1Y7| M - --. . -1..L ---—, „ ____' :u,Vh Why 1 ramp Around To Buy Or Sell? Use Star Want Ads.-Quick Result WHat Your Want 1 - ' WANT ADS Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum Charge For Any Wrant Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion r . ^is s'ze type 2c per word each insertion. 1 nis size type 3c per word each insertion ! IF YOUR FEET HUM you, visit us and have Dr. Scholl's representative exam ine them free. A. V. Wray & 6 Sons- _ tf-30c A NEW Tor AND NEW paint job will protect your car through the winter wea ther. Hawkins Bros., South LaFayette St. 13t-23c CALI. 832, THE AUTO INN ' "next to county jail” and let. in, or grease your car lor 76c. tf 28c IF YOU NEED MONEY see us for loans from $5 to £40 without security, made tc men and women steadily em ployed. No embarrassment, no unnecessary delay. Cheerful, confidential service. Citizens Finance Co., 12 Lineberger Building, Entrance W. Mar ion St. tf 23c LANDIS SHOE SHOP WILL take corn, cotton seed, or most any kind ol produce on shoe repairing at the market price, 5t 4c ~ PLAIN DRESSES, SUITS AND overcoats cleaned and pressed lor 50c Modern Cleaners. John W. Dorsey, Prop. 6t 4c FOR RENT^RCKJMWITHLA - vatory and steam heat, also board Mrs. W. A, Pendleton. 2-llc ! WANT TO .RENT 'TGOOD rarra with good land, good house and 1 want two good mules to tend it. If any one has a place of this kind, let me hear from you at once Martin C. Ramsey, R-3, Ellenboro. 3-9p WARM AIR FURNACES As phalt roofing, sheet metal product*, crushed stone. Loy F, Thompson, Phone 745-J. tf 6c IP YOU WANT TO GET RID OP that roll of fat around your waist, come in and let us fit you In a Miss Simplicity, the ideal Oossard foun dation garment, J. C. McNeely and Co. 2-lIc NEW LOW PRICES “ON Radio Tubes. You can renew your tubes for an eight tube set for as low as $7.00. Pen dleton’s Music Stroe. 3t-9e USED AUTO AND TRUCK parts. Automobile glass Installed. Fink Iron and Metal Co., West Warren street, Phone 580; tf 13c ONE ATWATER KENT $125.00 set for quick sale— $24.50. Pendleton’s Music Store. 3t-9c WANTED: SEVERAL COfT scientious salesmen and saleslady, who are accustomed to make $30 to >50 a week. See Mr. Frothingham Monday, at Hotel Charles. it 13c FOR SALE: 1—1923 ESSEX coach; 1—1923 Buick Special Six; I model T Ford touring. All in good condition. Rush Thompson Garage. tf 13c WANTED: MEN~B ETWEE N~25 and 50 to operate Rawleigh home service business on our capital in Dallas, Lowell, parts of Gaston county. We will teach you how to build permaennt business of un usual profits. Write Immediately giving age. references, experience W. T. Rawleigh Co., Dept. NC-W 52*X, Richmond, Va. it 3p LOST: WEDNESDAY NIGHT, pair black rimmed glasses in case Has H. D. and R. L. Wilson’s name on case. Return to Star office, ltp FOR SALE: 40 LEGHORN PulT lets. Best strain. in county. Fine Red pullets, one fine Red cockerel. Anyone interested can see them at my home on old Fallston road. H E. Beattie, East Shelby, R-l. 3t 9p ?TO SHEETS'OF. GOOD WHITE wilting paper and 100 envelopes, both printed with your name and address for $1. This is the biggest bargain ever offered in stationery. Call at The Star office. THREE GRADES ■j f Wedding Invita tions and announce ments. Copperplate Engraving, Relief g r a f (raised letter) and printing. Samples upon request. All pric es a t a liberal dis count from list. The Star, Phone 11. tfllc Contesting Will