SOCIETY NEWS MKS iVtAYMK ROBERTS THOMPSON iTrmporarv Editor) Irlephnne Items Por Social And Personal Columns To Mrs. Thompson Telephone 256. CAI.I. MRS THOMPSON PHONi: 25« \lr*. May me Robert* Thomp son will handle the social and personal news for The Ntai temporarily and those whi have news items (or these tw» departments are kindly asket to call her at her home Teh phone 2515 until otherwise no (itied. News intended tor the so rial and personal columns wil he received until HI o'clock ot publication days and be pub lished in the issues of that day Ladies Golf ( lull Meet. The Ladies Goll club and lea will | be held at the Country club. Friday i atlemoon al 3 o'clock in their reg ulai meeting I ( hicora Club To Meet. The Cbieora club will inert at the i home of Mrs L. F McBrayer N La Fayet te Si, Friday afternoon ai .1 5(1 o'clock !Oth Century Club. The Twentieth Century dub will j meet at the home of Mrs A W Me! Murrv on Friday alterhoon ai 3 30 I o clock Ishpening Club. The lshpeiung Club will meet Thursday at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs Ralph Royster on S Washington si reel Benefit Card Buriy. No. 1 division of the Womans Hub will give a benefit card party at the club room. Thursday after noon at 3 oclock, instead of their regular program All ladies are cor dially invited to bring their cards and phone Mesdames j R Mc Clurd or Evans Shull for a table re servation Mr. Joe Hord Celebrates Birthday. A large crowd of relatives and friends assembled at the home of Mr. Joe Hord, on the Fnllston road Sunday, to celebrate his fifty-third birthday anniversary. An elaborate picnic dinner was served from tRbles arranged in the yard At tending from Shelby were: Mr and Mrs. W. N. Dorsey, Mrs. Jos if Hord. Misses Mabel and Kathleen Hord. Miss Benton Hostess To Class. Miss Nita Benton was a rordial hostess to the members of il» Ruth class of the First Baptist ' church, Monday evening at 1:30 o clock at her home in Cleveland Springs es tates. After a short business session, Mrs. Raymond Carroll the presi dent, took charge of the program During the ;ocia! half hour Miss Benton was assisted by her guest. Mi s Getty of Winston-Salem in serving a salad course with tea A 'ul! attendance was present. Mwabctli Church B. V. P. V. Thf young people of Elizabeth baptist church organized a Baptist "oung People's Union lust Sun day night, assisted by the pastor Rev H. E. Waldrop and Mi and Mrs. Andy Borders, workers in the Sunday school. About thirty mem bers were enrolled, with the fol lowing officers: President Miss Es ther Allen, vice president, Miss Nannie P Allen. Secretary Carl Mauney. Treasurer Harold Roberts Miss Clayton Cline, pianist and Herman Mauney, choir leadei This union will meet at 6 30 o'clock ev ery Sunday evening. Mrs. Moore Hostess to Contract Bridge Club. Mrs. Durham Moore entertained the Contract Bridge club, of which she is a member, Saturdav with a luncheon at her apartment on E. Morehead street in Charlotte, in stead of the Tuesday Afternoon Bridge club, which was stated in Monday's Star. Members attending included: Mesdames D. R. Frazier. Henry Edwards, Bob Hord, Charles Eskridge Jr., Ed McCurry. Connel ly Eskridge, H. S. Plaster, Clyde No lan, Frank Kendall. Misses Isabel Hoey. Adelaide and Minnie Eddins Roberts. King-Londermilk Nuptials Held. A wedding of beauty and dignity was solemnized Saturday evenim November 14 at 7 o'clock at tin beautiful home of Mr. and Mr? Wm. Lowery of Patterson Spring.' when Miss Betty Louderbulk be came the bride of Mr I. Sim Kin g The entire house dneorateb with quantities of yellow Hnd white chrysanthemums and evergreens. The marriage vows were spoken In the living room before Dr J. B Davis pastor of the Baptist church being witnessed by a number of relatives and friends The wedding music was played bv Miss Minnie King sister of the groom. The only attendants were Mrs. John Jones and Mr. Vance King of Charlotte The bride entered on Die arm of the groom and wore « dress of dark blue crepe with shoes and ha' of the same shade Mrs. King i.s the da ligh t ei ol Mr. T. G. I.nurlernilik of