Irlirlani) tar 10 PAGES TODAY VOL. XXXVU, No. 150 SHELBY. N. 0. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 16. 1931 Published Monday. Wodnscday and Friday Afternoons »m>h w mr, ,a(M(e) . B,, ___ _ Carrltr, p«r year. On advance* Late News THE MARKET Cotton, spots _..... 6c and up Cotton seed, per ton . SI2.00 More Rain. Today's North Carolina Weather Report: Increasing cloudiness, fol lowed by rain Thursday and in south t*nd west portions tonight. Slightly rising temperature. G. O. P. To Chicago. Washington, 9Dec. 16.—Chicago won an easy victory yesterday In a two city fight for the republican na- j tionai convention which^will nomi nate a presidential candidate next June. The committee met in a ball room of the Willard.hotel, the dele- i gates seated on gold painted chairs I in front of the platform on which Senator Fess presided. A talking pic ture of Robert H. Lucas, executive director of the committee, opened the afternoon session. Lucas was j warm In defense of President Hoov er and his policies, including the tariff and farm board. He empha sised the president’s closest atten-. tion to his Job, and a cut-in of Mr. Hoover, seated at a desk In what j seemed to be a hotel room, was ap plauded. Lucas said the democrats, though they criticized the tariff, would not dare to alter it materi- , ally. Dollar Spending Power Increased Over Last Year lies* Money But What There Is j 1VII1 Go Longer Distance At Christmas. As you start Christmas shopping here’s something to think about: A ten-dollar bill in youf purse will buy as many gifts and as many necessities this year as $17 would have in December, 1929. That’s the estimate made by Shelby merchants and business houses, and they invite their pa trons to pause long enough in the Christmas shopping rush to note chat the prices in thetr stores sup port the estimate. How It Works. There are not, generalv speaking,; as many dollars in circulation thin Christmas, but the money that is being spent will take home ap proximately as mucn goods as did rhe larger amount of money spent in 1929, or even in 1930. Lumping everything together, the spending power of the Christmas dollar Is greater than it has been since before the World war. Shelby merchants make a general estimate of it in this manner: Clothing Is anywhere from 25 to 50 percent less in price than in 1929. A lady's coat, for instance, that cost $39.50 in 1929 is sold now for $19.60. In the white goods department a dollar will buy almost exactly as much as $2 would in 1929. In the fruits, nuts, and candies line—a very important line at the Christmas season—one dollar will get as much for the youngsters as *1.60 or $1.75 would have In 1930, or as much *s $2.90 or $2 would have in 1928 and 1929. In the general gilt line, sucn as displayed in specialty departments and Jewelry stores, a dollar’s buy ing power now is equal to $1.75 in 1939. In some cases the dollar will do what two dollars would have done two years ago. Genera! furnishings, musical in* strument of certain types, and a multitude of other things are sell ing for almost half what they did two years ago. Which is to say that the Cleve 'and county household which has *10 to spend this Christmas where it usually spends $20 will find that the ten will get almost as much. Report Two Stores Robbed Last Night $ purling Store And Peeler Store At Belwood Visited By v Burglars. Reports coming to the sheriff' office this morning informed that two country stores were visited by burglars last night. They were the George Spurling store, just above Shelby, and the Peeler store at Belwood. Just how much and what was tak en from the Spurling store had not been learned as an officer was still working on the matter. One report had it that the thieves failed to get in the Belwood store by using a crowbar, but this report has not been verified. Christmas Lights Burning On Square The siring of varl-colored lights around the Shelby court square were turned on last night, adding much to the Yule tide atmosphere in the uptown business section. Many of the merchants have also erected Christmas trees in front of their business locations and the en tire city is much better dressed an lor the holidays than it was just a week ago. Farmers Of Cleveland Give Aid To Charity Fund; Drive Still On Much Want,'Suf fering In Section Now Farm Folks Glre Food, Fuel. Girl Clerks Help. Many Pathetic Cases. The real enthusiasm in Shel by and Cleveland county’s $10, 000 