Why Tramp Around To Buy Or Sell? Use Star Want Ads.-Quick Results WKatYovxWant In the Rates For Want Advertisements In This Column. Minimum I Charge For Any Want Ad 25c. This size 1 cent per word each insertion This size type 2c per word each insertion. This size type 3c per word each insertion WHEN WE ARE THROUGH they look like new. Freeman a Shoe Shop. East Shelby. 4t 4c IF YOUR FEET HURT you, visit us and have Dr. Scholl’s representative exam ine them free. A. V. Wray & 6 Sons. tf-30c WINDOW GLASS sold a little cheaper at Cleveland Hard ware Co. ltc CAUL 832, THi" AUTO INN 'next to county Jail” and let us wash or grease your car for 73c. tf 28c WANTED: FOR A LIMITED time, produce In exchange for dry cleaning. Bring your clothes to Modern Dry Cleaners, opposite Pig 8>y Wiggly. J. W. Dorsey. 3t 4c 'SAUSAGE MILLS. Get your now. Cleve land Hardware Co. It WARM AIR FURNACES. AS phalt roofing, sheet metal product', crushed stone. Loy F. Thompson, Phone 745-J. tf 6c USED AUTO AND TRUCK parts. Automobile glass Installed. Pink Iron and Metal Co., West Warren street, Phone 580. tf 13c FOR RENT: GOOD HOUSE, fine location, big lot. C. S. Young. tf 13c 'toy wagons; Tricycles, Air Rifles, 22 Rifles. We cannot be undersold on such item s . We have a large variety. Cleve land Hardware Co. - Washburn’s. ltc GET A BLUM’S 1932 ALMANAC FREE with a six months renewal for The Star. Readers who can’t get to The Star office, will please mail in their renawal for six or 12 months and the 1932 Blum’s Al manac will be mailed free. The Star, Shelby. 8t 6p STORE ROOM ~ FOR RENT near Eastside Mill. Has two bed rooms in the rear of the building. See A. P. Weathers or telephone 54 2t 4c MATTRESSES RENOVATED AT reduced prices. Also make new ones. Cleveland Mattress Shop, S. Mor gan St. below Southern Depot. tf 25c A BLUM’S 1932 ALMANAC FREE with a six months renewal to Th; Star. Mail your check for $1.25 for The Star six months and the al manac will be mailed back to you, or call at The Star office. 6t LOST YOUNG BEAGLE PUP white with black ears and top of head black. R. N. Ivie, Cleveland doth Mill. Reward. 2-2p ATTRACTIVE proposition open to dealers who are inter ested in handling At lantic White Flash Gasoline and Motor Oils. Get in touch with Washburn at Telephone No. 35. The Atlantic Refining Co. ltc Goodwin’s Saturday Specials Maxwell House Coffee, 5 lb._95c Com Flakes, 2 pkgs._14c Red Seal Sausage, H lb. , can_ 16c Cranberries, 2 lb._24c Super-Suds or Chipso, 2 for-15c Octagon Washing Powder, 8 for _ 25c Snowdrift Shortening, 6 lb.- 75c ?ipto Beans, 10-lb._*— 45c Wesson Oil, pint, 2 for _ 48c Peanut Butter, 1 lb. glass 13c Del Monte Sliced Pineapple. Size 2$ can-16c Small Milk, 8 for —__25c Blue Ribbon Malt Extract 45c I Gallon Sour Pickles __ 80c Goodwin’s Cash Grocery J t WANTED TO SELL: FORD touring car 1925 model. $20.00 crush for quick sale or will trade for cow. Conway Wilson, Hillcrest, Shelby, i 3t 30c LOST: 2 MONTHS OLD MALE Police pup. Tan color. Reward. Ros coe Lutz, Funeral Home. 3-2p $6.00 A TON FOR Best Quality Coal. Cheapest price in town. Satisfaction guaranteed. Wash burn Coal & Oil Co. 1 UNCALLED FOR CLOTHING. the following articles are at my place on South Washington street; and unless called for soon, I will give them to one of the welfare groups for charity: 13 pairs of trousers, 4 coats, 5 suite, 2 light coats (women). Wm. Hagley. 