William L Edison (above), a son of Thomas A. Edison by his first mar riage, states that "action will be started to content the will” of his father. The bulk of the inventor’s fortune was left to his two young est sons, Theodore and Charles, with the entire six children sharing in the residuary estate. William claims undue influence over the will was exerted on his father be fore his death. Second Baptist Church Services Services at the Second Baptist church, will be conducted Sunday by the pastor, Rev. L. b. Jessup, who will preach from the following topics, Tl a. m. “Christian Educa tion," 7 p. m. “A Gospel Famine." The Sunday school will meet at 9:45, and the B Y. P. U s at 0 p, m A study course in the Sunday school manual will be conducted every night next week for the benefit of training officers and other workers in the Sunday School. FOR RENT: SIX ROOM HOC5E. one block from square. See Ray Al len. 2t 13c "your battery is good today but may lie dead to morrow. Get our low trade-in prices on U. S. G. Batteries before you buy. Phone 711. Carolina Motor Inn. 2t-llo MAZDA LAMP BULBS— All sizes. New Prices. Pen dleton’s Music Store. 3t-9c IF YOU NEED A METAL chimney top, or metal worl< of any kind call John McAr thur’s Tin Shop. Phoj*e 715-J 12-30c ONE CROSLEY CABINET set, Electric, only $34.50. As good as new. Pendleton’s Music Store. 3t-9c FOR. RENT; GOOD HOUSE, fine location, big lot. C. S. Yeung. tf 13c WANTED: MIDDLE AGED white lady for housekeeper and companion Phone 624 or 290 3t Uo AUTOMOBILE ANlT TRUCK bodies repaired. Built new, half o! usual price. Will take lumber, pro duce for pay. Elias C. Leigh, 1108 Lilly Mill road, South Shelby. 2-llp ANTIQUE HALE ANTIQUE bureau, two chests, spinning wheel, old cap and ball rifle Sale Satur day at 10 Ben Poole Fallston. It lip KNCEKJHONAL VALUES IN used model A fords. Rogers Motor Co. Better see ’em 2t lie SHELBY BRANCH BUCKEYE cotton oil co., Shelby, N. C., We buy cotton seed and exchange BUCK EYE bolted meal and mats for some. Located near 8. A. L. depot. We will appreciate your business E. A. Wellmon & C. O. Hamrick Man agers . if-23cfrt BOY SCOUT | NEWS I Tpoop I. Folkvtlle News. Our troop held Its campfire pro gram Tuesday night of last week. About all the members were pres ent, also chairman of troop commit! tee. Mr. B. P Jenkins, Mr. 7. A. j Powell, and Mrs. L B. Champion Our next meeting is set for Tuesday night, November 10. At this meeting work will be done on scout require ments, and plans discussed for the future. A scout law set-down is also featured on the program. There has j been some reorganization done among our patrols. The following is j a list of officers and scouts in our | troop: E. C. Aderholt, scoutmaster E. L. Dillingham, assistant scout master, Charles E. Ridge, senior patrol leader, Lee Turner, junior , assistant scoutmaster, Ben Jenkins, j Jr., Norman Mauney, patrol leaders, Robert Weathers, Cecil Powell, as sistant. patrol leaders. Charles E. Ridge, scribe. Other scouts: Davie Whistiantj Bonnie McEntiro Jr., Hal: Lee, Vance Champion. Kress Davis. Troop committee: Chairman, B. P Jenkins, Jas. L. Dennis, E. L Weath ers. C, T, Stanley, J, M. Barber. Chas. E Iltdge, Scribe. Events Troop No. 3 Boy Scouts. The troop held its regular meet ing on Tuesday night November 3 and at this time the boys told of the different tests they were to go up for at the next court of honor. ----r A number of ttie boys went to