12 PAGES TODAY nv Mall, per year, (in advaneei - m.ju Published Monday. Wcdnseday and Friday Afternoons Answer The Annual Red Cross Roll Call With Your Contribution Monday And Tuesday. Red Cross Has Served Humanity For 50 Years Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spot _. _...... 6 to 6*ic Cotton Seed, per ton ..$15 Cloudy And Warmer. Today * North Carolina Weather Report: Mostly rloudv tonight and Saturday. Probably occasional showers In west and north portions. Slightly warmer tonight. Outlaw Alfonso. Madrid. Nov. 20.—Former King Alfonso of Spain, was outlawed by the Spanish national assembly earlv today. The vote was by acclamation and it was understood that the < ount of Romanones, lone mon archist deputy in the assembly, who had defended his king against a i barge of treason, did not vote. Salvation Army Band Will Play Here Tomorrow Officials Of Organization Will Be W'ith Band. Public Invited Out. The largest Salvation Army con cert ever given in Shelby is sche I duled for the court square tomor row, Saturday, morning at 10 o’clock. The 25-piece band which will give the concert comes from At lanta and will stop over here while en route to Durham where it goes to participate in the dedication cf ihe new $30,000 Salvation Army hospital there. The band is made up of some of the best musicians in' the South arid will be accompanied bv some of the leading Salvation Army officials in the Southern area, according to Ensign W. H Stanley, of Gastonia, who was here vesterday making advance arrange ments. Among the officials will be Com tmissioner Alexander M. Damson, who is in charge of the work in the Southern territory. He is expected to make a brief talk. He has been in the organization for 40 years, 'ince the age of 17, is an excellent speaker, a veteran social worker, and has been honored with the doc tor of divinity degree. Tlie band in the concert will be directed by Ensign Albert E. Bald win, who was born in the Salvation Army and has been in the service 25 years. At the age of 18 he was the director of Queen Victoria's Seamen's Institute band in London, and he served with the Canadian forces during the World war. The public is invited to attend the concert and Mayor S. A. Me. Murry will welcome the visiting of ficials during their short stay here. Junior Stunt Night To Be Held Tonight High School Students Put On Snap py Take-offs, Skits, And Songs This Evening. The junior class of the Shelby lugh school will sponsor their an nual evening of fun at the high school auditorium tonight at eight o'clock. The stunt night prograin was in augurated in the high school last year as an annual event and is al ready' one of tho highlights of the school year for parents and patrons of the school a* well as for the students. All classes and organizations are cooperating with the' Juniors in making this entertainment a suc cess. There will be snappy songs and dances, and clever skits and take offs.” The program for the evening is as follows: 1—Sophomores. Mass meeting of the comic sheet.. 2—Juniors—Wed ding of Augustus Peabean and Per lina Eggplant. 3—Freshmen. The Leg of Nations. 4—-Seniors. At the broadcasting station. 5—Debaters. An Alphabetical Romance. 6—Ath letics. The clown minstrels. 7—Dra matic club. Saved: or Love’s Dilem ma. 8— Faculty. The Animated Newspaper. Mrs. Black Dies; Carried To Tenn. Wife of W. K. Black of Waco Sec tion Victim of Nephritis. Bur ned in Tennessee. a - S The body of Mrs Hortense Fan ning Black, wife of W. K. Black who died in the Shelby hospital Wednes day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock was carried yesterday morning to hfer former home in Morristown, Tenn., for interment today. Mrs. Black had been sick since August, suffer ing with chronic nephritis. She en tered the hospital last Friday. She was 45 years of age and was mar ried to Mr. Black 14 years ago. Surviving are her husband, six ,«|pp-children. her mother. Mrs Elizabeth Fanning and a brother Austin Fanning, the latter two liv ing in Morristown where the body will be burled today. 