Nobody’s Business By GEE McGEE News from flat rock. * right smart of excitement took , place in the post offis last triday week when bill Jones keeled over like he was struck by lightning, he was rushed to the hovpittle and they first thought he had appendy solus, but it turned out to be gold bladder, they cut it out for 7f>$ phi, Jabertory fee, 15$, plus 10$ to the doctor that give him rather plus 14$ for blood examination, and the ho.spittlr got the ballahce pi lus crop for staying their 8 days. several of us t itty fa riders are hoping that the hoover credit plan will do us a great deal of good with our frozen ass .vets, right at present my little horse and beef waggin is' froze tight to the bank and unless! i can get some hepp thru the gov-! verrmient, the bank will no doth j have to go into the beef bigness | with my outfit, i think it. is time for! the republicans to try to do' some- j thing toards getting cverybnddy out of the. mess they got us into, it i looks like it would be n good idea J..0 meet af once and do away with the tariff bill if nothing else, a . that seems to be a pain in the neck to our furrln countries. so far; we have not started unnv bred line in our little town, and it looks like we won't have to do so — Cotton Buyer - Rowland H. Ouzts BOTEI, CHARLES SHELBY, N. (’. LET’S GET THIS THING STRAIGHT Some reports have been circulated that MODERN PLUMBING AND HEAT j ING COMPANY has pone out of business. I wish hereby to correct that impression and state emphatically that we are still in business and ren dering first class plumbing and h ,ea ting sen ice in Shelby. , E. B. HILL, Manager Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. - Phone 569 - f-* INDIGESTION | “My work is confining, 1 and often I eat hurriedly, j causing me to have indi gestion. Gas will form and I will smother and have pains in my chest. j “I had to be careful what I ate, but after someone had recom mended Black-Draught i ^uid I .found a small pinch after meals was so ] helpful, I soon was eat ing anything I wanted. j “Now when I feel the least smothering or un comfortable bloating, I take a pinch of Black Draught and get relief." —Clyde Vaughn. 10 SUlppy St., Greenville, S. C. Sold in 254 packaged.. f * i mil i * BLACK' DRAUGHT WOMEN who are run-down, ner- 1 vous, or suffer every month, should 1 take Caxdul. Used for over 50 years. | -1 . >f thr folks will only lot up a little on otter niobcrfs end radios one of i my nabors got him a cheap lord last •ear and attended 4 different bred (lines, in 4 different near-by tovms , and he says he lias enough old clothes ansoforth to last him :through this winter wtthotit bother ing the community chtst, lie might have to beg a little bit of cash to buy gassoleeh and tobacco and snuff with, but these are the only need eesmtics that he cant get in a bred line. i Pleaching was licll at rehobcr . [ usual last Sunday and good ei | moot on lot's wife and a pil'er ol • •'*»>• was preached bv the n-:iar (pasture. he begged t!>»■ members i newer to look buck when they ■tartrd on an errtm for g od, but ,'Vent on to ray that if we »y .to ;have to be punniriied tike she was that the whole country would be chock full of pilfc s of will end there wpulddont be noh -ddy to look after nothing worthwhile, tiv* i lection was c5f> 'including a «tv* bill from yore humble carry • •■.tit nl us j did not know till i ; >? to church that my wife laid kenn m my brltchc po l;et well, rur rthtor- there seems. to be no general news, crops is about all gathered and lying out in the yard, as the fords are using the shelter dr. smith got back from his post graduate coarse last week and fetched a new machine for cutting out tonsils at, one tick lor ti.:>$. it will »1 Iso remove both adcly nowls at one time*, so if you see nny boddy who emi t talk thru her noie. piece rite or loam himfor an en gagement end send her down, vo es trullie, mike Clark, rfd. \ New Organization. flat. rock', .s. c novcm. 'y, 1:131, doer nit’ editor: you and yore readers will no. flout In- ruppri.-ed to learn that the' farmers of this community, lnclud int; the ton n of flat rock, have or* gniiized a big ass soclatlon called the ‘combined farmers and taxpay ers league of amerten" and it Iras' already commenced to funektion. J the purpose of this league Is to make better times for the tiller. of the soil and milkers of the cows and pullers of the fodder anaoforth iind its cheef aim is to fight rotten trolly ticks and stop graft in high -nd low plates and gel up n flat* form for our officers of the law to. nm on that .will mean something, thrr following plans was set forth; rules and regerlntton 1 IT any man is ketchcd plant in;; over 5 akers of cotton to the! plow, lie will Ire turned out of the Vague and his franchise took away Iran him -■ all cotton will be held oft ot the market till the pressident, rnr. mike Clark, rfd, says sell same and then the league will sell in a body to the highest bidder for cash. 3. wimmen folks will not be al lowed to work in the field in nnny milliner untitl they have washed the di: lies, strained the milk, slop* ped the pig, fed the cats, got. the [•lilllun off tu scholl, platted their hair, and done (ho "ashing. 