charity fund drive this week was given by girl clerks In lo cal department stores and aym pathetic farm people of the county who this year made an abundance of food and fruit. Several thousand dolHtrs in money were raised in the opening day and a half of the drive, but the total is far shy of the amount it is believed will be necessary to care for the poor and unemployed for four winter months. Big Hearted Spirit. Many instances of a big-hearied spirit developed during the opening days of the drive. A group of girl clerks in one department store walked into charity headquarters with a $16 contribution. A quantity of food and wood came in from fawners, several sections having committees named to help secure needed articles. The potatoes, beans, peas, wood, etc., made tip some of the best contributions cl the opening days of the drive One example as to how business organ izations and employes are coming through to do their part: The Eagle roller mill is now giving a sack of meal with each sack of flour pur chased for charity purposes. In ad dition to this all the employes are giving a cash amount each month for four months as is the firm. nuny in uire Need. The average person, according tc J. D. Lineberger, has no idea how many people are in real need and are suffering from a lack of nour ishment. A typical example was that of yesterday afternoon late when a young mother came in with three children. She didn’t want any thing to be given her but "could please lendi me something.1' Asked what she needed most her mouth began to quivver, she patted one of the youngsters cm the head and said, "They haven’t had a thing to eat since supper last night—and not much then. As for ipe it does not matter.'' Think of it, three normal youngsters and not a bite in almost 24 hours, and not a pros pect of anything later unless some one lends a helping hand. Iq another case a 32-months 1CONTINUED ON PACHE NINE.' International Peace Studied By Teacher* The Christmas spirit, internation al peace and good-will between na tions furnished the theme of the general teachers meeting of the Shelby school system held at the Graham school this week. The principal speaker was Mrs. Roy W. Morris, who gave an interesting re view of existing peace conditions between the nations of the world. Eastern Star Meet. A called communication of the lo cal Eastern Star chapter will be held Thursday evening at 7:30. T Shelby Lions Club To Play Santa Claus To Twenty Needy Children Will Completely Outfit 10 Girl:; And 10 Boy* And Glee. All A Meal. On the morning of Wednesday. December 23, do not try to tell 20 happy young Shelby children that there is no Santa Claus. If plans now being made by the Shelby Lions club work out, a score . of youngsters will*know for a fact that there is a Santa. Although the Lions club has said nothing about it, the charity com mittee officials yesterday announc ed that the club will on ttye even of the 23rd bring 10 young boys and 10 young girls uptown and com pletely outfit them with clothes. After the dressing-up party the youngsters will be taken to the Lions club banquet and given a real feed. To Be Picked. The 20 needy youngsters will b» selected by the charity workers from the more unfortunate homes | of the city. Ih each case the young ster picked will be in actual want and without comfortable or suffi cient clothing. Brought from homes where there is no income and the working members of Uie family are unemployed, the children will be given coats, underwear, and other clothing, including shoes where needed. Several other organisations ir the city, including a number of Sunday school classes, are planning simtlar treats for other children $432 Raised In Boy Scoot Drive When Campaign Is Finished This Week, It Is Expected Sum Will Reach *500. The sum of *432.50 had been raised by the canvassing commit tee for the Boy Scouts up until noon Wednesday, according to John McKnight, chairman of the finance committee. "It is expected' that the campaign when com pleted will bring in around *500,” said Mr. Mqjtnlght. Two or three of the canvassing committee had not seen all of their prospects when the first report was made yester day, so it is felt that the sum al ready reported will be increased somewhat by later solicitations. The county’s 1931 quota, outside of Kings Mountain was $1,000 to support the council headquarters at Gastonia and the scout camp at Tryon. The year is drawing to a close and nothing had been paid on the county’s quota until the cam paign was launched for funds last Friday. It has not been decided what course to pursue in the event the quota is not reached. Russian Reds Said To Be Working On Ignorant Negroes In York Area Communists Do Little Good Among Colored People of Neighboring S. C. County. York, S. C., Dec. 16.