. Figure Winner With Navy Man Wa hingtnn Writers lannot Gel The Controversy Settled Just flight. Washington.—Somehow, no mur mur of applause has swept the coun try at one of the most extraordin ary achievements recorded in this capital during modern times Four hundred Washington coi respondents, whose trails arc whits with bleached bones of wrong hor os they have picked in years past ind not one of whom has anything like a perfect record of doping elec tions or other results in public a> lairs, unanimously chose President Herbert Hoover to defeat President William Howard Gardiner of th* Navy League when the Hoovei "Commission on Abysmal Ignor ance" was appointed to decide whether Pie.ident Gardiner's charg cs against President Hoover were correct. Not even the greenest cub mull ed that one. If no movement to commemorate this remarkable per - iormance is begun from private sources it seems as if tne National Press club and the White Houst Correspondents’ Association .should vote an appropriation to stick up . tablet somewhere. But you cannot expect unaintn-J tty all the time, .and now the sai l- I correspondents and the grntlcm.i who write the editorials for then papers bark home are disagreeing, as to whether Hoover gained mor. than'he lost when he publicly ex- j collated Gardiner and appointed the committee of five which he sau would return a report which should cause Gardiner (o make public apology. In The incident, has given those an ions' to praise Hoover—-his friend.-, and others—a lovely chance to pic ture the president a* a hard-hit- | ting, Rooseveltion fighter It ha. also, tended to discredit the Nav-. league, an extremist. Big Navi , propaganda group, for the commie- ! ion seems to have shot many ol ■ its assertions of "fact" full o! holes I The Navy League na.s always boas!-1 ed of its accuracy. Whether the ef fect of the incident on the League, prestige h^>- ben as beneficial to Hoover as to the country is one of those points now Leirig argued Unfortunately, there are man , persons who are jit'f as sour on Old at 40? Beware Kidney Acidity If ou f- el old ami run-down from ; Outing I p Nigdna, Backache, Leri ruins. Stiffness, Nervousness. Circles . under Byes, Headaches, Burning and | Bb-dder Weakness, caused by Kid- - rev Acidity, i want you to quit suf- ! I' ring light now. Come in and get j what X think is the greatest med- .! h me I have ever found. It of*“n E'ves big improvement in 21 hours. Just ask me for Cystex (Siss-texi. It s only 7't* and I guarantee It. to o' rkly combat these conditions and s-tisfv completely, ..r return empty package and get your money back. SETTLES DRUG STORE. THANKSGIVING FARES I.OW Round Trip Rates To All Points in North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama and othei Southeastern Points Also Washington, t). ('. Tickets on sale November 24-25. Limited December 1st. See Ticket Agent or H. E. Pleasants, D. P. A.. Raleigh, N. C. Phone 2700 505 Odd Fellows Building. S EA'BOAR D Air Line Railway SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM ANNOUNCES Greatlv reduced fares for THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS Thursday, Npv, 26, 1931 FARE AND ONE THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP Between Stations in Southeast. Tickets on sale November 24th and 25th. Also Nov ember 26th from stations ; and for trains of that date ! scheduled to arrive at des tination before 2:00 P. M. Final return limit Decem ber 1, 1931, Stop-over permitted i n either direction. Baggage will be cheeked. TRAVEL by train Comfortable—Economical Safe. For fares, pullman reserva tions, tickets and schedul es, consult Ticket. Agents, hr address R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, j Room 1 Southern Passen- j g,er Station, Charlotte, N. C. < I Hoot er as Gardiner proved himse1 jiind it Is a question whether Hoove: jdid not suffer more , than he ha; [profited when he laid himself oper ; 10 the razzbernes and ridicule o: : those who are always looking fu. such opportunities. Even some wl.t ; ure not Hoover s enemies have sug igested that he didn't appear in a J very good light when he jumped j with all his presidential mightlne.v | on an obscure private citizen and j appointed a commission of five of ' fil ial and ex-official dignitane. j from among his friends to brand | thus private citizen as a liar before j the world. A widespread tendency developer: I to spoof Hoover-rather than 0. j join in the jump onto Gardiner j One cartoonist portrayed 10 fai i little Hoovers—acting as judge jurors, opposing counsel, witnes land picture on the wall-engaged in | finding Hoover not guilty. Another j showed the president as a footban player