Belwood News Of Current Week Mr. and Mrs. Wrllmun Have A Son. Surprise Party. Personal ^ Items. Belwood, Dec. 10.—The young peo ple of this community surprised Miss Madeline and Mr. Robert Por ter Saturday evening with a party. Progressive conversation, games and contests were enjoyed during the evening. Among those present were Misses Martha Falls, Flora Xveater, Dorothy Peeler, Mary Sue • Tillman and Mary Ferguson of Cas ar and others. Born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wellmon a baby boy Miss Pearl Gantt visited her ccru ins Misses Vertle and Mildred Ram: *ey of Shelby Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Will 8ain of Vaio were the dinner guests of their son. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sain Sunday , Miss Austtne Brackett of Shelby spent the week-end with her pai ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brackett. Mrs. Ambrose Lail and son spent the week-end with her mother In Shelby. Miss Archie Fay Gantt of Mo.' ganton is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Nathan Gantt Misses Annette and Mary Sue Fortenberry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyle of Fallston. Mrs. Maclc Warlick of the Pleas ant Hill community spent the week, end with her mother, Mrs. Noah Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brittam and daughter, Jackie, spent Sunday aft ernoon with relatives in Casar. Mr. Bynum Willis spent the week end with his sister, Mrs. Lester Bingham of Fallston .< Mr. Ralph Brackett of South Car olina spent the weekend with hi0, parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W. Brack ett. Mrs. Clarence Ledford and child rent of the Delight community spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norman, Mr. Walter Chapman of Tennes see visited his family recently. Mr. Herman Wise of Vale spent the week-end 'with his cousin, Mr Austin Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Bynum Chapman of Lineolnton spent Sunday with ^relatives in the community. Miss Pearl Gantt and Mr. By unm Willis were the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller of Vale Friday. Mrs. M. E. Proctor is spending sometime with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Ramsey, of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. R. A; Ivegter at i tended the surprise birthday dinner | at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. V Warlick near Casar Sunday. The dinner was in honor of Mr. Warlick. Mrs. M. J. Wellmon and son, Mr 1 Paul and Mesdames T. C. Greene 1 and Will Ledbetter were Shelby I visitors Saturday. Miss Florence Dayberry of Lln colnton spent the week-end with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Dayberry. Mrs. Burgin Grigg and chlldrrn of Lawndale Route 1 spent last Monday night with her sister, Mrs. i Walter Chapman. Mesdames B. C. Turner and S L. 1 Gantt report the second crop of May cherries. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warlick ct i Vale visited Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Tur ner Sunday afternoon, i Miss Alma Bridges of Grover and cousin, Mr. Dever G re Che of the St. Paul community spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Brittain. Miss Tula Ivester, who teaches at Phllbeck, near Casar, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ivestfif. Mesdames Clay Ross and Eugene Jaynes of Morganton visited Mrs. S. L. Gantt last Wednesday afternoon Miss Rosemary Peeler has enter ed the Appalachian school at Boone. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Houser of nerr Vale were the dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Clyde Dixon Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Buford Spurling ar.d children of Lawndale were the din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Martin Sunday. Mrs. Paul Cline and children of [ Lawndale spent Sunday night with | her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack ! Smith. Mr. Carrol Richard spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Plata Meade of the St. Poul community. Mrs. Leonhart is spending some time with her son, Mr. and Mrs Pink Leonhart.of Cherryville. