* *1**lS®f O* iStM^ K* 0|PcHR'STW^S CHH sale EVERY COAT ANI) DRESS Mll&T 00 AT I Price Wool Coats and Dresses $8.88 Sport and Dress $4*44 $14.95 Coats and Dresses $7.88 $24.50 Coats and Dresses $U*88 A full selection of styles and sizes, 14 to 52. Extra Special All Day SATURDAY Ladies' and Children’s TWEED RAINCOATS 98c Assorted colors. Absolutely FREE SATURDAY S-QT. SAUCE PAN with every purchase amounting i o $1.00 or more. LADIES' BRAND NEW NOVELTY DRESS & SPORT SHOES * Pump*. Straps, Tiw Mid Oxfords $1.84 $2.84 InelaM aio al loa Friedman Shelby Oxford*, values to M FLORSHEIM AND FRIENDLY FIVE SHOES •very Wanted Style. Site* 5 to 12. $3.87 - $6.87 Widths AAA to EEEE Mens. SW Wt. Overalls 49c W day Catarday, Dee. t. Ex tra Quality, triple stitched. All-Wool Fur Trimmed Coot* fOr Children $1.00 Friday. *;S0 F. M. Men's Broadcloth Dress Shirts 47c , AH stses. Bow sine Florahel m Shoes $6.87 t Secular $10 Seller* JW-tn. DRESS PRINTS 5c Yard Saturday, 10:00 A. M. Men's Extra Heavy, Two ' Poeket Work Shirts 44c Cteilar Defiance Cliambrsv and other rood makes. Just What Yon Han Bom Waiting For! GENUINE CURLEE SUITS DRASTICALLY REDUCED Guaranteed All-Wool Blur Serge-a new suit it thr\ fade— $11.47 All sites. 34 to 46. One special group of All-Wool Hard - Finished Worsteds Salts that sold last week as high as $18.88, now— $11.87 Plenty to select from. Homespuns, twists and tweed* —just what yon need for Christmas. Curler suits which sold up to $27.50, now — $17-87 All Wool Cheviot Top Coats. Tweeds and Camel Mistures $9-87 One group All Wool Overcoal Values to $12.50— $6.97 — BUK AND SAVE — It Morom* Pur* Silk P<m*w YARD 19c ::5c Vtlie. MEN'S H-fNCH HIGH TOP BOOTS $2.98 Solid U»th«. Boys’ Leatherette Sheep Lined Coats $2.87 SiM I to 18 SPOOL THREAD J FOR 2 for 5c EXTRA QUALITY SOLID COLOR AND PRINTED CREPES 77c yd. V*lye to $1.50 lord Mens Blanket Lined Overall JACKETS $137 BOYS' 2*6 WEIGHT OVERALLS 39c LADIES' GALOSHES 69c CHILDREN'S RAIN COATS Hats to match $1.97 * COHEN BROS. NEVER KNOWINGLY UNDERSOLD SOCIETY NEWS MKS. MAYME ROBKK1S THOMPSON (Temporary Editor! Telephone Items lor Social And Personal Columns To Mrs. Thompson Telephone 356. Jefferson School P. T. A. The P. T, A. ol Jefferson school will meet Monday evening at 7 o'clock. I D. C. The United Daughter of the Con federacy will meet Tuesday after noon at 3:30 o’clock at the club room. Betty Lincberger Circle Meet. The Betty Lineberger circle of the NJethodlst church will meet with Mrs. Ernest floey at her home on E. Marlon street Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. Washington P. T. A. The Parent Teachers associatio: of Washington school will meet! Monday evening at 7:30 o’clock.I Mrs. Prank Hoyle. the gold star mother will talk on her recent trl], to Europe. r. T. A. Of Graham School The Parent Teachers asooeiatioi of Graham school will meet Mon day evening at 7:30 o’clock. The I fathers as well as the mothers are urged to be present. Mrs. H. K pledge, sr„ the district president will address the association, D. Aft R. Meeting. ThC Daughters of tile American Revolution will meet Saturday aft ernoon at 3:30 o’clock at the club room. Mrs. W. H. Blanton, chah man of hastess committee. All members are urged to be present as important business will be dis cussed. Chapel At Jefferson School, Tn the special chapel exercise a.i Jefferson school Thursday morning, the school was fortunate in having Miss Montrose Mull tell in a most interesting manner of her recent trip abroad. The children greatly enjoyed her account of the places of interest she so beautifully de scribed in visiting Prance, Italy Switzerland, Belgium. England and Scotland. Silver Tea At Boiling Springs. The Philsonian book club and faculty of Boiling Springs junior college will give a silver tea at the college on Monday afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock. The tea win be held! in the reception hall of the college and the silver offering will be used for the benefit of the institution j The friends and patrons of the | school are cordially invited Mr. And JUrs. Joe Blanton Entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Blanton ate] entertaining the young matrons 1 Sunday school class of Ross Grove! Baptist church and the forme, pastors this afternoon from 2 to 4 o’clock at their home on Fallston] road. The