—Even before Harry M. Arthur, head of the American Legion, said that com munists were working in Yorkville and a half dozen other cities in South Caroling evidence of their activities among the negroes here in Yorkville appeared. These very quiet and insinuating workers are carefully schooled by their superior officers of the Red organization in New York, which in | turn gets instructions and money ! from the Russian government to 1 carry on the work. The ultimate i object, they say, is to destroy the government of the United States i3 allowed only after excitement has been worked up gradually, as when I the police chief was killed at- Gas i tonia. Boring from within is the first ! method used to get a foothold for ; other activities. Shrewd and well instructed men and women slip in to a community and pretend to be long to some part of it. Here in Yorkville. the chief work seems to have been among the negroes. • To legroes the gospel is talked | that all property belongs by rlgh' to'the muscle workers, as all cotton to the field hands, and as soon as the communists succeed, it will be given to them, until then, the negro workers should be prepared for any and every opportunity to enforce their rights and grab the cotton, corn, hay and other farm products. The questions the Yorkville ne groes have asked their white folks, and the statements made to their white folks by negroes. indicate that the Reds had little success here In putting across their doctrines. The common ownership of all prop erty by the muscle workers seems a little more than the negro mind can grasp. m “Is dese communiers cornin’ hath, an’- is dey anything like der Ku Klux?" one negro woman asked her white folks last week. She was re assured about what was coming to disturb the negroes, but she seems to have the wires crossed and the idea that the communists are in tending to harass the colored race the opposite of what the Red work ers under cover were trying tc put over on the negroes - The Red doctrines of Moscow seem too deep for Yorkville ne gro on the average, although some of them understand what is being preached to them by men and wom en sent here for that purpose.. Every School Child And Teacher Gives To Chanty Appeal Shelby Schools Turn In 100 Per cent. Bed Cross Helps With Medicine. The biggest boost of all for the Shelby drive for a $10,000 charity fund came today when the canvassing committee work ing the city schools system re ported that the school* contri buted 100 percent. This means that every school child in Shelby, and there are over 3,000, made some type ol contribu tion and so did every teacher. Many gave money—what they could afford—while others are contribut ing clothing, shoes, food, and other articles needed In unfortunate homes. ' Just behind the school report came a message from the local Red I Cross chapter saying that chapter was contributing $100 for medical purposed. Red Cross funds cannot be used for anything except medi cine and the $100 will help pur chase medicine for the scores of sick people in the section who have no money. I Mrs. A. R. Putnam Dies This Morning ; Wu 77 l'e»r* of Age An* Will Be [-„■ Bnrtnt Tirarsdsy ^ At t O’clock. A long and useful life woe ended this morning at 3 o'clock when Mra. Eliza Putnam died after an ilkieas of several weeks. She passed ((way at her home oa 8. I*Payette street where she had resided since mov ing to Shelby about 30 years ago She resided with her daughter. Mrs. A. R. Stroup. Mrs. Putnam was born on Jan uary 17, 1B53, and was tire daugh ter of the late William and Jennie McIntyre, am^a member of one of the pioneer families of this section She was married to A. R. Putnam on December 15, 1*70, and was the mother of five children, Mrs. Ada ( Stroup, Mrs. J. W. Spangler, Ever-! ett Putnam, all of this city, and I Mrs. W. M. Hamrick of Asheville j She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Jane Hughes and Mrs E. A. Street of Shelby, and one brother, J. P. McIntyre, of Ashe ville. She leaves 22 grandchildren and 19 great grandchildren. At. her own request her grandsons aj-e to be her pall bearers and her