To Choose Between Chickadee And Red Winged Black Bird As State’s Official Bird-Vote On It • i JZllher ' the chickadee or the ret winged black bird Is to receive the honor of being nominated Mute bird of North Carolina. Other states have alrencly chosen thei state birds. Kentucky, of course, chose the cardinal; Louisiana has long had the pelican; Florida the mocking bird; Virginia the robin; New York the blue bird; IliinoL, the quail; Smith' Carolina the cat bird; Kansas the meadow lark: District of Columbia the weed thrush; Ohio the wren. Our national bird is the eagle, though many people think that p bird of prey Should not be the sym bol of our peace loving nation. North Carolina seems to have no more representative bird than the chickadee. Many children will re ran the nursery rhyme about "Lit tle Tommy Tlttlernouse” who "live in a little house.” The chickadee belongs to the Titmouse family, which contains a large number of species scattered widely over the northern hemisphere, and which arc highly serviceable to civilized mankind A hole in a decayed birch stump two or three feet from tile ground a knot hole in an old apple tree, r fence post, the deserted home of - Rome woodpecker way be selected - by the .chlckadoc for its home. The eggs vary somewhat in color, but are comwon|y. white, spotted with brown or finely marked With a paler shade. Chickadee is a very attractive ’TiUsfcfihtf: ‘ 'often Visiting his man while she is sitting on her eggs and relieving her of a part of this hon of hy tPwflng Tier while on the nest. Although he is. no fly catcher, the chickadee takes insects on the wins? with case and often catches in the air those which fall from the trees or from his own clutch. He has been seen to reach ufter a flying Insect, spring back downward, catch it in the air, and turning a -somersault alight on a branch be low. Every pose passible to a bird in a tree is taken by our little ac robat. His head turns quickly from bide to side, his wings and his lull flirt this way and that, as he turns, twists, pecks and peers in pursuit of the insects which form the greater part of his food. But he is not by any means confined to the woods. He visits the orchards and the shade trees, picks up crumbs at the farmhouse door, enters the woodshed, picks out borers from the fire wood, and helps himself to the bacon that the farmer uses to grease his buck-saw. Probably no bird is more benefi cial to mankind than is this little fellow. He lives very largely on in sects destructive to trees. Even in the winter more than half his food consists of infccts or their eggs. Red-Winged Black Bird. The redwing is a well known in habitant of needy marshes almost throughout North America. In dif ferent regions it varies slightly in size, form and color. The male, in his glassy black plumage with scarlet shoulders. with yellowish edge, is congruous about his haunts and if these are invaded he greets the intruder with loud cries of protest. The female is streaked with no red and is smaller than the male. The redwing is about nine inches long. In wet and marshy places flocks of redwings are easily found, ‘they nest in colonies, and the deep, welt woven nests are placed on the ground or in low reds and bushes in the marshes. The four or five eggs are bluish white curiously scrawled with black. - Their food consists mostly of in sects, such as weevils, grasshoppers, dragonflies, ants, wasps, bugs and spider, but they eat some seed. The redwing is a permanent resi dent, except in the mountains where it Is a summer visitor. His song is a rich "o-ka-lee," often given as he sails downward with ADMINISTRATORS' NOTH l Having qualified -as administrator* oi the estate of Barbara C r.Mm. deceased; late of Cleveland county. North Carolina this is to notify all nervous having chilms against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on ox before November 2nd, 1933. or tins w ill be pleaded in bur or their recovery All persons Indebted to said estate ail please make immediate payment This 30th day of October. 1U31 D M BEAM J. A BEAM J H BEAM D. M. MORRISON. Ad ministrators. Bynum E. Weathers. Atty. 6t Nov T TBVSTEE S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of the power of sale contain •ci in a certain deed of trust executed b Lucinda Hill and V. J HUl on July 8, 19Ji to me as truatee for the sum of ftv hundred dollars ($500.00* ;.s security iv a note due October l.V 1930. said note no being paid at maturity and the hold? of same having called upon me to lore close this deed of trust. I. as trustee will offer lor sale at public auction t the highest bidder for cash at the com house door In Shelby. North Carolina, m December 7. 