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Paxton of Shelby are spending some time wifn Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Morrison or near Lawndale spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. M. J. Wellmon. Mrs. W. W. Richard ahd daugh ter, Miss Hazel, spent Tuesday aft ernoon with Mrs. R. A. Ivester. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Peeler ar.a children and Mr. and Mrs. E. F, Elkins were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Lackey of Fallstor. Sunday. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Peeler, Dr. and Mrs. Lackey motored to Charlotte and enjoyed an airplane ride. Messrs. James and Joe Porter spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Edward Brackett. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hull and children dl Play spent Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Peeler. Mr. apd Mrs. M. L. Smith and children of Fallston spent Sunday GRANDMOTHER’S Fruit Cake $1.00 CAKE 5UC 2 LB. CAKE FRUIT SALAD Del No. 1 ^ Monte can Spaghetti Encore Ready-to-Nerve Cans 19c Beat Pure LARD lb. 10c NUCOA-lb. .. 19c “One of the Best Foods” Cheese—fine flavor, lb. 19c PTLUSBURY’S BEST FLOUR - 24-lb. bag 89c ' ' ' • •; _ 1 Paper Shell PECANS Lb 23c PITTED DATES 10-oz. i £ Pkg. IOC LIMA BEANS -4 lbs. 15c » PINTO BEANS- 6 lbs. 2Sc BLACKEYE PEAS -2 lbs. 1 lc Red Kidney Beans- 3 lbs, 25c OLD DUTCH » Cleanser 3 > cans 19c MIXED NUTS - lb. ... 19c Mince Meat — lb. bulk .. 19c RAISINS - pkg. 10c Seeded or Seedless — PRODUCE — Lettuce, Iceberg __—_ 3elery, Cali fornia, 2 for Carrots, 5 bunches _ Granges, 2 doz. -— Grapefruit, ? for. 10c 25c 25c 25c 10c — MEATS Beef Liver. Pound__ Pork Liver, 3 pounds _ Pork Ribs, 3 pounds _ Mixed Sausage, Pound _... pure Pork Sausage, lb. .. 15c 25c 25c 10c 15c rut £KAT Atlantic & Pacific » with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Stamey ami son, of Polkvllle, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. PeeW Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hoyle and children and Mr. Lem Hoyle were the dinner guest* of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Edwards Sunday. Mr. Bruce Fortenberry Is spend ing this week in the eastern part of the state. Miss Amy Sue Tillman of near Play and Miss Dorothy Peeler spent the week-end with Miss Katherine Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Elkins are spend tng this week with her mother. Mr.-, R. A Lackey of Fallston. Mrs. S. L. Gantt had as her guests Sunday, afternoon Misses Mildred Ramsey and Reggie McDan iel of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs i*. L Willis and children of Lincoln ton. Seventeen B. S. Jr. College Students At Wake Forest College ... i Special to The Star.' Wake Forest, Dec. 10 Seventeen students from Boiling Springs jun ior college enrolled this session at Wake Forest college organis’Cfi them selves today into a club with’ Grady Hanes, of Erlanger, as president. The other officials are: Vice-presi dent, , Robert Forney, Lawnda'e; secretary, Floyd Harrill, Ellenboro, reporter, Zon RobinSon, Mooresboro: sponsor, Miss Bessie Sue Wilson, Shelby. The other members of the club are Oscar Bolch, Gastonia; E. P Boney, Wallace; Ralph Carpenter, Belwood; A. F. Hamrick. Ellenboro; J. W. Harrill. Bostic: H T. Huggins, West Gastonia; F. W. Hunt, Forest City: Howard Moore. Boiling Springs; C. I. Latham. Sharon. S C ; W. H. McDonald, Forest City; H. J. Petty, Latlimore; Zeno Wall- jr. Shelby; W. F. Wood, Forest City. New House News Of Current Week Two Births Announced. Attend Older Boys Conference. Young People Entertained. (Special to The Star.' New House, Dec 10.—This section is covered with sleet and is ver; cold. Several people have killed hogs during this cold weather. Most people have fine hogs this year. Sunday school at Sandy Plains is progressing very nicely with Mr Lee R. Whitesides as superintend ent. Mrs. Buran Brooks and her group will have charge ol the B. Y. p. U. Sunday night, Dec. 13. at 6:30 o’clock. They are planning to ren der a camp fire program. On Friday night Dec. 4 at 7 o’clock the senior and Junior B. Y. P. U. members entertained the in termediate members, they having won in the recent conte. t in mak ing the highest grades, the inter mediate union made 91 percent foi the past three months. A very large crowd was present. §*eanuts and popcorn were served by the social committee. Born to Mr. and Mrs. James Cromer recently, a daughter. Moth er and baby have not been