I .1 10 PAGES TODAY Published Monday. Wednseday and Friday Afternoons. By Mali, per year, (tri advance) — t2.6ft Carrier, per year, (tn advancer 93.00 .• the market Cotton, spots ......-... to '.1 Cotton Seed. per ton . ?i7.tm lair Saturday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Generally fair tonight and Saturday except probable showers • Saturday in extreme north portion Slightly warmer in South tonight. Cooler In north Saturday. Cotton Boost. Washington. Nov. 13.—Whirlin'; spindles in England and China give promise of reducing America’s big cotton surplus. Mill activities in the two countries have entered upon a decided upward trend, induced bv Great Britain’s abandonment of the gold standard and the Manchurian crisis. The one has enabled the English manufacturer to sell his products more cheaply abroad and the other has served to increase de mand for raw materials. Looking over recent developments, Chairman Stone of the farm board yesterday found evidence of improved condi tions throughout the world in cot ton milling which he said showed a tendency back toward normal oper ations. Masons To Hold Session Saturday AH Lodges In This Section To At tend Meeting. Grand Master Is Coming. One of the largest Masonic meet-! ings ever held in Shelby Is sched- ; uled to take place here tomorrow Saturday, afternoon and evening. It is a district meeting and Ma sons from all lodges in this county and surrounding section will attend. Officers Coming. Several of the highest Masonic , officers in North Carolina plan to be here for the meetings to be held in the Blue Lodge room of the Ma sonic temple. Among them are J. W. Wilbourne, of Marion, grand master of the grand lodge in the state; John Anderson, grand secre- i '■ary of the grand lodge, and J. W Lee, district deputy grand master. The first session will be held at 3 in the afternoon, and -will be ad dressed by Mr. Anderson. Grand Master Wilbourne will speak at the evening session. Prior to the busi ness session in the evening the Methodist vested choir will sing. Armistice Program Helps Charity $200 ^ Crowds Attending Legion Program, However, Enjoy Events. Winners Listed. Approximately $200 was raised for j * charity by the program given At-! mistioe day at the iairgrounds by the Warren F. Hoyle post of the American Legion. The attendance of people from Shelby was disap pointing to members of the legion. However, the people of the county showed up in large numbers. An interesting program of events was given and the crowd apparent ' ly enjoyed each one of them. There was notion during the whole after noon, one attraction following the other in rapid fire order. The celebration was ended with I a big street dance in front of the I Masonic temple, on South Washing ton street, one of the largest crowds in Shelby recently gathering to watch the dancers. In addition to the regular pro gram of races, a football game ber | tween Shelby and Kings Mountain j - junior teams, won Ry Shelby, 39 to j 0, attracted much attention, as did i the two boxing bouts and the battle! royal. Winners in the various events fol-; low: Bicycle race: First, Orin Smith; second, Wade Vaughn; Ralph Short. Fast mule race; first. Lawrence Hord; second, Chas. Wallace ;third, *• Sam Beam. Slow mule race: first, Hugh Peel er; second, J. M. Hord, third. J. R. . Putnam . Small pony race: first, Buford' Cline; second, J. F. Blggers; third I Billie Allen. Horse race: first, Jessie Yarbor ough; second, Randolph Yarbor ough: third, Sam Beam. Beagle race: Drum, owned by Charles Austell. Grayehound race: tie between Rockaway, owned by George John son, and Red Streak, owned by Sheriff Allen. * Ford T race; first, J. M. Ingram; second, John Self; third, P. F. Rid die. The fox hound race was not com pleted on account of mechanical trouble with the track and the fox was finally turned loose for a regu lar fox chase. , Mrs. Wells Is Sick . From Recent Stroke Hews from the bedside of Mrs • •aura Wells who suffered a stroke nt paralysis Wednesday In the yard at her home on West Marion street 't that 3he Is still unconscious and has no use of her body. She is in a state of coma and breathing hard, with little hope of her holding out ’ong Auto Of Shelby Man Hits, Kills Lincoln Citizen C. B. Irick Will Get Trial Monday Local Filling Station Operator Gets! $3,500 Rond In Charges Against Him. Cornelias B. Irick. filling station j operator, of neat Shelby, was re-1 leased from the Lincoln county Jail i Thursday under a $3,500 bond.) charged with manslaughter anti | being a hit-and-run driver in con nection with the death of Connie P. Eaker, 25-year-old Lincoln coun ty farmer and school