4 I Bank Robbery A ttempt Fails At Mooresboro Yeggs Burn Way Into Vault There Daring Attempt Made To Crack Union Trust Safe There Wed nesday Night. Rob Uncle Sam. The big loser in the bank robbery early Thursday morn ing at Mooresboro was th< postal department. The safe crackers failed to get In the main safe of the bank but took approximately $315 in stamps and silver from the vault. The stamps belonged to the Mooresboro post office, which is near the bank, and were kept there for safety. Officers today had no new clues to help them in their search for the yeggs. A daring attempt was made to crack the safe and rob the Union Trust Company’s branch bank at Mooresboro, this county, some time Thursday morning before day break . The yeggs burned their way into the bank vault but were not able to get into the safe before they were frightened away or became afraid to crack the safe due to the heat caus ed by the acetylene torches used in burning through the vault. Shrewd Effort. It is the belief of Sheriff Irvin Allen and officers that the attempt ed bank robbery was staged by pro fessionals or directed by an expert »egg. Entrance into the bank building was made by the rear door. Afte^ entering the yeggs used a laree acetylene tanl^ and torches to burr, through the heavy vault to reach the safe. An attempt was then made to burn into the vault. This failing it seems as if it was plan ned to use nitroglycerine to blow open the safe. Was Too Hot. Apparently the heat from the acetylene torches was so intense that it was dangerous to use the nitroglycerine and also too hot in the building to be comfortable. The Mooresboro Creamery had been I broken into and three cream cans taken therefrom for the purpose at carrying water to pour on the hot vault and safe. ■When Sheriff Allen was called there about 8 o'clock yesterday morning the vault and safe were still hot from the acetylene process This indicated that the attempted safe-cracking took place not long before daylight. In making their getaway the yeggs left a big acetylene tank in the building. A cap and other ar ticles were also abandoned in the hurried getaway, which was made it is believed, when someone came by and frightened the thieves. The trip to and from the bank had been made in an automobile, but when officers were called the tracks were not clear enough to give any beneficial clue. One presumption is that at least one of the party must have known something of “the lay of the land’ as shown by the stealing ot the creamery cans for carrying wat»r to cool off the heated safe. More Than 2 People Killed Each Day In North Carolina In October I Almost 500 Were Injurrd During Month Of Reckless, Splendid Driving. i _ ! Raleigh, Nov. 20—Speed, reckless ness and carelessness killed 83 per : sons and injured 496 more during i October, according to the figures on automobile accidents released by L .S, Harris, chief of the theft and license bureaus of the department of revenue. So far, for the first ten I months of 1931, a total of 599 per jsons have been killed in battle in j the entire Spanish-American war, ; in which 282 American soldiers we^e ! killed in action. In September 77 were killed and 519 injured. In Oct-’ i ober, 1930, only 70 were killed and 417 injured in automobile accidents. Since July 1, 1927, a total of 3,089 | have been killed and 30.726 injured j in automobile accidents in North [Carolina. The law requiring the \ automobile license division to keen : statistics on automobile accidents went into effect July 1, 1927. and J . accurate statistics go back only to that date. These statistics merely serve to point out the need tor greater care in driving automobiles and the need for more conservative speeds.* said Commissioner A. J. Maxwell, of the department of revenue, “For the records show that excessive speed, carelessness and a disregard for the laws of the road are responsible for most of these accidents. Drivers of automobiles are in too big a hurry these days. They should remember speed is always dangerous and that it is better to get where they are going than to not get there at all or than to get there In a hearse." An analysis of the 548 accidents reported in October shows that 100 drivers were involved in fatal ae cidents and 4.448 in non-fatal ac cidents. Six of the drivers involv ed in fatal aocldents were intoxi cated while 31 intoxicated drivers were involved in non-fatal acci dents. New Minister f I ' .