Murphy. She has made her home in Shelby for the past several years where she has held a prominent position. Mr King is the son of Mr. and Mrs t. F King of Patterson Springs and now holds a position in Shelbv They left, immediately after the ceremony for a short wedding trip, after which they will make their home for the present with Mr and Mrs Ben Bridges at Patterson Springs Benefit Bridge I'artv, The American Legion auxiliary will give a benefit bridge par" Friday night at the club room AU players requested to bring the'r cards and for table reservations telephone Mesdames Basil Goode Toni Gold or Miss Margaret Crow der American Homes Department Meet. The American Homes depart - ment of the Womans club will meet Monday afternoon at the club room the chairman of program, Mrs Nelson Lattimore wtll tie assisted by Mesdames Rush Hamrick, Her schel Blanton. E B Baltimore and William Crowder. Girdrn Chib MpH The Garden club with Mrs J. D. Lineberger as chairman held a very interesting meeting Tuesday after noon at the club room. The topic of study was -‘Men of Flowers.” Paper: on the subject were read by Nes ciames Holly Ledford and B. A Lefler. Mrs. O. G. Lewis concluded the program with a beautiful vio lin selection with Mrs, H. S. Plas ter at the piano. Mrs. J. A. Buttle was welcomed as a new member Miss Royster Honors Guests. Miss Roberta Royster honored he; house guests, Miss Evelyn McCall teacher at Polkville and Evelyn .Jolley of Mooresboro. with a smail bridge party Saturday night at her home at Fall$ton. The party in cluded: Misses Kathleen and Mabel Hcird, Montrose Mull, BUI Dogged Bill Long, Harvey White. Buck Wortman of MorgantQft. Miss Roy ster and guests. During the evening a delightful salad course, coffee and candies were served. Mis'- Hofy Hostess Miss Isabel Hoev was host-ess ti the members of the Contemporary book club Tuesday afternoon at ’ o’clock at her home on W. Marion street Mrs. Shent Blackley, the president presided Mrs. Hairy Hudson gave the current events Mrs. Blackley gave a sketch of th life of Margaret Ayers Bond after which Miss Charline Stanley in a very interesting and instructive manner presented the program on "Styles of Architecture Adaptable to Our Locality.” During the social half hour, the hostess was assisted by Mesdames Chas. and Clyde Horv jr. in serving a salad course ami accessories Mrs. Beam Has Birthday Dinner. Mesdames Oscar Palmer and Grover Beam honored their moth er, Mrs. Dorcas Beam, on Monday with a dinner party, in celebration of her birthday, entertaining at the home of Mrs. Palmer on W Warren street. The dining fable was cen tered with a large birthday cake. trimmed in pink and white and ail elegant three-course dinner was] served at 1 o'clock to the following Mesdames Beam, F V Hendrick, S 1 A. Washburn, Georgia Hickson Mary Mundy. Miss Kate Webb Messrs. Oscar Palmer and Grover Beam. Mrs Beam received a num ber of beautiful gifts Mrs. Dellinger Entertains Mothers Club. Mrs. Boyce Dellinger delightfully entertained the Mothers club hi then regular meeting Tuesday aft ernoon at 3:30 o'clock at the at tractive home of Mrs. Ress Ham rick in Beamnonde Terrace, which was most inviting with decorations of white and yellow chrysanthe mums. Mrs. Clyde Short, the presi dent. presided and the program leader, Mrs. Roscoe Lutz announc ed a very interesting program on "Survey of Child Development” and those reading pa tiers were: Mesdames Short, Ed Post and Claude Mabry. The meeting was clo-ed with a humorous reading by Mrs B M. Jarrett The hostess was assisted In serv ing a tempting salad course with tea by Mesdames Rose Hamrick, .John Campbell, Miles Beam and B. O. Wilson Mrs. L. B Hayes who has been an enthusiastic member ol this club and will leave soon for her home at Waynesville was honored with a miscellaneous shower Invit ed guests included: Mesdames Ed win Harrill, Frank Newton. John Dorsey. Basil Goode, H. A Harris Kale I. North, and W H. Yeago. Threshing machines are hum ming out dollars in lespedeza seed for Rowan county farmers this fall J. T Graham harvested 225 bushels of Korean seed from seven