1931. at 13 noon, the fol lowing described real estate; Known as a part of the old Lewi plantation, adjoining the lands of Mrs L. K. Stacy. W. D. Baltimore R \V. Wil aon. R. A. Lackey and others. The sal tract of land being the home piece o the said Lufinda and V. J H»U and eon tains H acres more or Hh% of the origi nal tract eonvtred from emerge Ledforc Qallift Ledford Eli^t Lewis. ThO^a Lewis and Susan Lewis to Lu«*itMti HU and recorded 29th day of Bcpteni&er. A P. 1919 at 11 o clock *. m in the offi* of the register of deeds. Cleveland coun ty. North Carolina. In book EEE pftg 198. This laud is sold subject prior to a Indebtedness Wlff in* ■wirtr.rr nf November. iMv STOUGH BEAM. Trustee H. Z Newton. Atty. At Nov 9 * j outeproad wing and' tail. Xu till: rprlng tl)o migrating flocks may damage fields of new grain. Except for this, the redwing is beneficial. Ballot For Stale Bird. Help N. C. Club women select state bird: Chickadee.. ......_ Redwing black bird .. To be filled In with your choice and returned, before December l, 1931. to Mrs. E. a, Paddlson, Nash ville. N. C. Conservation Chairman, N. C. F W C Your name Democrats Hope To Shelve Booze As Issue In ’32 Robinson Would Focus tin Econom ic Matters. Oppose Rnskob Wet Toll. Washington. Nov. 25 Congress ional Democrats this week sought to sidetrack prohibition in favor of (lie economic program as the con troversial wet and dry issue again threatened trouble within the par ty. Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the Democratic leader, announced after a series of conferences with party lieutenants In Congress that no prospect for substantial change in the prohibition law was in pros pect, because of the makeup of Congress. He would focus attention on the. vital economic issues, he said. About, the same time Chairman .John J Rnskob was calling the Democratic National Committee to meet In Janurry. He intends then to announce the results of his poll on prohibition. Mr. Rnskob was taken to task tay Senator Robinson at the committee meeMng Inst March for injecting the prohibition issue; His announce ment of a poll of the contributors to the Democratic 1928 campaign chest on the liquor question was noted with some concern by the prrty leaders on cnpitol hill. Opposition Seen. Mr. Robinson's declaration this week that the party in Congress was not going to submerge econom ic problems for prohibition was In terpreted as the answer of the con gresrlonal Democrats opposing the Raskob prohibitionmove. Mr. Ras kob has asked the party to sanc tion a platform for state liquor control. "I am still of the opinion that tlie paramount subjects to be con sidered by the congress relate to economic questions, such as agricul ture. taxation, unemployment, the deficit in the treasury and other rented vital problems," Senator Robinson said. • I do not wish to submerge or obscure these by bringing forward social problems such as that per taining to prohibition. In view of the present membership of both houses of the congress, no substan tial change respecting prohibition i may be expected Mr. Raskob called the national committee to meet on January 9 for its regular session to select ft date and city for next year s nom ination convention. He announced that, the committee also would re? I view the drive for funds and take I such action as it "may desire on the i unfinished business originated at. TKVsti i; s sai l: Bv virtue of «ie '.power of sale eou -viiird m a deed of trust. evrouted mi ,iav nth 1030. by W M. t.on* and Fife Marv E Long, feourin* ou mdoot dneVs lo'tho Shelby Building and 1ohu •soolat on. and default bavins been made n the pavment and being called upon r vreute the f.ald trust. I as trustee. »>*' ell for cadi to the highest bidder a lubhr ruction at the court hour* door u til* town of Shelby. N O on Saturday, December ?«. U1*11 it 15 O'clock M . the follow'r * desertbr.. r;ti Estate.1 "situated m the to* ft o’* Snoi >v n c . and described as folltnv? 'Lot No, 0. n* ahftw-ri on Un h*-‘t ol he li T Curtis property, made " A. M tOvelarr Mirvovor. in June. 19'2-S. t»tid •ecorded in book one of p)»*s. p.ute 5? >f the reglMer's office of Clevela:... •ounf N. C reference being made to mid nUU for the location of said lot No. hi said lot fronting SO feet on ffte norm side of Elm street 1st Shelby. N. C. The foregoing property ts sold subject ic any existing unpaid taxes. This No. fmber 1 Ml." 1931 CLYDE R. 1105*/ Trustee 4t Nov 3Jc TRl STM "S' WALE By virtue of. ,\ i>f trust excvutort by Julian C. Herd and wife. Lenbv* Hord. cl#ted August 26th. 1930. securing an m debtedne -s Uti* to .V A Horn, -th* deed of trust recorded in book H3 page ’ 28a. ot the register s ofiic' Ot Cleveland county. N. C . end .default In said in debtedness having been made, and being > requested by the holder of same to fore* ■ cVQJse, I. a* trustee, will sell at public suction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Shelby. N. C.