- 1 ■ .. . J . i. .1 Pleasant Hil! | Communitv News L'oltl Weather Brings ling Killing lime. Mrs. Cliff Lowery Is Better. (Special to The Star.) Pleasant Hill. Dec. 3.—Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Francis and sous Har-j old and Jack ol Charlotte spent rismksgivlng with their parents Mfj 't ti Mrs. R. B. Francis and Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Camp. Harold remained j until Sunday suing home wi!h« his uncle Mr. Max Francis and family j of Charlotte, who were visitors here and in Shelby over the week end. Mr- and Mrs. H. Q. Kendrick had ■»s their dinner guests Thanksgiving .ay Mr. and Mrs. L. I Kendrick ol Shelby, Mr. and Mrs. J Y. Kendrick Pti several other relatives Mr. Roland Gantt of Mars Hill lollegp spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gantt. Mrs. Cliff Lowery who was tick : t our last writing is able to be up tigain.. Mr. and Mrs. E. Q. Roberts had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. Wells Lowery and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Roberts of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gantt and son Roland. Mr. and Mrs. Cellus Gantt and baby attended the funer al of Mr. Gantt's sister Mrs. B. F Spake at Elizabeth church Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lowery and children and Mrs. W. B. Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Guffey and daughters spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Tom Lowery Mr and Mrs. H. Q Kendrick and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dill ingham visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lowery Sunday afternoon. The people of this community are waiting for a cold spell to kill their hogs. There are several unusually fine hogs to be butchered before Christmas. Several of the young people of tnis community attended the show given at the No, 3 school building Monday and Tuesday night. Jen—Betty has more affairs than any girl in our set. I wonder which of you boys she'll marry. Jack—Can’t say. But I'm in the semi-finals 4 WEBB THEATRE j — TONIGHT - ONLY If 3 j Morie Prevoit ♦ Robert Ellis / / Directed by Roy Wm. Neiit A Columbio Picture — 10c TO ALL — ALSO LATEST NEWS. SATURDAY — ONE DAY ONLY 'OHN BARRYMORE and MARION MASH In “THE MAD GENIUS” (TIMEDY AND lvAZY KATS . wLV BODY 10c FROM 1 TO 2 I*. M. — THEN 10c AND 25c. '■-w'.'-is Grandmother’s BREAD Sc Full Pound Wrapped Loaf A&P Fancy PEANUT BUTTER_fc 19c TOMA I UhS *£ 4 c°nf 25c I-C Sweet or Qt. OQn ■ Sweet Mixed Jar fcOG MELLU WHEAT ite 15c I Fancy RICE LI Rio COFFEE i 2 lbs. 2$C PRUNES New Crop 50-' Si/.e KtLiSH ,0R,iah PEACHES Dc! Monte 2 in 1 Polish can 10$ Lhx TOILET SOAP | 3caH.es a 9c Lux; i Flakes 2 iikgs. 19c ! Item CE SPECIALS I head j Ccjt-i\, large bleached, 2 for Greed Means. Il pounds Grants, pounds 10c 25c 25c 25c ORANGES, nice individ ually wrapped a £ ■& pocked, 2 do?. «DC MARlvK'l SPECIALS Fresh Fork Roast, lb. Pure Pork or Sausage, 2 lb. _ Pork Chops, Pound -_ Veal Chops, Pound_' Oystefs, Quart_ Pig Livers, 3 lb 15c Mixec 25c 15c 15c 49c 25c THE CHEAT Atlantic & Pacific ™ LOCAL and* •PERSONAL New* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morton have! returned from Asheville where they! visited Mrs. Morton's sister, Mrs., Marie Best, a patient in a hospital! as a result of being struck by a car there recently. They brought with them to Shelby, Mrs. Bess' two children. Flay Gardner and day Harrill at tended a stag dinner In Charlotte Tuesday night given by James Mar lin honoring Howard Loven who will be married to Miss Agnes By ers on' December 12. Mrs. -J J. Roberts accompanied her sister, Mrs. Lucius Randall, to Charlotte yesterday where she en tered the hospital for an operation on her throat Mr. and Mrs. John Brewer moved Wednesday to an apartment at the home of Mr. Jap Suttle on W. War ren street. Mrs. Brewer before mar riage was Miss Beverly Jones Mrs. J. G. Dudley and Miss Eliza beth Dudley returned the first of Hie week from a visit to Mrs. Dud ley's sister, Mrs. Nix F-skridge Bay ard in Baltimore. She has been quite sick, but Is much improved. Mrs. Judith Bostic Eskridge re ceived the following announcement yesterday: Mr. and Mrs H. T. Moncrics, jr.. announce the birth of a 7 1-2 pound daughter, Gwendolyn Bostic Moncries, Nov. 30, at Craw ford-Long hospital, Atlanta.” Mrs ! Moncries was formerly Miss Owen Bostic, daughter of Rev. Wade Bos-; tic in China and has often visited her relatives here. -—~ Mrs. May Hoey has. been sick since Sunday at iier home on South DeKalb street. I Mcsfiamcs F. R. Morgan, 3. S. \ Royster and E. B. Lattimore were I dinner guests of Mrs. John Schenck, jsr-;, yesterday