Nobody's Business By GEE Mrf.EK A True Story. I was a telegraph operator for u number of years after I got out * my teens. I enjoyed that kind of work and still like to hang around a telegraph office and listen at the click of the instrument- but most of them have been discarded and teletype machines have taken their place. And by the way, that's rea soh No. 83,654.414 why so many ar out of jobs. When I left home to take my first "wire" position, 1 was so green U*at strange cows would chase me If 1 crossed a pasture. I had never beer. 10 miles away from home, had at tended school but very little, nnd knew nothing about underwear, 3 course meals, and table napkins, but 1 knew which moon to plant corn and oats In, how to "lay off” a straight row. which side to milk a cow on, and which end of a hog the hams were cut from. I found my new place to be a nice little town that had a “read ing club,” 3 churches, 7 stores, S — Cotton Buyer - Rowlancf H. Ouzt* HOTEL CHARLES SHELBY, N. C. Getting: Up Nights Lowers Vitality If you feel old and run-down from a * —- '• *'•••« m iin-vum ii a i lull 0»ttin* Up Nights. Backache, Log *. SMffuctgs. Nervousness, Circles Tains, ■nnder Byes, Headaches, Burning and BlRdder Weakness, caused by Kid —-i-uiux• «« vunlK nil, ___ _____ . ney Acidity. I want you to qult’auf Mght nr— ' — ' M BE ferlng right now. Cfome in and get vi’o* i Lhlnk *■ tho neatest mods «'“• I, hu,vc •v*'r found. It often Kites big Improvement In 24 hours, .lust «»k me for Cyatex (Siss-tex). Its only 75c and 1 guaranies it to Oulrkly combat these conditions and satisfy completely, or return empty package and get your money; back, SlITTliE’S DKUC. STOKE. YOUR HEATING Plant, should be gone over t'or the winter. The weath er man says winter is near, so in order to be comfort able, let us look over your heating. EXPERT MEN in plumbing and heating, always at your service. Es timates cheerfully given on any work that rteeds to be done. Proper attention to your heating is economy in fuel. E. B. HILL Modern Plumbing & Heating Co. »" Phone 569 m rNEXT time you are out of fix as- the result of ir regular or faulty bowel movement, try Thedford’s Black-Draught for the re freshing relief it gives thousands of people who it. Mr. E. W.Cecil, a construction super intendent in Pulaski, Va., says: “ «Vhen I get con stipated, my head aches, and I have that dull, tired fcsling—just not equal to my work. 1 don’t feel hungry and I know that I need something to cleanse my system, so I take Black-Draught. We have found it a great help.” Sold in 25-cent packages. Thed fords ^ BLACK' DRAUGHT tWOMENwhoa^^nwlown^^sijfT fer every month, should take Car (or over to years, am* (graveyards. Rnd 8 or 10 of tlic most prominent families owned pianos i and folks ~I hac’ never seen a . ptano til; I carried a message up »« i Co Drown's house and walked into .in parlor-room where his daugh iter, Sudle Mae, was pecking on the i ivories. I first thought it was an (organ, tut later found oul that it j "picked" in .tea.; of "biowed' it music. &udie Mae and I became good friends later on and she often : pla; cd for me. 1 who lit/., tun ( .ii, raph opera t.i r at ' itC ' but was d'jxifc ugrnt, h.t • nu-.h... Colton weigher, mi..; tv<icr, ’.v;u. i,... .eniai.. express agent, Ch:nnbu'-mu;d to the Waiting ! room.., check c.. i k, bil»i. clerk, | night operator n:> v;oll as day eper i ator, and messenger .boy. It was in deed a pleasure to ce railed out of bed by a railroad ‘wood-train con ductor to get a train order for him so's lie would be protected against No. 17 or No .23. But nowadays, a railroad man Is an 8-hour man and no more. I drew $30.00 per month; but never felt that I earned it, and I had more money on that mem orable first, pay-day than 1 ever have had since. My board was $7.00 pep month—which seemed to be a leet.le bit steep to me. I continued to telegraph and railroad tor 7 years. I was shrewd enough not to let folks ketch iup with my Ignorance. I went, slow, observed closely, looked wise, kept clean, parted my hair In the mid dle, felt like everybody was better than I was (attended church and Sunday school), wore shoes too small for me to reduce the size of my corn-field feet, rubbed sweet smelling petroleum jelly (a new product) on my hair, kept Hoyt’s German cologne on my clothes all the time, and gradually melted Into the crowd. An old-time telegraph Job gave a fellow some wonderful training, and I alnt sorry that I started that-a-way. meeting of the tax league, l flat rock, s. c, decern. 