— • ....I ‘ Meet the new pastor of Centra) Methodist church. Dr. E. K. Mc Carty (above) former presiding eld er of the Charlotte district, is ex pected to move to Shelbv Thursday of next week to assume his pastor ate succeeding Rev. L. B. Hayes. Dr. McLarty Will Arrive In Shelby Thanksgiving Day Rev. Mr. Hayes Preaches Farewell Sermon At Central Church Sunday. Rev. L. B. Haves, for two years pastor of Central Meth odist church, will preach his farewell sermon Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock. A large congregation is expected to hear the popular minister in his final appearance as pastor in the Central church pulpit. There will be no services Sunday evening. To Waynesville Rev. Mr. Hayes was sent to the Waynesville district as presiding elder by the recent Methodist con ference- He and his family will likely leave Shelby Wednesday for their new home. Dr. E. K. McLarty, formerly pre siding elder of the Charlotte dis trict, will move to Shelby, it is un derstood, Thursday of next week which is Thanksgiving day. Hi first sermon here will likely be preached a week from Sunday morning. The new Central pastor will be accompanied by his wife. He has two sons, one of whom is a minis ter and the other is a student at Oxford university. Sec Gaffney Win A number of Shelby people were in Gaffney yesterday afternoon to see the annual high school foot ball classic of upper South Caro lina between the Gaffney and Spar tanburg high school elevens. Gaff ney won by the score of 7 to 0 with a crowd estimated at 3,000 people looking on Over Half Of County People Rural Dwellers 57% Population Is On Farms 31 Percent Of 51.914 Population t Lives In Towns And Cities. Rural State. More than half of the people in j Cleveland county live on the farm. Statistics assembled by the Uni* verslty News Letter show that 57.10 percent of the 51,914 people in the county are farm dwellers. Divided. The urban residents are 31.83 j percent of the total, a little more j than one-third, the majority of whom live in Shelby. There in an other class in which 11.27 percent of the total population are rural dwellers but do not farm. Neighbors. Lincoln is the only one of the neighboring counties with ft larger percentage farm population. Of Lincoln's 22,872 people 64 49 percent live on the farm, 16.45 percent in the city, and 19.06 percent are ru ral dwellers who tio not farm. In Gaston it swings the other way Only 19.70 percent of the total pop ulation lives on the farm. 35.68 per cent lives in town and cities, but 44.7f percent lives in the rural sec j tion but does not farm. Tn Burke 44.45 percent of the 29.014 popula tion lives on the farm. 20.40 percent in town, and 35.14 in the rural sec tion but without farming. In Ruth erford 51.18 percent of the 40,452 people live on the farm, 17.63 in the city, and 31.19 in the rural sec- j tions without farming. Over The State. Discussing the ratio in the en tire State, the University News Let ter says: North Carolina is dominantly and predominantly rural. She always has been one of America's most • rural states, and remains so. She is rural in the aggregate, and rural on a ratio basis. Only two states, Pennsylvania and! Texas, have more rural people than i North Carolina. Only one state, Texas, has more ; farm dwellers than North Carolina. I Only six states have higher rural j population ratios. Urban, as used by the census bu- j reau, refers to incorporated places1 with 2,500 inhabitants or more. Rural refers to all others. Rural-! farm refers to all people who live: on farms. Rural-nonfarm refers to those who live in incorporated or unincorporated places below 2.500 ! inhabitants, and all others except farm dwellers North Carolina in 1930 had 3.170.-; 276 inhabitants. The urban dwellers I numbered 809.847. or 25.5 percent j Rural dwellers numbered 2.360,429. i distributed as follows: rural-farm j dwellers 1.597.220; rural-nonfarm ; dwellers 763.209. Also there were 2, 698 people living on farms inside incorporated places, classes as ur ban dwellers. New Hanover. Caswell. 