4 all o£ tlie cotton ^hopping and corn thinning and cotton picking and tutor dWln will be done by our farm wimnien alter they have eotti pllcd with rule and regerlation number ,1. herein contained. a heartdfoar .ill members of the league v.ill to '• revor abstain from farm rebel, gov - 1 verninent aid. and seed loans if a I farmer Imster buy seed to plant, he i ain't fit to run no Imitation, and he i can t make no crop nohow on ered diek antiy more: (done and ratty | bed by the members duty assem bled in the seholl audy toriunu yores trullle. mike Clark, rfd, carry spondent. I Oak Grove News. ! Of Current Wee!; Mrs. Dully Ledford Dubbins Bailed Two I .1 rallies M >vc. Child To l!os|> f Special to The Star i Oak drove, Nov, u> Funeral . service for Mrs Dolly Ledford Dob I bins of near Chcrryvllle was held id Onk drove church at t! o'clock •.Wednesday Nov. 11th by the pas i for Dr. C. J. Black. Mrs Dobbins , «9>s 35 years of aye and a member "f Onk Grove Baptist church.. She j t.s survived by her husband and I small son.- hey parents and six brothers and one sister. A large crowd of relatives and friends were present The many friends ot Mrs. Q V t’hllbeek will be glad to learn that •'he is improving after being so ill for the past week Little Junior Champion had to lie earned to the Orthopaedic hos pital at Gastonia last Wednesday on account of trouble with his leg. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bell and son Roger spent the week encl with Mr. Bell’s parents Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. David Lovelace and family have moved to Patterson Springs community. Mr and Mrs. Pink Randal! moved to Kings Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crosby of near Beams Mill tv-pent, Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Avery Gibson. Mr. Phillip Porter of the Buffalo, section spent a few days w“h bus brother Mr. C. N. Porter and Mrs. Porter. Miss Dolhc Mae Devenney spent Monday night with Miss Flora Herndon of the Beth-Ware com munity. Miss Gertrude Ledford spent Saturday night with Mrs. William Wright. The B. Y P. U ha been changed ' from C o’clock to 4 o'clock in the j afternoon. We hope all the young1 people will pome and take part, A microphone recently'completed by scientists Is said to record sounds made by small insects, gen erally believed to be mute ‘Gandhi dares to apply the Ser mon on the Mount in politics."— Scrwood Eddy. | Lily Mill Mention Of the Week’s News l - i Mr and Mrs. Hums l.osr New Born. Prayer Saturday Night. 'Special to The Star > U1.V Mill, Nov. 13.—Born to Ml anil Mrs. Zero Bivins a son on Sun ; 'lay night; The child was born dead and was buried Monday. I'raycr meeting a-t.Mrsc Lee Pai tcrson's Saturday night at 7:15. i Mr. and Mrs. Charley Blantoi motored to Charlotte Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson | pent the week end with the lat 1 ler’s brother in the Lattiinorp com | inunity. j Mr A. W. Ledford and tainil,. land Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ledbetter | visited relatives at Asheville fain: ! school Sunday. j Mrs C; tf Webb and children o! Hie Kings Mountain seetlQn spent | Saturday night with her parent. . Mr and Mrs. W. II. Ledbetter. \ Mr. Melvin Allen and family J spent Sunday with Mrs. Melvin's ! brother .Daniel Raines and family Mrs Hugh Ward of Lincoln eoun !.l.v is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Queer. Mrs. Milas Ward from LlnroinU n | is visiting her daughter and two I SOUS, | Mr Clarence Fisher and wile i '-pri)) Sunday with ins parent, :r i Catawba county. ' Mi. and Mrs O, B. Iveste;- aim | Wile girl motored to Boone S ii urday to see a football game. Flint Hill News Of Current Week Yeung People Win Three Banners. Personals of People Visiting About. iSpecial to The Star.) Flint Hill, Nov. 19 --The B. Y P U. of our church is doing excellent "°rk. They brought with them from the district meeting. The senior, and the attendance banner Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mathis ol near New House have been callers in the community for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hamrick had as their guests Saturday night, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Lovelace of Mount Sinai. Mr. James Hawkins of near Cliff side, visited Mr. Olen Ledbetter tin Saturday night. Mr. and Mis. Japplc Pearson had °» ^ heir