* *1**lS®f O* iStM^ K* 0|PcHR'STW^S CHH sale EVERY COAT ANI) DRESS Mll&T 00 AT I Price Wool Coats and Dresses $8.88 Sport and Dress $4*44 $14.95 Coats and Dresses $7.88 $24.50 Coats and Dresses $U*88 A full selection of styles and sizes, 14 to 52. Extra Special All Day SATURDAY Ladies' and Children’s TWEED RAINCOATS 98c Assorted colors. Absolutely FREE SATURDAY S-QT. SAUCE PAN with every purchase amounting i o $1.00 or more. LADIES' BRAND NEW NOVELTY DRESS & SPORT SHOES * Pump*. Straps, Tiw Mid Oxfords $1.84 $2.84 InelaM aio al loa Friedman Shelby Oxford*, values to M FLORSHEIM AND FRIENDLY FIVE SHOES •very Wanted Style. Site* 5 to 12. $3.87 - $6.87 Widths AAA to EEEE Mens. SW Wt. Overalls 49c W day Catarday, Dee. t. Ex tra Quality, triple stitched. All-Wool Fur Trimmed Coot* fOr Children $1.00 Friday. *;S0 F. M. Men's Broadcloth Dress Shirts 47c , AH stses. Bow sine Florahel m Shoes $6.87 t Secular $10 Seller* JW-tn. DRESS PRINTS 5c Yard Saturday, 10:00 A. M. Men's Extra Heavy, Two ' Poeket Work Shirts 44c Cteilar Defiance Cliambrsv and other rood makes. Just What Yon Han Bom Waiting For! GENUINE CURLEE SUITS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Guaranteed All-Wool Blur Serge-a new suit it thr\ fade— $11.47 All sites. 34 to 46. One special group of All-Wool Hard - Finished Worsteds Salts that sold last week as high as $18.88, now— $11.87 Plenty to select from. Homespuns, twists and tweed* —just what yon need for Christmas. Curler suits which sold up to $27.50, now — $17-87 All Wool Cheviot Top Coats. Tweeds and Camel Mistures $9-87 One group All Wool Overcoal Values to $12.50— $6.97 — BUK AND SAVE — It Morom* Pur* Silk P