at her hospitable home ; at Lawndale. Messrs. Richard Cranshaw ana Edwards of Pawtucket, R. I., will be. •guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hoth ersali Monday, Mr. Ed Eskridge of Charlotte will, upend this week-end with his sie j ter. Mrs. J. G. Dudley. I Mesdames J. D. Llncberger and | George Blanton were Charlotte vis ; itors Wednesday. i. * -- Mrs. J. D. Shytle returned from Charlotte Wednesday night where she has been at the bedside of her little granddaughter, Betty Hoyle, who had a:i appendicitis operation Monday night at the Saint Peters hospital. She is getting along nlte ;iy. Mr. and Mrs. H. Q. Blanton spent | lest week-end at Winston-Salem with relatives. Friends of Mr. and Mrs H. M. Pippin have received the announce ment of the birth of their third ' son, Charles Augustus Pippin, on November 21st at their home at j Wren, Ga. Mrs. ^.er.i Gilreath ot Charlotte made u short taa on 'Temper ance" rt Ike prayer meeting at [■the Baptist church yesterday aft-1 jerncon and sne announced that she | would return to Shelby in two i weeks time to organize a Woman's ; Christian Temperance Union Mr. Bril Roberts of Raleigh spent j 'Yrrincsiifiy night with his sister p.lr.. Taltradge Gardner. ,' tr. and Mrs. fl. Fields Young i and Mrs. G. W. Young leaves t# day for Charlotte, where they will attend the wedding of their niece [and granddaughter. Miss Alleer. Mc Bvayer, who will be married to I morrow afternoon at 5 o’clock at i her home on Lamar Ave. Miss i Kathleen Young of Meredith co!-| , lege will meet her parents there and render the wedding music. — Born to Mr, and Mrs. C R. Stelne of Baltimore, a sox’, at the Shelby hospital last,night Miss Ethel Brown who was in a wreck about, six weeks ago was able to leave the Shelby hospital yester day and Is visiting her brother. Mr Clyde Brown here. Dr. Tom Brice Mitchell and Miss Burton Gettys attended the ball game in Charlotte last week. Some of the out-of-town people attending the funeral of Mrs. Jose phine Hord Wednesday \teve: Mcs dames J. G. and Ed Hord and Kel ler of Kings Mountain, Mr. and Mrs. Paris Hord. Mr. and MI'S. ,1. J. Thompson and daughter Mis3 Harriet, of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Weathers of Hender sonville and Mrs Addle floss of Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. T>. H. Harris and1 two children spent last week-end' with his mother near Anderson. S r* Felix Gee of Davidson college spent last week-end vvltn his par ents. Mr. and firs. F. O. Gee. Mrs. Hugh Mauney and Mr, anrl Mrs, Huber Gold visited Mr Mau ney at Otcen yesterday and found Mr. Mauney’s physical condition very much Improved. Miss Frances Ware, of Charlotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ware, who has been seriously ill there following an operation for appendicitis Monday, is reported some better today. Mesdume* D. E. Honeycutt and Chas, Washburn visited in Char lotte on Wednesday. Miss Lucile Moreheud visited friends at Belwood Sunday last. Mrs. C. H. Lee and Miss Clare Royster, of Atlanta. Ga., spent th“ Thanksgiving holidays with their mother, Mrs. Florence Royster and other relatives near Lawndale. Former Charlotte Police Chief Dead Charlotte. Dec. 4.— Chlct Wil liam Silas Qrr, 72, one of the most beloved figures In the public life of Charlotte and former head of the city police department, died at 9:30 oclock Thursday morning at the Charlotte Sanatorium. Chief Orr stricken with acute Brights disease Wednesday of last week and had been near death, for the past sev eral days. Before Wednesday he had been in good health. rive Counties Have Smaller Farms Cold Water, Ariz., Dec. 4.—Dr. T. J. Tarasoff, a cclonel in the Rus sian medical corps during the czar ist regime, and Jour other persons were killed by a collision of his mo tor car and a Southern Pacific pas senger train here Wednesday night. ~ The other victims were Mrs. Tar asoff and Herbert A. Dague, Y. M. C. A. secretary of Phoenix, Ariz.. who came to Arizona three weeks ago from Nappanee. Ind., and a young man whose body was net identified. Dr. and M^f. Tarasoif came to Phoenix several years apt from Russia. • At The Theatres Mae Clark and James Hall are winning team tonight at the Webb, in “The Good Bad Girl.' Mae is the girl who made “Molly;' she was also the vibrant character in “Front Page." In "The Oopd Bad Girl,” Mae does a remarkable per formance, and it's quite * unusual for a girl in her late 'teens to no the type of role she is doing in this picture. Movie fans like her lor iter sincerity on the screen. Saturday Hollywood's most famous man actor. John Barrymore, comes to ’.lie Webb in “The Mad Genius,” with Marion