I Irtodanu tar 16 PAGES TODAY Late News THE MARKET Cation, spot* . 6c and up Cotton Sued, ion .... Sll.OO Cloudy And Colder, 'today's North Carolina Weather Report: Cloudy with rain tonight and possibly Saturday on coast. Warmer tonight. Slightly colder Saturday in extreme west. Heavy Snow. Denver. Dec. H.—Severe snow storms In the high mountain ranges of the west yesterday blocked motor Oravel. One of the most severe snow storms in recent years howled over the San Juan basin of Colorado. Three feet of snow fell at Durango. Hundreds of rattle and sheep were threatened with starvation. LIFERS ESCAPE. Six life-termers escaped from Leavenworth prison in Kansas this morning, accord ing (o a radio announcement today. The six lifers, it was said, carried the warden with them in the warden’s auto mobile together with a quan tity of dynamite. Teachers Will Get Their Pay \ Before Holiday I Xpert December Check* To Arrive On Week Beginning Dec. 21. School teachers of Shelby and Cleveland county will receive their December pay checks be fore Christmas, county and city school officials said today. While teachers in other cities and counties are behind in their pay, that portion where a supplementary' salary is paid, the teachers here are paid up to date. They received their November pay checks two weeks age and will get their other checks in time to do some late Christmas shopping. The checks for rural teachers are Expected in Wednesday, Dec. 23, Supt. J. H. Grlgg said today. That 5s the day the county schools close tor the holiday pefiod until Decem ber 31. Checks ior the teachers in the city system will be in the same week and probably can be distribut ed a day or so earlier in the week than the others. The checks from the state will turn loose several thousand dollars here in the final Yule shopping rush. When the new State-controlled school system was first inaugurated this year there was some delay in tlie payment of teachers, but after the first month or so all the kinks were Ironed out, the system began to function and there has been no tnore trouble and delay. New Banker At ! I Kings Mountain \ a .S. Neill of Charlotte Succeeds Wiley H. McGinnis Who Takes B. and L. Announcement was made today that B. S. Neill, for nearly four teen years a member of the Inde pendence Trust company organiza tion, and for the last four years cashier of the East Trade street branch of that bank in Charlotte, lias accepted the position of cash ier of the First National bank of Kings Mountain. The change will be effective during the present j month. Mr, Neill will succeed W. H. Me- ; Ginnis, who has been secretary- j i rcasurer of the Kings Mountain jullding and loan association and i :ashier of the First National bank >f Gastonia. He Is leaving the bank j to devote his entire time to the in- | icrests of the Kings Mountain | building and loan association, of j .vhich he has been secretary-treas- j irer for a number of years. Mr. arid Mrs. Neill and their four children will establish their resid- j nee in Kings Mountain. He went j to Charlotte about fourteen years! ago and within a few months be came connected with the Independ- i a nee Trust company, in which or-; sanitation he steadily advanced to j his present position. His old home • is in Statesville. Charity Drive For $10,000 To Start Monday Perfect Organization For Charity Group Heads Are Named And Plans Laid by Chairman Mull To Raise Fund. Monday has been set as the time to start the drive tor a $10,000 char ity relief fund, according to plans made yesterday by G. M. Mull, chairman of the relief finance com mittee. Mr, Mull appointed met} as head of a dozen groups who will make calls on the heads of organizations, who in turn will present the appeal to their members or employees. Forrest Eskridge is chairman of the committee to call on banks and building and loan association. Roscoe McWhirter will present the appeal to the barbers. R. T. LeGrand and Jack Dover will call on the manufacturing plants, W. H, Brown la chairman of the committee to make the appeal to the public service corporations, such as the telephone, telegraph, rail road companies, trucking firms, etc. cnas, K. Eskridge is chairman of the committee to call on the auto mobile salesmen, garages and fill ing station proprietors. Spurgeon Hewitt will head the committee to call on the cafes, hotels and boarding houses. J. A. Reynolds has charge of 'pic ture shows. Everett Houser will call on the Key club and American legion, Rush Hamrick and M. A. Span gler will have charge of the mer cantile group. Lee B. Weathers will present the cause to the publishers and print era of the city. Louts Hamrick is chainuan of the | committee to call on the pressing' clubs, dry cleaners and laundries. Horace Grigg calls on all public officials and public employees. Mrs. H. T. Hudson will present the appeal to the various woman’s clubs of the city. Henry Edwards and Dr. J. S. Dor ton will canvass the professional men, including the lawyers, doc