Local Veterans To * Attend Newton Meet Officer* And Chairmen In Ifitl) District To (lather At Newton N'nt Tuesday. Newton, Dec. 4.—A11 Amencui Legion poet officers and district I committee chairmen of the 16th dis- j trlct have been called to meet in Newton next Tuesday, it was an nounced yesterday. This will be a meeting composed of officers and chairmen of local units of the Legion in the several counties comprising the 16th dis trict, These counties include Meck lenburg, Cleveland, Gaston. Lit. , coin, and Catawba Russell M. Yount, of Newton commander of the 16th district, is sued the call for the meeting. Plan, for an elaborate affair are already being formulated. Following conferences during the day pertaining to various legion topics, a Joint session is to be held with the ladies' auxiliary, and a dinner served, followed by a dune* at the American Legion hut here. Officers from all local units in the five counties named have been re quested to attend. There will be two from Catawba county, the Newton and Hickory Units. Charlotte, Shel by, Gastonia, Lincolnton and other cities in the counties named will he represented by their local post of ficers. Average Farmln j County 46 Acre* ) CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE.) low In farm Income, mainly be cause our farms are too small to produce much income under our system of farming. Twenty acres in ordinary crops cannot possibly yield an iincpme sufficient to support a farm family confort ably, yet more than half the farm ers of North Carolina cultivate less than twenty acres. We need larger cultivated acreage per farm. With only twenty percent of our land area in harvested crops it is easily possible to increase the cultivated acres per farm without decreasing the farm population. If it cannot be done that way. then a loss of farm dwellers might not be cala mitous provided the result were larger farms, a larger income tier farms, a larger income per farm family, higher standards of living for those remaining on the farm, better markets for farm surpluses, a better distribution of the popula tion, and a more diversified econo mic foundation. North Carolina stands today an excessively rural state, with unbelievably small farms and an average farm income that ranks near the bottom in the United States.” Penny Column FOR SALE: 46 ACRES THREE miles from Forest City on sand clay road. Six room house, fair farm orchard. 30 acres in cultivation. Plenty of wood and pasture. Price $8,000. H*lf cash and remainder to suit. J. B. Nolan. It 4c WILL. BUY THESE Purs: Skunk, Musk rat, Opossum, Mink, Weasel, House Cat, and wild cat. D. A. Beam Co. 3t-4c ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that I h»ve thts day qualified as administrator of the es tate of W. P Gale, deceased of Cleveland county, N. C and that all persons hold m| claims against the said estate will present same to me properly proven on or before the 16th dev of October. 1933. or thtk notice will be nleaded In bar of any reeoverv thereof. All persona Indebted to the said estate will please make Immed iate settlement to the undersigned This October 30th, 1931 R, B KEETER, Administrator ol w. p. Oolc, deceased St O 30c NOTICE Of MEETING VPON PETITION FOR DISCHARGE—NO. 717 In the District Court of the Unite States tor the Western District ot North Carolina—In Bankruptcy m the matter of K. S. Black, I Shelby. N , C;l. Bankrupt Notice it hereby given to all creditors | and other parties In interest that the | above named bankrupt's petition lor dr : charge has been referred to the Under ■ signed as Special Master that umttaht. to the terms of the said order the said ’ oetitton has been set do»n tor v heart! '’ before the undersigned Specie.! Master el. tha law office of the said Spec' Mastr. 300 haw Buildlnst Charlotte N. C., on Wednesday, the noth day of December 1931, at 3 o'clock P. M at -which tlm and place all parties mav attend an! duly consider the said petition and dis charge. The said meeting may be continued j from time to time without further notice until all matters are disposed of. This the 1st dav of Decern r 1931 R MARION ROSS. Specie! Matter U 4c Charlotte. N. c NOTICE OF MEETING ETON PETITION FOR DISCHARGE- NO 717 In the District Court of a I’n.ieit Statea for the Western Dtsti: NorUy Carolina—In Bankruptcy. In the matter of F. F. Black, Shelby. N C.v. Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given to all creditor.’ and other parties in interest that the above named bankrupt's petition lor dis charge has been referred to the under signed as Special Master: that pursuart to the terms of the said order the sale petition haa been set down for a hearit; : before the undersigned Special Master a' the law office of the sa d Special Master 100 Law Building. Charlotte N C., Wednesday, the 3KU day of December 1931, at ? o'clock P M at which tire and place all parlies mav ntte" 1 end duly consider the sa 1 set.tiou and d charge. The raid meeting ma“ bs continued Horn time to time without further notice nptil ell matters are dispo-.d of Thts the 1st day ot December 1931 R MARION ROSS Special Master • It 4e Charlot'e N C Fallston News Of Current Week Cooking School b,v S. I’. I Co., Birthday Parly For Mis* Wright, Personals. 'Special to Tiie Star.) Fallston, Dec. 3.—A cooking school was held at the school house on Tuesday afternoon by the S. P U. Co., advertising the electric range. Mr;. Brownlee, who was In charge, prepared and cooked some very Interesting dishes. A very de licious chocolate was made arid served to the ladies present. Names were drawn for pries and the first prize, a fifty pound sack of flour was won by Mrs. J. B. Iking. The, second prize a 25 pound sack of flour was won by Mrs W, Ft Gary. The third prize a pork roast cooked with Irish potatoes was won by Mrs Claude Stamey. About 15 ladles were present. Birthday Party. Miss Thelma Wright surprised her sister, Mls.s Cloe. with h birth day party on Monday evening. Many Interesting games were play ed after which the guests were in vited into the dining room, where coffee, sandwiches and cake were served. The beautiful birthday cake holding 18 candles graced the cen ter of the table. The following guests were present; Misses Jessie Baxter. Annlebelle Lee. Eloise Stroup, Erma Leonhardt. A. V. Costner, Thelma and Cloe Wright, and Messrs. Thelbert Wright, Clar ence Dixon, J. D Shelton, Stowe Wright, Stonewall. Williams, Oscar Morgan and Hall Williams Miss Wright was assisted in en tertaining by Miss Jessie Baxter. Mrs. George Lattimore of near Polkville, spent several days last week with her daughters Mesdames Everette Spurling and Edward Cline Mrs. Carl Lee and Misses Pearl Cornwell and Clara Royster of near Lawndale visited Mr. and Mrs Claude Stamey Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Broadus Dellinger and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Deains Hoyle. Mr and Mrs, Clem Martin and family visited Mr. ahd Mrs JMce Fortenberry Sunday. Mrs. P. z. Carpenter is spending this week with her son Mr. and Mrs Dennis Wright of jfc,incolnton. Miss Rhea Lattimore spent Thurs day with tier parents, Mr. an ft Mrs. J. D. Lattlmore, of near Polkville. Mr and Mrs. Tom Yoder and family of Newton, and Mr. and Mrs Sherrill Hamrick and Ml&s Ophelia Hendrick of Beams Mill were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ray Wilson on Thursday. Mr and Mrs. J. j. Hayes of near Belwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Wright. Mr. Herbert Smith of Mars Hill college spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lewis. V!f. and Mrs. Fred Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Wright, and Mr. and. Mrs. Vance Royster were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clenso Wright, on Thursday. Mr and Miv William Clay and Miss Pauline Clay spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Parris Martin of n&ar Bel wood Mr. and Mrs. W G. Bridges and daughter Miss Clara Lee and son Mr. Durham visited Mr. and Mrs. ! Everette Lee of Shelby Sunday Mr and Mrs. Marion Barfield of near Lawndale and Mr. and Mrs Roy Davis of Rockdale, spent Thurs day with Mr. and Mrs. Karris Mar tin. Mrs Wyatt Stamey and Miss Rose Mary White of Polkvtlle. were the week end guests of Mr and Mrs. Clem Hoyle. Mr. and Mrs. E D Kendrick spent the week end with Mrs. Kendrick, mother Mrs E T Scott of Converse, S C Mr and Mrs Roland Sparks and family visited Mr. and Mrs. W, B Sparks of Shelby Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. Claude Stamey had sis their guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George Cornwell and daugh ter, Miss Pearl, Mr. and Mrs Ira Elmoe and family, M. and Mrs, Yates Horn and Mr. and Mrs Carl Lee. The following members of the Home Economics club attended achievement day held at South Shelby school building Thursday: Mrs. Claude Stamey who gave the response to the welcome address, Mrs. E. G. Spurling, Mrs: Franklin Warllck, Mrs. S. L. Kendrick, Miss Frankie Dixon, Mrs. Hugh Beam, Mrs. Edward Cline, Mrs Floyd Cline and Mrs. C. D. Stroup Sell License Tags On Weight Basis I CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE > • Pontiac class, the Studebaker In the Chrysler class ancl the Packards, Franklins and Pierce-ArTows in the Cadillac class. The minimum truck tag cost will be $15. For trucks of 1.5-ton capa city and under two tons, the cost will be estimated at the rate of 55 cents per hundred if the tires are pneumatic anil $1.20 per hundred if the tires are solid. For trucks of two-ton capacity and under three tons, the tag will be figured on the basis of 70 cents per hundred when the tires are pneumatic and $1.40 when solid. Trucks of three-tor. capacity and over will cost at the rate of one dollar per hundred if the tires are pneumatic and two dollars if the tires are solid. Car Tags Here. Approximately 12,000 of the new automobile tags have already ar rived at the motor club bureau here. The new truck tags, however have not arrived as yet. Japan Objects To New Peace Plan (CONTINUED FROM PAOE ONE ) force* In Manchuria to withdraw as quickly a* the commission be lieves warranted. This is one of the provisions ot^he resolution. The d/aft oWfc Briand’s declara tion stipulates that the Japanese may rightfully take measures against bandits only in exceptional circumstances and that any such punitive expedition shoujfl be ac companied by neutral observers. The Japanese government is un willing to allow neutrals to accom - j pany their troops operating against bandits. Pending official receipt of the Japanese note the council did not. meet yesterday and did .not ached ule a meeting for today Tokyo Preparing Plan Tokyo, Dec. 4.—Japan rejected] the League of Nations Manchurian peace. program on two scores yes terday, and drew up counter pro posals to be submitted to the league council meeting In Paris. The Tokyo government interpret ed the league plan as restricting Japanese activity against bandits and as fixing a virtual time limit for the avacuation of troops out side the Manchurian treaty zone. Barion Shldehara, the foreign minister, and the other members of the cabinet drew up the counter proposals at a meeting which last ed most of the night. These pro posals were to be dispatched to Ken kichi Yoshteawa, Japan’s spokes man at the league council, along with new instructions. Bailey Will Take Hi* Seat Monday (CONTINUED PROM PAQE ONE 1 delegation will hold their caucus today to put forward a slate of j committee assignments and officers in the house organization. Pritchard Fights On Asheville, Dec. 4.—Georg* M, Pritchard, former Republican con gressman from the 10th district, who was defeated by Josiah W. Bailey In the last United States senatorial election in North Caro lina, last night issued a formal statement denying that his contest of Bailey's election would be drop ped. ANNOUNCING Oliver S. Anthony announces the association of his brother, John A. Anthony, Jr„ with him in his present Heal Estate business and with this con solidation, the name of the new Firm will be ANTHONY & ANTHONY. In addition to Real Estate which has been han dled exclusively by Oliver S. Anthony, Life Insur ance will now be added and John A. Anthony, Jr., will specialize in Representing THE LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Fort Wayne, Indiana, with the new firm of AN THONY & ANTHONY as District Agents. Anthony & Anthony REAL ESTATE AND LIFE INSURANCE IJNEBERGER BLDG. — PHONE 248 The Majestic Is Built Up To A Standard Not Down to a Price! Why buy off-brand Radios, or INFER IOR MAKES, when you can buy a MAJESTIC Superheterodyne for as low as $54.50, Complete Installed? Everyone knows the everlasting quali ties of r Majestic. ’‘There's Nothing Finer than a Majestic Radio.’’ Over 900 Satisfied Users in Shelby and Cleveland County Pendieton’s Music Store Toluca And Knob Creek Late News Mr. A. A. Sain Quite III. Surprise Party for Miss Hallman. Personals. (Special to The Star.) Toluca, Dec. 3.—Mr. A. A. Satii ts juite 111 again suffering with heart trouble. Mrs. J. M. Carpenter who is in the Shelby hospital for treatment Is improving^. The next singing convention will DC held at Zion Hill the fifth Sun iay in May. Mr. and Mp*. W. H. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Young motored to Ra leigh to the lmne of Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Young *nd enjoyed a tur key dinner Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mr*. Theodore Boyles and Mrs. M. C. Bbyles visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. J Sain of Hickory on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and little sort Billy, and Miss Sadie Mull of Greensboro spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Miss Mulls mother Mrs. D. M. Mull. Mr. C. E. Sain is in a sanatorium at Atlanta, Ga , for two weeks for treatment. Miss Edith Sain and Mr. Frank Houser who teach school at Pitts boro, spent the Thanksgiving holi days with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sain and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Houser. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Deal and chil dren Thomas and Edith, of Rock dale spent Che week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Sain. Mr. and Mts. Fred Eaker of Dal las spent the week end with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sain, Miss Edith Sain and Mr. Sam Sain were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wytle Costner of Double Shoals. The many friends of Miss Ruth Hallinan gave her a surprise party Saturday night. Mr. Odus King of Lincoln county had the misfortune of loosing his home by fire last Tuesday. The origin of the fire was unknown. Mr and Mrs. A. B Boyles were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Norman of Belwood. Mrr and Mrs. Coy Young spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Ambrose Boyles Miss Annie Upton of Startown spent several days last week with her sister Mrs. Dennis Sain. Mr. and Mrs. Eskridge Hallman of Shelby spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hallman. Mrs. Cora Sain and little sog Donnie were dinner guests Monday of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Boyles. Mrs. Bert Sain and children vis ited her mother Mrs. Noah Hubbard of Belwood Sunday. LaFayette Street M. E. Services Services at LaFayette St. Met!, odist church for the week will b* as follows. The Epworth league should t\ represented with report at th< Cleveland County unions meeting at Polkville church this evening Sunday school will open Sunda morning at 9:45, Mr. F. E. Whip ner. Supt, The pastor will preach at both morning and evening serv ices. the subject for eleven o’clock being “Knowledge bf Supremf Worth” and for seven “The Stor\ Too Good To Keep.” Epworth leagues will meet »' 6:30. Prayer service Wednesday evening at 7:15, Britain to extend tariffs to wide list. South's farming condition is bet ter. agricultural department reports THRILLinC r GI*T AJGGC/TIOIV -Mr Christmas Strop norj. w ALL-WOOL FLANINtti Lounging Robes in Smart Cellophane Sealed GIFT BOX! Christmas morning and every other morning she’ll be glad yon selected thii robe! Good looking styles, man-tailored for added smartness! Solid colors with beautifully con trasted collars, cuffs and self-material sash with deep fringe! Small, Medium and Large ! Sizes Bill Folds •/ Genuine Leather A Man’s Gift! 98c Htp style; embossed and hand laced. In smart rayon-fined kon Others 49c np •-piece Manicure Roll only 98C artier or peari coiot rfmings in satin lined leather^ etV case.! OTHERS at 49c uni ant, For Greater Sleeping Comfort? | Broadcloth Pajamas *1.79 just the thing for • man’s Christ mss! Exceptional quality broad, doth, expertly tailored. The styles are very distinctive . . . coat model with silk frogs; middy slipover; **d coilaf' model. An euttimdun Y*Jwe at Fancy's ibrift price 1 GIFT TOWEL Ensemble . m GIFT Package Htxt't » 6fttow*) nnd Fwo .wsHi <*m »o match is tin feohn* sMnir want! Rich Jfccmarij 4e S (|m wen<) ‘♦TFbJ . Smart GIFT Stationery Gorgeously Boxed 23C 49c 98c You won't find nicer gift *ta tkmery anywhere at these loan price* I A wide assortment in the most popular colors and. fcjfk*. nmmmii Clever Gilt Novelties to pteacc “HER” Eocti TWn ehartmna: *t#i maraneiv mefades ribbon *mA law armaned handkerchief cavt and the favored hoitess gifh— •a glass howl filled with tmt powderpnfft In * meftitadc el co*ersl OTHBRSw^k A Practical ... but Welcome Gift! fitted Case Mid IO * Low Priced S«70 16* rise convenient foe week-end trips. Made of fabri koM, well-lined . fittings consist of brash and comb and set-in mirror. , l&SO sad | I Gift Mufflers I of silk aai rsysn 98° Very becoming new- FaMpat terns — plaids and checks fe ample selection. An exception* tl quality at this low man.*.., and ot course, ponsibte oatf at Penney’s! * Give a tasting gift Jl Flannel Lounging ROBES 83-9* These all wool flannel robesAure to v keenly smart I We’re showing them \ in the new solid colors with con V teasting trims. The wide fringed \ \ »ash. the three attractive pockets \ ) are just a few of the- many un '< nsual features. Only at Penney are they priced so low I Attractively boxed. J*<M>CNNCYCO * '• *j2; SHELBY. N. C. ftS

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