grand daughters are to act as the flower girls. Fine Bible Student. At an early age Mrs. Putnam trusted in her Lord as Saviour, and I united with the Zoar Baptist church. Sometime after the organ ization of the Second Baptist church in South Shelby, she unit ed with that church where she has since been a useful and faithful member. Her life has always beer marked by a tender devotion to her Lord. She loved the study of God’s word, and at the age of 65 she had the distinction of receiving a certi ficate from the Moody Bible Insti tute. She had a charitable disposi tion. was slow to take offense, and was always slow to believe any evil reports in circulation. Lover of Nature. Mrs. Putnam was a great lover of nature, especially flowers, and since girlhood always wore a flower in her hair. She always tried to make her home life one of peace and con tentment, and at all times she set a Christian example before her children. Funeral services will be held from the home at 2 o'clock Thursday aft ernoon with the following ministers officiating: Revs. L. L. Jessup, Rush Padgett. W. A Elam and John W 8uttle Burv Kester Infant Ir Shelby Today The infant of Mr. and Mrs John Kester of High Point was buried here this afternoon, the funer#! taking place at the Palmer funeral home at 2 o’clock Mrs. Kester be fore marriages was Miss RertablU Prnpst of Shelbv. ' V, " I Enrollment In \ Shelby Schools Is Above 3,000 Large** Enrollment In School History New AUejzJant f Record taut Month With Entire System Aver aging 95.?. The Wielbv public school* show a large enrollment and excellent at tendance at the end of tire third month. There are now enrolled In the city schools 3,237 pupils and for the first time in tire history ol the school the membership has gone beyond 3,000, being at present 3,033. The percentage ol attendance for the third month for the entire school system was 95.2 per cent The present enrollment is 286 j more than It was the third month i last year. The percentage of at J tendance for the third month last year was only B2.4 per cent. There | were 272 more pupils in average i daily attendance during November ! than for the cor re,-ponding period last year. The schools listed ucording to rank on percentage or attendance together with the enrollment are given below: Shelby Public Schools Third Month I Rank School Enroll. Pel. jl South Shelby . 511 ;>6 4 1 Marion . 393 96.4 2 Lafayette . 264 95.3 2 High School . „_ 507 95.9 3 Graham . . 316 95.4 4 Jefferson , ... 373 94.7 5 Washington . . ... 240 94.4 Colored School* 1 High 8chool . ...... 123 98.0 [2 Zoar * -........ 64 942 3 Elementary . ..._ 446 92.0 3,237 95.2 Total Eleven Couples From County Wed At Gaffney, S. C. Nearly All Couples Married There Over Week-End Were From This Section. Lovelorn young Cleveland county couples are doing their part, and maybe more, to make it a big Christmas season for the marriage mart at Gaffney. South Carolina, the faroritc Gretna Green for this section. Last week-end 13 couples were married in Gaffney, or secured li cense there, and IV of the 13 were from the Cleveland county section. Names Given. Those listed as securing license from Probate Judge Lake W. Stroup at Gaffney were: Gus Hardin and Elizabeth An thony', Shelby. Garfield Howard and Myra Pitt man. Kings Mountain. Auaie joney and Mattie Allen. Bostic R-2, William Smart and Blanche Hilt. Moo res boro. Plojfd Patterson and Irene Spake, Shelby. Vance Cline and Oussie Led ford, Shelby. Hugh D Johnson and Blanche Peeler, Vale. Clarence Ledford and Lona Hunt, Casar. Elisha McSwain and Eva Evelyn Wright, Earl. Everett Leonhardt and Blanche Sain, Vale. Claude King and Polly Black. Vale R-3. Pension Checks Are Delivered Rapidly Pension checks totalling $10,001 are being delivered to the 101 pen sioners in Cleveland county, an nounced A. M. Hamrick, clerk of the court yesterday. The pension checks arrived this week and were immed iately delivered to the soldiers and widows in time for them to buy their Christmas and winter needs. I As noted in Monday’s issue ol I The Star there are only 29 Confed erate veterans on the list now. most of them having died since the war closed 66 years ago. They receive the largest amount. $182.50, semf-an uually. There are 53 class B. wid ows on the pension list who receive $50 semi-annually and 19 class A widows, together with one negro servant who accompanied his mas ter in military service and is re ceiving this week $ino from