3, 1931. deer mr. editor: 1 have benn asked to rite up the first meeting of our taxpayers lea gue which was hell In the scholl audy tortum last night, and 1 will do as followers: the meeting was called to order by the pressldent, and mr. mike Clark, rfd., was chose acting seek er terry for same, as he was the only man there that could tell the pressldent what to do ansoforth. as he had newer learnt annything about parley mentary rules. i it was decided to ask the next logglslature to turn off every other man and put the balance. of same to work at what they could make hi anny other Job not supported by the taxpayers, and that woulfi mean about a 60 , per cent cut. mr. brown got hot under the col lar about taxes, but the seeker terry reminded him that he was out of order, as he dlddent pay no taxes excepp on his poll, so he got madder than ever and set down mr. Jones wanted the dog tax kill ed, and free scholl books and light wines and beers, but he was voted down. mrs. aiken paine said that she wants rail estate taxes done away with so's she can save the farm her husband left with a big mortgage, as she can’t pay both Interest and taxes, her motion was tabled for the time being onner count of everyboddy else being In the same fix. mr. hook wirm from cedar grove community said he beWevcs that the law ought to give our pressent highways to the big trucks and busses, and blld new ones for our cars, but he was told by the seeker terry that all the bond money in the world had benn spent and there will newer be no more bonds, and consequently—no new roads. there being no further bizness, we adjourned and a new meeting will be called as soon as the presst dent can think of anything else to meet about. • | respectively submitted, mike Clark, rfd. acting seeker terry St. Paul News Of Late Interest Debate And Recitation Contest Winners. Personal Mention. 'Special to The Star.' St. Paul, Dee. 3.—A large crowd j was present last Sunday despite; the rainy weather. The program1 consisted of speakers from each of I the churches. Robert Forbis of Beulah won in the oration for the ;boys, with Mr. Howell of Bethl» hem coming second. Mrs Ralph Harrelson of St. Paul won out in i the recitation for the girls. Miss | Katherine Carpenter of Bethlehem ; came second. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Harmon and family of Vale have recently moved into this community. Miss Essie Dalton of the Appala chian State Teachers college, Boone, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with her mother Mrs. E A. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sisk and chil dren of Belmont. Mr. and Mr; Horace Sisk and*famiiy of Fayette ville spent awhile Thanksgiving ! Beams Mill Dots Of Personal Item* JNovella Wright And Leonard Wright | Wed h* Gaffney. Two Cases Of Pneumonia. Pleasant Grove, Dec 4.—The mam j friend:; of Mias Novella Wright and I Mr. Leonard Wright, both or this blare will be interested to hear ol their marriage, which took place at Gaffhey, 8. C., Sunday, Nov. 29. 'Gjc were accompanied to Gaffney by the bride's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bridges. Ti.'- bridfr is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and is very popular in the young social set. The groom is the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Wright, and is also very popular in the young social set. They will make their hoirie for awhile with the groom's parents. Misses Louetta and Vergie Hoyle j visited Misses Annie Laura and Josephine Beam of St. Paul com munity Wednesday. Mildred, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wewrell Glascoe of Morganton, spent the latter part of last week with tier grandparents, (Mr, and Mrs. Plato Costne'r. She [returned home with her parents Sunday. Kftty Maud, the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Odus Ledford, is very sick with pneumonia. Mr. Van Causby is also very ill with pneu monia, We hope them a speedy re covery. Those visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hoyle Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. Vates Rudisill, Messrs. Yates Beal and Torrence Scenter and Misses Ezma and Ethel Grigs, all of Lincolnton, Miss Mattie Williams and Mrs. Cleophus Wright and small daughter, Dorris, of this com munity. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bridges vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Gead Sweezy, of Ross Grove Sunday. Mrs. Fred Greenway has been on the sick list for the past few days with tomilitis. She is some better at this writing. Mrs. John Oreemvay of Mulls Chapel spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenway. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Wilson of Fall ston and Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill Hamrick spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs Chessley Hendrick. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Whitesides spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Wright. Misses Lame and Eudoria Hoyle, f Lillian and Irene Costner visited Miss Elizabeth Bridges Sunday. Miss Irene Costner spent the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Max Gardner and Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Wright spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Furman Gardner. Mr: and Mrs. Fred Owens spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Forest Carpenter of Waco, . Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White and children of Shelby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. John Pendleton of Mulls Chapel community moved Wednesday in the house with Mr. and Mrs. John Lail. No. 1 Township News Of Interest No. 1 Township, Dec. 3.—Mr. New ton Jones who had the misfortune to have a tree fall across his body is in the Rutherford hospital slow ly Improving. Miss Exie Humphries spent the week end with her aunt Mrs. W. O. Humphries of Grassy Pond. Those visiting Miss Mayme Earls during the week end ^were Wilbur Earl, Lois Abernethy and Minnie Hopper Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crawley and children spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. J. D. Byars Mrs. Peggy and Dilla Scruggs of Cliffside visited Mrs. W. p Byars* last week. Those visiting at the home ot Mrs. D. F. Bailey Sunday were Mr. R. P. Davis and family, Mr and Mrs. Clay Hawkins, Mr. Jack Bail ey and family. Mr. Blease McCraw spent Satur day night with Mr. Vencie Scruggs. Mr. Theodore Earl spent Satur day night with Mr. Richard Earl. Mr. John Boheler and family spent Monday night at the home of Mr M. B. Earl. Messrs Broadus Byars and Blease McCraw were the dinner»guests on Sunday of Mr. Emmltt Byars f Miss Ine Davis is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Blc>ue Davis of Boiling Springs. Mr, Sidney Ruppe and family vis ited at the home of Mr Paul Ruppe Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Helton and family and 4 Mr. and Mrs. W. C Murray and family. Miss Annie Mae Harmon of Lin colnton spent several days last week with her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. T. J. Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harrelson ana children, Charline, Doris and Mar garet Anu of Kings Mountain vis ited Mr. and MrSj M. P. Harrelson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L Murray and daughter. Miss Estelle, 'and Mr Griffin Murray spent Thanksgiving with their son. Mr. Tom Murray and Mrs. Murray of Columbia, S. C. Mrs. W. N. Harrelson and son, i Dwight spent Monday afternoon I with Mr. and Mrs. A. W Harmon, double Shoats News , Of the Current Week Class In Singing Each Night. Rev. Mr. Snow Preaches. Mrs. Golil 111. (Special to Thu Slur. Double Shoals, Dec. 3.—Last Sun day afternoon there was special services at the Methodist church The pastor, Rev. E. E. Snow. of Fallston preached on ‘God, Mans Eternal Refuge". The message was enjoyed by all present. Next Sun day night December 6th at 7 o’clock regular monthly services will be held. Each night this week theie is being held a class In singing. Mr. T. W. Spangler, church chorister. Is directing with a good attendance each night. Sunday December 6th at 2:30 p. m., the Kings Mountain Baptist Sunday school association will meet at the Baptist church in the regu lar monthly meeting. A large crowd is expected as this meeting includ ed all 42 churches. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sain of To luca spent Sunday with Mi-, and Mrs. Wytle Costner. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Costner of Shelby visited their parents Mr. apd Mrs. Alexander Costner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Hastings and children of Forest City, Mrs. T. A, Spangler and Mrs Martha Jane Short of Shelby, visited Mr. and Mrs J. W. Costner Thanksgiving, day. Messrs A. L. and Eubcrt Spangler and Clyde Cornwell are In Ten nesee this week purchasing hogs. Mrs. Sid Gold continues very sick with a complication of Ills. Miss Irene Cook of upper Cleveland is nursing her. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Costner spent Tuesday in Shelby visiting Mr. J. P. Smith who is seriously ill. Miss Mary Eliabeth Fskrldgc spent the week end with her cous in Miss Meriel Eskridge. Miss Rosa Lee Tolar and mother of Lumberton, this state, spent last Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. -S B. Eskridge. Miss Tolar is a former school teacher at Piedmont and has many friends here. Mrs. John Towery of near Casar spent last week end with her sis ter Mrs. S. B *Eskrldge and Mrs. Lee Eskridge. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the authority contained In that certain deed of tru.-t executed by J. T. Ramsey and wire. Elia Ramsey, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated Januar loth. 1931. and recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland counts. N. C., in book 170 page 15. securing an Indebtedness to the First National bank of Shelby, N. C., and default having been mnde in the payment of said indebted ness and being requested to sell said property, 1 will on Mortday, December “1. 