8 PAGES TODAY Monday, Wednaeday and Friday Afternoons. By Mali, per jeer. Un amancei - n nu Carrier, per year, iln at Late News THE MARKET • otton, spots -.... 8c and up Cotton Seed, ton .. .$11.00 Cloudy Tuesday. Today’s North Carolina Weather Report: Partly cloudy and slightly colder In east portion tonight. In creasing cloudiness Tuesday, pos sibly followed by rain in afternoon. IM Chinese Killed. Mukden. Manchuria, Dec. 7.— Reuters News agency reported yes terday that 500 Chinese had been killed In a bombardment from Jap anese airplanes in the vicinity of Kungtaipu, southwest of Mukden. The Japanese army’s bombing at tack, which also struck at Tienping tal, near llsininintun. the dispatch said, marked a revival of Us opera tions against Chinese batidits in areas adjacent to the south Man churia railway zone. Another fray was reported to have occurred at Changtu, north of Mukden. fckjo, Dec. 7.—A Sino-Japane.se clash on a much larger scale than in the past appeared inevitable to Informed circle yesterday unless Marshall Chang Hsueh-Liang dis regards the Chinese government's rejection of the neutral zone pro posal and withdraws his troops from Manchwia. The Japanese army is determined that all sem blance of Marshal Chang’s author ity in the ChimTiow area must be eradicated. Saturday Sees Holiday Buying Rush Open Here Street Filled With Shopping Crowds City Police Force Has Difficult Time Keeping Heavy Traffic On Move. One of the largest shopping crowds Shelby has seen since las', winter swarmed the city Saturday m the first really noticeable holi day buying rush got underway. With only two more shopping Saturdays before Christmas, the I city was filled Saturday afternoon; and evening with shoppers who were < buying and with scores of others! who were “looking about” making j out their Christmas gift lists. Uptown Traffic. Such was the jam of motor traf fic in the uptown busfeess section late in the afternoon and early In the evening that the city police force had a consistent job of keep ing the traffic on the go and eli minating. as much as possible dou ble-parking on the four main busi ness street*. The sidewalks, toe, were filled with actual shoppers and window-shoppers. Practically all of the Shelby busi ness houses have already arranged their Christmas displays and deco rations and those who have not will do so this week. Already the business section at night reflects 'he cheery Christmas coloring with red and green lighting effects, toys, gift displays, etc. This week, merchants think, will bring the first Yuletide shopping jam as the early gift-buyers make their selections and Saturday will in all likelihood bring the biggest one-day shopping crowd of 1931. Fourteen Arrests In County Sunday; Kings Mtn. Leads j fight Of It Jailed Came From Neighboring Town. Majority Are Drunks. The Yuletide whoopee broke loose In Cleveland county Sunday Fourteen person were arrested and placed in the county jail here yesterday, and a number of others were arrested and released under bond. * Kings Mountain furnished the majority of the prisoners, eight be-. ^ ing arrested by officers there. Drunks and drunken drivers top ped the list of charges, with steal ing and assaults ranking second and third. A fight between some colored people came very near Droving serious as one colored man reached for his gun when officers Interfered, but was nabbed before he could use it. SHOPPING DAYS TIL CHRISTAS State Patting Layer On Roads | In No. 6 Area ; Another Coat Goes j On Gravel Roads Another Treatment On I >over Road And County Home Coop. CHy Work Undecided. State highway forces are now potting another coat of surfac* ing on the tar-and-gravrl roads built fh No. 6 township just be fore the highway organisation in the township was supplanted by the reorganized State de partment. The main loads, out of the city limits, surfaced by the No.' 6 com missioners and now being given an other treatment, are the Dover mill road, linking Highway 20 and the Polkville highway as they , lead out of the city west, and the County Home link, which follows the old Kings Mountain road, goes by the County Home and back into High way 20 at the fairgrounds. Near Complete. The treatment of one of the links, the County Home Loop, was prac tically completed last week, It was said. There is some talk about another treatment for the short stretches of roadway in the city, surfaced at the same time as the others, the wovk to be done by the State force, but nothing definite has been decided about the matter, city officials state. ] Young Negro Robs Keeter’s Store At Kings Mtn., Jailed Pal Friday With Record Of 20 Ar rests In Gastonia Is In Shelby Jail. t the members to night at the home of Mrs. H. A Logan to elect officers for the en suing year. The meting will con- j vene at 7:30 o’clock and it is urged j that all members be present. Final Preparation Made To Open Congress Today; Name Party Heads Democrats Nominate Gardner For Speakership And Rainey As Floor Leader. Washington, Dec. 7—With an eye on a fast start, party groups "and blocs in congress over the week-end speeded final preparations for to day’s opening of a momentous ses i sion. The house Democrats, confident of seizing the control held hy Re publicans since 1918, gathered to nominate John N. Garner, of Tex as, for speaker and Henry T. Rainey of Illinois, for floor leader, and tc formulate party procedure on the issues which leadership has thrust upon them. Prepare Program. They began preparing also