doing so well, but is slightly imprqved at this' writing. , | Born recently to Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Swink, a daughter, Dorothy Ann Mr. T. C. Philbeck and Mrs. A. A. Daitop, Broadus Petty are in the eastern part of this state making liver mush. Miss Frances Walker spent the week-end in Mooresbpro with friends. a nuitiDfr oi people from this section attended the singing «t Double Springs. Mr. and Mrs. I. G* Price and family of near Hollis were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Waters. Rev. J. D. Hunt spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Waters. Mrs. Georgia Shytles spenb*Sun day with Mrs. Troy Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Buran Brooks have moved near f New House to their home and started housekeeping Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Brooks and son, Buford, and Mr. and Mrs. J, D. 8els and daughter, Mary Lois, were guests Sunday of Mr. at>d Mrs. Braxton Walker and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. S, McKinney ot near F.llenboro usited Mr. and Mr" Roy Padgett Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Walker visit ed Mr. and Mrs. J. B Price ol near Mt, OHvet Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Oiugg hate been indisposed for the past weel: are slightly improved. Their grand daughter, Miss Lona Whitaker spent last week with them. Mr. Zeno Davis of this commun ity attended the old boys confer ence Saturday and Saturday night at Durham. He was accompanied Prof. O. W. Morris and Mr. John Durham Withrow of Hollis. Mr. and Mr6. Hubert Gold and children spent Saturday night with Mrs. J. T. S. Mauney oi near Union church. Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Walker anc children of Lattimorc were visitors 1 in this section Tuesday. Mrs. Julia Elliott is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. B. P Jenkins. * Preaching services will be held a, | Sandy Plains Sunday afternoon j Dm. V *1 1.15 o'clock. I BOY SCOUT NEWS Court of Honor. The local court of honor met at the Cleveland county court house Mr. Schieles was called to Chapel Hill and could not be present, Bob Padgett assistant executive served in his place. Members of the court were Mr. Sam alffltll. Richard Ri viere. J. A. Propst. E. C. Adei'holt, L. E. Dale. J. D Huggins Jr. W. E. Wilson. After general announce ments were made, blank* were giv en to every troop to be filled out and turned back to determine the troop with the highest number of points After awards from ptevious courts I were given out, Mr. Joe Whlsnant ! made a suggestion for getting more | boys at the courts and more men to 'serve on the court. The following boys received ad vancement: Tenderfoot—Evans Lackey, Fields O. Packard. Paul C Greene Page Asler Allen, Norris Greene, George Lee. FTed Denton, Griffin Peeler, Ralph Wallace. First class—Hill Hudson Jr., Clay ton Morgan, Carl Mayhue, Bonnie McEntire, Lamar Young, Marlon Monroe Packard. Angling—Glenn M. Simmons Animal industry—Flay Kale, Clar cncc Smith. David Whlsnant, Clyde Ledbetter, C. B. Poston. Architecture Glenn Mauney Sim mom. Beef production—Glenn Mauney Simmons Bird study Ralph Kale, Clarence; Smith. C. B Poston. Conservation-Fred. M. Simmons. Charles E. Ridge. Cotton farming- U'c Turner, Dairying Glenn M. Simmons. Farm records and bookkeeping Glenn M. Simmons. Flremanship—Ben Jenkins Jr, Ceeil Powell. First aid—Lee Turner. First aid to animals—James Ea ker, Hartin McSwaln. Clarence Smith, Flay Kale. Clyde Yedbctter, Davie Whtenant Handicraft Hill Hudson Jr„ Va son Hamrick, Clayton Morgan. How - ard Cav^tey, Carl Mayhuc, Lamar Young. James Blnfoton, James Enk-| er. Painting'—James Eaker. Plumbing—James Eaker , j Public health—Charles E Ridge, Lee Tin net. Soil management—Flay Kale, Clyde Ledbetter, C. B Poston. Clar ence Smith. Harlln McSwaln. Surveying—Fred M Simmons Zoology—Fred M. Simmons. Star scout- Malcolm Wallace. The blanks were handed in and troop No, 5 Shelby won having a to tal of 205 points the "efficiency award" was given them Troop No. 2 Shelby won second'place with 109 points. The largest court In almost two rears was present Monday Decem ber 7. Troop No. 8 Shelby. Troop No. 3 Shelby did not have their regular meeting because of the court of honor. We hated to loose the “efficiency award" and hope to win it again next mont h. We want h> see the Piedmont council the largest in the south and will do our part to make It be the largest as It ranks second larg est now. Nothing lias been done by the troop except some of the members putttng up red cross stickers. We hope to be able to assist Mr. Smith In gathering clothes and food all we can. We will 'meet December U, Mai Spangler, patrol leader of the Pine Tree patrol will be In charge) of the program, we are looking forward to a good program. Pred M. Simmons Don’t Be Newspaper Man Advises Speaker Requires Powers of < onrent ration Whlrh Few Can Muster Says Uvtngstone. (Speelal to The Star.