2-2p FOR SALE: KOREAN LESPED eza seed, oats, wheat and barley stsaw, Fulghum seed oats. M. S Beam, Waco. 12t 4p FOR SALE: ELECTRIC RANGE. Good as new. See Vick Wray, 2t 2c "ELECTRIC LIGHT Bulbs are sold by the Cleveland Hardware Co. Phone 73. Itc HOGS & SHOATS for sale. 7c per lb., treated for cholera. D. A. Beam Co. 3t2c W. C. WILLIS HAS GONE TO Central Barber Shop. Hair cuts 26c, shave 15c. L. S. Cook. 5t 25p “denatured al COHOL for your auto. Get our price be fore you buy. The At lantic Refining C o . Phone 35. ltc wanted7~chTck ENS and Turkeys. Highest market price paid. D. A. Beam Co. WANTED TO BUY GOOD COW. some pigs and a "mule. Patterson and Edwards, Florists, phone 700. ' It 4p Reinhardt Christmas Specials Stewart soft-shell Pecans. Pound- 20c Brazil Nuts, fancy, lb. __ 15c English Walnuts, fancy, lb. --_^ 25c Oranges, doz. __ 10c Raisins, 15-oz. pkg. __10c Mountain Apples, peck 20c, Oysters, select, quart_49c Stew Beef, 5 lbs._25c Fresh Fish. 3 lbs._25c Cocoanuts, fancy__10c Prunes, 3 lbs._10c Grapefruit, large size __ 5c C. H. REINHARDT SOUTH SHELBY 2t-4c | - Sanitary Market - I Saturday Specials Georgia Paper Shell Pecans, 2 lb. - 35c 8-lb: Bucket Lard __68c 10 — 5-cent cakes Octagon Laundry Soap __ 25c Solar Brand 24 can Sliced Pineapple- 19c Horae Ground Corn Meal, 10-lb. bag_17c 10 lb. No. 1 Irish Potatoes 20c Full line fresh fruits and vegetables. MARKET SPECIALS: Whole or half Sugar Cured Hams (skinned) lb. __ 14c Thick Salt Side Meat, lb. 10c Fresh Pork Ribs, lb._10c Country Pork Sausage, lb. 20c Pork Ham or Loin Roast, Pound-___-19c Stew Beef, 3 lb.__25c Good Beef Roast, lb._15c FRESH FISH: Trout, medium, 2 lb. 25c Large Roe Mullet, lb. __ 10c Oysters for stewing, dry pack. Quart ---50c - Sanitary Market - PHONE 48 Ne.-a to Quinn’s Drug Store South Washington Street Itc FOR SALE TEN FEET OF USED ' shafting, three hangers for same j and four pulleys to fit shafting at bargain. See this at Star Office, Job Department. 3-2p ! NEW LOW PRICES j on Coal. Phone 35 or; 73 for Quick Service. Qualiyt Coa. Wash burn Coal & Oil Co. 1 j LET US BAKE YOUR CHRX8T mas cake. Call Mrs. Spencer, county phone 2302. 3t 30c FREE ALCOHOL FOR YOUR! radiator—with every grease Job and change of oil, we will give one gal-i Ion of alcohol FREE, beginning Saturday, December 5 and continu ing through Saturday, December 19. Shell-By Service Station, West Warren street, phone 164. It 4c SPECIAL ON AXES $1.00. Handled or un handled. Cleveland Hardware Co. Wash burn’s Place. Easy to find. ltc WE SELL, REPAIR AND RE charge batteries. Auto Inn, next to County jail, phone 832. tf D4c FOR RENT: TWO UNFURNISH* ed rooms and one furnished bed room, convenient to bath, to gen tlemen or couple without children Close In. Phone 666, Mrs. J. T. Beck. 2t 2c FOR RENT: ONE FIVE ROOM house, Fallston RoRd. Apply Union Trust Co. It 4p WANTED 2 OR 3 HORSE FARM on halves In high school district, Can furnish self. B. F. Wilson, CherryvUle, R-2, near Waco. 2-4p FOR'RENT: THREE OR FOUR unfurnished rooms. Close in. Miss Mattie Adams, West Warren street: 2t 2p COME IN AND EN JOY our Fire. Good place to warm when in ' town. Cleveland Hardware Co. Wash burn’s: ltc SEE THE TREASURE CHEST at The Star office. A 50 lb. home safety deposit box for money and valuable papers. Guaranteed fire proof. A sample on exhibit now at Star office. We have already sold a dozen to farm homes, country stores and filling stations. Price only $13.35. < 5t 25p SPECIAL OFFER: A 1932 BLUMS Almanac free If you renew your subscription to The Star for six months or longer. 