Bailey To Fight Against Job For Charles A. Jonas YVa*htn(toif Writer Hear* ID dry WiU Join Morrison In Op posing Move. (Greensboro New. > Raleigh, Nov ih - Republican leaders are somewhat blue over the pre-Congress story that District Attorney Charles A. Jonas is lo b° fought furiously by United State Senators Cameron Morrison and josKih William Bailey. Mr. Bailey has not yet said whet he is going to do as a senator mi any important Issue before the country. There have been sundiv efforts to tie him up. He has beer interviewed on world courts, tar l«s. prohibition, everything of im portance. He has been asked about J •the pante and the depression, lie lias been quizzed on everything, Mr. Bailey lias been content to wait until he is a senator in fact before he goes to talking senatarlally. He Is, nevertheless, quoted by Re publican leaders as very much op posed to the confirmation of pis Trench Foot ■•war* Athlata’s Foot Why nuffer from the queer skin j nlaeaar onualng aovere ttrhlnir of i1 '-i*1 ««t'k»ngr. pcellny akin, btieterk, Ringworm. Trench Foot or Mam! Itch when you can avoid In fection and quickly heal your akin * 'th Dr. Nlxon'a Nlxoderm? Ilaaed on tho famoua Knsllah Hospital for mula d la,-overed hy n lending i„,n_ dor, akin epeclallat. Dr. Nlxon’a Nix. ndcrnrt acta with .ima.iny apee.l hoi cauao dealyrned for this Particular 4» tts. ®r«r.s«x«S BUTTLES DRUG STORE. — Cotton Buyer — Rowland H. Ouzts i HOTEL CHARLES SHELBY, N. C. BOOMS PAPERED $8 J. B. MEETZE CO. Wallpapers for the Most Fastidious. PHONE 561 — BOX 153 GAFFNEY, S. ( . rYOU SAVE IN BUYING BAKING POWDER You itvt in using 1 KC.Ust LESS than ol high priced brands, j I Pfi/Cf FOR OVER * <0 YE i ITT DOUBLE ACTING MILLIONS Of POUNDS USED BY OU« GOVERNMENT PAINS QUIT COMING “When I was a girl, I suf fered periodically with ter rible pains in my back and sides. Often I would bend almost double with the In tense pain. This would last for hours and I could get no relief. “I tried almost every thing that was recom mended to me. but found nothing that would help until I began taking Cardul. My mother thought It would be good for me. so she got a bottle of Cardul and started me taking it. I soon improved. The bad spells quit coming. I was soon in normal health.” —Mra Jewel Harris, Winnsboro, Texas. Sold At AU Dmg Stores. «,tn CARDUI Helps Women to Health ITake ThedfortPs Black-Draught for Constipation. Indigestion, and Biliousness | trlct Attorney Jonas. The Lincoln i county .statesman who has scrv'«i a I term m the lower house of congres'i ! and is national committeeman. War | never regarded tlie wisest one the j the Republicans have produced. Fie ‘has been esteemed highly enough a . j keen debater, smart wiaccracker, of fit’till stinger of the Democracy. H had many tilts in Ihr general as semblies in Raleigh, but was liked for all that When he turned on the new United States senator and his friends, who resented what the, regarded his charge that they knew of tlie thievery by which M< Bailey got Ills senatorial honor, h" went too far for Mr Bailey to for get him, .Munison Agiust Jonas. Senator Morrison has expressed many times publicly his opinion o’ the fight on Senator Bailey, an at tack on lus credentials which Mr Jonas is supposed to be nourishing. The district attorney, therefore, finds himself a very narrowly Re publican . mate with both North Carolinians in that body against him and senatorial courtesy likely to be invoked. Had senator Simmons remained in the senate it is improbable that there should 'have been any com plaint of Mr Jonas. Senator Over man hardly would have been will ing to fight him. Senator Simmons was highly praised by Mr. Jonas in tile campaign of 1930 for helping to beat the Democratic presidential ticket in 1928. Undoubtedly the .sen ator's one time desertion of hit party ticket helped Mr, Join, mightly in that election for con gross. There was no help from the one to tlie other in. 1930, though The state slaughtered Mr. Simmon;: and made Mr Jonas and his party's! Jonah On a purely partisan vote M. Jonas might beat the opposition, for the Republican side still lias n vole or two to spare. But Mr. Jcnas has not quit at angering Senator Morrison and Bailey. The dang r of Senator Gerald P. Nye and prob ahly of Senator Patterson, mem bers of the famous investigating committee, h;v been raised. There is every reason to believe that Sen ator Nye was satisfied of Mr. Bail ey's election without corruption Mr. Jonas is. therefore, not, entire ty without danger of Nye and Pat terson opposition, The Republicans who art* very close to Mr. Bailev are going to ask