teacher, in | North Brook township of Lincoln' county Armistice day. Baker's nephew, Billy Beam, age ■ three, was in the road when Eaker j saw a car approaching. In an ef-; fort to save the child's life he was hit by the car and suffered a brok en neck. The child suffered a Irac-! tured skull, but Lincolnton physt- \ cians say his chance for recovery l good. Eaker is survived by his wife, his i parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Eaker. I four brothers, Fred Eaker of Gas tonia, Russell, J C. and Cone Eaker.' all of Lincoln county. Funeral services were conducted | today from Bess’ Chapel. He received his education at Weaver college and had taugh* two years in Lincoln county. Preliminary hearing for Irick will! be held Monday morning in L :ii colnton recorder’s court. Lincolnton, Nov. 13.—Connie j Eakers, 23, prominept Lincoln coun ty farmer, was instantly killed late Wednesday afternoon when he dashed onto a county road *n an effort to save his three-year-old nephew from being struck by an au tomobile. The child. Billie Beam, sop of Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Beam, was critically injured. He was carried to the Lincoln ton hospital. C. B. Irick. 40-year-old man who has operated a filling station on the Shelby-Lincolnton highway, just out of Shelby for several years, was arrested. Irick was arrested at his home in i Cleveland county by Sheriff 1. M, i Allen of Cleveland, who declared Irick told him he did not know he killed anyone. The accident took place in North Brook township in Lincoln county, a short distance from the Gaston county line. Coroner Warlick quoted witnesses as saying that Eakers saw his nephew in the road and ran out to him. carrying him across the road safely, only to be struck by the au tomobile, which had swerved to the right as it approached them Sheriff Allen said Irick told him he drove up into a man's yard in an effort to avoid striking them, and did not think that he did. The sheriff quoted Irick as say ing that he went on until a wom an flagged him and told him there had been an . accident. Mr Allen said Irick told him he went back, but that he was told the injured had been carried away. The sheriff quoted Irick as saying that he then tended to some business and went home "AROUND OUR TOWN JUNIOR” ARRIVES TODAY "Around* Our Town.” Junior ar rived this afternoon at the L“73y hospital. It Is a husky youngster, born to Mr. and Mrs, Renn Drum to add another member to The Star family. Mr. Drum is local edi tor of The Star and Mrs. Drum, social editor. *Both parents are do ing as well as could be expected over the arrival of their first born. 357 Students Make Honor Roll In Shelby Schools; Eighth Grade Leads Ninety-two High School Students On Honor Roll for Second Month Here. A total of 357 students attained honor roll distinction in the Shelby school system for the second school month, according to the monthly re port made public this week by Supt. B. L. Smith and the faculty. Ninety-two of the honor roll stu dents were high school pupils. The, freshman class led in number of honor students with 28, The jun iors came next with 25; the ninth grade had 22 and the senior class 17 In the grammar grade division, Marion school led with 72 on the [roll. Jefferson was second with 49. South Shelby had 45, Graham 39, Washington 34. and Lafayette 26. High School. i Seniors—Drusilla Beach, Eva Ed wards, Louise Miller, Ray Brown, Herman Best, James Byers, Herman Hamrick, Torrey Tyner Paul Wray, Isabel Armour, Sara Louise Falls, Edwina Gidney, Bernice Houser, Mildred Laughridge, Madge Putnain Mary Sue Thompson, Ethe! White. Juniors—Loris Dover, Richard LeGrand, Colbert McKnight, Caleb McSwain, Ed Post Jr., Laura Mae Borders, Rachel Connor, Maxine Connor, Margaret Ford. Aileen Jones, Annie Ray Jones. Helen Miller, Hazel Putnam, Edna Rob erts, Jean Moore Thompson. Esta Tyner, Elizabeth Wallace Lucille. Whisuant, Margaret Bridges- Annie Ruth Dellinger, Margaret Lee, Stacy Duncan, Janet Morrison, Ed na Stanton, Elsie Whitener, Ninth grade—Paul Bu’Jington, Walter Fanning, Ralph Green, Kif fin Hayes, J. M. Vaughn Jr.. Veva ‘ Armour. Louise Austell, Ruth 1 CONTINUED ON PAGE NINE Cleveland Leads State In Ginning By 11,182 Bales; Robeson Second Up to November 1, Clevclana county had ginned 11,182 bales more than Robeson county, the second largest cotton county in the state. Robeson's ginning was 40.070 bales against Cleveland's 51,252. Johnston county was third with 36.670 bales, Sampson with 29,573 bales was fourth, and Harnett fifth with 26,923 This county's ginning to the first of the month was 232 bales ahead of thr combined ginning of the four