1 New Hanover county has the | smallest farm population ratio in : ^e state with 3.8 percent farm dwellers At the other extreme is Caswell with nearly ninety-two out of every hundred living on farms , Durham county, however. is slightly more urban than New Han- : over which has a larger rural-non farm ratio. Dare is interesting in that near ly ninety-five percent of her people are rural-nonfarm dwellers. living mainly off the water resources of . the county. Boy Scout Camp Life Is Shown In Pictures Scout Executive Shows How Scouts Engage Themselves In Help ful Pursuits. Colored pictures were shown last i night by R. M. Schiele, Piedmont council scout executive before the Kiwanis club in the Masonic Tem ple funding, portraying the activi ties of the boys who visit the scout camp at Lake Lanier each Rummer. Nothing has impressed the Ki wanis club so favorably and forcibly ■ with the scout cause as the pictures showing how the boys devote their j time in character building and bet- i ter citizenship. The pictures show ed how the boys are taught to swim, row. make baskets, learn wood working, blacksmithing. archery, study botany, animals birds, etc. Mr Seidel® graphically described! !each picture to the club members.,1 In many of tlfe pictures were boys' from- the Shelby troops. L Royal Pair Seeking Divorce I ormer Kin; ficorge of Greece and his queen, Ihr former Prinms F.lirabeth of Rumania, sister of Kir.*: Carol, who, if is reported, have taken steps to obtain a divorce. The cause of their separation is be lieved to be the result of the Intense strife that has split the Hohemol tern family. Red Cross Roll Call Monday And Tuesday Coming Mrs. E, V Webb Chairman Ari l Has Twelve Team Captain* To Wind lip Drive. Monday and Tuesday of ne> i week is annual Red Cross roll rail days in Shelby and Mrs. E. Y Webb has kindly consented to act as chairman for the drive which wit, be finished up in two days time. Shelby's quota is 800 members anti it is felt that with Mrs. Webb and her fine organization of ladies con ducting the campaign, that the full quota will be reached in the drive A smooth working organization i being gotten together and the work systematized so that, the drive can Be tompieted within the least pas sible time This is the 50th anniversary of the founding of the American Red Cross in rendering service to hu-' manity throughout the world. Mem bership is from $1 up and practical ly all of the money raised locally remains here for use in extreme i need. On $1 merberships, 50c is sent to national headquarters and 50( retained by the local Red Craw chapter. On $25 memberships, 50r goes to national headquarters and $24.50 remains here. Last year Shelby exceeded her quota in a well conducted drive and with this great organization standing in such favor here, it is felt that the people will again re spond generously and freely when called upon Monday and Tuesday Blanton And Piggly Continue to Operate Under Receivership Receivership Made Permanent At Meeting Of Creditors On Yesterday. Tlie temporary receivership was made permanent yesterday for the A. Blanton Grocery Oo. and the Western N. C. Piggly Wiggly Co. at a meeting of the creditors yesterday at Rutherfordton. On October 30, a temporary receivership was taken with J. D. Blanton and R L Mor ris appointed receivers and Nov. 19 was the date set for a meeting ol the creditors to determine whether the receivership would be made permanent or the business of the two firms should be liquidated. It is understood the largest cred itors of the two firms were present and readily agreed that a tempor ary receivership would be to the best interests of all parties con cerned, so J. D. Blanton and R. L. Morris of Marion were made per manent receivers. All of the Piggfy Wiggly stores and the two whole sale houses of A. Blanton Grocery Co. will continue to operate under receivership in the hope that they might work out of their financial difficulties. Goode To Conduct Revival At B. Spgs.j Rev. W E. Goode, ’ol Scotland Neck, will begin a series of revival services at Boiling Springs Baptist church Thanksgiving night. The meeting will last one week. Mr Goode is a native of Boiling Springs section and » graduate of Wake Forest college He has held iome large pastorates and ts a preacher of wonderful ability Spring Again A* June Bugs Show Up In Section Only a month and five days V.ntll < hristmas vet it Is joingtime hereabouts. What better proof that cot ton blooms and June bugs In late November, The extended warm wrath or has attracted considerable attention throughout the en tire country, even sections in the far north and northwest reporting flowers abloom at this season of the year for ihe first time ever. Earlier in the week Q l Oevennev of the Hollis xr, tion with fall cotton blooms. Bat George Abernathy, for mer radio technician in the f. S. Navy, topped off the November .springtime stories yesterday when he found a voung June bug flying about while working in his father's garden. Patrol Officer Off Duty Until Trial On Tuesday Beck Formally Suspended I'nlll Assault Verdict Is Received. Raleigh, Nov! 20.