him to let up on Mr. Jonas, but tin* pro peet of winning Mr. BaWey over is mighty poor.' He never thought there was any real reason for •> contest of his: seat. He contended that everybody of sense knew the Republican had suffered reverses ;.t [lie first magnitude in the 1930 election and that the North Caro lina Republicans. who got the presidential and two congressional district votes on the 1928 fluke, knew they had lost them naturally in 1930. .. Besides, Senator Bailey a I Way: stood against election trickery, at ways advocated a secret ballot and drew fire from every n; **iod ■; Simmons supporter in doing H believed that his championship of honest elections was known U everybody and lie has been right unforgiving toward opposition loan ers who have charge him wjtlt poli - tical dishonesty. Mr. Jonas is'going to have a hard tune with those North Carolina senators. Mission Union To Meet At Alexander Interesting Program Arranged For Sandy Run Association November 29th. There will be a quarterly" meet ing of the Woman's Missionary Union of the Sandy Run Baptist association at Alexander Baptist Church Sunday November '.’9th. at 2 p, in. This will be last'quarterly meeting lor the year and each church in the association i- a; keel to send a large delegation, All the young people's organizations are asked to send delegates and m connection with this quarterly meeting there will be a" stewuidship. declamation contest. Mrs. J. A. Ilunnicutt. supeihi'rn dent will have charge of the gen eral program aud Mrs. Broadus Moore, young people's leader, will have charge of the content. Organ taztions to enter tins contest are Y W. A.. G. A. H. A. and Sunbeam--, This will be one ol the best pro grams ever planned for the young people and much interest is being manifested in the coming contests The program is as follows. Song: “Joy to the World.' Devotional by Mrs Fred Webb Prayer. Talk: "Our Young People. by Mrs. Broad us Moore. (After Mrs. Moore's talk the young people w^ll retire for the contest.) Reports from group leaders and societies. Chairmen's three minutes reports. Mission study by Mrs. L. W Greene. Stewardship by Mrs. W A Ayers. Personal service bv Mrs. S E. Welchel How Is Your Standard -for 1931?-’ by Mrs. D. C. Whitaker. Playet: 'How Not to Have a Circle Meeting, by Clifiside circle. Special i music. Conference period led by Mrs T C. Lovelace. l>o We? Thr Russians give all they make •above a bare living to theirgovern ment and call it Communism. We do the same and call it taxes —Ohio Stite Journal. Johnny Branch, Little Giant Of i Carolina Eleven, May Get Chance To Play Again On Army Grid Team J so« k Appointment T» West Point l or Stocky N. t'. Star. | MitctitH In Greensboro .News: Johnny Branch, University of North Uitrolitnt'j ieathcr-luggiiig : t»r, who stands m impended for breaking training, will finish his career on the football team of th United, States Military academy, v. West Point, if the efforts of hi triaqds are .successful From several reliable sources the Daily News learned la.-t night tha an effort is being made to obtain an appoints uit to West Point for the speedy back Prominent North Car iliJiu alumni iti Ore ■nsboro ad mitted that tliey were aware oi the effort to have Branch finish his ed ucation and football career at West Point, j„ was learned from one of them that alumni in Raleigh al ready have been active in behalf of Bi.inch's appointment. One of the requirements tor en trance: to West Point is a thorough toundatlon in mathematics. The belief is that. Branch probably would have to stand a specls! "math" examination, in order n qualify to enter West Point, but h" has sufficient other credits to mak the grade, provided lie can get the appointment. oilmen way suspended oy coac.t Chuck Collins after the game wifi. Florida several weeks ago, he and Mcbade, a tackle, being dropped fer breaking training. Since being sus pended, McDade has withdrawn front college, but Branch has stuc!: to his scholastic work and lias work cd hard at Chapel Hill. Several efforts have been made to have Collins lift the . uspension o Branch because of his excellent record since the episode Ip Florida Collins has remained firm in hr. rtand, despite a petition signed by a large number of the members of the senior class ami members of the Philanthropic society. If Branch does land at. West Point it will be possible for him tc play four more years of football for “plebes." ns the first-year nice, are called, are eligible for the foot ball team, but It is rare that one*oi them makes the grade. With Branch's natural iootball ability, plus the gridiron