% at 13 o’clock M . on Monday. December 1th. Ilhil. All the right, title and interest of the mortgagors* the satne' be mg an undivided 1 ona-t?nth interest subject to the dower ■ i interest of Corrie Word Dorsey therein, • in that tot lying on the west side of Boot it I fVtyptt# street tn the town ol She lb’ . N fronting 3:> feet, thereon s with s depth of 109 fee*, the saroe b*ing . Tha* lc*» deeded bv f M Beem end wile 10 A p 'vesttvrs end c T Word on i January- it HMl. by deed recorded in ■ book YY of deeds p^ge »82. ot the ret * ister’s office of Clebel&nd county N. C 1 to which reference made fur further description; This November gth. I93t n L RYDURN r rustic - it Nov 9c 11Me meeting March 5" I Prohibition conics under the heading of unfinished business originated at the Inst meeting. Mr j Uaskob previously had said he j would ask the committee to vote on I prohibition at its January session. Jackson Day Banquet. On January 8. Mr. Raskob said | the Democrats would Join in the annual Jackson Day banquet here with Claude Bowers, New York newspaperman who delivered the keynote address at the 1928 con vention. presiding. Speeches at this banquet, he srld. would be limited to the party's three former presi dential candidates, James M. Cox, of Ohio; John W. Davis, of West Vn„ and Alfred E. Smith, of New York. Protests against tile Raskob pro hibition move were popping up Governor Pollard of Virginia as serted that a poll of tlie contribu tions to tlie 1928 national cam paign fund would not reflect senti ment of Democrats as a whole. Meanwhile, the national prohlbi-! lion board of strategy Issued an at,-! tack upon RaskobV step through Edwin C. Dinwiddle, executive sec retary. Tills statement said the Raskob poll is "a lawyers’ brief against prohibition. "This amazing domination of a! party, this ability to use it for tlie exploitation of personal whims, Is unparalelled In American history," it continued. "It would not be pos sible If the Democratic party were not so heavily in debt to Uaskob. Tlie Smtth-Raskob combine may! dictate the next nominee of the; Democratic party, but this com- j bine will never name the next pres-, ldent of the United States.” EXEC IT III X NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I have this day qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. Lane Putnam, deceased of Cleveland county and this is to noth all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to me prop erly proven on or before the 10th drr of November, 1932, or this notice win be pleaded In bar of any recovery. All per sons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement to the undersigned. This Nov 14. 1931 ANNIERAY YARBORO. Executrin ! of Estate of J. Lane Putnam, de ceased. 6t Nov I6p TRUSTEE S SALK By Virtue of the power of sale eon tamed In a deed of trust, executed on December 10th, 1028. by J. M, McDowell and wife. Annie McDowell, securing an Indebtedness to the Bhelb? Building and Loan association. and default having been made in the payment and being rail ed upon to execute the trust, I as trus tee will sell for cash to the highest bid der at public auction at the court house door In the town of Shelby. N. C. on Saturday. December W. 1031. at 12 o clock M , the following described real estate, .situate in the town of Shelby. N. C„ and described as follows Beginning on an Iron stake. Robert Grant s southwest corner, In W. P. King's line, thence with W, P King s line south 3l • west 100 feet to hn iron .‘ take. Fe.v Young line south 80'j east 150 ieet to an iron stake In the A. J Jennings hoe and Young s corner, thence a new in e north 3lj east 100 feet to a stake in Jennings and Grant's line, thence with said line north 86’a west with Oram, > line 150 feet to the beginning The foregoing property is sold sub,led to any existing unpaid taxes. This Nov ember 19th. 1931. CLYDE R WOEY. Trustee 4t Nov 23c TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue of the power of sale contain ed In u deed of trust executed by II Clay Cox and wife on March 1929. to me as trustee for the Bhelby Building A Loa|t association ar.d default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness secured thereby, 1. as trusteee will tell for cash to the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in the town of Shelby. N. C . on Saturday. December 12th. 1981, at 12 o clock M., the following describe,* real estate Situate in the western part of Shelby, N. C . on the north aide of West War ren street, and fronting ’78's feet on said Wurreii street and having a depth of 192 feet, and being the property fully de scribed in a deed from M. M. Mauney and wife, dated August 1. 1925, to Mrs. Ullls Mac Cox. said deed recorded In book 3-Q page 542, of the register's of fice of Cleveland county. N C., reference to which is had for full description ui said lot by metes and bounds The foregoing property will be sola subject to anv taxes unpaid and existing against said property. This November C. 1931. CLYDE R HOEY. Trustee 41 Nov 9c TRUSTEES S ALE OF REAL ESTATt. Under and by virtue of the power oi sale contained in that certain deed of trust dated January t. 1935. and record ed in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C.. In book No. 130 at page 129 and assumed by A. \V Hopper, securing an indebtedness to the Bhelby and Cleveland County Building a Loan association and default having been made in the paymtiU of SRid indebted ness. 1 w ill on Thursday. December U, IHJI. at 12 o clock noon or w ithin legal, hours at the courthouse door in Shelby. N. C sell to the highest bidder for cash a* public auction that lot of land described as follows Lying «on the north side ol East Gra ham street and being the lot tying just cast of the residence lot of M D Hoppei and bounded as follows Beginning at a Make on the north edg1' of cast Oruhasn street, Hawkins corner ajad runs thence with his tine N 3‘a w '-'et to, a stake in his line; thence ne v line N.