* Wake Forest, Dec, JO.—"Don't be a newspaper man." was the advice given Wake Forest college students In an address here today by John Livingstone, veteran craftsman at the trade and now supreme court librarian. It requires among other things, he paid, powers of concen tration which only a few can mas ter. "Of course." he added. “If you feel as the minister felt who raid Woe Is me if I preach not the Gos pel,’ you will write anyhow." Instead of selecting a profession too early in life, the smiling scribe recommended that the students lay a broad and firm foundation, making an especial study of some cultural subject, "Take your Eng lish professor, for Instance, and ob serve how he feels and acts, how his maid operates, and why he likes one thing and not another.” When you have done this, he said, you will have b standard of values that will enable you to distinguish the real from the sham. If a man has any sense lie can learn the mechanics of newspapet Ing In six weeks. Some get this phase of It without attending school at all. he has observed. Mr. Livingstone, although not an alumnus of this Institution, con formed to the standard of Its speak res which he himself dscrlbed as an ability to ‘stand up, speak up, and shut up.” He was accompanied to Wake Forest by Mr. H F. Alford, of the Raleigh News and Observer, and was presented to the audience by a former pupil of his, Prof. J. L. Memory Jr. It Pays To Advertise Spanish War Vets Asking More Pay Kansas City, Dec. 10—Darold D. DeCoe, commander In chief of the veterans of foreign wars, In a state ment issued at national headquar ters here today said present efforts, in behalf of "much needed veteran legislation'' will be redoubled by his organization despite President Hoover’s "expressed opposition to further veteran relief expenditures. Are These Our Children? Drama of 20th Century Youth Carolina Mon. - Tues. December 14<15 The bedrock of Camel popularity is the inherently fine quality of the tobaccos that go into our cigarette. These ^tobaccos are notably mild, full mellow, delicately flavored by nature — the finest Turkish and mild, sun-ripened Domestic tobaccos that money can buy. To safeguard the essential goodness of these fine tobaccos we exercise every care to conserve their natural moisture and natural flavors. They are never parched or toasted— the Reynolds method of. scientifically applying heat guarantees against that. That’s why we say Camels are made fresh to start with — and why the Camel Humidor Pack can bring them fresh to you, in prime smoking condition. If you want to know what a blessing that means in unalloyed smoke-enjoy ment, switch to Camels for just one day — then leave them—if you can. I You needn’t tell me — I know Camel is the fresh cigarette! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Winston-Salem, N. C. "Are you Listenin' f n ■ . J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY’S COAST-TO-COAST RADIO PROGRAMS camel quarter houm, Morton Downey, Tony Wons, and Camel Orcbeatra, direc tion Jacques Renard, every night except Sunday, Columbia Broadcasting System PRINCE ALBERT QUARTUR HOUR, Alice Joy, “Old Huneh,”and Prince Albert Orchestra, direction Paul Van Loan, every night ex> cept Sunday, N. B. C. Red Network See radio page of local newspaper for time Made FRESH — Kept FRESH A Don't remote the moisture-proof wrapping from your package of Camels after you open it. The Camel ’’ -midor Pack is protection against sweat, dust and germs. In offices and homes, even in the dry atmosphere of artificial heat, the Camel Humidor Pack con be depended upon to deliver fresh Camels every time R *. Hsvacids TobaccoCompr.,

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