dashing offside to kick a water boy while an opponent label, ed "Uncmploymen* ’ rushed on with the ball tow ard a pre. umable touch down. Regardless of the fairness oi unfairness of such criticism it does a politician no good when he gives people such excellent opportunities to stick pins in him. Perhaps nothing in' the whole af fair was more absurd in itself ci more unfortunate from the Hoovei standpoint than the part that phrase, "abysmal ignorance, was made to play. Thanks to the cor respondents, the whole country war led to believe that the issue was whether Hooter va.s guilty -oi "abysmal ignorance," Hoover didn t mention the phrase at any time, and his committee, as his enemies ndw delight in pointing out, took no position on the accusation be yond cognizance. California Tiger Bones Unearthed ! j Scientist Tells About fireal Cats. Especially the Sabre-tooth Tiger. New Haven, Conn.—A climax in; evolution, an extinct tiger with stabbing weapons, was described to the national academy of science here at Vale university. Speaking on the cats of Rancho la Brea. Dr. John Campbell Mer riain. president of the Carnegie in stitution of Washington, interpret ed the story told by bones , of great, predatory cats, some bigger than modern lions, which once lived in California. In one of them, the sabre-tooth tiger, he showed a wonder of evo lution and nature's method of alt ering living conditions which wtped them off the earth. Discoveries in quite a different phase of evolution were reported by Dr. Ross G. Harrison of Yale uni versity. His laboratory has traced the source, or close to it, of pro duction of legs by salamanders. Asphalt pits on Rancho la Brea at Los Angeles have yielded bones of 1.500 sabre tooth tigers. Battle scars on the bones tell almost the life story of one such tiger. Details of their fighting aparatus and even of the structure of their inner ears have been developed by Dr. Mar riam with collaboration of Dr. Ches ter Stock. This tiger was an "acme" of of fensive animal, specialized for at tack probably upon sluggish power ful beasts with thick hides. He was about as big as modern tigers, with body closer to the ground. The attacking forequarters were over-emphasized. the hind quarters slender. This tiger was not built to run away. With small brain and powerful body," said Dr. Merriam "and with ferocity born of both, this cat was more insistent on reaching and clos ing with its prey than probably any other predatory mammal of the fauna. Its truculence is further sug gested by the many evidences of di sease resulting from injury and seen in elements of the skeleton and to a less extent in the skull. "In consummating an attack the head would be drawn back by the powerful muscles lodged in the neck and attached to the occiput while the lower jaw, moving tnrough a wide arc, permitted the sabre-like canine teeth to Junction as stabbing weapons." One tooth found at Rancho te Brea, although broken, was eight or nine inches long, indicating an ori ginal span of nearly a foot. The teeth had serrated borders, which Dr. Merriam said undoubtedly were used for tearing and ripping. Al though-other animals have develop ed sabre teeth none were backed by so "many co-ordinating structures as in this culminating stage of the cats." ... Felix Atrox. a lion much larger than any known lion of the present, was also found in the Rancho la Brea asphalt. There were pumas somewhat like modern forms and a wild cat practically Identical with a California species. There were ‘‘tre marctotheiep. or short faced bears, with powerful jaws and teeth, strong body and limb and agility and swift footedness of the large living fe lines.” The sabre tooth and the big lion both disappeared at (he same stage of history. One criticism of modern news papers is that when news is scarce (hey make it. Tips To Farmer For 1932 Crops | iF H. Jeter in Charlotte Observer' I The ancient Jew* had a period j designed as a time of atonement toi I oast sins and devout Jews kept this j period very assiduously. The year ! 