\87*a W. 50 feet to a stake new corner; thence a newr line S. 3* a £• j 160 feet to a stake in ihe edge of Ora ham street; thence with edge of said street S 87* • E. so feet to the beg-nniu" and being the eastern part of the k> i ceded by Kendrick to M D Hopper This Nov 14. 1931. JNO P MULL. Trustee 4t Nov THl STKK'S SAI r. By virtu? of the power of woe n talned in u deed of trim executed U- 1 Clay Cos and wife on July 30th, 1939 to me as trustee for the dhelby Building c Logn association, and default having uce mad* In the nay merit of the indented n secured thereby, 1, as trustee, will soli for null to the highest bidder at du'ji auction at the court house door In the Sown of Shelby, N c.. on Saturday. December I'lth. 1991 at 12 o'clock M, the following described real estate; Located on the Pallston road and be ginning at a stake, west edge of Pallston road, the northeast corner of Rufus Roarks’ lot: thence with his line south M'j west Ido feet to a stake, his corner, thence north 3 east 60 feet to a stake thence north 89' ■ east 185 fret to _ "rake in west edge of Pallston road (hence with the roso south 2 west 6‘ (cel to the beginning, containing 9.9(H) Mlttare feet, and being a portion oi the old Ross Hardin lands, and being the hot d**ded by Ft O Justice and wife tc it da? cos *n» wife by d*»d dateo March 31. t«jo. and recorded *n book 5 Y page 397, of the register s office of Cleveland county. N C The foregoing property will be sold subject til any taxes unpaid and existing against said property This November 6 193' CLYDE 1! H0F.Y Truster «l .vo. tc t Double Springs News Of Interest Taok.v I‘art.v. Training School Un derway. Personal Men tion. i Special to The Star, j Rouble Springs, Nov. 28.- -Mr and Mrs. Lowell MeSwain and Kev and Mrs. D. O. Washburn had a their dinner guests Thursday. Mr.i Lula Hamrick. Mr. and Mrs. Broad us MeSwain, Miss Ttney MeSwain Miss Doris Maganlrs and Mrs. Maiy MeSwain. Mr. J. C. Moore of Charlotte spent Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Moore. Mrs. Gaither Greene of Gaffney and Mrs. Clyde Hamrick of Shelby visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Ham rick Wednesday. MioS Annie Belle Davis of Char lotte spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Davis. Missed Lenora and Bertie Hem bree entertained the younger folks of the community with a tacky party Thursday night. The guests were dressed in costumes which afforded much fun. Many games wore played and a good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. Osborne Lee spent Sundp., with Messrs. Rush and Grady Davis Mr. and Mrs. Plato Lee and sons. Tom and Joe. and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis visited Mrs. Essie Bottl at Hickory Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. White and son, Albert, were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs, P. C. Covington. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis and children of Lawndale spent Sun THLSITE'S SALE Bv virtue of the power of sale contain ed in a, deed of trust executed by H. Clay Cox Hiid wife on May 15, 1929, to me h* trustee for the Slielby Building and Loan association, and default having been made in the payment of the tndebtedn*’ * secured thereby I. as trustee will sell for cash to the highest bidder at public auc tion at the court house door in the town of Shelby, N. C on Saturday. December l?tU. 198.1 at 12 o'clock M.. the following describee real estate: Being situated in the town of Shelby, and beginning at a atone. Ed Glasco *> corner and the N. \V, corner of N R Bowman's lot. and runs thence with N R. Bowman's line South 87 east 87 feet to a stone, thence again with N. R. Bow man's line M. 17» W. 100 feet to a stake in N FI Bowman’s line; thence a ne* line N 87 W 87 feet, to a. stake in N K Bowmans line; thence again with Bow man's line 2 E. 100 feet to the beginning corner. The above described lot being a lot 87x100 leet situated on the rear of th. lot deeded to N R. Bowman by Preston Glatco on the 18th day of April. 1922 said deed being recorded in book JJJ page .718 in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county to which deed reference is hereby made for a more com plete description of the metes arc! bounds of the herein described property, and being deeded by Preston Glasco and wife, Minnie Olasco. to H. Clay Cox. oy deed dated May 3. 1929. The foregoing property will be **old subect to any taxes unpaid and existing against -raid property This November 6, 1931 CLYDE K. HOEY. Trustee. 