training he has received under “Chuck" Collins at Carolina, he should be able to nuilu tite army team the first year. None of those working in behait of Branch would be quoted as to the date definite knowledge of the appointment would bo forthcoming but. they did admit that efforts were being made to get the Salis bury boy the appointment. Some feared that perhaps Branch might be too old to enter the "Point." Hr has nothing to fear froth this phase of the case, u lie is but 21 year old, according to figures furnished by the University of North Caro lina publicity bureau, and men at" eligible for West Point appoint , mentS uiKUUw-y are 22 years old, it, was learned last night Shelby Youth Gives Token To President Wake Forest College j /eno Wall Presents Fresh Football Souvenir To l)r. KHrhin. Wake Forest, Nov. 13.--President I tiuinsftu t>. Kitehin was the unan imous choice of the Wake Fores', Freshman football squad to be the recipient of the football u ed in the recent Freshman-Otlk Ridge game The little Deacons won from the Cadets 13 to 12. They conferred the distinction upon their president be cause of the playing of his son Walton, at the quarter-buck por tion on Ufa-visiting eleven Waltoh, who is named for h!. uncte. tlte late governor of North Carolina, threw three forward pass r; in tin' game, ad of which went completed, and one resulting in touchdown. .He will enroll as freshman at, Wake Forest next fad Zeno Wall jr., of Shelby, captain of the freshm-n tram. presented the trophy at the assembly hour. 1-' accepting it. President. Kuchin sai l in part. "X would rather my son wfbuM' be a member of the Want Forest football squad neit fall Thar, to be a star player on any othfr team ip tire world.” The Baby ’Ijea" •vnso tar (tus season have been undefeated Be sides winning from Oak Ridge, thev annihilated Duke and tied State. Polkville- Opens Basketball Season PoLkville high school opened its basketball season Tliursdtiv after noon, November 12. by playing , I* list on high school with a double header game, at Polkville. Polkville girls won by a score ol 21 to 7. The Polkville boys' were defeated by a core of 9 to 13. This was a very in teresting game as the score ran so close together. Both games were played fair and called evenly. Miss lErcic Dellinger is the girls roach for j Polkville and E L DilUngharr boys coach. Piedmont Basketeers Open 1931 Season Lawndale Nov '3.—Piedmont [high school opened the basketball I season here tonight by dividing a double header with Casar. Pitri mont boys defeated Casar 34 to 16. fbut the girls tost to the h visiting j la, sies 36 to 6. In the boys game G. Hord was high scorer for Piedmont With flf iteen points while Ills cousin H Hord was not far behind. F, Wal j iace played a good game at guard for Piedmont. Ramsey was high scorer for Casar with eight points The game was hard rough' throughout the game. It was any body's game for three quarters but Piedmont showed that they wei: the superior team in the last quar | ter. Shelby Junior Gridders Take In Another Win Shelby's junior football eleven : We midgets or little giants, as you pit use to call them-added another victory to their string of wins yes terday by defeating the Cherryville I eleven here 14 to 0. The first half ended with neither side being able to carry the pigskin over the goal line. Near the end of: the third quarter Shelby's fullback Wade Vaughn ran 25 yards around Cherryville's left end for the firs: touchdown. Extra point was made through the line. Near the end of the fourth quar i ter a pass Vaughn to McCoy gained 22 yards for Shelby. The next play ! Bueky Connor gained eight yards through the Cherryville line for the second touchdown. B. Connor kick ed the goal for the extra -point. The eleven made up of small boys and handle# by Dr. Jarrett lias not- dropped a game this yeai The following lineup started yes I terday's contest for Shelby F. Raney, left end; O. V. Hamrick, It; J, Kendrick, lg; Taylor, c; Davis, rg; Simmon.', it; Williams, re; R. L. Connor, qb; Buck Connor, rhb: J. P. Austell, lhb; Vaughn, fb Subs: McCoy. Foust, Poston. Smith an t McSwain. Clever Farce To Be Presented At B. S. j Mrs. Temple's Telegram To Be Pre sented By Dramatic Club At Boiling Springs. j. "Mrs. Temple's Telegram,:' to be j presented by the Drama club of B. j S college is a clever, racy farce, - abounding in witty sayings and | amusing situations. The plot is based upon a tangled web of deception. Mr. Jack Temple, entrapped in a broken ferrls wheei I i; kept out all night. Of course, Mrs j Temple dors not believe the ferris I wheel story, so he