, said yesterday, ''If". Mr. Matin said, "you bor rowed these emergency funds to aid you iir producing your cotton crop, •.oil can now deliver your etton to the association and your loan will be credited on a ba ns of eight rents per pound for middling 7-8 Inch cotton, plus an allowance on the better grades and staples. "I! you have already delivered cotton lo the association but not enough to pav your claim-In full, we will notify the Washington <>! lice upon request ol any member and an allowance of eight '-ents will he made Oh the cotton already dellV ered. ‘ If 'ou have already delivered enough on this basis to cover your lorn, you will be permitted to draw the lull cooperative advance of any cotton you mm deliver The eight-cent allowance applies only to loans secured through tht Farmers' Seed Loan division of the : department of agriculture. Gave Himself Away. A negro was pleading Ins own case to save the price of a lawyer He railed the chief witness to the stand and said. "Joshua, where was I when we stole dose chicken- - Change of Air. McAndrew Hooray. The win has changed. Convalescent Wife—Well tnon what of it? McAndrew -Ye ken the doctor said ye needed a change of air nutting In. "Say. Muse, how come yu is -. banged up?” "I tviir talkin' when AH should have -been list nlng. Charles FARRELL Madge EVANS IN “Heartbreak” Monday and Tuesday CAROLINA «■ Corn And Wheat Advance In Prices Chicago. Nov 10 -Corn led the v.ny to new high prices lor the sea son <h> the Chicago board of trade today. With opening gains of from :i 8 to 1 1-0 cents a bushel, corn con tracts were all above Ore high mar kets .set Thursday. Wheat was also strong on reports ot bad weather conditions in till southwestern winter wheat urea and higher prices «l Liverpool, Op ening gains Were frofrt >-li to 3-1 cent. May lit 73 to 73 1-4 uid July iM to 5-8 were both at new high prices for the season, while March equalled the previous max imum at 70 1-2. • % ____' -l Achievement Day At Spindaie On Friday Rutherlordton, Nov 10.— Tlit home demonstration clubs of Ruth erford county will hold achievement day at the Spihdale house, Frida\ evening A feature of the occasion will be a fashion show. Dresser , made ut Rutherford county mater ia!-. by county women will be mod led. Dressps for street, house, and tormnl occasions will be featured. Mi to ova Howard, home agent ; "dl be tn charge of the program GIANT WHALE ARRIVES TODAY FOR TWO DAY EXHIBITION HERE I hi1 education’'! department of the Pacific Whaling Co., is presenting i; s mammoth whale exhibition here today and tomorrow._ The. huge whale rips the beam at 68 tons, and | measures • feel from lip- to tail. Aeompanying the most unique presentation of the past decade are Captains Harry hue and W ilii; m . Smith. They are assisted by a crew 11 whalers, ami all lecture »i short intervals. ' The whale is tlv- least known anjrrial extant, and despite its great size is the biggest coward in the ocean. The whale will be shown in. his specially constructed steel railway car on West War ren street. Admi- ion for rdi.ilts is 25 cens and children 10 cents. 1 001 S AND CASPER— It’s The Colonel’s ‘‘Bull,” At That. "/ LEFT ME TAKE A PEEK AT WHAT YOU'VE WRITTEN] IN Your Diary, toots-! WE HAVEN’T ANY SECRETE, FROM EACH ^ OTHER,HAVE yK we. honey? IfT~ DON'T YOU dare look. AT THIS, CASPER* MY DIARY (9 strictly confidential! Jm HELLO, COLONEL HOOPER'. THIS (SCALPER! i THOUGHT I'D CALL UP AND TELL You the newsI TOOTS IS STARTING A PIARYJ J - S$rY< ^4ee7\ IT MUST 1 COST A LOT OF | MONEY TO START THAT, Casper! 'J T \ l WHAT ^IVE5> YOU THE ‘.MPPESSlGN >T TAKE'S A LOT OF MONEY TO START A DIARY? DON’T YOU KNOW WHAT A DIARY IS Y C ertainuY l KNOW! S A — PONT BE 90 RUDE, CA9PER'. 'WHY, YOU HUN4 UP THE 'PHONE ON ‘cUEE ) did: I CAKrY WASTE TIME TALKING TO A DUMMY LIKE HIM,TOOTS* WHEN I A9KED HIM IF HE k'NEW WHAT A DIARY 19 HE 9AID 9URE.1 HE 9AID A DIARY \=> A PLACE WITH A LOT C0W9 WHERE. MILK. 19 90LD.’ “Heavenly” Devotion. & ^UAflA d/44/u-J (Tvv -W^aA)f ^ /jtLft- Oa*^" Xhx Ar«ieo>v>^ $ Aba Xka. "vaoax UJaXeivAAN^ >n*. H-tA. -4-o 'wv^TbaaouA'. ;£aA€A/v\cCtv*‘i. Ha oJUjj-oj^. wyvwta. <Kr*i. /tZaskVa. oat TWA. ' <e T»»5^ S>AY! W/HO 1<S"THE 6uY "THAT'S ALWAYS V/IKJY)M^ amd bunwinZ* ay You? V/ho IS HE? y AM<SWER ME! >——^ i I WHY, HE'S THE MAM IM THE MOON [ AND HE'<=, WINKING AND BUNKIM^ : ay me a4aim, the fresh thin4: I WONDER IF THE MAM IM “THE MOON IS MARRIED? IF HE I6> HE'S A MODEL HUSBAND BECAUSE HIS WIFE Always Knows where HE IS AT NIGHTS! IS" CA-5PER. MU^T "THINK, A LOT OP ME, BUTTERCUP, BECAUSE HE'S. EVEN 0EAUOU& OF THE MAN IN THE MOON! THAT'S. DEVOTION FOR YOU! fcjtMMY HuRPHYs M

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