tors, dentists, etc. Capt. B. L. Smith will present the appeal to the school teachers and officials. Pledges for Four Months. These group captains will call on the proprietors or heads in their ?roup and present the matter and these proprietors or heads will in turn ask for pledges from those un der them. Liberal cash donations from the Individuals as well as weekly or monthly pledges for a period of the four winter months. In other words, the group captain for the mercantile group will call anly on the proprietor of a store, inform him of the plan and leave with him printed cards and pledge sheets so he can call his employees together at a suitable time and get their contribution. Collection from i CONTINUED ON PACE TEl: Beck Matter To Be Taken Up Tuesday A meeting of the State Highway! Commission will be held in Raleigh on Tuesday, Dec. 15, for the pur- : pose of opening bids on three high way projects. Announcement from Raleigh states that it is expected that some action will be taken at that time in the case of Lieut. Beck of the high way patrol. He was suspended some time ago following charges and a trial at Rutherfordton which at tracted considerable interest In this section. Movement Started To Unite Baptist Churches Of South, North; Long Split Merger Of North And South Churches South By Washing- j ton Association. Chicago, Dec. 11.—The execu- I live committee of the Northern I Baptist convention voted this week to “repl;’ cordially" to a memorial of the District of Colombia | Baptist association suggesting union of the north and south Baptist churches, seperated since the War Be tween the States. It also requested Mattison B. Jones of Los Aqgeles, president "f the northern convention and chairman of the executive com -nlUee, to appoint a committee to son v *'ibe entire situation and to confer on the subject matter of the memorial.” South Gets Proposal »r„-H. W. D. Millington, sec retary of the district associa tion. who presented the mem orial, said he interpreted the action as "the opening wedge” in negotiations for union. He has submitted a similar pro posal to the southern eonven- j lion, he said. "There are no real differences between the iwo conventions,” he said, "and I don't see why a union should not come to pass.” A reunion would bring togeth er 5.200.000 Baptists first sepa rated by social and political issues of the war. Religious dif ferences, a leader said, develop ' ed later. Vs Congress Heard Message Here is the general scene as Ihe Cli ief Clerk of the House read Presi dent Hoover's long-awaited message on the economic situation to Con-' gress. The message was chiefly an outline of a “recovery program” and recommended a temporary tax Increase, improvement of banking laws and reduction in governments I expenditures. The President op poses unemployment dole, general tariff revision and any extension of veterans’ ho nus payments. 100 Young People Of Presbyterian Churches In Section Gather Here Young Peoples Organization Of Presbytery To Meet At Pres byterian Church. Shelby will be host tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon and evening to a group of young church worker:, coming from Presbyterian churches throughout this section. It i3 a district session of the young people of the churches in the Kings Mountain Presbytery and the meeting will convene at 3:30 in the afternoon at the Shelby Presby-; terian church. There will be a sup per at the church. following the afternoon program and then the program will be resumed in the evening. Visiting Speakers. Claude Carr, of Mooresville, well j known In this section as education- j al director of the North Carolina! Presbyterian Synod, will be one of the visiting speakers. Mrs. W. M. Baker, of Mebane, Synodical sec retary of the-'young peoples work, will be another speaker. There are 38 churches in the Presbytery and around 300 dele gates are expected for the meet ing Propsts Purchase Goodwin Grocery | Boyd Propst Now Operating Gro- | eery Store On South Washing ton Street. Announcement was made today j that the Goodwin Cash Grocery on South Washington street has been purchased and is being operated by J. O. Propst & Son. The store is being managed by Boyd Propst, formerly connected with Penders and a young man ex perienced in the grocery business In Shelby. The change in operation was made Wednesday of this week. Checker Champs Of York Trim Shelby’s Best In Tournament South Carolinian* Victors At Inter temstin* Contest Haired Thursday. Shelby whooped it up yester day over a somewhat unusual contest for this city as a team of six checker wizards from York county, South Carolina, met and conquered a North Carolina aggregation at the Key club. The local checker team, made up of the best players In several sur rounding counties, has met the shrewd York team two or three times before. But the tournament yesterday attracted the most at tention as the Key eiub held open house and invited the general pub lic In to see checkers as played by some of the best players in the