19*1 at. 12 o' clock noon, or within legal hours. «t the court house door In Shelby. N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction that certain lot of land lying In No. 6 township and bounded as follows: Beginning on the northeast corner of the original lot on Gardner street and runs thence south with Lackey street 140 feet to the northeast corner of the Leon ard Parris lot. and thence with the north Une of Leonard Parris lot. west 128 feet to A. A. Ramsey's corner, and runs thence north with A. A. Ramsev s Une 140 teet to Gardner street, thence east with Gardner street 128 feet to the beginning, the same being that lot or a pari oi same conveyed by the First National bank to J. T. Ramsey, book 3-P page 39fi This November 19, 1931. GEO. A. HOYLE, Trustee. 4t Nov 20c —at_;______ ADMINISTRATRIX’S NOTICE. Having qualified on October 28th. 1931. as administratrix of the estate of John K. Dover, deceased. late of Cleveland county. N. C., this Is to ndEtfy all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them duly veri fied to the undersigned at Shelby, N. C., on or before October 30, 1932, or this notice will be pleaded in bnr of their re covery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment. Thle October 30th. 1931. ELLA T. DOVER, Administratrix of the Estate of John R. Dover, deceased. Rybum Sc Hoey, Attya. 6t Oct *Soc TRUSTEE'S SALE OK REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue ul the authority contained In that certain deed ot trust, executed by Q. w. Ramsey arid wife, to undersigned trustee, said deed of trun be ing dated Sentember 5. 1928, and record ed In the office of the register of deds for Cleveland county, N. C„ in book No K'3 page 111. securing an indebtedness to the Shelby & Cleveland County Building and Loan association, and default having been made in the payment of said In debtedness. T alll on Monday. December <1, licit u! 12 o'clock noon, or within legal hours at the court house door In Shelby. N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash at public auction that certain lot of land described as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner of lot sold to A. A. Ramsey, now Weaver's property, and runs thence with said line north 179 feet to a stake^coroer of said lot, thence east 50 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence a new line south lfo fe< t to a stake, a new corner in the old line; thence with the old line west 50 feet to the be ginning and being the western part of the lot sold to J. T Ramsey by M. B Clegg and wife by deed dated 'January It. 1910. This November 19th, 1931. JNO. P MULL, Trustee 4t Nov 20c TRI STEE'S SALE OK REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the authority contained in that certain deed of trust, executed by J. T. Ramsey and wife, to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated Nov, 10, 1927, and recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county, N. C. in book No 149. page 32. securing an indebtedness to the Shelby <& Cleveland County Building and Loan association, and default having been made In the payment of said indebted ness, I will on Monday, December 21, 1931 at 12 o'clock noon, or within legal hours at the court house door In Shelby. N. C sell to thee highest bidder lor cash at public auction that lot described aa fol lows: Lying In the southwest square of the town of Shelby, N. c . and bounded as lollows: Beginning at a stake, north edge or Clardne;- ■, formerly Eure Smith'a corner, now LeOrand's corner and runs thence with said line north 139 feet to a stake, LeOrand'e corner; thence west 90 feet to a stake, a new corner; thence a new line south 17« feet to a stake In north edge of Gardner street: thence with the north edge 6f said street BO feet to the beginning ancf being the eastern pax', of that u>^ Which was eonvyed to J T Ramsey by M, B Ctefj and wife t»v deed dated January 18, 1910. Thie November l»th. 1831. JNO P MULL, Trustee «t Nuv 20 Clover Hill News Of Current Week Mr. Towery in New York Hospital. Personals of People Visit ing: About. iSpecial to The Star.) Clover Hill. Dec. 3.—Mr. B, X. Towery who has been sick for sev eral montlis Is in a hospital at Now York taking treatment. Miss Madge Wortman a student at Boone, spent Thanksgiving at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Wortman Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Freeman and family of Spindale spent Thanks giving with their daughter Mrs. J. M. Hasting and Mr. %’astingg. Mrs. Amos Ledford spent part of last week with her daughter, Mrs L. L Norman and Mr. Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden Queen and children of <3heiby were visitors In the community Wednesday anti Thursday of last week. Mr. ai^d Mrs. Calvin White spent a while Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs.. Enoch Ledford’s guests on Thanksgiving were ?t!rs. J. B. Sweezy and daughter Pearl Sweezy of Lawndale. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Queen visited Mr. and Mrs. Lebron Queen on Sunday. Mrs. Jasper Childress of Belwood and daughter Mrs. Annie Watters Newberry, S. C„ spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ledford. Mrs. C. F. Ramsey has been spending several days with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. Jim Towery. Miss Annie Turner has been sick the past week. We hope her a speedy recovery. Miss Inez Ledford had as her dinner guests on Saturday Misses Lillie and Nlta Waters of New berry. S. C., and Miss Nannie Lou Cloodman at Belwood. Mrs. Moriah Towery spent part of J last week with relatives in Shelby, i Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ramsey and children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ledford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lemrnie Hoyle and children spent a while Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Queen. Mr, Roy Ramsey was the dinner guest of Mr Boyd Ramsey on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Waler spent Monday night with Mrs. Forest Walker. Lost 20 Lbs. of Fat In ilust 4 Weeks Mrs. Mae West of St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I'iu only 28 yrs. old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one box of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs, I aiso have more energy and further mo.'e I've never had a hungry mo ment," Fat folks should take one half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast—an 85 cent bottle lasts 4 weeks—you can get Krus chen at Stephenson Drug Store and Cleveland Drug Store—or any drug store in America. If not joyfully satisfied after the first bottle money back. adv. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under ami by virtue of' the authority contained In that certain deed of trust, executed by J T. Ramsey and rvlfe. to the undersigned trustee, said deed of trust being dated April H. 1928. and recorded In the office of the register of deeds for Cleveland county. N. c. in book No. 14» page 226. securing an indebtedness to the Shelby & Cleveland County Building and Loan association. and default having been made In the payment of said In debtedness, L will on Monday. December 21, i;>:tl at 12 o'clock noon, or within legal hours at the court house door In Shelby, N. c sell to the highest bidder for cash ut public nuctiori that certain lot ol land described as follows: Lot No. 5 and sit uated tii the southwestern part of the town of Shelby, N. c. and being a part of the l'» acre lot formerly owned bj Sallie Kendrick and bounded as follows. Beginning at a point In the old line n feet distant from an Iron post, the old corner In a direction S. 9 W.; thence 8 56 E. 55 feet to a stake, a new corner* thence a new line S. 9 w. about 150 feet to a stake in the old line: thence with the old line N. 67 w. 55 leet to the old corner; thence with the old line N. 9 E. about 134 feet to the beginning and be ing the western portion of lot No. 5 of property conveyed to J. T. Ramsey by the First National bank by deed dated June 6th. 1925 This November 19th. 1931 JNO. P. MULL, trustee. *t s’ov 20e Up from Newsboy William P. Kenney, newly appoint ed president of the Great Northern Railway, who rose from a newsboy on the streets of Minneapolis to his present high position in Amer ican railroading. It was the late James J. Hill who discovered Ken ney in his early days and lifted him up the ladder of success. Dur ing the World War. Kenney was federal manager of the Great Northern Willing; Accomplice. He (shyly)—I'm going to steal a kiss. She—Well, let the crime wave be gin. ^ FAMOUS COUGH PRESCRIPTION Almost instant relief from cough is now guaranteed in the use of tile physician's famous prescription called Thoxihe. It works on an en tirely different principle; having a double action, it relieves the throat irritation and goes direct to the in ternal cause not reached by cough syrups and patent medicines and the cough stops like magic, usually with the very first swallow. Taken before retiring, Tlioxiix. absolutely prevents night coughing and insures a good night's sleep. It gives the same speedy relief for sore throat too. Contains no chloro form or harmful drugs. Children like it. Remember—relief within 15 minutes from coughs or sore throat, or your money back. 35c, 60c, $1.00 bottles. Sold by Suttle's Drug store and all other good drug stores. NOTICE OF 8A1.E OF LAND ■Under authority conferred by deed of trust executed by J C- Powell and wile, Ida Pow«fll to W. J. Bridget, trustee. dat ed the 1st day of February. 