neighboring counties of Ca tawba, Gaston, Ltncoln and Ruth erford. Catawba had ginned 11,207 bale; Gaston 8,248. Lincoln 16,148 and Rutherford 15,417 for a total ot 51,020 bales. In the state as a whole the gin ning to the first was 7,937 bales ahead of that to the same date last year. Warrants Out For Patrol Official At Rutherfordton Following Fight And Trouble With Citizens There Report Says That State Patrolman May Leave Shelby Alleged "Lack Of Cooperation" Blamed, Said. Jury Freed Arrested Man. It was reported among local of ficers this week that State Highway Patrolman G. L. Allison may be moved away from Shelby by offic ials of the patrol. Allison was sent to Shelby as his headquarters some time ago when the size of the force was increased and a patrolman al lotted to each city of 10,000. Police Chief McBride Poston stated that a patrol lieutenant told him several days ago that he might move the local patrolman elsewhere because of “a lack of cooperation. Just what was meant by this state ment the Shelby chief did not know, but he recalled that a man arrested some weeks back by the patrolman on a driving drunk charge was acquitted by a county court jury after two mistrials. "Perhaps,” the officer said, “that was hot what was referred to. for If all of us officers became discour aged when a court case went against us, we would stay that way a lot ot the time." Patrolman Allison has made many friends during his stay in Shelby and has on several oc casions been praised for his work The only disagreement that has arisen locally, so far as is known, was about the enforcing of parking regulations during the county fair, but this developed from a misunder standing as it was explained later that patrolmen were only carrying out orders given them by officials, report about the patrolman being j moved elsewhere, "to counties that! want him," has caused some to won- ' der if the regulations of the patrol will permit the change as cities of Shelby’s size are entitled to patrol men under the allotment plan Special Service At Sandy Plains, Nov. 16 Next Monday and Tuesday nigh' November 16 and 17 Sandy Plains Baptist church will hold special services to which everybody is in vited to come and the members of the church are urged to attend. The special meeting will be in the inter est of the local church as well as the Kingdom at large. Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church will speak at one of the services and others will be on the program. Let us please fill the house of the Lord for these two services. W'. A. Elam, Pftstor. Lieut. Beck Is Charged. Much Feel ing In Futherfordton Over Affair. Rutherfordton, Nov. 13,—Three warrants were served by Sheriff Mc Farland yesterday on Lieut. R. H. Beck, of Marion, commander of di vision E, state highway patrol, who has charge of 22 western North Carolina counties,. One charges him with cursing and tfeing boisterous language on the streets here and was signed by C. Lee Biggerstaff, fire chief and sec retary-treasurer of Rutherfordton, while two other warrants signed by George R. Hodge charged the lieu tenant with parking within three feet of a fire plug in Rutherfordton yesterday and of assault on affiant while acting as special policeman. The trouble started Wednesday night when Beck parked his car near the fire plug and Hodge ask ed him to move it. It is alleged that Beck cursed Hodge, followed him on the street and later struck him. This morning after the warrants were served Beck told Chief of Po lice S. E. Waldrop "that he would 1 whip the whole rt—.— fire depart ment." Goes To City Hall. At noon Thursday Lieutenant Beck, accompanied by Patrolman Allison and one other patrolman, whose name could not be learned here went to the city hall and talk ed with Biggerstaff. Beck Is alleged to have cursed Biggerstaff and a fight followed in the city hall. One patrolman, see ing Postmaster John Williams ap proaching, slammed the door and kept Williams out, it was said. Chief Waldrop, Charles McFarland and Wiliams hurriedly rushed into the city hall through another door and parted Biggerstaff and Beck. Beck was telephoned Thursday afternoon at Marion and asked the name of the other patrolman, but he refused to give it. Feeling is running high here on account of the conduct of the pa trolmen and Beck. It has been the chief topic of discussion on the streets. Council Meets. The town council met in special session yesterday afternoon and adopted resolutions asking the state highway commission and Governor Gardner to carefully investigate the charges and, if found correct, tc remove the lieutenant and two pa trolmen. Copies of the resolution Were forwarded to Raleigh this aft ernoon. Appeal In Sander* Case Lost In S. C. Husband Of Shelby Woman Killed In Sensational Affair. No New Trial. Columbia, S. C.. Nov. 13.