game in the south. Silent Study. To scores of spectators, who us ually play the game in a- haphazard style, it was an Interesting sight as the rivals battled each other silent ly over the board, occasionally given up a game with six or eight men on the board each when to the rookie player It appeared to be an even game. On the York team were four or five famous players. Among them was Ernest Jackson, school teach er-newspaperman. who -writes the checker column for the Sunday newspapers. And with Jackson were the three Shillinglaw brothers who can hold their own with the best anywhere. Preachers Play. On the North Carolina, or Shelby team, were a couple of preachers, who played under assumed names iwlth the knowledge that some par ■ ishioner might object to his person ! playing the game. Both ministers, it ■might be added, play a clever game | For the first half of the tourney j the Tar Heel outfit held its own j pretty well with the visitors from [the neighboring state. But even | tually the play of one of the Shill | inglaws, Joe, began to send his 'team several points to the front, Joe, a young fellow, lost only two games out of 12. Final Score. The final score was 86 points to 58. The score by individual players follows: York—Joe Shillinglaw. 20; Er nest Jackson, 16; John Shillinglaw, 16; D, A. Westmoreland, 12; Ver non Templeton. 12; Walter Shilling law, 10. Shelby Sam Smith. 17, ti. r. Baxley, 13; Grover C. Rollins, 20; J. Bridges. 6; W J Cashton, 6; J. W. Bridges. 6. Christmas Lights Mayor McMurry says the varied colored Christmas lights will h,* strung around the court square this week to add to the Christmas ap pearance of the city Congress Shows Disfavor About Foreign Relief' Hoover Moratorium May Lose Out | leader* Not Prepared To Aid Eu rope Now At Expense Of This Country. Washington, Dec. 11—Congress gave President Hoover blunt warn ing yesterday that it is not con vinced extension of the wai debt moratorium would benefit this country and is not disposed to grant further u-elief to Europe with out proof of such benefits. The warning.-, was the immediate congressional reaction to a special presidential message sent to botii houses, in which Mr. Hoover said I frankly it would be necessary to make further debt concessions In : addition to his one year morator-i ium. The president asked also for recreation of the world war debt ! com mission to work out a reiler plan. There was no qualification in Mr. j Hoover’s statement, and there was none in the congressional response. tname to ray. The president said that Europe will not be able to pay its debts in lull, pending recovery of its eco nomic prosperity and he added: “It is useless to blind ourselves to an obvious fact/’ The message was read eagerly at the capitol, and the response from an impressive number of republi cans and democrats was that any relief must be shown to react to American advantage. Outspoken ’‘Jack" Garner, new democratic speaker, said Mr Hoover would have to tell all about his present debt moratorium befoi-e even it was approved. There were five imporlant de velopments dSSfring the day on the international finance situation. 1. “the president’s foreign affairs message. 2. The immediate attack, on the hpotop of the house of representa t tives which warned the president that congress’ first tendency this : session will be to suspect, rather j than accept, White House measures. ! 3 The senate without debate passed a resolution by Senator Hir I am Johnson, republican. California | for an investigation into the sale I by international bankers of some $16,000,000,000 (billions) In foreign bonds. The senate finance commit tee will conduct the Investigation, and summon leading New York bankers. Johnson, and other sena tors, assert the bankqgs have sold the bonds to smaller banks, and the smaller banks have sold them 'CONTINUED ON PAGE TEN Want Old Clothes For Charity Here Thad C. Ford Appointed To Wage “Clean Your Closet Campaign/’ Telephone 820. In making an appeal lor out* grown or cast off clothing, Tliad C Ford who has been appointed chair man of the 'Clean Your Closet Campaign'' from the central wel fare office. Issued the following ap peal: “No doubt there are sufficient un | used and discarded garments pack ed away In the closets in Shelby to ; clothe all the men. women and i children in this community who are isorel/ in need of clothing and have no money with which to buy them. | “The relief committee is starting a campaign immediately to collect all discarded garments of every kind and character to be distribut ed the needy and naked, and this committee is asking for the co-op eration of every person in this com munity In this drive. “The Woman's club, the mission ary societies asd the various wom en’s organizations can render ail invaluable service to the cause of humanity by assisting in the col lection of these garments and turn ing them over to relief headquar ters located in the basement under Woolworth’s. “Winter is here. There are chil dren