is forced to in • l vent a hackneyed tale about hav ing spent the night with an old i friend. Mrs. Temple promptly de | mauds the name and address of the I friend, and Mr. Temple as prompt ! iy creates a nctinous one tor her-** j dangerously sieaing upon the popu lar name ot John Brown. As the I wife sets about to check up on his story. Mr. Temple procures a real friend, Mr. Fuller to Impersonate the imaginary friend. Ail Bf which leads from one complication to an other, until, after three acts of fid* arious funs, the seemingly,hopeless entanglement unravels quite neatly. It is impossible, in a mere out line to convey any just idea ql the genuine cleverness and wit of "Mrs. Temple's Telegram. One amusing dilution after another holdf the audience in breathless su.iptnse throughout an evening of uproar ious fun . , i Mulls Chapel News Of Late Interest ' Special to The Star.V Mulls Chapel. NoV. 17.—We had a large crowd to attend Sunday school Sunday and also B Y. P. V. Sunday night. ' * ,, Mr. and Mrs Woodrow Bowen and little daughter, Betty Gere spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hord and family of Mulls Chapel. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Whitaker and children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lad. Mr. Wilburn Blanton spent Sat- j urday night with Mr. Dorcas Con ner of Mulls Chpel. Mr. and Mrs, Ben Causby and little son Wray. spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs O. L Stringfellow. Mr. and Mrs. N T queen and j little son, Harold ami Miss Edit.i i Porter spent Sunday.. ...iJterpoon I with Mr and Mrs G. C Hord and I family of Mulls Chapel. Fallston News OfCurrerit Week Surprise Dinner For Uncle Noah Wright, Barbecue Enjoyed. Personals. 'Special to The Star.) Fallston. Nov. 17.—The Home Ec onomics club will meet Friday aft ernoon at two o'clock. Mrs. Wallace will make a salmon loaf. As this is the last meeting of the club year officers for the coming year will be. elected. The relatives and friends ol Uncle Noah Wright surprised him Sunday with a birthday dinner. There was a large crowd present and Uncle Noah, who is entering his 88th year enjoyed it to the full est. After lunch Dr. W. J Lackey made a Very interesting talk about the beneficial life of Uncle Noah and mentioned the fact that Uncle Noah had been superintendent ol Friendship Sunday school for over 65 years, a record seldom found. A short ’song and prayer service fol lowed. The following were present: Mr, and Mrs. R. A. Lackey and children of the late Dr. F. H Lack ey, Mr. and Barney Feeler and family, Dr. and Mrs. A. A Lackey and soft, Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Elklas, Mr. and Mrs. John Lackey, and family. Dr. and Mrs. W. J Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Wilson. Mr. Edney Willis and children, Mi and Mrs. Evan Wilson and Mrs Wilson's mother, Mrs. Aaron Har ris, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Martin and son, Warren* and Miss Sophia El liott. It was given at the old home place where he lives with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morris and children. Mrs. Floyd Cline ^pent several days last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ramsey of Polk ville. Mr. and Mrs. John Murray ol Baltimore, Md., and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Murray and daughter, Miss Esteele, of near Waco, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. I,. Smith Monday, Misses Lou Alice Hamrick and Alice Falls were dinner guests of Miss Minnie Mae Cline Sunday. Mrs. Hester Cline spent several days last week with her son, Mr. S A. Cline and daughter, Miss Hester of Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. A M. Hoyle anc. little daughter, Ruth, visited Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hoyle Sunday. Miss Alma Myers of Forest City spent the week-end with her sisfe’-, Mrs. G H. Edmonds. Mrs. F. W. Sossman and Mrs. Claude Poole find Mrs. E. H. De camp, of Gaffney, visited Mrs. D C. Beam Saturday. Muss Maude Moorehead spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Blanton of Shelby. f.»' ..Edwin Williams, who lies been visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams, returned to the navy at Hampton Roads. Va. Satur day. Mr and Mrs. Frank Spurling and family of near Belwood spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lat timoie. Mr. and Mrs. Fields Tony and Mrs. Tony's mother, Mrs. W. A Gantt visited Mr. and Mrs. C. L Hoyle Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Royster o' Flay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royster. Mr. Audry