rooms are beautifully ar- j ranged with quantities of chrysan themums, roses and- potted plants. An interesting program, consisting of songs and readings will be given by the different members Fifty members and the following -minis ters have been invited:‘Revs. 1. D Harrill. John W. Suttle, J. D. Put nam, Rush Padgett. I.. I. Jessup H. E. Waldrop and D C Wash bum. Mrs. Blanton will be assisted by Mesdames Raymond and L. H. Led ford and Nester Hamrick in serv ing a detieious salad and sweet course The P. T. A. Of Marion School. The Parent Teachers association of Marion school held its regular monthly meeting Wednesday after noon, December 2nd in the school auditorium, with more than on** patrons present. In the absence cl Mrs. J. D. Lineberger, Die president, the meeting was called to order and ! presided over by Mrs. Tom Gold. The first grades, Misses Laura I Cornwell's and Annie Hamrick's pupils gave the devotional, the Christmas scripture and prayer, after which they sang two songs “Praise Him" and “A Little Babe in Bethlehem." The subject for the afternoon was on “Character Train ing." Mrs. Harry Speck made a very helpful and interesting talk on “Character Training in the Home.” Captain Smith gave a talk on ‘Character Training In the Schools. At the conclusion of the program the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved by the as sociation. The roll was called by grades and the first grade. Miss Cornwell teacher was awarded the dollar for having the largest num ber of parents present. Mrs Carlos Orlgg gave the . treasurer's report and slated that some new school equipment was being benight. Mis.. Cornwell, the principal of schocl. announced the subject for the Jan uary meeting would be on “Health.' She thanked the patrons for spe cial donations Including the large Thanksgiving offering, that had been made during the past month This finished the business and the meeting adjourned to meet in Jan uary, 1932. Tuesday Afternoon Bridge Mrs. B- O. Stephenson will enter tain the Tuesday afternoon bridge club Tuesdpy afternoon at 3-20 o'clock at her home on Cleveland Springs"road. Auxiliary Of Presbyterian Church. The women oi the auxiliary o' the Presbyterian church will have their regular monthly busincs meeting at the church, Monday aft ernoon at 3.30 o'clock. All mem bers are urged to be present Missionary Societies Of Baptist Church. There will be a general meeting i of the circles of the Baptist church Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock at the church after a short business session the ladies will go in a body to Bolling Springs to attend the sil ver tea. Methodist Church Circles The following circles of the Cen tral Methodist church will meet at. 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon: Mary Lee Hudson circle at the home of Mrs. Tom Webb: Fannie Thompson circle with Mrs. F. R. Sanders on W. Warren street. College Singers To Attend Convention J. C. Bridges, president of the1 Union Singers convention which | holds its last meet of the year at j Double Springs on Sunday after-! noon, December 6th, announced that singers from the Shenandoah college at Dayton, Va.. will be at this gathering and render some music. The convention begins at 1 o'clock and all singers and lovers of music are invited. Succeeds Paul Webb As President Services as follows will be held at the Second Baptist church on iier” Sunday: Sunday school at 9:45 with My William McCurrv. ibe superintend ent in charge Preaching services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. The pastor, Rev. L. L* Jes sup, will preach at the mornin°, service from the subject. "Symp toms of Distress." and at night from the subject "The Day of God's Wrath.” The B. Y, P. U s will meet at 6 p. m. in charge of the director, Mr. T. W. Roberts Regular mid-week prayer service on Wednesday night at 7:15 Boiling Springs News Of Interest Silver Tea Sponsored Bv Book Club At College Next Monday Afternoon. Boiling Springs, Dec. 4,—Mu.. Harold Honeycutt was hostess to the members of the Philsonian bool: club and several other guests Wed nesday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The regular business session v/u held at which time the date was set for the silver tea which is be ing sponsored by this club. After the business was disposed of the following