10 PAGES TODAY 1, 1931 Published Monday, VVednseday and Friday Afternoons. By Mull, per year, (In mv»nc«, - JJD, Carrier, per year, (in idv>n» Gaston county. The still was found just across the lihe in Gaston about two miles from Kings Mountain About sixty gallons of mash and beer was poured out and about five gallons of whiskey ana the copper outfit was taken as evidence Annual Achievement Day Program Yesterday well Attended Despite Rain, The anuual gala event m Achievement Day, of the home dem onstration elute of Cleveland coun ty was held yesterday at the South Shelby school and was attended to; 9d women despite the Inclement weather. The president and secretary, Mrs iPoy Putnam and Mrs. Boyd Har i relaon, presided at the session Re-Elected, The feature of the business por tion of the program was the re election of Mrs. Putnam and Mrs Harrelson as chief federation offi cers. Mrs. Huff Hamrick, of Boil ing Springs, was elected vice presi dent; Mrs. J. D Elliott, of Shelby, treasurer, and Mrs. Hunter Ware, of Kings Mountain, reporter. The devotional opening the day’s program was led by Rev. L. L. Jes sup, pastor of the Second Baptist church. Miss Selma Webb, princi pal of the South Shelby school, de livered the message of welcome, and the appreciative response was by Mrs. C. C. Stamey, of Fallston. Miss Annia C. Broughton brought a message from the Gaston county federation, and Mrs. Irma Wallace made the response to this. Mrs. J. A. Rudasill was the speak er of the occasion, and in her speech gave a beautiful idea of home and how it should be man aged. This was peculiarly applica ble as the club women are just closing a year in home manage ment work. 1 Mrs. Huff Hamrick, accompanied at the piano by Miss Zulia Walker, had charge of the song period, which is growing more and more popular with the club women. Lunch was in charge of Mrs, B. O. Randall and the presidents of the other clubs. The main course was served on plates but the des sert course was served cafeteria style. Miss Viole* Goforth had charge of the coflfee which was served with sugar and cream from a table in the center of the large home economics room. The afternoon session was open ed with a vocal solo by Mrs. Grady Lovelace accompanied by Mrs. Earl Hamrick. Next came the treat of the day, a play “When Pern Returns" put on tby El Bethel club under the leader ship of Mrs. Boyd Harrelson, who was chairman of the program com mittee. This play had for its main theme home management. All of the characters were well portrayed Mrs. Ben Goforth as Pern, Mrs. Harmon and Miss Dessie McSwa'.n the two school girls, M*s. Boyd Har reison, the mother, Mrs. Frank Go forth the father and Miss Jessie Black the small boy. The prizes were awarded to the following clubs: Patterson Grove, first; Polkville. second, and F! Bethel, third. Special' commenda tion was given ten other clubs. In fact there was only a shade of dif ference between the ten considered for first plsre. Eskridge Named Kiwanis Leader Here Last Night Henry Edwards Elected Vicr-Prcsi dent of Club, Hamrick Treas urer Again Forrest Eskridge, cusinei ol the First National bank and the I’nlon Trust company, is the president-elect of the Shel by Kiwanis elnb, succeeding Paul Webb, sr. He was elected as head of the city's Oldest civic , organization at the regular meeting of the club held last night at the Hotel Char les. The club followed Its usual pro cedure In elevating its new presi dent from the vice-presidency. Other Officers.. Henry B Edwards, attorney and Cleveland county representative to the legislature, was elected vice president to succeed Mr. Eskridge C. Rush Hamrick was re-elected treasurer, and Paul Webb, the re tiring president, was elected district trustee to succeed Dr. J 8. Dorton Directors named were: 3, S. Dor ton. Earl Hamrtck, Clyde R. Hoev R. T. LeGrand, J. D. Llneberger, B F. Parker and B. L. Smith. The club secretary is to be an* potnted at the first meeting of tin directorate, which will be hCW some time this month. Chas. A. Bums attorney and federal probation of ficer, has served as secretary since the organization of the club Sell License Tags On A Weight Basis At Shelby Bureau New Taft. Go On Sale 16th Of This Month. Approximate Cost Given. Automobile owners ot the Shelby section will find that the new 1931 license plates Will vary In price from what they did last year. This year the plates will be sold on the basis of the weight of the cars. The new plates will go on sale at the Eskridge garage, with Charles Eskridge as manager, on North i Washington street, on Wednesday, | December 16. Mr. Eskridge wJV at tend a conference of district man agers at Morganton on the 15th, nt which time he will secure final In structions for handling the plates. Selling the tags on a weight basis, instead of the former motor horsepower basis, will revise the scale somewhat, the Carolina MotoT club informs. In many Instances cn: owners will be required to pay more than heretofore. while In other cases the tax will be less The Coil Now. A minimum cost of $12.50 is fix ed for automobiles and $15 for trucks. These figures range upward at the rate of approximately 50 cents per hundred pounds when ap plied to cars, the weights figured on the basis ol the factory figures A different scale obtains for trucks. Thus, a 2,200-pound car tag will cost $12.50, a 3,2000-pound car $17. 60, a 4,200-pound automobile $23,10, a 5,200-pounder $28.50 and so on. An other words, a tag for a two door 1930 Ford sedan, weighing ap proximately 2,395 pounds, will cost $13.20; a tag for the same type and model Chevrolet $13.75; a Pontiac of the same type and model $14.30, and so on up according to the weight. Tags for Dodges will cost from $14.50 to $16.50, Buicks from $14.50 to $25.30, the average Chrysler tag will cost around $21.45. while the 16 cylinder Cadillac, one of the heav iest cars on the market, will cost from $31.90 to $33. The Plymouth and Essex are in the Chevrolet and I CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN i ■ ' ' "^*^W»ff!B5S!?