suffering for the lack of clothing adequate to protect them from the cold. Clean your closets, gather up those oid clothes. any jgarment you do not need whether new or old, shoes of«any size, or ' anything that would be useful to someone else. If you cannot bring or send these to headquarters call telephone No. 820 and they will be sent for. “Do not put this off Do It now ! The need Is urgent." "For T was naked and ye clothed I Scout Canvas On Today For $1,000 l>rlve Is launched To Raise ll.OOC Shelby's Quota For ronncll. Canvassers started out Ur is uftei' noon at 2 o'clock to raise the county’s quota of si ,000 to the Piedmont council Boy Scouts of America for 1931 and this wit] be followed on Monday with the char ity fund drive, Sponsors for both causes art agreed that If the people will re spond liberally and put these ap peals over, they will see to it that no other public subscriptions will be taken this winter. The scout quota should have been raised earlier In the year, but out of respect for other drives, it was postponed until now The year la drawing to a close and the quota should be paid before January 1st. Capt. B. L. Smith, chairman for Cleveland county, pointed out, at two meetings this week of promin ent men interested In the scout cause that the quota Is an obliga tion for services already rendered by the council and the clttien.- an morally bound to meet It,' The Canvassers, Canvassing committees who will conduct the drive today and to morrow. No. 1 Harvey White and T. B. Mitchell; No, 2 Earl Ham rick and D. W. Royster; No. & M. A. Spangler and J, F. Jenkins; No 4 C. R. Hamrick and O. S. An thony; No. 5 Paul Webb and Ever ett Houser; No. 6 Thud C. Ford and Hugh Arrowood; No. 1 Ben L, Smith. John McKnight Is chairman of the finance committee and lias planned for a systematic canvas which begins at 2 o'clock today. In the event all contributors are not seen today the drive will be finish ed tomorrow. Capt. Smith, chairman says there are about 300 Boy Scouts In the Shelby area and that scouting has proven itself worthy as evidenced by the public support manifested J& the peat. . -*» , His Money Is Shot Into His Leg When His Gun Discharged (Special to The Star.i New House, Dec. 10:—Friends of Mr. Boyce Holland will regret to learn tha't he was accidentally shot In the leg on Nov. 31 while bunt ing tn the eastern part of this state. He and some friends had gone there to hunt deer but were bird hunt ing when the accident occurred. Part of a bird and a small portion of his purse along with some paper money were shot into the leg. Sev eral operations have been necessary to get all this removed. He Is re ported to be slowly improving but will have to remain in the Fayette ville hospital for sometime yet. Mrs. Boyce Holland and his mother, Mir, G. M. Holland have been with him. His mother returned to her homo Friday and Mrs. Holland will re main with him Troy McKinney With Audit Firm Troy McKinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. E, F. McKinney, of Shelby, : has accepted a position with the ; audit firm of Haskins and Sells, certified public accountants- with offices in thirty principal cities of the United States and eight foreign | countries. Mr. McKinney will work as junior accountant out of the Charlotte office. He was graduated last year at Duke University in pub lic accounting and made a fine rec ord in his work Hoover Program Of Billion Dollar Tax Increase Meeting Opposition i Democrats Draft Program of Their Own. Johnson In Moratorium Fight. Washington. Dec. 11—The ad ; ministration laid its billiou-dollar | program of new and increased taxes before congress Wednesday and met immediate opposition Democrats. in control of the house and only two votes short of the Republican senate strength, countered immediately by announc ing they would draft a program of taxation of their own. The Hoover-Mellon program calH for income-tax increases, a new super-tax on estates, and levies oc automobiles, radio, telephone and telegraph piessage\ theatre ad missions, radio and phonograph equipment, and bank checks collect ing in large or small amount from almost every person in the country Large Increase Asked. It would raise $514,000,000 added revenue from the so-called sales and other miscellaneous taxes, $245, 000.000 from income tax increases, $150,000,000 from increased pontage and $11,000,000 from a new tax on estates. President Hoover hi iiis annual budget message and Secretary of Treasury Andrew W. Mellon in his annual report detailed their plan, designed as an emergency measure which would continue in effect ui, ti! June 3. 1934. Democrats have at-1 tCONTWUBD OS' rAGE rSN,. i Are County Farmers Trying To Profit By Other*s Acreage Cut? Raleigh Paper Charge* Cleveland Farmer* With Planting Large Cotton Crops Ex pecting To “Benefit * In Belief That Acre age Slash And Boll Weevil Would Cut Down Crop Elsewhere. One ol North Carolina's leading- newspapers, The Rn oight News and Observer, made the editorial statement yes terday that the cotton farmers of Cleveland County have at tempted to benefit for several years by increasing their cot ion acreage, thinking that acreage reduction and boll weevil damage elsewhere would take the price up. Speaks Tonight "*. ■■■—.. .. .. 