4? Nov 9c SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust ex ecuted by W R Wellmon. ir . (unma - riedi on the 23th day of February, 1926. and recorded »n book. 131, page 662, wj will on Saturday the 12th day of December, 1931, 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Cleveland county, Shelby, N. C.. sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder tho following land, to-wit All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and betng in No. 6 town ship. county of Cleveland, state of North Carolina, and adjoining the lands of Joe Blanton on the north, lands of C, C. Blanton and George Blanton on the east, lands of C. C Blanton and George Blan ton and L. P. Yarboro on the south lands’of J B. Philbeck and Joe Blanton on the west, and being more particular ly described and defined as follows; Beginning at a pine stump. J B. Phll beck's corner, thence with hts line south 86 east 46Mr poles to a atone; thenea with J. B Philbeeks line north 12 east Ulti poles to a stake, his corner, in Brushy Creek; thence down the meanders of Brushy creek general average being North 37 east 64 poles to a stake*, north 87* a east 22 poles; south 6412 east 119 poles to two birches, C C. and George Blanton's corner; fhence with their sev eral lines as follows: South 19 west 93 poles tv? a Spanish oak; south 24 west 12 poles to a pine; north 78 west 42 poles tc a stone; south 15 west 46% poles to a stone; south 88 west 58 poles to a stone; thence south 17 poles to a stake in the Southern railroad; thence with said rail road north 86' a west 101 poles to « stake; thence north 12 west 6 pole* 19 the beginning, containing 161 acres, more or less. Reference is hereby made to the follow mg deed*: M W. Doggett and wife to W Ft- Wellmon, Jr, recorded in book BB al page 507. M. 9. Jolley and husband, R M Jolley, recorded In book DDD, page 638 of the Cleveland county registry. I This sale is made by reason of the failure of W R Wellmon. Jr. innmarried) I to pay oft and discharge the indebted ness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 28th day of October. 1931. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUR HAM. Trustee, Durham, N C. 4t Nov 16< SALK or VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authorttj conlerrrd upon us In a deed of trust ea “ruted by J. F. Blanton end wife, Lala Clanton on the nth dsy of April, 1S2( and recorded in book 141, pager 17. *( 11 on Saturday llth day of December. INltl, 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Shelby C. Cleveland county, aell at pubic • •rtion for cash to the highest blddei the following land, to-wl»: All lhat piece, parcel or tract of land, dtukte, lying and being tn No. 3 town ip Cleveland county, elate of North . Eiolina, adjoining the lands of Mrs "cm Hamrick. Cliff Davu. Cicero Allen eying such shapes, courses and dts -vnooa as will more fully appear by ref ence to a »f»t thereof made by A. M I'elaco. surveyor, on the Ith day cl April. 1#2«. and being more particularly 2 cribed and defined as follows' Beginning on a willow on the bank of ’ '.tie Hickory Creek. Mrs. Mary Jane Hughes' corner, and runs with Cicero Allen's line south 1*5 poles to a stone m Turner's line. Cliff Davis's corner; thence with his line east M'i poles to a stake: thence north 26'« east 1*« poles to a stake on north bank of Little Hickory creek: thence with Mrs. Tom Hamrick's Una north 62 west 101'* poles to a white o».fc. thence down Little Hickory creek as It meanders to tha beginning, containing !4>« acres, nrnre or less Reference is hereby mad* To that deed from R A Putnam et »l . to ,1 F Btsn'on and wife tala Blanton recorded in hook 3-P. at page All Thit sale Is made hr reason of tns 'siliire of J F Blanton and wif» Laia Blanton to pay oft and discharge the in debtedness secured by said deed of trust A deposit of 10 percent will be required from llie purchaser at the sale. This the 2»th (lav of October, 1031 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUR HAM ' Trustee. Durham, N c tt Nov is j day night with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. I Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Moore visited Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Cabaniss Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. E. Y. Harrill. Mr. and Mrs. P. M Washburn of ; Shelby and Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Ca j nipe silent- Thursday with Mr. and ' Mrs. W. W. Washburn. ; Mr. Robert Falls spent Saturday i night with Mr. Clyde Whitesides at Boiling Springs junior college. Mr. and Mrs. Sammie Brooks vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Brooks in the Poplar Springs community Sun day. Mr. J. C. Humphries spent the week-end with hi.s grandmother Mrs. Rachel Humphries. Mr. Woodrow Humphries visited ! Mr. Worth Melton Saturday night. Mrs. Rcxie Harrill and Mrs. Col | unibus Harrill, Misses Mary Lee and j Selma Harrill visited at the home | of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Horne Sun ! day. Master George Martin is suffer ! lng from a cut leg. Messrs. Vemo Wright and Shan | non Hamrick visited Mr. Clyde I Gardner Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Edwards German Remedy Stops 30-Year Constipation "For 30 years X had a bad stomach and constipation. Souring food from stomach chokecj me. Since taking Adlerika I am a new woman. Con stipation is thing of the past."