with their senate colleagues a broad leg islative program, which they hope to mpke a pre-convention platform laying before the people of the country the party’s ideas for eco nomic betterment. A more imme diate purpose was to head off. it possible, a disorganized chase after legislation which cannot pass. The senate Republicans. organ ized without aid of their independ ent element, were confident rtf' con trolling their chamber by virtue ot majority, despite internal friction over the President pro tem, George Moses of New Hampshire. The prohibition vote advoctftcr-: threw their weight behind the gen erally loosening of house rules, while the group of independents, Repub lican and Democratic contingent by barring John H. Bankhead of Ala bama, whose seat is contested. Two other southerners will not be at the first session Monday so in any case the G. O. P. is nearly sure of con trolling organization. Nominations First. Gathering in the house chamber where early in the week the Re publicans chose their leaders, the Democrats set the unopposed nomi nation of their leaders first on the caucus program. Rules were next for attention with an almost cer tain approval of a liberal progrom. Rainey, the leader candidate, al though a dry wanted it pcesible to get a prohibition vote out of way; the Tammany delegation of 23, sought the same object to con tinue a fight against the eighteenth amendment. South and north, wet and dry, the greater number sought a slackening of control by part.' heeds Mrs. Bow Bell Now Secretly married to Res Bell, movie cowboy, at Las Vegas. Nevada, Clara Bow. famous red-head “It Girl” of the screen. Is shown above in an affectionate pose with the man who is now her hnsband. Photo was made while the "It Girl” was re cuperating at Bell's raneb from the nervous breakdown which followed the De Voe trial. Property Feels Tax Relief But, Business Loaded Governor Gardner Stars landowners Now Realize INI Relief. Franchise Tales. Star News Bureau Raleigh, Dec. 7.—"Property own ers in North Carolina are Just now beginning to realise to what ex tent the INI General ibs.semb!5- re lieves thereof their tax payment*, although they have not yet discov ered to what extent the tax bur dens have been shifted to those most able to pay,” Governor O. Max Gardner said, referring to his recent statement on State tax col lections. governor uaraner pointed out in ; that statement that while taxes 1 have been cut *12,000,000 on land and property, taxes on Incomes and franchises of corporations and business were increased an average of 40 to 50 per cent and represent the biggest Increase and the high est rates ever levied in this State. Franchise rates on power compan ies were increased 150 per cent, on railroads 87 1-2 per cent, on tele phone companies 43 per cent, on ordinary business corporations 25 per ctnt and income rates on cor porations 22 per cent, through ac- ; tion of the 1931 General Assembly, he points out. “The most important function of the office of Governor in these times is that of serving as general manager of the great corporation of the State of North Carolina whose stockholders are the* three millions of citizens of this State,” Governor Gardner said. Taken with his for mer observations that the next Governor will have to be prepared to “take punishment” from the time he is sworn in until he vacates the Blount street mansion, Governor Gardner ^ evidently of the belief that not just any man will be able to keep the ship of state to an even keel during the next few years. “One of the most pressing and delicate problems facing the ad ministration every day of every month in this trying period—and one which because of its nature does not readily lend itself to ex planation or general understanding —is the fiscal control problem, the problem of trying to keep the scal es balanced so that outgo and in come may not get too far put of line with one another,” Governor Gardner Minted odt More Cotton Bolls, J. M. Wiley, colored farmer of the county, was in The Star office Saturday, Dec 5. exhibiting bloom’ and bolls of the year% second cotton j crop. , Daniels Backing MacLean, Said; News Of Raleigh Jeffres* Is Behind Road Program larges Bank* Not To P«) Dividend*. Pay Of Tear hers And Public Officials. By M. R. Dl'NNAGAN Star News Bnrraa Raleigh. Dec. 7.—Politicians art! somewhat mystified at the Infor mation going the rounds that many letters are being written to people over the State purporting to seek support for Angus Dhu MacLean, Beaufort county legislator, as can didate for Governor. Mr. MacLean, some weeks ago, disclaimed inter est In the race and friends assert ed that It would not be probable he could be forced into such a con test. "However, since he issued his nine-point program a month ago. letters are said to have poured In to him urging him to run, and lie may not be able to continue to thrust the honor from him, even thought, unlike Caesar, he may net be so ambitious. Some profess to see in this lat est activity the fine hand of Jo seph us Daniels, who, they say. i* not likely, can hardly afford. to become a candidate himself, but who is not Rt all satisfied with the present lineup. Mr. MacLean Is probably nearer the Daniels mould than any prominent Democrat who would have *.fighting chance at the Governorship, since the decision of Attorney General D, G. Brummitt not to enter the race, even though Mr. MacLean was an opponent of the special session, for which Mr. Daniels fit, blew and cried. However, many -till cttnend Mr. MacLean nor Mr. Daniels will run and that voters will have to se lect from those now In the field, Richard t. Fountain. Allen J. Maxwell or J. C. B. Eliringhaus Read Controversy, L A "hill of particular” te being asked for by Chairman E. B. Jef j fress, of the State Highway Com ; mission, in response to the report ed charges of Lieutenant-Gov. R. T. Fountain that the county highway systems in the 100 counties. or many of them, are going down and are not being kept up since they have been taken over by ti e State, as well as under county building and maintenance. The charges, if made, are presumably to discredit the new system, proposed and fought through the general assembly by Governor Gardner. Chairman Jefffess makes the as sertion tiiat the county systems arc in much better shape now tlian they have ever been and will be In excellent condition for the winter rains and snows. especially on school bus and rural mall routes. No complaint about road conditions rests more than 24 hours, being sent at once to the district tnen for necessary action, sometimes by telephone, Mr. Jeffress stated, say ing Mr. Fountain’s complaints will have attention at once Should Not Pay. North Carolina State hanks should not pay dividends this year. Commissioner of Banks Gurney P. Hood suggests, advising that the us ual dividends be held as cash re serve for reducing investments from inflated to their real values, thus continiAtj on page eight, i Rabbit In Bucket. Deputy Corin Powel had a rabbit story to relate today that excels the catching of three rabbits by Sher iff Allen last week in a 40-foot well. Deputy Powell's uncle, Ben Powell, last week found a rabbit hiding in a gallon bucket near his home in No.. 8 township. Chicken Roost Of Judge Raided Last Night; 9 Hens Gone Daring Thieves Rob Recorder Weathers, Enter Chicken Hous> Behind Home. County Judge Maurice R. Weathers never has had very much use for chicken thieves, and today he has even less than he had last week. Some time last night daring thieves entered the recorder’s chicken house. Just a few steps behind IMs home on highwav ’8, east of the Cleveland Springs golf club, and made e thor ough clean up, taking every one of the Judge’s nine hens. Chicken ttlieves unfortunate enough to be caught In the next few wek* may learn ju■ the world's modern Ananias, Robert L. Ripley, famed for his remarkable "Believe It Or .Not" series of strange facta, la shown undergoing a teat before the He detector machine at Long Island I niversity, N. A, Hr. William Marston Is conducting the fateful experiment, In which students took a keen interest. P. S. — Belleve-It-Or-Not Rip's veracity stood the strain. Get A North Carolina Gift List And Give Articles Made In State (Special to The Stan Raleigh, Dec. 7.—Holiday gift! (lists of North Carolina-made goods, j as suggestions, are being dtstribut I ed by the Department of Conserva (tlon and Development to mer , chants of the State as part of the program to encourage the* distribu tion of State products, Brvan W. Si lie. statistician, said in a radio j talk today. j The list includes a variety of ar ticles, many of which are not fa miliar to the public as being made j in North Carolina. Mr. Sipe point-j ed out, naming among other things, i wearing apparel and accessories, things for the home, toys, books and other articles. A statement accompanying the; ihst points out that Christmas shop | pprs are going to buy useful things this year and that ‘North Carolina- i made goods.' being large of this type, will make a strong appeal to the buyers,” Mr. Sipc said. "All the home-made goods bought by our home merchants will give manu facturing plants additional working time, create more wages and more buying power, nils wilt give every body a more cheerful outlook and serve to loosen up the purse strings all the more. “North Carolinians should make it a point to buy as many of these home-made things as possible, both for the use of themselves and family and for gifts to friends with in the State, and X believe our peo ple will take a pride in doing this if goods are called to their atten tion. “Money spent for things in North Carolina keeps factory wheels turn ing, It pays more wages and there by creates more purchasing power. This keeps retail activity brisk. In fact, It helps all business, manufac turing. wholesale and retail. More over. neither the retailer nor the customer sacrifices quality, style or anything else in buying things made here In the State. Our f urniture, hosiery, silk, cotton, rayon, gar ment and other factories make as good or better products than do the factories of other states, and cer tainly the money we send out of the State doesn't stimulate any more business here at home." Mr. Sipe said. Christmas Mail Rush Beginning At Office Here The annual Christmas mail ing rush was beginning to make itself evident today at Ihe Shelby post office, it ,was announced by Postmaster J. H. Quinn. "Up until this week,” be said, "we have handled very little Christmas mail. But the gift packages and greetings will begin to pour In upon as Mils week. Our big rash, how ever, always comes in the ast week or 10 days before Christmas.” The postmaster urges that ill who can do start getting their Christmas mail off this week to assure delivery before hristmas by going through lie office here and reaching ts destination before the fln ' il rush week. Frank Grist Confident He Will Win Senate Race From Morrison, Others Efforts Made To Get Him Out Of Race Taken As Good Omen By Candidate. Raleigh, Dec. 7.