*!aHHS55aS5a8HSSf Average Farm In This County Only 46 Acres Lead Kiwanis I : • Eorresl Eskridge (lop), Shelby banker, wat last night elected president of the Kiwanls club, and Henry H. Edwards (below), attor ney, was named vice president. (Star Photos) Plato Richards Out Of Hospital Lincoln Man Alleged To Have Been Cut By Brother la Better. A message from Linoolnton today stated that Plato Richards, of that county, who was severely cut fn S brawl at the home of his brother. Ed, west of Belwood, in Cleveland county, last Saturday night was better and had left the hospital there ftfr his home. A rumor was aoout She’by early today that Richards had died from a knife wound in his stomach, but the later report showed that the rumor was without foundation of fact, * Richards was stabbed, or cut. In the stomach, officers were inform ed, when he and his brother, Ed, mixed over some affair connected with the settlement of their moth er’s estate. Ed Richards, his wife and two sons are under bond In the matter. Japan Objects To Two Features Of Peace Plan; Counter Proposal Paris, Dec, 4 .-—Prospects for early settlement of the Sino-Japanese conflict receded further last night when it was learned that Japan was steadfastly objecting to two features of the League of Nations proposal for an international com mission of Inquiry. Tokyo's note had not been offi cially communicated to league au thorities but the Japanese delega tion let it be known that Japan can not accept one provision of the set tlement resolution and one stipu lation of the declaration by Aristide Briand, council chairman which will accompany it.,, The commission of inquiry, Tok yo insists, should not be empow' ered to report to the league council any alleged failure of the Japanese tCOVTTNVFP ON PAOK TW» • Brother-In-Law Mr#. Hoey Died Thursday J. B. Boyd, a brother-in-law M Mrs. Frank Hoey, died yesterday at his home in Thomson, Oeorgla, ac cording to a message sent Mrs Hoey here. He had been ill for sev eral years and is survived by a widow and five children. Funeral services were held there tills after noon. i POLK VILLE LADIES CLUB MEET* TUESDAY The Polkville ladies club will meet Tuesday, Dec. 6A with Mrs Tommie Willis. The meeting will I start at 2 o’clock in the afternoon f Cleveland Farm* Have. Demand 16 Acres In Slur In Ten Year Period. The average farm in Cleve land. North Carolina’s largesl cotton-crowing countr. ronaUt* of only 46 acres. A survey or North Carolina farms by the University News Letter re-, veals (hat only five other counties in the state have smaller average farms Show Decrease. hi 1920, the department of Rm ul-8oclal Economics found. tl’* average size of the farms In Cleve land county was 62.9 acres, or 16.9 acres larger than in 1930. Taking thr state as a whole the average farm consists of 64.5 acres or 10 acres less than the average farm til 1920 The average size of Catawba county farms is 66 acres, of Gaston farms 63 acre*, of Rutherford farms 62.5 acres, and'in Lincoln 68.6 acres Moore county has the largest farms, averaging 105 acres, and Wilson the smallest, averaging 38.3 acres. Robeson. Pitt. Nash Greene and Wilson are the five of the 100 rfuntles having smaller farms than Cleveland. iveep Mimnktng Commenting on the survey, tiie News Letter says: "North Carolina Is one of the few states whore farms persist In grow ing smaller. During the last ten years our farms have shrunk in stae by ten acres, dropping Iron 74,2 acres per farm to 64.5 acre’ per farm. Ever since the Civil war farms In North Carolina have steadily declined in sine, from 335 acres per farm in 1860 to 64.6 acres per farm in 1930, and from 97 cul tivated acres per farm to 91-2 ac tivated acres per farm. "On the other hand farms in the United States generally are growing larger. During the last ten years tha overage farm in the United States has increased in sise by nine acre' There has been a large increase in the large farms for the United States, while there are few large farms to be found In North Caro lina. We have a few large holdings, but not many large farms. A farm is all the land farmed by one per son with the assistance of members of his family or with hired labor ■'Of the one hundred counties tn the state, eighty-eight experienced a decline In the average siae of farms during the last decade Fjuvns Too Small. "It is obvious that farms In North Carolina are too small. , We rank, i CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN Have Not Set Date To Open At Night Merchants May Start Remaining Open. Evenings About 15th Of Month. Shelby merchants have not as yet scf a date when they will begin keeping their stores open in the evenings to accommodate the holi day trade. Each year it is a custom of the local merchants to keep their stores open for several hours each evfenlng for a week or two before Christmas In order to gtvc people who work during the day hours an opportun ity to do their gift shopping. Today it was said that the evening sche dule might start around the 15th. 10 days before Christmas. and about the same time the city will put up the string of Yule lights around the court square. Mrs. Webb Ninety Year* Old Today Mrs. David Webb. West Marion street is four score years and ten today. She was receiving the felici tations of her many friend3 on her ninetieth birthday at her home and feeling fairly well for one of her years. Mrs. Webb is the widow ol David Webb, prominent mercliant here in the early days of the city. She is the mother of eleven child ren. Players Make Plans For February Show The Shelby Community Players met last night to discuss plans for their next public play production. Two one-act plays were selected by the group for inside workshop pro ductions and several popular three act plays were put before the read ing committee for an appropriate selection for the next public presen tation, which, according to present plans of the club, will be given in late February