1932 has been designed as the [ "Year of Preparation" by those who j are in close touch with farm af i fairs in North Carolina 1 do not. j mean to say that farmers of this , state have sinned so grievously t , j poor methods of farming that they i should observe a period of atone j ment. Some should: but. not ali. j During the past two years, some j good farming has been done in this state but on mo t farms it has been impossible to make a profit no mat ter how well the work was done. The outlook for 1932 is that not much money will be made again j but wise planning may prevent coo j slderable loss. Then since not much ! monc-y is to be made, it seems oniv I wise that this coming year be mac'< | a period of preparation for the bet ! ter days that are to come I was! j talking this past week with Enos C. Blair, extension agronomist at Slate college, who probably travels more continuously visiting farms in alt parts of the state than any other person in North Carolina, Mr. Blair has developed what he thinks is a sound plan for this coming year of preparation. He pre sented his plan at a conference o'. agronomy workers held at the col lege recently a«d had the pleasure of seeing this group adopt it as or.c of the best outlines of work that any farmer could follow. There a’ even fundamental points to the plan First, the acreage to cotton, to bacco peanuts and other cash crops must be reduced. This will be done anyway, Mr. Blair says, but th» plan goes on the supposition that every farmer will be wise enough to do this la planning for 1932. Second, on those farms where livestock is the major source of in come, home grown feeds must be used to the extent they are avail able and if not. available, they should be planted. The owne should substitute home-grown feecu, of some kind for those he has been buying in the past. Buy only tho-e which cannot, be obtained or ex changed for in the home commun ity.' Third, enlarge the live-at-home idea until it is more complete than it was in 1991. Borne folks say this is foolish because they have more corn, hay and other feedstuffs than they earn use now. If so, get some more livestock and sell the feed as meat, wool, milk, eggs or beef. Their is always a sale for these products. If not at home, certainly m the larger markets of the east. Fourth, be careful in the use ol commercial fertilizers next year Only the right kind at the right price should be purchased. Where possible, cash should be paid so as to get the best possible price. This should be accompanied by a sharp reduction in acreage of those crop3 requiring fertilizers and a corre sponding increase in those which require little fertilizer. Fifth, turn under legumes t« im prove the soil that better yields may be made when farm prices in crease. This means sowing lespe deza on every acre of small grain COMMISSIONER'S RESALE OF LAND Under ana by virtue or an order oi re sale made by the clerk; of the superior court of Cleveland county, N. C , in spe cial proceedings No 1869, entitled * N B. Gladden, administrator of T W. Glad den. deceased, and N B. Oladaen, per sonally. and wife. Lillie Gladden, et al vs. Palmer McSwain, Ida Mae McSwain, Ray Mc8wara, and William McSwain, minors,” I, as commissioner, will resell at the court house door, in Shelby. N. C. on Friday, December 4th. W3I. at 12 M.. ut public auction, to the highet bidder the following three pieces or parcels of land, lying and being in No. 3 township. Cleveland county. N C , adjoining the lands of James R Dover. L C. Camp, i.nd others, and more particularly describ ed as follows; First Tract; Beginning at a Make in the intersection of the Shelby-Patterson Springs road and the Old Post road, ana runs thence with the Grover road S 26-55 E. 600 feet to a stake in center of said road D. C Camps comer; thence with his line 80-25 E. 1430 feet to a pop lar stump, his corner; thence with L C Camp and others’ line N. 3-40 E 114f» feet to a post oak, Beam and Camps corner, thence with Beams line N 75-35 W 1432 feet to an iron stake in center of post road, thence with said road the following courses S. 37-30 W 372 feet S 25-25 W. 424 feet to the beginning, con taining 43 75 acres Second Tract: Beginning at a stake in the intersection of the Shelby-Patterson Springs road with the old post road, and runs thence with post road the following courses N. 35-06 E 424 feet. N. 37-30 E 372 feet to a stake m center of Post road. Allen's corner, thence with Allen's line N. 74-50 W. 776 feet to an iron stake. Allens corner: thence S. 23-05 W 154 feet to a stake in renter of Shelby-Pat terson Springs road thence with said road S. 28-25 E 844 feet to the beginning containing 7.56 acres. Third Tract: Beginning at the Inter section of the Shelby-Patterson Springs road with the post road, and runs thence, with the Shelby road, N 28-25 W. 237.5 feet to a stake in center of said road; thence with Dover s line. S 87-40 W 535 feet to an iron stake Dover s corner ir. Bigger*1 line; thence with Biggers ana Logan s line, S 23-05 W. 749 feet to an iron stake, W. A. Gladden s corner: ♦hence. with his line. S. 84 E. 334 feet to a stake, McSwain’s corner; thence with his line, N. 21-15 E 200 feet to a stake, hi^ corner, thence with McSwain's line, S. 81 E 450 feet to a cement post in the old road. McSwains corner, thence with said old road. N 17-15 E 410 feel to the be ginning containing 10 47 acres. The bids for the three tracts. as b whole, now stands ai $3,370 00 ana the bidding at this sale will start at thi* price. Terras of Sale: One-third cash on da; of sale, one-third payable m one year ana the remainder in two years from date oi sale, with interest from date at 6 percent per annum, with the privilege to the pur chaser of paying all the purchase pricr on confirmation of sale, title to the prop erty to be reserved until all the purchase price is paid. This the 4th d*v of November. 