Says His Sermon Worth Seven Dollars Moultrie, Ga—Although Nathan Worthy, negro is not a minister .he valued his sermon at $7 and got Ml.05 By a method frequently em ployed by bandits. He appeared here ireently and posed as a clergyman. The congre gation of a church invited him to preach. The service was of the conven iona! type, until it came Mmo for '.assing the collection plate ■ Brethren and sisters, t needs •eben dol'ars so bad,' said Nathan is he sent the plate bearers down he aisles "There ain't nobody goin' to leave hs church ’til! seben dollars is in !cm plates,” said Nathan as he etched from his pocket a pistol. The collection takers went tVieir ay a^ain and returned with $11.05. Nathan took all of it and fled in great haste. Officers arrested him "Naw, I ain't no preacher." he admitted to them, "but my sermon was worth the money." Man Swear* Warrant Out Against Himself Fayetteville. — George Roger . swore out a warrant against him self. The warrant chraged gambling. It also included H J. Parker in the charge. This happened when Par ker alleged that Rogers had slip lied $26 from his pocket whilfc he nodded during a ride with some girls. Rogers claimed he won the money from his comrade in a gam bling game, and swore out the war rant. Both men are soldiers. Judge H C. Blackwell bound Rog ers over to the superior court te answer the larceny charge, and So licitor Malcolm McQueen took a nol pros on the gambling warrant. Webb Theatre — NOW PLAYING — A Metro Gold>* p Mayer PICTURE With Bert LA HR Charlotte GREEN WOOD Po | OBRIEN COME ON UP, THE LAUGHING’S FINE That stage riot of daffy do ings. crazy cracks, gals and music is on the talking screen at last! and wait till you ?,<?e daffy Bert Lahr! — 10c and 25c — ' — COMING WEDNESDAY — Charlie Chaplin In “CITY LIGHTS” THE WHITEWAY Has The LOWEST PRICES On Dry Cleaning In Shelby EXTRA SPECIAL Men’s Suits Dry Cleaned 40c DRESSES — COAT? Dry Cleaned 50c up HATS Cleaned and Re-Blocked 50c Substantial Reductions On All Other Garment Cleaning And a New Low Price On Dyeing. Any Garment DYED $2.50 THE WHITEWAY “QUALITY” CLEANERS — DYERS PHONE 105 “Guaranteed Dry Cleaning” | LOCAL and* •PERSONAL News Miss Emma Bechtler of Earl for the past week ha.i been the house guest of Mrs Alfred Collins at Oro j ver. -- Misses Reba Moore and Bertha j Hawkins of the Double Springs com munity spent the week-end m Charlotte with Miss Moore’s broth er, J. C. Moore and Miss Mabel Bridges. Mr and Mrs. R. C Evanr have returned home after visiting for several weeks in Hickory and Gran*. *te Falls. Mr and Mrs. Ab Horn and child ren and Mr. W. G. Hicks and daugh ter, Selma, of West Hickory spent j the week-end with relatives here. Mr. Walter Wall spent Sunday with friends at Greensboro Mr. and Mrs. F. Ft. Morgan and Mr. and Mrs B O. Stephenson ..pent ‘Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs Evans Bostick, of i Morganton announce the birth of j a daughter at the Shelby hospital j yesterday. Mr arid Mrs. B Austell and fam ; Il.v and Mr. Sam Austell of Earl at I tended the wedding of Mi3s Agnes Byers to Howard Loven on Sat’jr ! day afternoon in Charlotte. i Mrs. E. A. Morgan, of Gaffney S j C.. Is spending this week with her | son. Mr F R Morgan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Elam spent , Sunday wt'h Mrs. Elam's parents Mr. and Mrs R B Brackett, near i Lawndale. i —— Mrs. William Tooley, who spent i the month of November with Mrs. | John Schenck at Lawndale, left last i week for her home at El Paso, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. B W. Dickson left Saturday via motor, for a two weeks visit to relatives at Miami, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dover ancf at tractive children Betty Ann and Fn»d Jr, of Lenoir, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L Dover. Mesdames Will King and Lee Spencer will motor to Greensboro Friday to bring home their daugh ters. Misses Dorothy and Alice Goode King and Elizabeth Spencer, who are students at N. C. C. W. and will spend Christmas holidays at home. Mr. and Mrs. Hopson Austell and I Misses Eertha Bostick and Lucy Hamrick attended the Byers-Loven i wedding at the Pritchard Memorial ] church in Charlotte Saturday aft . ernoon I. ■ . Mrs. Sam Lattimore. of Black1; burg. S. C.. was a Shelby visitor en Friday. Mesdamc. John Schenck and Hal Schenck, of Lawndale, and Mrs. Jean Schenck spent today in Char ! lotte. I _ I Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McGinnis ard | children of Charlotte, were guests ! of Mr and Mrs. Hugh Bettis yes jterday. Miss Abbie Jane Wall, of Coker | college. Hartsville. ^3. C„ will arrive i Friday to spend the