18, 1931 Published Monday, Wednseday and Friday Afternoons. 8 PAGES TODAY Hy Mall. per year. | -» Rain And Colder. Today's North Carolina Weather II e port: Cloudy with occasional showers tonight and Thursday. Cooler In west tonight and in west and north Thursday. Rains To Help A drizzle which began tailing in the Shelby section early today is ex pected to halt the few scattered forest fires which started in this section. Rain is promised tonight and tomorrow for the entire western section. Asheville, Nov. IS.—Forest fires continued to rage in Western North Carolina Tuesday while anxious citizens awaited fulfillment of rain predictions which so far have fail ed lo materialize to any appreciable extent. Haywood and Jackson coun ties. where several fires have been in progress, did report slight driz zles. In McDowell, the flames are gradually eating their way toward Marion, and were reported burning slowly along a road some distance from the town proper. Marion, af the foot of the mountains, is locat ed on a fairly level plain which is not heavily wooded and little fear was felt. Elias A. Morgan, Age 89, Buried Here Yesterday Retired Colton Manufacturer And ' Father Of Mr. Fred Morgan Dies In Gaffney, S. C. Elias A. Morgan, lather ol Fred j Morgan, an official at the Eastside 1 Cotton mill of this place, died at | the home of his daughter, Mrs, B. B. Morgan, in Gaffney at 4 o’clock] Monday afternoon and was buried! in Shelby Tuesday afternoon in i Sunset cemetery Mr. Morgan was a retired cotton ] manufacturer who operated the | Double Shoals mili six. miles north! of Shelby for many years He and j Pink Jackson bought the mill from a Mr, Homesley about 48 years ago1 and operated it successfully for many years, later under the owner- , ship of Mr Morgan and his son \ Fred. Mr. Morgan retired from busi- j ness in 1919 and has since been making his home with his daughter 1 Mrs, Morgan in Gaf’tne”. Mr. Morgan was born in Chero kee county. S. C.. in 184,1 He serv- 1 cd throughout the Civil war in j Company K from Spartanburg! county and was* valiant soldier. In 1871 he was married to Miss Mahala i Jackson 'who survives together with ! one son. Fred Morgen, of Shelby, j one daughter, Mrs. B. B. Morgan, of Gaffney, one brother. Frederick Morgan of Noxapatcr, M:ss.. arfti; *>ne sister. Mrs J. Frank Gaffney, of Shelby. Deceased was a kind hearted; business man with, excellent. poise ; and judgment, He lived a long and useful life, contributing to the up building of the county in many ways. The funeral service was con ducted at 2:30 o’clock Tuesday aft ernoon at the Morgan home in Gaffney by Dr. Zeno Wall, pastor of the First Baptist church of Shel- j by and Dr. L. P. McGee, pdstor of 'he Buford Street Methodist church. Interment followed here in Sunset j cemelery. Rogers Employees First Charity Donors Employees of the Rogers Motors made a cash donation this week to lie Charity Fund, according to ac. announcement by J. D. Lineberger. chairman of the charity executive committee. No canvass has been started as yet, but the Rogers Mo tor employees volunteered to donate and contributions came from 100 percent of the men. It Rents Homes, It Catches Dogs, It Finds Money Users of Star want ads re port this week that they have rented rooms, caught stray dogs and recovered lost money. One young lady ot Route .1 Ellenboro had her purse containing S5 in cash restored to her this morning through a Star want adv. Don't trot your legs off try ing to find a buyer for mer chandise. a tenant for your farm, a renter for your room, the finder of your lost article A 25c want adv. may turn the trick, while you go about your other business. Circulation and readers are the life-blood of a newspaper. Twenty thousand people read The Star. That's why adver •!=>r> get results. The paper has a reader interest for every member of the family. t orest Jr ires Spring Up In This Section Wood* Near Hopper Bridge Afire Number Of Acres, Some Wllhin Oity Limits, (turning. No Rain In Months. The forest fire menace, which has been threatening many sec tions of the two Carolina-. for several weeks, struck this week within the Shelby section, sev eral minor forest fires being reported over the county and two near the Shelby city limits. The first lorest blaze to attract very much local attention started late Monday and was still burning late Tuesday. In Hull Woods. The blaze is in the Hey wood Hull woods and pasture land north of the city and within the city limits just northeast of the Hopper bridge. The flickering blaze attracted con siderable attention in the uptown section early in the evening and more later In the night and early Tuesday morning. Late yesterday afternoon it was still burning in scattered spots Smoke Disturbs. Between midnight and 3 o'clock Tuesday morning scores of Shelby people were frightened from their beds1 by the smell of smoke. Many men searched about their homes looking for fire as the odor was similar to that of a smoldering fire in a closet. About 3 in the morning the air seemed filled with smoke, but the majority of the aroused residents did not know' where