Fortenbury of Gaff ney, S. C., Mr. Robert Fortenbury, of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fortenbury and son, George, of Shelby, visited Mr, and Mrs, Jake Fortenbury Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sigmon spent‘the week-end with Mr. Sig mon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sigmon of Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Warlick and little daughter, Dorris, visited Mr. and Mrs. Odus Fall: of near Lawndale Sunday. The relatives of Dr. A. A. Lack ey and Mr. Tommy Cline enjoyed a barbecue givey by Messrs. Lackey and Cline on Thursday evening. Nov. 12, thus celebrating the birth day of these two gentlemen, which came on this date. A large crowd; enjoyed the feast. Mr. unarne Aiexanaer oi near Shelby spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Sloan Elliott. Mis-s Minnie Royster spent Sun iby Sunday night in'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Royster Mrs. W. P. Hamrick and sons. Dixon and Alvin, visited Mr. ano. Mrs. Rob dine Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Cletus Wright ana family visited "Mr. and Mrs. Clesnc Wright Sunday, Mi&ses Monolia and Ethel Lee and Muster Carl Smith spent the wdek-cnd with Mr. and Mrs M L Murray of near Waco. Mr. W. A. Royster and daughter. Miss Martha Sue, Mrs. M. O. Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Blane Eaker at tende dthe funeral of Mr. Enocn Baker of Lincolnton Sunday after noon. Mrs. Farris Martin and children visited Mrs. Teola Hoyle Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L, Smith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs M. L Murray of Waco. Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Dellinger and family spent the week-end with Mrs. Dellinger’s y> rents. Mr and Mrs. Noah Hoover of near Lin cointon. Mr and Mrs. Sloan Elliott visit- i ed Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cline Sunday .Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stanley and; uttje son. Charles, accompanied by | Mr. C. C. Stamey spent Sunda* with Mi and Mrs. T B Parker o\ near Lincoln ton. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Leals and Mr3. Lewis' lather, Mr. M R. Willi. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Carpen ter Sunday. Miss Grace Gragg of Boone, who spent several days last week with with Miss Virginia Biggerstaff re turned Saturday. Miss Biggerstatl returned with her and spent the week-end. Misses Nellie Morris and Sopnia Elliott ol Polkvllle who teach a'. Mt. Moriah spent the week-end with Miss Morris' parents, Rev. ami Mrs. J. D. Morris. Miss Eudora Hoyle spent Mondav night with Miss Cloe Williams oi Beams Mill. Miss Eliza Stamey spent Sunday with Misses Blanche and Ailerr. Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilson am. little daughter, Betty Jane, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr . Boyd Hendrick of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Adlai Elliott ana family visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Elliott of near Wacq, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grier Martin visit ed Mrs. Martin’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Royster Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hoyle and family and Miss Nelle Stamey vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Amos Pruitt oi Casar Sunday. Master Hildreth Canipe spent Sunday with Master Hal 'Hoyle. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Bar nette at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Ross Sunday evening a fine son. Mrs. Barnette before her mar riage was Miss Laura Ross. Mr. Mack Johnson, of Lenoir are. Mr. D. E. Parker, of near Play, were the supper guests of Mr. and Mr . Claud Stamey Thursday evening. Ellenboro Citizens Answer Red Cross Ellenboro, Nov. 17.—Twenty-five Ellenboro citizens joined the Amer ican National Red Cross last week when the annual roll call for 1932 membership was made over the en tire country. With the 1932 sign up for membership the American Red Cross celebrates 50 years of service to humanity. During this period of time the organization has function ed to millions of people in distress and need. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice t.i hereby given that I have this day qualified as administrator of the es tate of J. I. Stacy, deceased, late of Cleveland county, N. C. All persons In debted to said estate will make immed iate payment to the undersigned and «il persons having claims against said estate will present them to me properly proven for payment on or before November 13, 1932. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. This November 13th, 1931. W. J. BRIDGES. Administrator ol the Estate of J. L Stacy, dec d. Ryburn A Hoey, Attys. 8t Nov IS: . LET’S GET THIS THING j STRAIGHT Some reports have been circulated that MODERN PLUMBING AND HEAT ING COMPANY has gone out of business. I wish hereby to correct that impression and state emphatically that we are still in business and ren dering first class plumbing and h * a t i n g service in Shelby. E. B. HILL, Manager Modern Plumbing Sc Heating Co. - Phone 569 - SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ANNOUNCES Greatly reduced fares for THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS Thursday, Nov. 26, 1931 FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP Between Stations in Southeast. Tickets on sale November 24th and 25th. Also Nov ember 26th from stations and for drains of that date scheduled to arrive at des tination before 2:00 P. M. Final return limit Decern* her 1, 1931. Stop-over permitted i n either direction. Baggage will be checked. TRAVEL BY TRAIN Comfortable—Economical Safe. For fares, pullman reserva tions, tickets and schedul es, consult Ticket Agents, or address R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, Room 1 Southern Passen ger Station, Charlotte, N. C. Charlotte Hotel Put In Bankruptcy Charlotte, Nov. 14—A petition in voluntary bankruptcy for the Hotel Charlotte, largest hotel here, was filed in U. S. district court here by the Southern Hotels company, own ers of the hotel. The Observer j quoted an unnamed stockholder as saying the recent failure of the Bank of the United States, New York, holder of bonds with which the hotel was partly financed caused the petition to be filed. Judge E. Yates Webb will hear the petition at Asheville Monday EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as executrix under the will of the late R. T. Sullivan, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me properly proven on or be fore the 10th day of November. 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bar oi any recovery thereof. Ail persons owing the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. This Nov ember 10, 1931. MINNIE SULLIVAN. Executrix of R- T. Sullivan, deceased. 6t Nov 11 ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Having tins day qualified as adminis trators of the estata of the late Dr W. F Mitchell, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the said estate to pre sent them to Us properly proven on or be fore the 30th day of October. 1932. or tlus notice will be pleaded in bar oi unv ''re covery thereof. All persons Indebted to the I said estate will make immediate I settlement to the undersigned. This Nov ember 3rd. 1331. MRS W. F MITCHELL. BURTON and T. B MITCHELL, Administra tor* ot \V. F. Mitchell, deceased. 6t Nov 4c COMMISSIONER S S.SLk. Br virtue of the poser and authc:. given me by the superior court o‘ (\cn bind county, N. C\. in the case entitle' The County of Cleveland. N c plain tilt, vs. Essie Gamble, ct al . detcndaiiis I. as commissioner duly appointed a , sell for cash to the Highest bidder at publie auction nt the court house doo in the town of Shelby. N, c on Monday, December 1th. I'b.'tl. at 12 o'clock M., the followlns describe' real estate situate In No 4 towusH'o Cleveland county, N. C. and deser bed a* follows* Onr tract of land containing 22 aero and known as the L. Arrowood farm ant. joining the farms of Arrow ood. Robert and others. This 30th day of October 1031 J C WHT9NANT, Commissioner 4 Nov 4i . You Saw “The Big Parade” and now sec “SUICIDE FLEET” The Navy’s Biyr Parade CAROLINA NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY. Try Star Want Ads. There’s Vitality In "Inexcelled for Toistin^” Know How Much To Spend 'lour simple, natural needs demand the spending of a certain amount of money. But just how far beyond that you can go in pro viding oilier worthwhile things depends Wi your foresight, how well, you have planned, how much you can afford to spend. How comfortable, farsighted and convenient it is to build up a reserve fund in the form of a Savings Account, as a mainstay of your inde pendence and a guardian of, your spending. Save a little each week, or month. Then you’ll learn how much to spend. Union Trust Co. “In Union There Is Strength.” COAL HEAT COSTS LESS PHONE 130 I We are offering the Greatest Value in the city on VIRGLOW COAL— Block or Egg Prices Reduced From $8.50 to $6.50 Don't Buy Cheap Fuel . . . Buy Quality Coal . . . It’s Cheaper. D. A. Beam.Coal Co. — OLDEST COAL MERCHANTS IN THE CITY —