the state pension fund No Bum Steer, He’s Champion Adjudged the International champion steer at the International* Live Stork Exposition, at t’hirago, ‘Brlarrliff Thickset," 1.14(1 pound* of juicy beef, i* shown above with his owner. Oaklrigh Thorne (left), New York capitalist. The bovine is a full-blooded Aberdeen Angus and is a product of ttriarrliff Farms. Pine Plain. N. Y. Can you ima gine the amount of mushrooms sauce It, would take to cover him. New Auto And Truck Tags Now On Sale In Shelby; Must Be On I All Cars By 1st, State Patrol States I The new North Carolina Ucemai plates for 1932—black figures on a J yellow background—were in evi-1 (fence here today, the Carolina mo-! tor club bureau, beginning the sal.-j of the tag* yogterday Hie buretui office, managed by j Charles R. Eskridge, is located lnj the Eskridge garage on North Wash- j ington street. In what is known as1 the Beam block The new tags may be placed on j cars and trucks right away, but all ! must be on by the first day ofj January, says an announcement: J from Raleigh informing that the i highway patrolmen will be on the alert after New Year's for cars with old tags. On Weight Basis. Ail plates are being sold this year on the basis of the weight of the ca rs and not on horsepower as heretofore. The tag price is reduc ed for some cars and boosted for others. A scale of the prices on the weight basis was published in The 8tar some time ago. The bureau here has 6.500 auto tags and 810 truck tags on hand. The office will be closed for Christ mas on (he ‘45th and 26(tt. and it j is reminded that checks will not be! accepted for license plates. Record Snowfall In Shelby—Just Year Ago Today % year ago this evening, ct i member wltut happeend In Hhelby and Ocveland roun ■ ty? Think hard and u you look out the window imagine a 14-inch snow on the ground! A year ago this evening and tonight this section was vis ited by a record snowstorm, the snowfall being 14 inehi - i In level spots and much deeper in drifts. A year ago in the morning the high school gymnasium (the til: cap! tumbled In from th weight of snow on the roof, and a portion of a storage room behind the fJawklns garage, on South LaFayette street, also collapsed. Traffic was at a standstill for almost a day In Shelby on Iteeembei IT, 1930. Mi-. Ben Rippy, former Shelby High athlete, who has been In the U. S. Marines for several years and lias more recently been employed hi Washington, is now visiting hi i mother, Mrs. Mare .Jane Rippy North Carolinians Get Good Posts On Important Congress Committees Morrison Itrmains On Appropriation Group. Bulwinkle Gets Place On Interstate Body. Washington, Dec. 16. -Represen tation on a score or more of tire most important committees in the house and senate was assured North Carolina when Democratic leaders in congress announced their committee slate. Senator Josiah W. Bailey of Ra | leigh, in keeping with an earlier announcement made by his collea gues, was assigned to a place on the important commerce committee, having jurisdiction over all rivers and harbors legislation. He was also given a place on the postoffice and post roads committee and the com mittee on claims. No change was made in the as signments given Senator Cameron Mbrrison of Charlotte at the last session. He continues on appropria tions and the banking and cur rency body, 'two committees that exercise tremendous influence in legislation relating to banking, the federal reserve system and govern ment expenditures. The house slate announced by Democratic leaders revealedj that North Carolina has been given four chairmanships of committees there. Including the all-powerful rules committee, which will be headed by | Representative Edward W Pou. of I Smithfield. Representative A I Bulwinkle o' Gastonia was given a high ranfc I inf? position on the interstate and i foreign commerce committee, one of the so-called exclusive or major committees. Representative Lindsay C. War ren of Washington, was made chair man of the committee on accounts In addition he will serve on ac counts, library, roads, and the com • mittee on election of president, anc vice president. Gets High Fast. As previously indicated Represen tative Charles L. Abcrnethy of New Bern was transferred to the mon important appropriations commit tee. giving up several minor bodie to accept the post. Representative John H. Kerr o) Warrenton was selected etaairmar of the elections committee No. 3 anr given four