program was given: Po'i tical Status of North Carolina Women,” by Mrs. O. E-.Lee; "Wild Life of North Carolina." by Mrs Harold Honeycutt: vocal solo by Miss Evelyn Huggins, The hostess assisted by Mrs. James McBrayer served a delicious salad course candy and nuts. The Philsonian book club is spon soring a silver tea which will be given at the college reception hail Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The proceeds will be turned over to the college to buy some necessary equipment. Mr. and Mrs Dean White and children spent the week-end in Chesnee, S. C. Mrs. W. A. Webb visited Mr. and Mrs. Knox of near Hickory and Mrs. Whisnant of Newton last week. Mr. Pink Greene returned home this week after having spent some time in Washington. D. C. and other northern points. Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Hamrick at d I Miss Eunice Hamrick spent Fridav in Charlotte. The following were the spend-, the-day guests of Mrs. L H. Big gerstaff Wednesday: Mrs Ur'e Hamrick, Miss Georgia Hamrick | Mrs. W. A Webb and Mrs Ida Mc ! Brayer. ' CORDUROY-WHIPCORD Duck Breeches Worth M To Any Hunter! $1.98 UP A big assort til e n t o f Breeches f o t every need — Hike — Work —Hunt— T‘« entire seat anc leg fronts Re inforced. Roomy c u t s, plenty of big roomy pockets. Thrifty hunt ers will snap .he: e up. Men’s Leather Utility Coat SHKKPSKITV COLLAR $2.98 M any Store isk at least $1. tor value liki his. All genu ine front quar ter horseliidt five timet stron&er than other parts of the hide. Mel ton cloth lin ing. Big Wom batine sheep skin collar Two button ftd ■ *"b!e cuffs. :GIFT STORE FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY! 100% Ali Wool Plaid Blanket fu 1930, Price AA as S5.88 rair $4-98 Imagine—bame fine quality •old last year at 85.88! Fa mous WOOL CREST—firmly woven: sateen bound ends. White Sheet, Pillow Case Set A Gift to the Home: $1.25 Who wouldn’t be glad to re ceive a- dainty Sheet and matching cases as a gift? Wrapped in cellophane! Men 8 Fajamas IDEAL GIFTS! WARD'S PRICK IS ONLY $1.00 Fast color broadcloth in nov elty patterns. Coat style or slipover. Boys' sizes 4&c. Also mens tlannel pajamas. tkif/ Prices iDown On BAHuWggtgr n Fig I ri Repeating Shotguns $26.98 Youd have to pay »40 to S5o for this shotgun elsevfcere! It fires 6 shots in 6 eeonds! Smooth, hammeriess action, t ,asy to take down, and it's wonderfully * turdy! 12. 16, 20 gauge LOWEST PRICES * of all time on RIVERSIDE TIRES/ GREATEST TIRE VALVES AMERICA HAS EVER KNOWN. AND BACKED BY THE MOST UBEREAL GUARANTEE EVER WRITTEN Riversides are of the highest quality it is pos sible to produce—equal to or better than any other tire on the market regardless of name or price. Vet they , cost you less than any River side has ever sold for in history. LOOK' Size 29 x 4.40 — 21 28 x 4.75 — 19 31 x 5.25 — 21 33 x 6.00 — 21 Riverside Mate Each Pair $ 4.25 * 8.40 5.70 U.10 7.35 14.40 10.25 -9.80 ”6 ply. Riverside De Luxe, Heavy Duty (6 ply i Each Pair $ 7.15 *13.90 8.30 16.10 10.?5 19.90 11.65 22 60 All Other Sizes at Proportionate Savings FREE TIRE MOllHTINO SERVICE A EVERY WARD STORE.' I For The Golfer! New Marathon I .on* Distance Qoll Balls! At A Big Saving! 39c Each They go! Plas tic centers, tough covers. ^Wrapped i n cellophane! Give Golf Clubs! Steel Shafted! Autographed By Bob MeDonald! Priced at n oods $2,981 Irons $3’.98 Irons are hand forged! Fancy faced woods! Ward's is the largest stove store in the world. Na turally we ran, and do, give t he foremost values . . . NOW—for a limited time—«e r.r.e offering these 20 amazing opportunities: NEW PORCELAIN ENAMELED STOVES 1 Coal Range Formerly $79.50 — $69.50 8 Laundry .Stoves ---- $5.95 3 Kerosene Ranges Formerly $49.50 $59.95 2 Stove Pipe Oven Bakers $3.45 __ . $2.75 1 Circulating Heater Formerly $46.85 $36.85 RECONDITIONED STOVES 1 Coal Range Formerly $55.00._ .. 535.00 1 Circulating Heater Formerly $69.95 . : ' 5.00 Many Other Stove Bargains Not Listed. Save At Ward’s On Your New Sto e! Ladies Outing Gowns, Sizes, 15, a rv 16 and 17 .. HcU C Children’s Outing Pa jamas. With A Q & without feetTT 1/ C Full Size Comfe‘id's. Assorted (P *| .58 colors v .1 Montgomery Ward & Ca 139-111 S. LaFAYETTE ST. PHONE 1R7 SHELBY. N. < Your Neighbor Saves Money at Ward’s—-Why Don’t You?

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