1 i Prof. Albert M. Webb (above), of I the french department of Duke university, will be the principal speaker at the alumni banquet for Cleveland and Rutherford county graduate* of Duke and Trinity at the Wotel Charles In Shelby to night. The banquet opens at seven o'clock, and the speech and election of Cleveland county alumni officers will follow the banquet. Prof. Webb was educated at Harvard and in France. Two Robberies In County Last Night; One Serious Affair Homr Of Mr*. P. S. Of ttys Enter ed And Robbed Of Money While Family Sleeps. A new stealing wave made It self evident In Cleveland coun ty last night as two robberies were reported to the sheriffs office. One, the robbery ot a home while members of the family were asleep, classes as first-degree burglary and Is a serious offense. The other rob bery was that or the Tillman serv ice station at Fallston Get *75 Or More ( According to reports at the sher iff's office early today the home of P, S. Gettys, in the Polkville sec tion, was entered some time during the night and between $75 and $100 in money taken from the pocket of Mr. Gettys. A rumor here later said that an empty can had been found in the room where Mr. Gettys was sleeping and one suspicion was that sleeping gas had been used to keep the family asleep during the rob bery. At the Tillman service station, in Fallston. a quantity of tires and I other auto accessories were taken. Is the chargr of the Raleign paper true? The statement, was made ui a lengthy editorial which urged a spe clal session of legislature In North Carolina to reduce cotton acreage Gardner’s Home. For months the Raleigh paper, edited and owned by Josephus Dan iels, 1m* constantly differed with Governor Gardner on numerous matters- particularly a special tax and a cotton-acreage .session of let?. Mature. Now the paper takes a turn at the farmers of the gover nor's home county. . Not This Tear? The charge does not say the farmers of Cleveland this year in creased their acreage to benefit by acreage cuts and boll weevil dam age elsewhere, but refers to recent ! y#ars in which the cotton acreage I of the county was increased. But, asks The News and ObeeT i ver. if other Southern states retain I their acreage-reduction laws and | North Carolina does not Join in. , “what would happen? There are tens of thousands of cotton grow ers in Cleveland. Mecklenburg Wake and Edgecombe and other counties who would do what Cleve land county has been doing in re cent years." • What vs it that Ctevelana ha* been doing in recent years? The New* and Observer publish'?*, a table showing acreage given over to cotton In this county since 1924 Prom 1924 to 1930. according to the figures presented. Cleveland's cot : ton acreage climbed from 48,4!? S acres to 67,287, ■ "What do these figures show?" | ‘he Daniels paper, and Ohe paper j proceeds to answer as follows, "Simply that farmers of Cleveland county, as patriotic as those Jn any other county in the state, thinking that reduced acreage in other sections or the boll weevil destruction Would cut down the crop elsewhere expected to benefit by plant ing a larger crop." No figures or statistics art ad vanced to show that it is positive knowledge that Cleveland fanners increased their acreage to take ad vantage of tough luck or reduced acreage in other cot ton-growing sections. The News and Observer, seemingly, just figured out what Cleveland farmerc were thinking about as they got out their -Main ers in 1925, 1026 and on through 1930. In some of theseo'ears there was no boll weevil destruction tc speak of. and in many of then readers of the article here have j noted, there was no acreage reduc tion of consequence in other cot I ton sections. It was not until after the war an.i along about 1922 that Cleveland farmers realized, agricultural ob serve: j here say, that they could grow cotton to any extent. The county is nearer the mountains than | any large cotton-producing county I in the south. But when times weie CONTINUED ON PAUB ICN Marlow Child Dies At Shelby Hospital Little Tom Marlow. 4 months ole son of Mr. and Mrs. Juke Marlon who live near Salem church, diec yesterday at 6 o'clock at the Shelby hospital where he had been rushed for an operation yesterday morning Funeral services and placiTof in terment had not been decided at noon today. Native Of County Buried At Beulah —s— .. Mrs. Margaret Smith Yount died to Statesville Wednesday night, ac cording to information received here yesterday. Mrs, Yount was the daughter of Mrs. Mamie Smith and a granddaughter of the late 3. Bun - yan Rhyne of the Waco section, it is understood she was a victim ■>? influenza. One sister. > Mrs Bi.«n • on nf Mooresbcvc .-mvives. #

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