the fire was until Tuesday morning aft er. of course, they assured them selves that it was not in their hom es. A blaze swept over a tract of tim ber and undergrowth in the city water plant section several days ago, but did not attract as much at tention as the fire near Hopper bridge l-ack Of Rain The two fires near the city and several small ones reported in the county resulted, as did the scattered blazes all over the State, from the long drought. Cigarette butts or matches in many cases have been dropped in the dry grass and parch ed undergrojrth to start a blaze. Urge Precaution. Until this week Shelby's interest in the forest fire headlines was that of sympathy witii other sections, the nearest serious fires being in McDowell county, but now that sev eral blazes have sprung up in this section extra precaution is urged. ’Possum hunters, sportsmen and others who may be in the woods are asked to take every precaution not to start a fire. Early in the week Governor Gardner asked that all hunters throughout the State give up hunting until there is rain and less danger of disastrous fires. It has been more than three months with one exception since there has been a good rain in this section and it has been several years before this area has exper ienced such an extr&ne dry spell. Mr. Schiele To Show Scout Camp Pictures R M Schiele, scout executive ot the Piedmont council, will be the principal speaker at the Kiwanis club weekly luncheon to be held this Thursday night in the Woman's club room of the Masonic temple building. Mr. Schiele Will show pic tures taken at the scout camp at Lake Lanier and present the sum mer’s activities. There will be no Kiwanis meeting next week on ac count of Thanksgiving Only Inch Of Rainfall Here Just a tittle more than one i inch of rain has fallen in Shel by in two and one-half months, according to the weather rec ord maintained at the federal building here. In fact, the total rainfall ha.-, been barely above an inch for a period of practically three months. There has not been any rain to speak of since mid-August. In August the rainfall here was 2.1 inches, the major portion of it in the first part of the month Ir September the rainfall was .35 or an inch and in October .77 of an inch. There has not been enough rainfall in 18 days of November for an entry to be made on the record. Which means that since mid-Aug ust the rainfall In Shelby and sec tion totals only 1.12 inches. : Since Spread Of Forest Fires Not Halted By Rain Over N. C Prfdklfi Rain Does Not Arrive And Wood Blazes Rage On. j ClJtM'totte, N6v. 18 —Forest fortes continued to rage through thous ands of acres of timber lands in eastern and western North Caro lina last night while an anxious populace awaited fulfillment of rain predictions which so far had fail ed to materialize. Haywood and Jackson counties, among the hardest hit in the moun tain section, did report slight driz zles which failed, in the main, to check the blaze Reports from Asheville and a number ol the smaller fires had burned themselves lout, but that others were continu I ing their path of destruction I through the vast timber lands, tin der dry from weeks of drought. Flames Near Marion At Marion the flames were grad ually eating their way toward the town, and were reported burning slowly along South Main street some distance from the eity prop er. Marion, at the foot of the west ern North Carolina mountains and surrounded by them, is located on a fairly level plain whicly is not heavily wooded and little fear was felt. In the Linvilie section to the north, however, the flames burned unchecked. ' Graham county was added to the fire list yesterday, a comparatively small fire being reported between Topton and Robbinsville. Serious blazes were still burning in Madi son county and near East Laporte in Jackson county Officials in Asheville voiced the belief that many of the mountain fires were started by unemployed men who desired the 20 cents an hour they would get for fire fight ing, and bloodhounds were taken to the scenes in an effort to trace some of them, but no arrests were re ported. Give Play To Help Build Burned Gym A play will be given at the Lat timore school auditorium Friday evening of this wek by members of the Lattimore school faculty, the proceeds to be used in re-building the gymnasium which was recently burned. The title of the play is “Daddy Longlegs.’’ The public Is in vited. Roosevelt Favorite Among Small Business Men For 1932 President | Strau*' Poll Show* Roosevelt Fav ored By 805 Persons. And Smith By 92. — New York, Nov. 18,—The fifth or the series of presidential preference polls conducted by Jesse L. Straus, the results of which were made public this week, shows Governor Roosevelt to be the overwhelming choice of the small business man throughout the country for the Democratic nomination in 1932. Of a total of 1,156 replies recelv. ed from *7 states, excluding New fork. Governor Roosevelt was the! choice of 806 persons, with his near est competitor, former Governor5 Smith, having 92 William H Mur ray. Governor of Oklahoma was third with 82 Governor Roosevelt, • according to Mr. Straus, was the only nominee who was favored by persons in every state in the Union, and hr ‘'carried" all but three of the states —Maryland, where Governor Albert C, Ritchie was the choice in the majority of the replies received, and Kansas and Oklahoma, wheic Governor Murray was the choice The poll was started. Mr Straus explained, before he was appointed chairman of the Emergency Unem ployment Relief Administration by the governor ft was taken among business men with a capital of CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT i Second Woman Senator Tke I/Att. Mrs Reseoca Fe wom $ The Late SematopCarai/a* In Ihe loss of her husband. Senator Thaddeus H. Caraway, of Arkan sas Mrs. Caraway has gained an honor never before experienced by any American woman in the full sense (hat it is enjoyed by this come i ly 54-year-old astute feminine politician of Jonesboro. Ark. Appointed as temporary successor to her husband In the U. S. Senate, Mrs. Cara way will take her scat when Congress convenes on December 7 and hold the honor at least until January 12. On that date a special election will be held In Arkansas to determine who will complete Senator Caraway's unfinished term, which runs until March. 1933. With Governor Harvey Parnell, of Arkansas, who appointed Mrs. Caraway to her temporary post, enthusiastically supporting her for election, it is at least prob able that this close adviser of her late husband will soon be a full fledged. duly elected solon. Mrs. Caraway was preceded in the senate by only one woman, the late Mrs. Re^tcca Latimer Felton, of Georgia, who held her honorary $eat for only a few hours alter taking offire. Thus. Mrs. Caraway actually will le the first woman to serve in the | Senate, taking a vital part in its deliberations. Patrol Head Probes Action Of Lieut. Beck At Rutherfordton; Officer Off Patrol For Present Capt. Farmer Apologizes To Ruth erford Officials For Conduct Of Patrol. Rutherfordton, Nov. 18 —-Inve. li gation of the activities of Lieuten ant R. H Beck and two state high way patrolmen in a dispute here Armistice day and the day after ward was made last night by Cap tain Charles D. Farmer of the high way patrol. Captain Farmer, who held a hear - ing at the city hall that lasted two hours, was accompanied by Lieu tenant Fisher of the Charlotte dis trict. a stenographer, State Senate Bennett ol Bryson City, and Will Neal, jr., of Marion. As a, result of the incident Arm is | ttoe day three warrants wer ; sworn out against Beck. who :r that time was in command of divi sion E, state highway patrol, em bracing 22 western North Carol in' cities, fie has since been removed of his command. One warrant charged hun with cursing and usftig boisterous lan guage on the streets here and war signed by C. Lee Biggerstaff., fir chief and secretary-treasurer ol Rutherfordton, while two other war rants charged the lieutenant with parking within three feet of a fire plug and assault on affiant, who was acting as special policeman IF is a firemen. i rouble Marts. The trouble started when Beck parked his car near a fire plug and Hodge asked him to move it. Beck is alleged to have cursed Hodge j Followed him up on the street and | struck him. Next morning Beck was quoted a I telling Chief of Police S. E Wal drop that he would lick the who!: fire department. He is then al leged to have gone to tife city had. accompanied by two patrolmen and engaged in a fight with Fire* Chief Biggerstaff. The town council met in special session that afternoon and asked that the state highway commission and Governor Gardner make a ful investigation. Hearing of the case last night was held in the presence of Mayor R. R. Flack, the town council and witnesses, who testified as to var ions phases of llie incident Reprimand Given. Captain Farmer, in an interview after the investigation, stated that he hoped to attend the trial of iCONTIA'L’££> OJW UAt;Ji. u:11.yj Postpone Irick Wreck Hearing Lincoln! nil. Nov. 18.—The preliminary hearing for Cor nelius IHck, Shelby ftllin; station operator, who is out under bond of 5.1.500 charred with manslaughter in the death of Connie F.aker. Lin coln county school teacher last Thursday, was postponed Monday until Monday, Nov ember 3d! Cotton Blooms Show Up In November There is a rush on the part ot farmers around July 1st to see who can produce the first cotton blooms of the season. Q. J. Devenny of near Hollis did not get in the scramble to be first, but he plucked blooms this week from his field which are no doubt the last of the season. He brought two blooms to Shelby yes terday, one a pink and one a white. The fall has been so late and sum raerish, cotton has been thinking of stealing a march on mother nature and producing a second crop. It Is lleaded that way but cold weather is likely to upset plans. Sister Of Shelby Man Killed In Wreck The funeral of Miss Lucy Simp son, age 27, and formerly of Char lotte. was held at Duncan Memor ial Methodist church Charlotte this morning at 10:30 o'clock. Miss Simpson was killed In an automo bile accident in Lynchbury, Va early this