the woods several days ago to study roes and birds. They found a nest >£ flying squirrels and decided to patch some of them for pets and then the fun started. Clyde Ledbet ter caught one, but It bit him so he promptly turned it loose They j phased It for a while and finally j caught It again but It did not last long as a pet for It died the next j morning. Troop No. 3 lias a total of about I 16 boys who are divided Into two | patrols, as follows: Flying Eagle patrol- Flay Kale . leader. Clarence Smith, assistant. Percy Kale, Arthur Nix, Buddy Queen, Ralph Kale, James Ealter, Alvin Davis. Fox patrol—C. B Poston, leader, Clyde Ledbetter, assistant, Jean Pos ton, Hiirlan MrSwain, Dock Davis, James Foust, Jack Ramsey, Jack McKee. Troop No. 3 has a scout cabin about four miles south of Shelby and the troop, under Mr Smith, scoutmaster, hits repaired It many times. This has been necessary be cause boys and possibly men, go to it and tear up not only the cabin but the paths and spring as well. We are glad to have anyone go to our cabin who wishes to do so, how ever, we would appreciate it very much If they would be kind enough to take care of It while there Flay Kale, Scribe, Troop No. 3 News. Troop No, 3 Shelby met Monday November 9. Mai Spangler and his patrol (the Pine Tree* were In charge of the program. The meet ing was opened with the scout oath. Mai Spangler, ate fire for the LADIES. Here’s a BARGAIN! $ 1.00 Bloomers to the first 50 ladies coming to our store beginning at 8:30 Saturday morning— at 29c LIMIT ONE 1*AIK TO A CUSTOMER Many new garments have been added from manu facturers’ shipments to make tomorrow the big gest day of the Bankrupt Sale AT THE STYLE SHOP CORNER WARREN and LaFAYETTE STREETS najor entertainment. Seven*) boys j wanted to try It, ,son*r did but some | didn’t have the nerve. Mr. Propet made a very interesting talk on his I rip to Washington with troop No. 1 Bet wood He told about their trip through tlie museum and the boo und about many Interesting things they saw and did. Each pat rol was a. ked to give their patrol yell They were given u follows pine Tree (rustling of pa ten, Bob White (whistle, old Bob White), Crow trail, caw, taw) Owl • who-o-o- who-o-o- i Business was brought before the j troop. Fred M Simmons and hts | patrol were given the program for j November 16. I he Pine Tree patrol lias con tributed six merit badge pamphlets •Mr. Propst. five amt Bob White pat rol -J, making a total of t:i. 8om* people thing 13 is unlucky, but we j think it is a good start as It only 1 lack- one being one a day since the troop was organized. Then several manias wore played Most everyone especially ecouU, j like some Bport It accins; though j the favorite right now is archexv, j MxHit tw,> wwm ago * few boys! sot a bow and at t ows, diut tt has -prcad through the troop like the yoyo spread through the country lwo years ago About, half the troop have boas and arrows and the rest are wanting one. Several boyi art wortm* on see- j ond class, first class and merit bad ge* for the nest court ot honor which will la* held the first Monday tn December at the Clevtund county court house. Urging aS boy* to go before the court for advance ment, I ain, Fted M Simmons, Scribe. Note Will all troops in the Bhel hv district, pleuao send tn a piece pertaining to Uie troop early each uek to either Malcolm Wallace. Shelby or Fred M. Simmons, 314 3. DeKalb street, Shelby. There will appear tn scout news very soon the names of official es u miners for merit badges Watch ior them. Later only the signatures of these men will la- accepted on a merit badge blank HAIR CUTS SHAVES . 