Christmas hr/., idays with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Zeno Wall. Zeno Wail. Jr., student at Wake Forest college will arrive Thursday. Mrs, Tom Abernethy, who has been ill at her home, is able to be out again Born to Mr and Mrs. John Kes ter at the hospital in High Point. Friday night, an infant which lived only a short time Mrs. Kester was before marriage. Miss Sedalta Propst. Mr. Kester is in the same hospital, recovering from a serious operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Tucker had es dinner guests Sunday at their home on Cleveland Springs road Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen of Rock Hill, S. C., Mr. and Mrs R. F. Berry of York. S C., and Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hamrick. Mr Ralph Hoey returned today from Concord where he was a week end guest of Mr and Mrs, Joe Can non. Some Charlotte visitors Saturday were Mesdames J, L. Lackey, J. S. McKnight, William Osborne, Misses Nora Cornwell, Kate Wilson, Anita Winkler. Minnie Eddins and Ade laide Roberts and Mrs. Lowery Sut tle. Mr Lewis Forney arrived horn* Friday from Memphis, Term., where he has been taking treatment in a gcerr.msnt hospital. Miss Fay Dellinger visited Mtrs Zell Marks In Gastonia over the week-end. Misses Etta Bpverly and Louis** Dimrn .--pent the week-end with rd a.ives at Charlotte. Musses Grace Hartgrovr and Blanche DePriest spent today in Charlotte. Mrs. G R Stine and young son were able to leave the Shelby hos pital yesterday and go to their home at Lattimore Sergeant James E McSwam ol the U. S. army has arrived home lor the Christmas holidays with his family at Grover. His furlough will expire January 4th. Mr. J. Ed Oates left this morn ing for Asheville to spend a few days with his brother. Mr Rush Oates before returning to his Home in Seaside, Oregon Mr. Oates vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb while in Shelby. Mis." Ruth Hopper and sister, ilrs. Thelma H. Smith were the guests Saturday night of they- sis ter, Mrs. L. M. Hill and Mr Hill of Charlotte for the opening dance at the Charlotte Country club Mrs. Hill accompanied them home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hoev and Mr and Mrs. Flay Hoey met Mrs. Floyd Smith of Bristol. Tcnn, in A: hcville yesterday and brought her- to Shelby for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs S. E. Hoey during the Christmas holidays Mr and Mrs. Joe. E Nash spent Sunday in Hickory, guests of Mr. and Mrs. R N Ourely. Messrs. Brevard Lattimore and Fred Logan arrived home last week from Florida and will spend the Christmas holidays at home Mrs, B O. Stephenson joined Mr Stephenson in Charlotte Thursday and he accompanied her home Fri day to spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lauglmdge. Miss Betty Sue Laughridge and Mr j Claude Webb spent Friday in Char lotte. Mrs. Ed Millican left Saturday for Savannah, Ga to join Mr Mil lican for a few days before they go to New York Mrs. Millican was ac companied as far as Charlo'te by jher mother, Mrs. B O Hamrick | and Mrs. William Andrews. | - j Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hudson and children. Hill. jr. Rnd Mary Alice Hudson and Miss Ettalie Moses will leave’ Friday by motor for a visit to friends in Atlanta and LaGrang* Ga. during the Christmas and al. o a tour of Florida. A Mere ‘Slip.’ "Dad. what does the 'yellow peril’ mean?” "A banana skin left lying on the pavement.’—Exchange Man of Iron ' Before we were married you us^d to call me your angel " "Yes I remember." "Now you call me nothing " '"mat shows my self-control.’— Vart Hem. Stockholm. Dry* Back Hoover For President Again Washington—President Hoover has a new pledge of co-operrtion from the prohibition forces deliv ered by Arthur J. Barton, president of the national conference of or ganizations supporting the 18th amendment. It was Barton, who. with Bishop I James Cannon, jr.. organized the famous Asheville convention in the 1928 campaign to secure Hoover votes In the normally democratic south. Barton said he had told Mr. Hoo ver that in his position as head of the 33 prohibition organizations co operating through the national conference he brought the state ment of backing for the adminis tration’s stand. Cleveland Girls On Anniversary Program Girl Students From Cleveland At Mars Hill On Society Program. (By ALBERT SLITTLE.I Mars Hill. Dec. 14.