—Lieutenant R H Beck, in charge of the North Carolina highway patrol in 2<> western counties. was suspended ] from active duty by the state high way commission Wednesday until his trial in Ruthcrfordton next Tuesday on charges of assault, re sisting arrest, and cursing Captain Charles D. Parmer, di rector of the patrol, went to Ruth crfordton to investigate charges preferred against Lieutenant Bees and reported to the commission be hind closed doors. Following the meeting. Chairman E. B. Jeffress announced the lieutenant had been temporary relieved by active duty! and indicated that no* further ac-j tion would be taken by the com mission until after the trial. Jeffress was authorized to secure additional sites for prison camps and to begin the construction of camps in Granville and Richmond counties. Work is going forward on the erection of 10 prison camps In the state at present. Roosevelt And Smith Meet, Eat But Keep Their Conversation Mum Public Left To Wonder If former Democratic Leaders Patched Troubles. New York, Nov. 20—While re porters waited outside on the side walks of New York, two famous po litical old cronies had lunch to gether Wednesday, and smiling and inscrutable went their separate ways. Said the guest, former Governor Alfred E. Smith: "We talked state finances Let's see—that makes four words—doesn't it? Well, that’s all.” Said the host. Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt: "You newspapermen will have to get out when At arrives. There just isn't room in one house for you and A! and me. Al’s voice is fairly penetrating, you know, and so is mine." And said James A. Farley, demo cratic state chairman: "Aw. they're just getting together j 1 to talk about the weather.” They conducted their discussion across a big mahogany table in the dining room of Governor Roose velt's town house at 49 East 63th street Through the reception room ad joining and through the library and living room on the floor above moved crowds of strangers, attend ing an exhibit and sale of hand made furniture manufactured at Hyde Park factory, of which Mrs. Roosevelt is part owner But heavy sliding doors shut off the dining room from the rest of the house, and the governor and the former governor were alone The luncheon lasted about two hours and a half. After the luncheon. GOvemor Roosevelt sent out the following message: "I'm busy on my Thanksgiving proclamation, and, if you boys don't j leave me alone, there won't be, arv! .CONTINUED ON RACE TWELVE.! No Early Decision On Offer For Light Plant Local Man Bids Million And Half For Light Plant Bid Of Southern Public l til it? And Say* lie 1« In Karnesl. A local man last night raised the bid for the city's electric light plant to n million and a half dollars and declared he was in earnest about it He was talking to Alderman Z J Thompson who is mayor pro-tern at the time the offer of a million and a half was made and called witnesses to hts statement that he would pay the city a million and a half dollars for the plant if it desir ed to sell. The local man making the offer is probably not able to finance a deal of this magnitude on his own account, but he Is one of the city’s most successful business men with associates and connections that make It possible for him to handle, a million and a half dollar proposi tion. He says he w'oukl buy the plant on the same terms offered by the Southern Public Utility, that is take over the plant as it stands with a sixty year franchise and charge t i»e rates for service as set by the state corporation commission The bid of the 8. P U. Co., sub mitted on Tuesday night was $1, 100.000 cash for the plant. Family May Save Burke Man’s Life Daughter* And Parent* Get Appeal For Mull, Doomed To Death In Nevada. Rrno. Nci , Nov 20. - Funds sup plied by the family he deserted months ago may save Everett T. Mull, alias John Hall, former Mor gantoh contractor from death in Nevada'* lethal gas chamber Attorneys for Mull announced here Thursday that an appeal has been taken to the Nevada supreme court and that Mull’s execution for murder automatically will be de layed from the week of December «• The money for the appeal, the at torneys said, came from Mull’s agee parents and five daughters, all of them tn North Carolina Mull