1931. N B GLADDEN. Commissioner Quinn, Hamrick and Harris Airorne** 4t Nov 6^ | next spring; the planting of cow i f>ea.s or soybeans or velvet beans in (every acre of corn land, the plant : ing of cowpeas on the tobacco land ! at the last cultivation next summer and the planting of winter legum j this tail Home-grown seed short', be used for thus as far as possibl* j but it might pay to buy a little I seed this fall since pricer are low 1 Sixth, cultivate larger fields com l.bining small fields and keep the j terraces and ditches in good cotuh I lion. New terraces should be can i st rue ted where needed ! Seventh, more pastures and bet ' ter pastures ire needed m North j Carolina. The seeding of grass th* ! fall and next spring Will reinovt (some unprofitable land from culti I ration. When the pastures are es tablished. they should be kept in condition by moving u»c weeds. This, in my opinion, is a sound and sensible program and will <1 > no one harm to try it next yeai Certainly it should save money for many who are in' doubt about wha' to do. Our idea of a good busine.v is showing an increase of fifteen per' cent in collections over 1930 The people who are always in a rush are not always the ones who are doing the most work M S R.udism ol Crodsg, lancoln county, produced 48 bales of cot ton on 35 acres of land this season. Rutherford county has 18 storage houses for sweet potatoes with a capacity of 50,000 bushels. Ehringhaus Boosts Education As American Preserver Of Democracy ( NiiduinU* last Ills first > olr for I.mat Schools. Supporter wince. Raleigh, Nov. 18 Education u the life preserver of tleniocjracv". swrt J C K Ehnnghaus. Elizabeth City, candidate for the Democratic nomination for governor, tn a recent address to a group of the States teachers, after having made the statement that "What we are all seeking what the times demand — is a .sane economy with no impair ment ot efficiency." The primary function of thf public school , is not to grace or ad vantage the individual, but to train citizen? for the State," he said. "It is the only sure means of providing an enlightened electorate—of insur ing an intelligent capacity for self, government Out of tilts philosophy our public school system was born: upon thes theory it was founded, and for this end, our Constitution recognizes it. ms a fundamental ac tivity ot the government, and guar unices its preservation tor all gen erations ' Amt now live state has recogniz ed that this constitutional provis ion creates an obligation which it - and not the municipal sub-division of government—must and should bear to the extent of the guaran teed term. This commitment is flu al. No citizen dare assaid It or derr. whatever i* necessary to carry it into effect. There may be differ*, nc es of opinion a*- to means ant measures and **hat constitute, equal dlatrtbutton of dm burden, but all are committed to the obli gation of provision. "I for one regard this obligation as of paramount importance, not only a,-- a demand bused on human need twhich should always out weigh mere property consideration** but as a function of government just as fundamental as executive legislative on judicial activity "The schools must and shall be kepL open in efficiency,1’ Mr F.h rlnghaus said "I invite your consideration m calm and labored judgment of even phase of the educational problem 1 call upon the limitless reserves *■: your fine and oft-displayed patriot ism-'! summons you anew to the comradeship’ of consecrated effoi. for a cause winch is clowe to the hearts of us all and which is the palladium of our liberties—the Just heritage of our children.1' Relating that he cast his first vole lor Improvement of local school facilities, Mr. Ehnnghaus said that ' Since that time I have found pleas me in giving of my time and ef forts to the cause May 1 not then,' he concluded, "count myself an humble soldier in ine ranks and -al'i'e sou as my captains?" Voung People’s Union At Carpenter’s Grove Kiftli Group B. V l\ I To Meet Sunday Afternoon Nov. ?Slh. The filth group of the Kirutir Mountain Baptist association B. Y. P U. will meet with the Carpenters Giove Baptist church on Nov. 29. 