— Alice Burns. Most remedies reach only lower bowel. That is why you must take them often. But this simple German remedy Adlerika washes out BOTH upper and lower bowel. It brings out all gases and rides you of poison you would never believe was in your system. Even the FIRST dose will surprise you. Paul Webb and Son, Druggist. SALE 01 VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon us in a deed of trust ex ecuted by J. L Hunt and wife. Kate Hunt on the 3rd day of January. 192s*, and recorded in book 150. page 418. we will on Saturday the I?th day of December. 1931, 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse <Joor In Shelby. N. C. Cleveland county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to wit: Lying and being in No. 8 township. Cleveland county. North Carolina on the public road leading from Polkville by way of Mount Harmony church, and being joined on the north by the lands of Lura Latttmore and Joe Hastings, on the east by D. B. Whisnant. on the south by l). B. Whisnant and John Houser, and on the west by Pet Harrill, and being that tract of land conveyed to John L. Hunt bv deed of record in the office of reg ister of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. in box 3-X, page 284. and more par ticularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning on a pine, corner of bouse lot in line of Lura Latttmore, and runs thence north 19 east 62 poles to a stone In the edge of a pine field; thence north 4 4 east 30 poles to a stone in a flat, Jo? Hastings' corner; thence with his line north east 281 ^ poles to a stone; thence aouth 2-4 east 44 poles to a stone. D B. Whisnant s corner; thence With his line south L7 west 28 poles to a stone at the edge of Ahc bottom; thence north 78 east 18 pole*-to a birch on the east bank of the cteek in Whtsnant’s line; thence down the creek couth 10 west 34 poles to a stake;1 thence south 40 east 10 poles to a stake; thence N. 76 east 32 poles to a stake on the north bank of the creek at the old black oak at the old bridge; thence with the old line and line of D B. Whisnant smith 24 east 110 poles to a pine (now down*, thence south 10*i west 22 poles to a stone: thence south 191 a west .30 poles to a leaning pine i.i Whlsnanfs line; thence with hts line north 67V* west 13 poles to a stone pile; thence smith/87 west 69 poles to a state; in the branch, corner of John Houser: thence #ith hit line down the branch N. 55 W. 34 poles to a stone; thenct N. 46 west 34 poles to a stone; thence north 46 west 24 poles to a stake in Houser's line; thence north 60 west 46 poles to a stake; thence north 84 west 17 poles to a maple, thence W. 38 poles to a stake Pet Har rill’s corner; thence with his line north 26 east 40 poles to a stone; thence north 70 east 12 poles to a stone, corner of the phureh lot; thence south Vh west 26 poles to a stone; thence north 78 east 25 poles to a stone; thence north 23 west 29 poles to a stone, corner of Lura Lat timore: thence with her line north 42 east 26 poles to a stone; thence north 671 east 43 poles to the place of beginning, containing 191*4 acres. This sale is made by reason of the fail ure of J. L Hunt and wife. Kate Hunt to pay off and discharge the Indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be required from the purchaser at the sale. Jhis the 28th day of October, 1931. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUR. HAM. Trustee. Durham, N. C. 4t Nov 18c SALE OF VALUABLE FARM FROFLRTV Under and by virtue of the authority conferred upon ue In a deed of trust ex ecuted by Z. c. Maunev and wife. Glad-3 Mauney on the 7th day of April. 1928 and recorded In book 141. page 31, we will on Saturday the 13th day *f December, 1931 IS o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Shelby. N. c.. Cleveland county, sell at public auction .for cash to the highest blddtr the following land to-wtt: All that piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being In No. 7 town ship, county of Cleveland, state of North Carolina, adjoining lands of Gracly Mau ney on the north: lands of Sam Ureru ou the east: lands of Fat# Morrison on the south, and lands of Thomas Green on the west, and being more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at a stake In the branch Fate Morrison's corner; thence with h.t two lines and the branch south 48 west 114 poles to a stake; south 883. west 25 80 poles to a stake In old creek run, thence with the old creek run several lines as follows: North 60U West 16.48 poles: north 18■ a west 38 poles: north 30west 14 poles: north 47V» west 13 poles; forth 44 1,2 west 4.32 poles to a stake, corner of 80 acre tract; thence with his two lines north 40 1-3 eas' west 14.68 poles to a stake, thence with hla line north 58'2 west 19 poles to a stake; thence north 14 1-3 west 1 85 poles to a stake. Grady Mauney* corner; thence with his two lines norht 48 1-3 east 138 38 poles to a stone: thence north 57H, east 48 poles to a stone. Sam Green's corner; thence With his line south 21.U east "5 poles to a stone. Fate Morriaon's corner; thence wish his line south 21 1-8 east 68 poles to she place of beginning containing 120 acres, more or less. This tract of land includea two tracts, vis Lot No 1 allotted to Zebulon C Mauney from the lands of Marcue M. Maunev, de ceased; and lot No. 2 of said Mauney es tate which was conveyed to Z. V. Mau ney by Wilbur L Simmons and wife by deed dated May 15, 1919 and registered in book FEE page 180 register of deeds office of Cleveland eounty Thu sale is made by reason of th* »sti ura of C MStwty and alts, Ola-lv* Mauney to pay off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust A deposit of 10 percent will be required of the purchaser at the sale This the 3rd day of November. 