disappeared from Morgan ton last May with a large sum of money he had collected for a con tracting job None of liis five daughters, or other relatives, heard from him un til a few weeks ago when Mull wrote a letter saying he was in a death cell in the Nevada state penitenti ary at Carson City, awaiting exe cution for killing a man in a quar rel over whiskey. The letter said he had been using the name John Hail since hi* dis appearance from Morganton. SEE THE BARGAINS IN THE STAR'S PENNY COLUMN ON PAGE SEVEN City Board To Meet Next Week Million Dollar Offer To Be Studied From Every Angle By Council. The member* of the Shelby city council are thia week ga in* the aamc thing that the majority of the city’* popula tion I* doing—debating from every angle the million dollar offer of the Southern Public I'tllitirs for the municipal light plant. The offer of *1.100.000 for the ’.tght plant was formally presented to the city board and Mayor S. A. Mr Murry at. a special meeting of the council Tuesday night. Meet Next Week. At that time the board informed the visiting officials of the power firm that they would take the mat ter under consideration and an nounce their decision later. It Is up to the board to say whether or not the offer will be submitted to a j vote of the people. Before the plant | can be sold the sale must be en dorsed by a majority of the votes jin a special election. It isn't likely, The Star learned today, that any decision will be reached berore some time next week. Mayor S. A. McMurry said this morning that another meeting of the board will be held next week, probably Tuesday night. "The fact that wc may meet then does not necessarily mean that we will reach a definite decision,” the mayor said, ’ but we will talk ovc. the proposition, hear reports of an expert we have studying the rates, etc., and express our opinions. We Intend going into the matter thor oughly and I am sure the members i of the board will consider the best i interest of the city before reaching I a decision ” There is- r probability, however, j 'hat the board may call an election i ftt the meeting next week or turn | thumbs down upon the offer. The action taken will be of much interest to the entire city, snd the announcement of what the board will do will perhaps be the biggest news of the year to Shelby. The offer of the S. P. U. has been the chief topic of conversation here since The Star published a news ar ticle Monday Informing that it would l>c made at the special meet ing the following night. A number of citizens, for and against the sale, attended the meet ing at which the power firm offic ials made their offer. Since that time the light plant controversy has been "the talk of the town.” Every where two or three people get to gether the discussion comes up. How do you feel about the light plant sale?" one will ask and a de bate is on. Nine times out of ten an argument develops, for the city seems pretty evenly divided on the matter. If there is a predominating sentiment it appears to be in oppo sition to the sale, but the opponents may be doing the most talking. Anyway the matter may culminate it is assured that Shelby will know more about her lighting and power system than ever before. Citizens who heretofore never gave the mat ter any thought are now talking kilowatts, horsepower rates, possible tax reduction, future indebtedness, etc. The aldermen are approaching their decision in a similar serious fashion. Decide what they may, they seem determined not to go off lmlf-cocked. They are hearing what the people have to say, are study ing light rates, tax rates and fin ances of other cities. Cities where the S. P. II, operates are being queried as to rates and agreements. When the board meeting is held next week it is expected that all i the cards will be put on the table I and the proposal thoroughly taken up. It would be impossible to present the views and opinions of those who favor or oppose the sale Those on each side can cite from 10 to 100 reasons why the plant should be sold or should not be sold. Some talk with knowledge of actual fig ure-s and others from a theoretical standpoint Juniors In Deadlock. Shelby's junior football eleven, made tip of young boys, engaged In its best contest of the year yester day when It was held to * scoreless tie by the Cherryvine midgets. The youthful Shelby eleven has not lost a game this year.