1921 at 2 oclock p. m. The churches belonging to this group are as follows' Pleasant Grove, New Bethel, Carpenters Grove, New Prospect, Double Shoal North Brook, Lawndale. Civsar Falls toil and Normans Grove. The program ts as follows: 2:00, song service, devotional, Lawndale B. Y. P. U.. business, etc ; Getting Records by Double Shoal juniors; Being Efficient is Being Loyal bv Mr. W. H. Coatnei ; Count Your Blessings by Carpenters Grove jun iors. awarding of banners. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTHT. '"Having qualified on October 'JSIh. U)l, as adminlstratm of the estate of John H Dover cloi-eivoevl late of Cleveland county, N c ihi* is to notify all per »oi" having claim* against Ilia estate of said dereased to exhibit them duly veri tied to the undersigned at Shelby, N C., on oi betorr Octobei 30 1833, or this not lee will be pleaded In bar of their re covery All person! indebted to (aid ee tate will nlease make immediate payment Thla October :mth. 1PJI VJ LA T dovfr Adminlatratrr* of the Estate of John R Dover, deceased Hvborn ,v- Hoey. AU;.v #t Oct Me a nuci XUiVi^A How One Woman Lost 10 lbs. in a Week Mrs. Betty Luedeke of Dayton, writes: "I am using Kruschen to re udce weight—I lost 10 pounds m one week and cannot say too much to recommend it." To take ofr fit easily, safely and quickly take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot wa ter every morning before break last—an 85 cent bottle lasts « weeks-Get It. at Cleveland Drug store or any drug store In Americr If this first bottle fails to convince you this is the easiest, safest and surest way to lose fat^-Money back. adv. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICt Nonce Is hereby «iven that I hate thi day qualified its administrator of the es tate of Jonathan Oreene. deceased late of Cleveland county. North Carolina and that all persons holding claims against lhe said estate will present same to me properly proven on or before the 2Ul dav of October, 1933, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of anv recovery thereof All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned This Oct. 21. 1931. J. J. PRUSTT Boiling Springs, Ad ministrator. Jonathan Oreene. de ceased gt Oct 21o ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that t have this dsv qualified as administrator of the es late of w. p Oale, deceaaed of Cleveland county. N. C and that all persons hold ing rlaims against the said estate srtll present same to me properly proven on or before the t«th day of October. 1»32, ei this notice will be pleaded In bar of anv recovery thereof. All persons Indebted to the said estate will please make immed iate settlement to the undersigned. This October 30th. 1931 R B. KKETER. Administrator of W. P. oale, deceased. *t o 30e It Pay* To Advertise "You needn’t tell me _l know Cornel is , he "fresh cigarette! because they’re fresh ( AM ELS are never parched or toasted! ■^OLKS who smoke really fresh cigarettes made from choice sun-ripened tobaccos never have to give a thought to their throats. That's because such fresh cigarettes retain natural moisture —and arc gratefully smooth, cool, throat friendly, mild. Camels are the fresh cigarette —everyone knows that now—they’re blended from the finest Turkish and mild Domestic tobaccos that money and skill can buy. We would never dream of parching or toasting these choice sun-ripened tobaccos—that would only drive off or destroy the natural moisture that makes Camels fresh in nature’s own mild way. . 1 be Camel Humidor Pack protects a fine cigarette fresh with natural moisture — it could do little or nothing to freshen a cigarette that is dried-out or factory-slale. If you smoke for pleasure, see for yourself whaft freshness means in mildness and flavor—switch to Camels for just one day—then leave them, if you can! % R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s Coast-Lo-Coast Radio Programs CAMEL QUAR11 R HOUR, “orton Downey, Tony W on*, and darnel Orchestra, direction Jacques Renard, ever; night except Sunday, Columbia Broadcasting System PRINCE ALBERT Ql4RTER HOUR.Alice Jov,‘‘Old Hunch,” and Prince Albert Orchestra, direc tion Paul Van .Loan, every night except Sun day, N.B.C. Red Network a«p local paper for time tAMELS Made FItESlI — Kept FRESH 0 Hon l remove the moisture-proof wrapping front your package of Camels after you open it. The Camel Humidor Pack is protection against perfunu' and powder odors, dust and germs. In offices and homes, even in the dry atmosphere of artificial hem, the Camel Humidor Pack delivers fresh Camels and keeps them right until the last one has been smoked ■ ty • ULL I. L Tifciw* Ciajtuf