acres of land and others are turn ing out certified seed which finds a ! ready sale, r. ' Their Holiday. Two little boys were talking. One I said to tire other Aren't ants fun I ny? They work and work and never i play "#h. I don't know about that ' said the other. ‘ Every time 1 go on a picnic they are there ' Mow True. Jot. five, was being reprimanded j by his mother, when he suddenly ! looked up in her face and said, ‘You | prayed for a little boy, and how you don't know how to treat him!" •—---* Indignant. Harriet- How is it you don", speak to Archie any more? Frances—He clapped his hands when 1 was singing. Harriet—But 1 don't see where thats anything but a compliment. Frances—He clapped them over his ears, Gavel Presented To Judge Warlick Newton. Nov. 18.—A one wed; criminal term of superior court conevehed here Monday with Judg' Wilson Warlick, former Newton at torney and citizen of the city, pre siding jurist. Many expressions ol the esteem in which Judge War lick is held by the Catawba bar as sociation and the citizens of the county was brought to evidence sot n after court convened. A gavel con sisting of 13 different kinds of woou and made by John Stroup, Hickory attorney, was presented Judge War lick, by Attorney Mike Win tenet of j Hickory. Immediately following I (he charge to the grand jury At j torney Guss Self on behalf of tin . Bar association presented Judge [ Warlick a beautiful basket of flow I ers “SUICIDE •FLEET” was produced with tht co-operation of the Unit ed States Navy ... a tre mendous production . . all previous screen achievements sink into insignificance when you see it". ; . CAROLINA NEXT MONDAY AND TUESDAY There’s Nourishment in H s richness makes it sustaining" Pleasant Grove Week-End News Corn shucking At Evans Costner's. People Visiting About. 1Special to The Star.) Pleasant Grove, Nov. IT—Mr Evans Costner gave a corn shuck ing Thursday ntght. After the corn was shucked, the crowd was invit ed into the dyilng room where a bountiful supper was served. A large crowd was present. Mr. and Mrs. John Greenway and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenway. Mr. and Mrs. Will Riley of Mul s Chapel spent Sunday with Mr aim Mrs. Julius Riley. Miss Euray Hendricks spent the week end with Miss Ellian Smith o' Slielby. Mrs. Paul Bridges and small daughter, Patsy Jalene, of Sheltn spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs. Pressly Costner Mrs. Mack Adams of New Pros pect community spent Saturday night with Mrs. Caleb Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. Sherril Hamrick and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson spent the week-end with their parents Mr and Mrs. Cheslev Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs, Will Glaaco Mr and Mrs. Lonzo Grigg and Mr. and Mrs Plato Costner spent Wednes-’ day with Mr. and Mrs. Dewrch Gla.scoe of Morganton. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bridges, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs Arthur Carpenter, of Toluca, motored to Morganton Wednesday to see Mr Cicero Dellinger who is seriously ill in the State Hospital there Mrs. Pressly Costner and Mis. Grady Hoyle spent Thursday wil, Mrs. A. M Hoyle. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hoyle Sunday were Mi and Mrs. A. M Hoyle and daughter Ruth, and Mr. and Mrs. Onley Wright Mr. and Mis. V H. Williams and son, Jack, spent Sunday with their parents. Mi and Mrs, Lem Smith of Cheryville Mr. and Mrs. Zim Williams and daughter, Eula. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Yates Costner. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Glascoe Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ivey Crawley and family of near Morganton, Mrs. Bryte Sweezy of Law ndale, Miss Texie Meade and brother, Leroy Meade of St Paul. Mr. • and Mrs. Paul Keslar and Mr. and Mrs Tom Spangler all of Shelby spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Glascoe. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Grigg and daughters, Betty and Carolyn, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R M Grigg at Waco. Mrs. Worth Hoyle and mother, Carrie Hoyle spent Saturday with Mrs. Clarence Lee Hoyle ot Fall ston. Mr. C. S. Hendrick spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs O. G Glascoe. Mrs. Daisy Wright and sister. Daisie, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Kim Williams. Mr. Zollie and Tilden Ledford oi Ware’s Bridge and Mr. Amzi Led ford of Double Shoals spent Sun day evening with Mr. and Mrs i Rufus Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hamrick spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John Ledford spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul ■Ledford of Kings Mountain. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Elliott and [children, Virginia and James, and | Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Green of Shelby spent Sunday with Mrs. J V. Elliott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Elliott vis ited Miss Curtis of Boiling Springs junior college Sunday. Ann Reynolds Suit On In Nevada Tuesday , North Carolina Society Woman I1 Institute Divorce Action Tuesday. Reno, Nev.—Ann Cannon Reyn olds has announced that she would file suit at Yerington, Lyon countv seat, next Tuesday for divorce from Smith Reynolds, son of the late Winston-Salem tobacco magnate Her residence requirement will be fulfilled that day, and she decided to take the case to Yerington rath er than wait until the followtr." Monday, when it would be reached in Reno. Mrs. Reynolds, daughter of one ni the North Carolina Cannons of te> - tile fame, has not been well re cently and was understood to de sire a speedy return to North Car olina. STAR ADVS. PAYS Beautiful 35 Piece Le Conte Design DINNER SETS To be given to the users of Becker’s Milk-N-Honey Bread Every Housewife Will Want One of These ATTRACTIVE SETS OF SERVICEABLE DISHES The Rules Are Simple! Test Your Skill. ABSOLUTELY FREE! Here's how! In every loaf of Becker’s Milk-N-Honev Bread you’ll find a coupon, on the face of which there will be one letter. Save these letters until you can spell the words “Becker’s Milk-N-Honey Loaf” and you will receive a 35-piece Dinner Set absolutely Free. Coupons bearing every letter necessary to spell these words will be distributed each day in Becker’s Milk-N-Honev Bread. To make this “Spelling Bee" on “Becker’s Milk-N-Honey Loaf" more fascinating, swap duplicate letters with your neighbors. For instance, if you get more than one letter “M" swap it to your neighbor for one “R” or one “H’’-this will enable you to get the letters more quickly. Start spelling “Becker’s Milk-N Honey Loaf" today— These 35-Piece DINNER SETS Consist of 6 Seven-inch Plates fi Four-inch Plates fc Four-inch Fruits ( ups fi Saucers 1 Eight-inch Platter 1 Seven-inch Nappy 1 Sugar t Cream 1 Seven-inch Baker CAUTION ! When you buy BECKER’S MILK-N-HONEY LOAF P;- sure that the seals on the end of wrappers have not been broken so that you may be assured of your letter being in the package. AN INDUCEMENT TO HAVE YOU TRY BECKER'S MILK-N-HONEY BREAD Once You Eat It—Nothing Can Induce You To Stop! It's a new and finer bread!1 Richer in milk content and therefore snowy white with a dash of Carolina Honey that makes it perfect to the taste. It is even textured and crusted with a deep golden brown. It’s full of nour ishment and has a home baked flavor that lingers long. Your grocer sells it! “RICH AS BUTTER—FLAVOR OF HONEY” BECKER’S BAKERY CLIP OUT THIS COUPON •'*” Take To Your Grocer — Buy ONE Loaf of BECKER’S MILK-N-HONEY BREAD And You Will Be Given One Loaf FREE. HERE’S HOW TO GET A LOAF FREE - SAVE THE COUPONS - Have lots of fun as you spell the name. Every letter in the complete name will be distributed in Becker’s Milk-N-Honey Bread every day. j To The Grocer: ; } Upon presentation of this Coupon and purchase { j of ONE loaf of BECKER’S MILK-N-HONEY t BREAD, you are authorized to give your cus- 5 j tomer ONE loaf of MILK-N-HONEY FREE ol | j charge. ) Under above conditions we will redeem this j i advertisement at the retail price of loaf ol { | bread given-...--- 10c j > This coupon must be redeemed by Saturday t night, Nov. 21.