—The state supreme court yesterday de nied A. Frank Pridmore, Greenville county supervisor, a new trial in his appeal from a three-year sen tence for manslaughter and upheld Governor Blackwood in his order removing Pridmore from office. The opinions bring to an end the long fight of Pridmore to escape a prison sentence for Killing Nick Sanders, road supervisor, only July 9, 1930, and to evade the governor's order removing him from office for “misconduct and persistent neglect of duty.” The shooting of Sanders was one of the most sensational in the his tory of Greenvile county. Pridmore attempted to drive over a newly worked stretch of highway. Sanders stopped him and In the argument that followed Sanders was fatally shot, Pridmore claimed self de fense Mrs. Sanders, widow of the slain man, now resides in Shelby and op ■ prates the Courtview hotel Education Gets i For Present Ills Dr. Cook Is Speaker At Meet Here Civic Clob Members And School Faculty Hear Dr. Cook, Presi dent N. C. E. A. One hundred and *eventy-flv» members of the Rotary, KI wants and Lions clubs and members of the faculty of the Shelby Public schools heard Dr. John H Cook head of the department of educa tion of the North Carolina College for Women and president of the N. C. Education association, present convincing argument that education! will cure the economic ills of this or any other country’. McSwain Speaks. This is education week through out the nation and with Judge Maurice Weathers presiding, Hon Peyton McSwain commander of the American Legion explained the ori gin of education week as having Its conception with the American le gion whicli knows no creed, no class no race, but is a band of patriots! standing together for God anti country and opposed to illiteracy and crime. He declared an alarming per cent of the boys called to .serve their country In the last war were illiterate and in order to overcome this situation the American legion conceived the idea of education week to promote the cause of edu cation. The presiding officer, Judge Weathers stated that an average of 200 cases are tried each week be fore him and that not more than ten per cent of the criminals have had as much as a common school education. Boost Local Greetings. Greetings from the teachers were extended in choice language by Miss Lucile JMulholland who point ed out the inter-dependence of schools and business and strongly advocated vocational guidance in the public schools to direct the young in chostng their life’s work. This is important not only to the Child, hut to society, said Miss Mulholland. Speaking for the pa rent-teacher associations, Mrs. Earl Hamrick called attention to the fact that these associations had supplement ed the school fund to the amount of $3,000 last year and are working hand in hand with the teachers and the taxpayers in the cause of edu cation. Depression Aids Education Dr. Cook defined a politician os one who gives the people what tTTey want; a statesman as a man who gives the people what they need and a politician-statesman as one who persuades the people to want what they need. Tracing the history of education in North Carolina ho declared that the greatest strides had been made In periods of de pression. An appropriation of $10, 000 was made to establish the Uni versity of North Carolina, the first in the country, when economic con ditions were at a low ebb. He paid tribute to the educational leaders who foresaw that education Is a ■ CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN i -- Governor To Rest Here For A Week j Comes From Charlotte Conference. Worn Out And Must Relax Some. Worn down somewhat by his of ficial duties this fall Governor O. Max Gardner came to his Shelby home today with the hope of tak ing a week'3 rest. He expressed him self as very tired, but muchly en couraged over the agricultural con ference in Charlotte yesterday. This conference was attended by the governors of the two Carolinas. Virginia and Georgia and mapped out a united program to aid the farmer. Dr. Prank Graham, president of the university, will speak at Ra leigh Sunday night and Greensboro Monday night in the governor’s place in the community chest drive. Ponder Youth Hurt In Fall Off Horse Milburn Ponder, J3, son of H. C. Ponder, of Earl, was seriously hurt just after noon Thursday when he fell from a horse. The youth was riding near his home and fell from the horse just as he was crossing the railroad tracks. His head struck the ties or rail