1928 and re corded tbe 2nd dav of February, 1928 in book m at page 288 in the office of til' register of deeds for Cleveland county North Carolina, the said trustee will at 12 o'clock M on Monday. December 28tli. 1931, at the court house house door ol Cleveland county In Shelby. North Caro lina, sell at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following described property. Lying and being in No. 8 township Cleveland county. North Carolina and de scribed as follows: First Tract: Lying on the waters of Brushy Creek. Beginning at a stone in a conditional line, thence north 62 east 111 poles to a stake in Gold's line on east bank of creek, thence up the creek IS* poles to a persimmon on west bank ol creek, thence south 62 west 176 poles to a stone, thence south 63 cast 13 poles in the beginning, containing 13 acres, the same being the land deeded to J. C, Pow ell by N. 6. Powell, which deed ts of rec ord in the registry of Cleveland count-., N. C. In book of deeds VV. at page S2 Second Tract: Adjoining the above tract. Beginning at a pine knot in Wil liamson's line, thence north 62 east lit poles to a persimmon on bank of creek Gold's line, thence with said line up the creek 12>i poles to a stake, thence south 62 west 174 poles to a pine knot, thence 33‘a east to poles to .a pine, Williamson's corner, thence south 63 east 41* poles to the beginning, containing 12’» acres, the same being the land deeded to J. C Powell by W, W. Blggerstaff and wife Which deed is of record In the registry or Cleveland county, N, C., in book of deeds AAA, at page 533. Third Tract: Beginning at an apple tree, R. J. Powell's and J. W, Green - corner, thence with aforesaid line south 43'a west 12 poles to a stone, thence a new line north 47 west 15ta poles to a stone, thence north 84'i west 24,9 pole to a stone in, J. C. Powell line, theno. with same north 63 east 64.4 poles to a stake on east bank of creek. thence stMith 64 east 13 poles to a stone between two pines, thence south 13Vi west 13; 4 poles to a stone 3’i feet south ot a wal low, thence 68'« west 24t« poles to the beginning, containing 9 acres, more oi less, the^same is the land conveyed to iJ. C- Wwell by J. W. Green and wife, which deed is of record In the registry oi Cleveland county, N. C. , This sale Is made on account of de fault in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. This the 25th dav of November, 1931. W. J. BRIDGES, Trustee. D. Z. Newton, Attorney. 4t Nov 2,: Twice Warned Is He As a man who cuts wood is warmed both by the exercise of cutting and after by the fire side, so the saver glows in the security afford ed by saving and after by providing those things that afford pleasure. WE SOLICIT YOUR ACCOUNT. Union Trust Co. IN UNION THERE IS STRENGTH" CAROLINA MON. - TUES., DEC. 7 & 8 — 10c and 25c — See The Stars of “BAD GIRL” In A Picture You’ll Dream About. JAMS SALLY DUNN EILERS MAE HARSH Sensational Discovery, 666 Salve A Doctor’s Prescription for Treating l olds Externally Everybody Using It—Telling Their Friends $5,000 Cash Prizes For Best Answers "Why You Prefer D66 Salve for Colds" Ihe Answer Is Easy After You Have Tried It Ask Your Druggist First Prize $500.00; Next ten Prizes $100.00 each. Next twenty Prizes $50.00 each; Next forty Prizes $25.00 each; Next one hundred Prizes $10.00 each; Next one hundred Prizes $5.00 each. In case of a tie idn> tical Prizes will, be awarded. Rules: Write, on one side oi paper oi:.v let your letter contain no more than fifty words. Tear oil Top cl G6J Salve Carton and mail With letter to 6B6 Salve Contest, Jacksonville Florida. All letters must be in by midnight, January 31. 1932. Year druggist will have list of winners by February 15th. t>(J6 Liquid or Tablets with tititi Salve Makes it Complete Internal aid External Treatment. FREE OIL For One Week Only, Beginning Friday, December 4th, I will give FREE, One Quart of Oil with each Five Gallons of Gasoline purchased at the regular Serv ice Station price. Beaver Dam Service Station is new oper ated by the owner, R. E. Padgett. Give me a chance to serve you with Gas, Oil, Cold Drinks and Barbecue. Don’t fail to take advantage of the above special offer. Beaver Dam Service Station R. E. PADGETT, Owher. /fine TEXTURE 1 m your cakes?. THE DOUBLE TESTED DOUBLE ACTING Iff> BAKINC ■Vv POWDER 40 YEAR* 25 ounces for 25$ COPYajGUT IQSI BY JAQUES MFG CS MILLIONS OF POUNDS USED BY OUR GOVERNMENT ° 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Means 20,000 intense Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20.000 People about it in these columns

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