week. She is a sister ol R B. Simpson of Shelby. Six sis ters and three other brothers, be sides her mother, Mrs. N. E. Simp son who lives in Charlotte, sur vive. Gasoline Advances Half Cent Gallon Gasoline was advanced here this morning a half cent per gallon, making ihe plain gas retail for 20,2 eeolA The advance was announced yesterday by the Standard Oil Co. of New .Jersey throughout its ter ritory and was promptly met Dv all other refiners Million Dollar Offer For Electric Plant Is Being Studied By Board Cordell Trial To Be Up Here Next Tuesday n»*r Definitely Set For 24tl>. Jury Day, Not To Be Trans ferred, The charge* against Charlie Cor dell.' former Shelby citiiien and now a suspended member of the Char lotto police force, will be aired again in county court In Shelby Cordell was given a hearing here Friday night of last week on the charge of operating an automobile while under the influence of whis key. The charge was preferr»d by Kings Mountain officers where Cor dell was arrested. The Jury did not get the case until midnight and when it failed to reach a verdict at almost 2 o'clock in the morning a mistrial was ordered. It was stated Saturday that the tentative date of Tuesday, Novem ber 34, had been fixed for a sec ond trial. Later a rumor had it that the trial might be transferred to Kings Mountain where the ar rest, was made and where the re corder holds court each week The only jury day of the week with t.he county court, however, 1s on Tuesday In Shelby, and it was stated today that the case wilt be taken up again then. The prosecution is reported U. be strengthening its case against the officer, while the defense is working with the hope of clear! htm. Cordell, who had been on the Charlotte force for some time, was suspended until the matter is clear ed up He was well known when he lived here and the first trial at tracted a large crowd of court spec tators as the second hearing will likely do. Debate At Boiling Springs On Friday Anniversary Debate Of Athenian Society To Be Held Friday Evening. The Athenian literary' society of Boiling Springs junior college will celebrate the anniversary of its or ganization Friday night with a de bate program which begins at 7:30. In addition to the debate feature there will be a number by a quartet and a reading. Debate Cotton. The debate topic is one oi gen eral interest at this time in North Carolina. It is: “Resolved that North Carolina should adopt a cotton holi day, providing states embracing two-thirds of the cotton area adopt a similar law.” L. E. Snipes and L. R Pitts will uphold the affirmative, and Brunery Honeycutt and Jesse Cooley make up the negative team No Civil Service For Star Routes When bids are received on Jan uary 19 for star mail routes in Cleveland county they will not be under civil service examination. In Monday’s Star it was stated that/ the star route contracts would be under civil serlvce * examination and procedure, but Postmaster J, H. Quinn says this was an error. The rural delivery route operate under the civil service, but not the star routes. Information as to the list of the routes, bonds, etc. may be secured from the Shelby post master. Family May Live For Weeks On 63 Cents, Specialist Tries To Prove Making Every Use Of Wheat At Low Price To Show Low Living Cost. Chicago, Nov 18.—The belief that it is possible to feed an average family for several weeks, perhaps s month, with an expenditure of 63 cents, has been expressed by Dr. Lloyd Arnold. Dr. Arnold, who is professor of bacteriology and preventive medi cine at the University of Illinois and bacteriologist for the State de triment of public health, is experi menting with wheat with the idea of finding a cheap one-food balanc ed diet for the unemployed Al though he said that he was not yet l-eadv to announce his complete findings he expressed the opinion that a bushel of wheat would keep a family for several weeks. Whea ls selling at 63 cents a bushel. Mrs. Arnold, who is helping'him, plans to invite friends to join her in a wheat meal. There’ll be wheat soup, wheat muffins, wheat croquet tes wheat salad dressing, wheat p>e and wheat pudding. And if the guests stay for breakfast they will have wheat porridge Mrs. Arnold has been conducing the experiment tn her own kitchen to render unmilled wheat palatable Only four pounds have been con sumed in a week There are 56 pounds to a bushel ; Authorize Mayor To Study S. P. U. Rate* Ir Other Cities Before Deciding Upon Sale Election. Board Non-Commital. Opposi tion To Sale Seems Strong Among Divided Sentiment. A definite proposition to buy the city's light plant for the sum of one million, one hundred thousand dollars was made to Mayor McMurry and Alderman Z. J. Thompson, Maynard Washburn, John Schenck, jr.. and D. W. Royster last night by the Southern Public Utilities Company of Charlotte, a subsidiary of the Duke Power Company. Queried in Deaths j Mrs. Lola Pendleton Pickett, who is j being hold in Lexington, N. fol lowing autopsies on the bodies of i her daughters. Elisabeth and Vir ginia. Virginia died May ,1rd and Elisabeth Sept. 16. Large