1931 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUR HAM. Trustee Durham N r 4t Nov Itr of Rockingham spent Saturday] night with Mr. and Mrs E. M Hamrick Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Davis and daughter of Charlotte were Thanks giving visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. E Davis. Mi s Mattie Lee Gardner of N. C. State college at Raleigh is spend ing the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gardner. Miss Aileene Cabanlss of the Zion I community visited Miss Catherine Bankhead recently. Mr. Wyan Washburn of Wake Forest college is at home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamrick of Raleigh spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Gardner. A training school is being held at our church this week. Mr. A. h. Calton, a very efficient teacher, is teaching the book "Our Lord and Ours.’ Fourteen seed pans have beer, I kept busy in Person county this j fall harvesting a supply of home, grown lespedeza seed. SALE OK VALUABLE FARM PROPERTI Under and by virtue of the authority | conferred upon us In a deed of trust ex ecuted by R. G. Mauney and wife. Mer e i Mauney. on the 4th day of AuguM 19J j and recorded tn book HI. page 131. we; will on Saturday the 12th day of December. 1 AST, J? o'clock noon at the courthouse door in Shelby. N. C.. Clevland county, sell at public j auction for cash to the highest bidder j the following land to-wlt: Being lot No. 3 of the Marcus M. Man- ' ney lands, and being that tract of land conveyed to R. Grady Mauney by deed of D. H. Spangler and wife, et als. dated April 20th. 1925. which deed is registered in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. North Carolina. :n book of deeds 3-P. page 367. Said land; ! being Joined on the north by Chevis Spangler, and M. B Mauney. on the east by 8. J Green lands, on the south b* Z. C. Mauney. on the west by Brushy Creek and the lands of Tom Green and Chevis Spangler and being described by metes and bound* as follows: Beginning 8t a stake and pointers on west bank of Brushy Creek, old come and corner of Chevis Spangler, and runs thence with line of Chevis Spangler. N 60*4 E. 9.73 chains to a stone: thence N 15 W. 10 chains to a stone on east bank of Small Branch. M B Mauney’s corner thence with line of M B. Mauney N. 73V* E. 39 03 chains to a stone in line of 6 J. Green’s laud; thence with said Him 8. 21 y* E 13.50 chains crossing a branch * to a stone and pointers, corner of Z. C Manny's land; thence with line of said ; Z. C. Mauney. S 57*a W. crossing roarl j 12 chains to a stone; thence S. 40’j \V. j 34.09 chains crossing Brushy Creek to a j stone on old run, corner of Tom Green } land; thence with old cre^k run as It was! In 1845. N. 14’* W. 3.40 chains to a stake on west bank of present creek channel. ] thence N. 12 W. 6.68 chains to a stak : on west bank thence N. 3’a W. 4.50 ] chains to a stake on west bank; thence J N. 121 - W. 3.06 chains to a stake on west i bank; thence N. 32»> W. 6.00 chains to! the place of beginning, containing sev enty-eight (78» acres. Together with a right-of-way from the lands above described to the public road loading from the Shelby-Polkville road to the Shelby-Lattimore road, said right way lying across the lands of \V. 7 Weathers and wife. Ossie Weathers, and the lands of Z. C. Mauney and wife Gladys Mauney. and being described in si certain deed from raid parties to R Grady Mauney. dated April 17th, 1925. and recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. C-, tr book 3-P at page 367. This sale Is made by reason of the failure of R. G. Mauney and wife, Mane Mauney, to pay off and discharge the In debtedness secured by said deed of trust A deposit of 10 percent will be required, of the purchaser at the sale This the 2nd day of November. 