and for several hours he was semi-conscious. To day it was said at the Shelby hos pital that he was better and would return home, the Injury to his head being described as a passible frac ture. “Ghost Ship** Brought to Port Her passengers and crew starving. the lost "Ghost Ship” of the Atlantic Ocean was finally found off the New England coast by the II, 8. Coast Guard destroyer Davis and towed to New Bedford, Mass. The schooner, the “Arthar James," SS days late on a Journey from Cape Verde Islands, ran Into severe storms which buffeted K about and caused It to be sighted occasionally. Almost battered to pieces, all her sails pone, the craft I* shown as It appeared from an airplane. Inset depicts Its skip per, Capt. fortunate) Alves. Value Of Church Property In Baptist Association $746,800; 42 Churches Raise $184,740 Total t'burth Membership 11, MM. Monday SiJiooli Have Over 1MM Enrolled. In the minutes of the lost meet ing of the Kings Mountain Baptist association which met early in Oc tober at Zion church, it is revealed that the total value of church the 42 buildings comprising the association is *704,900. The most valuable plant in the association is the First Baptist at Shelby, listed at *275,000. The value of the pas tor’s home is $25,000 making the total value of property owned by this church *300,000. The second most valued church is that at Boiling Springs, listed at *65,000 while the First Baptist church at Kings Mountain ranks third in value at *60,000. There are only five pastors’ homes owned by the 42 churches in the association1; and these have a total value of! *41,500 which added to the value ofj the church buildings themselves i makes the total value of all church | property owned in the Kings Moun tain association $746,800 There is an indebtedness on church property) in the association of $88,396 i f j which amount $66,000 is on the! First Baptist church of Shelby Total church membership is given at the end of the past year at 11, 992 which is a total net gain of 400 over the previous year. During the year 87 were marked from the| church rolls because of death The total enrollment in all of the Sunday schools is given at 10,892 with an average attendance of 5, 373 which includes teachers and of ficers. Total contributions for the sup ' CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN Four Governors Gather And Plan Relief Program For Farm Troubles Will Seek Drastic Reduction Of Cotton And Tobaceo Acreage In South. Charlotte, Nov. 13.—Governors ol North Carolina. South, Georgia and Virginia pledged in conference here yesterday that their states will ef feet a drastic reduction in acreage planted in cotton, tobacco, peanuts and potatoes in 1932, outlined pre liminary steps in bringing tht about and declared that the fed-1 eral government should aid the south in solving its cotton problem The conference was called by Governor O. Max Gardner of North Carolina and was attended by Gov ernor Ibra C. B'ackwood of South Carolina, Governor Richard B Russell of Georgia and Governor John G. Pollard of Virginia. Each governor brought a committee com posed of the head of the agricul tural commission in his state and other agricultural leaders. Work on reducing acreage of the so-caled money crops will begin immediately with each governor appointing three men to constitute the Four-State committee, which will survey the acreage and produc tion of the main cash crops for the past 10 years in each state and rec ommend definite quotas of acreage of 1932. Reports of the survey will be made to the governors and then these chief executives will throw the influence of their respective ad ministrations strongly to the end of reduction in land planted to cot ton, tobacco, potatoes and peanuts. Included In this committee’s ac tivities will be investigation of cer tain practices of the federal farm board and the effect of these activi ties on prices. Governor Russell strongly condemned the board's sell ing of farm products purchased by! roHTTvrnsn on pads Organize for Relief Work In Shelby Representatives front the varloufi churches, civic dubs, fraternal or ders, patriotic and social units an asked to meet tonight in the private dining room of the Hotel Charles to perfect the charity organisation. The meeting is called by Capt. B L. Smith, chairman of the steering committee appointed some weeks ago and at this meeting it is ex pected to form an organization set up and decide on plans to carry on relief work in a unified and Collec tive way during the winter months This will not be a supper meet ing. Those who attend are expect ed to have had their supper before coming. Blanton Home