25c 15c Old prices for an up town shop. Experienced, 1<> tally known barbers to courteously serve vou — SHOE SHINES AND PRIVATE BATHS. — — TEMPLE BARBER SHOP E. E. SISK, Proprietor. M)( a ted by the barber pole at the TRANCE TO THE MASONIC TEMPLE. EN i i WOULD YOU LEAVE HER WITHOUT GUIDANCE Before it is too late you should arrange to protect your wife against her own inexperience and the had advice of others, against worry, over-responsibility and possible poverty. Leave your estate, whatever its hums, in trust. Let the officers of the Union Trust be your executors. I hen you can feel sure that your family will be safely cared for ... always. Let us discuss our trust plans with you. UNION TRUST CO. “In Union There Is Strength/* --— • TURKEY CAR Coming To Shelby WILL RE AT TI1K SEA HO MID DEPOT WEDNES DAY. NOVEMBER I8TH. Nothing but Turkova will t>e accepted on this car. No chickens wanted at this time. Young Turkeys from 7 lbs. up. 17c OLD TOMS, Pound .. 15c No rolls will be accepted which means poor turkeys not fat enough for eating. G. S. Miles Co. GREENSBORO, N. C. SEABOARD MUTUAL EXCHANGE B. AUSTELL I’re*. R. \\. SHOFKNER, County Agent THE BASIC PRINCIPLE OF CHIROPRACTIC COMPARE THISCNERVg, WITH THE one AFiSv? w AHD THE ONE BCLOW :OMFAftt i fiPACf 01* r J»1 /I’ i!* batic- principle upon which hlrotracUc Is founded appeals to uk becsise it ^tes a perfectly ob vious fat,, it tells i» that the stom ach fuiicions because of the vital energy trm*iiiltted to the organs through th< nerves. This is some thing that w hRVe ajway8 and jet it difb't occur to us to look for the cause o abnormal function in the nervous s*t*m. The Chiro practic Method h* prown ^ t where the Stomach nCrve is pinch cd .see second tier* ln Rbow ^ that the nerve inipuh, ta decreased *"« indigestion a* stomach trouble or should pinched nerve supply the Lungs, u,r. Kid ney. Bowels, Muscles ot Heart Chiropractic Spinal Adjutants will free the nerve pressure . 1URE does the healing. Dr. B. M. JARRETT ROOMS 13-14 — ROYSTER tiLDG., \ SHELBY, N. C. 4 —i—■—^p—j 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Means 20,000 intense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,000 People about it in these columns. TOOTS AND CASPER— In Black And White. THE'PHONE IS RlN6lN£r and SHE'S TO ANSWER IT. THI3 13 MV CHANCE TO <5EE WHAT 3HE'3 written! SHE'^ DETERMINED THAT I’M NOT TO READ HER DIARV AND I'M EQUALLY DETERMINED THAT I WILL TAKE A PEEK, AND I M 09®$ 4«>N^r TO WIN r,rj OUT! A3 U3UAL ^ I I M HW J2u ^COJUWS.®^ Xj\ I'LL HAVE “TO 4»VE UP WEEPING a diary, CAMPER, BECAUSE NOIHIN^ EXCniN^ EVER HAPPENS TO k'EEP A RECORD OF-! its a pi-ty You DIDN'T, CASPER, SO YOU'D HAVE A COMPLETE RECORD OP ALL TOUR. PUPPY loves! did you Keep company with any other 4irds BESIDES >E 44 Y rLOEFJN4~K^ v And me ? Y. . SURE,! tfNEW A PEW &1RU5> IN MV -TIME1. I DON'T LOOK" LIKE A HERMIT, POI ? JA You HELD PEZrW^ hand "TWICE, AND You KISSED HER ONCE'. THAT WA«> before You knew me ! i 4uess You knew 8ET7ER THAN TO WEEP A DIARY! You WOULDN'T want it to """ ' ' "mW[] I " ' if 1 TOLD “TOOTS I NEVER KtPT COMPANY WITH MANY 4lRL«» SHE'D THINK I'M FlBBtN^, AND IF I 9AID l WENT WITH LOT'S OF them she d accuse we OF BRA4t4»n4, so WHAT'S A4UV 60IN^-T0 DO? >