—Frank D Grift Commissioner of Labor and candi date for the Democratic nomination for the primary in June, is more than ever confident that he is go ing to win the nomination, largely because of the efforts being made to get him out of the race, he said here. There are three other candi dates for the nomination. Senator Cameron Morrison, at present serv ing ifnder appointment until the next regular election in November, 1932; Robert R. Reynolds of Ashe ville, running on a prohibition mod ification ticket, and former Judge Tam C. Bowie of West Jefferson. Ashe county If mv opponents ha-r.hot been taking my candidacy seriously m the past, 1 know they are beginning to know and that they are going to take it seriously from now on,"' Grist said. “Within the past few days a.man, whose name I shall not give at this time, came to me and assured me that It 1 would withdraw from fhe present campaign he would assure me that I might have almost any appointment I desired if the next administration is Democratic— as seems likely. “While this man gave me no rea son to believe that he came as an emissary from any of the other can didates, I told him that he need not come to me offering me "pie ’ and to go back to those who sent him— if any did— that, a year from now f was going to be standing behind the “pie counter" dishing up the pie rather thap receiving it." Grist left early this morning for a number of speaking engagements He spoke Friday night at an open meeting of the American Legion in North Wilkesboro. Saturday night at Mount Pleasant high school i.r Wilkes county, Monday night at [Honda high school in Wilkes coun ty. Wednesday night he will speak to the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Winston-Salem. "The people may not know that! am running for the senatorial nom ination yet. but they will before next June, Grist declared. Seaboard Road Pays Cleveland $13,300 Taxes Commissioners Take Offer Made Waive Penalty Which Court Said Could Not Be Collected* Nearly All In. The blfiett unpaid Item on the the Cleveland county tax list for 1830 was marked off the books at the court house here .Saturday when a 313,000 check was received from receiver* of the Seaboard Air Line. Some time ago the Seaboard re ceivers informed the commissioners of Cleveland, as well as commis sioners of eight other North Caro lina counties, that they would pay the railroad’s 1830 taxes If the pen [ *lty for late payment and Interest were waived. Commissioners tiers, as In other counties, were not In clined to accept the offer as penal ties ou individual tax-payers tor late payments had not been waived Attorneys, however. Informed that federal courts had already ruled one time that a receivership oouid hot be held responsible for belated payment. with little, if any, chance of ever collecting the penalty and with a continued fight likely to keep the Seaboard tax cheek dot of the county treasury for another year or so it was decided to accept the proposition so that the comity might use the money and the 1830 tax books be straightened out. little Left, The payment of the 813,000 brought the 1830 unpaid taxes, down to approximately $30,881, Which to practically the same amount of the $480,000 levy which to regarded every year as uncollectable. The fact that close to twenty-four twen ty-fifths of the total levy for 1930 has been collected with conditions as they are to considered an unus ually good ieb. Very fgw couaUea of municipdlltlea in the slate have collected a larger portion of .heir 1930 taxes. * raying On 1831. Net only has the major portion of the 1930 taxes been collected, but payments have been good this fall, with times somewhat hard, on the 1931 taxes. At Sheriff Allens - of fice this morning It was stated that close to $100,008 of the 1831 levy, or between a fourth and a fifth had already been,collected. Charity Appeals. The county commissioners—O. 34, Lattimore, R. L. Weathers, and A. E. CUne—were holding the regular monthly session today at the court house. No major Items oV> business were transacted before noon, the morning being given over to rou tine work such as a check over county bills and expenses and the hearing of many charity appeal* from the unemployed and needy 1 , ji T.rj. r ‘ J. ..TO Four Inches Of Run Fell Here From 1st To 5th | First Week Of December Brins* Most Rainfall In Four Months. There was more rainfall in ; Shelby and section last week— the first week in December— than in any one month In more than fonr months. The breaking of the drought last week brdhgbt the heaviest rainfall in one week than in over six months. Records at the U. S. post oftico show that the rainfall last week totalled 4.02 inches. The first rain came on the first day, Tuesday, totalling .04 of an inch. The next rain was on Thursday, the third, the rainfall up to 6 o'clock In the aft ernoon, tire regular reading hou» being 1.32 of an inch. The easiest • downpour, however, came Thursday night, and the reatSn* for Friday covering the period from 8 Thurs day evening until 6 Friday evening, was 2.70 inches. • No Accidents Here. Another week-end passed in Shel ls and Cleveland county without any .serious accident or mishaps. At Shelby hospital today it was stated that not a single accident patient had been entered for treat ment Saturday or Sunday. Highway accidents hhve decreased over the week-ends In this section in the last two months than In «»ver*i years. S