guests Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ledbetter of Shelby.i Mr. and Mrs. Arey Weaver had as their guest3 Sunday Mr. and Mrs Heggle Weaver of Sharon. Mrs. W. N. Weaver and Miss Del ha Weaver of Mount Sinai and Mr. and Mrs. Ector Ledbetter of Poplar Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hand of Sharon, were callers at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ledbetter on Sunday. It Pays To Advertise Battle in Irish-U. of S. C. (.lassie wv mchler ?vlAecK'Mr>tT'r Snwhsxz Capt Tom YnRR. • LAPiiTAirWiuifiMsoN •'* gnatron flasso- to delight the hear! or lit- rabid football fan will b« thr battle between Notre liame and the University of Southern Uali lornij on November 2i *i south Bend. The Irish have torn through all opposition this season—with the exception of Northwestern, which game i nrtru in a tie and the U. of S. C. gridders are. considered the most formidable opponents to face the great football machine to date. The game will feature a brilliant ga:axy of the most colorful stars in both teams. Captain Tom 1'arr of Notre Uamc will lead the attack that he | hopes will result In a repetition of the 27-6 victory scored last year over Southern California With Joe Kurth at right tackle and Marehmont Schwartz in the halfback position, where hr has played, such perfect football that he is well in the running for the All-American, the Irish will take a lot of stopping. The Californians, too. have their stars, for Gus Shaver will be out there maintaining his reputation as one of (he • finest quarterbacks on the toast. Captain Stan *'• Hliamson will, as usual, play the center position, where he will match brain and muscle with the doughty Mister Yarr. Then there is Ore Mohler, who has built up quite a name for himself as bail-carrier. Yes sir, it's going to be some game. The winner? Your guess is as good as anyone’s. TRINITY NEWS OF THE CURRENT WEEK Old Fashion Corn Shucking. Bible Students As Visitors. Personals. (Special to The Star ) Trinity, Nov. 19.—Miss Odcy Houser and Mr. Robert Robinson both students of the Columbia Bible institute visited at the home of Mrs. K. D. N. Jolley Sunday after noon. Two old fashioned corn shuck - ings were enjoyed in this commun ity last week. One at the home of Mr. John Lovelace on Tuesday night and the other at the home of Mr. Will Hawkins on Friday night. A bountiful supper was enjoyed at both places after the corn was all finished Those calling at the home of Mr. E. B. Lovelace Sunday were Miss Katie Bridges of Boiling Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamrick and daughter, Ruth, of Henrietta, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Holllfield and i children of this community. Mr. Eugene Buchanan of Boiling Springs has been spending a few days here with relatives. Mrs. Wilkes McKiney who Is vis iting her daughter. Mrs. Paul Brid ges here is on the sick list at this writing. The Sunday dinner guests of Mrs S. J. McClunney included Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Earls and children and Mr. and Mrs. Grigg Humphries and children of No. 1 township and Mr. K. D. N. Jolley and Miss Nette j Bridges of this community. Mr. Fay Towery of near Fores*.! City has ben visiting his sister. Mrs Amos Jolley here. Mr. and Mrs. Wad. Karri and. son, W. M . visited at t , hoiwc of Mr. Monroe Green's of Moor"', bore Sunday afternoon Mrs. Jeff Abernathy , of No. 1 township visited lie. . M. S J. McClunney here Monti, v Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Lovelace am. Mrs. K D. N. Jpiiey wore the Sat tirday dinner guests of Mr.- W E. ■Jotlry i f °ouUi Slk-iby Thti.-c. raUina at tire iionn ut Mr Paul Siiitige • Sunday ycre Mr. mih ■ ■ c -C. M- IC-nay oi Elieiibji-i >1 G W Ei-Uigos and Mr C;;y n, 'Of Ecstie. and Mr-. John Dubrce ami cinklK-n of Hen • ~~-1 n i i u ■ mi m man h Beginning 2nd Big Week Saturday rrErrr;r^TS'aS^-.a»-jr*.- n You i Eyes Often Form a Wedge Retweer You anti Good Health rMore PainfuJ Headache? are Caused By Poor Eye Sight Than Any Other One Cause Much Ill-Health Is Caus By Defective Vision That Can And Ought To Be Corrected I SPECIALIZE In Examination of the Eyes and Fitting Glasses I Don’t Send Your Children To School Without Having Their Eyes Examined You can’t expect children to be good students if their sight is poor, and their health is also to be considered. We make a small charge for examination and if glasses are needed we supply them at a minimum cost. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted \nd Repaired \ There is no guess, work here- -ocnuf'c in- • strumenis are employed by on* ?■.:is exper ienced in their use. Wheujhc detect i* four.u it is only % matte'' mnection. Hon t take chances with youv eyes. Dr. D. M. Morrison, Optometrist Woe:worth; — Shelby. N, C.