6t 6p FOR SALE: DOUBLE BARREL Ithaca shot gun and setter dog, re trieves good. F. S. Dedmon, R-l, Shelby. 3t 2p Upper Cleveland News Of Interest! Mr. Taylor Hall Hart In I all j Boone Students On a V4»tt iSpecial to The Star.) Casar. R-l. Dee :t Mr Taylor Wall tell last Wednesday and hurt his right side. Miss Lucile Sell fc sick at this time. Wc are glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs Clarence Morris and family who are moving into our commun ity. Mr. Ben Wall is visiting relatives at Bostic this week Mr. John Whisnant and son Ed ward attended the fiddlers conven tion at Hollis Thursday night. Misses Jessie Pearl and Winnie Whisnant and Marie Hunt who have been in school at Boone are spending some time with their parents Mr and Mrs. Zero Mull visited relatives in Casar Tuesday Mrs. Myrtle Whisnant and daughter Jessie Pearl spent Tues day with Mrs Sallie Whisnant. Mr. and Mrs, Brisco Iatne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Self. Mr. Roy Fortune of Golden Val ley visited Mrs. Q. J. Devenny Sun <J*y Miss Ola Jones of Lawndale R, F. D., visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bum gardner Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. R L. Morris and family visited Mr. and Mrs. A. i. Pruett Sunday. FOR SALE: 5 REGISTERED Seabright Ban tart Cockerels. Lee Wray. tl 2c HOLV WBLF (DWnHy BtadM,) a*" ***•' *■• p*p«- *i« A«*ifet» fabrikoid covrn, rad ad»«v ribbon ■*$2- Contelm IIInMiofit, maps and kalpi, »*c?»dla» biofraphk*! and laofiaphleat diction $1.00 and $1.25 Suttle’sDrug Store STAR ADVS. PAYS Business Picks Up In Cleveland Again Cleveland More business bright-) eners $3,(100.000 wortli of them CMM out of the'Cleveland areu tills Week ■ The White Motor company here; received a contract from the city, of New York tor 774 heavy duty; dump trucks 'The order is the! largest- White has received since tile boom days of the war and t j worth approximately $3,600,000. One thousand men wdlt go «» work in the next two weeks at the Lorain yards of the American Ship building company, which will con vert, thro lake ore carriers of Bo* land and Cornelius. Buffalo steam - } ship operators, into self unloaders The job will cost $1,000,000 Rescue Man Who Fell ! In A Well, Unharmed Kau Claire. Wis, Dee. 4.—Partial ly burled for more than nine hours at the bottom of a 20-foot well, C. K Van Dalsem, 50 a well digger, was rescued Thursday, slightly chill ed and weakened but otherwise un harmed Van Dalsem was trapped by a cave In of loose bricks and sand late Wednesday. He was burled up to the arm pits. IT IS TIME TO BUY HEATERS AND STOVES you can buy them at A or less at THE PARAGON YES— We have a few more of those $60 Mascot Maid Ranges at $24.95 Each ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING 200 Brand New Split Bottom Unfinish ed Chairs at 79c Each Regular $1.50 chair and this is all we’ll have—as this completes a con tract we had. THE. PARAGON FURNITURE CO. Shelby, N. C. D'eer Hunt Turns Out Bad; Hunter Is Shot Iteams Mill. I*eo. 3.—Mr. Vono tiuford and Mr. Rufus Sandrn an ntored to Siprnee Tine Thanks K' vine day with the Intention of frOtng deer hunting, hut f»t«* pMvented for >» Ihrv were (rt tliti; ready to ro, Mr, Karl Shu fniil arrldentaily Rot his irg almost shot off. Hr was ini n led lately taken to the hos pllwhere It ua.