—The fourth and final of the anniversary pro grams by the four literary societies of Mars Hill college. was given Saturday evening, December 12tli when the Clio society for young women celebrated their 41st buth dav. The original play “The Quest of the Shepherds." written by Mamie I Perry and Martha Stack, was pre [ rented by the society before a large audience in the college auditorium. [The following girls from Cleveland county wore m the play: Elizabeth Blanton, Shelby,, shepherd; Julia Cox, formerly of Shelby, shepherd; [ Sara Hamrick, Lattiniore churn ;. Following the program an ti'fwr mal reception was held for the *o eicty members bv lh" Ph ' < hi ,< literary society for young men. New High Building In No. 3 Occupied Agricultural Department Aridrii Murh Shrubbery Brought In. Swlfllw Organized. (Special to The Star 1 We are located In our new build ing. and it certainly Is a pleasure to have such a fine place In which to work. Surely wish we might have had It many years ago There are enrolled tn our school 163 high school pupils A fine spir it Is displayed In our school There Is hearty co-operation by troth teachers and also by the pupils On the last Friday In November No. 3 high had a shrubbery day The parents ranic In with their teams with which they greatly im proved the school grounds Many brought shrubbery. Moreover some very beautiful evergreens were brought from the West View Nur sery. We hope to make our ground1 very beautiful. We have added to our school an agricultural department composed of one teacher and thirty pupils. Wo are very proud of thi new addi tion. Three hustling literary soriottei have been organized in the Consol- i idaU'd high school These societies have given several excellent pro grams Each Thursday these socie ties give special programs. Athletics In our school Is very en couraging. especially our bask"1 ball teams We have two very strong teams. The boys have plav ed five games this year and won one The girls have played only font and won two. We are planning to give a public Christmas program The public is cordially Invited Land Acquired For Migratory Birds 25.000 Aire Track In Hvde (minlr Now a federal Bird Sanctuary. Raleigh. Dec 14 -Acquisition of 3.000 acres of land in the Swan ouarter migratory bird refuge in Hyde county by the U S, bureau of biological survey has been author ized by the migratory bird conser vation department in Washington The new land will be consolidated with contiguous areas already ap proved lo make, wiih water areas, mi administrative unit of about 35 000 acres. The Hyde county retuge Ls the only federal sanctuary tn this star Get These New Low Prices SUITS, Pressed Only . 25c (( ASH AND CARRY) SUITS AND DRESSES . 50c (DRY CLEANED. CAM.ED FOR AND DELIVERED BY I S) • * LADIES’ COATS .. 50c up (DRY CLEANED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED BY CS) Nothing but expert men u.vd in nur modern, sanitary plant. Consider this advantage also. Shelby Dry Cleaning Co. — PHONE 113 — West Marion Street Only Ten More Days Hurry, Folks! W> are offering hundreds rf "(Jiffs That Last" al unusually low prices. Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry of all kinds. Silverware, China, Pottery. Notifies are all priced much lower than for years. A gift from Hamrick's is always highly appreciated. — LOOK AT THE PRICES — $75.00 Diamond King . _$50.00 $50.00 Diamond Dinner Ring_$22.50 $25.00 Woman’s Elgin Watch_’ $18.50 Woman’s Bracelet Watch, 15-jewel_$13.50 Girl’s Bracelet Watch, special __ ... $6.98 Men’s Elgin Strap Watch _..... $14.95 Men’s Strap Watch, 15-jewel ...._$13.50 Men's Strap Watch, 7-jewel ... $8.50 Bovs Strap Watch. $5 value___$2.95 $7.50 Siher Sets, 26 pieces_$4.95 $5.00 Pen and Pencil Sets_. $3.50 Silver Belt and Tie Sets___$2.50 $3.50 Mesh Bags—special_...._$1.89 $6.00 Mesh Bags—special __$2.98 Beautiful Footstools—special _..... 98c 12 Christmas Post Cards .... __ ~r $1.50 Green and Rose Goblets, set_$1.00 $5.00 Gold Cuff Buttons, one half_... $2.50 Men’s Emblem Rings. $15.00 value_$7.50 T. W. Hamrick Co. — JEWELERS AND OPTOMETRISTS — Store Open At Night Commencing tonight for the conven ience of our customers and friends, our store will remain open evenings until 9. * DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOP PING AT Efird's Department Store SHELBY, N.C. Your Conscience Commands That You See This Picture WESLEY RUGGLES' DRAMA OF WORLD CHAOS _ —__i*i«d Boy* and Girls—Crashing Through Life-Heedless of Right and Blind to Consequences K V RKO RADIOS PRODUCTION"* INSPIRED CAST OF YOUNGSTERS Eric Linden, Arline Judea, Ban Alaxandar, Rochelle Hud»an.t supported by Beryl Mercer, Rolf Harolde, Wm Orlamond Carolina tu°edsday ADMISSION ONLY 10c AND 25c (Every Other Day. That Mean* 20,000interna Readers. If you have something to sell, tell these 20,0Gu People about it in these columns. 1

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