additional posts, wrj claims, census, immigration, anc public buildings and grounds. Representative Frank Hancock ol Oxford goes on banking and cur rency, Representative Zebulon Wea ver of Asheville on judiciary, Rep resentative Robert L. Doughton ci Laurel Springs continues on ways and means. Representative Walter Lambeth of Thomasvllle gets for eign affair* and printing. while Representative J. Bayard Clark of Fayetteville will be chairman of elections No. 1 and have member ship on four others. Including claims, enrolled bills. District of Columbia and patents. Negro Held On Charge Insult To White Girl Farmhand Denies He Made Attempt 16-Year-Old Girl Say* Young Blue* Yoked Her To Go With Him. Emory Maddox, 19-ynar-uld negro i farmhand who works on tire Jarvis i Hamrick place. wa.s arrested and ' placed in Jail here yesterday on the charge of an attempted assault on - « white girl The negro denies the ! charge The alleged attempt was made Tuesday morning, officers say near ihe home of L. A. Thomas a mile south of Highway 20 west, nea* Beaver Dam church. The first report reaching Shelby had it. that there had been an at tack and a number of officers, headed by Sherrtf Allen and Police Chief Poston, hurried to the Beaver Dam section. Within 30 # minute* they were back in the city with the I j young negro and information that 1 there had been no actual attack Had Been Hunting The alleged attempt, according u> information given officers. was made at: a spring near the house where the 18-year-old girl was washing. The negro, out rabbit hunting, came by. the girl said, ard asked for a drink of wafer. After securing, the water she says that i>e i approached her, laid his hand on her arm and said something about •going with me” br “going with tne to Arkansas.' The frightened girl then ran to the house, she said, to get her mother. The negro. It was said, told them he meant no harm and they could ask his employer and learn that he had intend'd nothing wrong. After his employ, r *' arrived the father of the girl, it wra J«*M» oama hon^, amir.Kt,*g»ni^.d, itbdk a shot at the negro m the fnt 'ter fled. j The negro, when picked up *> (short time later by officers denied 1 attempting an assault,'said he hod been hunting and just stopped to | get a drink of water. He told of ■ fleers that he told the girl and her ! mother tliat he intended no harm and they they were needlessly ! frightened. He remained about, he said, and did not try to run away ; until he ran to keep from being : shot. A report, in Shelby today had i* ' that he threatened the girl’s moth er with his gun. but officers had no official Information to tht-: effec* TriarSaturda;-. Tlie date for the preliminary head ing of the charge in county court has been set for Saturday, it was said today. Officers say tliat insofar as they could learn the negro made no im- - proper proposals other than tliat when he said, accortjing to the girl something about going with .him Seniors Give Annual Play Friday Night "The Bird's Christmas Carat' Comedy and Tragedy, Offers Two Shows. The senior class of Shelby high school is presenting its annual play on Friday night, Dec. 18 at 8 p. m. The selection this year is. "The Bird's Christmas Carol," a play es pecially appropriate to the seadton yet having in it both comedy anc tragedy. Since it is of such particular ap peal to children, many of when hear the book from which the play was dramatised, read and re-reat each holiday season, tire play wit be presented on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 as a matinee for grant ; mar grade students, at a reduce*. ] admission price. j The story is of a little girl bon on Christmas day and named Caro.' Bird, since Christmas carols were ; being sung at this time. It is hei | desire to make one family of poor children happy on Christmas How | she does this makes up the action | of the play. Those taking part m the piav are: prologue, Isabel Armour; Carol Bird. Elizabeth Campbell; Mr. Bird, Wallace McGinty: Mrs. Bird, J Edwina Gidney: Jack. Bird, Jantee Byers; Elfrida Clifford. Emma Er vin; Mrs. Ruggles, Bara Louise 3 Falls; Sarah Maud Buggies, Mattie Sue Props* Peter Ruggles. Howard ’ ; Bohns. Peoria Ruggie* Amanda. Harris, Kitty Ruggies. M*b«ti An : thony. Clemenv Buggies Ethel ^ White; Cornelius Rugflos Y*taa ! Hugeler. Vate V-all, tarr : Rea (glrs. Bit McMurr rfc. .Her. ; K- ''P-le ( V. •M-v.y.

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