% taken utV. Last reports received by Mr. Shuford stated that he was sn»t dotnR so well. Itriti'RliiR Him Down to I'arth. Jac t When I dance with you I feel is though I were treading on the (Qoiids. .laciel—Silly boy, those are my feet. $7 ARCH SUPPORT SUPPERS - Women’s Brown Suede One-Strap Women’s Brown Suede Calf Oxfords Women’s Black Suede Spanish Arch $2.98 Sizes 3$ to 8 Widths A, B, C, D. A. V. WRAY & 6 SONS — 5,000 HOMES RECEIVE THE STAR Every Other Day. That Means 20,000 intense I Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,000 People about it in these columns. KEEP WARM and DRY with Miller-Jones First Quality Rubbers Heavy Work Rubbers Ttte Maiithu A K*t^r dut* rubber, built (or »erv|a>;. gum upper, garnet lining wtth tad gh tire treed lole. $1.28 > leys' MUilthu He The Po»t»hu AH p«r k* ere moulded Into on* piece fW maiimum strength end Tlie ”Alaska" Cloth Upper W#rmth #t»d utility combined In a dr*t«y rtffclbor. $1.48 The Clincher . .. for Men A popular *fyU for drtn wmor. FLEECE LINED BOOT f JOCKS Add* comlotf, «nd «tmNi to four boon or taw fa >hoM. 1.5c "Miller-Jones Rubtftosh** All Rubbvr Galoth TKrae Snap Mado on *r>o clil form fitting U«t|. T#ft or gunmwta! rub bof with dark •r trim. To fit Mgb, mod ft*m or low hooti. SI.48 ' Concealed alon Fastener Will fit pwUcl. ly end give rour f**t modltheo peerence with complete pro tection. Ten or gunmetel for High or ceben Heels. $4.98 Dress Rubbers ... for all the family Rr.» Quality Fitting M*n't 98c 89c &i*M fho «tnw» in •ow cot*, rifllit foot protection for tlinti ond mow. Women'* To fH «ll h**U 79c Children'* SfJw 5 to idh 69c The "Carnival" Rubbariied CloH> Gafoth Of f««hio»abla twoacf brown of black malarial. Matftom ar \of> Haaf. 98 c Two Snap Oxford Rubalosh Oi t«n II9M 1 _ rubber trlmmvd m«dlom hob. Rubber Boot* Ai> ouftfaitdina flrtf grtd* bool. Mad* of good :lc •Ifh rad tola haary foilag. gnallfy Hip or Sporting Haight M.Vt MILLER-JONES CO. * 100 S. Fc Fayette St. SHELBY, N. C. TOOTS AND CASPER An Untimely Call. r I'M CYIN6 TO 6ET A LOOK AT OUR NEW NEIGHBORS ACROSS THE STREET! I HAVEN'T SEEN THEM SINCE THEY MOV^D IN! THAT'S THEIR CAR PARKED IN FRONT* MAYBE THEY'RE 6ETTIN& READY TO 60 FOR A R,DEI 7 OF COURSE,THE TELEPHONE HAS TO rin6 Just when I DIDN'T WANT TO LEAVE THE WINDOW FORA SECOND! HELLO, CASPER'. WHAT'S THAT? YOU'VE 40T THEATRE TICKETS FOR TON16HT? THAT'S LOVELY'. HURRY HOME' 0-0-OM'. THE CAR IS 40NEl THEY CAME OUT AND DROVE AWAY WHILE I WAS ON THEPHONEi OH- I'M SO DISAPPOINTED! IT'S ALL CASPER'S . HELLO,HONEY! \ HERE I AM HOME / A4AIN! 40TTA [ 814 LUSOOUS \ KISS FOR PAPA? / _1^ y ( DON'T YOU ( DARE SPEAK \ TO ME'. I'M MAD ATVOUU A Call For Diplomacy. WHAT'S THE TROUBLE /TOOTS? WHAtV HAVE I DONE ? WHAT ARE YOU SORE / ( ME FOR? you HAVEN'T SPOKEN Af U WORD TO ME SINCE V Q l CAME NOME FROM S V WORK feSTEROW! ( rHATS NO d NAY TO Brtfiin righto rcyrvcd rTOOTS DOESN' T OFTEN <UET POUTY, BUT WHEN ,bHE DOES-^OOO NIGHT* »DON'T UNDERSTAND HER AT ALU WOMEN ARE LIKE TIME-TABLES*. I CAN'T v FIGURE 'EM OUT* J • JUST DROPPED BY TO SAY HELLO,TOOTS» » HAVENT TIMETO COME IN I IT'S ONLY THREE WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS AND K* HAVE SO MUCH SHOPPING TO I*. I II VD01 &EE'. THAT'S RIGHT! ‘T'S NEARLY CHRISTMAS AND WHAT A PINE TIME POR ME TO PICK A QUARREL WITH CASPER! OP COURSE, VM, NOT MAO AT YOU, CASPER! I WAS ONLY FOOLING*! LET'S MAKEUP! ER = BY THE WAY= WHAT ARE YOU <*OIN4TO 4IVE YOUR LITTLE WIFE FOR CHRISTMAS? /

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