quantities of arsenic were found In the chil dren's stomachs. Mrs. Pickett, al though admitting she kept rat poi son in her house, denied ac knowledge of the cause of her chil dren deaths. !Two Magistrates 1 Indicted Before Judge Moore |a. . ... [ Jurist Who W'arned Of Chatter Of Misuse Of Offiee Meets Such Charge. Judge Walter E Moore, who warned a grand jury in Shelby two weeks ago of the danger of ^misuse of the office of justice of peace.1 had a jury return true bills in such ■ indictments before him in court this! week at Greensboro In his charge to the grand Juryi here Judge Moore made the remark1 that in some sections "sotne magis- i trates are making more money tlianj Superior court justices.” He then; pointed out that the law required a j Justice of the peace to report every! case tried before him to Superior | court, showing in the report the | type of misdemeanor, the fine ari j costs imposed, etc. He reminded that in bygone days a mugistrate j was a highly respected and esteem ed personage in his community, but because some men who hold the of fice use it to make money the dig nity and respect of the office de creased. He told the jury that it was its business and that of the Superior court and its officials to see that these reports are made and made correctly. His emphasis of the possible mis use of public office in his talk here caused numerous local citizens to note the fact that a jury in Greens-; boro, where he is now presiding, re turned two bills against magistrates. It brought the total number of in dictments and charges agalnrt jus tices in Guilford county to 15. The proposition was made by h. C. Marshall, president: R. L. Peter man and J. Paul l.ucas. vice presi dents. A number of interested dtt sens crowded the city hall office »o hear the proposition presented. Mr Marshall acted as spokesman and read ttjc proposition offering the above mim for the plant and a sixty year franchise, the proposition to be ratified by a vote of the people in a special election if the city of ficials decide to submit the mat ter Will l>ellberatr. Upon the retirement from the meeting rtf the 8. P. U. official the etty officials discussed the prop osition but took no action other than authorize the mayor to in vestigate in other cities where the S. P. U. company has purchased light plants to determine whethe* or not the citizens there are satis fied with the change in service and to determine what the plants 11 dthcr cities go- on the tax books fo taxable purposes, No Rair Comparisons There was no attempt on the pair of President Marshall to compaic electric rates now charged by Shel by under municipal ownership wttr the rates charged by the Soulherr Public Utility Co. A rate sheet w» submitted, however, showing thf established rates for the 8 P. U company authorised by the stair corporation commission and charg ed in all of the ITS t.owftS’lflrt chief in which the light plants are own ed by the S. P. U. company. Refer ence to any of these cities was given by Mr. Marshall for Shelby to iind out if the service in those cities is satisfactory. Of course, in the event of a sale of the city's plant to th<* S. P U. company, the city will have to bur power from the new owners wlU which to light the streets and oper ate the pump station motors, Mr Marshall pointed out that his com pany has no "free” service fbr an' individual, churches or schools even the officials of his company paying for their service. Investigate Rond Retirement In answer to the question of Al derman John Schenck as to wheth er the city's outstanding bond! could be paid off before they ar* due. Mr. Marshall said that was a matter entirely up to the city and the bond holders. He (would not commit his company to assumin' responsibility for the payment oi the city's bonds when due, but said he would be glad to discuss the matter with the city officials if the deal should reach that point. He stated that the 8. P. U. proposition to buy was for cash and that it is CONTINUED ON PAGE FIGHT. - Two People Hurt In Auto Collision O. C. Newton, of Dover Village Has Ribs Broken In. Tuesday Crash. Two people were painfully injur ed and another bruised up in an automobile collision shortly after 6 o'clock Tuesday evening at the In tersection of highway 20 west ol Shelby and the Dover Mill road. The care colliding were those driven by O. C. Newton, of the Dov er village, who was coming into the. highway from the Dover road, and Yates Green who was going west on the highway. Mr. Newton had two ribs broken ajid was still in the Shelby hospi tal today Miss Essie Hipps, who wali riding with Newton and hi* wife, had her wrist lacerated, ami Mrs. Newton was bruised. Honor Shelby Bos. Raleigh. Nov. 18—The N. C. State college chapter of Kappa Phi Kap pa, national honorary education fraternity, has elected nine new members who will be initiated to night, November 18 New members are A. D. William -on, Reidsville: H. C. Colvard, Red ties River; Westiey Wallace, Ra eizh; M C. Freeman. Hamlet; H b. Smithwick. Apex; J. B. Wilson Shelby, C H Drye, Oakboro; B 3 Crumpler, Fayetteville: R, J .vday. Brevard