1931 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUR HAM, Trustee, Durham, N. C 4t Nov 18c SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the authority conferrod upon us in a deed of trust ex ecuted by J. E. McCraw and wife. Minnie McCraw on the 24th day of February, 193(5. and recorded in book 131, page 63d we will on Saturday the 12th day of December, 1931. at 12 o’clock noon at the courthouse door in Shelby, N. C. Cleveland county, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the following land, to-wit: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of l^nd situate, lying and being in No. 2 township. Cleveland county, state of North Carolina, adjoining lands of Lan drum Jolley on the north. lands of Henry Ramsey on the east, lands of Billy Ramsey on the south and lands of Mrs Cordian Hamrick on ths* west, having such shapes, courses and distances as will more fully appear by reference to a plat thereof made by O. C. Thompson, sur veyor. on the 13th day of February, 1930. and being more particularly described and defined as follows: Beginning at a stake in the branch. Landrum Jolley’s corner, thence ajith his line north 85‘a west 15.79 chains to an iron stake. Cordian Hamrick’s corner; thence with her several lines viz: South 21 Va east 10.40 chains to an iron stake; thence south 78*4 west 5.60 chains to an iron stake; thence south 233» east 17.15 chains to an iron stake, Billy Ramsey s corner; thence with his line south 68*3 east 12.75 chains to a stone and point ers; thence north lVi west 4 80 chains to a stake in the branch. Henry Ramsey’s corner; thence up the branch as it meanders and with Henry Ramsey’s line, viz: North 55a4 west 1.90 chains; north 22 west 3.16 chains; north S'i vest 3.50 chains; north 48‘a east 1.22 chains; thence north 334 west 5.75 chains; north lf% west 6.25 chains; north 26 east 1.75 chains; north 37 east 4.17 chains to the place of beginning, containing 35 acres, more or less. Reference is hereby made to that deed from T. L. Blanton and wife, to J. E. Mc Craw and wife, Minnie McCraw, dated March 21. 1921 and recorded in book KKK at page 183 of the Cleveland coun ty registry. This sale is made by the reason of the failure of J E. McCraw and wife. Minnie McCraw. to pay off and discharge the In debtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 percent will be re quired of the purchaser at the sale. This the 31st day of October, 1931. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUR ham. Trustee, Durham, N. C. 4t Nov 16c I DR. S. F. PARKER — PHYSICIAN — Office Phones 64 and No. 2 Residence Phone 129-J T. W. Ebeltoft Grocer and Book Seller Phone — 82 I It Pays To Advertise Prince's Bride / y ■V The former Mme. Jana Lucia Deletj (above), divorced com moner. became the bride of Prince Nicholas of Rumania, brother to King Carol, when the pair eloped to a small village and was mar ried by the mayor against the lat ter’s wishes. Carol, incensed that his orders forbidding Nicholas to marry Mme. Deletj had been ig nored. commanded that all records of the nuptials be destroyed. Forty-five farmers and farm women sold $271.06 worth of sur plus produce on the Durham curb market last Saturday. Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly DRS. H. D. & R. L. WILSON OPTOMETRISTS Office Over Paul Webb & Son’s Drug Store. 4 Britain imposes 50 per cent, tai I iff on manufactures to halt dump ing. - Cotton Buyer - Rowland H. Ouzts HOTEL CHARLES SHELBY, N. C. DK. D. M. MOUKISQN OPTOMETRIST Woolwortli Bulldtnj. SlIELBY. N. C. Eyes Examined, Glasses l ilted •And Repaired. YOUR HEATING Plant hould be gone uvei for the winter. The weath er man says winter is near, so in order to be comfort able. let us look over your heating, EXPERT MEN in plumbing and heating always at your service. Es timates 'cheerfully given on any work that needs to be done. Proper attention to yout heating- is economy in fuel. E. B. HILL Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. Phone 569 - Sensational Discovery, 666 Salve A Doctor’s Prescription for Treating ( olds Externally Everybody l sing It—Telling Their Friends $5,000 Cash Prizes For Best Answers “Why You Prefer 660 Salve for Colds” The Answer Is Easy After You H<^>e Tried !' Ask Your Druggist First Prize $500.00; Next tea Prizes SI00.00 each. Next twenty Prize: $50.00 each; Next forty Prizes $25.00 each; Next one hundred Prizes $10.00 each; Next one hundred Prizes $5.00 each. In case of a tie iden tical Prizes will be awarded. Rules.; Write on one side of paper oniv Let your letter contain no more than filty word-. Tear oil Top of 6Si Salve Carton and mail with letter to 666 Salve Contest, Jacksonvil.c Florida. All letter:; must be in by midnight, January 3.1. 1922. Y >ui druggist will have list of winners by February :5th. 666 Liquid or Tablets with 666 Salve .Makes a Complete Internal and External Treatment. — QUEEN CITY COACH LINES — ! FOR, ASHEVILLE, CHARLOTTE, WILMINGTON. FAYETTEVILLE. FOR ASHEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—9:45 a. in.; 11:10 a. m.: 4:45 p. m. FOR CHARLOTTE AM) INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11:10 a. m.; 11:00 p m.; 4:40 p. rn.; 9:00 p. m. FOR WILMINGTON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—11:10 a. ru. FOR FAYETTEVILLE AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS: LEAVE SHELBY:—7:10 a. m.; 11.10 a. m.; 2:00 p. m. - FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - PHONE 450 - QUEEN CITY COACH COMPANY Twice Warned Is He As a man who cuts wood is warmed both by the exercise of cutting and after by the fire side, so the saver glows in the security afford ed by saving and after by providing those things that afford pleasure. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT. Union Trust Co. "IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH”

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