Marsh and Charles Buttervorth. The. regular program begins at the Carolina theatre this evening at seven o'clock, wfter the close of the benefit performance, with “In Line Of Duty” in the feature Win some Sue Card and Noah Beery are starred in “In Line of Duty,” a story of mounted police and the Great North Woods. A comedy and cartoon will complete the bin, Sat urday will bring a complete change or entertainment with Kan Mayn ard hi “Range Law,” a good comedy and a regular serial chapter. Mon day will start the new version ot “Over The Hill,” James Dunn and Sally Eilers—Stars of the “Bad Girl"—at the Carolina. Cotton Market Cotton Wte quoted on New York exchange at noon today: Dec. 6.05, Jan. 6.10. Yesterday'? close: Dec. 6.05. Jan. 6.11. New York, Dec. 4.—Rains con tinued In south, forecast eastern belt rain, central and western fair Twenty five or more buyers of print cloths who purchase about ninety percent of the output left here last night for Greenville to meet and discuss with manufactur ers the wisdom of immediate cur tailment. They feel that something must be done before the first of February. Charlotte reports demano for nearly all textiles quiet, in gray goods this was the slowest week m recent montlis, entire south fallow ing print cloth conference develop ments, lack of leadership deplored Moderate business in Worth street three print cloth styles break 1-8 Probably easier today but no.decline of consequence likely as long as the trade takes the contracts in volume every point down CXETENSURO. Simcnds says war without arm s>nrvf1ir>t r*r>v* + ’'r*'»c‘v: i n iClirOTH*. CAROLINA “SHELBY’S POPULAR PLAYHOUSE” TODAY ONLY A stirring; story of the he-man ty “IN LINE OF DUTY” With NOAH BEERY. SUE CAROL JAMES MURRAY and FRANCIS MacDONAL1). Also COMEDY AND CARTOON. PHONE 446 EVERY -VERY- g* BODY JL W BOTH DAYS SATURDAY KEN MAYNARD IN “RANGE LAW” And a COMEDY and SERIAL CHAPTER. Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now Tomorrow will see the beginning of the greatest Holiday Sale in the ^ti story of this store. Count less items of rare beauty, intrinsic worth, charm ing appeal, and unmatched values, will be offered at drastic reductions on all lines—the lowest in 20 years—some items at less than cost. During this Early Christmas Sale you can make yojr selections, pay a small deposit, and have them reserved if you like for later delivery. We invite you to come and see for yourself what grand gifts you can get for a little money—a reg ular Cold Mine of wonderful values awaits you. Not in a hundred miles of Shelby can you find such an array of "Gifts That Last." T. W. Hamrick Co. .1 >•' \\ F' *•'r’ ‘ TOMKTHISTS LOWER PRICES CML OLD VIRGINIA (BLUE GEM) BLOCK .. $6.75 Per Ton EGG . $6.50 Per Ton Always Satisfactory. Try one ton and you’ll never change. City Ice & Fuel Co. PHONE 250 — SHELBY, N. C. Saturday Morning ALONG WITH HUNDREDS OF OTHER WON DERFUL BARGAINS WE >VILL PUT ON SALE THE LAST OF A CONTRACT WE HAD ON SPLIT BOTTOM CHAIRS 200 IN THIS LOT BRAND NEW SPLIT BOTTOM UNFINISHED CHAIRS AT 79c Each REGULAR $1.50 CHAIRS OUR PRICE 79c AS LONG AS THEY LAST Paragon Furniture Co, ■ l X SHELBY, N C COME AND BUY DURING THIS CLOSE OUT SALE LOW EST PRICES IN 20 YEARS. That Feeling of Security A feeling of security conies to tiie man who knows lie is preparing for future Heeds by sav ing a part of what he earns. Are your practicing systematic saving for independence from financial worries? START SAVING NOW. First National Bank SHELBY, N. l\ County Physician Issues Warning Cleveland County parents were today framed by Dr. D. F. Moore, county jfhy sician, of a marked increase in dipthcria and scarlet fever cases in the county and were urged to lake every precaution against a continued increase.—From The Cleveland Star, Monday, November "0; 1931. ■ Millions of Deadly Germs often lurk in Bed Lin ens and Wearing Apparel that are apparently clean. Take no chances with your health, baby's health. Laundry washed clothes are always sweet and clean—sterilised—free from germs. In times like these, when contagion is prevalent, it is health in surance to send your intimate garments and lin ens to the SNOWFLAKE LAUNDRY. Phone 5-9-1 Monday, or any day. and you will have that feeling of safety when your clothers are returned. BUY A New Coat TO WEAR DURING THE HOLIDAYS FROM Wright Baker's ' Special holiday displays and special prices from now until Christmas. Every important winter a t y 1 e . Distinguished quality made every coat a splendid value, before we marked them “spe cial.” COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION. Wright Baker

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