Burns, Family Barely Out Tiie home, of C. C. Blanton, farm er living in the section below Eat] was completely destroyed by fire about 2 o'clock this morning. Mem bers of the family barely escaped the fire. Only a few of the house hold things were saved. The home was partially covered by insurance COMMUNION SERVICE AND FOOT WASHING HERE Communion service and foot washing will be observed at the Church of God Sunday night. Serv ice begins at 7:30 on W. Graham street, West Shelby. Everybody wel come. Cline Seeking $13,000 Tax Of Seaboard Road Offer Made To Pay 1930 Taxes Railroad Receivers Offer To ray With Penalty Off. Up To Attorney General A E. Cline, chairman of th# Cleveland county commissioners, headed bv a committee which ap peared before Attorney General D. G, Brum mitt In Raleigh yesterday, to straighten out the 1930 tax debt of the Seaboard railroad to th*4 county and eight other counties in this section. The receivers of the railroad hem offered to pay the 1930 taxes duo Cleveland and other counties if the penalty tor late payment Is taken off. A federal law. it is contended, bars a receiver from paying a pen alty. but in order to make the pay ment legal the matter must be set lled by the attorney general. line Good Sum. The Seaboard tax debt to this county for 1930 Is between 13 and. 14 thousand dollars and if paid will reduce the delinquent tax list for 1930 to or below the usual amount. Misses Meeting. By going to Raleigh to work up on the tax matter, a considerable item to the county, Mr. Cline was unable to attend another import ant meeting at Durham. He was ap pointed sometime ago by the gov ernor's commission on revisal of the state constitution to help draft a preliminary revisal as a working baste. A meeting for this work wa® scheduled to be held Saturday at Duke university. Hts trip to Raleigh iln the interest of all the counties ( traversed by the railroad will pre | vent hte attendance at the Durham j session. The Tax Offer. The Seaboard offer and the solu tion being left to the attorney gen eral Is related as follows in a re | rwrt of a preliminary meeting held t Wednesday at Charlotte: i "An opinion of Attorney General | Dennis G. Brumniitt was asked yer ; terday on the compromise proposal !ot the Seaboard Air Line railroad [ that it be allowed to pay its 193(1 ■ delinquent taxes In nine North 'Carolina counties without also bo jing required to pay the accrued , j penalties for late listing and fall | ure to remit the taxes within tho prescribed time limit, ■ “The decision to lay the rail road's compromise before the at | torney general and the director of local government. Charles M. Johnson, was reached here at a | conference among officiate of nint> counties, through which tilt. Sea board Air Line has rights-of-way, and W. L. Stanley, head of tht railroad's tax department, and Mr. Matthews, treasurer of the com pany. “The conference was attended bt representatives from tile following counties. Rutherford. Cleveland, Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Union, An son, Richmond, Lee and Moors, Treasurer Matthews and Mr. Stan ley outlined the railroad’s proposal. They contended that under a fed eral court ruling the receiver is nofl required to pay penalties on tinter which accrue after the corporation goes into receivership. The Sea board went into receivership mors than a year ago and did not list or pay its 1930 taxes. "County officials and attorneys doubted whether they could legally accept a compromise of this kind, since the state law governing pen alties imposed for nonpayment of taxes makes no provision for re leasing them. A county board of commissioners, however, can return penalties imposed for failure to list property for taxation. "Although the counties showed a disposition to assist the insolvent * railroad insofar as possible, they de cided first to lay the proposal be fore the attorney genera! and the director of local government. "The county officials appointed % committee composed of A. E Cline, chairman of the county commis sioners and county manager of Cleveland county, O. L. Henry of Richmond county, and John 3. (CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN ■ Cordell Case Will Be Heard Tonight Charges against Charlie Cordell, formerly of Shelby but no a mem ber of the CUtrlotte police force, will be heard in county recorder's court here tonight. The officer was arrested recently at Kings Moun tain arid charged with being under the influence of whiskey He will be represented as counsel tonight by Col. Leroy Kirkpatrick of Char lotte and Capt. Per inn McSwain of Shelby.

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